13-9-16 Daily Warm-Up

• Quiz Tomorrow!
Answer in Japanese as best you can. Ask
Sensei to write vocab on the board.
Use your TE/TA-Form tools.
• 日本と第二次大戦(だいにじたいせん)について、
• ~~~とはしっている。
• Grab a sheet protector and practice Kanji
• 小テストは明日(あした)!(ラッキー!)
• 高本さん、ようこそ!
• What saying and cultural tidbit do you
want to teach our guest?
• What questions do you want to ask?
• Practice Kanji when done
• Quiz Today!
• Sentences due tomorrow! Kanji Friday!
• EX:サスケは、ナルトにかつのがあさめしまえだと
おもう。Sasuke thinks winning against Naruto is a
piece of cake.
• EX:日本人にとって、日本語を話すのはあさめしま
えだ。To Japanese people, speaking Japanese is a
piece of cake.
• 10 Sentences today!
• Kanji sheets due tomorrow!
Include at least three descriptors.
Use your TE/TA-Form tools. Translate Q&A.
• 高本愛梨さんはどのような人でしたか。
• Practice Kanji or read over sentences
• 10 Sentences and Kanji due today!
Include at least three descriptors.
Use your TE/TA-Form tools. Translate Q&A.
• だれと結婚したい?どうして?
• EX:うちゅうせんがあって、その上にユーモアのセ
• Practice Kanji or read over sentences
• Warm-Up Notebooks Due Friday!
Complete the sentence by adding the
particles and translate!
(P.S. Sensei may have been tricksy and added spaces where there are no particles. Maybe)
• アンジェリーナ・ジョリー_ブラッド・ピット_日曜日_
火星_ _大きい_ホテル_結婚_した。
• Practice Kanji or read over sentences
• Warm-Up Notebooks Due Friday!
Complete the sentence by adding the
particles and translate!
(P.S. Sensei may have been tricksy and added spaces where there are no particles. Maybe)
• ジョゼフ・ゴードン=レヴィットさん_日本語_クラス_
• Practice Kanji and brainstorm for a talk show!
• Warm-Up Notebooks Due Friday!
• Particle Sentences Friday
Complete the sentence by adding the
particles and translate!
(P.S. Sensei may have been tricksy and added spaces where there are no particles. Maybe)
• ジェニーさん_ジョゼフくん_メモ_読みたかったが、
• Practice Kanji and brainstorm for a talk show!
• Warm-Up Notebooks Due Friday!
• Particle Sentences Friday
Complete the sentence by adding the
particles and translate!
(P.S. Sensei may have been tricksy and added spaces where there are no particles. Maybe)
• ジェニーさん_クラス_あと_メモ_読んで、メモ_
• Practice Kanji and brainstorm for a talk show!
• Warm-up notebooks due TODAY!
• Conversation circle!
Please turn in your Warm-Up Notebooks!
• Do you have 9/16, 9/17, 9/18, 9/19, 9/20,
9/23, 9/24, 9/25, and 9/26?
• Does each day’s warm-up have both question
and answer, and are both translated?
• Think up more questions for the conversation
circle! ~たら、~たい、~がほしい