Manganese Zinc Ferrite Cores ◆ 低ロスシリーズ 材質 Low Loss Series Material:NC-4Y 項目 Parameter 初透磁率 Initial permeability 飽和磁束密度 Saturation flux density LowLoss 記号 Symbol μi Bs 残留磁束密度 Remanent flux density Br 保磁力 Coercivity Hc 相対損失係数 Relative loss factor 材料履歴定数 Hysteresis material constant 初透磁率の相対温度係数 Relative temperature coefficient キュリー温度 Curie temperature 抵抗率 Resistivity 密度 Density tanδ/μi ηB αF Tc 測定条件 Conditions F:10kHz B<0.25mT F:10kHz H:800A/m H→0 ( from near saturation ) f:10kHz B→0 ( from near saturation ) f:10kHz f:100kHz f:10kHz B<1.5mT∼3.0mT f:10kHz B<0.25mT T:25℃∼55℃ f:10kHz B<0.25mT ρ 測定値 Value 単位 Unit 23 4000±25% − 23 100 23 510 360 100 100 206 23 10.4 100 12.7 23 <11 10-6 23 <1 10-6/mT <-1.5 10-6/℃ 210 ℃ 1 Ωm 4.80×103 kg/m3 23 d 25kHz-200mT パワーロス Power Loss ℃ Pcv 100kHz-200mT 200kHz-100mT − 34 − 23 60 100 120 23 60 100 120 23 60 100 120 55 115 150 160 380 710 950 980 130 300 440 480 mT mT A/m kW/m3 kW/m3 kW/m3 材質 Material : NC-4Y ② 素透磁率 VS 周波数 Complex Permeability ②初透磁率 VS 温度 vs. Frequency Initial Permeability (μi) vs. Temperature [ measured with φ30 toroid core ] 104 [ measured with φ30 toroid core ] 10000 9000 8000 103 μ'・μ" 7000 μi 6000 ━━━ : μ' −−− : μ" Low- 5000 Loss 102 4000 3000 2000 10 10 102 103 104 1000 Frequency (kHz) 0 -40 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Temperature (℃) ③ 対損失係数 VS 周波数 Relative Loss Factor (tanδ/μ i) ④ アロス VS 周波数 vs. Frequency Power Loss (Pcv) vs. Frequency [ measured with φ30 toroid core ] 10-1 [ measured with φ30 toroid core ] 104 ━━━ : 23℃ −−− : 100℃ 10-2 Bm:200mT 3 Power Loss [Pcv : kW/m ] 10 3 tanδ / μi 10-3 10-4 10 -5 Bm:100mT 102 Bm:50mT 10 1 10-6 10-7 10 102 103 10-1 10 104 Frequency (kHz) 102 Frequency (kHz) − 35 − 103 材質 Material : NC-4Y ⑤コアロス VS 温度 ⑤ アロス VS 磁束密度 Power Loss (Pcv) vs. Temperature Power Loss (Pcv) vs. Flux Density [ measured with φ30 toroid core ] 1000 900 ━━━ : 23℃ −−− : 100℃ 3 Power Loss [Pcv : kW/m ] 3 Power Loss [Pcv : kW/m ] 700 600 500 f: 200kHz B:100mT 400 300 f:25kHz 10 2 10 1 200 f: 25kHz B:200mT 100 10-1 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 ⑥ B−H 曲線 Dynamic Magnetization Curves [ measured with φ30 toroid core ] 600 23℃ 500 400 100℃ 300 200 100 0 200 400 600 102 Flux Density B(mT) Temperature (℃) Magnetic flux Density B(mT) Loss f:100kHz 103 800 Low- [ measured with φ30 toroid core ] 104 f: 100kHz B:200mT 800 Magnetic Field Strength H(A/m) − 36 − 103
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