11 1 Meeting Announcement 会議の開催を通知する Fillineachblankinthedialogwithoneofthesesentences. a. That sounds promising. b. That’s disappointing. c. Would you like me to make the arrangements? d. Yes, Len. Come in and take a seat. Len Stiles: Mary said you wanted to talk to me. Beth Felder: (1)【d. Yes, Len. Come in and take a seat.】 I’ve been looking at the data for our second quarter. 第2四半期(4~6 月) Len Stiles: Good news? Beth Felder: Yes and no. 良くも悪くも,両方だよ We’ve increased our market share by two percent, and overall earnings are also up. 我々の市場シェアは 2%増え,全体の売上も上がった Len Stiles: (2)【a. That sounds promising.】それは先行き明るいですね Beth Felder: Yes, but the bad news is that sales of the new SR-700 are well below expectations. 悪いニュースというのは,新製品 SR-700 の売上が予想を はるかに下回っていることです Len Stiles: (3)【b. That’s disappointing.】 What’s the reason? Beth Felder: I’m not sure. That’s why I’ve decided to call an executive meeting for tomorrow afternoon. そんなわけで明日の午後,重役会議を招集すること に決めました We need to take a serious look at the situation. 状況を真剣に目を向ける必要がある Len Stiles: I agree. (4)【c. 調整 Would you like me to make the arrangements?】 Beth Felder: I’d appreciate that. Is Jeremy still in New York? Len Stiles: Yes, until next week. But if we fix a definite time, I can set up a conference call. 時間を決めていただければ,電話会議も用意できます We just have to remember the time difference. Beth Felder: Good idea. We need his feedback. Let’s make it for 1:00 p.m. in the main conference room. Memo 2 Answerthesequestionsincompletesentences. 1. Why has Beth sent for Len? Because she wanted to talk to him. 2. What happened to the company’s market share? It increased by two percent, and overall earnings were also up. 3. Why is the new SR-700 not selling well? Beth said that [ she was not sure] . 4. Why won’t Jeremy attend the meeting tomorrow afternoon? Because he/she is still in New York (for the business trip). 3 TranslatethesesentencesintoEnglishusingthehints. 1. 皆さんと / お話し合いを / したい| ことが / あります。 There is something I want to talk to everyone. I have something I’d like to talk with you. 2. 明日の / 打ち合わせは / 何時 / (に行われる)でしょうか。 What time will tomorrow’s meeting __ be {held/given} ? ↑____________| 3. 会議は / 多分 / 2 時間 くらい / かかる / でしょう。 {Maybe/Probably,} the meeting will take (us) about two hours. 4. 来週の火曜日まで / 会議を / 延期して / いただけませんか。 {Can/Could} you put off the meeting until next Tuesday? 4 AsyoulistentotheCD,fillintheblanksinthesesentences. 1. The ( board ) meeting is usually held every month on the ( second ) ( Thursday ). 役員会は通常,毎月第2木曜日に開かれる 2. Please ( let ) ( me ) ( know ) by March 18 if you wish to add ( additional ) ( items ) to the ( agenda ). 追加の議題があれば,3月18日までに知らせてください 3. If you ( are ) ( unable ) ( to ) attend, please ( notify ) me by Monday ( at ) ( the ) ( latest ). 出席できない場合は,遅くても月曜日までにお知らせください 4. The ( budget ) ( committee ) meeting ( has ) ( been ) ( rescheduled ) ( for ) next week. 予算委員会の会合は来週に変更になりました 12 1 Sales Report 販売状況を報告する Fillineachblankinthedialogwithoneofthesesentences. a. Are there any lines that are not doing well? b. How is the new Roseville line of blouses selling? c. Certainly, Mr. Cohen. d. But what happens if the cold weather continues? Larry Cohen: If you’re ready, Tom, could you give us a summary of last month’s sales? 要約/まとめ Tom Gibbs: (1)【c. Certainly, Mr. Cohen. 】 I’m happy to report that thanks to this year’s cold weather, we’ve been able to clear most of our stock / of winter clothes / without having to discount prices. (寒い天候の おかげで)値下げする必要なく,冬物の在庫ほとんどを売り切りました Mandy Lowe: (2)【d. But what happens if the cold weather continues?】 Tom Gibbs: I’ve checked the long-range forecasts and they look good. We should return to average temperatures very soon. Our spring lines are already in the stores. Mandy Lowe: Any sign of buyers holding back until they’re sure [ the cold weather is over ]? 寒い季節が終わるのを見極めるまで,買い手が買い控えようと している気配/兆候はありませんか? Tom Gibbs: Fortunately, no. All of our stores except those in the Northwest / are already reporting strong sales / of spring items. 北西部を除いて 全店舗が春物の高い売上をすでに報告しています Larry Cohen: How about our summer lines? Tom Gibbs: Our manufacturer in China tells me that [he’s received our new designs and will start mass production next month]. 彼(工場主)は 我々の新製品のデザインを受け,来月には大量生産を開始する(そうです) Carla Porter: (3)【b. How is the new Roseville line of blouses selling? 】 Tom Gibbs: Very well, I’m glad to say. Our prediction that [pastel colors would come back into fashion ] was spot-on. パルテルカラーの流行が 戻ってくるという我々の予測が ぴったりでした/正しかったです Carla Porter: (4)【a. Are there any lines that are not doing well?】 Tom Gibbs: Sales of our lightweight linen jackets are a little slow, but I’m sure they’ll pick up as the temperature rises. Memo 2 Answerthesequestionsincompletesentences. 1. What has been the effect of this year’s cold weather? Thanks to the weather, they have been able to clear most of their stocks of winter clothes. 2. How are sales of the company’s spring lines? They are already in the stores, except the Northwest. They are selling well, except the Northwest. 3. When and where will production of the summer lines begin? It will begin [in China] [next month]. 4. Which are selling better, blouses or linen jackets? [The blouses] are selling better (than the linen jackets). 3 TranslatethesesentencesintoEnglishusingthehints. 1. 2010 年は/ CD プレーヤーの|売上高が/ 前年より/ 25 パーセント/ 減少しました// In 2010, sales of CD players were down by 25 percent from the previous year. 2. できるだけ早く/ 販売員の数を/ 増やすように / 提案します // We {propose / suggest / recommend} that we should increase the number of sales staffs as soon as possible. 3. 売上げは / 近く(すぐに) / 上向くものと / 期待しています。 I expect that sales will improve soon. 4. 私たちは/ 中国で / 新しい市場を / 開拓|すべきです // We should seek new markets in China. 4 AsyoulistentotheCD,fillintheblanksinthesesentences. 1. Our products (are) (enjoying) (a) (high) (reputation) for their (excellent) ( quality ). 当社の製品は品質が優れており,好評です 2. The ( chart ) shows the sales ( figures ) for the ( first ) ( half ) ( of ) ( fiscal ) 2011. グラフは 2011 年度上半期の売上高を示しています 3. Toward the end of July, there was a ( sharp ) ( rise ) in ( demand ) ( for ) our ( air ) ( conditioners ). 7月末頃,当社のエアコンに対する需要が急増しました 4. Unfortunately, sales ( have ) ( suffered ) ( because ) ( of ) the ( recession ). 残念ながら,不況のため売上げで損害が出ました
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