Yes my NSFAS loan was approved …. . No my NSFAS loan was

[email protected]
Bunting Road : A24 Red
Doornfontein : 185, Admin
Kingsway Auckland Park: E Ring 1
Soweto: Rooms 109, 111, Admin
NSFAS is a statutory body, funded primarily by South Africa's National Department of Education, providing study
loans to academically able but financially needy students who wish to study at one of South Africa's public higher
education institutions.
Students had to apply for a 2015 NSFAS loan before 1 October 2014. Herewith the procedures for registration,
obtaining and handing in loan agreement forms for students who applied in time:
Was your NSFAS application successful?
Check the 2015 NSFAS list at
Yes my NSFAS loan was
approved ….
After you have registered you can schedule an appointment after
26 January 2015 on the student portal ( to
submit your loan agreement form in February 2015. There are
limited appointments and funding. Funding will be allocated on a
first come first served basis
Your NSFAS pre-agreement form and loan agreement form will
be generated electronically from the ITS system. It is however of
VITAL IMPORTANCE that you verify your details BEFORE your
appointment. If the details are incorrect you can log in via the
student portal at and correct your details.
Your appointment:
If you are late, your appointment will be cancelled and you cannot
Bring along
 Proof of registration (account) Please make sure that all your
subjects and university accommodation are reflected on your
 2 certified copies of your id document
 Pro-forma invoice if you live in an approved off campus
accommodation. Consult the website for an approved list
During your appointment you will sign a pre agreement and loan
agreement form. You will receive copies of these forms as well as a
NSFAS regulation booklet.
Your Edu-Xtra card will be loaded within 2 working days.
If you do not sign pre-agreement and loan
agreement forms your UJ account will not be paid
and your NSFAS loan will be cancelled.
If you receive alternative funding please cancel your
NSFAS immediately so that we can redistribute the
funding to other needy students.
. No
my NSFAS loan was NOT
approved ….
The minimum academic requirement is that you should pass 60%
of your number of registered subjects. You are therefore
responsible for your own fees in 2014.
Reason: Lack of funding
The minimum academic requirement is that you should pass 60%
of your number of registered subjects. All NSFAS loans are
however granted subject to availability of funding. Since UJ
has a severe shortage of NSFAS funds for 2015, students with
the best academic results (number of registered subjects passed
in 2014 and 2013) and an expected family c5ntribution (EFC) of
R0 were awarded a NSFAS loan for 2015. Currently you are
however responsible for your own 2015 funding.
Reason: Expected family contribution
too high
It means that your expected family contribution is higher than R1. The UJ
NSFAS office is committed to assist students who would normally not
qualify for financing at commercial institutions such as banks.
Unfortunately funding is limited and UJ has to assist the neediest
students first. A means test provided by NSFAS is therefore used to
determine financial need. This test makes it possible to determine the
exact rand value of what NSFAS regards as an acceptable (expected)
contribution of that student’s family towards his/her studies, as well as
determining the exact rand value of a NSFAS award. The NSFAS Means
Test therefore uses the size of the Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
as a measure of the financial need of a student. A large EFC indicates a
relatively more financially able family, whilst a small EFC indicates a
financially needy family.
Due to a severe lack of funding only students with an expected
family contribution of R0 can be assisted with NSFAS for 2015.
You are therefore responsible for your own funding for 2015.