株式会社ダイナムジャパンホールディングス DYNAM

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
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(incorporated in Japan with limited liability)
(Stock Code: 06889)
Reference is made to the circular of 株式会社ダイナムジャパンホールディングス
(DYNAM JAPAN HOLDINGS Co., Ltd.*) (the “Company”) dated 31 May 2016 (the
“Circular”) and the notice of the annual general meeting of the Company dated 31
May 2016 (the “Notice”) in relation to the annual general meeting of the Company
scheduled to be held on 23 June 2016.
The board of directors of the Company (the “Board”) wishes to clarify that there is an
inadvertent clerical error in the number of shares of the Company (the “Shares”) held
by DYNAM JAPAN HOLDINGS Employee Stock Ownership Plan on page 11 of the
convocation notice which is included in each of the Circular and the Notice. The
Company would like to clarify that the number of Shares held by DYNAM JAPAN
HOLDINGS Employee Stock Ownership Plan should be 17,824 (thousands of
Shares), instead of 17,829 (thousands of Shares).
The above clarification does not affect other information contained in the Circular and
the Notice and, save as disclosed in this announcement, the remaining contents of
the Circular and the Notice remain unchanged.
By order of the Board
Kohei SATO
Chairman of the Board
Tokyo, Japan, 13 June 2016
As of the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr.
Kohei SATO, Mr. Yoji SATO and Mr. Haruhiko MORI, and the non-executive director
of the Company is Mr. Noriaki USHIJIMA and the independent non-executive
directors of the Company are Mr. Ichiro TAKANO, Mr. Mitsutoshi KATO, Mr. Thomas
Chun Kee YIP, Mr. Eisho KUNITOMO and Mr. Kei MURAYAMA.
* For identification purpose only