☆―――★―――☆―――★―――☆―――★―――☆―――★―――☆―――★ 1st J-SSEAYP 2012 ~Find Southeast Asia in Tokyo~ ――――――――Participants are now being recruited!! ―――――――― <Application Deadline:Friday, August 10, 2012> ★―――☆―――★―――☆―――★―――☆―――★―――☆―――★―――☆ 【J(ジェイ)-SSEAYP(セアップ)とは】 このプログラムは、「東南アジア青年の船」事業(内閣府主催)に参加した20代の日本青年が、東南アジアの青 年役300人との交流を通じて痛感した、「実際の交流を通してイメージと実際との隔たりを埋めること」ができ る場をもっと、同世代の日本の若者に創り出したい、という想いから企画したものです。 第1回目のテーマは、「宗教を切り口に、東南アジア文化の多様性を見出す」ことです。東南アジアの人たちとの 少人数でのワークショップや東南アジア文化体験、寝食を共にする活動を通じて、東南アジアの文化的・習 慣的相違点に気付き、これまで東南アジアに抱いていたイメージと実際との隔たりを小さくして、世界に向け て行動していく第一歩になるきっかけとします。 【プログラム概要】 1.実施期間:平成24年9月1日(土)~9月2日(日)(1泊2日) 2.実施及び宿泊場所: 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター(東京都渋谷区代々木)、および都内訪問先 3.参加者:日本人学生16名、東南アジア出身青年16名 4.共通言語:英語、日本語 5.実施スケジュール(予定): 9月1日(土)10:00 開会 午前:アイスブレーキング ワークショップ ロールプレイ 午後:東南アジア食体験、文化体験(視察) ディスカッション 外国人ルームメイトとの交流、宿泊 9月2日(日)午前~午後:プレゼンテーション 午後:フェアウェル交流会 16:30 解散 【募集概要】 1.参加者 (1)東南アジア出身であること (2)18歳から30歳であること (3)全日程に参加可能であること (4)日常会話レベルの英語力を有すること ※日本人学生16名は、既に募集を締め切りました。 2.参加費 3,000円 (プログラム中の交通費、食費、宿泊費、ボランティア保険代を含む) ※参加者の最寄り駅から会場までの交通費は自己負担になります。 3.応募方法 応募用紙の必要事項を埋め、Email: [email protected]に添付の上、お送り下さい。 【応募〆切】 平成24年 8月10日(金) ※応募者多数の場合は、選考を行います。 結果は、8月12日(日)に応募者全員にお知らせします。 【お問い合わせ】 「J-SSEAYP」実行委員会 実行委員長:井本 望 Email: [email protected] 【共催】日本青年国際交流機構 【協賛】東京都青年国際交流機構 詳しくはこちら!! ホームページ :http://sseayp38.jimdo.com/j-sseayp/ Twitter: @JSSEAYP 【What is J-SSEAYP?】 J-SSEAYP is a cultural exchange program which aims to provide an opportunity for youth of Japan and Southeast Asia. Through workshops, cultural exchanges and spending two days together, participants will discover the cultural and habitual differences and similarities between Japan and Southeast Asian countries. Participants will be able to gain a better understanding about the culture of Southeast Asia. Overcoming stereotypes is very important to promote further friendship between the countries. Moreover, this opportunity can work for a better understanding of own culture from introducing it with each other. 【Theme of 1st J-SSEAYP】 “Discover the diversity of South East Asian culture through diverse religions.” Culture has many aspects, such as food, clothes and so on. Among these, we pay attention to “Religion”. Through this program, we wish these opportunities to serve as the door to the world for Japanese youth, and also as a step for Southeast Asian youth to have a deeper understanding of Japanese culture. 【Program Summary】 1.Date and Time:Sep 1st (Sat) to 2nd (Sun), 2012 2.Venue: ・National Olympics Memorial Youth Center (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan) ・Tokyo Metropolitan Areas 3.Participants: 32 young people (16 from Japan /16 from Southeast Asian Countries) 4.Languages: English, (Japanese) 5.Schedule: <Saturday, Sep. 1> 10:00am Opening AM: Icebreaking Game Workshop Role Play PM: Food Experience Program of Southeast, Cultural Experiences (Institutional Visit) Discussion Free time with other participants <Sunday, Sep. 2> AM: Presentations PM: Farewell Party 16:30pm Closing 6.What you can gain from J-SSEAYP!! (Notable 5 points!) ① Diversity of Southeast Asia:You will be aware of the cultural diversity of Southeast Asian countries by learning about religious diversity! ② Friendship:Even in a short period of time, spending time together two days long will allow you to make a deep friendship! ③ Pleasure of International Exchange:You can enjoy a new type of cultural exchange through fun workshops, institutional visit, and spending together! ④ Networking:Thanks to the small number of participants, you will have close communication with your new friends and this can be the start of a long lasting network! ⑤ Re-discover yourself and appreciate your own culture:Unique environment of spending together with 32 participants across borders for two days will give you an idea of how it is like to live in an international society. This will be a great opportunity to reflect and re-discover yourself and your culture! We are waiting for your application! 【Qualifications】 1.Participants (1) Those who are from Southeast Asian countries (2) 18 to 30 years old (3) Those who are able to attend all of the scheduled activities for two days (4) good command of English ※The Japanese participants have been recruited separately. 2. Participation Fee 3,000yen (This fee includes accommodation, meals, transportation for a visit in the program and volunteer activity insurance. Please pay in Japanese yen on the first day of J-SSEAYP) ※Transportation expenses to the meeting venue. 3.Application Method (1) Complete the Application form ※Attached file with this mail (2) Send it to the E-mail address: [email protected] 【The Deadline】 Friday, August 10, 2012 ※In the case of a lot of applicants, there be a selection of the most suitable candidates. We will tell all applicants about the result on Sunday, August 12. 【Application and Inquires】 SSEAYP (Ship for South East Asian Youth Program) 2011 J-SSEAYP Executive Committee E-mail: [email protected] 【Sponsorship】 International Youth Exchange Organization of Japan 【Support】 Tokyo International Youth Exchange Organization ≪What is the Ship for the Southeast Asian Youth Program ?≫ The Ship for South East Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) is a youth exchange program that has been run by the ASEAN countries and the Japanese Government since 1974. In this program, 340 participants, 40 from Japan and 300 from 10 ASEAN member countries, live on a ship together for 53 days and travel to 5 ASEAN countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) live on a ship together and engage differenced activities such as discussion and club activities. Participants visit Japan and ASEAN countries to have home-stay and visit institutions. This aims to cultivate youth capable of leadership in all social areas, to promote friendship and understanding with each other and develop the power of execution for international cooperation. J-SSEAYP is planned and organized by former Japanese participants of SSEAYP 2011. <Know More about J-SSEAYP!!!> Twitter: @JSSEAYP HP: http://sseayp38.jimdo.com/j-sseayp/
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