Manganese Zinc Ferrite Cores ◆ 高温度対応 ハイB材質 材質 High B Material for High Temperature Material:3H2 項目 Parameter 初透磁率 Initial permeability 飽和磁束密度 Saturation flux density 記号 Symbol μi Bs 残留磁束密度 Remanent flux density Br 保磁力 Coercivity Hc 相対損失係数 Relative loss factor 材料履歴定数 Hysteresis material constant 初透磁率の相対温度係数 Relative temperature coefficient キュリー温度 Curie temperature 抵抗率 Resistivity 密度 Density tanδ/μi ηB αF Tc 測定条件 Conditions F:10kHz B<0.25mT F:10kHz H:1194A/m H→0 ( from near saturation ) f:10kHz B→0 ( from near saturation ) f:10kHz f:100kHz f:10kHz B<1.5mT∼3.0mT f:10kHz B<0.25mT T:25∼55℃ f:10kHz B<0.25mT ρ 測定値 Value 単位 Unit 23 2500±25% − 23 100 23 540 440 120 100 70 23 12 100 8 23 <5 10-6 23 <1.5 10-6/mT <4 10-6/℃ 280 ℃ 7 Ωm 4.90×103 kg/m3 23 d 100kHz-200mT パワーロス Power Loss ℃ Pcv 300kHz-100mT 500kHz-50mT − 73 − 23 60 100 120 23 60 100 120 23 60 100 120 580 415 400 515 575 400 315 430 230 190 160 210 mT mT A/m High kW/m3 kW/m3 kW/m3 -B 材質 Material : 3H2 ①複素透磁率 VS 周波数 ②初透磁率 VS 温度 Initial Permeability (μi) vs. Temperature Complex Permeability vs. Frequency [ measured with φ22 toroid core ] [ measured with φ22 toroid core ] 104 5000 4000 103 μi μ'・μ" 3000 ━━━ : μ' −−− : μ" 2000 102 1000 10 102 10 103 0 -40 104 0 40 80 Frequency (kHz) 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 Temperature (℃) High -B ③B−H 曲線 ④飽和磁束密度 VS 温度 Dynamic Magnetization Curves Saturation Magnetic Flux Density vs. Temperature [ measured with φ22 toroid core ] [ measured with φ22 toroid core ] 600 600 Magnetic flux Density B(mT) 500 100℃ 400 300 200 100 Saturation Magnetic Flux Density (mT) 23℃ 500 400 measuring conditions f : 10kHz , Hm : 1194A/m 300 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 20 1200 40 60 80 100 Temperature (℃) Magnetic Field Strength H(A/m) − 74 − 120 材質 Material : 3H2 ⑤コアロス VS 温度 ⑥コアロス VS 磁束密度 Power Loss (Pcv) vs. Temperature Power Loss (Pcv) vs. Flux Density [ measured with φ22 toroid core ] 900 [ measured with φ22 toroid core ] 104 ━━━ : 23℃ −−− : 100℃ 700 600 f: 100kHz B:200mT 500 f: 300kHz B:100mT 400 300 f : 500kHz B : 50mT 200 Power Loss [Pcv : kW/m3] 3 Power Loss [Pcv : kW/m ] 800 f:500kHz f:200kHz 103 f:100kHz 102 10 100 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 120 102 103 Flux Density B(mT) Temperature (℃) ⑦コアロス VS 周波数 Power Loss (Pcv) vs. Frequency [ measured with φ22 toroid core ] 104 Power Loss [Pcv : kW/m3] ━━━ : 23℃ −−− : 100℃ Bm:200mT Bm:100mT 103 Bm:50mT 102 10 1 10 102 103 Frequency (kHz) − 75 − High -B
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