表インターフェースのための 属性付きグラフとアルゴリズム Attribute Graphs and Their Algorithms for Table Interface ○本橋友江 (早稲田大学) 土田賢省 (東洋大学) 夜久竹夫 (日本大学) WAAP 110 May.11th, 2002 1 1. Introduction Position and Scope Data Processing Number Character Strings Picture : Tables, Charts, Graphs, Pictures Scope Tables in Spread Sheet or Word Editing, Drawing, Calculation 2 Background Effectiveness of Table Processing depends on Representation Methods of Table. Known Representation Methods Quad-Tree Representation For Search Algorithm Rectangular Dual Graph Representation For Plant Layout 3 Problems In present table processing systems, Editing operation often cause unexpected results. We do not know which Representation Methods is applied. Quad-tree Rep. and Rectangular Dual Graph Rep. are not for table editing and drawing. 4 Example(unexpected results) 1 * 1 2 2 * 3 * 3 4 * 4 2を指定 列挿入 5 Our History Tree structured diagrams Attributed marked trees Combinatorial drawing algorithms Modular forms Attributed marked trees 6 Our Purpose 1. To propose Graph Representation Methods for tables in consideration of editing and drawing. 2. To investigate mathematical properties of the graphs in the representation methods. 3. To introduce typical algorithms on graphs and evaluate their complexity. 7 Our Results 1. A Graph representation method is proposed. 2. Properties of the graph is shown |nodes|in the graph = |cells| in the table. The degrees of nodes ≦ 8. 3. Algorithms for Wall move and Column Insertion are introduced, and runs in linear time. 8 Representation Method of tables Quad-Tree Representation (for search) NE NW SW SE 9 Rectangular Dual Graph Representation (for プラントレイアウト) 1 3 N 2 4 2 1 6 W 3 4 5 E 6 5 Horizontal edge Vertical edge S 10 2. Tabular Diagrams Definitions. An (n, m)-table T is a set {(i, j) | 1≦i ≦n, 1 ≦ j ≦ m} (1,1) (2,1) (1,2) (2,2) (1,3) (2,3) (2,3)-table T 11 Definitions. For an (n,m)-table T, A partial table S is a subset of T s.t. S = {(i, j) | k ≦ i ≦ l, s ≦ j ≦ t}, 1 ≦ k ≦ l ≦n, 1 ≦ s ≦ t ≦m A partition P {S1,S2,…,SN} is the set of partial tables s.t. S1∪S2∪…∪SN=T, Si∩Sj=φ cell {(1,1), (2,1)} {(1,2)} {(1,3)} {(2,2), (2,3)} partition P2 over T 12 Definitions. For an (n, m)-table T, Row grid gr:{0, 1, 2, ..., n} →R 増 Column grid gc Grid g is a pair g=(gr, gc) A Tabular Diagram D= (T, P, g). 0 1 2 0 2 3 6 Tabular diagram D2=(T,P2,g2) 13 Definitions. For a cell c={(i, j) | k ≦ i ≦ l, s ≦ j ≦ t}, north wall nw(c)=gr(k-1) south wall, east wall, west wall 0 1 2 0 2 3 6 c nw(c)=1 sw(c)=2 ew(c)=6 ww(c)=2 14 Condition*. For a tabular diagram D=(T,P,G), 1. T is a (n,m)-table, where n,m≧3. 2. P has perimeter cells with width=0 or height=0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 * * * * 3 2 66 * * * * * * Perimeter cells * * * * 15 Examples. 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 2 3 6 D2=(T,P2,g2) 3 66 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * D2*=(T*,P2*,g2*) satisfying Condition* We consider tabular diagrams satisfying Condition*. 16 3. Graph Representation of Tables Operations on Editing Tables Wall moving Insertion/deletion/unification of Row/column/cell Requirements computational complexity Suitable correspondence 17 Definitions. An attribute graph is a 6-tuple G=(V,E,L,λ,A,α), where (V,E) : multi edge graph L : label set for edges λ : E→L is the label function A is the set of attribute α : V→A is the attribute map 18 Graph representation of tables A Tabular Diagram D=(T,P,g) is represented as an attribute graph GD=(VD,ED,L,λD,A,αD) VD is identified by a partition P node⇔cell. We denote a node vc for the cell c, 19 L={enw,esw,eew,eww}, Equal north wall, equal south wall, … A = R4, αD : VD →R4 are defined for vc by αD(vc)= (nw(c),sw(c),ew(c),ww(c)). 20 ED and λD : ED→L are defined by the Rules, Rule N If cells c and d have the equal north wall, i.e. nw(c)=nw(d), and there is not such a cell between them, then an edge [vc, vd] is in ED, 21 λD [vc,vd] = enw. (equal north wall) The edge [vc,vd] is called a north wall edge. Rule S Rule E Rule W も同様 North South Wall wall edge Edge East Wall Edge West Wall Edge 22 Examples. a a va vd d c d c vc An attribute graph is called a tessellation graph, if it represents a tabular diagram. 23 Properties Let GD be tessellation graph for a tabular diagram D of an (n,m)-table. Proposition 3.1 Number of nodes in GD = number of cells in D 24 Proposition 3.2 2|ED| = 6(2n-4) + 6(2m-4) + 8k + 16. Where k is the number of non perimeter cells. The degree of node in GD is at most 8. 25 4.Algorithms MOVEEASTWALL Moved Wall δ c c D E Input Output GD=(VD,ED,L,λD,A,αD) GE=(VE,EE,L,λE,A,αE) Vc: a node δ≧0 : movement value 26 Node vc から East wall edge 隣の列を West wall edge East wall edge をたどりながら をたどりながら を上にたどる East Wall 変更 West Wall 変更 27 INSERTCOLUMN Inserted Column c D Input GD, Vc : a node E * * * * * * Output GE 28 * * * * * * 新しい列以東 Wall Move East を行う West wall edge Node vc から West wall edge をたどりながら、 1node ずつ追加 を上にたどる Edgeの更新 29 For a tabular diagram D of (n,m)-table, Theorem4.1 Algorithm MOVEEASTWALL runs in O(n) time. 30 Theorem 4.2 Algorithm INSERTCOLUMN runs in O(nm) time. Remark Algorithm INSERTCOLUMN visits only nodes which needs to change attributes. 31 5. Conclusion summary 1. An attribute Graph rep. method is proposed. 2. Properties of the graph is shown |nodes|in the graph = |cells| in the table. The degrees of nodes ≦ 8. 3. Algorithms for Wall move and Column Insertion runs in linear time. 32 Future Works XML Viewer for tessellation graph. Other Algorithms for Editing Commands Practical Processing Systems Graph Grammars for generate tessellation graphs Conditions of tessellation graph 33 34 East wall and west wall coordinates are same of x and y West wall coordinates are same of x and y East wall coordinates are same of x and y 35 Representation of table by tessellation graphs (continued) Peripheral cells and corresponding nodes Cell a is represented by node Ceiling of the cell a is represented by node z Virtual cells x and y has no valid heights Ceiling of the cell z is covered by cells x and y 36 example x y a z 37 General rules x y x x y y Cells x and y are of same ceiling coordinates Cells x and y are of same floor coordinates Cells x and y are of same ceiling and floor coordinates 38 Tables and tessellation graphs(3) A large inner cell and corresponding nodes The cell a is represented by the node x. x a 39 y x North wall and south wall coordinates are same of x and y North wall coordinates are same of x and y south wall coordinates are same of x and y 40 East wall and west wall coordinates are same of x and y East wall coordinates are same of x and y West wall coordinates are same of x and y 41 4. CONCLUSION Future Works Other Methods Relation to Mathematical Theory Graph Grammars 42 2. Known Results 図表 昔から重要な視覚的な情報媒介 コンピュータの分野でも欠かせない情報の伝達手 段、思考ツール 表:様々な分野で、数多く考案・開発 相関表 生活行為相関表、リーグ戦表、九九表 行列表 生命表、曜日表、履修科目一覧表、万年暦 三角・多角表 要因分析表、P型相関表(五角形) 配列 魔方陣、掛け算表(インド)、碁盤、ダイヤモンド・ゲーム ( 「図の体系」 出原他、日科技連より) 43 2. Known Results 表計算ソフト 利用目的 データ処理としての計算 表形式の分かり易い資料作成 多数開発 データ処理として、EXCELやLotus 資料作成として、Wordの表作成機能 Gridy、Noel、SpreadCE、GS-Calc v5.0、・・・ 44 1. Introduction 対象:資料作成のための表作成機能 主流:Word の表作成機能 問題点 表計算ソフトでは、編集結果の 予測がつかないことが起こる 対象と操作に対応するデータ構造とその変換 結果が明示されない 利用者が思考錯誤して推測している 45 1. Introduction 本研究の目標 表に必要なデータをまとめ、形式的に定義 表データに、属性付きグラフの構造を持た せる手法の提案 表の編集操作のアルゴリズムをいくつか作 成し、計算時間を評価 46 1. Introduction 本研究の目的 編集・描画を考慮した、表のデータ構造を 提案 表を属性付きグラフを用いてあらわす手法 の提案 表の編集操作のアルゴリズムをいくつか作 成し、計算時間を評価 47 Example 1. The following figure denotes a support partition {{(1,1), (2,1)}, {(1, 2)}, {(1, 3)}, {(2, 2), (2, 3)}} over (2, 3)-support. 48 Example 2. 49 Applications of Tables 計算幾何学、プラントレイアウト、 回路設計、結晶群と離散構造、 ソフトウェア工学(仕様書、表エディタ) 50 Application of Our Results Our concept may be applied to general table document processing in common spread sheet systems or common document processor. 51 Expectation of Our Results Viewer Other algorithms Practical processing systems Graph grammars for generate our graphs 52 Example 1 2 3 4 1 2を指定 列挿入 2 3 4 53 Example. Tabular diagram D2=(T,P2,g2) 0 1 2 0 2 3 6 c nw(c)=1 sw(c)=2 ew(c)=6 ww(c)=2 height(c)=1 width(c)=4 54 Condition*(続き). 2. P has perimeter cells of the form {(k,s)} satisfying one of k=1 s∈{1,2,…,m}. k=n s∈{1,2,…,m}. k∈{1,2,…,n} s=1. k∈{1,2,…,n} s=m. For a perimeter cell c={(k,s)}, width(c)=0 if s∈{1,m}. height(c)=0 if k∈{1,n}. 55
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