Internal Shocks in the Reconnection Jet in Solar Flares Turbulence Dissipation Shocks region Shocks Turbulence S.Tanuma (Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University) Outline 1. Introduction: Tearing Instability 2. MHD Simulations and Results – – – Model A: Internal Shocks in Reconnection Jet Model B1: Oblique Shocks in Reconnection Jet Model B2: Propagation of Bow Shocks 3. Discussion 4. Conclusions and Summary Internal Shocks in Reconnection Jet • We suggest that the internal shocks could be created in the reconnection jet by the secondary tearing instability. • We also suggest that the energetic electrons could be accelerated in the internal shocks. Observations • If the internal shocks could be created by the ejection of plamoids, we could explain – the “slowly drifting structures” (Karlicky 2003) and – “narrowband dm-spikes” (Barta & Karlicky 2001) in the upward jet, observed in radio. • We could also explain – the origin of energetic electrons (Masuda et al. 1994) – nonsteady plasmoid-ejection (Asai et al. 2004; McKenzie & Hudson 1999) – oscillation in the downflow (e.g., observed by TRACE on Apr.21, 2002). Basic Problems of Reconnection In the solar corona, 2 • Ion Lamor radius: 10 cm 8 • Initial current sheet thickness: 10 cm Originally, we started simulations to know • How does the fast reconnection occur (i.e., How does the current sheet becomes very thin)? • What determines the reconnection rate? (Tanuma et al. 1999, PASJ, 51, 161; Tanuma et al. 2001, ApJ, 551, 312; Shibata & Tanuma 2001, Eearth, Planets & Space, 53, 473) Tearing Instability 1. Initial current sheet linit The sheet is torn by a resistivity (0 ) 2. LinearNonlinear init tearing ( Ainit dinit )1/ 2 1/ 2 linit init 0 v A 3 tearing 10 20linit 3. NonlinearPlasmoid-ejection The sheet becomes much thin by the secondary tearing instability so that an nomalous resistivity is enhanced and the fast reconnection starts. (Furth et al. 1964) (Tanuma et al. 1999, 2001; Shibata & Tanuma 2001)。 2. MHD Simulations and Results Model A: Internal Shocks Created by the Secondary Tearing Instability z Initial Condition •Bx=Bo tanh(z/D), Bz=By=0 •Gas pressure + magnetic pressure:Uniform z •Temperature:Uniform (“Harris”-like sheet) B Gravity: g=0 160 points Specific heat ratio: g5/3 Plasma b=0.2 Jy x B •Grid size (uniform): (dx, dz)=(0.013D, 0.013D) •Grid number: (Nx, Nz)=(16000, 1600) •Simulation region size:(Lx, Lz)=(210D, 21D) (Tanuma et al., in prep.) Anomalous Resistivity Model • The electric resistivity is difined by (vd vc ) 0 2 (vd vc ) 0 (vd / vc 1) where 0 0.005, max 1, 10.0 vd Jy / :drift velocity vc 20 :threshold of onset 0 is assumed to be much larger than “numerical resistivity” due to numerical noise (0 num ) •Magnetic Reynolds (Lunquist) number Rm v A Lx / 0 2.45 169 / 0.005 82810 Gas Pressure at Reconnection Region The electric resistivity is enhanced only at the central region for a short time. z B//(1,0) Initial Current Sheet B//(-1,0) x Only central region (12.5x2.5) is shown. The current sheet becomes thin via the secondary tearing instability, and fast reconnection starts. Simulation Results (Flowchart) *The current sheet becomes thin by the tearing instability. *Sweet-Parker-like reconnection starts. *The sheet becomes much thinner by the secondary tearing instability. *The anomalous resistivity is enhanced and Petschek-like reconnection starts. *The secondary tearing instability continues in the diffusion region where the anomalous resistivity is enhanced. *Mutiple fast shocks are created by the secondary tearing instability. Time Variation of Current Sheet Thickness Tearing instability Onset of secondary tearing instability The results are explained by the analytic solution (l=0.3) of the thickness of current sheet collapsed by the tearing instability Onset of the anomalous resistivity Fast reconnection • The current sheet becomes thin gradually by the tearing instability and secondary tearing instability. • Then, anomalous resistivity are enhanced and the Petschek-like reconnection starts. Creation of Plasmoids • Many plasmoids are created by the secondary tearing instability in the diffusion region. • The interval of plasmoids is 0.54. It is much consistent with the wavelength of secondary tearing instability (0.58 in analytic solution). • Each plasmoids are resolved with 0.54/0.013=42 grids. z 0.58 Time Variation of Reconnection Rate Vin|(x,z)=(0, 2) Vin|(x,z)=(0,-2) • The inflow velocity to diffusion region (Vin) and reconnection rate (Vin/VA) vary with time. • It is due to the plasmoid-ejection and plasmoid-formation (Tanuma et al. 1999, 0.1 2001; Shibata & Tanuma 2001). (Vin/VA) 0.1 Oscillation Results of Model A • The current sheet becomes very thin via the secondary tearing instability so that the fast reconnection starts. • During Petschek reconnection, the reconnection rate is determined by plamoid-ejection. • We also find that many plasmoids are created by the secondary tearing instability and ejected, so that the multiple fast shocks are created in the reconnection jet. Model B1: Oblique Shocks in the Reconnection Jet • We examine the dependence of results on resistivity model and grid size. • In some cases, we find that oblique shocks are created in the reconnection jet. • They could be created by Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (we are now examining it). Tanuma & Shibata 2003, ICRC 2003 —The 28th International. Cosmic Ray Conf. 2003, p2277; Tanuma & Shibata 2003, ICRC 2003 —The 28th International. Cosmic Ray Conf. 2003, p3351; Tanuma, S. & Shibata, K. 2003, in IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Vol II, ASP Conf. Ser., 289, p469 Gas Pressure at Reconnection Region The electric resistivity is enhanced only at the central region for a short time.] z B//(1,0) 電流シート B//(-1,0) x • Only central region (60x5) is shown. • Large plasmoids are created and ejected. • The reconnection jet oscillates by K-H instability(?). Profiles of Reconnection Jet Dissipation region Turbulence Pg Pg z=0.0 Vx Multiple fast shocks (oblique shocks) created by the secondary tearing instability Vz z=0.2 Multiple fast shocks created by the Kelvin-Helmholtz(like) instability (we are examining it now.) The oblique shocks and turbulence can play an important role in the particle acceleration if they are created in the actual flares. Model B2: Propagation of Bow Shock The electric resistivity is enhanced only at the central region for a short time. z B//(1,0) Initial Current Sheet B//(-1,0) x • Only central region (12.5x2.5) is shown. • Large plasmoids (O-points) are created and ejected. • Bow shocks propagate along the current sheet. It is also possible site for particle acceleration. 3. Discussion Number of Accelerated Electrons D 10 • Even if multiple fast shocks could be created near the dissipation region, the electron flux to the shocks could be: dN / dt nV AW ' D 1034 /s • It could explain the impulsive flares (Masuda et al 1994): (dN / dt ) obs 103435 /s width L 1010 cm 9 cm W 109 cm L' 109 cm Internal shocks 107 cm W ' 108 cm n 109 /cm 3 , VA 108 cm/s (Tanuma & Shibata in prep.; See Tsuneta & Naito 1998) Radio Emission • We apply the simulation results to the “slowly drifting structures” (Karlicky 2003), and “narrowband dm-spikes” (Barta & Karlicky 2001) in the upward jet observed with the radio. • Time scale of these phenomena is well consistent with it of the secondary tearing instability (Karlicky 2004): ldiss tearing 2 nd _ t 30 5 10 cm 3/ 2 vA 8 -1 10 cm s 1 / 2 ( ldiss : dissipation region thickness) T 6 10 K 3/ 4 s (Fig: Karlicky 2004) Other Applications • The interval of the nonsteady plasmoid-ejection (Asai et al. 2004; McKenzie & Hudson 1999) could be also consistent with the time scale of the secondary tearing instability. • The oscillation in the downflow observed by TRACE on Apr.21, 2002 could be explained by Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the reconnection jet. 4. Conclusions and Summary • We perform MHD simulations of magnetic reconnection with a highly spatial resolution to remove the numerical resistivity. • As the results, we find that many plasmoids are created by the secondary tearing instability. They are ejected, and the multiple fast shocks are created. • We also find that the oblique shocks and bow shocks are also created in some cases. • The internal shocks are possible sites of the particle acceleration in the solar flares. References [1] Tanuma, S. et al. 1999, Publication of Astronomical Society of Japan (PASJ), 51, p161 [2] Tanuma, S. et al. 2001, Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), 551, p312 [3] Shibata, K. & Tanuma, S. 2001, Earth, Planet and Space (EPS), 53, p473 [4] Tanuma et al. 2003, Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), 582, p215 [5] Tanuma & Shibata 2003, ICRC 2003—The 28th International. Cosmic Ray Conf. 2003, ed. T. Kajita et al. (Universal Academy Press: Tokyo) , p2277 [6] Tanuma & Shibata 2003, ICRC 2003—The 28th International. Cosmic Ray Conf. 2003, ed. T. Kajita et al. (Universal Academy Press: Tokyo) , p3351 [7] Tanuma, S. & Shibata, K. 2003, in IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Vol II, ed. S. Ikeuchi, J. Hearnshaw, & T. Hanawa, ASP Conf. Ser. (Astronomical Society of Japan: Tokyo), 289, p469 [8] Tanuma, S. & Shibata, K. 2003, in Stars as Suns, IAU Symp., ed. A. Benz, ASP Conference Series (IAU), in press [9] Tanuma & Shibata in prep. 2004 Observations • If the internal shocks could be created by the ejection of plamoids, we could explain – the “slowly drifting structures” (Karlicky 2003) and – “narrowband dm-spikes” (Barta & Karlicky 2001) in the upward jet, and – “quasi-periodic pulsation (oscillation)” (Asai et al. 2001; Kamio’s talk) observed in radio. • We could also explain – the origin of energetic electrons (Masuda et al. 1994) – nonsteady plasmoid-ejection (Asai et al. 2004; McKenzie & Hudson 1999) – oscillation in the downflow (e.g., observed by TRACE on Apr.20, 2002). この研究で新しいこと • メッシュサイズに由来する数値ノイズが「数値的 電気抵抗」として働く。 • そこで、細かいメッシュと異常抵抗モデルに含ま れる一様なバック・グラウンド抵抗を仮定した。 • その結果、 「数値的電気抵抗」を消した。 • そして、セカンダリー・テアリング不安定性が発生 と(Tanuma et al. 2004)、その後のペチェック・リコ ネクション時の、異常抵抗が効いた散逸領域中 のセカンダリー・テアリング不安定性を分解した。 リコネクション領域の電流分布 初期摂動として抵抗を強める z B//(1,0) 電流シート B//(-1,0) x 計算領域のうち中心部分(12.5x2.5) を表示 Secondary Tearing Instability (Anomalous Resistivity is Enhanced) 1) The current sheet is collapsed by the secondary tearing instability. tearing ltearing 0.15 ltearing tearing 25 2) The secondary tearing instability occurs. Grid size: dx=dz=0.013 3) The secondary tearing instability continues after the anomalous resistivity sets in. 2 nd _ t* 0.58 This explains the simulation results well. リコネクション・ ジェットの断面図 Dissipation region • 0<x<6.5にプラズモイド (ショック)が12個ある。 • 波長は、 2 nd _ t* 6.5 / 12 0.54 • セカンダリー・テアリング 不安定性の波長と一致。 • ランキン・ユゴニオと 96%以上一致。 6.5 リコネクション領域の電流分布 初期摂動として抵抗を強める z B//(1,0) 電流シート B//(-1,0) x 計算領域のうち中心部分(60x10) を表示 アニメーションはメッシュの粗い場合の結果 ガス圧分布(多重衝撃波の発生) テアリング不安定性 →遅いリコネクション →セカンダリー・テアリ ング不安定性 →速い(Petschek)リコ ネクションが発生 (a)セカンダリー・テアリ ング不安定性に伴う多 重衝撃波 (b)ジェットの振動に伴 う多重衝撃波(注) (Arzner & Scholer 2001; (Tanuma et al. in prep.) Time=30 Time=35 (a) (a) Time=40 乱流 (a) (b) (b) (a) 乱流 テアリング不安定性 初期条件:β=0.2;初期の電流シートの厚み: linit 1, v init A 2.45, 0 0.005 1/ 2 3 linit init init init 1/ 2 tearing ( A d ) init 0 v A init v init A linit m, z 500 0 9 tearing ltearing アスペクト比=84 l 25 テアリング不安定性 tearing 5.6 tearing1 / 2 電気抵抗の効果で電流 ltearing (tearing / 2) m 0.15 init 1 / 4 m, z init シートが契れるようになり、 プラズモイドができる現象 (Tanuma et al. 2001; Magara & Shibata 1997) tearing m (tearing / 2)v init A 0 6000 セカンダリー・テアリング不安定性 (異常抵抗あり) 散逸領域では異常抵抗が働く。散逸領域の厚みが l l2 nd _ t ltearing の時に max 1.0 になるとすると、 1/ 2 2 nd _ t * tearing ltearing3 init max v A 0.0014 ジェット 2nd _ t* 5 tearing*1/ 4 m, z tearing 2nd _ t* b l 7 / 64 0.58 衝撃波 衝撃波 プラズマβにはあまり依存しない。異常抵抗が入るのが l2 nd _ t ltearingの時だとしても、あまり依存はしない。 Other Observations • Nonsteady plasmoid-ejection (Asai et al. 2004; McKenzie & Hudson 1999) and oscillation in the downflow (2002.4.20) observed by TRACE. • Time scale of these phenomena is also well consistent with the time scale of the secondary tearing instability. *“Quasi-periodic pulsation (QPP)” (5-16sec) (Asai et al. 2001; Kamio’s talk) (Alfven transition and fast sausage instability are also possible candidates [see Asai’ talk and Kamio’s talk]) Results(Gas Pressure) z Parallel Magnetic Field Point Explosion B Current Sheet B Parallel Magnetic Field x The central region (50x10) is shown: The simulation region is (140x230). (movie--hyperlink) (Tanuma et al 1999, 2001)
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