Meisterschaft NLB / Championnat LNB - Saison 2016 / 17 Jeu No Die/mar 02.08. - Sam/sam 06.08.16 Ref-Camp (no games till Sat 18:00h) Fre/ven 05.08.2016 Hockey Awards in Bern 16:00 16:00 17:00 17:45 18:15 153 154 149 150 151 152 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 155 157 Sam/sam 29.10.2016 (15) 158 17:00 GCK Lions - Visp 159 17:30 Langenthal - HCB Ticino Rockets 160 17:30 Winterthur - Ajoie 19:45 Lakers - Olten 20:00 Chaux-de-Fds - EVZ Academy 162 20:00 Thurgau - Red Ice 165 161 Son/dim 30.10.2016 Swiss Hockey Day 163 166 164 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 Cup 1/8 - Final 7 8 5 6 17:30 18:15 18:45 19:45 Sam/sam 10.09.2016 (2) Langenthal - Olten Red Ice - Chaux-de-Fds EVZ Academy - GCK Lions Lakers - Winterthur 11 9 10 12 13 14 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 Die/mar 13.09.2016 (3) Lakers - Ajoie Chaux-de-Fds - HCB Ticino Rockets GCK Lions - Olten Langenthal - Red Ice Thurgau - Visp Winterthur - EVZ Academy 17:00 17:30 17:45 18:15 18:45 20:00 Sam/sam 17.09.2016 (4) HCB Ticino Rockets - Langenthal Olten - Lakers Visp - GCK Lions Red Ice - Thurgau EVZ Academy - Chaux-de-Fds Ajoie - Winterthur 19:45 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 Die/mar 20.09.2016 (5) Lakers - Thurgau Red Ice - EVZ Academy Visp - Winterthur Chaux-de-Fds - Langenthal GCK Lions - HCB Ticino Rockets Olten - Ajoie 17:30 17:30 18:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 Sam/sam 24.09.2016 (6) Langenthal - GCK Lions Winterthur - HCB Ticino Rockets EVZ Academy - Olten Lakers - Visp Ajoie - Red Ice Thurgau - Chaux-de-Fds Die/mar 27.09.2016 Cup 1/16 - Final 402 409 403 412 416 413 405 410 145 208 147 148 146 Die/mar&Mit/mer 25./26.10.2016 Fre/ven 09.09.2016 (1) Chaux-de-Fds - Ajoie HCB Ticino Rockets - EVZ Academy Olten - Visp Winterthur - Thurgau 30 32 28 29 27 31 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 17:00 17:00 17:30 17:45 20:00 20:00 Nationalteam Kick Off days 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 23 25 26 21 22 24 Jeu No 143 141 142 144 Sam/sam 22.10.2016 (13) GCK Lions - Lakers HCB Ticino Rockets - Ajoie Langenthal - EVZ Academy Visp - Red Ice Chaux-de-Fds - Winterthur Thurgau - Olten Fre/ven & Sam/sam 05 .& 06.08.16 1 2 3 4 17 18 20 19 16 15 Jeu No 70 71 72 74 69 73 19:30 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:15 Düdingen Bulls Visp Red Ice Frauenfeld Winterthur GCK Lions Star-Forward Wiki-Münsingen - Genève SCL Tigers FR Gottéron EHC Kloten Lakers HCAP Biel (à Morges) Zug Mit/mer 28.09.2016 Cup 1/16 - Final 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 76 79 80 75 77 78 82 84 86 83 81 85 19:45 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 Fre/ven 28.10.2016 (14) EVZ Academy - Winterthur Red Ice - Langenthal Visp - Thurgau Ajoie - Lakers HCB Ticino Rockets - Chaux-de-Fds Olten - GCK Lions 31.10.-06.11.16 IIHF-Break 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 Die/mar 08.11.2016 (16) EVZ Academy - Red Ice Ajoie - Olten HCB Ticino Rockets - GCK Lions Langenthal - Chaux-de-Fds Thurgau - Lakers Winterthur - Visp 97 98 93 94 95 96 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 Fre/ven 11.11.2016 (17) Red Ice - Ajoie Visp - Lakers Chaux-de-Fds - Thurgau GCK Lions - Langenthal HCB Ticino Rockets - Winterthur Olten - EVZ Academy 103 99 101 102 100 17:00 17:30 17:30 17:30 18:15 180 183 Son/dim 13.11.2016 (18) 184 Thurgau - HCB Ticino Rockets 179 Ajoie - Chaux-de-Fds 181 Lakers - Red Ice 182 Langenthal - Visp EVZ Academy - GCK Lions 19:45 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 Davos (Blick TV) ZSC Lions Bern Chaux-de-Fds Lugano Lausanne 109 110 105 106 107 108 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 Die/mar 15.11.2016 (19) Red Ice - Winterthur Visp - Ajoie Chaux-de-Fds - Lakers GCK Lions - Thurgau HCB Ticino Rockets - EVZ Academy Olten - Langenthal 34 35 36 38 33 17:00 17:00 17:30 17:45 20:00 Sam/sam 01.10.2016 (7) GCK Lions - EVZ Academy HCB Ticino Rockets - Thurgau Olten - Winterthur Visp - Langenthal Chaux-de-Fds - Ajoie 111 113 114 116 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 Fre/ven 18.11.2016 (20) Chaux-de-Fds - Visp HCB Ticino Rockets - Olten Langenthal - Thurgau Winterthur - Lakers 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 Die/mar 04.10.2016 (8) EVZ Academy - HCB Ticino Rockets Lakers - Chaux-de-Fds Ajoie - Visp Langenthal - Olten Thurgau - GCK Lions Winterthur - Red Ice Olten (in Reinach AG) Langenthal Die/mar 04.10.2016 CHL Qualifikation 1/16 Final (1) Fre/ven 07.10.2016 48 20:00 Langenthal - Ajoie (9) 47 50 46 45 17:00 17:30 18:45 20:00 Sam/sam 08.10.2016 (9) HCB Ticino Rockets - Visp Winterthur - Thurgau EVZ Academy - Lakers Chaux-de-Fds - GCK Lions Sam/sam 19.11.2016 112 15:45 EVZ Academy - Ajoie (20) 118 121 117 119 120 122 16:00 16:00 17:30 17:30 17:30 18:15 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 Argovia Stars Brandis Wetzikon Dübendorf HCB Ticino Rockets Sierre Thurgau Ajoie 40 41 39 42 43 44 167 172 168 169 170 171 175 173 174 176 177 178 19:30 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:45 Son/dim 20.11.2016 (21) GCK Lions - Chaux-de-Fds Thurgau - Winterthur Ajoie - Langenthal Lakers - EVZ Academy Olten - Red Ice Visp - HCB Ticino Rockets *Die/mar 22.11.2016 49 19:45 Red Ice - Olten (9) 124 19:45 EVZ Academy - Thurgau (22) Die/mar&Mit/mer 22./23.11.2016 Cup 1/4 - Final 185 188 186 187 189 190 16:00 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 193 196 191 192 194 195 17:00 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 198 197 201 202 200 199 429 53 56 51 52 54 55 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 Die/mar 11.10.2016 CHL Qualifikation 1/16 Final (2) 58 59 60 62 57 61 17:00 17:00 17:30 17:45 20:00 20:00 Sam/sam 15.10.2016 (11) GCK Lions - Ajoie HCB Ticino Rockets - Lakers Langenthal - Winterthur Visp - Olten Chaux-de-Fds - Red Ice Thurgau - EVZ Academy 64 65 67 63 66 68 19:45 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 Die/mar 18.10.2016 (12) EVZ Academy - Visp Lakers - Langenthal Red Ice - HCB Ticino Rockets Ajoie - Thurgau Olten - Chaux-de-Fds Winterthur - GCK Lions 125 127 123 126 128 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 Fre/ven 25.11.2016 (22) Lakers - HCB Ticino Rockets Red Ice - Chaux-de-Fds Ajoie - GCK Lions Olten - Visp Winterthur - Langenthal 130 131 133 129 132 134 16:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 17:30 17:45 Son/dim 27.11.2016 (23) GCK Lions - Winterthur HCB Ticino Rockets - Red Ice Thurgau - Ajoie Chaux-de-Fds - Olten Langenthal - Lakers Visp - EVZ Academy 136 137 139 135 138 140 19:45 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 Die/mar 29.11.2016 (24) EVZ Academy - Langenthal Lakers - GCK Lions Red Ice - Visp Ajoie - HCB Ticino Rockets Olten - Thurgau Winterthur - Chaux-de-Fds *Die/mar 22.11.16 & Don/jeu 05.01.17 If a team is still involved in the Swiss Cup, game will be postphoned to another date which has tbd. EVZ Academy Game in Sursee EVZ Academy Game in Acadamy Arena Zug EVZ Academy Game in Bossard Arena Langenthal Ajoie Thurgau Red Ice Winterthur EVZ Academy Die/mar 27.12.2016 (33) EVZ Academy - Chaux-de-Fds Red Ice - Visp Langenthal - Lakers Olten - HCB Ticino Rockets Thurgau - Ajoie Winterthur - GCK Lions 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 Chaux-de-Fds GCK Lions HCB Ticino Rockets Lakers Olten Visp 283 284 285 286 287 288 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 Son/dim 12.02.2017 (50) Ajoie - Chaux-de-Fds EVZ Academy - Visp Langenthal - HCB Ticino Rockets Red Ice - Lakers Thurgau - GCK Lions Winterthur - Olten Fre/ven 10.02.2017 (49) - Winterthur EVZ Academy Red Ice Thurgau Langenthal Ajoie Die/mar 17.01.17 37 233 234 235 236 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 Fre/ven 20.01.2017 (41) Red Ice - Lakers Ajoie - Chaux-de-Fds GCK Lions - EVZ Academy Olten - Langenthal Thurgau - Winterthur 240 237 238 239 16:00 17:30 17:45 17:45 Son/dim 22.01.2017 (42) Winterthur - Lakers Chaux-de-Fds - Red Ice EVZ Academy - HCB Ticino Rockets Visp - Olten Die/mar 20.12.2016 (31) EVZ Academy - Olten Ajoie - Red Ice Chaux-de-Fds - HCB Ticino Rockets GCK Lions - Lakers Thurgau - Visp 242 19:45 Winterthur - Langenthal 245 19:45 246 19:45 Fre/ven 23.12.2016 (32) 241 20:00 Lakers - Chaux-de-Fds 243 20:00 Red Ice - Thurgau 244 20:00 Visp - GCK Lions HCB Ticino Rockets - Winterthur Langenthal - EVZ Academy 249 17:00 Olten - Ajoie 250 17:00 251 17:30 252 17:30 26.12. - 31.12.16 Spengler Cup 247 20:00 26.12.16 - 06.01.17 U20 WM 248 20:00 430 206 203 205 207 - Jeu No 277 278 279 280 281 282 CHL 1/2 - Final Game 2 257 258 253 254 255 256 Die/mar 24.01.2017 (43) Lakers - GCK Lions Red Ice - Ajoie Visp - Thurgau HCB Ticino Rockets - Chaux-de-Fds Langenthal - Winterthur Olten - EVZ Academy Sam/sam 28.01.2017 (44) EVZ Academy - Langenthal GCK Lions - Visp Thurgau - Red Ice Winterthur - HCB Ticino Rockets Ajoie - Olten Chaux-de-Fds - Lakers 19:45 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 20:00 Fre/ven 30.12.2016 (34) EVZ Academy - Red Ice 431 Visp - Lakers Ajoie - HCB Ticino Rockets Chaux-de-Fds - Olten GCK Lions - Langenthal 260 19:45 Thurgau - Winterthur 263 19:45 259 20:00 Mon/lun 02.01.2017 (35) 261 20:00 16:00 GCK Lions - Ajoie 262 20:00 17:30 Chaux-de-Fds - Thurgau 264 20:00 17:30 Olten - Red Ice 17:45 Visp - Langenthal 18:00 Lakers - Winterthur 268 16:00 20:00 HCB Ticino Rockets - EVZ Academy 269 17:00 265 17:30 266 17:30 Die/mar&Mit/mer 04./05.01.2017 270 17:45 Cup 1/2 - Final 267 18:15 Die/mar 31.01.2017 (45) Lakers - Langenthal Visp - Red Ice Ajoie - Thurgau Chaux-de-Fds - EVZ Academy GCK Lions - Winterthur HCB Ticino Rockets - Olten Mit/mer 01.02.2017 Cup - Final Fre/ven 03.02.2017 (46) Lakers - Visp Red Ice - EVZ Academy HCB Ticino Rockets - Ajoie Langenthal - GCK Lions Olten - Chaux-de-Fds Winterthur - Thurgau Son/dim 05.02.2017 (47) GCK Lions - HCB Ticino Rockets Thurgau - Langenthal Ajoie - Lakers Chaux-de-Fds - Red Ice Visp - Olten EVZ Academy - Winterthur 06.02.-12.02.17 IIHF-Break 428 Die/mar 11.10.2016 (10) Lakers - Winterthur Visp - Chaux-de-Fds Ajoie - EVZ Academy GCK Lions - Red Ice Olten - HCB Ticino Rockets Thurgau - Langenthal Son/dim 18.12.2016 (30) HCB Ticino Rockets - GCK Lions Winterthur - EVZ Academy Lakers - Ajoie Langenthal - Thurgau Olten - Visp Red Ice - Chaux-de-Fds *Don/jeu 05.01.2017 204 19:45 EVZ Academy - GCK Lions (36) 427 HCB Ticino Rockets Chaux-de-Fds GCK Lions Lakers Olten Visp Son/dim 04.12.2016 (26) GCK Lions - HCB Ticino Rockets Winterthur - Chaux-de-Fds Die/mar 10.01.2017 (38) Thurgau - Lakers 215 19:45 EVZ Academy - Ajoie Visp - Langenthal 218 19:45 Red Ice - GCK Lions Red Ice - Ajoie 216 20:00 Langenthal - Chaux-de-Fds 217 20:00 Olten - Lakers Die/mar 06.12.2016 (27) 219 20:00 Thurgau - HCB Ticino Rockets Lakers - Olten 220 20:00 Winterthur - Visp Visp - Winterthur Ajoie - EVZ Academy Die/mar 10.01.17 Chaux-de-Fds - Langenthal CHL 1/2 - Final Game 1 GCK Lions - Red Ice HCB Ticino Rockets - Thurgau Fre/ven 13.01.2017 (39) 223 19:45 Lakers - HCB Ticino Rockets Die/mar 06.12.16 224 19:45 Red Ice - Langenthal CHL 1/4 - Final Game 1 226 19:45 Visp - Chaux-de-Fds 221 20:00 Ajoie - Winterthur Fre/ven 09.12.2016 (28) 222 20:00 GCK Lions - Olten Chaux-de-Fds - Visp 225 20:00 Thurgau - EVZ Academy HCB Ticino Rockets - Lakers Langenthal - Red Ice Son/dim 15.01.2017 (40) Olten - GCK Lions 232 16:00 Winterthur - Red Ice Winterthur - Ajoie 227 17:30 Chaux-de-Fds - GCK Lions 230 17:30 Langenthal - Ajoie Son/dim 11.12.2016 (29) 231 17:30 Olten - Thurgau GCK Lions - Chaux-de-Fds 228 17:45 EVZ Academy - Lakers Thurgau - Olten 229 18:30 HCB Ticino Rockets - Visp Ajoie - Langenthal Lakers - EVZ Academy Die/mar 17.01.2017 Visp - HCB Ticino Rockets 115 19:45 Red Ice - GCK Lions (20) Red Ice - Winterthur 156 19:45 EVZ Academy - Thurgau (28) 104 20:00 Winterthur - Olten (18) 425 426 16:00 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:45 CHL 1/4 - Final Game 2 Die/mar 08.11.16 88 87 89 90 91 92 Son/dim 08.01.2017 (37) Die/mar 13.12.16 CHL 1/8 - Final Game 1 CHL 1/8 - Final Game 2 Jeu No 211 209 210 212 213 214 12.12.-18.12.16 IIHF-Break Die/mar 01.11.16 406 407 415 411 408 404 414 401 - 16:00 17:00 17:30 17:30 17:45 18:15 Fre/ven 02.12.2016 (25) Lakers - Thurgau Ajoie - Red Ice HCB Ticino Rockets - GCK Lions Langenthal - Visp 19:45 20:00 20:00 20:00 Die/mar 07.02.17 CHL - Final Fre/ven 06.01.2017 (36) Red Ice - HCB Ticino Rockets Die/mar 07.02.2017 (48) Ajoie - Visp 272 19:45 EVZ Academy - HCB Ticino Rockets Langenthal - Olten 274 19:45 Red Ice - Olten Thurgau - Lakers 271 20:00 Ajoie - GCK Lions 273 20:00 Langenthal - Visp 275 20:00 Thurgau - Chaux-de-Fds 276 20:00 Winterthur - Lakers Glattbrugg, 17.06.2016, Willi Vögtlin, Senior Manager Championship (ersetzt alle vorherigen Versionen)
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