
Symposium – Protein Reaction Control
(Tenure Track Evaluation of Martin Grininger)
Friday, June 24, 2016, 11:00–13:20
Otto-Stern-Zentrum (OSZ), Lecture Hall H2
Ruth-Moufang-Str. 2, 60438 Frankfurt
11:00 Introduction
Prof. Dr. Enrico Schleiff, Vice-President of the GU Frankfurt
11:05 Protein Reaction Control – 5 Years as Lichtenberg Professor in Frankfurt
Jun-Prof. Dr. Martin Grininger
11:15 Assembly of the 2.6 MDa large fungal fatty acid synthase (FAS)
Manuel Fischer
11:35 Reaction control in FAS for short fatty acid production
Jan Gajewski
11:55 Towards the conformational analysis of the mammalian FAS
Christina Heil
12:15 Modularity of megasynthases
Alexander Rittner
12:35 Structural studies on megasynthases
Florian Bourdeaux and Dr. Karthik Paithankar
12:50 Next steps in megasynthase research
Ines Gößner and Jun-Prof. Dr. Martin Grininger
Organization: Jun-Prof. Dr. Martin Grininger, Institut für Organische Chemie und Chemische Biologie/
Buchmann Institut für Molekulare Lebenswissenschaften
Dr. Anja Fließ, VolkswagenStiftung