素粒子を捉える KEK 幅 淳二 その前にまず素粒子を作る(加速器) s= (p1 +p2)2 N= s x L 実効エネルギー ルミノシティー (輝度) 高エネルギー加速器研究機構(KEK) CERN モンブラン レマン湖 ジュネーブ 周長27km 地下100m 素粒子反応を観測するということ electron 8GeV positron 3.5 GeV 素粒子反応を観測するということ2 ? We can’t see the interaction itself. We only observe the final state particles outside the beam pipe 素粒子反応を観測するということ3 • Reconstruction of the interaction should be done with the information measured outside. • Kinematical information of all the outgoing particles is necessary. Determine four momentum (E,px,py,pz) with the help of E2=(mc2) 2+(pc)2 Momentum measurement Energy measurement m can be fixed if we identify the particle species like e, m, p, K….. Particle identification 素粒子現象を観測するということ 1. 発生した素粒子を検知する 2. 素粒子の状態を測る – 運動量、速度 – 電荷 3. 素粒子の種別・質量を特定する 4. 素粒子の発生・崩壊を再構成 素粒子を検知する • 素粒子は見えません。 • 素粒子は触れません。 素粒子が残した痕跡を見つける。(電離・分 子の励起) 古典的:霧箱、泡箱、スパークチェンバー 現代:ドリフトチェンバー、シリコン検出器、シンチ レータ・・・・・・ 素粒子が発する微弱光を捉える。 チェレンコフ検出器、遷移放射検出器 どうやって測定するか? • Momentum is measured as a curvature of Energy is measured with a calorimeter the• trajectory of the particles in a strong • where Particle identified by measuring its it isis converted to scintillation light. magnetic fieldwith timeCharged velocity of flight,particle Cherenkov Neutral partcile (photon) radiation or energy loss rate… B 霧箱(cloud chamber) Video Clip 泡箱(bubble chamber) Spark Chamber 現代の測定器システム一例 Belle Belle detector components Silicon 検出器 150mm 半導体検出器の仕組み 空乏層 - - - - + + + + - - - - + + + + - - - - + + + + P型半導体 - アクセプタ 正孔 N型半導体 + ドナー 電子 逆バイアス ドリフトチェンバー (momentum,PID) • • • Belle CDC consists of three parts(Main, Inner and Cathode). Curved Aluminum enplates for the main part. – Thickness : 10mmt Conical endplates for the inner part to give a space for accelerator components. • Wires – 30mmf Au-W for sense wire – 126mmf Al for field wire • Square cells – 16mm(r)X~18mm(rf) – 50 layers in total X-T relation (drift time vs position) • • • • • He(50%)-C2H6(50%) B=1.5Tesla HV : 2.3KV Cell Size:18mm Maximum Drift Time : ~400nsec + + + + + + cell dE/dx Measurement Energy loss in material depends on its velocity. PID 80% truncated mean log10P(GeV/c) 粒子の識別 Aerogel Cherenkov and ToF Cherenkov counter Cherenkov radiation emitted for velocity Radiator v>c/n Select on velocity by choosing n of radiator (c: velocity of light, n: refractive index) Cherenkov Light Charged Particles Photon sensors Cherenkov Radiation (1) • Moving charge in matter at rest slow fast Cherenkov Radiation (2) • Wave front comes out at certain angle cos c • That’s the trivial result! 1 n Silica Aerogel Cherenkov radiator Colloidal form of SiO2. r0.1g/cc n=1.006 ~ 1.06 Hydrophobic Fractal structure Number of photoelectrons (v<c/n) (v~c>c/n) Number of photons ToF (Time of Flight) 飛行時間測定 • The most direct way to measure the velocity of particles. velocity=flight length/flight time ToF counter Flight length ToF counter (cont’d) 有機シンチレータの一例 PMT Plastic scintillator ToF resolution Timing accuracy Particle identification (mc2)2=E2(1-(v/c)2) ガンマ線を捉える (カロリメータ)無機シンチレータの一例 • Total number of crystals = 8,736 • Total weight is ~43ton barrel (6,624) r=1.25m Backward endcap (960) z~ -1m e- e+ Forward endcap (1,152) z~+2m Structure of CsI counter Preamp. cards Preamp box CsI(Tl) crystal ~60x60x300mmL (16.2 X0) Mother board Photodiodes S2744-08 (1cm x 2cm) CsI counter Aluminized Mylar sheet po reconstruction Hadron events sp0(MeV/c2) 7 6 5 4 0.1 1.0 Eg(GeV) (momentum) Super conducting solenoid • 3.8 mf x 3.9 m wound with 3x33mm conductor • 6 ton (cold mass) • 1.5T with 4400 A • Stored energy 35MJ Solenoid installation Magnetic field generated Iron flex return Non-uniformity below 5% inside tracking volume. Field mapping with 0.3% precision. KLM (KL and m detector) 14 x 47mmt iron plates (magnetic flux return) 15 RPC super layers Inserted (PID) RPC super layer India Ink Signal pickup (x) Glass plates 8 kV Signal pickup (y) India Ink Spacers +++ +++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ +++++ _________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ The discharge is is induced quenched when An avalanche and A charged particle passes. 2 all of the locallyinto (A~0.1cm then develops a spark. ) available charge is consumed. The discharged area recharges slowly through the high-resistivity glass plates. KLM fabrication in US KL detection The systems also are used to reconstruct B 0 J / K L events by detecting the direction of the KL. KL hits KL An ideal example fully reconstructed events B1 B2
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