Chapter 27 Age Effects in SLA 原田淳 [email protected] 植松茂男 [email protected] 2014.8.16 横国大 S 一口に「年齢要因」と言っても、 見解はいろいろ S Many studies of the past 20 years or so pick up on various threads. S 1) Mayberry’s (1993) comparison of age effects on L1 and L2. S 2) Bley-Vroman’s (1988, 2009) FDH. S 3) Dekeyser’s (2000), Ullman’s (2005), and Paradis’(2009) claim that aging implies a shift from implicit/procedural to explicit/declarative learning(p. Krashen et al. (1979) S Krashen et al. (1979)による3原則; (1) adults proceed faster than children in early stages, (2) older children acquire second language faster than younger children, and (3) acquirers exposed to second languages during childhood achieve higher than whose exposed as adults. 最新のリサーチ S 臨界期仮説を是認しない結果が目立つが、基 本的に、Krashen et al. (1979) を大枠的に追認 するものである。 S (Jang, et al., 2013; Munoz and Llanes, 2014; Schmid, et al., 2014; Service et al., 2014) 「臨界期」(Critical Period)という 生物学用語がよく使われるようで すが? S “Age effects” is often preferred as a more neutral term, referring to undeniable empirical facts with fewer theoretical implications than the term “critical period”.(p.443) 中高生は幼児より学習能力が高いのでは? S First and foremost, a distinction needs to be made between speed of learning and ultimate attainment (p.444) 言語習得研究でよく見られる勘違い S Needless to say, when the three distinctions coincide in the sense that research participants are tutored learners in a classroom that encourages explicit learning (learning with awareness o the structures being learned), and if theirproficiency is tested after only a couple of years of L2 exposure, often only a few hours a week, then all that is measured is speed of explicit learning, not ultimate attainment through implicit learning (p. 444) 「母語話者」の定義も一貫しない S When much harder test are used, one may find that native speakers show quite a bit of variability on the structures at issue, as a function of social class, level of education, region of origin, and so on, which makes it very hard to determine the boundaries of nativeness. (p.445) SLAで問題となっていることは? S In summary, the core questions are whether there is a specific period of decline in the ability for implicit language learning, and whether any such decline is due to maturational factors. These questions sometimes lead to unnecessary confusion because of the failure to distinguish between implicit and explicit learning, between speed of learning and ultimate attainment.(p.446) 脳のことを調べれば、いろいろ分かるので は? S The evidence from neuroscience is even more ambiguous in its findings and harder to summarize because of the great variety of tasks, measures, and outcomes. S Most brain studies provide only indirect evidence in the sense that they provide support for differences between L1 and L2 processing, even for advanced late learners. (p.448) 大人はネイティブみたいになれないのですか? S Dekeyser (2000), Dekeyser (2010), and Harley and Hart (1997) all show that aptitude plays a much more important role in L2 acquisition for adolescents and adults than children. A & H (2008), Dekeyser (2000) both showed that no adult learners fell within the native proficiency range unless they had high aptitude. Such findings suggest a larger role of explicit learning in older than in younger learners.(p.454) 習得開始年齢と最終到達度の関係 か 「 る 10 ⒑ 。適と代代 性い後半 」う半ば と。にま い年なで う長るは 要学と負 因習その がにの相 加お相関 わい関が るてが強 たは崩い め れが 早期教育って有効なのでしょう か? S We know that children are better than adults at acquiring an L2 (a) in the long run from (b)massive amounts of (c) native-speaker input, but does that mean that (a) after just a few years of instruction (b) provided only a few hours per week and not every week in the year by c) non-native teachers with sometimes limited proficiency, children will do better than adults too?(p.455) 年長者の優位性を示した研究の一例 S Munoz (2008) provides a summary and comes to the clear conclusion that “ older is better,” except perhaps for pronunciation. As always, the picture is not 100 percent clear, because this research almost inevitably suffers from a design flaw in the sense that younger learners being tested after the same amount of instruction as older learners are simply younger when tested. (p.456) 教師として留意すべき点は? S Studies that provide a broad view on the language development of immigrant children such as Tarone et al. (2009) show the important role of metalinguistic awareness and explicit learning in older children, while more focused studies such as White (2008) provide evidence of the efficiency of age-appropriate focus on form.(p.456) 研究者が留意すべき点は? S Obtaining large samples of largely isolated learners, preferably native speakers of an L1 that is distant from the L2, should be a goal we can all agree on, whether we think age effects are maturational or not. (p.456)
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