150 MeV FFAG T. Adachi, M. Aiba, K. Kikuchi, K. Koba, S. Machida, Y. Mori, R. Muramatsu, A. Muto, C. Ohomori, T. Sakae, I. Sakai, Y. Sato, M. Sugaya, T. Shibata, A. Takagi, R. Ueno, T. Yokoi, Y. Yonemura, M. Yoshii, M. Yoshimoto, Y. Yuasa and Joe Nakano - 150MeV FFAG group May 16, 2003 Nufact-j@東京都立大 Contents 150MeV FFAG Accelerator – – – – – Introduction Schematic drawing Parameter Injection and Extruction Schedule Introduction - Characteristics Fixed Field of FFAG flexibility, easy operation, large beam current, low power consumption FFAG magnetic Field : B=B0(r0/r)k Satisfying the cardinal condition, “zero–chromaticity” Scaling FFAG High repetition rate Super conducting magnet Alternating Gradient Accelerator strong focusing, down sizing Compact size ( cf. Cyclotron) Large Horizontal acceptance wide aperture Large momentum acceptance FFAG has characteristics becoming to the manipulator of secondary beam; PRISM, Muon Accelerator. The design of Nutrino factory, Japanese group proposes, based on scaling FFAG ring. Introduction – 150MeV • FFAG Synchrotron FFAG was proposed by Ohkawa, Symon and Kolomensky. (~50’s) • An electron FFAG at MURA project. PoP FFAG We have no proton FFAG before the PoP (proof of principle) FFAG. In June 2000, Our PoP FFAG accelerated the proton beam successfully. … confirming the acceleration can be done in 1msec. 150 MeV FFAG project The project to construct a practical machine was started. …establishing the beam extraction in high reputation rate The main issues in a five-year plan … 1. Extraction of the beam high repetition rate in 250Hz 2. Development of the 3dimmensional spot scanning Feasibility Study for scaled-up FFAG Accelerator, ex.) Construction of large FFAG ring, Fabrication of Yoke-Free Magnet and large aperture RF system, Establishment of injection and (FAST) extraction scheme … 150MeV FFAG – Overview KEK-PS East Counter Hall FFAG実験室概要図 150MeV FFAG 実験室概要図 12MeV Proton 150MeV Proton 150MeV FFAG Cyclotron Parameters Energy : 12MeV Field : 1.69T Current(full) : 25μA RF Freq. : 50Mhz Dee Voltage pulse width : 160μsec@250Hz Extraction Current : 0.5μA (Current in Cyclotron : 2μA) ( Deflector loss :1.5μA) Dee Voltage with Gate pulse 80μsec 160μsec 4msec –Parameter 150MeV FFAG Parameters 250Hz Revolution Freq. : 1.7Mhz-4.6Mhz Bump Decay time: 6.6μsec Current : 40 nA (limited by shield thickness) RF peak voltage: 19kV 150 MeV FFAG – Beam simulation • A beam simulation with final design of the magnet. Tune vs. mean radius Tune diagram 150 MeV FFAG - Return Yoke Free Magnet • “Return Yoke Free Magnet ” The return yoke of Focusing sector is removed. D coil F coil F Sector Shunt D Sector ΦF: B in F Sector ΦD: B in D Sector ΦS: B in Shunt 150 MeV FFAG – The design of the magnet pole • The design of the edge of the F-sector pole Focusing sector w/o patch Defocusing sector • The final design of the poles 5400 halfgap 21 r 7.75 9.32 5400 halfgap 20 r (r 4500~4900) 11.555 4900 halfgap 39.9 r 9.57 (r 4900~5400) with patch with patch w/o patch Magnetic field in the center of sectors BL BL-F/D ratio vs. radius A comparison of Magnetic field in the focusing sector Measurement of Magnetic field 7000 half cell Alignment error ~0.2mm y (mm) 6000 5000 extraction energy injection energy 4000 3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 x (mm) All area of half cell, where the beam pass through, is covered by moving the measurement bench. Calibration of FFAG magnet Measured field with various F & D current F 883.7A Measured Bz @ Defocus (Gauss) 4300 D 1080 A measure design D 880 A 4200 deviation! 4100 4000 D 1042.3A D 1300 A D 780A D 680 A Design (125MeV mode) F: 910A / D: 780A F 910A 3900 F 885 A F 860 A 3800 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 Measured Bz @ Focus (Gauss) Coil F: 50 turn D: 5 turn 7100 Measured field magnitude (not shape) deviates a little from design value. Trimmed F: 883.7A / D: 1042.3 DW DX 82 cg CD 91 88 ck cd bu EQ 147 133 CM 144 145 EO CK CG CJ EC 83 CJ 127 CE EN cm EM ce 89cm CS EY cs ea 155 EC cj 81 88 CM 143 dx 133 ec 85 EG emeq 137 91 cr97 155 CR 89 gjEJ EP 146 EY 88 el 148 EM EE 141 ey dv 84 135 cq CQ es ey 96 EK 143 150 CF ci CJ 153 135 eu CICK EE ek ES 95 EUey 240 238 137 236 230 EW 232 234 81 cf 87 cp 228 co en er 226 ee ei eo eq151 224 cj cl CP 222 ep 220 DV 149ew 218 94 98 EY 138 CO 216 FA ew157 214 CT BY 212 ER et EQ cp 210 208 EA EI143 EW 206 CL 93 ck CP EG eo 155 204ej 202 ct CJ 147153fa 200 95 cj 90 CQ 198 EM 92 FA EO 157 fa 196152 cn cq 96 gl 157 139 94 FA 194 IF fa 131 cq 90 ch ID CQ 126 192 IB 85 HZ HX 145 CN 190 em HV eg em 155 188 EH HTev ET cf 88CL 95 186 HR cb CN 121 92 CH 91 EYFC 184 HP 85 CR DQ FF 159 HN 95 182 96 dp dy HL 94CR dq ey 97ct99 cl 92 cr coCQ 180 96 93 141 CS cs HJ cq EM 86 CMCO CU CP96CT 98 178 fc CT cu HH CU ct CC CF DP cp cs 99 CO 98 176 99 HF fc CN 159 FC gnEV 93 CSCU cu 93 cr CG 100 cr97ctcu cv EK CR cm HDex ds cmco CR FC 174 CV ds FE DS cg CV 161 99 HB 123 CG ck cncp CT 100 EK 120 CU 168 cv 136 fc 172 GZ CM CW 101 fe 162 fe ek 141 166 98 EK FE ek cucw CB 154 160 GX ez CK DY 170 101 161 fb CP 164 GV 91CO by 84 CW eh cw 100 158 fd DS dx cr fg FG 129 GT 163 89 CV cs cv102 97 eg 124 94 CS CX ci EX 156 GR cx cg EG 141 CW 139 cw ff gp ei drDT 101 137 GP co 139 EI dt EI 102 163 ei 122 123du ea 139 CX EF GN 165 102 du CX 103 FI CY fi FG cxcy DU GL DU cxcz DR if dvDX CZ DR125 CI cc id ee 104 125 fh ib 126 DV cy 103 fg GJ CY hz fj dr hx 128 EZ 105 80 cl dw EE GH hv FB DA ht cz fcfe fl CZ 104 135 GF 103 FD da 122 161167 hr CL DW GD FK 127 fk FE gr ey 87 hp 143 fm da FM cv CY105 FfoO fe165 DA 169 171 CV 90 FF GB 100 cu hn FK 167 FC FI CU fk CW 107 101 cw 161fi ec fif169 hl 99 db DC k dc cxcy 106 DB 100 FZ CX 165 FM 102 FI fiFK CY cz FG dDB fg dl CZ ct 103 daDC b108 157163 dk DA DL hj 105 FX dc 116 106 ddd DK ew d110 edDG fdhdi EYfa FI CTCV 104 107 167 DD DF FQ dg d115 DE FK 108 109 fkfm173 db fq DJ D114 I j 117 111 98cv cy DB DH fn 167 112 113 hh dm DM fq dt 169 171 FM FS fm FO FV 175 fs 177 FU cz fu FH FJ CZ 133 FA 171 dx ec 159 169 fp cy FO FQ 104 fo FT fm F O DX FL 167 FM F Q fs 163 173 165 da CY DA fq fs 105 175 FS 128 hf 109 FG 103 fu fFM k fo FU 177 fw cs CX db DB cx fiFK 175 ffw w DE FS FQ FW 173 179 fr fgFI dc fq DC DT dw EC 107 dm fyga d109 dDF 173 CS DN FY DD DM 118 dn 181 de ed111 FO 175 d117 l118 FS cw 108 fs EC 102 106 DE FW 97 101 f112 fu 86 dg 135 di dk DL CW d115 j116 165 hd d113 hD FR DG EC 169 IDK DH DJ fs GA 110 fa161 DN 185 FE 183 114 GE FG 177 FU 181 fu FY GA gc 175 FA GC gge egg 131 fy dn DW g185 a187 FU ft EA ec fe fw 179 FW 189 119 DO 155 DCDE DY 113 171 GG DF 107 do121 ea fu 104 dh GE de 129 191 DB 124 DH GI DQ dy gg gi D FY h 159 193 GK d111 f112 179 hq 181 fy GA 126 195 GM GG diI 116 gk h 239 hb 183 g187 c189 197 h w Iyi237 A ga ds H Y IE GO 122 GE ic DV 199 fw gm h235 ie FP GQ HW aIC CZ106 HU 201 hu w ho GC go GS 203 HS DG dq hss231 u233 DP gi gk 225 HQ 118 DR 185 ggq qggs GU H Y GA GW 223 HO hq229 DD 117 gt 221 FC163 ga GI gm 229 110 fy ho227 ic ddc DS 183 gs205 GY 177 HA db HM dg 114 127 133 108 DM 191 hm h225 227 107 gk gu207 w HC 233 119 HE HK IA g209 hy211 HG H IHM DD dm dp ddq qd123 dv dc109 d110 120 GE 231 IC DE EE DQ ha213 hc215 DL 187 hk he217 gh219 IEFN 109 DN d119 n120 ga hm 185 GC i 235 DF GA DM DO gc DA 237 DJ GK 223 110 fv r df 124 eg 118 121 189 239 117 DP dj 115 GG DC gm gu dp DK d l gc 193 DG DO G I 105 GM 191 gw dd 123 111 DT 187 GE ge dk ea gy gz DL fc go GK 195 dg dnDP op122 GQ ha 221 di 193 hc HW H Y ded111 DH d113 hD gGS qggu HU 233 d119 do DS 187 Iia AIC EAee ge GO 229 231 134 d115 IDK j116 he 235 dm ddp GM 127131 237 DJ 195 hghi f112 227 s205 HS GQ IE EW157 hk DO 189 gg da 108 114 GG 197 hm 225 239 191 HQ GO ho hw ie hq hu hy 199 hs ic dt DK HO dk GQ 223 dg DL DR cz d l 120 ds 183 dl HK 125 dm GS 203 119 201 221 HM 113 185 191 GI gi GU 114 d DO n DP GW do h w GY 219 gw HU 231 112 dh d j du HK 207 229 h u HA HW 233 di115 dk g209 y211 217 h235 Y 239 203 227 IE DU 129 137 GW HS hqhsshuH ieFH gk H ic 215 HG Iyyi237 A GK HE dr124 213 HC 225 hq EG 116 193 GY HQ ha 117 DM 195 w GM gm HE h 118 aaIC DN121 h dq dr HA HG 223 ic DQ ho HO ie 207 197 go hc H IIHM DR GO HI hoHS he217 ghi DT DW h215 HK HM 199 ggq qgg203 HC HO GQ 209 h 122 221 HQ fxef 201 HE gx ggss205 hm ggu w HU IiA GS HW HY IC hy211 hk IE DS GU u207 dsdt dw 205 haa213 he217 gh219 hcHG GW w 123 hk GY 209 205 gg209 HA hy211 HC H 213 207 iiI h HE HG he ghHK hc215 gv 211 ce 213 125 128 215 217 219 fz DU 221 223 225 227 229 235 231 dy 237 du 233 239gt dv 129 CH DY DVDX gb dx gr 126 133 ck gp gd eu gf gv CK gn 89 gl 153 gh gj “Simple” Comparison to TOSCA (after current trimming) dB/B (measured-TOSCA)/TOSCA 1.00 0.75 dB/B (%) 0.50 0.25 Flat field of F 0.00 -0.25 Flat field of D -0.50 -0.75 -1.00 EU es CE ch ch 87 88 ca 83 74 82 ED gx EA DY CHCJ CIcj ES 151 gz 86ci ek 149 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 CA dy eg 78 CD BV x (cm) Radial end field hb ed hd eq FJ 131 hf hh Deviation between Measurement and TOSCA is within 0.3% in flat field area. 79 cd cd cg hj CG EQ hl 85 BZ hn hp EG CD 83 hr ht hv hx hz id if ib Discrepancy between any Magnets 1.00 0.75 0.50 dB/B (%) 0.25 0.00 -0.25 43 3 45 cd 1a CD A aq E b2 e F 6f B AQ 7 G gH 8 h 9Ii10 44 Jj11 213141o51PQ K k1LMNO lmn 6171Rr81ST pq AR 122WX 95ax0X 4A s92t02UV q59cr6R c 9C 45AU p4P aw 32x42YZ 62A uvw AW 9CQ o c 52AA 5a1y 0L 9clCM 3c 9C 1cn 9C cm 72aA 2N 9CO C 031 V A48 47 93aA 2aA yzaa ck av 89 AY au b8B cC 2F 3afAG dD cjCK 46 eE aA 88 52 AS 33 az53 AZ 87 A CICJ atT ag34 aras ba BA 86ci ch CH 54 AH ah bb BB 55 85 CG 657 5B cg BC bc D B bd E 35 8 5 F B e b 9 5 AI 84 bf 0 6 CF 16bBK BG gbH bB 26bj B h6BI ai 4L 3k6blBM biBJ 5bn 6B 6N 6BO 7 8 83 bm Ecf 9 ce 07bB ob6BQ bB R 1S pP q7brB b6B 2 2T 3 7 57bx 4v7w 7bBW 6X dD 18C 8C 7yY 7bB 9ac s7bB 8Z uU bt B 8CC B B bV c c z7cC bCA b0B 36 AJ aj 37 AK ak AL 38 al 39 AM am 40 AN an 41 AO ao -0.50 -0.75 -1.00 AP -100 -80 -60 42 -40 x (cm) -20 0 150 MeV FFAG - Measurements of magnetic field. Measurements of magnetic field with hole probe. Discrepancy (ΔB/B) Magnetic Field (Bz) 20000 ΔB/B (%) 15000 Bz (Gauss) 10000 5000 0 -5000 -10000 -15000 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 X (cm) Y Y=-35~+45cm 5cm step X 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 -3.0 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 X (cm) -20 0 20 The discrepancy between any two magnets is 0.3% at most. The alignment error of hole probe explained that discrepancy. FFAG Magnet 設置 三角測量による設置 精度10秒のトランシットを用いた。 三角一辺の長さ ~2m 10秒=0.000048 ∴ 0.1mm程度の設置精度 ビームライン中心線 CODが要求する0.5mmの設 置精度に対し、約0.2mm程度 の精度で設置を完了した。 サイクロトロン&トランスポート サイクロトロン •250Hzパルス運転の成功 •最大取り出し電流0.5μA •(サイクロ内部1.5μA) トランスポート (ステアリング+トリプレット四十極電磁 石)*2 のシステム ビームトランスポートの調整中 Beam Injection Study 10MeV(137MeV/c) proton Injection Study with Magnetic and Electric Septum Electric Septum Magnetic Septum 60deg 30mm 22mm 450mm Magnetic field 1T for 10MeV proton ρ~450mm E=35kV/cm Deflecting angle ~80mrad Distance between electrode 22mm Beam Injection Study ~25nA 60nA 30nA ~25nA With Magnetic and Electric Septum Momentum ~137MeV/c particle 25th April 2003 First circular beam was measured in 150MeV-FFAG Synchrotron Accelerator. 150MeV FFAG fiscal 2003 4 – Schedule FFA G C om m issioning 入射コミッショニング 5 バンプ調整 R F システム、ビーム加速調整 6 7 inspection by the government Starting Experim ent 取り出し調整 Summary • We finish the construction of 150 MeV FFAG Accelerator, and starting the beam study. • We observed the circulating beam of one turn with Faraday Cup with Magnetic and Electric Septum. For the next ….. • We are now studying the injection beam orbit in detail, to confirm the FFAG ring satisfying our design. • After installing a set of bump magnets, beam acceleration will be started.
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