Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 1 1 2 2 4 4 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 B Philosophy BL Religion BR Christianity BS The Bible BT Doctrinal theology BV Practical theology BX Christian denominations D History (General) DA History (Great Britain) DD History (Germany) DS History (Iran) DS History (China) E History (America, General) GN Anthropology H Social Sciences (General) HD Economic history and conditions KF Law of the United States P Philology and linguistics (General) PA Classical languages and literature Folios 9 PJ Oriental languages and literatures Reference 9 BR Christianity 9 BS The Bible 9 BX Christian denominations 10 PA Classical languages and literature 10 Z Library Science Video Recordings 10 BS The Bible 10 BX Christian denominations Closed Reserves 10 BR Christianity 10 BS The Bible 10 BV Practical theology 11 PN Literature (Video Recording) Center for Hispanic Studies 11 BS The Bible 12 BX Christian denominations Archives 12 BS The Bible 12 BV Practical theology 13 BX Christian denominations Archives, Rare 13 B Philosophy (General) 13 BR Christianity 13 BV Practical theology 14 BX Christian denominations Philosophy (General) B131 .E53 v.19 2015 Encyclopedia of Indian philosophies / edited by Karl H. Potter. B3279 .H453 v.80 pt.1 2016 Vorträge, Teil 1: 1915 bis 1932 / Martin Heidegger nach den Handschriften herausgegeben von Günther Neumann. Religion BL65.L33 L397 2016 Laws of heaven, laws of nature : legal interpretations of cosmic phenomena in the ancient world = Himmelsgesetze, Naturgesetze : rechtsförmige Interpretationen kosmischer Phänomene in der antiken Welt / Konrad Schmid, Christoph Uehlinger (eds.). BL312 .T487 2016 Introduction to mythology : contemporary approaches to classical and world myths / Eva M. Thury, Drexel University Margaret K. Devinney, Temple University. BL723 .S647 2015 Household gods : private devotion in ancient Greece and Rome / Alexandra Sofroniew. Page 1 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 BL805 .S34513 2016 The gods, the state, and the individual : reflections on civic religion in Rome / John Scheid translated and with a foreword by Clifford Ando. Christianity BR65 .A6 E545 v.2 2016 Confessions / Augustine edited and translated by Carolyn J.-B. Hammond. BR65.A9 D748 2013 Image, Identity, and the forming of the Augustinian soul / Matthew Drever. BR305.3 .D596 2016 The church in the early modern age / C. Scott Dixon. BR350.B93 A4 v.10 2016 Correspondance de Martin Bucer / publié par Jean Rott. BR855 .M435 2016 Medizin- und kulturgeschichtliche Konnexe des Pietismus : Heilkunst und Ethik, arkane Traditionen, Musik, Literatur und Sprache : in memoriam Christa Habrich / Irmtraut Sahmland, Hans-Jürgen Schrader (Hg.). BR857.W4 V4 v.108 2012 Jahrbuch für westfälische Kirchengeschichte. BR857.W4 V4 v.109 2013 Jahrbuch für westfälische Kirchengeschichte. BR857.W4 V4 v.110 2014 Jahrbuch für westfälische Kirchengeschichte. BR857.W4 V4 v.111 2015 Jahrbuch für westfälische Kirchengeschichte. BR1640.A25 E447 2016 The emergence of evangelical spirituality : the age of Edwards, Newton, and Whitefield / edited and with an introduction by Tom Schwanda foreword by Mark A. Noll. BR1640 .W584 2015 The problem with evangelical theology : testing the exegetical foundations of Calvinism, Dispensationalism, Wesleyanism, and Pentecostalism / Ben Witherington III. The Bible BS410 .S78 2015 Liber annuus. Page 2 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 BS580.A3 J678 2016 Ibrahim, der Gottesfreund : Idee und Problem einer Abrahamischen Ökumene / Hanna Nouri Josua. BS680.P64 M555 2016 Calling on the name of the Lord : a biblical theology of prayer / J. Gary Millar. BS1136 .C758 v.5 2015 Critique textuelle de l'Ancien Testament / [édité par] Dominique Barthélemy rapport final du Comité pour l'analyse textuelle de l'Ancien Testament hébreu institué par l'Alliance biblique universelle établi en coopération avec Alexander R. Hulst [and others]. BS1199.A53 C654 2015 Colères et repentirs divins / actes du colloque organisé par le Collège de France, Paris, les 24 et 25 avril 2013 Jean-Marie Durand, Lionel Marti, Thomas Römer (éds.). BS1305.52 .E346 2016 Dismembering the whole : composition and purpose of Judges 19-21 / Cynthia Edenburg. BS1430.52 .A883 2016 Implications of Davidic repentance : a synchronic analysis of Book 2 of the Psalter (Psalms 4272) / Stefan M. Attard. BS1485.52 .S588 2016 The Song of Songs and the fashioning of identity in early Latin Christianity / Karl Shuve. BS1515.6.K48 P375 2016 Das Spannungsfeld zwischen göttlichem und menschlichem Königtum in Jes 1-39 : semantische Untersuchung zur zentralen theologischen Aussage über das Königtum JHWHs / Paul Hyungsoon Park. BS1625.53 .D54813 2016 Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah / Walter Dietrich. BS1830.A64 A834 2016 The ascension of Isaiah / Jan N. Bremmer, Thomas R. Karmann, Tobias Nicklas. BS2290 .L89 2016 Exegetische Aufsätze / Ulrich Luz. BS2325 .J664 2016 New Testament texts on Greek amulets from late antiquity / Brice C. Jones. BS2344.52 .F749 2015 Der Brief des Judas und der zweite Brief des Petrus / von Jörg Frey. Page 3 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 BS2595.52 .B553 2013 As the bandit will I confess you : Luke 23, 39-43 in early Christian interpretation / Mark Glen Bilby. BS2615.52 .H863 2016 A divine round trip the literary and christological function of the Descent/Ascent Leitmotiv in the Gospel of John / Susan Elizabeth Humble. BS2615.52 .P475 2016 The pericope of the adulteress in contemporary research / edited by David Alan Black and Jacob N. Cerone. BS2650.52 .R446 2015 Reformation readings of Paul : explorations in history and exegesis / edited by Michael Allen and Jonathan A. Linebaugh. BS2685.52 .R434 2016 Is the Christian in the flesh? : An apocalyptic reading Galatians 5:16-26 / by Michael J. Redeker. Doctrinal theology BT83.59 .C666 2015 Common goods : economy, ecology, and political theology / Melanie Johnson-DeBaufre, Catherine Keller, and Elias Ortega-Aponte, editors. BT83.595 .K554 2013 Liberalism versus postliberalism : the great divide in twentieth-century theology / John Allan Knight. BT203 .L569 2016 Facets of Pauline discourse in Christocentric and Christotelic perspective / Dan Lioy. BT825 .C378 2016 The Executioner's Redemption / Timothy R. Carter. BT1480 .C436 2015 Harmless freedom : John Biddle, John Knowles and the reception of Polish socinian defences of toleration, c. 1650-1665 / by Justin Champion. Practical theology BV601.3 .B474 2016 Catholicity challenging ethnicity an ecclesiological study of congregations and churches in postapartheid South Africa / Erik Berggren. BV770 .B376 2016 Church startups and money : the myths & realities of chuch planters & finances / A Barna report produced in partnership with Thrivent Financial. Page 4 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 BV2750 .P755 v.1 2015 Contemporary issues in mission. Volume one : what Christians need to know / Thorsten Prill. BV2830 .A5 v.2 1916 Christian work in Latin America / being the reports of Commissions I [-VIII] ... presented to the Congress on Christian work in Latin America, Panama, February, 1916. BV2830 .A5 v.3 1916 Christian work in Latin America / being the reports of Commissions I [-VIII] ... presented to the Congress on Christian work in Latin America, Panama, February, 1916. BV3265 .D5 1920-1921 Directory of churches and missions in India and Pakistan. BV3265 .D5 1922 Directory of churches and missions in India and Pakistan. BV3265 .D5 1924-1925 Directory of churches and missions in India and Pakistan. BV3265 .D5 1926-1927 Directory of churches and missions in India and Pakistan. BV3265 .D5 1928-1929 Directory of churches and missions in India and Pakistan. BV3265 .D5 1932-1933 Directory of churches and missions in India and Pakistan. BV3265 .D5 1936-1937 Directory of churches and missions in India and Pakistan. BV3265 .D5 1938-1939 Directory of churches and missions in India and Pakistan. BV3265 .D5 1940-1941 Directory of churches and missions in India and Pakistan. BV3265 .D5 1947-1949 Directory of churches and missions in India and Pakistan. BV3265 .D5 1951 Directory of churches and missions in India and Pakistan. BV3415 .C46 1914 China and the Gospel / China Inland Mission. Page 5 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 BV3415 .C46 1917 China and the Gospel / China Inland Mission. BV4070.C69 D62 2016 no.1 Jesus, the new temple : Mark 11:20-25 in its narrative context / by Daniel Jeffrey Berge. BV4070.C69 D65 2016 no.1 Christ, church, and world : a Christological ecclesiology for post-Christendom / by Theodore J. Hopkins. BV4070.C69 D65 2016 no.2 Burmese nationalism and Christianity in Myanmar: Christian identity and witness in Myanmar today / Zam Khat Kham. BV4070.C69 D65 2016 no.3 Hindutva nationalism and civil government in India : towards a theology of engagement from Luther's two realm perspective / by Sam Thompson. BV4070.C69 D68 2016 no.1 Formulating an effective means of bringing more adult males into active participation in the church / by Nicholas Salifu. BV4070.C69 D68 2016 no.2 Doctrine as pastoral care at Bethel Lutheran, Gurnee, Illinois, to support members who are in multi-denominational settings / by Benjamin C. Squires. BV4070.C69 D68 2016 no.3 Worship and devotion / by Eric E. Tritten. BV4070.S86 W555 2009 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1859-2009 / Gregory Wills. BV5077.E85 C4713 v.2 2015 the mystic fable / Michel de Certeau translated by Michael B. Smith. Christian denominations BX1912 .I245 2016 Die Identität der katholischen Priester im Licht des II. Vatikanums und das priesterliche Leben in Igbo-Diözesen Nigerias eine theologisch-rechtliche Untersuchung / Polycarp Ibekwe. BX4705.J43 G473 2016 Die Geschichte vom Leben des Johannes, Abt des Klosters Gorze / herausgegeben und übersetzt von Peter Christian Jacobsen. BX4832.5 .S355 2016 Revolution, Exil und Befreiung der Boom des lateinamerikanischen Protestantismus in der internationalen Ökumene in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren / Annegreth Schilling. Page 6 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 BX4930 .A534 1532 (768) Das ander thail, wie der Pfarherr nach dent Knecht schicht, Vnd wie sy sich weytter mit ainander ersprachen, Von wegen des Predigampts, Tauffs, Abentmals, vnnd rechter Christlicher Gemain ... [microform]. BX8018 .S749 2015 Lutheran patristic catholicity : the Vincentian canon and the consensus patrum in Lutheran orthodoxy / Quentin D. Stewart. BX8061.M7 A25c 2007 Convention workbook. BX8129.I53 P744 2016 In pursuit of faithfulness : conviction, conflict, and compromise in Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference / Rich Preheim. History (General) D117 .N48 1995 v.2 the New Cambridge medieval history / edited by Rosamond McKitterick. D639.R4 S637 2015 Revisiting religion and the British soldier in the First World War / by Michael Snape. History (Great Britain) DA260 .A746 2016 The Richard III reinterment liturgies : an account of the planning and execution of the ceremonies and liturgical reburial of the bones of King Richard III in Leicester Cathedral in Passion Week 2015 / by Johannes Arens, Alexandra Buckle, Gordon Campbell and Tim Stratford edited by Tim Stratford, Archdeacon of Leicester. History (Germany) DD3 .M83 v.70 2016 Von der Cour des Bourgeois zum öffentlichen Notariat : die freiwillige Gerichtsbarkeit in den Kreuzfahrerstaaten / Hans Eberhard Mayer. DD3 .M83 v.72 2016 Papst Gregor VII. und das Zeitalter der Reform : Annäherungen an eine europäische Wende : ausgewählte Aufsätze / Horst Fuhrmann herausgegeben von Martina Hartmann unter Mitarbeit von Anna Claudia Nierhoff und Detlev Jasper. History (Iran) DS251 .I77 v.51 2016 Iranica antiqua / sous la direction de R. Ghirshman et L. Vanden Berghe. Page 7 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 History (China) DS735 .C3145 v.9 pt.2 2016 the Cambridge history of China / general editors, Denis Twitchett and John K. Fairbank. History (America, General) E184.J3 E83 2016 Enfolding silence : the transformation of Japanese American religion and art under oppression / Brett J. Esaki. Anthropology GN778.22.S65 J474 2016 Die Bronzegefässe in Slowenien / von Mojca Jereb. GN778.32.P19 B469 2016 The land before the kingdom of Israel : a history of the Southern Levant and the people who populated it / Brendon C. Benz. Social Sciences (General) H61.295 .S847 2016 Die Agyptische Ich-erzahlung Eine Narratologische Untersuchung / Claudia Suhr. Economic history and conditions HD57.7 .K689 2016 Learning leadership : the five fundamentals of becoming an exemplary leader / James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner. Law of the United States KF358 .O5 2016 On secular governance : Lutheran perspectives on contemporary legal issues / edited by Ronald W. Duty and Marie A. Failinger. Philology and linguistics (General) P53.27 .T728 2015 Traditions of eloquence : the Jesuits and modern rhetorical studies / edited by Cinthia Gannett and John Brereton. Page 8 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 Classical languages and literature PA3308 .P8 v.29 Index 2016 Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten / herausgegeben im Auftrage der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in Strassburg von Friedrich Preisigke. PA6238 .B2 2016 Civil war / Caesar edited and translated by Cynthia Damon. PA6639 .E5 v.1 1969 Letters and Panegyricus / Pliny with an English translation by Betty Radice. PA6639 .E5 v.2 1969 Letters and Panegyricus / Pliny with an English translation by Betty Radice. PA8500 .E738 v.16 2015 the correspondence of Erasmus / translated by R.A.B. Mynors and D.F.S. Thomson annotated by Wallace K. Ferguson. Folios Oriental languages and literatures PJ3721.B6 K39 v.65 2015 Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi. Reference Christianity BR324.D52 Lfg.15 2016 Wörterbuch zu Martin Luthers Deutschen Schriften : Wortmonographien zum Lutherwortschatz / von Renate und Gustav Bebermeyer. The Bible BS480 .E538 2016 The enduring authority of the Christian scriptures / edited by D.A. Carson. BS2665.53 .M533 v.2 2013 Romans / Michael P. Middendorf. Christian denominations BX8061.M7 A25c 2016 Convention workbook. Page 9 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 BX8061.M7 A25c 2016 Biog. Convention workbook. Classical languages and literature PA851 .W355 1996 Greek grammar beyond the basics : an exegetical syntax of the New Testament / Daniel B. Wallace. Library Science Z731 .A447 v.2 2016-2017 American library directory : a classified list of libraries in the United States and Canada, with personnel and statistical data. Video Recordings The Bible DVD BS2506 .A667 1999 The Apostle Paul [videorecording] : purpose and passion / with Tom Wright, Pat Taylor Ellison, Mark Horst. DVD BS2548 .W754 2007 Jesus' resurrection [videorecording] : then and now / Tom Wright. Christian denominations DVD BX8065.3 .S284 2002 Saved by grace, now what? [videorecording]. Closed Reserves Christianity BR115.A8 P4513 1990 Only the lover sings : art and contemplation / Josef Pieper translated by Lothar Krauth. The Bible BS680.F74 A766 2015 Building friendships : the foundation for missional engagement / Dave Arnold. Practical theology BV652.2 .D663 2012 Leading life-changing small groups / Bill Donahue. Page 10 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 BV652.2 .S437 2008 Activate : an entirely new approach to small groups / Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas. BV652.2 .S748 2014 Transformational groups : creating a new scorecard for groups / Ed Stetzer + Eric Geiger. BV652.2 .S877 2015 Small groups for the rest of us : how to design your small groups to reach the fringes / Chris Surratt foreword by Pete Wilson. BV4517.5 .D637 2014 Called together : a guide to forming missional communities / Jonathan K. Dodson and Brad Watson. BV4520 .G454 2012 Transformational discipleship : how people really grow / Eric Geiger, Michael Kelley, Philip Nation. BV4637 .H435 2009 Becoming a woman of faith / Cynthia Heald. Literature (Video Recording) DVD PN1997.2 .S664 2015 The song [videorecording] / Samuel Goldwyn Films presents in association with City On A Hill Studio a City On A Hill Productions film produced by Cassandra Arza Pelan, Shane Sooter written and directed by Richard Ramsey. Center for Hispanic Studies The Bible BS1505.53 .D574 2016 La alianza en los profetas / Elena Di Pede. BS2515 .B63518 2014 Simon Pedro : en la Escritura y en la memoria / Markus Bockmuehl [traducción de Francisco Javier Molina de la Torre.]. BS2615.53 .B488 2016 Comentario al evangelio de Juan Johannes Beutler traductor: Gerardo Vanegas BS2650.52 .G736 2016 La teología de la reconciliación en las cartas de san Pablo / Juan Manuel Granados Rojas. BS2675.53 .C673 2016 1 y 2 Corintios 1 y 2 Tesalonicenses / Eduardo Córdova González. Page 11 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 BS2795.3 .B769 1994 La Primera carta de Pedro / Norbert Brox [tradujo Manuel Olasagasti Gaztelumendi]. Christian denominations BX1378.7 .C384 2016 Amoris laetitia : exhortación apostólica postsinodal a los obispos, a los presbíteros y diáconos, a las personas consagradas, a los esposos cristianos y a todos los fieles laicos sobre el amor e del Santo Padre Francisco. Archives The Bible BS2685.52 .R434 2016 Is the Christian in the flesh? : An apocalyptic reading Galatians 5:16-26 / by Michael J. Redeker. Practical theology BV4070.C69 D62 2016 no.1 Jesus, the new temple : Mark 11:20-25 in its narrative context / by Daniel Jeffrey Berge. BV4070.C69 D65 2016 no.1 Christ, church, and world : a Christological ecclesiology for post-Christendom / by Theodore J. Hopkins. BV4070.C69 D65 2016 no.2 Burmese nationalism and Christianity in Myanmar: Christian identity and witness in Myanmar today / Zam Khat Kham. BV4070.C69 D65 2016 no.3 Hindutva nationalism and civil government in India : towards a theology of engagement from Luther's two realm perspective / by Sam Thompson. BV4070.C69 D68 2016 no.1 Formulating an effective means of bringing more adult males into active participation in the church / by Nicholas Salifu. BV4070.C69 D68 2016 no.2 Doctrine as pastoral care at Bethel Lutheran, Gurnee, Illinois, to support members who are in multi-denominational settings / by Benjamin C. Squires. BV4070.C69 D68 2016 no.3 Worship and devotion / by Eric E. Tritten. Page 12 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 Christian denominations BX8065.3 .H334 2016 Why on earth are you still a Lutheran? : memoirs of a heretic / Norm Habel. Archives, Rare Philosophy (General) B43 .W35 1775 v.1 Iohann Georg Walchs philosophisches Lexicon : worinnen die in allem Theilen der Philosophie, vorkommende Materien und Kunstwörter erkläret, aus der Historie erläutert, der Streitigkeiten der ältern und neuen Philosophen erzehlet, beurtheilet, und die dahin gehörigen Schriften angeführet werden, mit vielen neuen Zusätzen und Artikeln vermehret, und bis auf gegenwärtige Zeiten fortgesetzet, wie auch mit einer kurzen kritischen Geschichte der Philosophie aud dem bruckerischen grossen Werke versehen / von Iustus Christian Hennings. B43 .W35 1775 v.2 Iohann Georg Walchs philosophisches Lexicon : worinnen die in allem Theilen der Philosophie, vorkommende Materien und Kunstwörter erkläret, aus der Historie erläutert, der Streitigkeiten der ältern und neuen Philosophen erzehlet, beurtheilet, und die dahin gehörigen Schriften angeführet werden, mit vielen neuen Zusätzen und Artikeln vermehret, und bis auf gegenwärtige Zeiten fortgesetzet, wie auch mit einer kurzen kritischen Geschichte der Philosophie aud dem bruckerischen grossen Werke versehen / von Iustus Christian Hennings. B2788 .1794 Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft / vorgestellt von Immanuel Kant. Christianity BR375 .W43 1845 v.1 Geschichte der akatholischen Kirchen und Secten von Grossbritannien. Ersten Theils erster[zweiter] Band / von Georg Weber, Hauptlehrer an der höhern Bürgerschule in Heidelberg. The Bible BS1475 .Z67 1900z Gottestrost : der Prediger Salomo / kurz ausgelegt von D. C.M. Zorn. Practical theology BV4277 .Y68 1900z Come into my heart : eight Lenten-evangelistic sermons / by Henry Young. Page 13 of 14 Concordia Seminary Library New Items May 16, 2016–June 15, 2016 Christian denominations BX7630 .G68 1799 v.1 the history of the people called Quakers / abridged from the writings of John Gough, William Sewell, &c. BX7630 .G68 1799 v.2 the history of the people called Quakers / abridged from the writings of John Gough, William Sewell, &c. BX8061.M7 A25c 2016 Convention workbook. BX8061.M7 A25c 2016 Biog. Convention workbook. BX8069 .A2 1825 Confessio Augustana : ad fidem editionis principis in usum scholarum academicarum denuo typis exscribendam curavit brevique annotatione instruxit / Dr. Georg. Benedict. Winer, theol. in Acad. Erlang. P.P.O. BX8080.H43 W55 1859 Dr. Jacob Heilbrunner : ein Held unter den Streitern Jesu Christ / dargestellt von Fr. Karl Wild, evangelischem Pfarrer in Kirchheim am Ries mit Heilbrunners Bildniss. Page 14 of 14
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