The image of Japanese People as Diligent: Reality or Myth? Mai Shinzato 旭化成建材、マンション傾斜で全国調査へ 横浜市で大型マンションが傾き、基礎の杭(くい)打ち工事で虚偽デー タが使われていたことが分かった。工事を担当した旭化成建材は、謝 罪するとともに、過去に手掛けた杭打ち工事を調査する方針を示した。 総数は45都道府県の3040件に及ぶ。 ー日本経済新聞 2015/10/23 横浜市のマンション傾斜問題で謝罪する旭化成の浅野社長 (左)と旭化成建材の前田社長(20日午後、東京都千代田区) Outline 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction Defining Terms Evidence for Reality Evidence for Myth Analysis Conclusion 2. Defining Terms The image of Japanese People as Diligent: Reality or Myth? ・Diligent(=勤勉): someone who is diligent works hard and is careful and thorough(=careful to do things properly so that you avoid mistakes) → Top word of self-image The image of Japanese People as Diligent: Reality or Myth? • Reality: What actually happens or is true, not what is imagined or thought. • Myth: An idea or story that many people believe, but which is not true. Do Japanese people work as hard as they are said? or Are Japanese people misunderstood and do not actually work so hard? Outline 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction Defining Terms Evidence for Reality Evidence for Myth Analysis Conclusion 3. Evidence for Reality 3.1 Work for Long Hours without Holidays 3.2 Karoshi 3.1 Work for Long Hours without Holidays Figure1 労働者一人平均年間総実労働時間の国際比較 2012 出典:OECD Employment Outlook 2012 Table1 労働者一人平均年間総実労働時間の国際比較 2012 Do Japanese people work出典:OECD as hard as they are said? Employment Outlook 2012 or Are Japanese people misunderstood and do not actually work so hard? Figure2 有給休暇支給日数と消化率 2013 Do Japanese people work as hard as they are said? or Are Japanese people misunderstood and do not actually work so hard? Harris Interactive, 2013 3.2 Karoshi ・Karoshi: death from overwork Do Japanese people work as hard as they are said? In 2013, 2、386 people or ・東京都 24歳男性の場合 Are Japanese people misunderstood and do not 午前7時出社、午後10時帰宅 actually work so hard? 月100時間以上残業 仕事でミスをした直後に首つり自殺 Outline 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction Defining Terms Evidence for Reality Evidence for Myth Analysis Conclusion 4.Evidence for Myth 4.1 University Students 4.2 Past 4.1 University Students Figure3 授業に関連する学修の時間(1週間あたり) 日米の大学1年生の比較 2007 日本 9.70% 57.10% 18.40% 14.80% 0時間 0.30% アメリカ 15.30% 26% 1-5時間 58.40% 6-10時間 11時間以上 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 0時間 アメリカ 0.30% 日本 9.70% 1-5時間 15.30% 57.10% 6-10時間 26% 18.40% 11時間以上 58.40% 14.80% 90% :東京大学大学経営政策研究センター(CRUMP)『全国大学生調査』2007年、サンプル数44,905人 NSSE(The National Survey of Student Engagement) 100% 4.2 Past • Reports by German missionaries in Japan, end of 19th century “The steady, systematic work to which we Nordic people were educated is unknown here on the average. Do Japanese people work as hard“ as they are said? “The Japanese worker is hardly willing to submit himself to the or military discipline which according to our standards must rule Are Japanese people misunderstood and do not the modern factory. He takes his holiday whenever he likes, he comes and goes as actually he pleases,work and ifso he hard? is scolded for such behavior, he leaves the company.” Source:Culture & Communication Reading Room Outline 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction Defining Terms Evidence for Reality Evidence for Myth Analysis Conclusion 3.1 Work for Long Hours without Holidays Figure4 労働生産性水準 2012 出典:METI 3.2 Karoshi Figure5 ニート状態の若者の推移 2013 4.1 University students 出典:東洋経済online 4.2 Past 勤勉な 勤勉な 出典:電通 Outline 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction Defining Terms Evidence for Reality Evidence for Myth Analysis Conclusion The answer is… 3.1 Work for long hour without holidays→× 3.2 Karoshi →△ 4.1 University students →○ 4.2 Past →× Thank you for listening!
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