
Nagashi Somen (flowing-noodles)
and Festival of the Yasaka Shrine
Nagashi Somen : Catch with your chopsticks and eat the cold thin noodles
flowing in cold water through a long flume!
Sponsored by
Mothers and Students' Association
Heiwa Nakajima Foundation
招待人数(Openings) 2名 (2persons)
*Participants will be chosen by lottery at
International Students and Researchers Support Group
Office when there are more than 2.applicants.
Only the chosen applicants will be contacted.
日 時
: 2016年 7月 9日(土) 午後4時から8時 *4時までに集合
: July 9th (Saturday) 4:00pm~8:00pm
*Gather by 4:00pm (will be held rain-or-shine)
場 所
: 時習学舎
東村山市富士見町1-7-2 (西武新宿線小川駅 徒歩10分)
: JISHUGAKUSHA 1-7-2 Fujimi-cho, Higashimurayama-city
10 min. from Ogawa Sta. Seibu-Shinjuku Line
参 加 費
: 500円
: 500Yen (pay at the reception)
: 6月17日(金) 留学生担当課まで
Apply to
: Students Office by June 17 (Fri.)
Enjoy Japanese
Summer in 'Yukata'!
Hongo CAMPUS: International Students and Researchers Support Group
〔Students Support Center 2F (Gotenshita Memorial Arena)〕
Komaba CAMPUS: International Center Komaba Office, Division of international Affairs
〔21 KOMCEE West B1F〕
Kashiwa CAMPUS: International Center Kashiwa Office 〔Environmental Studies Building, 1FL.Rm#124〕
※ If you would like to dress up in YUKATA (cotton kimono), please apply so.
Men's YUKATA is also available!