calibration parameters

Hidemitsu Asano
calibration parameters in DB
• svxPISA.par
• beam center
• offsets (vtxeast_west,vtx_cnt,cnteast_west)
master DBには入ってるけど,slaveにはまだコピー
されてない模様. rcfではbeam centerとoffsetはまだ
offset入れたらbeam centerの位置変わるぞ。。。。。
zero filed run calibration
coordinate offset
DCH momentum recal.
run11 Au+Au 200GeVのは全部 processしてく
I added a flag to turn on zerofield flag which is defined in SvxTracker class , and set
function for it.
• zero field run用production macro, テスト済み
QA plots
• to be added to offline/packages/svxdstqa
SvxDstQAForProduction class
完成度: 3割くらい??
zvtx 関連
beam center
segment 関係
TH1F* h_seg_3hitprobability;//
TH1F* h_seg_4hitprobability;// probabity=exp(quality)
TH1F** h_seg_3hitprobability_pt;
TH1F** h_seg_4hitprobability_pt;
TH1F* h_seg_pt;
TH1F* h_seg_pz;
TH1F** h_nseg_phibin_bbcz; // good pt range
TH1F** h_nseg_etabin_bbcz; // good pt range
TH2F** h_nseg_phietabin_bbcz; //good pt range
TH1F* h_nprimary_bbcqbin;
TH1F* h_nsegment_bbcqbin;
TH1F* h_nseed_bbcqbin;
TH1F* h_nbbcz_bbcqbin;
TH1F* h_nsvxc_bbcqbin;
TH2F* h_nsvxc_vs_ncnt;
TH2F** h_nsvxc_vs_ncnt_pt;
TH2F* h_svxc_dca2d_vs_pt;
TH2F* h_svxc_dcaz_vs_pt;
TH1F* h_svxc_3hitprobability;
TH1F** h_svxc_3hitprobability_pt;
TH1F* h_svxc_4hitprobability;
TH1F** h_svxc_4hitprobability_pt;
TH1F** h_nsvxc_phibin_bbcz; // good pt range
TH1F** h_nsvxc_etabin_bbcz; // good pt range
TH2F** h_nsvxc_phietabin_bbcz; //good pt range
TH1F** h_dproj;//B0-B3
TH1F** h_dz;//B0-B3
TH2F* h_svxc_dphi0_vs_dphi1;
TH2F* h_svxc_dphi1_vs_dphi2;
TH2F* h_svxc_dphi2_vs_dphi3;
alignment (含offset)
TH1F**** h1_dz_zvtx_ladder_EW; //Fill(dz_vtx);
TH1F**** h1_dphi_ladder_EW; //Fill(dphi);
TH2F*** h2_dphi_vs_z_ladder;// Fill(svxz,dphi);
TH2F*** h2_dphi_vs_phiv_ladder;// Fill(gc_phiv,dphi);
TH2F*** h2_dz_zvtx_vs_dphi_ladder;
TH1F** h1_dca0_EW;
TH1F** h2_dca_vs phi;
TH1F*** h1_dca0_ladder;
TH1F*** h1_dproj_ladder;
TH2F*** h2_dca0_vs_phi_ladder;
TH2F*** h2_dproj_vs_phi_ladder;
TH2F** h2_dca0_vs_phi_EW;
reaction plane 関係
• q-vector n histos. ?
hot dead map関係