ICT Infrastructure Development in Japan May 2015 Yuji SASAKI, Director, International Policy Affairs Division MIC Japan Broadband Service Subscribers in Japan 1 (million) 100 90 Population: approx. 128 million Households: approx. 56 million (Jan. 1, 2014) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2000.3 2001.3 2002.3 2003.3 2004.3 2005.3 2006.3 2007.3 2008.3 2009.3 2010.3 2011.3 2012.3 2013.3 2014.3 DSL CableInternet FTTH FWA BWA LTE Source: MIC Current Status of Broadband Spread in Japan 2 (As of end Mar. 2014) Area Coverage Ultra High-Speed Broadband *1 Broadband *2 Fixed Ultra-High-Speed Broadband *4 *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 ( 98.7%) 100.0% ( 99.9%) Inside ( ) : only fixed broadband Rate of Subscription Fixed Broadband *3 99.9% 65.2% 48.5% Mobile Ultra High-Speed Broadband *5 FTTH, CATV Internet, FWA, BWA (only services whose download speeds are over 30Mbps, other than FTTH) FTTH, DSL, CATV Internet , FWA, Satellite Broadband, BWA, 3.5G Mobile Broadband FTTH, DSL, CATV Internet, FWA, BWA (only Local WiMAX) FTTH, CATV Internet (only services whose download speeds are over 30Mbps) 3.9G Mobile Broadband, BWA (other than Local WiMAX) 42.6% Source: MIC Policy targets on broadband deployment ~2005 2001 Basic Law on the Formation of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society (January 2001) ~2010 3 2015 Securing the world’s most advanced IT infrastructure environments Target: Elimination of areas where broadband remains unavailable by FY 2010 Develop and secure high-speed broadband environments in unprofitable areas such as isolated islands based on area characteristics 2013.6 e-Japan Strategy (January 2001) e-Japan Strategy II IT New Reform Strategy (January 2006) (July 2003) Target: Connect 30 million households to high-speed Internet and 10 million households to Ultra high-speed Internet in 5 years Strategy for bridging digital divide (June 2008) Target: (a)Ensure that all households have access to broadband by the end of FY 2010 (b)Ensure that 90% households have access to Ultra high-speed broadband by the end of FY2010 Declaration of the Creation of the Most Advanced IT Nation in the World (New IT Strategy) New Broadband Super Highway (Hikari no Michi) Target: All households use broadband services by around 2015 Interconnection regulations (1997) 4 ■ In 1997, MIC amended Telecommunications Business Act, and established the interconnection regulations. ・NTT had relatively strong position because of : The largest networks (deployed in the state-owned monopoly era) ・MIC introduced interconnection regulations in 1997 in order to: Foster fair competition between NTT and other new carriers, from the viewpoints of not only network scales but also other factors such as quality of services, consumer prices. In this new regulation, NTT could not refuse other carriers’ reasonable requests for interconnection. Asymmetric regulations (1997,2001) ■ MIC introduced in 1997 and enhanced in 2001 “asymmetric regulations”, which was applied to some dominant carriers. ・Along with establishing interconnection regulations, it became necessary to promote further competition through preventing dominant carriers from anti-competitive activities such as: Abuse of information obtained through interconnection Unfairly advantageous/disadvantageous treatments to specific carriers etc. ・For this reason, NTT East & West (fixed) and NTT DoCoMo (Mobile) submitted to such regulations as : Prohibiting anti-competitive activities stipulated and enumerated in the provisions Regulations regarding carriers with special relations 5 Policy targets on broadband deployment ~2005 2001 Basic Law on the Formation of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society (January 2001) ~2010 Target: Elimination of areas where broadband remains unavailable by FY 2010 6 2015 Securing the world’s most advanced IT infrastructure environments Develop and secure high-speed broadband environments in unprofitable areas such as isolated islands based on area characteristics 2013.6 e-Japan Strategy (January 2001) e-Japan Strategy II IT New Reform Strategy (January 2006) (July 2003) Target: Connect 30 million households to high-speed Internet and 10 million households to Ultra high-speed Internet in 5 years Strategy for bridging digital divide (June 2008) Target: (a)Ensure that all households have access to broadband by the end of FY 2010 (b)Ensure that 90% households have access to Ultra high-speed broadband by the end of FY2010 Declaration of the Creation of the Most Advanced IT Nation in the World (New IT Strategy) New Broadband Super Highway (Hikari no Michi) Target: All households use broadband services by around 2015 Broadband service area in Kansai region(2006) Kyoto Hyougo Pref. Pref. Shiga Pref. Osaka Pref. Mie Pref. Wakayam a Pref. FTTH 提供市町村 DSL提供市町村 CableInternet ・ケーブルインターネット DSL and CableInternet 7 Past Government Supports for broadband deployment Measures for Telecommunications operators Tax Breaks 8 Measures for Local Governments Grants/Subsidies 1.Accelerated Tax Depreciation (National Tax) ・Accelerated tax depreciation is allowed for telecommunications operators building broadband facilities, such as optical fiber and DSL. ・1991~2009. 1. Local Information and communications Infrastructure Development Grants (ICT Grant) • Grants equivalent to one third of total project cost is provided to local governments that builds broadband facilities to address the digital divide. • 2006~2009. 2. Reduction of Tax Bases for Fixed Asset Taxes (Local Tax) ・Partial reduction of the tax base for fixed asset taxes is allowed for telecommunications operators building broadband facilities, such as optical fiber and DSL. ・1992~2009. 2. Local Intranet Infrastructure Facility Development Promotion Grants • Grants equivalent to one third of total project cost is provided to local governments that builds ultra-high-speed local public networks connecting public facilities such as schools, libraries, and municipal offices. • 1998~2009. Broadband deployment method by supporting local government 9 Example of public-build and private operation method by “Subsidy of info-communication utilization environment improvement and construction”. IRU contract MIC Support for cost of network laying. Usage charge Local Government Public Applications Telecom Carrier Network leasing Installing network line Public Facilities Fee Internet Internet Access service Citizens IRU(Indefeasible Right of User): Longtime stability rights established by the contract(including other types of agreements) to prevent termination of said contract without agreement by both parties. IRU contractor who allowed others to use optical fiber networks is recognized as governing/managing said optical fiber networks in a legal capacity. National budgets in constructing optical fiber networks to date For Local government Project for the improvement and construction of intranet basic facilities. (FY 1998 ~ FY 2009) ・・・・・・About 91bil yen(Adopted 934 regions) 465 bil clp Project for the improvement and construction of subscriber optical line. (FY 2002 ~ FY 2005) ・・・・・・About 3 bil yen(Adopted 18 regions) 15 bil clp Subsidy of regional info-communication base improvement and construction. (FY 2006 ~ FY 2009) ・・・・・・About 98 bil yen(Adopted 664 regions) 500 bil clp Subsidy of info-communication utilization environment improvement and construction.(FY 2011 ~ FY 2014) ・・・・・・About 4 bil yen(Adopted 24 regions) 20 bil clp Total about 200 Billion Yen 1000 Billion CLP 10 Policy targets on broadband deployment ~2005 2001 Basic Law on the Formation of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society (January 2001) ~2010 Target: Elimination of areas where broadband remains unavailable by FY 2010 11 2015 Securing the world’s most advanced IT infrastructure environments Develop and secure high-speed broadband environments in unprofitable areas such as isolated islands based on area characteristics 2013.6 e-Japan Strategy (January 2001) e-Japan Strategy II IT New Reform Strategy (January 2006) (July 2003) Target: Connect 30 million households to high-speed Internet and 10 million households to Ultra high-speed Internet in 5 years Strategy for bridging digital divide (June 2008) Target: (a)Ensure that all households have access to broadband by the end of FY 2010 (b)Ensure that 90% households have access to Ultra high-speed broadband by the end of FY2010 Declaration of the Creation of the Most Advanced IT Nation in the World (New IT Strategy) New Broadband Super Highway (Hikari no Michi) Target: All households use broadband services by around 2015 Ultra high speed broadband infrastructure development project ■ Project of info-communication utilization environment improvement and construction Budget in 2013: 0.8 bil yen (4 bil clp) Budget in 2014: 0.5 bil yen (3 bil clp) • Promotion of Ultra high speed Broadband infrastructure dedicate to install public applications such as medical/health and welfare/education. The central government also gives subsidies toward project costs to local governments remote island or sparsely-populated areas. 12 【Summary Subsidizing 1/3 of the installation cost of optical fiber lines and accessories in areas under disadvantageous 】 conditions, such as sparsely populated areas and remote islands, (2/3 of the installation cost in the case of remote islands) if such optical fiber lines are installed by local governments. The local governments usually loan the installed optical fiber lines and accessories to telecommunications carriers that will use the optical fiber lines and accessories and provide local residents with Internet services. The local governments utilize the loaned optical fiber lines and accessories and provide local residents with public application services (e.g., the provision of disaster information and elderly watching over and care). 【Image】 Ultra high speed Broadband (Utilize optical fiber and Radio system) Services provided by public applications Public facilities (Educational/Medical facilities) Switching station of telecom carriers Houses Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (“MIC”), Japan Thank you.
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