hurikome_onsei/hurikomesagi.htm “Ore-ore sagi”(The grandparents scam): Is it unique crime in Japan or not? B13596 Suzuki Naomi 1.Introduction Elderly make up 80% of fraud victims, police say “Elderly people accounted for nearly 80 percent of all victims of confirmed fraud cases in the first half of 2015, according to provisional data released by the National Police Agency.” “The number of cases in which victims were aged 65 or older rose 544 to 5,408, accounting for 77.2 percent of the total.” “An NPA official said damage inflicted by fraud is “still at a high level” and that the police will further boost efforts to prevent such case and tighten control.” (The Japan Times: Aug 6. 2015) Overview 1. Introduction 2. Definition 3. Evidence: Unique in Japan 4. Counter Evidence: Not 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 2. Definition1: “Ore-ore sagi” “Ore-ore sagi” is one of the bank transfer frauds and it is also known as one of special frauds. In English, it is called as “the grandparents scam” or “It’s me fraud”. “Wire me the money” fraud, “Help me, mom!” fraud, “using parental love for thier children” fraud(親心利用詐欺) .... Criminals call unspecified number of people, and get their trust without meeting them. Then, criminals get money through ATM or banks. (The White Paper on Police, 2014) 2 Definition2: Unique Unique = “not like anything else; being the only one of its type” “very unusual” Oxford student’s Dictionary for lerners using English to study other subjects (2011: p.753) “being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual, or special in some way” :from Cambridge Dictionaries Online The purpose of this essay is to ask whether... “Ore-ore sagi” (the grandparents scam) has Japanese paticular charactoristics, so “Ore-ore sagi” is unique crime in Japan or Same crime occurs in other countries, so NOT unique in Japan Overview 1. Introduction 2. Definition 3. Evidence: Unique in Japan 4. Counter Evidence: Not 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 3-1 Target of “Ore-ore sagi” Aging society is one of the Japanese unique charactoristics. “Super-aging society”Muramatsu, Akiyama (2011: p.425) Table1: Worldwide Ratio Trends Source: the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan ( Aim to elderly people (especially women) Table 2 Victim age and gender ratios for specialized fraud by tactics used (2012) Criminals or criminal groups target on mostly eldery people ↓ Ore-ore sagi related with Japanese aging society Source: The White Paper on Police, 2013:P.16 “Ore-ore sagi”(The grandparents scam): Is it unique crime in Japan or not? 3-2: Relate with “Amae” “Amae”= “...perhaps describe amae as, ultimately, an attempt psychologically to deny the fact of sepsaration from the mother.” Doi (1971: p.75) “...the amae psychology works to foster a sense of oneness between mother and child.” Doi (1971: p.75) “...the allegedly unique psychological inclination among the Japanese to seek emotional satisfaction by prevailing upon and depending on their superiors”. Sigiomoto (2010 :p.39) Relate Amae Thatwith is… The grandparents scam utilisize this “Amae” relationships. 「会社の金で株に手を出して失敗 、横領で訴えられる 助けて!」 ↑ Japanese charactoristics. 「不倫相手を妊娠させた 示談金を何とかして!誰にも言わないで!」 Even they had responsibility for their failing, they ask for help their parents. And Parents answer their offers. why? Parents also want to be loved by thier children. Helping them leads to their love. “Ore-ore sagi”(The grandparents scam): Is it unique crime in Japan or not? Overview 1. Introduction 2. Definition 3. Evidence: Unique in Japan 4. Counter Evidence: Not 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 4-1: Same kinds of frauds in other countries in Urbana, America An 86 old-year man was defrauded $6,000 by a criminal who pretended to be his granddaughter. No matter where people live, they might be a She asked for man to help because she met a trouble during traveling in Spain. target of fraud. The New York Times (2015) in Singapore So it is grobal crime, not only Japan. A 65 old-year man was neary tricked. Criminal pretended to be his daughter. She asked money because she met a trouble in London. She told that “as the hotel would not let her leave unless she paid the bill, she needed him to transfer £2,600 ($7,000) through Western Union within 24 hours.” The Electric New Paper (2008) “Ore-ore sagi”(The grandparents scam): Is it unique crime in Japan or not? 4-2: Utilisizing dementia(痴呆症) NHK shows that the number of dimentia people who tricked frauds are 7.6 times as large as ordinarry eldery people. NHK Online (Sep 29, 2015) NOT relate with Japanese society, Amae, or uniqueness. Criminals target on people who have dementia. So it does not matter of... “Ore-ore sagi”(The grandparents scam): Is it unique crime in Japan or not? Overview 1. Introduction 2. Definition 3. Evidence: Unique in Japan 4. Counter Evidence: Not 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 3-1 Target of Ore-ore sagi some countries have such kind of frauds, and most of victims are eldery people. According to CBS News resarch, Aging society does not connect directly to the grandparents scam. “We target people over the age of 65, mainly, because they’re more gullible,” the former scammer said. “They’re at home. They’re more accessible. Once you ↓ get them emotionally involved, then they’ll do anything for you, basically.” Student News Daily (Apr 18, 2014) Not only Japan. 3-1 Other proof: Vulnerability(脆弱性) Vulnerability= The Risk or fear of crime “Vulnerability has, in research conducted over the last decade, been found to be significantly related to thisClerici reserch fear of crime.” In Killias, (2000) says that every eldery could be victims. Watabe reserch about the vulnerability of elderly people for frauds. So “Ore-ore sagi” does not relate to Aging Society “程度の差はあれ高齢者ならだれでも詐欺犯罪に遭いやすいということが明らかに strongly. された” Watabe, Araoke, Shibuya, Yoshimura, Okubo (2014: p.69) 3-2 Is it “Amae”? Does the grandparent scam be included in “Amae”? key point is… The Reason Japan Other countries 「会社の金で株に手を出して失敗 横領で 訴えられる 助けて!」 警視庁 Lots of the reasons why they wanted money were troubles. And those troubles didn’t caused by thier fault. (ex: Singapore) Because he or she caused this problem, it was his or her fault. car accidents, put into jail, etc... However…. At Asahi sinyo bank 「息子が車を買うのに300万円必要」 Asahi News Paper (2015) Just a fever. Depending on their parents economically. However she wanted to give money to her son. Emotional Satisfaction. Doesn’t that relate to “Amae”? Some countries have such “Amae” culture like philippine, Korea 4-1: Same kinds of frauds in other countries in Urbana, America An 86 old-year man was defrauded $6,000 by a criminal who pretended to be his granddaughter. She asked for man to help because she met a trouble during traveling in Spain. The New York Times (2015) in Singapore A 65 old-year man was neary tricked. Criminal pretended to be his daughter. She asked money because she met a trouble in London. She told that “as the hotel would not let her leave unless she paid the bill, she needed him to transfer £2,600 ($7,000) through Western Union within 24 hours.” The Electric New Paper (2008) 3-2: Relate with “Amae” “Amae”= “...perhaps describe amae as, ultimately, an attempt psychologically to deny the fact of sepsaration from the mother.” Doi (1971: p.75) “...the amae psychology works to foster a sense of oneness between mother and child.” Doi (1971: p.75) “...the allegedly unique psychological inclination among the Japanese to seek emotional satisfaction by prevailing upon and depending on their superiors”. Sigiomoto (2010 :p.39) 3-2 Is it “Amae”? Does the grandparent scam be included in “Amae”? key point is… The Reason Japan 「会社の金で株に手を出して失敗 横領で 訴えられる 助けて!」 警視庁 Because he or she caused this problem, it was his or her fault. Other countries Lots of the reasons why they wanted money were troubles. And those troubles didn’t caused by thier fault. (ex: Singapore) car accidents, put into jail, etc... However…. At Asahi sinyo bank 「息子が車を買うのに300万円必要」 Asahi News Paper (2015) Just a fever. Depending on their parents economically. However she wanted to give money to her son. Emotional Satisfaction. Doesn’t that relate to “Amae”? 4-1 Same kinds of frauds in other countries The biggest difference is the number of counter methods. That is, Japan has However, other countries do not take as much special attention for protectiong it. methods as Japan’s, especially, advertisement. Example: 「防止川柳」 Feb 2015)↓ 通称「振り込ま川柳」 (Asahi News Paper: 19, The number Advertisement Same crime,ofbut the importance is not same. 「声かけ運動」 「だまされた振り作戦」 4-2 the relation with “Ore-ore sagi” and dementia How defferent between elderly who have dementia and who do not have it? In Japan, according to Center for Research and Development Strategy Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan could not estimate correct number of dementia sufferer. (2010: p.5) Also, we cannot compare which has more victim of frauds, because of no data or no reserch. So it cannot prove that “the grandparents fraud” relate with dementia. Conclusion 3-1 Target of “Ore-ore sagi” ✕ 3-2 Relate with “Amae” ▲ aging society is not essential. naturally defference of reason, and other countries “Amae” 4-1 Same kind of frauds in other countries 4-2 relation between dementia ✕ ✕ defference of it’s importance lack of data or research “Ore-ore sagi”(The grandparents scam): Is it unique crime in Japan or not? Overview 1. Introduction 2. Definition 3. Evidence: Unique in Japan 4. Counter Evidence: Not 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion Thank you for listening...
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