New Religions

New Religions
Masayo Urasaki
03 July 2012
Today’s Class Goal
1)To Understand main stream of “Shinto”
2) To understand Oomoto’s brief history
and founder’s background.
What is Oomoto(大本)?
 Founders
 DVD(Oomoto no ayumi 大本のあゆみ)
 Teaching and Rituals/Characteristics
 Workshop
SHINTO -- Kinds of “Kami”
1) Nature (animals, wind, fire,,,) 竜神、風神
2) Myth :Amaterasu oomi kami(天照大神)
3) Persons: Ieyasu Tokugawa (徳川家康)
→ Toushou-daigongenn(東照大権現)
4) Theory of the divine right of kings
: Emperor Hirohito(showa-era)
Arahito-kami 現人神
What is Oomoto(大本)?
One of a Sectarian Shinto sect(教派神道)
 Oomoto 大本
大 Oo
→ Big
本 moto → Basic, Origin, Source
Back to the Big origin of the world or
・ Founded at Ayabe(near Kyoto) in 1892.
・Official membership count is 170,000
Main Teaching
Harmonious alignment with all life and
the universe.
Revelation of celestial truth and its
Innate patterns of behavior for man,
society and the cosmos.
Instinctual creative drives.
Oomoto and Shinto
☆Same Point
A-The importance of harmony among
nature, humans, and gods is a key belief
of both. Oomoto’s rituals, architecture, and
vestments are based on the ancient
original practices that became known as
Shinto. (from Oomoto’s HP)
Difference between Original
A-Shinto is polytheistic, believing there are many
gods – or kami. Oomoto teaches that many kami
do exist, but they all come from the same
Supreme God of the Universe, so in effect there
is just one God. When Oomoto followers pray to
a particular kami by name they understand this
is just one manifestation of the single God. Even
the name “Oomoto” emphasizes this point. It
translates as “Great Source” or “Great Origin.”
(from Oomoto’s HP)
Two Spiritual Leader
Kaiso 開祖 founder
Mrs. Nao Deguchi(出口なお)
 Seishi 聖師 Secred Teacher
Mr. Onisaburo Deguchi(出口王任三郎)
< 1871-1948 >
Founder Mrs.Nao Deguchi
Poor illiterate widower, had 8 children,
but her son and daughters had serious
trouble (sick, death, become crazy)
 Nao became possessed by a god who
identified himself as Ushitora no Konjin in
 She was onf of member of Konko-kyo(
金光教) like prophet.
 Ofudesaki(お筆先) writing the Kami’s
Secred teacher ,
Mr.Onisaburo Deguchi
Born at Kameoka village, near Kyoto
Very smart called “Child prodigy”
Practice at Mountain, Calm down the spirit
and Trance (鎮魂帰紳)
Meet Mrs.Nao and married Nao’s daughter.
Become Charismatic Leader, not only
religious but Social Reforem(世直し)
Edit the Nao’s writing as”Oomoto-shinnronn
(大本神論-oomoto shinyu/ theoty of Gods of
The Four Principles
1. Purity, purification of mind and body
2. Optimism, believing in the goodness of the Divine Will
3. Progressivism, way of social improvement
4. Unification, the reconciliation of all dichotomies
These principles are seen throughout the universe.
These are the rules of the universe, and everything in
nature grows and lives with these rules. Man is apt to
live in violation of these principles, and therefore comes
to grief.
By practicing these principles, man can live in harmony
with the universe and lead a heavenly life in spirit and in
President of Oomoto should inherit from
Nao’s lineal daughter.
 Intend to Social and spiritual Reform and ,
so there are severe regulation from
government. (mainly twice, 1921 & 1935)
 Propagate abroad intensity (Esperanto
 Influence to upper class, other new
religious leader (ex, Sekai-kyusei-kyou,