PPT086*****DM - Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk

Public Forum, Side Events,
Since the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011, there has been great focus on training, disaster prevention education for children
who are going to become disaster prevention leaders. As a result, in 2015 the children’s disaster prevention map making project
(Exploration for Disaster-Prevention) will be appear in Japanese elementary school text books.
It is the GIAJ’s goal to contribute to building a secure and safe society through the spread of effective disaster prevention
We hope that this forum event will help all the participants realize how important for children to engage in disaster prevention
activities based on their local communities.
On: March 15th. (Sun) 13:30-16:20
At: Hall B, the 21st. Floor, TKP Garden City Sendai (AER)
The GIAJ, the General Insurance Association of Japan actively supports the
Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
Proper names in Japanese
Organizer: 日本損害保険協会(GIAJ)/朝日新聞社/日本災害救援ボランティアネットワーク
Supported by: 内閣府/文部科学省/警察庁/消防庁/気象庁/UNESCO/日本ユネスコ国内委員会/日本ユネスコ協会連盟/
Time schedule
English simultaneous translation available
Organization Greeting: Kengo SAKURADA, Chairman, the GIAJ
First Session:
An awards ceremony for the winners of our
annual “Bosai Tankentai” "Exploration for
Disaster Prevention Map Contest 2014"
Second Session:
Panel discussion on “Children’s Practice of Disaster Prevention
-How can children help their communities better understand disaster prevention?
-How disaster prevention education and literacy activities should be delivered ?
-Coordinator: Yoshiteru MUROSAKI, Professor Emeritus, Kobe University,
President, Education Center for Disaster Reduction, Hyogo University
Tomohide ATSUMI, Administrative director, Nippon Volunteer Network Active in Disaster (NVNAD)
Toshiya YAMAMOTO, Professor, Department of Architecture, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Yoko KIHARA, School principal of the Ainan town municipal Fukuura elementary school, Ehime Pref.
Midori ARISAKA, College student, won the prize at the first “Bosai Tankentai” map contest in 2004.
Kiyomi NAGAI, (to provide the screen speaking) Chief, Fukushima Souma City Kawaramachi Children’s Center
-Facilitator: Keiko Miyata, A media personality
Closing address : Hiroki SATO, School Health Education Division Sports and Youth Bureau.,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology - Japan
Member Companies 一般社団法人 日本損害保険協会 会員会社(50音順)
Proper names in Japanese
あいおいニッセイ同和損保 アイペット損保 アクサ損保 朝日火災 アニコム損保 イーデザイン損保 エイチ・エス損保 SBI損保
au損保 共栄火災 ジェイアイ セコム損害保険 セゾン自動車火災 ソニー損保 損保ジャパン日本興亜 そんぽ24 大同火災
東京海上日動 トーア再保険 日新火災 日本地震 日立キャピタル損保 富士火災 三井住友海上 三井ダイレクト損保 明治安田損保
Second Session: Profile of panels
Professor Emeritus, Kobe University,
Yoshiteru MUROSAKI: President, Education Center for Disaster Reduction, Hyogo University
Professor Murosaki has studied a disaster-reduction research, recovery and reconstruction since 1969. Professor Murosaki was a victim of a
disaster, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. He then recognized the importance of exchanging information between disaster victims and
researchers. In addition to contributing to research and reconstruction, he takes a proactive stance in delivering lectures and being involved
in volunteer activities. Professor Murosaki has received awards from the Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering, the
Architectural Institute of Japan, the Association of Urban Housing Sciences and the Prime Minister of Japan.
Tomohide ATSUMI: Administrative director, Nippon Volunteer Network Active in Disaster (NVNAD)
After being affected by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 1995 in his hometown, Nishinomiya city, Mr. Atsumi engaged in volunteer
activities in a temporary evacuation center. Over past twenty years, he was continued to support activities for victims of disasters around
NVNAD activities. Mr. Atsumi has been to Ojiya city, Niigata Pref. where the Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake in 2004 hit and Noda city,
Iwate Pref. where the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 hit to work in support. Since 2010 he has been a professor of the Graduate
school of human sciences, School of human sciences Osaka University. Also Mr. Atsumi is involved in a wider range of social activities
such as acting as a vice-chairman of the Japan Society for Disaster Recovery and Revitalization.
Professor, Department of Architecture, School of Science and Technology,
Meiji University
Professor Yamamoto works to promote the revitalization of urban areas domestically and internationally in cooperation with relevant
organizations, companies and NPOs. His work encompasses a variety of fields including disaster prevention, security, art, architecture and
urban redevelopment. Nowadays, Professor Yamamoto is involved in the rebuilding of Rikuzentakata city, an area that was devastated by
the Great East Japan Earthquake. And as an example of his activities, he holds workshops on creating evacuation maps which can show
escape routes and evacuation time in various locations, cities.
School principal of the Ainan town municipal Fukuura elementary school,
Ehime Pref.
Ms. Kihara studied and experienced the education and training of disaster prevention for a year in 2008 at Tokai elementary school, as part
of a research project supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. It lead to her first
involved in disaster prevention education activities. Ms. Kihara positioned disaster & crime prevention map making as one of the most
important items for education. To increase children’s awareness of disaster & crime prevention, she holds the “Bousai Tankentai” map
contest every year. Ms. Kihara believes that it is important for disaster prevention education to work in close cooperation with homes and
communities and it is important for children to know how to take good care of themselves.
A college student ,who won the prize at the first “Bousai Tankentai” map contest in
2004. She is currently a student of the Miyagi Gakuin University.
Ms. Arisaka received the prize for her map making, “Hachiman Aru Aru exploration party”, at the first Bousai Tankentai map contest in
2004. She participated in an initiative to install devices into the single-occupant elderly houses at a disaster prevention workshop in 2005.
When she was a second-grade high school student, Ms. Arisaka gave a lecture to children on how to make a disaster & crime prevention
map at a local elementary school. She experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 in Sendai city. Ms. Arisaka was involved in
supporting the provision of relief supplies there, and volunteer activities as a girl scout in Ishinomaki city.
Appear in a video
Kiyomi NAGAI
Chief, Fukushima Pref. Souma City Kawaramachi Children’s Center
Since 1982, Ms. Nagai is a Lady-doctor of disaster prevention appointed by the GIAJ. She is involved in raising awareness of disaster &
crime prevention for school pupils & young children. She became a first-aid instructor at the Japanese Red Cross Society in 1992, as well
as at the Souma Fire-Fighting Headquarters in 1996, and currently contributes to emergency life-guard activities. After the Great East
Japan earthquake, Ms. Nagai set up a junior fire-fighting team, and now contributes to supporting youth work in local society. She believes
that it is important for young people to be aware of disaster-prevention measures, such as fire-fighting training, year-end community chest
and disaster-prevention map-making.
Keiko Miyata A media personality of the Tohoku Broadcasting Corporation
Ms. Miyata joined Tohoku Broadcasting in 2000 as a news reporter. As a freelance announcer, she hosts “Colors”, a popular
weekly program in Tohoku, where she interviews people who contribute to rebuilding and disaster-prevention activities. Ms.
Miyata is also interested in environmental issues. She received a certificate entitled Eco-people.
The General Insurance Association of Japan