May 7, 2011 @ Boston NECTJ Web 2.0 Workshop 知識ベース 情報の増加 急激な変化と非永久性 非中心化の増加 人間中心 人口統計の変化 •The world is flat. (T Friedman) •New Global economy •Magnitude and nature of our competition are changing. •The nature of our work has been changing 20 th Century 21st Century Number of Jobs 1-2 Jobs for one’s life 10-15 Jobs between 18 to38 years Job Requirement: Teaching Model: Master of One field Critical thinking across disciplines Subject Matter Integration of 21th Mastery Century Skills into subject Matter Mastery Assessment Model: Subject Matter Mastery Integration of 21th Century Skills into subject Matter Mastery 1950 Memory 記憶 Fact 事実 2000 1970 Topic トピック Concept 概念 Content 内容 スタンダード 1997 AP日本語 2006 21世紀スキル 2009 1. Core Subjects and 21st Century Themes World languages included 2. Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication and Collaboration 3.Information, Media and Technology Skills Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT Literacy 4. Life and Career Skills ・思考の方法(創造性と革新性、批判的思考・ 問題解決・意思決定、学習能力・メタ認知)・仕 事の方法(コミュニケーション、コラボレーショ ン(チームワーク))・学習ツール(情報リテラ シー、情報コミュニケーション技術(ICT)リテラ シー)・社会生活(市民権(地域および地球規 模)、生活と職業、個人的責任および社会的責 任(文化的差異の認識および受容能力を含 む)) Core content Assessment Mastery of core subjects and 21st century themes is essential for students in the 21st century. Core subjects include: English, reading or language arts World languages Arts Mathematics Economics Science Geography History Government and Civics In addition to these subjects, we believe schools must move beyond a focus on basic competency in core subjects to promoting understanding of academic content at much higher levels by weaving 21st century interdisciplinary themes into core subjects: Global awareness Financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy Civic literacy Health literacy Environmental literacy Creativity and Innovation Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication and information Collaboration Skills Contextual Learning Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) Flexibility and adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity and Accountability Leadership and Responsibility 批判的思考力(批評精神を持って考える力)と問題解決能 力 コミュニケーションとコラボレーションの能力 自立的に学習する力 ICT(情報通信テクノロジー)を確実に扱うことのできる能 力・スキル グローバルな認識と社会市民としての意識 金融・経済に対する教養 数学、科学、工学、言語や芸術といった分野への理解を 深めること 創造性 Twenty-First Century Student Outcomes The elements described in this section as “21st century student outcomes” (represented by the rainbow) are the skills, knowledge and expertise students should master to succeed in work and life in the 21st century. elements described below are the critical systems necessary to ensure student mastery of 21st century skills. 21st century standards, assessments, curriculum, instruction, professional development and learning environments must be aligned to produce a support system that produces 21st century outcomes for today’s students. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Twenty-First Century Standards Assessment of 21st Century Skills Twenty-First Century Curriculum and Instruction Twenty-First Century Professional Development Twenty-First Century Learning Environments 。・21世紀スキルを学級に適用する最善の方法 を把握すること。 ・スキルや基本的スキルを補完的な形で指導する 方法を理解するために州や学校を支援すること。 ・テクノロジー・リテラシーや21世紀スキルに関す る自己評価のツールを計画すること。 ・21世紀スキルを定義・指導・評価するツールを 生み出す枠組みを作成すること。 ・主要科目を重視すること。 ・学習スキルを重視すること。 ・学習スキルを発達させるために21世紀的ツー ルを使用すること。 ・21世紀的コンテクストについて教え、学ぶこと。 ・21世紀的コンテンツを教え、学ぶこと。 ・21世紀的スキルを測る21世紀的な成績評価を 行うこと。 「スキル」を日本語で普通に訳すと、技(わざ)とか技術、 技能、技量となります。しかし、「21世紀型スキル」で求め ているスキルはもっと大きな意味の「能力」を持たせてい ます。 今年のロンドンでの世界フォーラムでバリー・マク ゴウ教授の説明によると、能力は英語ではcompetency が使われるが、competencyは必要最小限の能力を意 味してしまう。capacityの用語もあるがこれも意味がしっく りしない。そこで、定義をきちんとすることにして、単語はs killsとしたとのことでした。 従って、英語に適切な単語が ないようですので、スキルを和訳しないで、「21世紀型ス キル」とカタカナのまま使うことが良いと考えています。 A critical thinker An innovator A problem solver An effective communicator An effective collaborator A self-directed earners Technology, media, and information literate Globally aware Speaks a language other than English Civically engaged Need more knowledge and skills Higher entrances standards Facilitators, but not repositories of knowledge A variety of alternatives in pedagogy and curriculum development Life long learning in professional development Experimentation, risk taking, autonomy, and flexibility Higher level of ICT Literacy Adapter Communicator Learner Visionary Leader Model Collaborator Risk Taker Adocaoter Need new perspectives in order to impart 21th century skills in our classroom Modern Language Association (MLA) Guidelines for college-level language instruction ◦ Incorporation of contents into language instruction ◦ Higher levels of critical thinking skills ◦ Multiple literacy Cultural literacy, technological literacy, etc. Japanese language Global/Cultural Awareness Combine five goals (Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) Rich curricular experiences ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Language system Communication Strategies Language Strategies Cultural Contents Contents from other subjects Technology Critical Thinking Skills ブルームの分 類表 事実的 概念的 走行的 メタ認知的 知識 リスト 描写 表 適した使い方 理解 要約 解釈 予測 実施 応用 分類 試み 計算 組み立て 分析 整理 説明 区別 達成 総合 位置づけ 評価 結論 行動 評価 組み合わせ 計画 構成 実現 Technology literacy ◦ Demonstrate understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations ◦ Select and use applications effectively and productively ◦ Transfer existing knowledge to leaning of new technologies Research and Information literacy ◦ Plan strategies to guide inquiry ◦ Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and use information from a variety of sources and media Communication and collaboration ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Interact, collaborate and publish with peers, experts Communicate information and ideas effectively Develop cultural understanding and global awareness Contribute to product teams to produce original works or solve problems Creativity and Innovation ◦ Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or process ◦ Create original works ◦ Use models and simulations to explore systems and issues ◦ Identify trends and forecast possibilities Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making ◦ Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for inquiry ◦ Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project ◦ Collect and analyze data to identify solutions to make decisions ◦ Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives Leadership ◦ Exhibit leadership to complete projects ◦ Demonstrate personal responsibilities for lifelong learning Web technologies and services which allow authors and audiences to interact each other and co-construct materials on the Internet The web as a platform where data and applications reside on the server, not redistributed to individual machines ( cloud computing) Most web 2.0 technologies are free Tools for lesson planning to assessment Combing several tools may make a powerful tool. You can easily publish resources and share them with others, You can control access to them. Use these tools: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ To To To To enhance students’ learning enhance students’ literacy make students think critically make students create Need good planning and directions The most important element is YOU: Teachers! National Standards
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