Japanese Morphology Japanese Lexicon Native vocabulary Yamato kotoba/Wago 大和言葉/和語 Sino-Japanese Kango 漢語 Foreign 外来語 Mimetic 擬声語、擬態語 Native ‘shine’ kagayaku ‘dog’ inu SJ Mimetic Foreign -kou- kira-kira syain -ken- wan-wan doggu Word 単語 and Morpheme 形態素 Word 単語(たんご) Ex. 虎の子(とらのこ) Morpheme 形態素(けいたいそ) 手抜き (て+ぬき) 楽しさ (たのし+さ) Free morpheme 自立形態素 (じりつけいたい そ) = 「手、抜き、楽し」 Bound morpheme 従属的形態素 (じゅうぞく てきけいたいそ) = 「さ」 Analyze the following units: (1)砂あそび、(2)砂、(3)すわりこむ、 (4)名古屋発、(5)読まない、(6)ビー玉、 異形態 (いけいたい) 船 船足 船幽霊 単純語 (たんじゅんご) 手、朝、しかし Word Structure 語の構成(こうせい) Cannot be divided into smaller meaningful units 形態素 単純語 Can be divided into smaller meaningful units 派生語 (はせいご) 複合語 (ふくごうご) 活用 (かつよう) Derivation 派生 change meaning or category Base 語基(ごき) and Affix 接辞(せつじ) Ex: hada ‘skin’ + su ‘bare’ = su-hada kak ‘write’ + -(i)ta ‘want to’ = kakitai hiro ‘wide’ + -sa = width Inflection variants of the same word Ex: tabe ‘eat’ + ru = taberu tabe + ta = tabeta ooki ‘big’ + i = ookii ooki + katta = ookikatta AFFIXATION Prefixation 接頭辞(せっとうじ) mu ‘none’ + kansin ‘interest’ = mukansin Suffixation 接尾辞(せつびじ) hanasite ‘speaker’ = hanas + te COMPOUNDING Compound words 複合語(ふくごうご) Native Compounds aki + sora = akizora ‘autumn sky’ SJ Compounds ki + soku = kisoku ‘rule’ Hybrid Compounds dai + tokoro = daidokoro ‘kitchen’ garasu + mado = garasumado ‘glass window’ COMPOUNDING 刺し身→さし(stab)+み(body) 本棚→ほん(book)+たな(shelf) Head 主要部(しゅようぶ)=right element Compare: 水汲み(みずく) with 汲み水; 汲む means pump (v) Analyze: 映画音楽 and 音楽映画 Compound Verbs Sentence level 歩き続ける Vocabulary level 押しつける (1)つっこむ、(2)まよいこむ、(3)むきあう、 (4)たべはじめる、(5)みすてる、(6)ふりつもる Word Formation Affixation Compounding Reduplication Clipping Borrowing Parts of Speech 品詞(ひんし) Noun 名詞(めいし) Verb 動詞(どうし) Adjective 形容詞(けいようし) Adverb 副詞(ふくし) Postposition 助詞(じょし) Case Particle 格助詞(かくじょし) Adjectival Noun 形容動詞(けいようどうし) Verbal Noun 動名詞(どうめいし) NOUNS 名詞 co-occur with demonstratives 指示語 (しじご) can take noun modifiers which take the particle の can be linked using と associated with a conjugational paradigm VERBS 動詞 conjugational endings 活用(かつよう) nozum nozomu nozomanai nozonde nozomoo nozomeba ADJECTIVES 形容詞 conjugational endings 活用 fusawashi fusawashii fusawashikunai fusawashikatta fusawashikunakatta ADVERBS 副詞 derived from adjectives tooku, atatakaku totemo, zettai POSTPOSITIONS 助詞 cannot stand independently; placed after nouns で、へ、と、まで、から CASE PARTICLES 格助詞 Nominative が Accusative を Dative に Genitive の ADJECTIVAL NOUN 形容動詞 形容動詞 ‘adjectival verb’; ‘nominal adjectives’ have characteristics both of adjectives and nouns modify the nouns that follow them can be modified by adverbs take the copula verb, unlike the regular adjectives 形容動詞 cannot possess the grammatical functions of subject, object, etc. can be nominalized by the derivational affix – sa cannot take the derivational suffix –rashii that generates adjectives from nouns loan words modifying nouns tend to belong to this category VERBAL NOUN 動名詞 many come from Sino-Japanese compounds can occur with demonstratives require the dummy verb する in the predicate function can function as subject or object Additional 品詞 形式名詞 (けいしきめいし) こと、はず、わけ、もの 連体詞 (れんたいし) あの、いわゆる、大きな 接続詞 (せつぞくし) また、そして、ところが 感動詞 (かんどうし) まあ、はい、うん 助動詞 (じょどうし) られる、ようだ、だろう、 Assignment 問題1 Compare and analyze the forms 「通(と お)り道(みち)」 and 「通(とお)る道(みち)」 at the word level. Also, examine any change in the pronunciation of each term. 問題2 How would you differentiate 「関西(か んさい)の方言(ほうげん)」 and 「関西(かんさい) 方言(ほうげん)」? 問題3 Analyze the structure of the following words: 走(はし)り方(かた)、スキー幅(ぼう)、お 水(みず)取(と)り、 おむつ換(か)え、毛生(けは)え薬(くすり) 問題4 List 5 examples of affix which changes the category of the word/meaning of the word. For each affix, provide 2 derived words. 問題5 The affix 「御(お)」 has two allomorphs: ご and を. State the condition/s for the occurrence each allomorph. 問題6 Consider the forms 遊(あそ)び方(かた) and 遊 (あそ)び用(よう). Both are grammatical. However, if you combine these forms with 水(みず), you will have a grammatical 水(みず)遊(あそ)び用(よう) but *水(み ず)遊(あそ)び方(かた) is ungrammatical. Find the difference in the usage of 方(かた) and 用(よう). What feature/s of words can you combine with these forms? Provide examples. 問題7 In the clause 「水槽(すいそう)中にプラン クトンがいる」, there is a difference in meaning if you read 中 as ちゅう or じゅう. Identify the difference. If possible, provide other derived words for each reading of 中. 問題8 Compare and analyze the forms 「押 (お)し始(はじ)める」 and 「押(お)し付(つ)ける」.
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