Bon Apetit Bon Apetit Bon Apetit Bon Apetit Bon Apetit Bon Apetit Bon Apetit Bon Apetit Bon Apetit Bon Appetit! いただ きます Japanese Culture in the Kitchen 料理という日本文化 Zoni 雑煮 A New Year's Soup for the Whole Family 年の初めに家族揃っていただく How to make a clear zoni soup Ingredients (for 4) 1 chicken thigh; ½ yellow citron; 4 komatsuna leaves; ½ red and ½ white kamaboko fish paste cakes; 4 rectangular pieces of mochi Make the soup stock. Put 4 g of dried kelp in a saucepan with 1.2 liters of water, and place on a low heat. When small bubbles appear, add 20 g of dried bonito fish shavings 鍋に水1.2Lとだし昆布4g を入れ、弱火にかける。 細かい泡が出てきたら削 りがつお20gを加える。 Make the soup stock. Put 4 g of dried kelp in a saucepan with 1.2 liters of water, and place on a low heat. When small bubbles appear, add 20 g of dried bonito fish shavings 鍋に水1.2Lとだし 昆布4gを入れ、 弱火にかける。細 かい泡が出てきた ら削りがつお20g を加える。 Simmer for 2 or 3 minutes, skimming off the froth. Place a paper towel in a strainer, and strain. アクを除きなが ら静かに2~3 分間煮出し、火 を止めてペー パータオルを敷 いたざるでこす Place a grill over a gas flame, then grill both sides of the mochi pieces at a low heat, until they balloon up and get lightly browned 、ふくらんで焦 げ目がつくまで、 弱火で両面を焼 く。餅は、ガス コンロに焼き網 をのせた上に置 き Cut the chicken into thin slices, dip in soy sauce, then place for a moment in the boiling soup stock from Step 2. Remove the small komatsuna roots and boil the leaves. Slice the kamaboko, making wavy lines by wobbling the knife back and forth. Cut the citron peel, shaping it like thick pine needles, to use as a decoration 鶏肉は薄く切って醤油を くぐらせ、2のだし汁で さっとゆでて火を通す。 小松菜はひげ根を除いて ゆがく。かまぼこは包丁 をうねらすように動かし て波形に、ゆずの皮は松 葉の形の飾り切りにする。 Arrange the mochi and other ingredients in bowls. To the soup stock, add 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of saké, and a little more than ½ teaspoon of salt. Pour the soup gently into each bowl, and garnish with the citron peel slices 椀に餅と他の材料 を形よく盛る。2 のだし汁に塩小さ じ1/2強、醤油小さ じ2、酒大さじ1 を加えてすまし汁 を作り、ここに静 かに注ぎ入れ、ゆ ずの皮を添える FIN
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