feuppiement Jlû• 3 to C J e Palestine tëa^ette jUcs* 8M of mm ^ctoïîer, 1938. TRADE M A R K ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE. him an opportunity of withdrawing his mark before the expense of preparing the notice of opposition is incurred. F a i l i n g such notice to the applicant, an opponent may be disallowed his costs. R. W. B. B E L T R e g i s t r a r of T r a d e M a r k s . A D V E R T I S E M E N T S OF T R A D E M A R K S . The following applications for the registration of the Trade Marks referred to therein are hereby advertised i n accordance with the provisions of the Trade Marks Ordinance. Any person may, within six months from the date of advertisement of any application hereunder, file with the Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court, Jerusalem, a notice of opposition to the registration of any Trade Mark referred to in any such application. I. No. 5002 in Class 42, in respect of fruit juices, raw, concentrated and sugared, i n the name of Palestine Frutarom Limited, of Industrial Centre, Haifa Bay, Haifa, Palestine, manufacturers of essences, fruit juices and extracts, essential oils, etc. Such notice shall be given in writing in the prescribed manner and shall include a statement of the grounds of opposition. Copies of the notice of opposition shall be lodged with the Registrar and served upon the applicant for registration. Filed the 19th day of May, 1938. Formal opposition should not be lodged until after notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration, so as to afford PALORANGE II. No. 5038 in Class 45, in respect of tobacco whether manufactured or unmanufactured, in the name of National Tobacco and Cigarette Company of Nablus, Limited, a limited company incorporated under the laws of Palestine, of Nazareth Road, Haifa, Palestine, tobacco merchants. Filed the 28th clay of June, 1938. 121 TRADE M A R K ADVERTISEMENTS 122 III. No. 5039 in Class 45, in respect of tobacco whether manufactured or unmanufactured, in the name of Karaman Dick and Salti Limited, a limited company incorporated under the laws of Palestine, of Nazareth Road, Haifa, Palestine, tobacco manufacturers. No claim is made by the applicants to the exclusive use of the coin device. Filed the 28th clay of June, 1938. •II. M~-«•׳ VI. IV. No. 5057 in Class 3, in respect of chemical substances prepared for human use as an anti microbic agent, in the name of Union Chimique Beige S. A . , a Belgian company, of 61, Avenue Louise, Brussels, Belgium, manufacturers and traders. j ! Filed the 24th clay of July, 1938. | | No. 5084 in Class 47, i n respect of common soap, in the name of Moshe Hanoch, formerly Moses David Enoch Levi, of Hakishon Street 39, Tel Aviv, P alestine, manufacturers of soaps and oils. No claim is made by the applicant to the exclusive use of the words P' ure Jerusalem Soap''. Filed the 20th clay of August, 1938. The Address for Service in P alestine of Trade Mark Application No. 5057 is c/o Dr. R, Cohn and Dr. E . Seligsohn, P . O. B. 40(50, Tel Aviv. V. No. 5058 in Class 3, in respect of a pharma ceutical preparation for human use in the treatment of gastric and intestinal diseases, in the name of Laboratoires d'Applications Scientifiques S. A . , a Belgian company, of 52, Rue de TEtuve, Brussels, Belgium, manu facturers and traders. Filed the 24th day of July, 1938. I I The Address for Service in P alestine of Trade Mark Application No. 5058 is c/o Dr. R. Cohn and Dr. E. Seligsohn, P . O. Box 4060, Tel Aviv. No. 5090 in Class 42, i n respect of rice, in the name of Steel Brothers and Co., Ltd., a limited company incorporated i n England, of 123 6, Fen church Avenue, millers and brokers. London E . G . 3, rice- The Address for Service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 5090 is c/o The Palestine M i l l i n g and Trading Co. Limited, p Q o Haifa, Filed the 24th clay of August, 1938. o f B p x 5 8 STEEL VIII. No. 5094 in Class 45, in respect of cigarettes, in the name of The Arab Union Cigarette and Tobacco Co. Ltd., a limited company registered in Palestine, of Harbour Street, P. O. B. 733, Haifa, tobacco dealers and manufacturers. The mark is limited to the colours grey, gold and red, as per the representation affixed to the Form of Application. Filed the 25th day of August, 1938. SUBSEQUENT PROPRIETORS REGISTERED Number of T r a d e Mar h 2362 Name of Proprietors 3750 Joseph Shafran and Moshe Tick, trading as Beit Mishar "Hadar" Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof, A . G . 3751 Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof, A . G . 3752 Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof, A . G . 3753 Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof, A . G . 3754 Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof, A . G . 3755 Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof, A . G . 3756 Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof, A . G . 132 (2 in Class 22) Triumph Company Limited, formerly Triumph Cycle Company L i mited N a t u r e of C h a n g e : Joseph Shafran of 12, Nachlat Benjamin Street, Tel Aviv, Palestine. Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof Preuss and Temmler of 65, Oberlandstrasse, Berlin-Tempelhof, Germany. Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof Preuss and Temmler of 65, Oberlandstrasse, Berlin-Tempelhof, Germany. Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof Preuss and Temmler of 65, Oberlandstrasse, Berlin-Tempelhof, Germany. Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof Preuss and Temmler of 65, Oberlandstrasse, Berlin-Tempelhof, Germany. Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof Preuss and Temmler of 65, Oberlandstrasse, Berlin-Tempelhof, Germany. Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof Preuss and Temmler of 65, Oberlandstrasse, Berlin-Tempelhof, Germany. Chemische Fabrik Tempelhof Preuss and Temmler of 65, Oberlandstrasse, Berlin-Tempelhof, Germany. Triumph Engineering Company Limited, of Dale Street, Coventry, Warwickshire, England. 124 TRADE MARK ADVERTISEMENTS 27th October, 1938 T R A D E M A R K S R E G I S T E R E D D U R I N G T H E P E R I O D 1.7.1938—1.10.1938. N u m b e r of Application 4630 4538 4429 4482 4489 4731 4733 4734 4317 4401 4629 4646 4658 4672 4673 4675 4682 4703 4722 4671 4697 4504 4505 4506 4507 4698 4699 4743 4660 4721 4750 4756 4757 4765 4667 4617 4706 4599 4613 4751 4595 4596 4679 4508 4701 4747 4755 4826 4659 4670 4719 4741 4814 4632 4679 4840 4841 4842 4622 4723 4725 4740 4824 4839 Name of Â2^plica?tt(s) D a t e of Advertisement The Bethlehem Genuine Arak Manufacturing Co., Sahuri and Handal Yehudah Agamlavan Dr. August Wolff, Sudbracker Nahrungsmittclfabrik Kom. Ges. Chemical Factory Siso Dr. Burak and Sommer Jehuda Leib Grozovsky " Y a k h i n " Agricultural Contracting Cooperative Association L t d . " Y a k h i n " Agricultural Contracting Cooperative Association L t d . " Y a k h i n " Agricultural Contracting Cooperative Association L t d . Shmuel Auerbach H . Niemojewski Laboratorium Fizjologiczno-Chemicznc "Cholekinaza" Spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia, Warszawa Socony Vacuum Oil Company Inc. Monopoles d'Etat de Turquie of Istanbul (Turkey) General Foods Corporation Dr. Kade's medizinisch-pharmazeutisches Fabrikations und Exportgeschaeft Dr. Franz Lutze Dr. Kade's medizinisch-pharmazeutisches Fabrikations und Exportgeschaeft Dr. Franz Lutze Socon}^ Vacuum Oil Company Incorporated Accumulatoren-Fabrik Aktiengesellschaft Monopoles d'Etat de Turquie of Istanbul Chemical Works formerly Sandoz Salamon Edgar Btesh Julius Strauss Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company Ever Ready Razor Products Limited Ever Ready Razor Products Limited The Shell Company of Palestine Limited F i l l i p Mendelsohn Chemical Works formerly Sandoz George Dobie and Son Limited British Dyestuffs Corporation Limited British Dyestuffs Corporation Limited Herbert Fromm Eliyahu Harpak and Moshe Katzmann trading as " I t r i t h " Humbolclt-Deutz-Motoren A.G. Hafez and Abdulfattah Toukan Zev Libermensh Arieh Weinberg trading as "Garnish" Palestine National Rubber Industries Socony Vacuum Co. Inc. I-G. Farben industrie A.G. I •G. Farben industrie A.G. Factory of Shoes "Modern" Coty S. A . Hadensa Gesellschaft Richard Morsch and Co. C. M . Holtzinger F r u i t Co., Inc. Ford Motor Company Limited British Dyestuffs Corporation Limited Karaman״Dick a nd Sa lti Ltd. a B clclour Limited a Na tion l Toba cco and Ciga rette Compa ny of Trans-Jordan S. A. Sincl a ir Refining Compa ny Aspro Limited Siegel a nd Co., G.m.b.H. Bond a 's Ha ndel-ma a tscha ppij N . V. a V n den Berghs a nd Jürgens Limited a V n den Berghs a nd Jürgens Limited Ardol Limited Deutsche Torfha ndelsgesellscha ft m.b.H. Merkel a nd Kienlin G.m.b.H. Merkel a nd Kienlin G.m.b.H. a La bor toires Bottu Deutsche Torfha ndelsgesellscha ft m.b.H. L G . Fa rbenindustrie Aktiengesellscha ft 23.12.37 2.9.37 11.11.37 23.12.37 9.12.37 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 30.9.37 27.1.38 & 17.2.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 9.12.37 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 27.1.38 9.12.37 17.2.38 17.2.38 17.2.38 17.2.38 17.2.38 27.1.38 9.12.37 17.2.38 27.1.38 9.12.37 17.2.38 17.2.38 17.2.38 23.12.37 10.3.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 17.2.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 17.2.38 17.2.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 10.3.38 125 PATENT ADVERTISEMENTS 27th October, 1938 CORRIGENDUM. | Trade Mark Application No. 5074 in Class 22, in the name of Daimler-Benz Aktiengesell- | schaft, advertised in Palestine Gazette No. 818 of 29.9.38: The following should be added to the advertisement of this application : 1 ' F i l e d t h e 9 t h day of August, 1938". P A T E N T ADVERTISEMENTS PATENTS A N D DESIGNS ORDINANCE. Notice is hereby given that persons interested in opposing the granting of patents on the applications referred to below may, at any time within two months from the date of this Gazette, give notice to the Registrar of Patents and Designs, Department of Customs, Excise and Trade, P. O. Box 541, Haifa, in the prescribed manner of such opposition. United Kingdom 1935. Date : Title of Invention: "Manufacture oî partially ester ified compounds of the dihydrooestrin series''. Date of Application: 14th September, 1937. Convention Date (Switzerland): 6th February, 1937. December, Patent Application No. 1341. N . V . Orgachemia of Kloosterstraat 6, Oss, The Netherlands. Title of Invention : trast medium". "Roentgenographic con- Date of Application : Patent Application No. 1217. Society of Chemical Industry in Basle, of 141, Klybeckstrasse, Basle, Switzerland. 13th Convention 1937. Date 25th May, 1938. (Holland) : 3rd June, Patent Application No. 1364. J a i r Apolinski of 14, Keren Kayemeth Leisrael Street, Petah Tiqva, and Max Sheflan of 130, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv, Palestine. Title of Invention: "Improvements in or relating to the packing of citrus fruit". Date of Application : 30th June, 1938. Patent Application No. 1308. Max Simon of 65, Shlomo Hamelech Street, Tel Aviv, Palestine. Patent Application No. 1367. Max Sheflan of 130, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv, and Arnold Gutbinder of 45, Tschlenow Street, Tel Aviv, Palestine. Title of Invention: packets". Title of atus". Date of Application: "Means for carrying 5th March, 1938. Invention: "Advertising appar- Date of Application 7th July, 1938. Patent Application No. 1324, Siegfried Hirschberg of 7, Arno Holz Street, SteglitzBerlin, Germany. Patent Application No. 1376. Paul Hirsch of 146, V i a Emerico Amari (formerly of 3, V i a Villareale,) Palermo, Italy. Title of Invention "Collapsible and portable tent". Title of Invention : "Improvements ing to the production of pectin". Date of Application : 31st March, 1938. Convention Date (Germany) : 1937. 31st March, Date of Application: relat- 13th July, 1938. United Kingdom Date : 1935. 26th November, Patent Application No. 1334. Beau May Process Corporation, of 120, Wall Street, New York, State of New York, U . S . A . Patent Application No. 1395. Standard O i l Development Company of Linden, State of New Jersey, U . S. A . Title of Invention: " A method of producing intensified fruit or vegetable juice preparations". Title of Invention: oil wells". Date of Application : 30th A p r i l , 1938. "Method for imp roving- Date of Application : 1937. 24th day of August, 126 PATENT ADVERTISEMENTS PATENTS 27th October, 1938 SEALED. Number ] ) a f e of Patent 723 1145 1212 1231 1232 1240 1258 1260 1284 1287 1295 1303 1305 1319 1321 1328 1337 1339 1340 Name of P a t e n t e e { * ) Norsk Hyclro-Elektrisk Kvaclstofaktieselskab W i l l i Giese D i r k Johannes van Aalst and Benno Erahn Giulia Mazza Avinoam Hourwitz Emanuel Theiner Mathias Pier, Walter Simon, Paul Jacob and Rudolf Becker Civil Protection L t d . Paul Lucas and Ehrlich and Graetz Aktiengesellschaft Siegmund Biener Asher Frenkel Joban Werner Johansson and Aktieholaget Seifvert and Fornander Dezso Komlos Palestine Potash Limited and David Kaplan N . V. De Bataafsche Petroleum Maatsehappij E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Co., Wendell Holmes Tisdale and Albert Lawrence Flenner I. G. Farbeninclustrie Aktiengesellschaft Arnold Hildesheimer Zoltan Dezsoe and John Ismay and Sons Limited UNITED KINGDOM PATENT REGISTERED Number of P a t e n t 1345 Name The following patents Renewal Fees : 151 438 439 447 155 600 663 695 803 1052 Name of 28.5.36 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28 7 38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 28.7.38 D a t e of A dvertisemen t Patentee{s) REMOVED FROM T H E f IN PALESTINE. N . V. De Bataafsche Petroleum Maatsehappij PATENTS Number of Patent of Q Advertisement 28.7.38 REGISTER. have been removed from the Register through non-payment of the Patentee Jona Brun J . Mouchly and I. Cassell Moshe Segal Anton Tolk Hermann Beck K a r l Gumpel and Fritz Kaftanski Rudolf Madzar Robert Treskow N.V. Philips' Gloeilampenfabriekeu John Burton
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