Bibliography of Hubert Haider (last update: June 8th 2016) List of Publications Hubert Haider Univ. Prof. at the Dept. of Linguistics & Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, Univ. Salzburg Publications downloadable from: or Citation metrics: h-index = 42; g = 73; e = 53,94; i10-index: 80 (based on Harzing’s PoP, Google scholar; see appendix) A. B. C. Books (monographs, edited volumes) Publications in journals and edited volumes Academic qualifications (p.13). A. Books (monographs, edited volumes) 2013 Symmetry breaking in syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 136). (ISBN-13: 9781107017757). (215p.) 2010 The Syntax of German. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Cambridge Syntax Guides) (ISBN-13: 9780521865258; ISBN-10: 0521865255). (371p.) 1993 Deutsche Syntax, generativ - Vorstudien zur Theorie einer projektiven Grammatik. Tübingen: Narr. (296 p.) [1984 Einführung in Grammatiktheorie – Generative Grammatik. Wien: Wirtschaftsbetriebs-Ges.m.b.H. der ÖH, Univ. Wien. 170 p.; Limited distribution. For class room use in the annual Grammar Theory course at the Univ. Vienna]. Edited volumes 1995 (ed. H.H. & Susan Olsen & Sten Vikner). Studies in Comparative Germanic Syntax. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 1991 (ed. H.H. & Klaus Netter) Representation and derivation in the theory of grammar. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 1986 (ed. H.H. & M.Prinzhorn) Verb-second phenomena in Germanic languages. Dordrecht: Foris B. Publications in journals and edited volumes In press, submitted or drafted (downloadable. URLs s. above) (submitted) H.H. & Christina Schörghofer-Essl & Karin Seethaler. Quantifying kids prefer intersective construal. (13p). rev. Ms. 04/2016. (Submitted to Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft.) Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg [updated in June 2016] (submitted) Scientific ideology in grammar theory. Barbara Sonnenhauser & Imke Mendoza (eds.) Ideology in grammar. Brill's Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. (draft) Scientific ideology and scientific conduct - Metaphors one lives by in the Minimalist Program (2014) (draft) On predicting resultative adjective constructions (06/2016) Haider H. & Luka Szucsich. Scrambling and V-positioning in Slavic languages – exceptionally VO or regular T3? Ms.09/2012 (draft) Control does not involve movement – Pretty clear evidence from German. Ms. 08/2014 (12p). Ms. 08/2014 (draft) Don’t copy & paste in syntax. Ms. 09/2014 (16p.) (draft) Profiling SOV. Syntactic correlates of head final phrases. Ms. 08/2014 (27p.) (draft) Type III - theoretical and typological modelling - an invitation to empirical assessment. Ms. 07/2012 • 2016 ‘Mittelfeld’ phenomena: Scrambling in Germanic (revised version of Haider 2005) In: Henk van Riemsdijk & M. Everaert eds. The Blackwell Companion to Syntax. Oxford: Blackwell. (Vol. III) • 2015 Head directionality – in syntax and morphology. In: Antonio Fábregas, Jaume Mateu, Mike Putnam eds. Contemporary linguistic parameters. London: Bloomsbury Academic. p. 73-97. “Intelligent design” of grammars – a result of cognitive evolution. In: Aria Adli & Marco García García & Göz Kaufmann (eds.): Variation in Language: System- and Usage-based Approaches. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. p. 205-240. [Draft version: Cognitive evolution - Why language systems are society-based and usage-friendly adaptations of robust, autonomous, structural system. Ms. 04/2012] Luka Szucsich & Hubert Haider. Freie Wortstellung in slavischen Sprachen und die VO/OV-Unterscheidung. In Elena Dieser (ed.) Linguistische Beiträge zur Slavistik: XX. JungslavistInnen-Treffen in Würzburg, 22.-24. September 2011. (Specimina Philologiae Slavicae). p. 94-124. München: Verlag Otto Sagner. Errors aren‘t failures: on the need of INFORMED error analysis for efficient language instruction. M. Gartmeier, H. Gruber, T. Hascher, H. Heid (eds.) Funktionen von Fehlern im Kontext individueller und gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung. Münster: Waxmann. p. 189-202 2 Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg [updated in June 2016] On the comparative syntax of OV-languages. In: Hiroki Egashira & Hisatsugu Kitahara & Kazuo Nakazawa & Tadao Nomura & Masayuki Oishi & Akira Saizen & Motoko Suzuki (eds.) In untiring pursuit of better alternatives. Tokyo: Kaitakusha (開拓社). p.12-25. • 2014 The VO-OV split of Germanic languages - a T3 & V2 production. Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis. 19(1): 57-79. • 2013 (s. section A. Books) • 2012 (no publications) • 2011 Anomalies and exceptions. In: Horst J. Simon & Heike Wiese eds. Expecting the unexpected: Exceptions in Grammar. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. (p. 325-334). Gradience. (review article). Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft 3(1): 39-46. Grammatische Illusionen. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 30: 223-257. How to not complicate a plain escape strategy, and why. A reply to Andrea Moro’s (2011) Clause structure folding idea. Submitted to Linguistic Inquiry (acceptance denied; downloadable). • 2010 Wie wurde Deutsch OV? Zur diachronen Dynamik eines Strukturparameters der germanischen Sprachen. Ed. by Ziegler, Arne. Historische Textgrammatik und Historische Syntax des Deutschen - Traditionen, Innovationen, Perspektiven. Berlin: De Gruyter (p. 11-32). Mehr (Psycho-)Linguistik in die Ausbildung von Sprachenlehrer/innen! – eine Bring- und Holschuld. In: David Newby, Michaela Rückl, Barbara Hinger (Hg.): Mehrsprachigkeit: Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und Unterricht. Forschung, Entwicklung und Praxis im Dialog. Wien: Praesens Verlag. (p. 157-182) Judith Kainhofer & H-H.: Einführung in die allgemeine Linguistik. In: S.Buttaroni ed. Wie Sprache funktioniert – Einführung in die Linguistik für Pädagogen und Pädagoginnen. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren (p. 1-56). • 2009 2009 Roehm, Dietmar & Haider, H. Small is beautiful: the processing of the left periphery in German. Lingua 119: 1501–1522 2009 The thin line between facts and fiction. In: Featherston, Sam & Winkler, Susanne (eds.) The Fruits of Empirical Linguistics. Volume 1: Process. Berlin: de Gruyter. (p. 75-102). • 2008 no publication 3 Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg • [updated in June 2016] 2007 2007. Roehm, Dietmar & Haider, H. The generation of syntactic structures: insights from EEG frequency-analyses. Brain Topography 20:47. 2007 As a matter of facts – comments on Featherston’s sticks and carrots. 2007. Theoretical Linguistics 33.3: 381-394 2007 Beheaded Phrases. In: Theoretical Linguistics. 2007, 33.1: 75-81 2007 Verbal clusters. Review Article. In: Language. 2007. 83,3: 647-651. 2007 Poetenpidgin – Über Ernst Jandls Grammatik einer heruntergekommenen Sprache. In: Dressler, Wolfgang U. & Oswald Panagl eds. Poetische Lizenzen. Wien: Praesens Verlag 2007.S. 133–145 • 2006 2006 Hubert Haider & Masayuki Oishi & Shigeo Tonoike. 2006. As Time Goes By – a Digressive Discourse. In: Broekhuis, Hans & Corver, Norbert & Huybregts, Riny & Kleinhenz, Ursula & Koster, Jan. Organizing Grammar. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (p.171-185) 2006 H. H. & Chris Schaner Wolles. 2006. Das zerebrale animal symbolicum – neurokognitive Qualitäten von Sprachverarbeitung. In: Schmidinger, Heinrich & Sedmak, Clemens eds. Der mensch als ‚animal symbolicum’? Sprache-Dialog-Ritual. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. (p. 111-130) • 2005 2005 How to turn German into Icelandic – and derive the VO-OV contrasts. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 8:1-53. 2005 Parenthesen – Evidenz aus Bindungsverhältnissen. In Franz Josef D’Avis ed. Deutsche Syntax: Empirie und Theorie. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis (Göteborger Germanistische Forschungen #46). p. 281-293. 2005 Dietmar Roehm & Ina Bornkessel & Hubert Haider & Matthias Schlesewsky. When case meets agreement: event-related potential effects for morphology-based conflict resolution in human language comprehension. Neuroreport 16: 875-879 • 2004 2004 Pre-and postverbal adverbials in VO and OV. In: Lingua 114(6): 779-807. 2004 Wieviel Syntax braucht die Semantik? In: Tidsskrift for Sprogforskning. 2(2): 71-70 2004 The superiority conspiracy. In: The Minimal Link Condition, Arthur Stepanov, G. Fanselow & R. Vogel (eds.). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (147-175) 4 Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg [updated in June 2016] 2004 Dietmar Röhm, Hubert Haider und Wolfgang Klimesch. Gehirnoszillationen und Sprache: EEG-Bandpowerveränderungen bei Sprachverarbeitungsprozessen. In: Horst M. Müller & Gert Rickheit (Hrsg.) Neurokognition der Sprache. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag. 259-286. 2004 Dogil, Grzegorz; Ackermann, Hermann; Grodd, Wolfgang; Haider, Hubert; Kamp, Hans; Mayer, Jörg; Riecker, Axel; Röhm, Dietmar; Wildgruber, Dirk; Wokurek, Wolfgang. Brain dynamics induced by language production. In: Thomas Pechmann and Christopher Habel, eds. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Language Production. pp. 397-431 Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. 2004 Dogil, Grzegorz; Frese, Inga; Haider, Hubert; Röhm, Dietmar; Wokurek, Wolfgang Where and how does grammatically geared processing take place - and why is Broca's area often involved. A coordinated fMRI/ERBP study of language processing. In: Brain and Language 89(2): 337-345. 2004. Röhm,Dietmar, I.Bornkessel, M.Schlesewsky, St.Frisch & H.Haider. Fractionating language comprehension via frequency characteristics of the human electroencephalogram. Neuroreport 15 (3): 409-412. 2004. In Parenthese. In: Thomas Krisch & Thomas Lindner & Ulrich Müller eds. Analecta homini universali dicata. Fs für. O.Panagl. Stuttgart: Akademischer Verlag. (p. 538-545) • 2003 2003. V-Clustering and Clause Union – Causes and Effects. In: Verb Constructions in German and Dutch. ed. by Pieter Seuren & Gerard Kempen. Amsterdam: Benjamins (p. 91-126). 2003. German is not Quirky. In: Grammar in focus. Festschrift for Christer Platzack. Volume 2. Eds. Lars-Olof Delsing, Cecilia Falk, Gunlög Josefsson & Halldor Á. Sigurdsson. Lund: Wallin & Dalholm. 123-136. 2003. Josef Perner, Manuel Sprung, Petra Zauner and Hubert Haider. Want-That is Understood Well before Say-That, Think-That, and False Belief: A Test of Devilliers’ Linguistic Determinism on German Speaking Children. Child Development. 74: 179-188. 2003. Haider H. & Inger Rosengren. Scrambling – non-triggered chain formation in OV languages. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 15.3 (2003): 203–267. • 2002 2002. Adverbials at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. In: Hans Kamp & Uwe Reyle ed. How we say WHEN it happens. Tübingen: Niemeyer (p.53-70) 2002. 'Mittelfeldphenomena'. In: Henk van Riemsdijk & Martin Everaert eds. Syncom – The Syntax Companion (case: #64: 5 Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg [updated in June 2016] 2002. Dogil G, Ackermann H, Grodd W, Haider H, Kamp H, Mayer J, Riecker A, Wildgruber D. The Speaking Brain: a Tutorial Introduction to fMRI Experiments in the Production of Speech, Prosody and Syntax. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 15: 1-90. • 2001 2001. Why are there no complex head-initial compounds? In: Ch. Schaner-Wolles & J. Rennison & F. Neubart eds. Naturally! Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier (p. 165-174). 2001. Parametrisierung in der Generativen Grammatik. Sprachtypologie und sprachliche Universalien - Language Typology and Language Universals. Haspelmath,M. & E.König & W.Oesterreicher & W.Raible eds. Berlin: de Gruyter). p. 283-294. 2001. Spracherwerb, Sprachverlust, Sprachvermögen - Sprache im Netzwerk von Biologie, Psychologie und Neurologie. In: Panagl, Oswald, Hans Goebl und Emil Brix, eds. "Der Mensch und seine Sprache(n)". Wien: Böhlau Verlag. (p. 25-56). 2001. Not every why has a wherefore – Notes on the relation between form and function. In: Walter Bisang ed. Aspects of Typology and Universals. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag p. 37-52. 2001. Heads and Selection. In: Corver,Norbert & Henkv.Riemsdijk eds. Semi-lexical Categories. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (p. 67-96). 2001. How to stay Accusative in Icelandic and Faroese. Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 68: 1-14. 2001. Prosodic signals for reconstructing the basic item order. On the interplay between structure and prosody. In: B. Palek and O. Fujimura. eds. Item Order: Its Variety and Linguistic and Phonetic Consequences. Proceedings of LP’2000. Charles University Prague. The Karolinum Press 2001. (p. 347- 366). 2001. Dietmar Röhm & W.Klimesch & H.Haider & M.Doppelmayr. The role of theta and alpha oscillations for language comprehension in the human electroencephalogram. Neuroscience Letters 310: 137-140 • 2000 2000 Branching and Discharge. In: Peter Coopmans & Martin Everaert & Jane Grimshaw. Lexical Specification and Insertion. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory #197). (p. 135-164). [Submitted in 1992 (sic!). Revised version of the 1992 working paper publication]. 2000. The License to License. In: E.Reuland ed. Argument & Case: Explaining Burzio’s Generalization. Amsterdam: Benjamins. p. 31-54. 6 Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg [updated in June 2016] 2000 Towards a superior account of superiority. Lutz, Uli & & Gereon Müller & Arnim von Stechow eds. Wh-scope marking. Amsterdam: Benjamins. p. 231-248. [Revised and expanded version of the 1997 working paper publication ] 2000. Scrambling - What's the State of the Art? In: S.M.Powers & C.Harman eds. The Acquisition of Scrambling and Cliticization. Dordrecht: Kluwer (p. 19-40) 2000. OV is more basic than VO. In: Peter Svenonius ed. The Derivation of VO and OV. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (p. 45-67). 2000. Adverb Placement – convergence of structure and licensing. Theoretical Linguistics 26:95-134. 2000. Riecker Axel, Ackermann H, Wildgruber D, Mayer J, Dogil G, Haider H, Grodd W. Articulatory/Phonetic Sequencing at the Level of the Anterior Perisylvian Cortex: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Brain and Language 75: 259-276. 2000. Mayer Jörg, Haider H, Dogil G, Ackermann H, Erb M, Riecker A, Wildgruber D, Grodd W. Cognitive Substrate of Syntactic Operations – Evidence from fMRI. NeuroImage 11: 302 (Proc. of the 6th Int. conference on Functional Mapping of the human Brain, San Antonio 2000). • 1999 1999 Comments on „How clitics license null phrases: a theory of the lexical interface“ In: Riemsdijk, H.van ed. 1999. Clitics in the languages of Europe. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. p. 385-390. 1999 On the survival of the fittest grammar (theory). Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 18: 216-218. 1999 A blueprint or a puzzle? Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 2(3):190-192. 1999. Mayer J, Dogil G, Ackermann H, Erb M, Grodd W, Haider H, Riecker A, Wildgruber D. Prosody processing in speech production: An fMRI study. Proceedings of the XIVth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco. p. 635-638. • 1998 1998 H.H. & Rosengren, Inger. "Scrambling." Sprache und Pragmatik #49. Lund University (104 pp.) 7 Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg [updated in June 2016] 1998 Form Follows Function Fails - as a Direct Explanation for Properties of Grammars. In: Paul Weingartner & Gerhard Schurz & Georg Dorn eds. The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy. Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky (p. 92-108). 1998. Riecker Axel, Ackermann H, Wildgruber D, Mayer J, Dogil G, Haider H, Grodd W. Motor Cortex activation of elementary and orofacial movements. NeuroImage 9: 416 (Proc. of the 5th Int. Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Düsseldorf). • 1997 1997 Precedence among predicates. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 1: 3-41. 1997 Economy in Syntax is Projective Economy. In: Chris Wilder/Hans-Martin Gaertner/ Manfred Bierwisch eds.: The Role of Economy Principles in Linguistic Theory. Studia Grammatica 40:205-226. Berlin: Akademie Verlag 1997 Projective Economy: On the Minimal Functional Structure of the German Clause. In: Franz Josef d'Avis/Uli Lutz eds.: Zur Satzstruktur des Deutschen. Working Papers # 90 of the SFB "Linguistic Foundations for Computational Linguistics." Univ. Stuttgart, Univ. Tübingen, IBM Germany. p. 31-54. 1997 Projective Economy: On the Minimal Functional Structure of the German Clause. In: W.Abraham & E.v.Gelderen eds. German: Syntactic Problems – Problematic Syntax. Tübingen: Niemeyer 83-103. [revised version of the working paper publication] 1997 Scrambling - Locality, Economy, and Directionality. In: Shigeo Tonoike (ed.) Scrambling. Tokio: Kurosio Publishers (Linguistics Workshop Series 5: 61-91) 1997 Extraposition. In: Dorothee Beerman / D. LeBlanc / H. van Riemsdijk (eds.) Rightward Movement. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Linguistics Today # 17); pp. 115-151. 1997 Jeder kann´s, aber keinen wundert´s - Zur Sprachbeherrschung: Das Konzept der angeborenen Ideen. In: Der blaue Reiter. Journal für Philosophie. Nr. 6 (2/1997) p. 59-64. Stuttgart: Omega Verlag Reusch. (ISSN 0947-6563) 1997 Typological Implications of a Directionality Constraint on Projections. In: A. Alexiadou / T.A. Hall (eds.) Studies on Universal Grammar and Typological Variation. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Linguistics Today # 13); p. 17-33 1997 Ein starkes Gesetz schwacher Grammatiken, und einige seiner Implikationen. In: Andreas Kertesz (ed.) Metalinguistik im Wandel: Die "kognitive Wende" in Wissenschaftstheorie und Linguistik. (= Metalinguistica 4). Frankfurt/M.: Lang 8 Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg [updated in June 2016] 1997 Towards a superior account of superiority. In: U.Lutz & Gereon Müller eds. Papers on Wh-scope marking. Working Papers of the SFB 340. Working Papers 76: 317-29. • 1996 1996 24 Articles on syntax und grammar theory, in: Lexikon der Kognitionswissenschaft (G. Strube et. als eds. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta) 1996 Wenn die Semantik arbeitet, - und die Syntax sie gewähren läßt. In: Harras, G. & M.Bierwisch eds. Wenn die Semantik arbeitet. Tübingen: Niemeyer. 7-27 • 1995 1995 Grammatici certant - nicht nur über die Syntax des Nachfeldes. In: V.Agel & R.BrdarSzabo eds. Grammatik und deutsche Grammatiken. Tübingen: Niemeyer (pp. 109-122). 1995 Studies on Phrase Structure and Economy. Univ. Stuttgart: SFB Working Papers #70 1995 Downright down to the right. U.Lutz & J.Pafel eds. On Extraction and Extraposition. Amsterdam: Benjamins (145-271) 1995 (& G.Dogil & C.Schaner-Wolles & R.Husmann). Radical Autonomy of Syntax: Evidence from Sensory Transcortical Aphasia. In: Aphasiology 6:577-602 1995 (& S.Olsen & S.Vikner). Introduction to Comparative Germanic Syntax. In: id. eds. Topics in Comparative Germanic Syntax. Dordrecht: Kluwer. (p.1-45) • 1994 1994 Fakultativ kohärente Infinitkonstruktionen im Deutschen. In: A. Steube & G.Zybatow eds. Zur Satzwertigkeit von Infinitiven und Small clauses. Tübingen: Niemeyer. (p.75-106). [revised version of the 1991 working paper publication] 1994 "Markiertheit" in der generativen Grammatik. Artikel 29 in: J. Jacobs et als. eds. Syntax (Reihe HSK: Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft) Berlin: de Gruyter (p. 635-645). 1994 Detachment - the Later, the Deeper. Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340, Nr. 41. Univ. Stuttgart. 1994 (Un-)heimliche Subjekte. Linguistische Berichte 153: 372-385 1994 A Note on Licensing and Identification of Empty Functional Head Positions. In: G.Cinque & J.Koster & J.-Y.Pollock & L. Rizzi & R.Zanutti eds. Paths Towards Universal Grammar. Washington,D.C.: Georgetown University Press (p. 189-215). 9 Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg • [updated in June 2016] 1993 1993 Principled Variability – Parametrization without Parameter Fixing. In: G. Fanselow ed. The Parametrization of Universal Grammar. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (p.1-16). 1993 ECP-Etüden: Anmerkungen zur Extraktion aus eingebetteten V-2-Sätzen. Linguistische Berichte 145:185-203. • 1992 1992 Die Struktur der Nominalphrase - Lexikalische und funktionale Strukturen. In L. Hoffmann ed. Deutsche Syntax. Ansichten und Aussichten. Berlin: de Gruyter (304-333). 1992 The computational mind - Der Geist und seine Maschine. Anmerkungen aus linguistischer Perspektive. Wechselwirkungen. (Jahrbuch 1991 der Univ. Stuttgart; 29-36). 1992 Branching and Discharge. Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340, Nr. 23. Univ. Stuttgart. • 1991 1991 Die menschliche Sprachfähigkeit - exaptiv und kognitiv opak. Kognitionswissenschaft 2:11-26. 1991 The Germanic Verb-Second Puzzle. Linguistics 29: 703-717 1991 Fakultativ kohärente Infinitkonstruktionen im Deutschen. Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340, Nr. 17. Univ. Stuttgart. 1991 & Klaus Netter. Derivation or Representation? In: Haider,H. & K. Netter eds. Derivational and Representational Approaches to Generative Syntax. Dordrecht: Kluwer (p. 115). 1991 & Manfred Bierwisch. Argumentstruktur. Arbeitsbericht des SFB 340. Projekt A1. Univ. Stuttgart. 1990 - 1985 1990 Topicalization and other puzzles of German syntax. In: G. Grewendorf & W.Sternefeld eds. Scrambling and Barriers. Amsterdam: Benjamins (p. 93-112) 1990 PRO-bleme. In: G.Fanselow & S.Felix eds. Strukturen und Merkmale grammatischer Kategorien. Tübingen:Narr (121-143) 1990 Null Subjects and Expletives in Romance and Germanic languages. In: W.Abraham & W.Kosmeijer & E.Reuland eds. Issues in Germanic Syntax. Berlin: Mouton - de Gruyter. (49-66). 10 Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg [updated in June 2016] 1989 Theta-tracking systems - evidence from German. In: Maracz,L. & P. Muysken eds. Configurationality: the Typology of Asymmetries. Dordrecht: Foris (p. 185-206) 1989 Against Raising. In: D.Jaspers & W.Klooster & Y.Putseys & P.Seuren eds. Sentential Complementation and the Lexicon. Studies in honour of Wim de Geest. Dordrecht: Foris (p. 173-187) 1989 What Triggers What? A Commentary on D. Lightfoot. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12:2 1989 Datives in German ECM-Constructions. In J.Mascaro & M.Nespor eds. Grammar in Progress. Dordrecht: Foris (173-187) 1989 Matching Projections. In: A.Cardinaletti & G.Cinque & G.Giusti eds. Constituent Structure. Dordrecht: Foris (p.101-121) 1988 Die Struktur der deutschen Nominalphrase. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 7: 32-59 1988 Pro pro-drop drop. wiener linguistische gazette 42/43: 57-79 1987 Expletives pro - eine Phantomkategorie. In: Dressler,W.U. & C.Grassi & R.RindlerSchjerve & M.Stegu eds. Parallela III. Tübingen Narr (237-247) 1987 (& C. Schaner-Wolles). Spracherwerb und Kognition - eine Studie über interpretative Relationen. In: J.Bayer ed. Grammatik und Kognition. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag (Sonderheft 1/1987 Linguistische Berichte) p. 41-80. 1987 (& R. Rindler-Schjerve). The parameter of auxiliary selection. Linguistics 25: 1029-1055 1987 (& Van Riemsdijk,Henk & Prinzhorn, Martin). Report on Generative Grammar in Europe. Syntaxreport - Generative Grammatik in Europa. Folia-Linguistica 21:471-487. 1986 Fehlende Argumente: Vom Passiv zu kohärenten Infinitiven. Linguistische Berichte 101:3-33 1986 Nicht-sententiale Infinitive. Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik 28: 73114 1986 Who is afraid of Typology? Folia Linguistica XX: 109-146 1986 V-Second in German. In: H.Haider & M.Prinzhorn eds. Verb Second Phenomena in Germanic Languages. Dordrecht: Foris (49-75). 11 Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg [updated in June 2016] 1986 Configurationality in Disguise - Word order and the V-2-property. In: W.Abraham & Mey eds. Topic, Focus, and Configurationality. Amsterdam: Benjamins (39-64). 1986 Affect alpha. Linguistic Inquiry 17: 113-126 1986. (& M.Prinzhorn). Introduction to Verb-second phenomena in Germanic languages. Dordrecht: Foris (p. 1-6). 1985 The Case of German. In: J.Toman ed. Studies in German Grammar. Dordrecht: Foris. p. 65- (Revised and expanded version of the paper from 1983) 1985 Über 'sein' und nicht 'sein' zur Grammatik des Pronomens ‘sich‘. In: W.Abraham ed. Erklärende Syntax des Deutschen. Tübingen: Narr (223-254). 1985 The fallacy of typology - remarks on the PIE-stop system. Lingua 65: 1-27 1985 A unified account of Case and theta-marking - The case of German. Papiere zur Linguistik 32: 3-36 1985 Chance and necessity in diachronic syntax. Word order typologies and the position of the Modern Persian relative clause. In: Fisiak, J. ed. Papers from the 6th International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins (p. 199-216) 1985 Der Rattenfängerei muss ein Ende gemacht werden. wiener linguistische gazette 35/36: 27-50 1984 - 1978 1984 (& R. Zwanziger). Relatively attributive - The ‘ezafe’-construction from Old Iranian to Modern Persian. In: J.Fisiak ed. Historical Syntax. Berlin: Mouton (p. 137-172) 1984 (& R. Rindler-Schjerve). La raison d'être - contrasti tra il francese, l'italiano e il tedesco. In: Lichem K. (ed.) Parallela II. Tübingen: Narr. 1984 Was zu haben ist und was zu sein hat - Bemerkungen zum Infinitiv. Papiere zur Linguistik 30: 23-36. 1984 Topic, focus, and V-second. Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik 23: 82119 1984 Mona Lisa lächelt stumm - über das sogenannte deutsche 'Rezipientenpassiv'. Linguistische Berichte 89:32-42. 1983 Wortbildung in der Syntax - Syntax in der Wortbildung. In: Dardano,M. et al. eds. Parallela. Tübingen: Narr (p. 26-36) 1983 The Case of German. Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik 22: 47-100 12 Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg [updated in June 2016] 1983 Etholinguistik - Ein psycholinguistisches Programm? In: Rot, Sandor ed. Languages in Function. (Proceedings of the SLE-Meeting Budapest). Budapest (p. 109-116) 1983 Der Fehlschluß der Typologie: Bemerkungen zur Rekonstruktion im allgemeinen und zu den indoeuropäischen mediae aspiratae im Besonderen. In: Meid,W. & H.Schmeja eds. Philologie und Sprachwissenschaft. Innsbruck: Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft. (p. 79-92) 1983 Connectedness effects in German. Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik 23: 82-119 1982 Functionalism - a viable explanatory paradigm? (Review article of T. Givon "On understanding grammar") Reviews in Anthropology. Spring 1982: 127-136 1982 Dependenzen und Konfigurationen: Zur deutschen V-Projektion. Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik 21: 1-60 1981 Empty categories: On some differences between German and English. wiener linguistische gazette 25: 13-36 1980 Syntax in Contrast. In: Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 12: 83-100 [reprint of the 1978 working paper version] 1980 Komposita: Reanalyseregel statt Transformation. In: Folia Linguistica XIV: 367-386 [reprint of the 1979 working paper version] 1979 Homogenität als Wertmaß für Grammatiken? Grazer Linguistische Studien 10: 70-80 1979 Komposita: Reanalyseregel statt Transformation. wiener linguistische gazette 21: 27-52 1978 Syntax in Contrast. wiener linguistische gazette 17: 45-64 C. Academic qualifications Dissertation (Doctoral dissertation, PhD; Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. Vienna) 1979 Wider die Transformationen - Argumente für eine interpretative Syntax. (Against transformations – arguments for an interpretative syntax). Univ. Wien, Institut für Sprachwissenschaft. (263 p.) Habilitation (Tenure thesis, Univ. Wien) 1987 Deutsche Syntax, generativ: Vol. 1: Einführung in die Theorie von Rektion und Bindung (= Intro to the theory of Government and Binding). 375p. Vol. 2: Parameter der deutschen Syntax (= Parameters of German syntax). 422 p. [A revised version of vol. 2 has been published in 1993: Deutsche Syntax, generativ. Tübingen: Narr] 13 Hubert Haider, Univ. Prof. of Linguistics, Univ. Salzburg Appendix: 14 [updated in June 2016]
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