before starting the answer

• Write down the date and the question in your
warm-up notebook before starting the answer
Answer the question in one sentence, with
parts connected by て形, finish with た形
• 今週末(こんしゅうまつ)、何(なに)をしましたか。
• Example:今週末、私は病気(びょうき)になって、お
• Write down the date and the question in your
warm-up notebook before starting the answer
Answer the question in one sentence,
with (verbs or adj) connected by て形,
finish with (plain form +) とおもう
• アベンジャーズはどう思う?だれがさいこう(The
• EX:ポッツ・ペッパーはかっこよくて、あたまもよくて、
• Write down the date and the question in your
warm-up notebook before starting the answer
Answer the question in one sentence,
with parts connected by て形,
finish with (plain form +) とおもう
• ジャスティン・ビーバーとかれの音楽(おんがく)はどう
• EX:ジャスティン・ビーバーは____て、
• When done, make those flashcards for Charades and
work on making pretty your picture story sentences.
• Write down the date and the question in your
warm-up notebook before starting the answer
Answer the question in one sentence,
with parts connected by て形,
finish with (plain form +) とおもう
• ハリー・ポッターはどうおもう?どうして?
• EX:ハリー・ポッターはREASON1て、REASON2から、
• When done, make those flashcards for Charades
and work on making pretty your picture story
• Warm-up notebooks due Friday
Answer the question in one sentence, with
parts connected by て形, finish with simple
form + と思う, and translate Q&A.
• シリアはどう思う?
• Turn in Kanji Sheets
• Prepare for Picture Story presentation
• Warm-up notebooks due Friday
• Kanji was due yesterday
Answer the question in one sentence, with
parts connected by て形, finish with simple
form + と思う, and translate Q&A.
• きのうのプレゼンターはどうおもう?
• Prepare for Picture Story presentation
• Warm-up notebooks due Friday
• Kanji was due Monday
Put the pieces of the sentence together in
the most logical order and translate.
• で、と、で、は、が、から、カットニス、ハンガー、
• Grab a sheet protector and practice Kanji
• Warm-up notebooks due Tomorrow
• Peer Responses were due yesterday
• Quiz Tomorrow
Put the pieces of the sentence together in
the most logical order and translate.
• は、が、が、だ、から、結婚(けっこん)、バットマン、
• Grab a sheet protector and practice Kanji
• Warm-up notebooks due TODAY!
• Quiz Tuesday
Please turn in your Warm-Up Notebooks!
• Do you have 9/3, 9/4, 9/5, 9/6, 9/9, 9/10, 9/11, and
• Is each day’s warm-up complete?
• Grab a sheet protector and practice Kanji or make a
few cranes.