BRICS Opening Symposium 15th June 2016 Poster Presentations No Title Authors Systems Biology Methods 1 Genome Analytics – more than Next Generation Sequencing services Michael Jarek, Robert Geffers 2 Single molecule real time sequencing - an enabling technology provided by the DSMZ Boyke Bunk, Jörg Overmann 3 Microbial and Cellular Proteomics Susanne Engelmann, Lothar Jänsch 4 The Power of Metabolome Analysis Meina Neumann-Schaal, Nelli Bill, Lorenz Reimer, Jacqueline Wolf, Dietmar Schomburg 5 Metabolic Models: To Understand and Redesign Cellular Wiring and Trade Flows Marcus Ulbrich, Henning Dannheim, Birte Fredrich, AnjaKristina Schulz, Helge Stark, Dietmar Schomburg 6 Delaunay-Object-Dynamics Michael Meyer-Hermann 7 Alignment of time-resolved data from high-throughput experiments Nada Abidi, Raimo Franke, Peter Findeisen, Frank Klawonn 8 Sensitivity and hierarchical model families in life sciences Dirk Langemann, Cordula Reisch, Janina Dierkes 9 Sweep Dynamics (SD) plots: Computational identification of selective sweeps to monitor the adaptation of influenza viruses 10 Improving metagenome assembly to characterize genetic variation in the human microbiome Susanne Reimering, Thorsten Klingen, Kyra Mooren, Alice McHardy 11 Phylogenies from single cell sequencing data David Laehnemann, Ute Fischer, Arndt Borkhardt, Alice McHardy 12 Determination of intrinsic enzyme reaction kinetics using thermodynamic activities Jan-Hendrik Grosch, Antje C. Spieß Adrian Fritz, Andreas Bremges, Peter Hofmann, Alexander Sczyrba, Alice McHardy 13 DNA-Based Nanorulers for Super-Resolution Microscopy Carsten Forthmann, Max B. Scheible, Jürgen J. Schmied 14 Single-Molecule Sequencing with DNA Origami Nanoantennas Katharina Kraatz, Birka Lalkens, Carolin Vietz, Enrico Pibiri, Guillermo Acuna, Philip Tinnefeld 15 Super Resolution Microscopy: Sharp Images for Biological Mario Raab, Jürgen Schmied, Susanne Holzmeister, Ija and Biophysical Applications Jusuk, Birka Lalkens, Philip Tinnefeld BRICS Opening Symposium 15th June 2016 Poster Presentations No Title Authors Projects at BRICS 16 From Braunschweig to the world - BRENDA - high level enzyme Sandra Placzek, Lisa Jeske, Antje Chang, Ida Schomburg, information essential for more than 100000 users per month Dietmar Schomburg 17 Metabolic model of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius for lignocellulosic biofuel production 18 Antibody Responses Julia Helmecke, Dietmar Schomburg 19 Spatial aspects of translation 20 T cell selection, activation, differentiation, and homeostasis 21 Viral infections Haralampos Hatzikirou Sahamoddin Khailaie, Philippe Robert Alessandro Boianelli, Van Kinh Nguyen, Gang Zhao, Esteban A. Herandenz- Vargas Antje C. Spieß, Rainer Krull Antonia Lakowitz, Rainer Krull, Rebekka Biedendieck 22 Institute of Biochemical Engineering 23 Recombinant production of the antibody fragment D1.3 scFv in Bacillus sp. 24 Tailored production of anti-infectives by Actinomyces sp. Sebastian Binder, Stefan Dübel, Andrea Marschall, Michael Meyer-Hermann, Ananya Rastogi, Philippe Robert, Anastasios Siokis, Alexey Uvarowskii Sebastian Tesche, Rainer Krull Clostridium difficile (CDiff) 25 Epidemiology and systems biology of the bacterial pathogen Clostridium difficile 26 Transcriptional regulatory network – from genetics to systems biology models 27 Activation of human mucosal associated invariant T lymphocytes in C. difficile infections 28 Diversity and evolution of the C. difficile mobilome Mareike Berges, Dieter Jahn Mareike Berges, Annika Michel, Sarah Wienecke, Dieter Jahn Björn Bulitta, Lothar Jänsch Thomas Riedel, Johannes Wittmann, Boyke Bunk, Cathrin Spröer, Andrea Thürmer, Katrin Gunka, Ortrud Zimmermann, Johannes Sikorski, Sabine Gronow, Ulrich Nübel, Heiko Liesegang, Uwe Groß, Rolf Daniel, Jörg Overmann ElektroBak 29 ElektroBak – Innovative materials & concepts for microbial Rebekka Biedendieck, Rainer Krull, Uwe Schröder electrochemical systems 30 ElektroBak – Characterisation of electrochemically active biofilms Christina Engel, Christopher Moß, Simone Thiel, Rebekka Biedendieck, Rainer Krull, Uwe Schröder 31 Cultivating electrochemically active biofilms under constant flow Alexander Fröhlich, Katrin Dohnt, Christina Engel, Rainer Krull conditions in an optically accessible flow cell SFB-TRR 51 Roseobacter 32 Ecology, Physiology and Molecular Biology of the Roseobacter clade: Towards a Systems Biology Understanding of a Globally Important Clade of Marine Bacteria Elisabeth Härtig, Dieter Jahn 33 Comparative genomics of marine Phaeobacter strains reveals a conserved population structure and high variability of acquired genes Heike Freese, Johannes Sikorski, Boyke Bunk, Jörg Overmann 34 Common regulatory networks for the adaptation to low iron and oxygen tension 35 Adaptation of Dinoroseobacter shibae to oxidative stress Elisabeth Härtig, Maren Behringer, Matthias Ebert, Steffi Heyber, Jenny Jacobs, Dieter Jahn Nicole Beier, Martin Kucklick, Stephan Fuchs, Susanne Engelmann
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