
Chapter 7
Grammar Point 7-1 A
Verb ましょう form
Let’s do~.
[suggestion form]
The verb ましょう form is used to make
suggestions to others. The form is made
by attaching ましょう to the verb stem (the
part before the ます).
Grammar Point 7-1 A
Let’s watch a movie!
How would you answer?
Yes, let’s!
What happens if we add a question marker?
Shall we watch a movie?
Grammar Point 7-1 A
You try:
Let’s eat lunch at the snack bar!
sunakkubaaで おひるごはんを たべましょう。
Let’s drink coffee!
koohiiを のみましょう。
What other suggestions can you make?
Grammar Point 7-1 B
Verb ませんか。
[invitation form]
Won’t you do~?/Would you like to do~?
The negative ません form plus か may have
two interpretations. It can be just a
negative question. More often, however, it
is an invitation to do something.
Grammar Point 7-1 B
「このざっしを よみませんか。」
「どうも ありがとう。」
Won’t you read this magazine?
Thank you very much.
Grammar Point 7-1 B
You try:
Won’t you drink some juice?
ジュース(juusu)を のみませんか。
Won’t you dance now?
いま ダンス(dansu)を しませんか。
Grammar Point 7-1 B
How do we decline an invitation in
There are two phrases:
No, thank you. (I’m fine.)
In Japanese it is preferable to not give an
Grammar Point 7-1 C
Specific time + particle に
On/at/in ~
There are two types of time words in
Japanese; general time and specific time.
What general time words do you already
あさ、きょう、あした、まいにち、いま, etc.
General time words are not followed by a
Grammar Point 7-1 C
General time words are not followed by a
particle! Specific time words such as にちよ
うび (Sunday)、いちじ (1 o’clock) and いちが
つ (January) are followed by the particle
に. The particle に means “at, in, or on.”
わたしは どようびに しゅくだいを しました。
I did my homework on Saturday.
Grammar Point 7-1 C
Here is a tip for deciding if a time word is
specific or general:
Use the word in English, and if you use a
“at, in, or on” it is specific.
On Friday
At 7pm
In April
If you don’t, then don’t use に!
On morning?! In tomorrow?! At now?!
Don’t do it!
Grammar Point 7-1 C
You try! Remember TTPOV!
Let’s eat sushi on Monday!
げつようびに すしを たべましょう。
I wrote a report on Wednesday.
すいようびに レポート(repooto)を かきました。