EN INFORMATION FROM A-Z (SPORTS INFO INCLUDED) Summer 2016 w w w.s e efeld .co m INDEX A Air rifle shooting..........................................4 Airports.......................................................4 Alpine information.......................................4 Angling.......................................................4 Archery.......................................................4 Art, handcrafts, sculptures & wood carving.....4 Astrological services.....................................5 Austrian Alpine club......................................5 Automobile associations...............................5 B Babysitters..................................................5 Bakeries.....................................................5 Banks/cash dispensers.................................5 Barrier-free establishments...........................6 Bars/pubs...................................................6 Basketball...................................................6 Beach volleyball...........................................6 Beauty salons and chiropodists......................6 Billiards......................................................7 Boat trips....................................................7 Books.........................................................7 Bowling......................................................7 Bowls.........................................................8 Buses.........................................................8 Butcher’s shops...........................................8 C Cafés/pastry shops......................................8 Camp sites..................................................9 Car parks/garages.......................................9 Casino......................................................10 Cemeteries................................................10 Child care/Programme of activities for children & families................... 11 Children’s fashion....................................... 11 Church services.......................................... 11 Cinema.....................................................12 Climbing...................................................12 Congress facilities......................................12 Crazy Golf................................................. 13 Cycling /mountain biking /e-biking............. 13 2 D Dancing, music, entertainment....................14 Darts........................................................14 Dentists.................................................... 15 Dialling codes............................................ 15 Directory enquiries (telephone numbers)...... 15 Discos....................................................... 15 DIY store ................................................. 15 Doctors..................................................... 15 Dog parlour/dog boutique........................... 16 Dogs/dog-minders..................................... 16 DVD rental................................................ 16 E E-Bikes..................................................... 16 Electrical retailers....................................... 16 Emergency ambulance................................ 16 Emergency numbers................................... 16 Estate agents............................................ 16 Events...................................................... 17 Excursions/places of interest/museums....... 19 F Farm product shops/farmers’ markets.........28 Fashion retailers........................................29 Filling stations...........................................29 Fire services..............................................30 Fitness/personal trainer............................ 30 Florists.....................................................30 Football....................................................30 Funiculars, cable-cars and lifts.....................31 Furniture...................................................31 G Game and venison.....................................31 Garages/recovery and towing services.........32 Geocaching ..............................................32 Glassware and pottery................................32 Golf..........................................................32 Guest card.................................................33 H Hairstyling salons......................................33 Hiking /guided walks.................................36 Horse riding...............................................37 Horse-drawn carriage rides..........................38 Hospitals...................................................38 J Jewellers...................................................39 K Kneipp facilities.........................................39 L Laundrette/dry cleaners.............................41 Libraries....................................................41 Local council offices...................................41 Local television station...............................41 Lost property offices...................................41 M Massage services.......................................42 Milk vending machines...............................42 Minerals...................................................42 Motorcycle retailer.....................................42 Motorway toll stickers................................42 Mountain huts...........................................42 Mountain rescue........................................42 Museums..................................................42 N Newspapers/magazines/paperbacks...........42 Non-dispensing chemist stores.....................43 Nordic Competence Centre..........................43 Nordic Walking & Running..........................43 O Opticians...................................................43 Outdoor activity services.............................43 P Paintball...................................................44 Paragliding & tandem flights ......................44 Parish Office/Parsonage.............................44 Pharmacies...............................................44 Photographic services.................................44 Physiotherapy............................................44 Play areas/play parks................................45 Police.......................................................45 Post office.................................................45 Pre-paid phone cards..................................46 Public toilets..............................................46 Public transport timetables..........................46 Pushchair rental ........................................46 R Rafting.....................................................46 Railway stations........................................46 Restaurants...............................................47 Road conditions report................................52 Roller ski sport...........................................52 Running & Nordic Walking..........................52 INDEX I Information offices.....................................38 Inline-Skating............................................39 Interactive Maps........................................39 Internet access..........................................39 Ironmongers..............................................39 S Segways...................................................52 Shoe retailers............................................53 Shopping.................................29, 39, 53, 58 Snack bars/takeaways...............................53 Solariums.................................................56 Souvenirs/gifts/accessories........................56 Spas and wellbeing....................................56 Speaking clock..........................................58 Special tributes for returning guests.............58 Spirit retailers............................................58 Sport shops/equipment rental.....................58 Squash.....................................................59 Statutory health insurance fund...................59 Summer biathlon.......................................59 Supermarkets/grocery stores......................59 Swimming pools/saunas............................60 T Tailors....................................................... 61 Tax free.................................................... 61 Taxis......................................................... 61 Telephone facilities..................................... 61 Tennis....................................................... 61 Tipping.....................................................62 Tobacoonists/newsagents..........................62 Toy shops/stationers..................................62 Traditional attire........................................62 Trains.......................................................63 V Veterinary surgery......................................63 Vintage vehicle clubs..................................63 W Weather....................................................63 White Water Sports....................................63 Wildlife enclosure & animal activities ..........63 Wine boutiques/wine tastings....................64 W-Lan/WiFi..............................................64 Wooden products.......................................64 Y Yoga.........................................................65 3 AIR RIFLE SHOOTING LEUTASCH Schützenheim (shooting club) Kirchplatzl 128 a 14th July - 29th September 2016, Thurs, 7 - 9 pm If a specific number of points are achieved, you receive a badge; € 3.00 for 5 practice and 10 normal shots (badge incl.) REITH Rifle range in club house Reith information office, tel.: 050880-30, By prior arrangement only SCHARNITZ Schützenheim (shooting club), in the village hall in Scharnitz Informations and registration: Walter Lechthaler, tel.: 0650 5534001, www.sg-scharnitz.at AIRPORTS Our closest airports: Innsbruck, tel.: 0512 22525-0 (switchboard) or 0512 22525-304 (flight information), www.innsbruck-airport.com Munich, tel.: +49 89 9750-0 (switchboard) or +49 89 9752 1313 (flight information), www.munich-airport.de ALPINE INFORMATION Innsbruck Alpine Club, tel.: 0512 587828 Emergency numbers tel.: 140 (no dialling code necessary, can be reached via Austrian mobile phone) tel.: +43 512 140 (from an overseas phone) EU-emergency number: tel.: 112 (no dialling code necessary, can be reached via mobile phone) Alpine distress signal A repeated signal given 6 times at regular intervals within the space of one minute, followed by a one-minute break. The signal can be audible (shouting or whistling) or visible (waving a white cloth, flashing a torch). ANGLING 4 LEUTASCH ‘Angelzentrum Weidach’ at the Weidachsee lake, tel.: 0664 8557303, www.gebirgsforelle.at, Fishing pond Weidachsee: No fishing license required! Ideal for children and for fly-fishing, bait and fishing rod hire in Fishing Centre, rainbow, brook, and brown trout, char. Until November 2016 daily from 7 am - 7 pm Admission incl. 2 kg catch € 22.00, catches exceeding 2 kg - € 9.00 per kg Fishing pond Leutascher Ache: Fly-fishing area only, fishing license and registration required. Day ticket € 30.00 Fischladele (Fishmonger): Yard sale of fresh and smoked trout and char specialities. ARCHERY SEEFELD ‘Sport Aktiv’ tel.: 05212 99870, www.schisportaktiv.at Incl. equipment and transfer to the archery range, min. 4 participants, dates/times by appointment SCHARNITZ/GIESSENBACH Archery centre All 3 ranges can be used by proficient archers, no reservation required, daily price of € 10.00 Info: Walter Lechthaler, tel.: 0650 5534001, www.sg-scharnitz.com ART, HANDCRAFTS, SCULPTURES AND WOOD CARVINGS SEEFELD Gallery engelart Galerien GmbH i. Gr. Dorfplatz 25, www.engelart-galerien.com Röck Wood Carvings Innsbrucker Str. 20, tel.: 0664 5617183, www.holzbildhauerei-roeck.at Thomas Hiltpolt (metalsmith) Riehlweg 460, tel.: 0664 3578949 Gerhard Neuner (metalsmith) Römerweg 284, tel.: 05212 2724 LEUTASCH Martin Albrecht (blacksmith‘s designer shop: rose smith, ornamental wrought-iron work), tel.: 0664 5312152, www.designer-schmiede.at Anton Baur (wood restorer) Gasse 172, tel.: 0650 7077700, www.leutasch-landhaus.at Andreas Kluckner (ornamental wrought-iron work), Weidach 351 a, tel.: 05214 67800 Simone Krug (gilding and polychrome work), Neuleutasch 382, tel.: 0660 2148282, www.alpengruss.net ’Kunsthandwerk Georg Penz’ Plaik 93, tel.: 0664 2228561, www.kunsthandwerk-leutasch.com ’Kunstschmiede Nairz’ Platzl 113 a, tel.: 05214 6658, www.leutascher-alpenexpress.at ASTROLOGICAL SERVICES LEUTASCH Astrologist Barbara Rauth - Lederer Klamm 58 b, tel.: 05214 5177 or 0664 542 5973 AUSTRIAN ALPINE CLUB tel.: 0512 59547, www.alpenverein.at AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATIONS ADAC (German Automobile Association) Local partner, former border crossing Scharnitz/ Mittenwald, Am Brunnstein 2, 82481 Mittenwald tel.: +49 8823 5950 ARBÖ (Austrian Automobile Association) Saglweg 71, Telfs, tel.: 050 1232708, www.arboe.at Breakdown and recovery service: tel.: 123 ÖAMTC (Austrian Automobile Association) Untermarktstr. 65, Telfs, tel.: 05262 63095, www.oeamtc.at Breakdown and recovery service: tel.: 120 BABY SITTERS A list of all babysitters (including information on foreign languages spoken) is available in all the information offices. BAKERIES SEEFELD Baguette/M-Preis Klosterstr. 276, tel.: 05212 6262-22, www.baguette.at Reither Brot, bakery Hueber Münchner Str. 35, tel.: 05212 2059, www.reither-brot.at Ruetz Brot, Kaufhaus Albrecht Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2229-622, www.nannis-cafe.at LEUTASCH Baguette/M-Preis Weidach 340, tel.: 05214 4201, www.mpreis.at Bäckerei Pichler Gasse 167, tel.: 05214 6246, www.pension-pichler.at Der Tiroler (Pichler Brot) Weidach, tel.: 0699 1121 9490 MÖSERN Schöpf Lebensmittel Möserer Dorfstr. 7, tel.: 05212 4752, www.landhaus-schoepf.at REITH ‘Beim Rasler’ Klaus Haslwanter, Römerstr. 34, tel.: 05212 3135 (Reither Brot), opening times (July to October): 8 am - 2 pm Baguette/M-Preis Umfahrungsstr. 34, tel.: 05212 4707 Cookieworld.at Kilzer Hannes, Römerstr. 38/6, tel.: 0650 6065465, www.cookieworld.at SCHARNITZ Reither Brot, bakery Hueber Innsbrucker Str. 76, tel.: 05213 20235, www.reither-brot.at BANKS / CASH DISPENSERS SEEFELD BAWAG PSK Klosterstr. 367, tel.: 0577677 6100, www.bawagpsk.com BTV, Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Klosterstr. 397, tel.: 0505333 4207, www.btv.at, cash dispenser outside Hypo Tirol Bank Innsbruckerstr. 8, tel.: 050700 5110, www.hypotirol.com, cash dispenser outside Raiffeisenbank (with cash dispenser inside the bank) Münchner Str. 38, tel.: 05212 2100, www.rb-seefeld.at Tiroler Sparkasse Bahnhofsplatz 570, tel.: 050 100-71054, www.sparkasse.at, cash dispenser outside LEUTASCH Raiffeisenbank Kirchplatzl 128 a, tel.: 05214 6333-54513, www.rb-seefeld.at, cash dispenser inside the bank Raiffeisenbank Weidach 322 a, tel.: 05214 6333-54113, www.rb-seefeld.at, cash dispenser outside bank MÖSERN Raiffeisen-Regionalbank Telfs Mösern branch, Möserer Dorfstr. 11, cash dispenser only 5 REITH Raiffeisenbank Römerstr. 52, tel.: 05212 2100-54200, cash dispenser outside the bank Opening times: Wed and Fri 8:30 am - 12 noon SCHARNITZ Raiffeisenbank Innsbrucker Str. 28, tel.: 05213 5245-54813, www.rb-seefeld.at, cash dispenser inside bank BARRIER-FREE ESTABLISHMENTS FOR WHEELCHAIR USERS A list of wheelchair-friendly accommodation, bars and restaurants is available on our website www.seefeld.com under Service/Downloads. BARS / PUBS 6 SEEFELD ‘Beisl’ Klosterstr. 608, tel.: 0664 3405030 ‘Britannia Pub’ & ‘Buffalo and Jeep’ Olympiastr. 101, tel.: 05212 2191, www.fundisco.at Sports events on the big screen Café-Bar ‘Coco‘ Bahnhofstr. 124, tel.: 0664 9692022 DANCINGBar ‘Kännchen‘ in the Hotel Klosterbräu & SPA, pedestrian zone, tel.: 05212 2621-0, www.klosterbraeu.com ‘Enzo PS - Szene Café‘ Olympiastr. 882, tel.: 0664 4252272, www.enzops.at ‘Espresso Lounge‘ Bahnhofsplatz 613 - Citypassage, tel.: 0699 14060299 ‘Fledermaus’ Bahnhofstr. 242, tel.: 0664 4252272, www.fledermaus-seefeld.at ‘Loungis‘ Mösererstr. 632, tel.: 05212 2095, www.loungis-seefeld.at ‘Ωmega Blue’ Bahnhofsplatz 389 ‘Park Café’, Hotel Klosterbräu & SPA Pedestrian zone, tel.: 05212 2621-188, www.klosterbraeu.com ‘Piano Bar’, Hotel Klosterbräu & SPA Pedestrian zone, tel.: 05212 2621-444, www.klosterbraeu.com ‘Platzhirsch - Bistro’ Dorfplatz 25, tel.: 05212 2201-571, www.krumers.com ‘Putzi‘s Café’ Bahnhofstr. 33, tel.: 05212 4955 ‘Woods Kitchen & Bar’ Klosterstr. 120, tel.: 05212 53210, www.woods-seefeld.at Zeitlos, Bar - Café in Hotel Hocheder Klosterstr. 121, tel.: 05212 53200, www.hotel-hocheder.at LEUTASCH ‘La Bamba’ Weidach 373 b, tel.: 05214 6028 ‘Pub à la Pub‘ Weidach 302 b MÖSERN ‘9ers’ Restaurant - Lounge - Bar Möserer Dorfstr. 2, tel.: 05212 4747, www.inntalerhof.com REITH ‘All Reith’ Römerstr. 22, tel.: 05212 3859 SCHARNITZ ‘Café in der Länd’ Hinterautalstr. 355, tel.: 0664 5532194 ‘Campingstüberl‘ Brand 390, tel.: 0699 10109009 ‘Alte Mühle’ Innsbrucker Str. 29, tel.: 05213 20047, www.altemuehle-scharnitz.at BASKETBALL REITH In front of the club house Free to use, information: Reith information office, tel.: 050880-30 BEACH VOLLEYBALL SEEFELD ‘Strandperle Seefeld’ tel.: 05212 2436, www.strandperle.at BEAUTY SALONS AND CHIROPODISTS (by appointment only) SEEFELD ‘Alpenhotel… fall in Love’ Dorfplatz 28, tel.: 05212 2191, www.alpenlove.at ‘Astoria Relax & Spa Hotel’ Geigenbühelstr. 185, tel.: 05212 2272-0, www.astoria-seefeld.com ‘Beauty Lounge Seefeld’ Bahnhofsplatz 613 - Citypassage, tel.: 0664 1865455, www.beauty-lounge-seefeld.at ‘Beauty & More by Katarina’ Möserer Str. 53, beside Hotel St. Peter, tel.: 0664 3919954 ‘Bettinas’ - Beauty salon and chiropody practice Claudiastr. 368/corner of Haspingerstr. tel.: 0650 4163404, www.seefeld-kosmetik.at appointments from Tuesday to Friday ‘Das Hotel Eden‘ Münchner Str. 136, tel.: 05212 50495, www.eden-seefeld.at ‘Ellen‘s Naildesign‘, nail studio Karwendelweg 80, tel.: 0699 17275402, www.ellens-naildesign.at ‘Haarschmid’ Münchner Str. 143, tel.: 05212 2992, www.haarschmid.at (beauty treatments only) ‘Hotel Klosterbräu & SPA‘ Pedestrian zone, tel.: 05212 2621-0, www.klosterbraeu.com ‘Krumers Post Hotel & Spa‘ Dorfplatz 25, tel.: 05212 2201600, www.krumers.com ‘Natur Hotel Lärchenhof & Spa’ Geigenbühelstr. 203, tel.: 05212 2383-333, www.hotel-laerchenhof-seefeld.com ‘Pelikan’ Bahnhofsplatz/Citypassage, tel.: 05212 2650 (beauty treatments only) Tiefenbrunner Andrea Kurhotelpromenade 95, tel.: 0664 2747319 (chiropody only) LEUTASCH ’Hotel Quellenhof Leutasch ****S’ Weidach 288, tel.: 05214 6782-507, www.quellenhof.at ‘Sporthotel Xander’ Kirchplatzl 147, tel.: 05214 6581, www.xander-leutasch.at (beauty treatments only) MÖSERN Hotel ‘Inntalerhof’ Möserer Dorfstr. 2, tel.: 05212 4747, www.inntalerhof.com REITH ‘Top Hair’ Alpenkönig Römerstr. 52, tel.: 05212 20128, by appointment only BILLIARDS SEEFELD ‘Ferienhotel Kaltschmid’/’Britannia Pub’ tel.: 05214 2191, www.kaltschmid.info Open daily 2 pm - 2 am, € 1.50 per game Sports events on the big screen LEUTASCH ‘La Bamba’ Weidach 373 b, tel.: 05214 6028 Open daily (except Tues and Wed) from 4 pm € 1.00 per game ‘Pub à la Pub’ Weidach 302 b Open daily (except Mon) from 11 am € 1.00 per game BOAT TRIPS SEEFELD ‘Strandperle Seefeld’ tel.: 05212 2436, www.strandperle.at New pedalos, rental of SUP boards, stand-up paddling lessons BOOKS Paperbacks are available in all the supermarkets in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. SEEFELD ‘Albrecht Kaufhaus’, tobacconist Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2229-648, ‘Bahnhofstrafik’ (at the railway station) tel.: 05212 2306 LEUTASCH ‘Tabaktrafik Gapp’ Weidach 321 a, tel.: 05214 6286 BOWLING SEEFELD ‘zur Kug‘l’ bowling lanes In the Haus Europa opposite Seefeld railway station, Tyrolean bowling, tel.: 0664 2159635, www.seefeld-fun.com 4 fully automatic bowling lanes, gaming machines, table football, table tennis, free WiFi 7 July and August, Mon - Fri from 8 pm. Available for use during the daytime too by prior arrangement all year round € 15.00 per hour, per lane (irrespective of the number of players) Bowling/crazy golf package - 25% discount LEUTASCH ‘Alpenhotel zum See’ Weidach 336, tel.: 05214 5142, www.alpenhotelzumsee.at 2 bowling lanes, open daily - prior reservation necessary, € 10.00 per hour, per lane SCHARNITZ ‘Gasthof Risserhof’ tel.: 05213 5240 or 05213 20020, www.risserhof.com 2 fully automatic bowling lanes, open daily € 9.00 per hour (€ 1 discount for holders of the Olympiaregion Seefeld Card) BOWLS (BOCCIA) MÖSERN/BUCHEN ‘Ropferstub´m’ tel.: 05262 65949, www.ropferhof.at Free boccia games - please reserve in advance Daily, from June to end of October, (weather permitting) (except on those days when the Ropferstub’m restaurant is closed) from 10:30 am until 6 pm. Please call beforehand to reserve! BUSES 8 With a regional bus ticket credited with € 12.00, guests can make use of all the public service buses in the Olympiaregion Seefeld to travel between the villages of Seefeld, Leutasch, Mösern/Buchen, Reith and Scharnitz throughout the duration of their holiday. For journeys outside these villages, the VVT tariffs (local public transport network tariffs) apply. NB: The regional bus ticket is available for purchase in all the information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld or at the most hotel or guesthouses. (It is not available for purchase in the buses themselves.) Children up to the age of 15 in possession of a valid ‘Olympiaregion Seefeld card‘ travel free of charge. Guests arriving by train, upon showing confirmation of an accommodation reservation in the Olympiaregion Seefeld, can travel free of charge (within Austria national territory) to the bus stop closest to their holiday accommodation. In accordance with the current valid conditions of the transportation company, dogs can be taken free of charge. They must, however, wear muzzles and be on a leash. Detailed bus timetables are available free of charge in all the information offices. The Seefeld shuttle bus is free of charge; charges apply to the ‘Wildmoos‘ bus (Seefeld Wildmoosalm) and to the following routes: Leutasch - Mittenwald (and return), Scharnitz Mittenwald (and return), Mösern/Buchen - Telfs (and return). BUTCHER’S SHOPS SEEFELD ‘Eurospar’ Olympiastr. 882, tel.: 05212 22291, www.albrecht-betriebe.at LEUTASCH ‘Gut Leutasch’ Klamm 80a, Michael Skamrada, tel.: 05214 5226 or 0664 8878 4281, www.gutleutasch.at SCHARNITZ Heinz Gaugg Meat farm (venison and lamb available depending on season) Hinterautalstr. 200a, tel.: 0664 222 5389, opening times on request All the supermarkets in the Olympiaregion Seefeld also offer a wide selection of fresh meat products. CAFÉS / PASTRY SHOPS SEEFELD ‘Alt Seefeld’, Erlebnis-Wirtshaus Olympiastr. 101, tel.: 05212 2191, www.kaltschmid.info ‘Am Kurpark’, Ferienhotel Kaltschmid Olympia Str. 101, tel.: 05212 2191, www.kaltschmid.info ‘Café-Bar Coco’ Bahnhofstr. 124, tel.: 0664 9692022 ‘Corso’ Bahnhofstr. 163, tel.: 05212 2262 ‘Elisabeth’ Bahnhofsplatz 389, tel.: 0664 3330671 ‘Enzo PS-Szene Café‘ Olympiastr. 882, tel.: 0664 4252272, www.enzops.at ‘Espresso Lounge’ Bahnhofsplatz 613 - Citypassage, tel.: 0699 1406 0299 ‘GOLF-IN’ Reitherspitzstr. 632d, tel.: 0699 10072375 ‘K. u. K.’ Bahnhofstr. 163, tel.: 0664 4252272 ‘Mocca-Mühle‘, Hotel Elite Andreas Hofer Str. 39, tel.: 05212 2901, www.elite-seefeld.at ‘Nannis’, in ‘Kaufhaus Albrecht’ Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2229-622, www.nannis-cafe.at ‘Niveau’ Innsbrucker Str. 11, tel.: 05212 3441 ‘Peintner Confiserie’ Bahnhofstr. 389, tel.: 05212 2539, www.meilerhof.at Café ‘Törtchen’ Kindergartenweg 840, tel.: 05262 62145 9405 ‘Platzhirsch’ Dorfplatz 25, tel.: 05212 2201-571, www.krumers.com Café-Bar ‘Segafredo Espresso’ Rosshütte top station, tel.: 05212 2416-0, www.rosshuette.at ‘Strandperle’ Innsbrucker Str. 500, tel.: 05212 2436, www.strandperle.at ‘Via Veneto’ Bahnhofstr. 389, tel.: 0676 3477627 ‘Zeitlos, Bar - Café’ In Hotel Hocheder Klosterstr. 121, tel.: 05212 53200, www.hotel-hocheder.at ‘Menthof’ Brochweg 15, tel.: 05212 4756, www.menthof.at ‘Möserer Seestub‘n‘ Möserer Seeweg 16, tel.: 05212 4779 ‘Ropferstub‘m’ Buchen 6-8, tel.: 05262 65949, www.ropferstubm.com ‘Zum Neunerwirt’ Möserer Dorfstr. 23, tel.: 05212 4866, www.alpenwelt.at LEUTASCH ‘Kaminstüberl‘ in ‘Sporthotel Raffl’ Weidach 314 a, tel.: 05214 6634, www.rafflshotel.at ‘Sky-Sports-Lounge’ in the Alpenhotel Karwendel Ostbach 18, tel.: 05214 6304, www.karwendel.com German premier league (and other events) live and in HD, programme as advertised SEEFELD ‘Camp Alpin’ Leutascher Str. 810, tel.: 05212 4848, www.camp-alpin.at MÖSERN ‘Alt-Mösern‘ Möserer Dorfstr. 15, tel.: 05212 4737, www.alt-moesern.at ‘Dorfkrug’ Möserer Dorfstr. 32, tel.: 05212 4766, www.gasthof-dorfkrug.com ‘Inntalerhof’ Möserer Dorfstr. 2, tel.: 05212 4747, www.inntalerhof.com ‘Kaiserhof’ Albrecht-Dürer-Weg 1, tel.: 05212 52509, www.vitalhotel-kaiserhof.at ‘Landcafé Schöpf‘ Möserer Dorfstr. 7-9, tel.: 05212 4752, www.landhaus-schoepf.at SCHARNITZ ‘Karwendel Camp’ Am Brandlift 390, tel.: 0699 10109009, www.karwendelcamp.at REITH ‘Café Englhof‘ Gstoagweg 13, tel.: 05212 3138, www.engl-hof.com ‘Strandcafé Sonja‘ (only in summer) Gschwandtweg 9, tel.: 05212 3138 SCHARNITZ ‘Café in der Länd’ Hinterautalstr. 355, tel.: 0664 5532194 ‘Café Reither Brot‘, ‘Bäckerei Hueber‘ Innsbrucker Str. 76, tel.: 05213 20235, www.reither-brot.at CAMP SITES Overnight camping is strictly prohibited in all public parking areas. LEUTASCH ‘Tirol.Camp Leutasch’ Reindlau 230 b, tel.: 05214 6570, www.tirol.camp CAR PARKS / GARAGES SEEFELD Free car parking: Fussballplatzparkplatz (near the football pitch) (P16), Möserer Str. Reithalle (beside the riding stables) (P17), Leutascher Str. WM-Halle (P14), Möserer Str. 9 Paid car parking: Apotheken Parkplatz (near the pharmacy) (P8), Münchner Str. Fiakerparkplatz (near the horse-drawn carriage stand) (P3), Innsbrucker Str. Garage Auto Nemeth KG, Münchner Str. 75, tel.: 05212 2407, (Eni filling station), multi-car garage, 5 spaces, Mon - Sat, 8 am - 7:30 pm, Sun and public holidays, 9 am - 7 pm. Klosterbräu car park (P10), Olympia Str. Parking spaces beside the railway station (P5), Bahnhofplatz Raiffeisenbank (P6), Andreas-Hofer-Str. Strandbad (P1), Innsbrucker Str. Underground car park - Eurospar, Olympia Str. Underground car park - Olympia Sport- & Kongresszentrum, Klosterstr. 600, tel.: 05212 3220, 213 spaces (including 2 parking places for the disabled), open 8 am - 11 pm, entry and exit also during the night LEUTASCH Free car parking: Puitbach, climbers’ car park Paid car parking: Moos, Rauthhütte car park Moos/branch off to Buchen, Rödlach car park Klamm/Gaistal, Stupfer and Salzbach car park Kirchplatzl, Gemeindehaus/Friedhof, beside the local council offices/cemetery (short-term parking zone) Weidach, ErlebnisWelt Alpenbad leisure centre Weidach, football pitch Weidach, music pavilion Weidach, bridge Weidachbrücke MÖSERN/BUCHEN Free car parking: Beside the information office, cars only (short-term parking zone - parking disc must be displayed) Mösererseeweg (buses) Möserer Str. beside the Hotel ‘Inntalerhof‘ (buses and cars), (short-term parking zone parking disc must be displayed) beside the ‘Seewaldalm’ (buses and cars) REITH Free car parking: entrance Maxhütte (opposite the ÖBB substation) opposite the fire station opposite the information office at the music pavilion Paid car parking: 10 at the swimming pool at Gschwandt SCHARNITZ Free car parking: ‘Gemeindeamt’ (local council offices) - parking disc must be displayed (max. 1 hour), Paid car parking: car parks Schraffelbrücke, Riedboden, Mühlberg and Karwendel. When you purchase a parking ticket, you also receive a voucher that can be redeemed in numerous cafés/restaurants in Scharnitz. CASINO SEEFELD Seefeld Casino Every day from 1 pm, you can enjoy a multifaceted programme of entertainment! From roulette to poker, from Black Jack and baccarat to gaming machines - here in Seefeld Casino it’s all about luck, luck, luck! Enjoy a fantastic programme of entertainment, along with superb culinary offerings and a truly electric atmosphere. The sound of chips being stacked, the dancing of the ball in the roulette wheel, the colourful array of chips on the table, and the fluttering of the playing cards in the hands of the croupier - the cosy yet elegant casino in Seefeld offers an unparalleled world of thrills and gaming entertainment. High winnings, good payout chances, clear explanations of all the games and show tournaments transform a visit to the casino into an unforgettable experience. To be admitted to the casino you must be at least 18 years of age and in possession of valid photo-ID. All visitors to the casino can purchase chips to the value of € 30.00 for just € 27.00. You can have this casino package electronically added to your Olympiaregion Seefeld guest card, if you wish - either at the reception of your hotel or in any of the information offices in the region. Detailed information on contests, events and entertainment in Seefeld Casino can be found at www.seefeld.casinos.at. Seefeld Casino enjoy the ultimate experience! Open daily from 1 pm. CEMETERIES SEEFELD Situated above the ‘Römerweg‘ (near the bypass road) in the ‘Föhrenwald‘ woods. Single graves and family graves, military cemetery and a grave for victims of the Dachau concentration camp. Memorial to the Unborn Child (see also page 20). LEUTASCH beside ‘Pfarrkirche zur Hl. Magdalena’ (Parish Church of St. Magdalene), Kirchplatzl beside ‘Pfarrkirche zum Hl. Johannes’ (Parish Church of St. John), Unterkirchen MÖSERN beside the Parish Church REITH beside the Parish Church SCHARNITZ Forest cemetery (Waldfriedhof) beside the Brandlift ski-tow in Eisack CHILD CARE / PROGRAMME OF ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN & FAMILIES Summer time is children‘s time! During the summer months, the Olympiaregion Seefeld provides an action-packed and varied programme of events for children. Please request our detailed folder containing information on all childcare facilities (children’s clubs) and all children’s entertainment programmes in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. This information is available in all information offices or under www.seefeld.com. CHILDREN’S FASHION SEEFELD ‘Sport & Mode Albrecht’ Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2421, www.sportalbrecht.com ‘Christine Souvenir’ Bahnhofsplatz 389, tel.: 0699 10522828 ‘engelart - Couture for Little Angels’ Dorfplatz 25, tel.: 05212 20090 ‘Iguana Baby Kids & Junior’ Innsbrucker Str. 11a, tel.: 05212 51900, www.iguana-charlie.at ‘Sporthaus Kirchmair’ Münchner Str. 42, tel.: 05212 2268, www.sporthaus-kirchmair.at ‘Trachten Loisel’ Klosterarkaden 608, tel.: 05212 2147, www.trachten-mode-seefeld.at ‘Triumph International’ Bahnhofstr. 163, tel.: 05212 99816, www.triumph.at CHURCH SERVICES SEEFELD Detailed information on all Holy Masses, processions and all other Catholic fests is available at www.pfarramt-seefeld.at. SERVICES IN ITALIAN SUN, 24.07, 31.07, 07.08, 14.08, 21.08 and 28.08.2016 and MON 15.08.2016 in St. Oswald Parish Church at 11:30 am. PROTESTANT SERVICES in the Seekirchl church Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month from July until the end of September 2016 (10.07, 24.07, 14.08, 28.08, 11.09, 25.09.2016) at 11 am. LEUTASCH CATHOLIC MASSES Oberleutasch/Kirchplatzl Parish Church SAT, 7 pm, early evening mass SUN, 10 am, mass Unterleutasch/Unterkirchen Parish Church SUN, 8:30 am, mass Weekdays - see notice boards by churches! Programme of services is available to take away. FESTIVAL SERVICES Oberleutasch/Kirchplatzl Parish Church THURS,05.05.16: 10 am, Ascension Day, First Communion Festivities SUN, 15.05.16: 10 am, Whitsunday, Holy Mass SUN, 22.05.16: 10 am, Holy Confirmation of the parishes of Oberleutasch and Unterleutasch. Conformation administered by dean Dr. Peter Scheiring THURS,26.05.16: 10 am, Corpus Christi, Holy Mass, then procession FRI, 22.07.16: 2 pm, Patronage Holy Mary Magdalene festival service, then procession MON, 15.08.16: 10 am, Assumption Day, parish service with herb blessing SUN, 02.10.16: 10 am, Harvest Festival, parish service with Harvest Thanksgiving Blessing, 9:30 am: procession with the thanksgiving cart to the church and festival service Unterleutasch/Unterkirchen Parish Church SUN, 15.05.2016: 8.30 am, Whitsunday, Holy Mass SUN, 26.06.16: 10 am, patronage of John the Baptist followed by procession, church festival MON, 15.08.16: 8:30 am, Assumption Day, parish service with herb blessing 11 MÖSERN/BUCHEN Parish Church Maria Heimsuchung Sundays and public holidays: 8:30 am, Holy Mass Ringing of the Peace Bell: daily at 5 pm Festival Services/Processions SAT, 02.07.16: 10 am, Patronage of St. Mary REITH St. Nikolaus Parish Church SUN, 10 am, office SAT, 7 pm, early evening mass Maria Hilf Church/Auland TUES, 7 pm, mass (May to October) Magnus Kapelle chapel in Leithen WED, 7 pm, mass (May to October) Festival Services/Processions SUN, 01.05.16.: 10 am, First Communion Festivities with the Reith Brass Band SUN, 15.05.16: 10 am, Whit Service and baptism with Reith Choral Society THURS, 26.05.16: 9 am, Corpus Christi Procession with all village associations SUN, 05.06.16: 9 am, Sacred Heart Procession with all village associations MON, 15.08.16: 10 am, Church Patronage in Auland Maria Hilf Chapel with the Reith “Bergkapelle” music band and the Reith Rifle Club SUN, 02.10.16: 10 am, Harvest Thanksgiving with all village associations SCHARNITZ Maria Hilf Parish Church SUN, 9:30 am and 7 pm, church service MON, TUES, THURS, FRI, 7 pm, church service Festival Services/Processions THURS, 05.05.16: 9 am, Ascension Day and First Communion Festivities THURS,26.05.16: 8:30 am, Holy Mass followed by Corpus Christi Procession with the societies and inhabitants of Scharnitz (procession weather permitting only) SUN, 05.06.16: 8:30 am, Holy Mass followed by Sacred Heart Procession with the societies and inhabitants of Scharnitz (procession weather permitting only) MON, 15.08.16: 8:30 am, Holy Mass followed by Assumption Day Procession with the societies and inhabitants of Scharnitz (procession weather permitting only) 12 CINEMA SEEFELD Cinepoint Seefeld In the Olympia Sports & Congress Centre, tel.: 05212 3311, www.cinepoint.at. Since May 2013: Austria’s most up-to-date, digital 3D cinema! A choice of films shown daily (2 pm, 3:15 pm, 5:45 pm, 8:20 pm), from up-to-date blockbusters to the latest children’s films, there’s something to suit everyone! The cinema programme is available in Seefeld information office, or it can be viewed online at www.cinepoint.at. Special offer: ‘Every day = Ladies’ Day!’ All ladies receive a glass of sparkling wine as a welcome drink - we look forward to your visit! CLIMBING LEUTASCH ‘Kletterwald Leutaschklamm’ - high rope forest adventure course The “Kletterwarld Geisterklamm” high-rope adventure course is located at the entrance to the Spirit Gorge in Leutasch. Equipped with a revolutionary safety system, the ropes course enables you to fulfil your dreams of treetop climbing at heights ranging between 4 and 14 metres. Constructed over two different levels, the course boasts a wide range of new elements. Ours is not a run-of-the-mill high ropes adventures course in which you have to follow a set route. Here the obstacle elements fan out from a central platform. Each participant can select his or her own route and is free to choose the elements he or she wants to tackle which minimises congestion and waiting time. In addition, this summer you can try out the brand new flying fox course with 3 zip lines that lets you cross the Leutasch gorge at high speed several times over. Children taller than 1.25 metres can enjoy the high ropes adventure course when accompanied by an adult. Those taller than 1.45 metres can tackle the course alone. For detailed information contact Stefan Reich, State Certified Mountain and Skiing Guide, www.kletterwaldleutasch.at, tel.: 0699 1814 9731. CONGRESS FACILITIES SEEFELD Olympia Sports & Congress Centre tel.: 05212 3220, www.seefeld-sports.at 3 fully technically equipped congress halls (capacity 15 -300 people), additional cinema hall (148 people) and restaurant, 210 parking spaces, underground car park; Main building at the foot of the Toni Seelos ski jump (140 people), 100 parking spaces (outside) WM Hall (1,200 - 2,500 people) tel.: 05212 3220, parking available LEUTASCH ‘ErlebnisWelt Alpenbad’ Weidach 275 b, tel.: 05214 6380, www.alpenbad-leutasch.com ‘Hohe Munde’ banquet hall (up to 350 people), ‘Wetterstein’ banquet hall (up to 2,500 people) The detailed MICE Folder with information on all hotels with meeting rooms as well as all conference facilities, entertainment/event centres and service providers/suggestions for leisure time programmes can be found at www.seefeld.com. CRAZY GOLF SEEFELD Innsbrucker Straße next to the Hotel Seespitz, by the Wildsee Lake tel.: 0664/2159635, Pit-Pat: Mixture of billiards and mini-golf, prices as for mini-golf, Daily 10 am - 10 pm Adults Children 1 round € 4.00 € 3.00 Double-round: 1x Mini golf and 1x Pit-Pat (Billiard golf) € 5.00 € 4.00 Bowling/crazy golf package - 25% discount Riehlweg Opposite Seefeld railway station, beside the ‘zur Kug’l’ bowling lanes tel.: 0664 2159635, www.seefeld-fun.com Free WiFi, daily 9 am - 10 pm Adults Children 1 round € 4.00 € 3.00 Bowling/crazy golf package - 25% discount CYCLING/ MOUNTAINBIKING/E-BIKING OLYMPIAREGION SEEFELD A true paradise for beginners and advanced, the Olympiaregion Seefeld can boast more than 34 routes of public bike paths. Bike maps including extensive route descriptions are available in all information offices. Bike rental and servicing: SEEFELD ‘Fun-Sport Frank’ tel.: 0664 5162863, www.funsport-frank.com Mountain bike hire (also for children) Adult mountain bike € 20.00 - € 30.00 (depending on model) Child mountain bike, 1 day € 10.00 Weekend package € 30.00 E-Bike, 1 day € 25.00 - € 35.00 (depending on model) Bike trailers (space for up to 2 children) € 20.00 ‘2-Rad Corner’ tel.: 05212 4144, www.ossi-niederkircher.at Mountain bike, ½ day € 13.00 Mountain bike, 1 day € 17.00 - € 25.00 Child mountain bike, ½ day € 7.00 Child mountain bike, 1 day € 12.00 Delivery of bikes is also possible with groups. ‘Sport Norz’ tel.: 05212 6252, www.sport-norz.at Mountain bikes - racing bikes - electric bikes Sales - rental - service for all makes Mountain bike (Hardtail, Fully, Fatbike) Hire 1 day € 15.00 - 30.00 Child mountain bike, 1 day € 10.00 Child seat, 1 day € 5.00 Trailer (child trailer), 1 day € 20.00 Electric bike and electric mountain bikes 1 day € 20.00 - € 30.00 Racing bikes 1 day € 25.00 Helmet € 3.00 LEUTASCH ‘Alpenhotel Karwendel’ Ostbach 18, tel.: 05214 6304, ww.karwendel.com Electric mountain bike rental ‘Sport Günter’ Weidach, tel.: 05214 6305, www.nordicshop.at Electric bike and electric mountain bike rental ‘Sport Wedl’, Weidach, tel.: 05214 6444, www.sport-wedl.com Rental of mountain and city bikes, bike service and repairs Mo - Fr 9 am - 12 noon and 3 - 6 pm Sa 9 am - 12 noon Adult 1 day € 12.00 1 afternoon € 9.00 1 week € 72.00 E-bike rental Bike trailer € 8.00 Child seat Shadow (children) Child € 9.00 € 7.00 € 54.00 € 3.50 € 8.00 SCHARNITZ ‘Campingstüberl’ Tel.: 0699 10109009, www.karwendelcamp.at, Prices on request 13 ‘Café in der Länd’ Tel.: 0664 5532194 Prices available on request, flyers are available in Scharnitz Information Office Guided bike tours: SEEFELD ‘Sport Aktiv’ tel.: 05212 99870, www.schisportaktiv.at Easy, moderate and demanding tours for beginners and advanced in the Seefeld area, half-day and full-day tours, mountain bikes not included. Private half-day tours per bike guide up to 8 persons € 165.00 Private full-day tours per bike guide up to 8 persons € 210.00 Dates and times can be found in the Sport Aktiv weekly programme. For further information call 05212 99870 or 0664 392 7846. E-bike tours: half-day or full-day tours available on request for private individuals or as a group ‘Sport Norz’ Tel.: 05212 6252, www.sport-norz.at Guided tours, tour suggestions and tips as well as bike servicing for all makes and models, bookings in the shop ‘2-Rad Corner’ Tel.: 05212 4144, www.ossi-niederkircher.at Guided tours on request. MÖSERN/BUCHEN Fabian Kikl Tel.: 0664 5465556 Certified Mountain Bike Guide, planning and organization of guided mountain bike tours SCHARNITZ Plenty of information about the Karwendel Nature Park, huts, touring suggestions and bike maps are available in the Scharnitz information office, tel.: 050880-40 DANCING, MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT DAILY OR SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK: 14 SEEFELD Ferienhotel Kaltschmid - ‘Am Kurpark‘ café and restaurant www.kaltschmid.info From 13.5. - 23.10.2016: dancing with solo entertainer ‘Ervin’, every Tuesday to Sunday from 4 pm - 5 pm and every evening from 8 pm - 11 pm Inn ‘Alt Seefeld’ - Erlebniswirtshaus www.kaltschmid.info From 13.5. - 23.10.2016: Music and dancing with solo entertainers, daily from 9 pm - 1:30 am ‘Gasthof Batzenhäusl‘ www.gasthof-seefeld.com From 11.5. - 16.10.2016: Pre-lunchtime ‘Frühschoppen’ get-togethers (weather permitting) every Sunday (from 15.05.2016) from 11 am - 1 pm; dancing and music in the evenings as advertised. American Cocktail Bar ‘Fledermaus‘ www.fledermaus-seefeld.at From the beginning of June to mid-October 2016: Varied programme as advertised! Special event: Every Wednesday in July and August ‘Karaoki Party!’ Open daily from 6 pm - 4 am Hotel Klosterbräu ***** & Spa - Piano Bar www.klosterbraeu.com From 17.6. - 19.11.2016: Piano and entertainment music several times a week from 9 pm to midnight. Free admission! Call for dates or visit www.klosterbraeu.com ‘Buffalo’ Western Saloon and ‘Jeep’ fun disco www.kaltschmid.info From 13.5. - 22.10.2016 with DJs and a varied programme of events. Opening days as advertised. Opening times: 10 pm - 6 am. Hotel Seefelderhof www.seefelderhof.com From 18.5. - 12.10.2016: Every Wednesday from 8 pm, convivial live music with the duo “Abendrot”, free admission! WEEKLY: MÖSERN/BUCHEN ‘9ers’ Restaurant - Lounge - Bar: Culinary delights for discerning palates - creative, sophisticated and beautifully balanced & spacious sun-drenched terrace. Bar & cocktails from 5 pm daily. From end of May to mid-October 2016 live music once a week as advertised. DARTS SEEFELD ‘Ferienhotel Kaltschmid’/’Britannia Pub’ tel.: 05214 2191, www.kaltschmid.info Open daily 2 pm - 2 am, from € 1.00 per game Sports events on the big screen LEUTASCH ‘La Bamba’ Weidach 373 b, tel.: 05214 6028 Open daily (except Tues and Wed), from 4 pm, € 1.00 per game ‘Pub à la Pub’ Weidach 302 b, open daily (except Mon), from 11 am, € 1.00 per game SCHARNITZ ‘Campingstüberl’ tel.: 0699 10109009, www.karwendelcamp.at ‘Gasthof Alte Mühle’ tel.: 05213 20047, www.altemuehle-scharnitz.at, open daily ‘Gasthof Risserhof’ tel.: 05213 5240 or 05213 20020, www.risserhof.com DENTISTS SEEFELD Dr. Scherfler Münchner Str. 300, tel.: 05212 3275, www.zahnarzt-scherfler.at Surgery hours: Mon - Fri 8 am - 6 pm by appointment Dr. med. dent. Kathrin Vizi Innsbruckerstr. 525, tel.: 05212 20121, www.zahnarzt-seefeld.co.at Surgery hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs 8 am - 12 noon and 1 pm - 5 pm, Wed, Fri 8 am - 12 noon DIALLING CODES Austria 0043 Australia 0061 Belgium 0032 Canada 001 France 0033 Germany 0049 Great Britain 0044 Israel 00972 Italy 0039 & 0 (except for mobile nos.) Japan 0081 Luxembourg 00352 Netherlands 0031 Russia 007 (& 0) Spain 0034 Switzerland 0041 USA 001 DIRECTORY ENQUIRIES (TELEPHONE NUMBERS) For domestic numbers, EU numbers and numbers from all neighbouring countries tel.: 118877, from overseas, tel.: 0900 118877 DISCOS SEEFELD ‘Buffalo and Jeep’ Olympiastr. 101, tel.: 05212 2191, www.fundisco.at DANCINGBar ‘Kännchen‘ in the Hotel Klosterbräu & SPA, pedestrian zone tel.: 05212 2621-0, www.klosterbraeu.com DIY STORE LEUTASCH ‘Raiffeisen Lagerhaus‘ Kirchplatzl 128 a, tel.: 05214 625054918, www.lagerhaus.at DOCTORS If you are in possession of your European Health Insurance Card, you can go straight to a doctor. Payment will be settled directly via the insurance provided that the doctor has a contract with the compulsory health insurance fund. For further information, contact the ‘Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse‘, Klara-Pölt-Weg 2, Innsbruck, tel.: 0591 60-0, or the branch office, ‘Gebietskrankenkasse Tirol‘, Telfs Office, Untermarkt 48, PF 37, tel.: 0591 60-31 32 SEEFELD Dr. med. univ. Alois Durnes General Practitioner, Münchner Str. 300, tel.: 05212 3781 or 05212 2709, surgery hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 12 noon and 4 pm - 6 pm, and by appointment Dr. med. univ. Benedikt Klein Münchner Str. 268, tel.: 05212 20125 or 0680 2430349 General Practitioner, Sports Physician Surgery hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, 8:30 am - 12 noon and 3:30 pm - 6 pm, Wed, 8:30 am - 12 noon, Fri, 8:30 am - 2 pm and appointment Dr. med. univ. Dr. phil. Andreas Wiseman Münchner Str. 68, tel.: 05212 5151, www.arzt-seefeld.at Specialist in Inner Medicine Psychosomatic Medicine, Acupuncture, Medical Hypnosis, Surgery hours: Mon - Thurs, 8:30 am 12 noon, Mon - Wed, 1:30 pm - 3 pm, Thurs 2 pm - 5 pm, and by appointment LEUTASCH Dr. Oswald Heis General Practitioner, Weidach 293 a, tel.: 05214 6910, surgery hours: Mon - Fri 8 am 12 noon, Mon, Wed & Fri 5 pm - 7 pm SCHARNITZ Dr. med. Hamid Homayouni (from 1st July Dr. Hubert Hofstötter) General Practitioner Innsbrucker Str. 3, tel.: 05213 5134, Surgery hours: Mon - Thurs 9 am - 12 noon, Wed & Fri 3 pm - 7 pm 15 DOG PARLOUR / DOG BOUTIQUE SEEFELD ‘Hundesalon & Boutique Bella’ Bahnhofsplatz, tel.: 05212 50313 ‘Zoey’s Hundehütte’ Klosterstr. 43 - Rathauspassage, tel.: 0664 1738905, www.zoeys-hundehuette.at DOGS / DOG-MINDERS In accordance with local council regulations, dogs must be kept on a lead at all times and dog owners are legally responsible for clearing away their dog’s mess in all green areas, on all pavements and walking paths/trails and in all public spaces. A violation of these regulations can incur a fine of up to € 1,820.00. After clearing up the dog’s mess, the bag must be deposited in a rubbish bin and not left on the walkway or thrown into the woods. Please note that muzzles are compulsory for all dogs when travelling with public transport. A list of dog-minders is available from all the information offices in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. LEUTASCH Dog kennels and dog obedience school Moos 13, tel.: 0664 73587404, www.hundepension-tirol.at DVD RENTAL SEEFELD Seefeld public lending library (opposite the church), tel.: 05212 52877, www.bibliothek-seefeld.at Opening times: Sun 10:30 am - 12 noon, Tues 5 - 6:30 pm, Thurs 6 pm - 7:30 pm Shell filling station Innsbruckerstr. 272, tel.: 05212 2914, www.cinethek.at E-BIKES 16 Boasting some 570 km of cycle paths and mountain bike trails, the Olympiaregion Seefeld is a Mecca for cycling and mountain biking enthusiasts of all abilities. From tours for beginners and families to challenging mountain bike routes, the Seefeld high plateau is one of the most enjoyable and interesting destinations for all those who want to explore their holiday region on two wheels. Stunning views and untouched natural surroundings, mouth-watering produce from the local mountain pastures and the joy of exercise in the great outdoors, no matter what your level of fitness, are the ingredients that make up an unforgettable day of cycling in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. For those who prefer to take it easy and reach their destination without working up too much of a sweat, the region this summer once again, has approximately 100 Movelo e-bikes available for hire from numerous rental stations along with additional battery-charger stations, ensuring unlimited mobility in and around your holiday resort. Further information can be found in our current e-bike flyer which is available in all the information offices. E-bike rental prices: between € 25 and € 35 per day (depending on model). ELECTRICAL RETAILERS SEEFELD ‘Jamnik’ Münchner Str. 487, tel.: 05212 3949, www.elektro-jamnik.at EMERGENCY AMBULANCE Emergency number: tel.: 144 SEEFELD Rotes Kreuz (Red Cross) Leutascher Str. 770, tel.: 057 144-2311, www.roteskreuz.at EMERGENCY NUMBERS Alpine emergency services/mountain rescue calling within Austria. tel.: 140 calling from overseas: tel.: +43 512 140 Fire services, tel.: 122 Breakdown and recovery services - ARBÖ, tel.: 123 ÖAMTC, tel.: 120 Police, tel.: 133 Emergency ambulance, tel.: 144 (Patient transport only, tel.: 14844) EU emergency number, tel.: 112 (no dialling code necessary, can be called from a mobile phone) ESTATE AGENTS SEEFELD ‘EV Immobilienagentur GmbH - Engel & Völkers‘ Klosterstr. 608, tel.: 05212 52639, www.engelvoelkers.com/seefeld ’Immobilien Netzwerk Seefeld e.U.’ Münchnerstr. 33, tel.: 0664 8607669, www.immo-netzwerk.at ’Marcati Immobilien GmbH’ Olympiastr. 59, tel.: 0676 843004445, www.immobilien-seefeld.com LEUTASCH Daniela Baumann Puitbach 222 a, tel.: 0664 4052376, www.immobilien-baumann.at EVENTS CULTURAL ACTIVITIES OLYMPIAREGION SEEFELD Culture at the Inn Once again from June to October 2016 numerous cultural events will once again be taking place every week in various inns and taverns in the Olympiaregion Seefeld as part of the popular “Kultur im Wirtshaus” line-up. Come and experience authentic “Volksmusik” and Tyrolean customs and enjoy the delights of Alpine cuisine at the same time. A detailed programme of all events with dates and venues is available on the website www.seefeld.com as well as in all the information offices in the region. 8th “Days of Music” festival in the Olympiaregion Seefeld (07. - 21.8.2016) Motivated by audiences’ superb response and feedback, the promoters of the “Days of Music” festival in the Olympiaregion Seefeld have been organising this event on an annual basis since 2009. And this year is no exception. A small but superbly varied festival of finest classical music has been put together once more. The festival, which has become an established part of Seefeld’s calendar of summer events and which, this year, is taking place between 7th and 21st August 2016, boasts no fewer than nine concerts for discerning music aficionados. The palett of musical treats on offer includes performances by several talented young musicians who have taken part the festival’s master classes. The concert will be given by six scholarship holders, carefully selected on merit by the “Friends of Rudens Turku e.V.” association. The festival will, as in previous years, reach its climax with concerts performed by internationally renowned soloists, including Hariolf Schlichtig (viola), Stephanie Winker (flute) and Sybille Mahni (horn). As every year, promoting the talents of budding young musicians plays an important role during the festival. In the “Seefeld Summer Academy” young students can take part in master classes for violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, horn and bassoon. More than 60 young musicians will once again have the chance to profit from the knowledge and experience of distinguished tutors. Detailed information on all programmes is available from the information offices in the Olympiaregion Seefeld and on the websites www.seefeld.com and www.musiktage-seefeld.at. SEEFELD Special Exhibition ‘A Glimpse into the Olympic History of Seefeld‘ Plunge into our Olympic history and visit the carefully-arranged exhibition with “relics” from the Olympic Games of 1964 and 1976. In the Rathauspassage Seefeld/Klosterstraße. Guided tours and background information available on request at any time. For more information or to make a reservation tel.: 0664 1216621, Heinz Strasser. Seefeld Summer Concerts 2016 The Seefeld Cultural Circle has once again organised a first-class concert programme in their usual professional manner for all music fans which will take place this summer between 1st July and 30th September. The theme “Encounters” offers a foretaste of the varied and interesting programme. The schedule of individual concerts is available from Seefeld information office. It is also listed in the events calendar each month and can be found at www.seefeld.com. The ‘Ambassadors of Music’ Concerts 2016 The much-loved “Ambassadors of Music”, i.e. various US college bands, will be performing in the Olympiaregion for the 32nd time between 20th June and 29th July 2016, offering an unparalleled range of musical entertainment with their inspiring concerts. There’s something for everyone, from rousing performances by young musicians in the Kurpark to lyrical choral concerts in the parish church. Admission to all concerts is free! A detailed list of all performances can be found in the monthly events calendar and on the www.seefeld.com website. Open-Air Concerts by local, Tyrolean, National and International Groups The music pavilion in the Seefeld Kurpark will become the focus of a colourful and entertaining programme of concerts from May to September, which ranges from local groups from all over the Tyrol to national and international guests. Entry to all concerts is free and the musicians appreciate the large audiences. A list of all the performances can be found in the events calendar under the relevant month or on the www.seefeld.com website. 17 LEUTASCH 10th Leutasch Mountain Spring Days Special flora and fauna to be found in Leutasch, delicious food and nature at its finest! Just some of the “ingredients” that will go into making the Leutasch Mountain Spring Days from 5th to 11th June an interesting and memorable experience. Hans and Monika Neuner will be accompanying visitors throughout the week and have a huge reservoir of knowledge on the culture, traditions and nature of the Leutasch high valley. They will be supported by experts from various walks of life. There’s something for everyone here, from the preparation of an organic mountain breakfast together over an open fire or creation of a herb spiral to various guided themed hikes. Details of the programme can be obtained from any information office in the Olympiaregion Seefeld and on www.seefeld.com. 18th Ganghofer Hubertus Week The Ganghofer Hubertus Week in Leutasch is one of the most popular traditional events in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. With themed hikes on the trail of Ludwig Ganghofer and a wide variety of interesting events on the theme of hunting, nature lovers are spoilt for choice. And it goes without saying that the culinary specialities on offer are also from “nature’s larder” including game of all kinds. Enjoy an interesting, entertaining week dedicated to the theme of hunting and nature between 2nd and 8th October 2016! Detailed information is available at www.seefeld.com and from all the information offices in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. MÖSERN/BUCHEN Tyrolean Harp Music with real Tyrolean food in the Landgasthof Ropferstub´m Every Wednesday (between 13th July and 7th September 2016) from 12 noon - 3 pm. Free entry. Reservation requested on tel.: 05262 65949. 18 SCHARNITZ Exhibition “A Hairdressing Salon from the 1950s” and “Old Pictures of Scharnitz” The avid collector Heinz Strasser offers all those interested the change to undertake a highly original journey back in time: Visit an original hairdressing salon from the 1950s and view Scharnitz as it was “way back when”! Exhibition location: beside Café Reither Brot. Opening times: from 13th June to the 19th September 2016, every Monday from 4 pm 6 pm. Guided tours can be arranged at other times. For further information call Heinz Strasser, tel.: 0664 1216621. OTHER EVENTS OLYMPIAREGION SEEFELD Illustrated lecture “Karwendel Nature Park Experience Nature“ Craggy rock faces and lush mountain pastures are what distinguish the Karwendel region. Yet Austria‘s largest nature reserve, the Karwendel Nature Park, has so much more to offer. Covering an area of 727 km², it boasts a fascinating richness of flora and fauna and an untouched natural ruggedness. This picture presentation covers a wide range of subjects from the region’s unique natural characteristics to classic means of utilisation to “insiders’ tips” for hiking in the breath taking Karwendel Mountains. The presentation given by Karwendel Nature Park takes place from 8 - 9 pm in the Olympiaregion Seefeld throughout the summer of 2016 - dates/ locations as follows: Scharnitz, meeting room in the local council building (Gemeinde) Monday 4th July and Monday 22nd August 2016 Leutasch, Kulturhaus Ganghofer Museum Monday 18th July and Monday 29th August 2016 Seefeld, Olympia Sport and Congress Centre, Seefeld Hall Tuesday 2nd August and Tuesday 13th Sept. 2016 Admission: voluntary donations. SEEFELD Seefeld Mountain Herb Garden Opening times: open daily from mid-June to midSeptember 2016 The herb expert and hotel owner Manuela Walzl has been studying herbs and herbal medicine for many years and she has discovered that herbalism is not only a fascinating subject, but also one that involves life-long learning. Centrepiece of her herb hotel is the herb garden which is also open to the public. Discover which of Seefeld’s wild plants are safe to eat and taste your way through the wide variety of mountain and garden herbs at Seefeld Mountain Herb Garden. For further information contact: Hotel Olympia & Herbs***, Milserstraße 433, 6100 Seefeld, tel.: 05212 2334, www.hotelolympia-seefeld.at/index.php/ Kraeuterhotel_Gesundheitsurlaub_in_Tirol.html 2016 Tuesday Market Seefeld with seasonal products and regional delicacies from our local farmers - organized by Seefeld’s Retailers’ Association on the village square in Seefeld between 17th May and 20th September 2016 from 10 am to 4 pm. Fresh foodstuffs straight from local farms, from agriculture in harmony with nature. No long transport routes, no middlemen - environmentally friendly, healthy and ecologically sustainable for you! Mountain cheese - Tyrolean ‘grey cheese’ - semi-hard cheese - oil-marinated cheese - camembert and many other cheese specialities. Farmhouse butter /Alp butter - quark yoghurt - eggs. Farmhouse bread - cakes - pasta various kinds of dumplings - herb salt - herb vinegar - herb oil. Tyrolean ‘Speck’ bacon - various sausage specialities - meat pastes - smoked trout from Leutasch. Honey - honey-based products - jams chutneys - herb teas - fruit/vegetable juices. Apple juice - cordials - liqueurs - schnaps. Local, seasonal field and garden products that grow here in our region including lettuces - vegetables - herbs berries - fruit. And special homemade, handcrafted produced made by local farmers’ wives including sheep’s wool, animal hides, knitted socks - herbal pillows - marigold salve - candles - herbal bath products - various arts and crafts. TIP: Tyrolean specialities such as ‘Bratwurst’ sausages and ‘Kiachln’ with cranberry jam or sauerkraut. For further information visit: www.einkaufserlebnis.at. White Sausage Brunch in the panorama restaurant Rosshütte Every Sunday (from 12th June to 23rd October 2016) from 9 am - 11:30 am. Enjoy a typical Bavarian breakfast with us in Tyrol with a pair of fresh white sausages, a pretzel and a wheat beer! More information at www.rosshuette.at. Tyrolean Buffet Evening with traditional music in the Seefelderhof (no dance performance) Every Monday (between 16th May and 10th October 2016) from 6:30 pm in the Hotel Seefelderhof. Enjoy mouth-watering local specialities accompanied by life music. Reservations requested, tel.: 05212 2373. CAPT Casinos Austria Poker Tour Deepstack Seefeld: 30th May - 5th June 2016 in Seefeld Casino In Seefeld Casino, you’re always in good hands and poker enthusiasts, in particular, can be sure of getting their moneys’ worth during the second ‘Poker Week’ of the year in 2016. You too can come and enjoy the elegant ambience and try your winning hand in a showdown when the Seefeld Plateau once again plays host to the popular CAPT, Casinos Austria Poker Tour. Between 30th May and 5th June 2016 the poker elite will, once more, be testing their luck in Seefeld Casino. Joining in is what counts and everyone is invited to play! The anticipated prize money of € 100,000 is a sum not to be sneezed at! For further information or to register visit www.seefeld.casinos.at LEUTASCH 17th IML 3-Day Unicorn March The Olympiaregion Seefeld has been a member of the International Marching League for many years now and every year it plays host to the 3-Day Unicorn March. In keeping with their motto “Nos iungat ambulare - walking unites us”, hiking enthusiasts from all over the world tackle up to 42 kilometres per day. Time, however, takes a back seat in this event - what counts is the sheer pleasure of exercise in the great outdoors. The IML March will, once again, be taking place in Leutasch in the autumn of 2016 (15th - 18th September 2016). The programme can be viewed at www.seefeld.com and is also available from all the information offices in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. EXCURSIONS / PLACES OF INTEREST / MUSEUMS EXCURSIONS OLYMPIAREGION SEEFELD Bus trip to the ‘Wildmoosalm’ mountain inn Daily (from 15.05.2016): Leutasch: departure from Alpenhotel zum See / Weidach: 9:30 am, adults € 6.00, children aged 6 - 12 € 3.00 (price per single journey) Seefeld: Bus stops: Apothekenparkplatz (parking next to pharmacy) - Hotel Metropol/Leutascher Str.-Reitstall (riding stable)/Leutascher Str., departure: 10 am/ 11 am/12 noon/1 pm*/2 pm*/3 pm/4 pm Return from the Wildmoosalm: 10:30 am/11:30 am/ 12:30pm/1:30pm*/2:30pm*/3:30pm/4:30pm *additional times from 9th July to 11th Sept. 2016, adults € 2.60, children aged 6 - 12 € 1.30 (price per single journey). Timetable available in all information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld. Horse-drawn carriage rides All of the villages in the Olympiaregion Seefeld offer horse-drawn carriage rides: rides around the village, to various huts (e.g. Gaistal/ Wildmoos area), to excursion destinations and to neighbouring hamlets. More information about routes and prices is available information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld and/or on page 38 of this brochure. MÖSERN/BUCHEN Evening horse-drawn carriage ride to the hut Lottenseehütte Enjoy a romantic evening trip to the traditional hut Lottenseehütte! Every Thursday between 23rd June and 8th September 2016 at 7 pm. Meeting point is the Mösern/Buchen information office. Duration ca. 2.5 h, price excl. drinks: € 20.00 (adult) and € 10.00 (child 7-12 years), registration up until 19 the day before at 12 noon at the Mösern/Buchen information office. SCHARNITZ Scharnitz Karwendel Taxis From 1st June 2016 we will take you to the most beautiful huts in the Karwendel! More information and details of prices in the Scharnitz information office or direct from the taxi offices Taxi Mair, tel.: 05213 5363 or Taxi Ramona, tel.: 05213 5541. Boat and kayak transport also available. Tractor-drawn ride into the Karwendel Nature Park (from 2.6.2016) Experience and explore the Karwendel Nature Park in a completely new way. The tractor-drawn carriage takes you through the mountain valleys in comfort letting you take in the natural beauty of this Karwendel massif. Experienced hikers can walk some sections and join the tractor-drawn carriage again later on. Enjoy the scenic beauty of the source of the River Isar with its bubbling springs, stroll over the lush meadows of the Alpine pastures and feel the power of the water that has, for centuries, been carving its way through the Gleirschklamm gorge. Expert nature and hiking guides are available to give you a deeper insight into the area’s fascinating biodiversity. For further information and/or to register contact any of the information offices in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. Cost: € 15.00 per adult and € 6.00 per child (3-12 years). PLACES OF INTEREST SEEFELD Seekirchl (Chapel) Archduke Leopold V began building Seefeld’s landmark, the Seekirchl, also known as the ‘Heiligkreuzkirche’, in 1629. It was finished in 1666 and, at that time, it stood in the middle of the man-made Kreuzsee lake which had been created in the 15th century by Duke Sigismund the Rich, but which was drained in 1808. The little church is unusual in the Tyrol in that it is Baroque with an octagonal centralised structure and dome. It was created by the famous Architect to the Imperial Court in Innsbruck, Christoph Gumpp. The Late Gothic cross on the main altar and the frescos testify to the significance of the second pilgrimage church in Seefeld in previous centuries. 20 Pfarrkirche St. Oswald (St. Oswald Parish Church) Dedicated to St. Oswald, the pilgrimage church is situated right in the centre of Seefeld. The earliest historical records of it date back to 1263. The church became one of the most famous pilgrimage centres in the Tyrol after the so-called ‘Miracle of the Host‘ in 1384. According to the legend, during Holy Mass Oswald Milser, from the Schlossberg border fortress, demanded a larger piece of the communion host than that which was given to the ‘common people‘. When he received it, the piece of host turned blood-red and both the stone he was kneeling on, and the altar stone which he tried to grasp on to, sank into the ground. The imprint of his hand is still visible today. In 1425, due to the influx of pilgrims that ensued from this event, Duke Frederick IV, known as ‘Frederick of the Empty Pockets‘, ordered the church to be extended and work was finished in 1474 under the command of Sigismund the Rich. St. Oswald Church is one of the most beautiful Late Gothic churches in the Tyrol. The wonderful tympanum relief along the main portal tells the story of the Miracle of the Host; the church‘s three-aisled interior is home to many treasures including 15th century frescos, the chancel with its flat carvings from 1524, valuable shrine figures, a Gothic baptism stone and the famous panel by Jörg Kölderer which dates back to 1502. Emperor Charles IV adapted the Renaissance ornaments of the Blutskapelle (blood chapel) - the part of the church where the miraculous host was preserved - to the artistic taste of the Baroque period with stucco work and ceiling frescos by Puellacher. Waldfriedhof (Forest Cemetery) Situated beside the roundabout on ‘Römerweg‘ (near the bypass road), the forest cemetery was created in 1947 as a last place of rest for 63 Jewish concentration camp prisoners, who were shot or who died from exhaustion and starvation in the Seefeld area while being transported from a concentration camp shortly before the end of the Second World War. A cenotaph in the top left-hand part of the cemetery serves as a memorial, both to the prisoners and to the soldiers who died in the military hospitals in Seefeld, who also found their last place of rest here. The ‘Waldfriedhof‘ later became Seefeld‘s municipal cemetery where the graves of such celebrated artists as writer Julius Kiener or poet Lilly von Sauter can be found. The cemetery is also home to the Monument of the Unborn Child. SEEFELD Heimatmuseum (Museum of Local History) Turn back time and visit an old shoemaker’s shop and an old woodcarver’s workshop, and marvel at old skis from way back when… In Gießenbach, near Scharnitz. Opening times: Every Friday, from 3 pm to 5 pm (17th June - 23rd September 2016). Other days and times can be arranged by appointment. For more information, call Heinz Strasser, tel.: 0664 1216621. LEUTASCH House of Culture & museum ‘Ganghofer Museum’ Kirchplatzl 154, tel.: 05214 20093 or 0676 6056184, www.leutasch.at/ganghofer-museum Here you can gain an insight into the life and work of the popular author Ludwig Ganghofer, and into the village history of Leutasch and its hunting traditions. Rotating special exhibitions, talks, cabaret performances and readings. Opening times: Tues and Wed 10 am - 12 noon, Thurs and Fri 4 pm - 6 pm. Guided tours: by prior arrangement for groups of 10 or more. Admission (without guided tour) € 3.00 (€ 2.50 per person with guest card). Admission with a guided tour: € 4.50 per person for groups of 10 or more. Free admission for children up to the age of 14. Pfarrkirche St. Magdalena in Oberleutasch (Parish Church of St. Magdalene), Kirchplatzl The first documented record of the village of Leutasch dates back to the 12th century when the noble Bavarian ‘von Weilheim’ family owned large areas of land in the Oberleutasch region, while in Unterleutasch the sovereign rule was held by the aristocratic ‘von Werdenfels‘ family. In 1178, Bernhard von Weilheim bequeathed part of his estate of field and forest in Oberleutasch to the Augustinian Monastery in Polling next to Weilheim. In 1190, the monastery built a church to St. Magdalene in the middle of the valley. The church was extended in 1500 and again in 1725. The building that stands there today was designed by the sculptor and master of drawing Josef Falbesoner from Nassereith. Under the auspices of Franz Siess who served as curate in the parish between 1810 and 1836, it was built in 1820/1821 and consecrated by Prince Bishop Galura of Brixen in 1831. The impressive Neo-Classical high altar previously belonged to the Benediktbeuren Abbey in Bavaria which was dissolved in 1803. The colourful, elaborate ceiling frescos and the high altarpiece were created by Leopold Puellacher (1776 - 1842). The massive structure is barely articulated, its roof is slightly cambered. The impressive tower belonged to the preceding building. The oldest of the four church bells in the tower dates back to 1482. The interior is a classical congregation hall with a barrel ceiling with no lunettes (a saddle vault) subdivided into vaults and richly decorated with paintings. The walls of the saddle vault are sectioned by means of flat Tuscan pilaster and a circumferential section of entablature. Situated behind the recessed triumphal arch is the choir with the high altar which, originally Baroque, was modified to suit the style of the church in 1821. The church’s light comes from high south-facing windows and from two windows in the sloping chancel walls. In 1971, parish priest Karl Kneisl organised the restoration of both the interior and exterior of the church. Pfarrkirche St. Johannes in Unterleutasch, Unterkirchen (Parish Church of St. John) Unlike Oberleutasch, Unterleutasch did not get its own church until the 19th century. Before then the inhabitants of Unterleutasch attended mass in the Bavarian village of Mittenwald, the church to which the congregation was long affiliated. It was not until 1803 that a royal decree, issued by Emperor Francis II, gave permission for a church to be built. However, because of the war of 1805 and the ensuing Bavarian rule, the plans could not be put into place. It was not until mid-1827 that a decree, issued by the royal chancellery, gave permission for the church to be built. At the end of that same year, construction officially began. Under the authority of both parish warden Matthias Reindl, who was in charge of construction, and road surveyor Johann von Klebelsberg, who, it is thought, was also responsible for drawing up the plans, Josef Waldhart from Imst completed the construction of the church and the parsonage by the end of 1829. The result was a simple nave with a straight-ended narrower chancel. Both parts of the building are covered by a hipped roof which is punctuated by a tower on the west side. After passing through the vestibule, which was added in 1955, you enter into the interior with its circular former baptism chapel and the organ loft in the ante-bay, followed by a square nave with a flat saucer dome illuminated by semi-circular windows. The arch that opens up to the west leads to the barrel-vaulted, rectangular chancel. At the time the church was built, Unterleutasch consisted of just 18 family households and therefore had to rely on donations for the church furnishings. A gift of an altar from Reutte and a tabernacle from Oberperfuss could not, however, be accepted for the newly built church, and so, through the intervention of the Oberleutasch curate Frank Siess, a new altar was commissioned from Franz Xaver Renn in Imst for an already existing altarpiece. The altarpiece which, in hard, metallic colours, depicts a sermon being given by St. John the Baptist, was painted towards the end of the 18th century by the Imst-born artist Josef Leibherr. It was also at the initiative of parish priest Karl Kneisl that the church was renovated in 1978. The Nazarene ‘embellishments‘ that had been added to both churches by Johann Kärle after they were elevated to parish church status in 1891, were removed and the churches were restored to their original state. 21 Weidachsee lake In his famous fishing compendium dating back to 1500, Emperor Maximilian called the lake the “little lake in the Leutasch”. Today the fishery rights for the Weidachsee lake and the Leutascher Ache stream are held by Dr. Thomas Angerer who runs a high-quality fish nursery approved by the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture specialising in the production of trout stock and table trout. River trout, rainbow trout and brook trout are also bred here. Covering an area of 4.5 hectares and surrounded by stunning, pristine countryside the Weidachsee lake is open for fishing from April until October (no booking required). Owing to its 600 metre-long wooden jetty, the lake is particularly suited to fly fishing. MÖSERN/BUCHEN Bergbauernmuseum (Museum of Mountain Farming) at the ‘Landgasthof Ropferstub´m‘, tel.: 05262 65949, www.ropferhof.at Open daily (except on those days when the ‘Ropferstub´m‘ restaurant is closed) from mid-May until mid-October 2016 from 10:30 am to 6 pm. A screening of the film ‘Bergbauern im Ötztal‘ about mountain farmers in the Ötztal Valley can be arranged by prior request any day after 2:30 pm. Admission: voluntary donations. Heimatmuseum (Museum of Local History) with a kids’ petting zoo in the Sterzingerhof farm History - tradition - handcrafts - like it used to be. Opening hours: every Thursday from 23rd June to 15th September 2016 from 6 pm to 8 pm. Alternative dates/times can be arranged on request. Admission: voluntary donations. Contact: Arnold Bacher, Am Bichl 1, 6100 Mösern. tel.: 0664 465 0379. Friedensglocke (Peace Bell) In the village of Mösern, one of the most beautiful spots in the Tyrol, the Peace Bell serves as a reminding symbol of peace and good neighbourly relations. It also stands as a monument for 25 years of crossborder cooperation between the ARGE-ALP countries. The bell stands free amidst a breath taking Alpine landscape and, measuring 2.51 metres in height, with a diameter of 2.54 metres and weighing in at more than 10 tons, it is the largest bell in the Tyrol. Leading up to the bell is the ‘Peace Bell Walking Trail‘ which was created in 2003. Located on the westernmost hill of the ‘swallows’ nest of the Tyrol‘, as Mösern is affectionately known, the bell‘s location offers stunning panoramic views of the Inn Valley. When rung at 5 pm every day, its peal can be heard far into Upper Tyrol. Folders available in all information offices and on www.seefeld.com. 22 Kirche Maria Heimsuchung (Church of the Visitation of Mary) This main structure of this charming little Baroque church dates back to the 17th century. The first endowments date back to 1836/37. The church was remodelled and extended in 1763 and renovated in 1951. The extension of the nave by two bays was designed by Ekkehard Hörmann. The beautifully marbled Rococo altar with its slanting pillars dates back to around 1770. The altarpiece depicts the Visitation of Mary. A haloed Madonna carved into a pilaster was created in the first half of the 18th century. In 1997, the little church was given its own cemetery. Up until then, the deceased from the village of Mösern had been buried in the parish of Telfs. REITH Pfarrkirche St. Nikolaus (Parish Church of St. Nicholas) “Friedrich, von Gnaden Gottes Bischof von Brixen, grüßt alle Gläubigen in Ihm, der das Heil aller ist!”(Frederick, Bishop of Brixen by the grace of God, welcomes the faithful to him, he who is the salvation of all). Thus begins a letter of indulgence dating back to 1391 for the primordial parish of Axams and its filial churches, including the one in Reith which houses the earliest recorded reference to the church. The church in Reith, however, is undoubtedly much older, albeit not in its current physical state. It was as far back as 1157 when the Bavarian monasteries Wessobrunn and Benediktbeuren began with the forest clearing of, as stated in the records, the “impassable wasteland of the Scharnitz valley” between Leithen and Seefeld, that is to say the area where the village of Reith stands today, which was given to them as a gift by the Bavarian Count of Andechs. It can be assumed that the monks also gave their new settlement, which was threatened by a multitude of dangers in the heart of the Scharnitz forest, a church-based central point in the form of a wooden chapel which they dedicated to St. Nicholas. For a long time to come Reith was under the ecclesiastical control of the primordial parish of Axams which was responsible for the pastoral ministry. In 1751, Reith was elevated to a parish in its own right. It was granted its own pastor having been previously co-served by the pastor from Zirl. The church’s nave and tower were newly constructed between 1832 and 1835 taking in the already-existing Late Gothic stonework. This gave the church the dimensions and the form that is has today. In 1892 a terrible fire almost razed the entire village of Reith to the ground, including the church and the rectory. When it was reconstructed the nave was built a few metres higher. Benefactors donated the marble altar and the mosaic in the quire depicting scenes from the life of St. Nicholas, the church’s Patron Saint. The church was consecrated after completion of the skeletal construction work in 1895. In 1945, during the last months of the war, Reith was badly damaged in six air bombing attacks, and the church was once again affected. The war memorial chapel built in front of the portal, the organ, the church windows and the church door were all totally destroyed, and the paintings inside the church were severely damaged. By 1950 most of the reconstruction work had been completed. From 1989 to 1990 the church’s interior underwent extensive renovations, and in 2011 the exterior was extensively renovated and, with regard to the colours used and the structural arrangement, it was restored to its original state from 1900. The cemetery and the its chapel were also remodelled. In 2012 the altar, the ambo and the baptismal font were newly constructed and the altar room was refurbished. A detailed brochure about the parish church is available from Reith information office. Smokehouse - ‘Beim Rasler’ Klaus Haslwanter, Römerstr. 34, tel.: 05212 3135 Everything you’ve always wanted to know about smoking sausages and ‘speck’. Sale of homemade products. Opening times: (July to October 2016): 8 am - 2 pm. SCHARNITZ ‘Karwendel Nature Park’ The ‘Naturpark Karwendel’ is one if the biggest nature reserves in the Northern Limestone Alps. There are 110 kilometres of hiking paths and more than 30 Alpine huts and mountain farms. For further information on the ‘Karwendel Nature Park’ visit www.karwendel.org or call Hermann Sonntag, tel.: 0664 2041015. Karwendel Information Centre in Scharnitz Exhibition room with information about the ‘Karwendel Nature Park’, an 2,300 year-old elk skeleton that was found in the ‘Vorderkarhöhle’ cave in the Karwendel mountains by the local inhabitant ‘Pleis’n Toni’, a model of the source of the river Isar, information on mining, a ‘wooden history book’, a children’s play area and film screenings. Opening times are the same as those for Scharnitz information office. ‘Karwendelbahn’ Railway The ‘Karwendelbahn’ railway, Austria’s first fully electrified railway, was opened in 1912. The line (constructed in 1912) stretches from Mittenwald to Innsbruck. Over a distance of 32.1 km, the train goes through 16 tunnels and over 18 high bridges and viaducts. ‘Pfarrkirche Maria Hilf’ (Parish Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help) Even before the construction of the Porta Claudia fortification, the inhabitants of Scharnitz had built a chapel dedicated to ‘Our Dear Lady’ in gratitude for the averted atrocities of war. In 1650, the chapel received an altar. The ‘Mariahilf‘ painting on the altar, depicting Our Lady of Perpetual Help, was a gift from Ferdinand Karl, the son of the Archduchess Claudia. At the same time, permission was given by the ecclesiastical authorities for church services to be celebrated in this chapel. The Augustinian monks from Seefeld Monastery were responsible for the pastoral care. In 1705, the fortress received a chapel of its own dedicated to St. Joseph and a chaplain was hired. As a result the village‘s pastoral care was discontinued and the villagers from Scharnitz attended the military church services. This was not, however, to their liking for very long. The village of Scharnitz came to an agreement with the parish of Mittenwald whereby a priest from Mittenwald (for a fee of 160 guilders), was to conduct church services in the village chapel. In 1786, Scharnitz was granted its own chaplaincy. The first priest was the Capuchin monk P. Pelagius Steinhauser. He erected a parsonage and, with the help of the obligatory labour of the time known as ‘robot‘ carried out by the local people, a new church was built and consecrated in 1792. During the freedom fighting of 1809, the church went up in flames. The ‘Ölberg-Christus‘, painting of Christ on the Mount of Olives, remained unscathed amid the flames and, after the church had been renovated, it was mounted on the frontmost, right-hand pillar. A new Gothic-style House of God was created - but it too was destroyed in a fire in 1892. Under Father Johannes Natter a new, larger church was built, and under Father H. Gottinger the entire Parish Church underwent a comprehensive restoration in 1954. The new altarpiece depicting the Virgin of Mercy and the Mysteries of the Rosary, was created by Prof. Max Spielmann along with the Stations of the Cross in the church windows. The artist Ilse Glaninger-Halhuber from Innsbruck painted the depiction of the 12 Apostles. Renovations began again in 1981 under Father J. Singer. During that same year the war memorial was re-built and the closure of the old cemetery began. In 1982 the south-west side of the church was re-modelled and new boundary fences were erected around the church grounds. In 1983 the main nave was roofed with shingles, and in 1984 the remaining part of the roof was covered with shingles and the church‘s façade was completely renovated. During the summer of 1985 the church remained closed. Holy Mass was held in the village hall or at the 23 music pavilion. The overall refurbishment of the church interior was carried out during this time. To celebrate the successful completion of the work, the parishioners of Scharnitz, under the auspices of Bishop R. Stecher, gathered for a festive consecration of the renovated House of the Lord on 21th April 1986. ‘Birzelkapelle’ Chapel Just less than an hour‘s walk from the village of Scharnitz, isolated and hidden in the forest on the old path that leads into the Karwendel valley towards the ‘Karwendelhaus‘, stands a chapel dedicated to the Mother of God. The chapel was first mentioned as far back as 1809 - it is not known, however, for what reason and by whom it was built. On account of the construction of this chapel, the whole surrounding area was placed under the safeguard of the ‘Feast of the Visitation of Mary‘ - the patronage day of the Inrain farming community - which, due to the intercession of the Mother of God, is said to offer protection from storms and lightening which can be particularly dangerous in this high Alpine terrain. In 1956, the old chapel, which had fallen into a state of disrepair, was replaced by the new present-day chapel by the local farmers‘ association under chairman Albert Heiss. It was designed by the Innsbruck-based architect Kelderer. The altarpiece was created by the academic painter Max Spielmann and the bell was cast by the Innsbruck bell foundry Grassmayr. The total costs of the chapel at the time amounted to approx. 50,000 ‘schillings‘ (approx. 3,600 euros) which were shared by the tiny community of Inrain farmers (15 families). The families themselves also took care of the chapel‘s maintenance - Eva Stahlberg, née Mimm, is currently responsible for its upkeep. It is quite heart-warming when you think how this tiny community selflessly upholds its traditions and passes them on from one generation to the next. 24 THEMED WALKING TRAILS OLYMPIAREGION SEEFELD Walk where the eagle flies The Eagle Walk - long-distance hiking trail through the Tyrol and those stages which go through the Olympiaregion Seefeld The eagle is the king of the skies and the Eagle Walk, offers a truly outstanding experience against a backdrop of majestic proportions. In Alpine terrain, so high you feel as though you can almost touch the sky, it runs through the entire province of Tyrol from East to West. When viewed from above the contours of the hiking route resemble the silhouette of an eagle soaring high in the air with outstretched wings hence the name of the route. Many of the stages of the route should only be attempted by surefooted, experienced Alpine hikers with a good head for heights. The 320-kilometer trail which runs from the Kaiser Mountain Range all the way to the Arlberg region, is comprised of 24 stages ranging from easy to challenging, from flat to steep and rugged, from easy-going to extremely gruelling. 23,000 metres of elevation gain, 20,000 metres of elevation loss. Innumerable footsteps, hundreds of peaks, thousands of breathtaking views. The following Eagle Walk stages are located in the Olympiaregion Seefeld: - Stage 10: “Falkenhütte - Karwendelhaus” For detailed information visit: www.tyrol.com/eagle-walk - Stage 11: “Karwendelhaus - Hallerangerhaus/-alm” For detailed information visit: www.tyrol.com/eagle-walk - Stage 15: “Solsteinhaus - Leutasch/Ahrn” For detailed information visit: www.tyrol.com/eagle-walk - Stage 16: “Leutasch/Ahrn - Ehrwald” For detailed information visit: www.tyrol.com/eagle-walk Each stage of the walk has its own “fact sheet” which includes detailed information and route descriptions. The fact sheets, complete with GPS tracks, can be downloaded for free at www.tyrol.com/eagle-walk on the relevant websites. General information on the Eagle Walk can also be found on this website. In addition, brochures with information on the Eagle Walk are available from all information offices in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. Hiking on the “Promenades” of the Olympiaregion Seefeld - Themed walks on the Brunschkopf The early summer of 2015 saw the opening of three trails that come together to form a star on the summit of the Brunschkopf mountain. Starting points of the three trails are the villages of Seefeld, Leutasch and Mösern, and each one is devoted to a specific theme. The walking trails are conceived in such a way as to reflect the chronological and touristic development of the region. They also offer a link-up to the subject of ‘Nordic Lifestyle’ and include elements to stimulate the mind too, since mental power plays an important factor in sport and in tackling everyday tasks and challenges. - The “Seefeld Ski Trail” focuses on the cultural and historical development of the sport of skiing. Starting at the Seekirchl chapel/ski jumping stadium interesting and varied stops have been constructed along the way showing, for example, historical pictures and exhibits (old skis, start numbers, symbols), while other stops offer the chance of a spot of exercise based on the sports of cross-country skiing, ski jumping and alpine skiing. - The theme of the “Ice Age Trail” in Mösern is the landscape formation of the Seefeld high plateau created by glaciers during the last Ice Age. Informative panorama boards are installed at various viewpoints. Starting at the Möserer See lake 10 information stops provide fascinating facts and figures related to glacial runoff and water cascades, ice streams, glacial change and glacial polish. In addition to the information points, the trail also gives walkers the chance to participate in fun yet educational activities such as the cascade game, the stone press and the glacier pressure game. - Starting in Leutasch-Weidach, the concept behind the “Mental Power Trail”, which involves the longest ascent of the three trails, is in keeping with the current trend of searching for peace and tranquillity, slowing down the pace of our everyday lifes and finding the path to one’s own inner self. The three paths come together and end on the breathtaking summit of the Brunschkopf mountain, which offers views of all the villages in the region and serves as the central panoramic point in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. Particular mention must be made to the fact that hikers can not only glean a wealth of information as they follow the stations along the trails, but are also invited to enjoy active participation. Holidaymakers can experience the positive effects of the energy-boosting landscape and unique scenic spots amid breath-taking natural surroundings and savour 360° vistas of the Olympiaregion Seefeld and its surrounding mountain ranges. Detailed maps and route descriptions are available in all the information offices in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. Hotel Seespitz. From here, you walk in a southerly direction to the ‘Reither Moor” where you then follow the circular trail which eventually brings you back to the starting point. 11 information boards offer interesting information about the lake, the ‘Reither Moor’ marsh, the flora, fauna and climate, and also about the history of the area, the forces of nature at play here and attempts to tame them. SEEFELD Stations of the Cross up to the Parish Hill This meditative path, which was created in 2000 using erratic boulders from Tyrolean glaciers, starts beside St. Oswald Parish Church and leads past the 14 Stations of the Cross up to the Parish Hill. At the end of the Way of the Cross, the stones, which weigh up to 23 tons each and which have been placed in alignment in accordance with a particular astral constellation, depict the last supper. The author Winfried Werner Linde had the idea of creating this wonderful place of spiritual energy at the highest point of the Parish Hill as a peaceful meeting point for people of all the world’s religions. A folder is available in the information office Seefeld. LEUTASCH ‘Achweg’ trail After the implementation of the flood water protection project, the Leutasch local council created the themed walking path ‘Lebensraum Ache’ (river habitat) along the banks of the Leutascher Ache in the Weidach area. The aim of the walk is to arouse interest in nature and countryside. The themed path was designed by Mag. Traute Scheiber from the Civil Engineering Office for Biology. Those who enjoy walking, as well as those simply in search of relaxation, can find out, by means of ten information boards, all about the following topics: Dynamics of the Mountain Stream; Life in a Water Droplet; Fish Fauna; Life on the River Bed; Birds on and around Water; Bioengineering; Pioneer Vegetation; Floodplain Vegetation; The German Tamarisk; Initiatives in Bioengineering. ‘Kaiser Maximilian’ Trail This walking path runs around Seefeld’s Wildsee lake and offers visitors a wealth of information about the development of this unique landscape. The starting point for the themed walk is located south of ‘Geoweg Hermannstal’ - Geological Nature Trail An interesting geological trail leads from the Kurpark through the Hermannstal. Erratic boulders from the region and their origins are described at seven stations on the way up from the Seefeld Kurpark to the Woldrichsteig path in the Hermannstal, starting with granite through to schist and different types of gneiss and on to meta-andesite. You don’t have to be a geologist to see that there is plenty to discover. A folder with more details about this trail can be found in the Seefeld information office. On the tracks of the Olympic Games This themed walk starts at Seefeld Information Office in the village square and takes you past the ‘Olympic Gallery‘ (after Hotel Klosterbräu) and the Olympic swimming pool to the Casino Arena with its ski jumps. You can extend your walk, if you wish, by continuing on to Seefeld‘s Wildsee lake where you can visit the Olympia Monument (situated near the Strandperle restaurant). “Kneipp” water-therapy themed walks Detailed information on these themed walks can be found in this brochure under “Kneipp Facilities” on page 39. Walking in the footsteps of Ludwig Ganghofer Ludwig Ganghofer (1855 - 1920), one of the bestknown regional authors of his time, spent many 25 weeks of the year in his hunting lodge “Hubertus” next to the hut Tillfußalm in the Gaistal. There he produced, amongst others, one of his best-known novels ‘Das Schweigen im Walde‘ (The Silence of the Woods). He also received many prominent visitors from the worlds of art and culture, such as Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Richard Strauss. The income from his novels enabled Ganghofer to lease one of the biggest hunting areas in the northern Alps, the Gaistaljagd. Some of the many mountain trails that were constructed during his lease can still be found today. The popular trail to the Ganghoferhaus has been named after him and, as well as the lovely surroundings, offers three traditional huts for a break along the way: the Gaistal-, Tillfuß- and Hämmermoosalm. The house Ganghoferhaus can also be admired but only from the exterior as it is not open to the public. The many walking trails in the Gaistal valley are described in the Walking and Cultural Guide (€ 3.00) or in the free ‘Gaistal’ brochure, both of which are available in all the information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld. Chapel Trail The Leutasch valley is a valley with 20 different chapels and a shrine. Impressive numbers, when you think that, at the time that most of the chapels were built, there were less than 1000 inhabitants in the valley. There is a reason that the number of chapels bear witness to the piety around here - the size of the local administrative area stretches over more than 20 kilometres. The hamlets in the Leutasch valley are a long way away from the parish church. At that time there were only a few houses in Kirchplatzl, so almost every hamlet built their own chapel, in order that evensong and rosaries could be shared with their neighbours in the summer. The chapel bells had an additional purpose: if somebody died in the hamlet, this was signalled by the ringing of the bell. There were also peals for different kinds of weather to warn them of storms in the days before TV and radio. Detailed information about this themed walk can be found in the “Chapel Booklet”, which is available for € 3.00 in the Leutasch and Seefeld information offices. 26 The Way of St. James The Way of St James is an old pilgrims’ trail which covers the whole of Europe and especially Spain. It leads to Santiago de Compostela. Millions of people have travelled it over the centuries. This part of the trail comes from Munich along the Isar and Loisach via Gelting, Beuerberg, Penzberg, Bichl, Benediktbeuern, Kochel, Walchensee, Wallgau, Krün and Mittenwald to the Tyrol. Here the trail crosses the Leutasch valley and the Olympiaregion Seefeld and heads down into the Inn valley to Mötz. Detailed descriptions of the trail through Leutasch can be found in the Walking and Cultural Guide available at a price of € 3.00 in all of the information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld. Leutasch Spirit Gorge In the Realm of the Gorge Spirit The caves and the whirlpools, a unique blend of water and stone. Welcome to the realm of the gorge spirit and his goblins! The trail through the Leutasch Spirit Gorge was finished in August 2005 after two years of hard work and is free of charge. The impressive gorge is navigated by means of a steel walkway high above the torrents of the Leutascher Ache, which flows into the Isar at Mittenwald and thus creates a link between Germany and Austria. Quickly we become aware of something strange and secret: this is the realm of the gorge spirit, who speaks to humans through the sounds of the raging river, the swirling waters in the whirlpools, the cascades of water and the odd rock formations. A daring route lets us look down into his habitat up to 75m below us. There are three trails to explore the realm of the gorge spirit: The Spirit Gorge Trail, 3000m in length: The Spirit Gorge Trail heads from the car park in the Leutasch hamlet of Schanz or from the former customs post into the gorge after around 600m and then follows the walkway 800m through to the panorama bridge. From there a forest trail leads back to the car park. There are stations with displays where the gorge spirit explains various facets of his realm. Duration: around 1½ hours. The Goblin Trail, 1900m in length: The Goblin Trail leads from the gorge kiosk in Mittenwald via the Gletscherschliff (literally ‘glacier scrape‘) into the Leutasch gorge and meets the Spirit Gorge Trail at the panorama bridge. Return via the northern side of the gorge to the starting point. Along this route you can see the stones which have been brought from far away by the glaciers (known as ‘goblins‘ in German). Duration: ca. 1 hour. The Waterfall Trail, 500m in length: From a bridge at the entrance to Mittenwald a path of around 500m leads to the gorge. A walkway only three metres above the water leads to the impressive 23m-high waterfall. Entry: € 3.00 adults, € 1.00 children (aged 4 - 16). There are car parks at the entrance to Mittenwald. Important: the narrow gorge path is not suitable for pushchairs, prams or dogs. Bicycles may not be used on any section of the trail between the car park in Leutasch and the Mittenwald gorge kiosk. Please respect these rules to enable a pleasant experience for all. A leaflet about the Spirit Gorge is available for no charge in all the information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld and as download from www.seefeld.com. Mountain Pasture Paradise in the Gaistal The romantic Gaistal, where the untouched beauty of nature can still be experienced, stretches from the hamlet of Klamm in the Upper Leutasch valley in a westerly direction into the Alpine world between the Mieminger range and the Wetterstein Mountains. The five car parks between Klamm and the end of the road at Salzbach are the departure points for the walks to the nine manned mountain huts. The Gaistal is on the one hand the archetypal home of the mountain pasture and on the other hand maintains the unmistakeable and original properties of a mountain landscape. The scenery constantly changes on both sides: jagged corries; the shimmering green of the high pastures; mountain meadows and white-grey blocks of rock. The turquoise green of the Leutascher Ache, which is known locally as the ‘Gaistal Ache’, accompanies mountain bikers up the trail to the Igelsee, where the untamed stream emerges from the Breitenkopfkar. The mountain surroundings mean that a visitor might see deer, mountain goats, golden eagles or possibly bearded vultures. At any rate, they will be surprised by the whistles of the marmots who are hard at work with their building in the area between the huts Rotmoosalm and the Hochfeldernalm. The numerous walking routes in the Gaistal valley can be found in the Walking and Cultural Guide (€ 3.00) or in the free ‘Gaistal’ brochure, both of which are available in all of the information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld. MÖSERN/BUCHEN ‘Peace Bell Walking Trail’ The ‘Peace Bell Walking Trail’ invites you to enjoy the beauty of nature and to find peace in contemplation. Starting at the Seewaldalm car park in Mösern, there are 7 stops of interest where you can linger and pause for thought along the 90-minute walk. Whilst taking in the beauty of the surrounding countryside with all your senses, the seven stations along the way offer inspiration for self-reflection and contemplation. The path ends at the Alpine Peace Bell whose message of peace and good neighbourly relations takes on a deeper meaning. Detailed folder can be found in all of the information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld or on the www.seefeld.com website. Kalvarienberg (Calvary) The Calvary Hill rises to the north of the church. Built around 1830, the semi-circular construction with triangular pediment houses a Calvary scene: Christ on the cross with the two thieves and the attendant figure of Mary. The painted twodimensional figures of John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene are probably somewhat older than the three-dimensional sculpted group. The frescoes, in the style of Leopold Puellacher, depict Jerusalem and, in the clouds above the city, God the Father. Originally there were 8 wayside shrine-like chapels along the narrow, winding path that leads up to the Calvary - since 1989 there have been 11. On 1st June 1841, it was put in writing that the families from the village would take care of the maintenance of the little chapel. In 1988/89, the inhabitants of Mösern collaborated to restore the Calvary, making both personal financial sacrifices and investing a great deal of the time and hard work in the process. Three new chapels were created along the path that leads up to the Calvary. A Nazarene picture by Maria Theresia Striegel, ‘Der Abschied Christi‘ (Christ taking leave of his Mother), from 1899 hangs in the first chapel. Pictures with scenes depicting the Passion can be found in the chapels that follow. Here the old existing frescos still remain and the Stations of the Cross pictures, which are painted on fibre cement, have been placed in front. The extension to the path up to the Calvary was completed by the autumn of 2007 and the path was connected to the Peace Bell Walk and to the centre of Mösern. Ten Stations of the Cross lead from the village centre to the vicinity of the Möserer See lake. The path meanders out of the village offering a breath taking vista and, although it ends in the middle of the woods, it nonetheless offers a liberating view. The Calvary is furthermore commemorated in the ‘Atlas of Sacred European Mounts’. Detailed information can be found in the Walking and Cultural Guide, which is available at a price of € 3.00 in all of the information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld or on the www.seefeld.com website. Historical Fence Walk Recreating the woven slat fences and ring fences in keeping with the old tradition is a skilled work of painstaking craftsmanship. The exceptional fences are a constant sight for walkers throughout Mösern. They serve as a reminder of boundaries, limits - both internal and external - and should encourage people to ‘take a look over the fence’, to leave the boundaries created by fences - both personal and real - behind them. Detailed information can be found in the Walking and Cultural Guide, which is available at a price of € 3.00 in all of the information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld or on the www.seefeld.com website. REITH ‘Kulturwanderweg’ (Cultural Walking Trail) The Cultural Trail in Reith follows a circular path from Reith to Leithen and back again. During the 27 walk you can discover all about 10 interesting historical monuments and the stories behind them. Experience the perfect combination of culture and nature! Detailed information can be found in the Walking and Cultural Guide, which is available at a price of € 3.00 in all of the information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld or on the www.seefeld.com website. Cultural Walking Trail Discover the history and culture of Scharnitz on foot! As you follow Cultural Walking Trail through the town, you can explore 12 fascinating historic attractions and discover the stories behind them. An information folder is available from the information office in Scharnitz. ‘Bienenlehrpfad’ (Bee Nature Trail and Useful Insects Trail) - circular walk The Bee Nature Trail in Reith, with its unique Bee Hotel, affords walkers and those with a special interest in bees, an insight into the mysterious world of honey bees and their relatives - the solitary bees and the bumble bees. As you walk along the Reith forest path between the St. Florian Kneipp area and the Niederbach stream, 10 information boards display fascinating information all about our honey bees. Continue further along the edge of the stream, in the direction of the Englhof inn, to visit the recently created Useful Insects Nature Trail that gives you a close insight into the lives of all sorts of insects. Detailed information can be found in the Walking and Cultural Guide, which is available at a price of € 3.00 in all of the information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld or on the www.seefeld.com website. FARM PRODUCT SHOPS / FARMERS’ MARKETS ‘Rosenkranzweg’ (Rosary Walking Trail) Starting to the east of Reith Parish Church, the Rosary Trail branches off into the woods at Bichlweg and follows a bubbling brook past 5 creatively designed wayside shrines to the Frau Häusl Chapel. If you continue on past the little waterfall just after the chapel, the path takes you back to the starting point. A walk to inspire calm and reflection. Detailed information can be found in the Walking and Cultural Guide, which is available at a price of € 3.00 in all of the information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld. SCHARNITZ Cultural Walking Trail Porta Claudia This is an easy stroll with a historical background to the ruins of the Porta Claudia, once a fortified barrier on the border between the Tyrol and Bavaria. Enjoy the panoramic view above Scharnitz and take the route via the calvary back to Scharnitz. It is not suitable for prams or pushchairs as there are steps. A more detailed description can be found in the walking and cultural guide available at a price of € 3.00 in all of the information offices of the Olympiaregion Seefeld. Information is also available at www.seefeld.com! 28 SEEFELD FARM PRODUCTS SHOPS: ‘Speckstube Handl Tyrol’ Innsbrucker Str. 20, tel.: 05212 2261, www.handltyrol.at ’Tiroler Bio Alpakas’ Fam. Haslwanter Triendlsäge Weg 925, tel.: 0676 750 7575, www.bioalpakas.at Fridays 1 pm - 5 pm, Saturdays 9 am - 12 noon and by prior arrangement; for exceptions to regular opening times please see the homepage ‘Tiroler Spezialitäten Mair’ Innsbrucker Str. 11, tel.: 0650 3337483, www.tirolerspeck.at FARMERS’ MARKET Tuesday Market Seefeld with seasonal products and regional delicacies from our local farmers organized by Seefeld’s Retailers’ Association on the village square in Seefeld between 17th May and 20th September 2016 from 10 am to 4 pm. Fresh foodstuffs straight from local farms, from agriculture in harmony with nature. No long transport routes, no middlemen - environmentally friendly, healthy and ecologically sustainable for you! Mountain cheese - Tyrolean ‘grey cheese’ semi-hard cheese - oil-marinated cheese camembert and many other cheese specialities. Farmhouse butter /Alp butter - quark - yoghurt eggs. Farmhouse bread - cakes - pasta - various kinds of dumplings - herb salt - herb vinegar - herb oil. Tyrolean ‘Speck’ bacon - various sausage specialities - meat pastes - smoked trout from Leutasch. Honey - honey-based products - jams chutneys - herb teas - fruit/vegetable juices. Apple juice - cordials - liqueurs - schnaps. Local, seasonal field and garden products that grow here in our region including lettuces vegetables - herbs - berries - fruit. And special homemade, handcrafted produced made by local farmers’ wives including sheep’s wool, animal hides, knitted socks - herbal pillows - marigold salve - candles - herbal bath products - various arts and crafts. TIP: Tyrolean specialities such as ‘Bratwurst’ sausages and ‘Kiachln’ with cranberry jam or sauerkraut. For further information visit: www.einkaufserlebnis.at. LEUTASCH ‘Der Tiroler’ Weidach, tel.: 0699 1121 9490 ‘Gut Leutasch’ Klamm 80a, Michael Skamrada, tel.: 05214 5226 or 0664 8878 4281 www.gutleutasch.at ‘Landhaus Marie’ Gasse 162, tel.: 05214 6218, www.landhaus-marie.at ‘Leutascher Bauernladen’ Kirchplatzl, Johanna Krug, tel.: 05214 6046, www.leutascher-bauernladen.at Open Friday afternoons only from 13th May to 28th October 2016 from 3 pm - 6 pm ‘Nudelladen -Leutascher Bioeier’ (pasta and organic eggs) Puitbach 220, Fam. Heis, tel.: 0699 1217 9710, www.leutascher-bioeier.at ‘Speckstube Handl Tyrol’ Weidach 318c, tel.: 05214 6655, www.handltyrol.at REITH ‘Rasler‘s Laden’ Römerstr. 34, tel.: 05212 3135 Opening times (July to October): 8 am - 2 pm Sale of home-produced goods, smokehouse open to visitors SCHARNITZ ‘Tiroler Speckklause’ Innsbruckerstr. 27, tel.: 05213 5767, www.tiroler-speckklause.at FASHION RETAILERS SEEFELD ‘Albrecht Kaufhaus’ Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2421, www.sportalbrecht.com ‘Alpen Outlet Seefeld’ Münchnerstr. 189, tel.: 0049 151 58545414 ‘By Cala’ Dorfplatz 25, tel.: 05212 50458 ‘Classic Style’ Klosterarkaden 608, tel.: 05212 2073 ‘Della Ciana’ Innsbrucker Str. 14, tel.: 0664 4231760 ‘Designer-Mode First & Secondhand’ Klosterarkaden 608, tel.: 05212 52951 ‘Designer Outlet’ Bahnhofstr. 389, tel.: 05212 2474 Dorothea Schmid Klosterarkaden 608, tel.: 05212 2474 ‘Boutique Jacqueline’ Klosterarkaden 608, tel.: 05212 2032, www.boutique-jacqueline.at ‘Meier Seefeld’ Dorfplatz 25, tel.: 05212 52530, www.meierseefeld.at ‘Nelly’s Sportmoden’ Klosterstr. 295, tel.: 05212 99818 ‘NKD’ Olympiastr. 882, tel.: 05212 52595 ‘Outlet Factory’ Bahnhofstr. 389, tel.: 05212 2474 ‘Pure Fashion by Alex’ Klosterstr. 43, tel.: 05212 51890, www.purefashion.at ‘Sailer - Fashion & Premium Sports’ Dorfplatz 96, tel.: 05212 2530, www.sailerseefeld.com ‘Sailer Outlet’ Innsbruckerstr. 12, tel.: 05212 253050 ‘Sporthaus Kirchmair’ Münchnerstr. 42, tel.: 05212 2268, www.sporthaus-kirchmair.at ‘STYLE’isches Women’ Innsbruckerstr. 775, tel.: 05212 4144, www.style-isches.at ‘Trachten Loisel’ Klosterarkaden 608, tel.: 05212 2147, www.trachten-mode-seefeld.at ‘Triumph International’ Bahnhofstr. 163, tel.: 05212 99816, www.triumph.at ‘Wellensteyn Store Anic GmbH’ Innsbruckerstr. 14, tel.: 0677 61159139, www.ws-innsbruck.at LEUTASCH ‘Sport Günter‘ Weidach 318 c, tel.: 05214 6305, www.nordicshop.at ‘Sport Wedl’ Weidach 322 g, tel.: 05214 6444, www.sport-wedl.com FILLING STATIONS SEEFELD BP Troppacher Bundesstr. 498, tel.: 05212 20567, www.troppacher.at, open daily 6 am - 12 midnight ENI Münchner Str. 75, tel.: 05212 2407, www.eni.com, Mon - Sat 8 am - 7:30 pm, Sun and public holidays 9 am - 7 pm 29 SHELL Innsbrucker Str. 272, tel.: 05212 2914, www.shell.at, open daily 6 am - 10 pm LEUTASCH Avanti (unattended filling station) Weidach 372a, tel.: 05212 2735, open daily 24 hours, www.avanti.at Car rental available Raiffeisen Lagerhaus filling station Kirchplatzl 128a, tel.: 05214 625054917, www.lagerhaus.at Petrol & diesel: daily, 24 hours/day with ATM card/ Visa or MasterCard REITH OMV filling station Umfahrungsstr. 27, tel.: 05212 2706, open daily 6 am - 12 midnight SCHARNITZ ’Gutmann GmbH’ Innsbruckerstr. 195, tel.: 05213 20296, open daily from 6 am - 10 pm with M-Preis and baker’s shop, Hermes parcel service Reinpold Walter Innsbruckerstr. 464, tel.: 05213 20182, Unattended filling station, payment with cash card Large filling station: open daily from 6 am - 10 pm (on the right coming from Germany) Small filling station: opening times vary (on the left coming from Germany) FIRE SERVICES Emergency number: tel.: 122 SEEFELD Münchner Str. 860, tel.: 05212 2770, www.ffseefeld.at LEUTASCH Kirchplatzl 128 a, tel.: 05214 6555, www.feuerwehr-leutasch.at Unterkirchen 247 a, tel.: 05214 6820, www.inno-com.com/fful MÖSERN Am Bichl, tel.: 0664 3909037 REITH Römerstr. 70, tel.: 05212 3070, www.ffreith.at 30 SCHARNITZ Hinterautalstr. 450, tel.: 05213 20200, www.ff-scharnitz.com FITNESS/ PERSONAL TRAINERS SEEFELD ‘Bodypoint Seefeld’ Rafael Quade, Mösererstr. 632, tel.: 05212 2063, www.bodypoint.at Opening times: Mon, Wed & Fri: 9 am - 12 noon & 2 pm - 9:30 pm Tues & Thurs: 2 pm - 9:30 pm, Sat & Sun: 4 pm - 8 pm Training schedules, courses, solarium, Power Plate Dr. Fortunati Massimiliano, Personal Trainer tel.: 0650 5447331 Athletic preparation, endurance training, weight reduction, muscle build-up, weight reduction Gruber Matthias, Personal Trainer tel.: 0650 4065773, www.personalfitnesstrainer-tirol.at Weight reduction programmes - one-to-one or in a group, effective nutritional coaching, gentle cardio-vascular training, muscle-strengthening back training and weight training, special golf-fitness programme, home workouts, outdoor training, company team-building fitness programmes ‘Hotel Klosterbräu & SPA’ Klosterstr. 30, tel.: 05212 2621-345, www.klosterbraeu.com FLORISTS Flowers are available in all supermarkets of the Olympiaregion Seefeld. SEEFELD ‘Blumen Bella’ Bahnhofsplatz 389, tel.: 05212 50313 ‘Blumen/Fleurop Moser & Co OHG’ Citypassage/Bahnhofsplatz 613, tel.: 05212 2315 LEUTASCH ‘Der Tiroler’ Weidach 321, tel.: 0699 1121 9490 FOOTBALL REITH Reith football pitch next to the skate park More information is available at the Reith information office, tel.: 050880-30. FUNICULARS, CABLE-CARS AND LIFTS SEEFELD/REITH ‘Bergbahnen Rosshütte Seefeld-Tirol-Reith AG‘ (1,230 m - 2,064 m), tel.: 05212 2416-0, www.rosshuette.at Open in summer 2016: 26.05.16 - 26.10.2016 (depending on weather) Summer trains: Cable car (1,230 m - 1,760 m), Seefelder Jochbahn (1,760 m - 2,064 m), Härmelekopfbahn (1,760 m - 2,045 m) Rosshütte Middle Station: Mountain restaurant with large self-service area, sun terrace and panoramic sunlounger area, adventure play park, jumping platforms with inflatable landing cushions,Tramp-Bag (inflatable trampoline), walking routes (to the Kaltwassersee lake, Zirbenweg hiking trail,...) are at 1,760 m above sea level; transfer station for further travel to the Seefelder Joch or to the Härmelekopf. Operating times for cable car: Mon - Sun 9 am - 5 pm, every ¼ hour. Last journey to the top from the Seefeld valley station: 4:30 pm Operating times for Seefelder Jochbahn cable car: Mon - Sun 9:15 am - 4:45 pm, every ¼ hour. Last descent from the summit at: 4:45 pm From the top station there are hiking routes to the Seefelder Spitze, Reither Spitze, Härmelekopf, Nördlinger hut, etc. Operating times for Härmelekopfbahn cable car: Mon - Sun 9:15 am - 4:45 pm, every ¼ hour. Last descent from the summit at 4:45 pm From the top station, there is a direct path to the Nördlinger hut, Reither Spitze,... Reduced Prices for summer 2016: (valid only upon presentation of the “Olympiaregion Seefeld Card”) Adult | Youth (16-18 yrs) | Child (6-15 yrs) Ascent only: Rosshütte middle station (single) € 13.00 € 12.50 € 7.50 Rosshütte + top cable car (single) € 18.00 € 17.50 € 11.00 Ascent and descent: Rosshütte middle station (ascent and descent) € 18.50 € 18.00 € 11.50 Rosshütte + top cable car (ascent and descent) € 23.50 € 23.00 € 17.00 Top ticket (all 3 cable cars, ascent and descent) € 26.00 € 25.50 € 19.00 Mountain hiking ticket (= lift travel on 3 routes, 1 on foot) € 22.50 € 22.00 € 15.50 Full leisure package (cable car + both top cable cars, cup of coffee and a piece of cake) € 28.50 € 27.00 € 20.50 Mini leisure package (Cable car to Rosshütte mountain restaurant, cup of coffee and one slice of cake) € 23.50 € 23.00 € 17.00 Weekly ticket (= 6 successive days) € 89.50 € 86.50 € 57.00 Info: Each parent can take 1 child (up to 10 years of age) free of charge. SEEFELD ‘Gschwandtkopf’ lift, (1,200 m - 1,500 m) and Sonnenalm (at the top of the Gschwandtkopf, to the right of the exit) tel.: 05212 2490, www.skigebiet-seefeld.at Children up to 10 years of age travel free if accompanied by parents, 3 huts, sun loungers, sun terrace, and children‘s play area at the top and valley stations. Bikes can be transported on the lift. Open: from mid-June to mid-October (closed if raining), daily 9:30 am - 4:30 pm; Prices with regional guest card: Adult Child (6-15 yrs) Ascent & descent € 16.00 € 11.50 Ascent € 14.00 € 9.50 Descent € 9.00 € 7.00 Sun package (valid for the Sonnenalm only): Ascent and descent with one cup of coffee and one piece of cake € 19.00 € 14.50 LEUTASCH Bergbahn Leutasch, ’Hochmooslift’ (3-seater chairlift), Weidach (1,140 m -1,363 m to the Hochmoosalm), with summer toboggan run, electric motor bikes ’Moto Trial’ for children tel.: 05214 6219, www.hochmoos-tirol.com For children under 6 years lift travel is free, tobogganing only permitted if accompanied by an adult! Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm Combined ticket: Adult Youth/Senior Child Ascent & toboggan run € 8.00 € 7.00 € 5.00 FURNITURE SEEFELD ‘Unikat’ Innsbrucker Str. 116, tel.: 05212 52556 or 0664 5435999 GAME AND VENISON SCHARNITZ ‘Heinz Gaugg’ Hinterautalstr. 200 a, tel.: 0664 2225389, opening times on request 31 LEUTASCH ‘Gut Leutasch’ Klamm 80a, Michael Skamrada, tel.: 05214 5226 or 0664 8878 4281, www.gutleutasch.at Opening times as advertised GARAGES / RECOVERY AND TOWING SERVICES (ALL MAKES AND MODELS) SEEFELD Isser Peter Bundesstr. 26, tel.: 05212 3301 or 0664 1806561 ’Auto Nemeth KG’ (no recovery service) Münchner Str. 75, tel.: 05212 2407 LEUTASCH Autoservice - Prüfstelle Nairz (no recovery service) Platzl 113 a, tel.: 0664 5405260, www.fahrzeugbau-nairz.at ’Karosserie und Unfallreparatur Wetterstein’ (no recovery service) Weidach 363 g, tel.: 05214 6777, www.kfz-wetterstein.at ‘KFZ Fachwerkstatt Martin Schlögl’ Weidach 372 a, tel.: 0664 3000375 Repairs of all car makes, recovery service REITH ’Auto Haslwanter’ Auland 44 - ‘Seefeld Süd‘ exit, tel.: 05212 2411 Arja Sailer, Mercedes garage Auland 2 - ‘Seefeld Süd‘ exit, tel.: 05212 2224 GEOCACHING SEEFELD Find the caches in one of the most scenically beautiful hiking areas and, at the same time, enjoy breathtaking views of the Olympiaregion Seefeld, the “Rosshütte Hike I-XV” for example by “Team T.O.M”. For information and coordinates visit www.geocaching.com. GLASSWARE AND POTTERY SEEFELD ‘Seefeld Present’ Klosterarkaden 608, tel.: 05212 2031 ‘Swarovski Premium Shop’ Dorfplatz 25, tel.: 05212 52540, www.swarovski.com 32 LEUTASCH Atelier ‘Bornhak’ (pottery and paintings only) Klamm 64, tel.: 05214 6113 GOLF Please request the separate golf brochure for individual, group, and taster courses. SEEFELD/REITH Golf Club Seefeld Reith tel.: 05212 3797, www.gc-seefeld-reith.at Whatever your needs - training for the golf course license, one-to-one instruction, children’s courses or golfing incentives - the Golf Club Seefeld Reith School of Golf offers guests staying in the Olympiaregion Seefeld and its members a comprehensive programme of courses, both in groups and on a one-to-one basis. For further info visit our homepage www.golfschule-seefeld.eu. Junior Camps 2016 5 x 2 hours golf lesson + final tournament or golf license test for children. For beginners and advanced golfers in appropriate groups, courses each Monday to Friday from 2 pm to 4 pm. Dates: 04.07 - 08.07.16, 25.07 - 29.07.16 and 15.08 - 19.08.16 Price: € 190.00, minimum number of participants: 4 children. Holiday guest children welcome! Introduction to Golf “Just for You”- A unique special offer only for those who are looking to start the sport. 50 min. introduction to golf for 1 or 2 persons. Please make a reservation in our office. Use of the course, balls and rental clubs are all naturally included in this offer. Cost: € 70.00 Taster golf courses: “In a Group” - a 50 min introduction to golf as part of a group. Mondays and Wednesdays possible from 2 pm. Use of the course, balls and rental clubs are all naturally included in this offer. € 17.00 per person 9 fairways (par 70), large practice area for beginners and experienced players, discounted green fees and driving range for guests staying in partner hotels, wide range of courses, daily from mid April to the beginning of November. Mon - Fri 9 holes € 41.00 18 holes € 58.00 Sat, Sun 9 holes € 46.00 18 holes € 62.00 ‘Sport Aktiv’ tel.: 05212 99870, www.schisportaktiv.at or tel.: 05212 3797, www.golfschule-seefeld.eu Golf taster course at the Seefeld-Reith Golf Club: Monday and Wednesday 2 pm - 3 pm, € 17.00 per person SEEFELD/MÖSERN ‘Golfclub Seefeld-Wildmoos’ tel.: 05212 52402, www.seefeldgolf.com 18 hole championship course, par 70/72, member of the Leading Golf Courses association, driving range, covered teeing areas, putting green, chipping green, PGA golf school, pro shop, golf restaurant (also open to non-golfers). 15 % discount on green fees for guests with the Olympiaregion Seefeld Card. An additional 15 % discount for guests staying in one of the golf club founder hotels. Open daily from May to October. Starting time reservations are essential. Requirement for eligibility to play is a handicap of maximum 54. Prices 2016: Golf Alpin Card with 5 green fees € 325.00 Golf Alpin Card with 3 green fees € 199.00 Green fee 18 holes: € 79.00 - 15 % (region) € 68.00 - 15 % (founder hotel guests) € 58.00 Sunrise 9 holes: € 50.00 until 9:30 am on holes 10-18 - 15 % (region) € 42.50 - 15 % (founder hotel guests) € 36.00 Sunset 9 holes: € 50.00 after 4.30 pm on holes 1-9 - 15 % (region) € 42.50 - 15 % (founder hotel guests) € 36.00 Driving range € 15.00 Range token € 2.00 (30 balls) ’Golfschule Christoph Schwarz’ tel.: 0664 2251583, www.golf-seefeld.at Golf school for beginners and advanced players (various courses, certification of golf license or tournament permit). Private lesson 45 min. all inclusive (range fee, balls for lesson time, club hire) Each additional person € 50.00 € 10.00 (min. 3 persons - max. 10 persons) All inclusive per person € 30.00 (min. 2 persons - max. 6 persons) All inclusive per person € 360.00 (min. 2 persons - max. 6 persons) All inclusive per person € 300.00 All inclusive per person € 180.00 Golf taster course 90 min. Beginner course 12 lessons, 60 min each Improver course 10 lessons, 60 min each Intensive course „Short Game“ 6 lessons, 60 min each (min. 2 persons - max. 6 persons) GUEST CARDS Upon arrival all guests staying overnight in the Olympiaregion Seefeld receive the electronic guest card from their accommodation provider. You too can benefit from numerous discounts and special offers tailored to suit your wishes. Holders of the guest card can, for example, use the swimming pools and buses at a reduced price. The services available during the summer months, such as use of the buses and the ‘Casino Package’, can be electronically added to your card in any of the information offices and by many of the accommodation providers in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. Ask for our free brochure detailing all the services and discounts in connection with the Olympiaregion Seefeld Card. HAIRSTYLING SALONS SEEFELD ‘Alpenhotel... fall in Love’ Dorfplatz 28, tel.: 05212 2191, www.alpenlove.at ‘Barber Shop - Gentleman’ Klosterstr. 295, tel.: 0650 5924333, www.barber-gentleman.at ‘Berni’s Haaratelier’ Bernadette Renauer, Möserer Str. 53 (in Hotel St. Peter), tel.: 05212 20525 ‘Ehwald’ Andreas Hofer Str. 517, tel.: 0664 4404414 ‘Haarschmid’ Münchner Str. 143, tel.: 05212 2992, www.haarschmid.at ‘Jutka Felföldiné Kilyén’ Bahnhofsplatz 613/Citypassage, tel.: 0676 757 3327 ‘Pelikan’ Bahnhofsplatz 389/Citypassage, tel.: 05212 2650 LEUTASCH Salon ’Beauty Hair’ Weidach 275 (in the ‘ErlebnisWelt Alpenbad’ leisure pool complex), tel.: 05214 6490 Salon ‘Mary’ Weidach 318 a, tel.: 05214 6422 ‘Schnittpunkt Frisör Claudia‘ Weidach 333, tel.: 05214 6881 MÖSERN Salon ‘Rainer’ Möserer Dorfstr. 30, ground floor of the ‘Dorfkrug’ apartment building, tel.: 05212 4727 33 Verwendung bis 10 cm Breite Krumers post H o t e l u n d s pa • s e e f e l d / t i r o l genießen, entspannen und entdecken Verwendung unter 5 cm Breite Krumers post Krumers Post Hotel & Spa ... enjoying, relaxing and discovering Enjoy the excellent cuisine made from fresh and mainly local products. Relax in the new NATURAL SPA with more than 2.500 sqm with marvelous view. Discover the joy of sport and the beautiful nature around Seefeld! in the heart of Seefeld K R UM ERS POS T · Dorfplatz 25 · 6100 Seefeld in Tirol Tel. +43 (0) 5212 2201 · www.krumers.com · [email protected] REITH ‘Top Hair‘ in the ‘Alpenkönig‘ Römerstr. 52, tel.: 05212 20128, (by appointment only) HIKING / GUIDED WALKS OLYMPIAREGION SEEFELD Whether you are planning a gentle stroll in the pastures with your family, a romantic walk for relaxation, or are trying to conquer a peak: with more than 650 km of marked hiking and mountain paths, everyone can go at their own pace. Nestled within the Wetterstein mountain range, the Karwendel Nature Park and the Wildmoos nature preservation area, the south-facing high plateau is the ideal base camp for all mountain fans. The detailed regional walking map with description and information on all guided walks is available in all information offices. For all guests who want to discover our magnificent mountain world in a group with experienced walking guides, the following programme is available with suitable tours for beginners and experts. ABC OF HIKING Alpine Emergency In emergencies, you can contact the emergency services under tel.: 140 or +43 512 140 Liability Participation in the guided walks is at your own risk. Public Busses Regional bus tickets valid for the duration of your stay can be electronically added to your “Olympiaregion Seefeld Card” in the information offices at a cost of € 12.00. All departure points are easy to reach by bus. Walking Equipment Please do not forget: shoes suitable for your selected difficulty level are a must. Also recommended: Sun/ rain protection and sufficient drinks! Hiking Pin Free collector cards (for stamps) for earning the different badges are available in all information offices. After showing the stamp for the route walked, you can receive a hiking pin for € 1,90 in gold, silver, or bronze depending on the number of points achieved. 36 HIKING PROGRAMME Discover the Olympiaregion Seefeld Under the motto “Discover the Olympiaregion Seefeld - the great outdoors is waiting for YOU!”, the Olympiaregion Seefeld holiday region is offering its guests a multifaceted summerseason programme between 16th May and 16th October. Participation is free of charge for all holders of the Olympiaregion Seefeld Card. Guests can register for the activities at their hotelier or landlord. Enjoy a summer holiday filled with memorable experiences! MONDAY Seefeld, ‘Focussed Hiking’ with Bianca Brantner Mösern, ‘Traditional Fence Construction’ and a typical Tyrolean breaktime snack, with Wendelin Neuner Scharnitz, ‘Nature Watch - Karwendel Gorge’ Karwendel Nature Park TUESDAY Leutasch, ‘4 Elements Hike’-natopia Leutasch, ‘Meditative Hike’ with Wolfgang Neuner-Pfeiffer WEDNESDAY Olympiaregion Seefeld, ‘Wait-and-See Hike in the Olympiaregion Seefeld’ Seefeld, ‘Historical Walk through Seefeld’ with Alexandra Glatzl or Lisa Holluschek Mösern, ‘Music at the Möserer See Lake’ with various musicians Scharnitz, ‘Gleirschklamm Gorge’ - wod and log driving Scharnitz, ‘Children’s Summer Programme’ Junior Ranger Ponds / Junior Ranger ForestKarwendel Nature Park THURSDAY Leutasch, ‘Experience Nature - with all your Senses’ with Hansi Bantl in combination with Leutasch, ‘Johannas Herb Garden’ with Johanna Krug Mösern, ‘Myths and Legends Walk’ with Barbara Weber FRIDAY Reith, ‘Hike to the Solstein House’-Karwendel Nature Park Reith, ‘Railroad Walk along the Karwendel Railway Line’ with Heinz Strasser SATURDAY Seefeld, ‘Nordic Sports’-Cross Country Academy SUNDAY Leutasch, ‘Animal Tracks and Traces’-natopia On full moon nights (21st May - 16th October 2016) Leutasch, ‘Full Moon Walk’ with Barbara Weber Detailed information folders with dates and times are available in all the information offices as well as in your accommodation. SEEFELD Mountain Walking School “Karwendel” Proprietor: Benno Keplinger, Certified Mountain Hiking Guide, tel.: 0676 300 9859 Private guided tours, small groups only Prices (1-5 participants): Half-day hike (2-3 hours) € 100.00 Full-day hike (4-5 hours) € 180.00 Alpine high-terrain hike (5-7 hours) € 200.00 Each additional participant € 5.00 Stops for refreshments in mountain huts with live Tyrolean music can be arranged upon request. Please call in advance to arrange hikes. ‘Sport Aktiv’ tel.: 05212 99870, www.schisportaktiv.at Easy, intermediate and demanding tours for beginners and advanced through to a real challenge on the Seefeld plateau, in the Karwendel and in the Wetterstein mountains. Times and routes on request, excl. lift tickets and transfers. New: Natural Experience Walk! Private half-day tours per walking guide up to 8 persons € 165.00 Private full-day tours per walking guide up to 8 persons € 210.00 You can find detailed information on the weekly programme of Sport Aktiv. Further information can also be obtained by calling 05212 99870 or 0664 3927846. per child, tel.: 0650 8446282 Mrs. Haidegger (minimum number: 2 children) Dates: from June to October LEUTASCH Hotel Leutascherhof Weidach 305, tel.: 05214 6208, www.leutascherhof.at Guided walks, registration necessary Mon - Fri per person € 15.00 Mountain Hiking Guide Office, Sabine and Jochem Müller tel.: 05214 20210, www.erlebnis-gebirge.at Guided tours arranged to suit your individual wishes, small groups, various levels of difficulty SCHARNITZ Rout Steve, tel.: 0664 3020851 (guided hikes also available in English) SCHARNITZ Extensive information about the Karwendel Nature Park, the huts and suggestions for tours, as well as walking maps, guides and walking guides are available in the Scharnitz information office, tel.: 050880-40. We will be happy to give you contact details of knowledgeable local walking guides. REITH/LEITHEN Pony Walk at the Haideggerhof and Pony Stroll at the Haideggerhof see the Riding Section: Reith/Leithen Longer Pony Walk Approx. 1 ½ hours on request; cost: € 20.00 Mountain Guides / Hiking guides (state certified) SEEFELD Holluschek Elisabeth, tel.: 0699 17255707 Markart Franz, tel.: 0664 8238746 O’Hara Mary, tel.: 0699 19246442 Schennach Josef, tel.: 0664 8209741 LEUTASCH Mountain Hiking Guides, Sabine and Jochem Müller tel.: 05214 20210, www.erlebnis-gebirge.at Guided tours arranged to suit your individual wishes, small groups, various levels of difficulty Wegscheider Peter, tel.: 05214 6331 Winkler Gerhard, tel.: 05214 6662 MÖSERN/BUCHEN Fabian Kikl Tel.: 0664 5465556 State-certified mountain walking guide, planning and organisation of walks and hikes and private tour guiding REITH Kluckner Martin, tel.: 0699 10016353 HORSE RIDING SEEFELD Riding facilities on Leutascher Str. tel.: 0699 11326847 or 0699 17220367, www.reitclub-seefeld.at Riding hall (20 x 60 m), outside area, riding lessons for beginners and advanced, small ponies for children, trekking and horse-riding holidays on request. Private lesson (30 min.) € 30.00 Group lesson (2 people 40 min., 3 people 50 min.) € 25.00 per person Surcharge for horse-jumping lesson: € 5.00 Lunge line lesson (25 min.) € 25.00 Pony rides for children (15 min.) € 7.00 ‘Nairz’ riding facilities near Menthof Reitherspitzstr. 594, tel.: 05212 2554, www.menthof.eu Riding hall (20 x 40m), riding lesson for beginners and advanced, pony for children, Mon - Sun from 9 am, group lessons 45 min. or lunge line lesson (20 min.) € 20.00 37 LEUTASCH RideToLive - Horse-riding with Sina Muggenmoos, tel.: 0676 7360266, www.ridetolive.at Natural horsemanship training, guided horseback trekking (max. 1 participant), riding lessons for children from 6-7 years of age and pony riding. MÖSERN/BUCHEN Dreher Ranch/Wanderreiten Buchen 6, directly above the Ropferstub’m restaurant, tel.: 0650 9118698 or 0676 9773222, www.wanderreiten-tirol.at REITH/LEITHEN Haideggerhof Leithen (June to October) Pony Walk at the Haideggerhof Friday 10 am, duration 1 hour incl. cleaning the ponies Cost: € 15.00 per child Ponies for children from 5 years, min. 2 children Registration by Thursday at the Reith information office, tel.: 050880-30 or by arrangement on tel.: 0650 8446282 Pony Stroll at the Haideggerhof Friday 11:30 am, duration 30 minutes incl. cleaning the ponies Cost: € 10.00 per child Ponies for children from 3 to 10 years with accompaniment, minimum: 2 children Registration by Thursday at the Reith information office, tel.: 050880-30 or by arrangement on tel.: 0650 8446282 Longer Pony Walk Approx. 1 ½ hours on request; cost: € 20.00 per child, tel.: 0650 8446282 Mrs. Haidegger (minimum: 2 children) HORSE-DRAWN CARRIAGE RIDES OLYMPIAREGION SEEFELD All the villages in the Olympiaregion Seefeld offer rides with horse-drawn carriage asleighs: Rides around the villages, rides to various mountain pastures and huts, (e.g. Gaistal valley/Wildmoos area), to visitor attractions both in the village in question and in the neighbouring villages. You get further info in all information offices in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. 38 SEEFELD Horse and carriage stand in Innsbrucker Str. (beside car park P3) - rides around the village, round the Wildsee lake, rides up to the Wildmoosalm mountain hut, to the Triendlsäge mountain restaurant, to the ‘Englhof‘ restaurant, to Mösern, Reith, Leutasch etc. Detailed route suggestions with prices are available from the information office in Seefeld. Enver Kastrati, tel.: 0664 8695300, www.fiaker-seefeld.at Michael Neuner, tel.: 05212 3945, www.fiakerei.at Otto Tiefenbrunner, tel.: 05212 3382 LEUTASCH Leutasch ‘Fiaker’ stand, Klamm: Josef Kluckner, tel.: 05214 6491 Rudi Neuner, tel.: 05214 6768 Meinrad Rauth, tel.: 05214 6645 MÖSERN Josef Bacher, ‘Sterzingerhof’ tel.: 05212 4746 Franz Dreher, Fiaker’ stand Ropferstub’m, tel.: 0676 9773222, www.wanderreiten-tirol.at Christian Klotz, ‘Wiesenhof’, tel.: 05212 4731 SCHARNITZ Meinrad Scharmer, tel.: 05213 5563 HOSPITALS General Public Hospital Hall Milser Str. 10, Hall, tel.: 05050430, www.tilak.at Regional Hospital - University Hospital Innsbruck Anichstr. 35, Innsbruck, tel.: 0512 504-0 or 050504-0,www.tilak.at Nearest hospital in Germany: Klinikum Garmisch-Partenkirchen Auenstr. 6, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, tel.: +49 8821 77-0, www.klinikum-gap.de INFORMATION OFFICES www.seefeld.com Seefeld - a village for any age Klosterstr. 43, tel.: 05 0880-0 Leutasch - makes you feel good Weidach 320, tel: 05 0880-10 Mösern/Buchen - savour the views Möserer Dorfstr. 11, tel.: 05 0880-20 Reith - soak up the sun Römerstr. 52, tel.: 05 0880-30 Scharnitz - (re)discover nature Innsbrucker Str. 282, tel.: 05 0880-40 INLINE-SKATING SEEFELD Roller-skiing track in the Casino Arena Seefeld, for more information see pages 43 and 52. REITH In front of the club house, free to use, info: Reith information office, tel.: 050880-30 INTERACTIVE MAPS CONTWISE MAPS Via our homepage www.seefeld.com you can access a new, interactive, GPS-based map maps.seefeld.com. This map system includes all our region’s mountain huts and restaurants, all hiking and biking tours and running and Nordic walking routes. For the winter season it also contains all the cross-country ski tracks, snowshoe trails, toboggan runs and lots more besides. INTERNET ACCESS Free WiFi: WiFi zone in Seefeld: Entire pedestrian zone and Kurpark, Seefeld Casino, Olympia sports and congress centre, area around the ‘Seekirchl‘ Church, Casino Arena, Rosshütte bottom and top station, Hochegg Alm. WiFi zone in Leutasch: In the lobby of Leutasch council buildings (Gemeinde), in the Gaistal valley beside the payment booth and beside the kiosk in the ‘Spirit Gorge’. In addition, most of the accommodation providers in the Olympiaregion Seefeld offer free WiFi internet access for their guests. Further internet access possibilities (charges apply): SEEFELD Library (1 PC) Parsonage - opposite the Parish Church, tel.: 05212 52877, www.bibliothek-seefeld.at 1 PC with internet access and printer and WiFi access. Opening times: Sun 10:30 am - 12, Tues 5 pm 6:30 pm, Thurs 6 pm - 7:30 pm Price: A charge of € 1 applies when used for longer than 1 hour LEUTASCH ‘Alpenhotel Karwendel’ (WiFi) Ostbach 18, tel.: 05214 6304, www.karwendel.com Free WiFi for restaurant guests, non-dining guests will be charged for use of the WiFi SCHARNITZ ‘Gasthof Risserhof’ Innsbrucker Str. 26, (wireless access point), tel.: 05213 5240 or 05213 20020, www.risserhof.com IRONMONGERS SEEFELD ‘Eurospar‘ Olympiastr. 882, tel.: 05212 22291, www.albrecht-betriebe.at LEUTASCH ‘Raiffeisen Lagerhaus‘ Kirchplatzl 128 a, tel.: 05214 625054918, www.lagerhaus.at JEWELLERS SEEFELD ‘Haid-Wagner’ Bahnhofstr. 33, tel.: 05212 2377 ‘Nostalgie’, unique stone jewellery Bahnhofstr. 124, tel.: 05212 52649 ‘Pirkner’ Dorfplatz 25, tel.: 05212 3884 ‘Seefeld Present’ Klosterarkaden 608, tel.: 05212 2031 ‘Swarovski Premium Shop’ Dorfplatz 25, tel.: 05212 52540, www.swarovski.com ‘Time & More’ Klosterstr. 295, tel.: 05212 2029 ‘Tiroler Schmuckkastl Armbruster OG’ Innsbrucker Str. 22, tel.: 05212 23170 KNEIPP FACILITIES SEEFELD Kneipp Facilities at the Wildsee: paddling circuit pool, arm basin, lake jetty, seats. Lebensquelle (WM-Halle): Pools for arms and feet. Contemplation and Reflection Walk - Pfarrhügel Route: Kurpark Seefeld - Lebensquelle - paddling facilities at the Wildsee return to Seefeld Walking time: ca. 2 hours / Difficulty: easy From the Kurpark in the village centre the trail heads through the village along the Klosterstraße to the Seefeld Seekirchl and across the Möserer Straße. At the next turning to the right in the direction of the Kirchwald, take the option to the left behind the tennis courts in the direction of Mösern to the Kneipp area ‘Lebensquelle‘. Go straight on to the main road ‘Möserer Straße‘. After you cross the road the route 39 back to Seefeld takes you past the ski jump and via the Casino Arena to the Gschwandtkopf car park before heading under the main road and then up over the Siegmundspromenade to the Pfarrerbichl and the Apostelkreis. After a quick pause for contemplation we keep to the right down to the road where we cross. On the southern bank of the Wildsee we find the large Seefeld Kneipp facilities. From here you can return to the starting point via the circuit around the lake past the birdwatching displays and the Café Strandperle. Water and Herbs Route: Wildsee car park (Hotel Seespitz) Seefelder Kneipp Facilities at the Wildsee - Englhof Auland - Naturkneipplandschaft St. Florian Reith - Bee Trail Reith Walking time: ca. 2 ½ hours, Difficulty: easy Heading off along the western bank of the Wildsee you will soon come across the large Kneipp facilities on the lake. With the help of information boards about the themes of ‘Correct Uses of Water‘ and ‘Herbal Knowledge‘ you can begin the use of the Kneipp facilities with the roomy paddling pool and the hand basin. Path Nr. 4 leads through a lovely wooded area to the deer enclosure and on to the Café Englhof. There you have an opportunity to admire their impressive small gardens. Along the side of the trail you will find different types of herb. Continuing along the path you will reach the bus stop in Auland. At the next junction after the Strasslhof you turn left into the Naturkneipplandschaft St. Florian. This lovely water is a true spring and cleanses, energises, and helps with health and happiness. Take the time to have a drink from it. In the large basin you can refresh your legs and the arms can be submerged in the life-giving elixir of water. The seats offer a spot for meditation and the barefoot area will allow you to recharge your energy levels. The trail from here continues along the Bee Trail. The way through the forest leads to the Maxhüttenweg from there cross the main road on the left and head along the Lobaweg in the direction of Seefeld. Kneipp Facilities at the Triendlsäge: Basins for arms and feet. 40 A walking experience for big and small Route: Kurpark Seefeld - Geigenbühel - Kneipp facilities at the Triendlsäge - return to Seefeld (circular route) Walking time: 1 ½ hours, difficulty: medium Starting at the Seefeld Kurpark this walk goes via the Münchnerstraße in the direction of the chemist. Take a left there into the Geigenbühelstraße and turn right at the Hotel Zum Gourmet and pass the Birkenstüberl in the direction of the Waldgasthof Triendlsäge. The Kneipp facilities there are quickly reached and a pleasant stop will refresh all of your senses. To get back to Seefeld take the route in the direction of the riding stables from the Waldgasthof Triendlsäge. At about the half-way point turn left and take the trail to the right straight over the Geigenbühel to the village centre. LEUTASCH Kneipp Facilities at the Salzbach The natural Kneipp and water facilities are located at the entrance to the Gaistal and contain plenty of opportunities to experience the element water. Kneipp is the most natural form of wellness; you could almost say that it is where the concept of wellness came from. In other words, it is about taking one’s time, relaxing, reflecting on one’s way of life and renewal in the direction of a healthier one. Kneipp stimulates the circulation, activates and strengthens the immune system, harmonises and stabilises the dormant nerve system and has a balancing effect on the breathing, the heartbeat, circulation, blood pressure, metabolism, temperature regulation, the nerve system and the hormones. Ice-cold clear spring water allows the spirit of life to flow again in the direction of the lessons of Kneipp. A paddling pool and arm basins and the form of larch troughs are available to improve your feeling of wellbeing. There is a folder about this installation available in the Leutasch information office or by download at www.seefeld.com. MÖSERN Natural Kneipp Facilities at Mösern/Buchen, at the Ropferstub`m. The Kneipp area at Buchen is situated in lovely scenery at an altitude of 1250m with a total of 4 paddling pools and 2 arm basins. The facilities are made from natural materials and are free of charge. June - September (dependent on weather). REITH St. Florian Natural Kneipp Facilites on the Bee Nature Trail The wonderfully refreshing well water is literally a fountain of youth; it washes away all impurities, gives energy, brings joy and good health and invites you quench your thirst. Invigorate your legs in the large water bath and dip your arms into the elixir of life in the hand bath. SCHARNITZ Kneipp Facilities in the direction of the Scharnitzer Alm This modern and natural oasis of calm at the entrance to the Karwendel nature reserve, between Isarsteig and Kreidegraben, leaves no wish unfulfilled! The great tread basin filled with Isar stones, arm plunge pool and the generous relaxation loungers offer recovering and regeneration after an exhausting, eventful day in the Karwendel nature reserve. LAUNDRETTE / DRY CLEANERS SEEFELD ‘Tip - Top’ Andreas-Hofer-Str. 292, tel.: 05212 2044 or 0676 4149777 Self-service coin-operated washing machines and tumble dryers Andreas-Hofer-Str. 292, opening times: Mon - Fri 8 am - 7 pm, Sat 9 am - 7 pm & Sun 10 am - 7 pm or by prior arrangement! MÖSERN Landhaus/‘Lebensmittel Schöpf‘ tel.: 05212 4752, www.landhaus-schoepf.at Dry cleaning (delivery and pick up counter only dry cleaning is carried out elsewhere) LIBRARIES SEEFELD Library Seefeld - Public lending library in the parsonage building (opposite the parish church), tel.: 05212 52877, www.bibliothek-seefeld.at Reading room, 1 PC with internet access, printer, wireless internet access, books, audio-books, newspapers and magazines, comics, games, DVDs, readings. Opening times: Sun 10:30 am - 12 noon, Tues 5 pm - 6:30 pm, Thurs 6 pm - 7:30 pm LEUTASCH Library in the Ganghofer museum Kirchplatzl 154, tel.: 05214 20093 or 0676 6056184, www.leutasch.at/ganghofer-museum Tues and Wed, 10 am - 12 noon, Thurs and Fri 4 pm - 6 pm SCHARNITZ In the Scharnitz council offices Adolf-Klinge-Platz 72, first floor Wed 4:30 pm - 7 pm LOCAL COUNCIL OFFICES SEEFELD ‘Rathaus’ (1st floor), in the pedestrian area, Klosterstr. 43, tel.: 05212 2241, www.gemeinde-seefeld.eu Opening times: Mon - Thurs 8am - 12 noon and 3 pm - 5 pm, Fri 8 am - 12 noon LEUTASCH ‘Gemeindehaus’ Kirchplatzl 128 a, tel.: 05214 6205, www.leutasch.at, Opening times: Mon, Tues, Thurs 7 am - 12 noon and 1 pm - 5 pm, Wed 7 am - 12 noon, Fri 7 am 12 noon and 1 pm - 4 pm MÖSERN The local council offices are situated in the ‘Rathaus’ in Telfs, tel.: 05262 69610 REITH ‘Gemeindeamt’ Lauserweg 15, tel.: 05212 3116, www.reith-seefeld.at Opening times: Mon - Fri 8 am - 12 noon SCHARNITZ ‘Gemeindeamt’ Adolf-Klinge-Platz 72, tel.: 05213 5204, www.scharnitz.tirol.gv.at Opening times: Mon - Fri 8 am - 12 noon LOCAL TELEVISION STATION SEEFELD Seefeld TV, rabemedia GmbH tel.: 0650 4576196, www.seefeld-tv.at LOST PROPERTY OFFICES SEEFELD ‘Gemeindeamt’ (local council offices) Klosterstr. 43, tel.: 05212 2241, www.gemeinde-seefeld.eu LEUTASCH ‘Gemeindeamt’ (local council offices) Kirchplatzl 128 a, tel.: 05214 6205, www.leutasch.at MÖSERN Information office Mösern/Buchen Möserer Dorfstr. 11, tel.: 050880-20 REITH ‘Gemeindeamt’ (local council offices) Lauserweg 15, tel.: 05212 3116 41 Information office Reith Römerstr. 52, tel.: 050880-30 SCHARNITZ ‘Gemeindeamt’ (local council offices) Adolf-Klinge-Platz 72, tel.: 05213 5204, www.scharnitz.tirol.gv.at Information office Scharnitz Innsbrucker Str. 282, tel.: 050880-40 MASSAGE SERVICES See ‘Spas and Wellbeing’ section on page 56. MILK VENDING MACHINES (Fresh milk straight from the farm) SEEFELD ‘Schneiderhof’ Wasserfallweg 726, tel.: 05212 4678 LEUTASCH ‘Lippenhof’ Kirchplatzl 150, tel.: 05214 6755 MINERALS SEEFELD ‘Tirolstein’ Bahnhofstr. 389, tel.: 05212 50339, www.tirolstein.eu SCHARNITZ Exhibition of minerals in the information centre Scharnitz Innsbrucker Str. 282, tel.: 05 0880-40 MOTORCYCLE RETAILER SEEFELD ‘2-Rad Corner’ Innsbrucker Str. 775, tel.: 05212 4144, www.ossi-niederkircher.at MOTORWAY TOLL STICKERS The obligatory toll stickers for the Austrian motorway are available for purchase at all filling stations, branches of the Raiffeisenbank, tobacconists/newsagents, and from Steffan & Co at the former border crossing in Scharnitz: open daily from 7 am to 7 pm. Toll stickers are available for 10 days, 2 months or a full year. MOUNTAIN HUTS 42 A list of all the region’s mountain huts including telephone numbers, opening days and times is available in all the information offices. MOUNTAIN RESCUE Tyrolean Mountain rescue emergency app Injured persons can now report an emergency while automatically transmitting details of their exact location to the Tyrolean emergency control centre enabling emergency services to provide help more quickly and effectively. The Tyrolean mountain rescue emergency app is available free of charge for download for android phones and Apple Smartphones. SEEFELD Leutascher Str. 770, tel.: 0664 8209741, www.seefeld.bergrettung-tirol.at LEUTASCH Mountain Rescue Emergency Doctor, Dr. Oswald Heis, Weidach 293 a, tel.: 05214 6910 Harald Aschaber, Mountain Rescue Chairman Emmat 370 t, tel.: 0664 4354665, www.leutasch.bergrettung-tirol.at SCHARNITZ Thomas Lehner, Mountain Rescue Chairman tel.: 0664 8937583 MUSEUMS See ‘Excursions and Places of Interest’ on page 19. NEWSPAPERS / MAGAZINES / PAPERBACKS SEEFELD ‘Albrecht Kaufhaus’, tobacconist Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2229-648 ‘Bahnhofstrafik’ at the railway station, tel.: 05212 2306 ‘Billa’ Innsbrucker Str. 272, tel.: 05212 52643, www.billa.at ‘Eurospar’ Olympiastr. 882, tel.: 05212 22291, www.albrecht-betriebe.at ‘Finsterwalder - Seefelder Touristenshop’ Münchner Str. 35, tel.: 05212 2382 ‘M-Preis’ Klosterstr. 276, tel.: 05212 6262-21, www.m-preis.at ‘Olympia-Kiosk’ ‘Olympia Sports & Congress Centre’, tel.: 05212 3220 LEUTASCH ‘M-Preis‘ Weidach 340, tel.: 05214 4201, www.mpreis.at ‘Tabaktrafik Gapp’ Weidach 321 a, tel.: 05214 6286 ‘Sparmarkt Gohm‘ Obern 34 a, tel.: 05214 6179 MÖSERN ‘Lebensmittel Schöpf‘ Möserer Dorfstr. 7-9, tel.: 05212 4752 REITH ‘M-Preis‘ Umfahrungsstr. 34, tel.: 05212 4707 ‘Rasler‘s Laden’ Römerstr. 34, tel.: 05212 3135 SCHARNITZ ‘Steffan & Co’ Innsbrucker Str. 48, tel.: 05213 5306 NON-DISPENSING CHEMIST STORES SEEFELD ‘BIPA’ Bahnhofstr. 389, tel.: 05212 52590, www.bipa.at NORDIC COMPETENCE CENTRE SEEFELD The Nordic competence centre in the Casino Arena Seefeld is not only available for practice in the winter. With the addition of the modern biathlon facilities and the new roller-skiing track you can practice Nordic sports 365 days in the year. The roller-skiing track is 3.6 km long. Route: Casino Arena and Möserertal valley, combination of various levels of difficulty for individually tailored training sessions. ‘Summer Biathlon’ available for guests and experienced athletes by prior arrangement. ‘Summer skating’ with roller skis can also be learned in various courses and in combination with a biathlon workshop. For courses see pages 52 and 59. NORDIC WALKING & RUNNING OLYMPIAREGION SEEFELD The ´Running & Nordic Walking Arena‘ provides an extensive and well marked network of Nordic walking and running routes which connect the whole region. 30 different routes at three difficulty levels over 266 km invite you to get fit and, at the same time, enjoy the unique countryside of the high plateau of the Olympiaregion Seefeld. SEEFELD ’Fun-Sport-Frank’ tel.: 0664 5162863, www.funsport-frank.com Pole rental (carbon) € 3.00 Running- & touring sport Seefeld, Martin Mausser, tel.: 0660 6548630, www.ski-club-seefeld.com, Running track at the Wildsee/Kneipp facilities, 333 m length, the base of bark mulch offers a healthy, environmental and efficient way to run, agility circuit. 11th Raiffeisen Mountain Run on 19th June 2016 ‘Sport Norz’ tel.: 05212 6252, www.sport-norz.at Nordic walking, Nordic fitness, trail running Daily on request. Registration necessary on tel.: 05212 6252 SEEFELD/REITH ’Sport Aktiv’ tel.: 05212 99870, www.schisportaktiv.at our aim is to increase the technique, private hours on request, € 45.00 per hour and person LEUTASCH Bergwanderführerbüro Leutasch (mountain walking guides) Sabine and Jochem Müller, tel.: 05214 20210, www.erlebnis-gebirge.at Trail running, speed hiking, Nordic walking, tours covering all levels of difficulty on request SCHARNITZ Nordic walking poles rental Prices on request, Angerer Family, tel.: 05213 5386 OPTICIANS SEEFELD ‘Isser Optik’ Klosterstr. 43, tel.: 05212 2885, www.isser.at OUTDOOR ACTIVITY SERVICES SEEFELD Cross Country Academy Martin Tauber Klosterstr. 120, located beside the Seekirchl, tel.: 05212 50300, www.xc-academy.com The Cross Country Academy, run by ex-cross-country professional Martin Tauber, offers an highly 43 varied programme of sports and activities in the summer. The fascinating world of biathlon can be experienced along with instruction on roller skiing. What makes the programme so unique is that shooting can be combined with a diverse choice of sports, such as roller skiing or Segway riding, so that everybody can enjoy the opportunity of experiencing the thrill of this popular sport. (Tip: especially suited to company incentive days!) ’Sport Aktiv’ tel.: 05212 99870, www.schisportaktiv.at LEUTASCH NoFear Sports Uwe Schlecht, tel.: 0049 177 7986716 or 0049 813 9998 6185 Stefan Reich (State Certif. Mountain/Skiing Guide) Schanz 267, tel.: 0699 1814 9731, www.kletterwald-leutasch.at PAINTBALL SCHARNITZ Paintball Tirol The paintball zone is located opposite the P1 parking area close to the Porta Claudia and the German border. tel.: 0699/10109009, www.paintball-tirol.at If you want to play paintball, then you’ve come to the right place! From clubs to small groups of friends, everyone is welcome! By prior arrangement only. Prices available on request. PARAGLIDING / TANDEM FLIGHTS SEEFELD ‘Parashuttle’ tel.: 0664 1244010, www.parashuttle.info A dream for young and old! Fly like a bird and enjoy the breathtaking landscape hundreds of metres below you. Starting point is the Härmelekopf mountain in Seefeld (altitude 2,040 m, altitude difference 840 m). Fly with the most experienced paragliding pilots in the Tyrol. Children under 18 years of age require permission from a parent or guardian. Flights available daily - please phone to make a booking. Tandem flight price including lift ticket and taxi back to the meeting point € 110.00, ‘Probably the most beautiful way to fly!’ PARISH OFFICE / PARSONAGE 44 SEEFELD Seefeld - St. Oswald Church Parish Office Maximilanweg 29, opposite the Parish Church tel.: 05212 2319-0, www.pfarramt-seefeld.at All the catholic church services, processions and other church events/festivities can be found on the website of Seefeld Parish Office: www.pfarramt-seefeld.at. LEUTASCH Near the ‘Kirche zur Hl. Magdalena’ church, Kirchplatzl 153, tel.: 05214 6235, www.pfarren-leutasch.at REITH Parish administration Römerstr. 24, tel.: 05212 52782 and 05212 3119, www.dibk.at/reith SCHARNITZ Catholic Parish office Porta Claudia Str. 7, tel.: 05213 5217 PHARMACIES SEEFELD Apotheke Seefeld Münchner Str. 445, tel.: 05212 2284, www.apotheke-seefeld.at LEUTASCH Dr. Oswald Heis, practice dispensary Weidach 293 a, tel.: 05214 6910 SCHARNITZ Dr. med. Hamid Homayouni, practice dispensary (from 1st July Dr. Hubert Hofstötter) Innsbrucker Str. 3, tel.: 05213 5134 PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES SEEFELD ‘BIPA’ Bahnhofstr. 389, tel.: 05212 52590, www.bipa.at Cammerlander Tanja Photography Bahnhofsplatz 613, tel.: 0664 5302010, www.cammerlander.photography Hiltpolt Anton, Photographer Schulweg 427, tel.: 0664 3410834, www.seefeld.biz/foto PHYSIOTHERAPY SEEFELD Bianca Brantner Leutascherstr. 686, tel.: 0660 3439380 Florian Huber Mösererstrasse 632 (WM Halle), call to arrange an appointment, tel.: 0650 7201047, www.bodypoint.at Gesundheitspraxis Seefeld - Stefan Butz Innsbruckerstr. 227, tel.: 0650 2704407, www.osteopathie-seefeld.com Osteopathy, osteopathy for children, osteopathy during all stages of pregnancy, sport osteopathy and physiotherapy Please call to arrange an appointment. Ursula Kosso Mobile physiotherapist, tel: 0664 5162199, www.seefeld-physiotherapie.at Peter Vesenmayer Kalkkögelweg 453, tel.: 05212 50469 or 0664 4180902 Mon - Thu 9 am - 12 noon and 1 - 6 pm, Fri 8 am - 1 pm or by appointment Peter Woldrich tel.: 05212 22856, www.physiotherapie-seefeld.at Physiotherapy/therapeutic exercise, Mon - Fri 8 am - 12 noon and 1:30 pm - 6 pm, call to arrange an appointment LEUTASCH Susann Imhof, Physiotherapist Kirchplatzl 128a, tel.: 0650 9458095, physiotherapy, massages, lymphatic drainage, heat therapy, home visits on request, please call for appointments Andrea Rauth-Panholzer, Physiotherapist Obere Wiese 1, tel.: 05214 6550 Physiotherapy, therapeutic exercise Mon - Fri 9 am - 1 pm, please call to arrange an appointment PLAY AREAS SEEFELD beside the Wildsee lake/Strandperle restaurant, above the WM-Hall, Adventure play park in the theme of ‘Mining in Seefeld‘ and jumping platforms with inflatable landing cushions and a ‘Tramp-Bag’ (inflatable trampoline) beside the Rosshütte mountain restaurant. LEUTASCH Adventure play area beside the stream, in Weidach, next to the information office MÖSERN at the ‘Gasthof Zum Neunerwirt’ Close-to-nature play park beside the Möserer See lake (near the Möserer Seestub’n) REITH beside the information office, skater park below the ‘Gemeinde’ (local council offices) SCHARNITZ in Eisack, Auweg POLICE Emergency number: tel.: 133 SEEFELD The police station in Seefeld, is responsible for the whole region, Münchner Str. 828, tel.: 0591 337124-100, www.bundespolizei.gv.at POST OFFICE SEEFELD Post office Seefeld, Klosterstr. 367, tel.: 0577677 6100 or 05212 2347, www.post.at, Opening times: Mon - Fri 8 am - 12 noon and 2 pm - 5.30 pm Postage stamps are also available from: Albrecht Kaufhaus, newsagent/tobacconist Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2229-648 Railway newsagent/tobacconist (upon purchase of postcards only) Railway station, tel.: 05212 2306 Finsterwalder - Seefeld Tourist Shop (upon purchase of postcards only) Münchner Str. 35, tel.: 05212 2382 Pilotto (upon purchase of postcards only) Münchnerstr. 33, tel.: 05212 52856 LEUTASCH Post office self-service zone Stamps - send mail - receive mail In the ‘Gemeinde Leutasch’ local council buildings Kirchplatzl 128a, tel.: 05214/6205 Opening hours: 24 hours a day, Mon - Sun Stamps are available from: Information office Leutasch Weidach 320, tel.: 05 0880-10 Post office, Self-Service Zone Kirchplatzl 128 ‘Schuh & Sport Rödlach’ Kirchplatzl 128 b, tel.: 05214 6488 ‘Sparmarkt Gohm’ Obern 34 a, tel.: 05214 6179 MÖSERN Stamps and pre-paid mobile phone cards: ‘Lebensmittel Schöpf‘ Möserer Dorfstr. 7-9, tel.: 05212 4752, www.landhaus-schoepf.at REITH Stamps are available from: Information office Reith Römerstr. 52, tel.: 050880-30 45 Post office service in the ‘Gemeinde Reith’ (local council office), Lauserweg 15, tel.: 05212 3116-78, 8 am -12 noon SCHARNITZ Stamps and pre-paid phone cards for mobile phones are available from: Steffan & Co Innsbrucker Str. 48, tel.: 05213 5306 PRE-PAID PHONE CARDS SEEFELD ‘Albrecht Kaufhaus’, tobacconist Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2229-648 ‘Bahnhofstrafik’ at the railway station, tel.: 05212 2306 ‘BP Troppacher’ Bundesstr. 498, tel.: 05212 20567 ‘Finsterwalder - Seefelder Touristenshop’ Münchner Str. 35, tel.: 05212 2382 ‘M-Preis’ Klosterstr. 276, tel.: 05212 6262-21, www.mpreis.at Post Office Seefeld Klosterstr. 367, tel.: 0577677 6100, www.post.at ‘SHELL‘ filling station Innsbrucker Str. 272, tel.: 05212 2914 LEUTASCH Information office Leutasch Weidach 320, tel.: 050880-10 ‘Sparmarkt Gohm‘ Obern 34 a, tel.: 05214 6179 ‘Tabaktrafik Gapp’ Weidach 321 a, tel.: 05214 6286 REITH Information office Reith Römerstr. 52, tel.: 050880-30 Post office counter in the ’Gemeinde Reith’ (local council offices), Lauserweg 15, tel.: 05212 3116-78, 8 am - 12 noon SCHARNITZ ‘Steffan & Co’ Innsbrucker Str. 48, tel.: 05213 5306 PUBLIC TOILETS 46 SEEFELD Railway station Music pavilion, Kurpark Olympia Sports & Congress Centre Apothekenparkplatz (P8) Horse-drawn carriage stand beside the car park P3 LEUTASCH Kirchplatzl (church square), opposite the ’Gemeindehaus’ Weidach, music pavilion Gaistal, Salzbach car park Moos, Rödlach car park MÖSERN Public toilet in Mösern information office (during opening hours only) REITH Railway station Reith SCHARNITZ Railway station Scharnitz At the northern entrance to the town, beside ‘Steffan & Co’ tobacconist/newsagent Karwendel car park in Eisack (open summer only from 8 am - 6 pm) PUBLIC TRANSPORT TIMETABLES Up-to-date timetables and departure and arrival information for trains and buses are available in all the information offices in the region. PUSHCHAIR & BABY CARRIERS RENTAL SEEFELD ‘Off-road’ pushchair & baby carriers rental in Landhaus Schmiedhof Hiltpolt family, tel.: 05212 2526, www.schmiedhof.net RAFTING Detailed information can be found on page 63. RAILWAY STATIONS SEEFELD Bahnhofsplatz 115, Call Centre tel.: 051717 Ticket counter opening times: Mon - Fri 8:05 am 1:15 pm and 2:15 pm - 4:25 pm LEUTASCH AND MÖSERN No railway station, VVT combined tickets for local buses and trains can be purchased in the bus. LEITHEN NEAR REITH Unmanned station, tickets can be purchased on the train REITH Unmanned station, tickets can be purchased on the train GIESSENBACH NEAR SCHARNITZ Unmanned station, tickets can be purchased on the train SCHARNITZ Unmanned station, tickets can be purchased on the train RESTAURANTS SEEFELD ‘Alt Seefeld’- ’Erlebnis Wirtshaus’ Olympiastr. 101, tel.: 05212 2191, www.kaltschmid.info ‘Alte Schmiede’ Innsbrucker Str. 18, tel.: 05212 2253, www.hotel-hiltpolt.at ‘Am Kurpark’ , ’Ferienhotel Kaltschmid’ Olympiastr. 101, tel.: 05212 2191, www.kaltschmid.info ‘Astoria Relax & Spa Hotel’ Geigenbühelstr. 185, tel.: 05212 2272, www.astoria-seefeld.com ‘Batzenhäusl‘ Klosterstr. 44, tel.: 05212 2292, www.kaltschmid.info ‘Bergresort Seefeld’ Münchner Str. 215, tel.: 05212 2571, www.bergresort.at ‘Birklstüberl‘ Kurhotelpromenade 79, tel.: 05212 2322 ‘Bräukeller & Grill’ in Hotel Klosterbräu & SPA Pedestrian zone, tel.: 05212 2621-168, www.klosterbraeu.com ‘Camp Alpin’ Leutascher Str. 810, tel.: 05212 4848, www.camp-alpin.at ‘Central’, Hotel Münchner Str. 41, tel.: 05212 3288, www.central-seefeld.at ‘China-Restaurant Asia’ Münchner Str. 605, tel.: 05212 3065 ‘Corso’ Bahnhofstr. 163, tel.: 05212 2262 ‘Das Eden’, Hotel Münchner Str. 136, tel.: 05212 50495, www.eden-seefeld.at ‘Diana’, Hotel Klosterstr. 97, tel.: 05212 2060, www.hotel-diana.at WILD ROMANTIC SCENERY & EXQUISITE DELICACIES Above the roofs of Seefeld, on the Geigenbühel, that’s where real delights are at home. A celebration for the senses: enjoy excellent Tyrolean delicacies and fine drinks in a tradi tional atmosphere with a breathtaking view. Requests & Reservation Geigenbühel 790 | 6100 Seefeld | AT Tel.: +43 (0) 52 12 23 83 [email protected] ‘Don Camillo’, Pizzeria Am Kirchwald 446, tel.: 05212 3843 ‘Enzo PS- Szene Café‘ Olympiastr. 882, tel.: 0664 4252272, www.enzops.at ‘GOLF-IN’, Restaurant-Café Reitherspitzstr. 632d, tel.: 0699 10072375 Golfrestaurant Seefeld-Wildmoos Wildmoos 11, tel.: 0664 2616647 ‘Hawaii‘, Pizzeria Bahnhofsplatz 389, tel.: 05212 20085 ‘Hochland’, Hotel-Residenz Wettersteinstr. 184, tel.: 05212 2211, www.hrh.at ‘Il Sole’, Pizzeria Leutascher Str. 58, tel.: 0676 4519505, www.ilsolepizzeria.at ‘K. u. K.’ Bahnhofstr. 163, tel.: 0664 4252272 ‘Kirchenwirt’ Dorfplatz 28, tel.: 05212 2191, www.alpenlove.at ‘Lärchenstüberl’ Geigenbühelstr. 790, tel.: 05212 2383 ‘L’Osteria Italiana’ Bahnhofstr. 124, tel.: 05212 20568 ‘Loungis’ Mösererstr. 632, tel.: 05212 2095, www.loungis-seefeld.at ‘Milchhof’ Münchner Str. 270, tel.: 05212 2298 ‘Nannis’ in ‘Kaufhaus Albrecht’ Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2229-622, www.nannis-cafe.at ‘Natur Hotel Lärchenhof & Spa’ Geigenbühelstr. 203, tel.: 05212 2383, www.hotel-laerchenhof-seefeld.com ‘Olympia-Restaurant’ Klosterstr. 600, tel.: 05212 3010, www.restaurant-olympia.at ‘Panorama Restaurant Rosshütte‘ Top station, tel.: 05212 24160, www.rosshuette.at ‘Pizzeria Alpenhof’ Münchner Str. 76, tel.: 0681 81694893 ‘Platzhirsch’ Dorfplatz 25, tel.: 05212 2201571, www.krumers.com ‘Rasthaus Seefeld’ Karwendelweg 81 a, tel.: 05212 51967 ‘Sailer’s Restaurant’ Innsbrucker Str. 12, tel.: 05212 2005, www.sailerseefeld.at ‘Seefelderhof’, Hotel Münchner Str. 146, tel.: 05212 2373, www.seefelderhof.com 48 ‘Seefelder Stube’ Innsbrucker Str. 23, tel.: 0676 843004810 ‘Seespitz’, Hotel Innsbrucker Str. 181, tel.: 05212 2217, www.seespitz.at ‘Sonnenalm’, Gschwandtkopf/top station, tel.: 05212 249035 or 0664 1403000, www.skigebiet-seefeld.at ‘Sportalm’, Gschwandtkopf/bottom station, tel.: 0664 4506550, www.sportalm-seefeld.at ‘Stefan’s Pasteria’ Innsbruckerstr. 162, tel.: 05212 2093 ‘Strandperle’ Innsbruckerstr. 500, tel.: 05212 2436, www.strandperle.at ‘Südtiroler Stube‘ Reitherspitzstr. 17, tel.: 05212 50446, www.suedtirolerstube.com ‘Tiroler Weinstube’ Dorfplatz 130, tel.: 05212 2208, www.tirolerweinstube.at ‘Triendlsäge‘ Nr. 259, tel.: 05212 2580, www.triendlsaege.at ‘Waldschenke’, ‘Waldhotel’, Römerweg 106, tel.: 05212 2207, www.waldhotel-seefeld.at ‘Woods Kitchen & Bar’ Klosterstr. 120, tel.: 05212 53210, www.woods-seefeld.at ‘Zeitlos’ in Hotel Hocheder, Klosterstr. 121, tel.: 05212 53200, www.hotel-hocheder.at LEUTASCH ‘Al Cavallino’ Gasse 166, tel.: 05214 20309, www.al-cavallino.at ‘Bergidyll - Trofana s’Pfandl’ Obern 42, tel.: 05214 20944, www.hotel-trofana.at ‘Birkegg’ Kirchplatzl 129, tel.: 05214 6854, www.birkegg.at ‘Brücke’ Burggraben 257, tel.: 05214 6930, www.zurbruecke-leutasch.com ‘Brunelle’ Weidach 337, tel.: 05214 20042, www.gasthof-pension-brunelle.com ‘Campers’ in Tirol.Camp Reindlau 230 b, tel.: 05214 657013, www.tirol.camp ‘Forellenhof’ Weidach 290 d, tel.: 05214 6455, www.forellen-hof.at Steak- & grill restaurant Wraps & Burger Tyrolean Tapas & Homemade beer Award for best beer in Austria 2015 Big vegetarian choice Unique ambience Excellent service Party cellar with beer fountain Cosy bar and lounge area Summer terrace Groups and events welcome 12.00–22.00 h All-day hot meals In the basement of Hotel Klosterbräu & SPA l pedestrian zone Seefeld Tel. +43.5212.2621-168 [email protected], www.klosterbraeu.com ‘Hubertushof’ Reindlau 230 a, tel.: 05214 6561, www.erlebnishotels.org ‘Jausenalm am Lärchenhang’ Plaik 95, tel.: 05214 6647 ‘Kaminstüberl/Sporthotel Raffl‘ Weidach 314 a, tel.: 05214 6634, www.rafflshotel.at ‘Karwendel, Alpenhotel’ Ostbach 18, tel.: 05214 6304, www.karwendel.at ‘Kirchenwirt’/Sporthotel ‘Xander’ Kirchplatzl 147, tel.: 05214 6581, www.xander-leutasch.at ‘Kühtaierhof‘ Kirchplatzl 139, tel.: 05214 6226, www.kuehtaierhof.at ‘Leutascher Dorfstadl’ Weidach 275 b, tel.: 05214 20143, www.dorfstadl-leutasch.at ‘Leutascher Dorfwirt’ Weidach 320, tel.: 05214 6533, www.leutascher-dorfwirt.at ‘Leutascherhof’ Weidach 305, tel.: 05214 6208, www.leutascherhof.at ‘Leutascher Klammstüberl‘ Schanz, tel.: 0680 5079660 ‘Mc Alps’ - Burger Restaurant Weidach 275, tel.: 05214/6380-14, www.alpenbad-leutasch.com ‘Mooswirt’ Weidach 381 e, tel.: 05214 6680, www.hochmoos-tirol.com ‘Mundestadl‘ Moos 7 a, tel.: 05214 20008 ‘Naturwirt‘ Gasse 190, tel.: 05214 20182, www.naturwirt.at ‘Neuleutasch’ Neuleutasch 384, tel.: 05214 6834 ‘Rustical’ Weidach 277, tel.: 05214 51247, www.gasthofrustical.com ‘Tiroler Stub‘n’ Obern 28 a, tel.: 05214 20006 ‘Weidachstube’ Weidach 373 b, tel.: 05214 6456 ‘Zugspitze’ Platzl 103, tel.: 05214 6201, www.zugspitze-hotel.at ‘Zum Klammgeist’ Schanz 272, tel.: 0664 5683322 ‘Zur Mühle‘ Burggraben 264, tel.: 05214 6712, www.gasthof-zur-muehle.at A pleasure for every taste! Let your taste buds be pampered by our excellent culinary team in the traditional restaurant. A wide variety of delicacies and fine dishes awaits you: relish the specialities of Tyrol, seasonal delicacies as well as regional savouries and international dishes. Exquisite à la carte fares, buffets with a diverse range of delicacies to choose from and savoury menus delight your taste buds. Prepared with masterly skills and affection and served in a cordial and bonhomie atmosphere. Sporthotel Xander**** Kirchplatzl147 • A-6105Leutasch-Seefeld • +43(0)5214-6581 [email protected] • www.xander-leutasch.at 50 ENJOYABLE REST IN MÖSERN… After a pleasant round of golf in Wildmoos or along a wonderful walk along the 3 lakes and the mountain pastures in our surrounding, an ideal meeting point for culinary delights. Magnificent view from the terrace of hotel Inntalerhof & restaurant „9ers“ to the peace bell, which rings every afternoon at 5 pm. The new à la carte restaurant „9ers“ offers delicious international and local food: spoil your palate & senses within a unique ambiance and the breathtaking view over the Inn valley. The Tyrolean inn in Mösern offers traditional local food and dishes and NEW: Crêpes, tarte flambée and pizza. Warm and cold snacks as well as home-made cakes and pastries during the day. Children menu! Möserer Dorfstr. 2 l 6100 Mösern-Seefeld T +43 (0)5212 4747 l [email protected] www.9ers-restaurant.at Open daily, no day of rest! NT YME TIVE O J N E PEC PERS WITH ZUM NEUNER WIRT Möserer Dorfstr. 23 l 6100 Mösern-Seefeld T +43 (0)5212 4866 l [email protected] www.neunerwirt.at Day of rest: Tuesday! P A N O R A M A H O T E L nuovoline.at „9ers“ IM HOTEL INNTALERHOF 51 MÖSERN/BUCHEN ‘Alt-Mösern‘ Möserer Dorfstr. 15, tel.: 05212 4737, www.alt-moesern.at ‘Dorfkrug’ Möserer Dorfstr. 32, tel.: 05212 4766, www.gasthof-dorfkrug.com ‘Inntalerhof’ Möserer Dorfstr. 2, tel.: 05212 4747, www.inntalerhof.com ‘Kaiserhof’ Albrecht-Dürer-Weg 1, tel.: 05212 52509, www.vitalhotel-kaiserhof.at ‘Menthof’ Brochweg 15, tel.: 05212 4756, www.menthof.at ‘Möserer Seestub‘n‘ Möserer Seeweg 16, tel.: 05212 4779 ‘Osteria zum Stefan’ Bairbach 6a, tel.: 05262 63260, www.restaurant-stefan.at ‘Reblaus/Krösbacherhof‘ Brochweg 12, tel.: 05212 4753, www.kroesbacherhof.at ‘Ropferstub‘m’ Buchen 6-8, tel.: 05262 65949, www.ropferstubm.com ‘Zum Neunerwirt’ Möserer Dorfstr. 23, tel.: 05212 4866, www.alpenwelt.at REITH ‘Englhof’ Gstoagweg 13, tel.: 05212 3138, www.engl-hof.com ‘Hirschen’ Leithener Dorf Str. 9, tel.: 05212 3155, www.gasthof-hirschen.com ‘Sir Henrys Brasserie’ Gschwandtkopf 12, tel.: 05212 53220, www.sir-henry.at 52 SCHARNITZ ‘Alte Mühle‘ - Pizzeria Innsbrucker Str. 29, tel.: 05213 20047, www.altemuehle-scharnitz.at ‘Bella Vista zum Kirchplatz‘l’ Innsbrucker Str. 20, tel.: 05213 20161 ‘Ramona’ Giessenbach 310, tel.: 05213 5541, www.gasthof-ramona.at ‘Risserhof’ Innsbrucker Str. 26, tel.: 05213 5240 or 05213 20020, www.risserhof.com ‘Wiesenhof’ Hinterautalstr. 283, tel.: 05213 5380, www.gasthof-wiesenhof.at ROAD CONDITIONS REPORT tel.: 0810 120 120 (recorded message) ROLLER SKI SPORT SEEFELD Cross Country Academy Martin Tauber Klosterstr. 120, located beside the Seekirchl, tel.: 05212 50300, www.xc-academy.com Exclusive one-to-one instruction: Classic or skating style, lessons available daily, video analysis available on request, course duration: 1-hour course, price: € 60.00- 2-hour course, price € 115.00 (plus € 15 for each additional participant), 10 % discount for children under 14. All the roller skiing courses are held in the roller skiing circuit in Seefeld’s Casino Arena. Rolling skiing equipment can be rented from Sport Norz, our partner in Seefeld. The wearing of helmets during the roller skiing course is compulsory! Reservations should be made well in advance. ‘Sport Norz‘ tel.: 05212 6252, www.sport-norz.at Roller ski rental and sale for classic and skating style Including boots and poles € 25.00 Courses and private instruction, bookings in the store Roller-Ski Test Centre Test our new roller ski track in the Nordic Competence Centre in Seefeld. RUNNING & NORDIC WALKING See the ‘Nordic Walking’ section on page 43. SEGWAYS SEEFELD Segway Tirol tel.: 0664 3420702, www.segway-tirol.info Choose from a wide range of Segway experiences and enjoy the fun and the fascination of a Segway tour or event with family, friends or work colleagues in the Segway Park Tirol in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. LEUTASCH Erlebnishotel Kristall Weidach 300 m, tel.: 05214 6319, www.erlebnishotels.org 1-hour or 3-hour guided Segway alpine hut tours SHOE RETAILERS SEEFELD ‘Peterschuhe’ Klosterarkaden 608, tel.: 05212 2037 ‘Pure Fashion by Alex’ Klosterstr. 43, tel.: 05212 51890, www.purefashion.at ‘Schuhwerk by Alexander’ Innsbrucker Str. 19, tel.: 05212 20173, www.schuh-werk.at LEUTASCH ‘Schuh & Sport Rödlach‘ Kirchplatzl 128 b, tel.: 05214 6488 ‘Sport Wedl’ Weidach 322 g, tel.: 05214 6444, www.sport-wedl.com ‘Sport Günter‘ Weidach 318 c, tel.: 05214 6305, www.nordicshop.at SNACK BARS / TAKEAWAYS SEEFELD ‘Bahnhofsbuffet’ Bahnhofsplatz 115, tel.: 05212 2443 ‘Bratwerk’ (hot dog stand) Andreas-Hofer-Str. 292, tel.: 0676 4374422 ‘Delikatessen tre.culinaria’ Klosterstr. 43, tel.: 0650 2007500, www.plangger.net ‘Espresso Lounge’ Bahnhofsplatz 613 - Citypassage, tel.: 0699 1406 0299 ‘GOLF-IN’ Reitherspitzstr. 632d, tel.: 069910072375 ‘Hawaii’, Pizzeria Bahnhofsplatz 389, tel.: 05212 20085 ‘Hocheggalm’ Rosshütte, tel.: 05212 2416-0, www.rosshuette.at ‘K. u. K.’ Bahnhofstr. 163, tel.: 0664 4252272 ‘Loungis’ Mösererstr. 632, tel.: 05212 2095, www.loungis-seefeld.at ‘Nannis’, in ‘Kaufhaus Albrecht’ Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2229 622, www.nannis-cafe.at ‘Niveau’ Innsbrucker Str. 11, tel.: 05212 3441 ‘Tennisstüberl‘, tennis club Möserer Str. 561, tel.: 05212 2888, www.tennisclub-seefeld.com LEUTASCH ‘Aumoos Alm’ Aue 123 a, tel.: 0676 5723081 ‘Fiakerstüberl’ Klamm 78, tel.: 0664 9106838 ‘Gut Leutasch’ Klamm 80a, Michael Skamrada, tel.: 05214 5226 or 0664 8878 4281, www.gutleutasch.at ‘Leutascher Klammstüberl’ Schanz, tel.: 0680 5079660 ‘Mundestadl’ Moos 7 a, tel.: 05214 20008 ‘Alpenhotel zum See’ Weidach 336, tel.: 05214 5142, www.alpenhotelzumsee.at ‘Poli’s Hütte’ Gasse 174a, tel.: 0676 5129968 ‘Reiterklause’ Unterkirchen 244a, tel.: 05214 20327, www.ideintirol.com MÖSERN/BUCHEN ‘Landcafé Schöpf‘ Möserer Dorfstr. 7-9, tel.: 05212 4752, www.landhaus-schoepf.at REITH ‘Rasler‘s Laden’ Römerstr. 34, tel.: 05212 3135 Opening times (July - October): 8 am - 2 pm Sale of home-made products! ‘All Reith’ Römerstr. 22, tel.: 05212 3859, www.all-reith.at Open Tues - Sat from 6 pm SCHARNITZ ‘Café in der Länd’ Hinterautalstr. 355, tel.: 0664 5532194 ‘Campingstüberl’ Brand 390, tel.: 0699 10109009, www.karwendelcamp.at ‘Bierstüberl Goldener Adler’ Innsbruckerstr. 123, tel.: 05213 5239, www.adlerscharnitz.at ‘Tiroler Speckklause’ Innsbruckerstr. 67, tel.: 05213 5767, www.tiroler-speckklause.at 53 Schuhwerk by Alexander Seefeld HÄNDLER DER REGION Sport Wedl Leutasch/Weidach Schuhhaus Rödlach Leutasch/Kirchplatzl www.stadler-schuhe.at OLYMPIAREG ION SEEFELD O LY M P I A R E G I O N SEEFELD CA R D CARD Nicht übertragbar. Geltende Bedingung en siehe unter www.ors-card.com. Not transferable. For valid terms see www.ors-card.co m. osservare le condizioni Non cedibile a terzi. Si prega di riportate sul sito www. ors-card.com. You receive your free Olympiaregion Seefeld Card even before you spend your first night in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. With this card you can enjoy a whole spectrum of bonus services, discounts and special offers throughout the duration of your stay. A full list of all extras and offers can be viewed in the current ‘Olympiaregion Seefeld Card’ brochure. w w w. s e e f e l d . c o m SOLARIUMS SEEFELD Bodypoint Seefeld tel.: 05212 2063, www.bodypoint.at Olympia Sports & Congress Centre tel.: 05212 3220, www.seefeld-sports.at Solarium (for over 18s only) LEUTASCH ‘ErlebnisWelt Alpenbad Leutasch’ Weidach 275, tel.: 05214 6380, www.alpenbad-leutasch.com SOUVENIRS / GIFTS / ACCESSORIES SEEFELD ‘Albrecht Kaufhaus’ Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2421, www.sportalbrecht.at ‘Benediktiner Seifenmanufaktur’ (soaps) Innsbrucker Str. 14, tel.: 05212 2013, www.seifenmanufaktur.at ‘Christine Souvenir’ Bahnhofsplatz 389, tel.: 0699/10522828 ‘Ellen‘s Naildesign’, Nail studio Karwendelweg 80, tel.: 0699/17275402, www.ellens-naildesign.at Magnetix Wellness (magnetic jewellery & accessories) ‘Finsterwalder - Seefelder Touristenshop’ Münchner Str. 35, tel.: 05212 2382 ‘Geschenkehaus’ Seefeld Olympiastr. 717, tel.: 05212 52973 ’Nostalgie’ (stones, jewellery, minerals) Bahnhofstr. 124, tel.: 05212 52649 ‘Seefeld Present’ Klosterarkaden 608, tel.: 05212 2031 ‘Sem Vaccaro’ Kosterarkaden 608, tel.: 05212 20341, www.semvaccaroaccessori.com ‘Swarovski Premium Shop’ Dorfplatz 25, tel.: 05212 52540, www.swarovski.at ‘Tirolstein’ Bahnhofstr. 389, tel.: 05212 50339, www.tirolstein.eu ‘Trendshop’ gifts and chocolate, Innsbrucker Str. 13, tel.: 05212 52889 SPAS AND WELLBEING 56 SEEFELD ‘Bodypoint Seefeld’, WM-Hall Florian Huber, www.bodypoint.at Physiotherapy and massages by appointment, tel.: 0650 7201047 Olympia Sports & Congress Centre tel.: 05212 3220, www.seefeld-sports.at The massage team led by Manfred Knoll, registered Sport and Medical Massage Therapist, offers you soothing, relaxing, pain-relieving, stress-reducing massages to make you feel alive again. Amidst the stylish ambiance, you can take in the breathtaking view of the ‘Seekirchl’ chapel and the stunning mountain backdrop. A wide range of different treatments is available to suit your individual needs and wishes. Call for an appointment: tel.: 05212 3220 or 0664 5434940. Banholzer Ursula* tel.: 0664 1219250, facial balance, singing bowl balance, singing bowl meditation, energy balance with tuning forks, body balance, ear candle balance, body candle balance, Chinese foot balance, regeneration balance Erich Schwarz * tel.: 0699 17424600, www.powerscout.cc, massage treatments, heart rate variability analysis, biofeedback, burnout prevention training Helga Schwarz * Zoe Coaching Agency tel.: 0699 17174246, www.beratung-agentur-zoe.at, relaxation training with yoga, life coaching, worklife balance seminars and one-to-one coaching Walter Wanner * tel.: 05212 2648 or 0664 3587928, specialist practice for sport and therapeutic massage. We are here for your health and wellbeing. All massage techniques, aromatic wraps for detox, body cleansing, wellbeing Webhofer Anna * Römerweg 716, tel.: 0650 7334235, energybalancing singing bowl massages LEUTASCH ‘ErlebnisWelt Alpenbad Leutasch’ Weidach 275, tel.: 05214 638015, www.alpenbad-leutasch.com Massages and treatments Monday to Sunday from 12:30 pm - 9 pm, mornings by prior arrangement. Massages, foot reflexology, manual lymph drainage, back treatments, total body treatments, stone therapy, ear candle treatment, Breuss massage, special Alpenbad neck-shoulder treatment, Alpenbad relaxation massage, Alpenbad active massage ‘Christa’s Energieoase’* Schanz 268 c, tel.: 0664 4440975, www.hufnagl.or.at In a wonderfully tranquil, idyllic spot in the Schanz area of Leutasch stands a little wooden house. Amid this calming setting you can discover well-being for body, mind and soul through “New Energy”, holistic pulsing, powerful meditation and harmonisation of your chakras. Your self-healing powers are activated and your inner balance re-harmonised. Your energy can flow freely once more. Karin Frankl*, Occupational Therapist Plaik 89a, tel.: 0650 9883619, www.ergotherapie-leutasch.at Paediatric therapy, geriatric therapy, neurological therapy, hand therapy Susann Imhof*, Physiotherapist Kirchplatzl 128a, tel.: 0650 9458095, Physiotherapy, massages, lymphatic drainage, heat therapy, home visits on request Andrea Rauth-Panholzer*, Physiotherapist Obere Wiese 1, tel.: 05214 6550 Physiotherapy, massage Mon - Fri 9 am - 1 pm Andrea Seipelt * Weidach 285 a, tel.: 05214 5133 Jin Shin Jyutsu® is an ancient art dating back several thousand years which balances the life energies in the body. It creates a balance within our energy system, boosts health and wellbeing and strengthens our powers of self-healing. Through deep relaxation and reduction of stress levels, it provides a valuable complement to conventional healing methods. Applied kinesiology works by stimulating the power of self-healing and improving the interrelationship of both halves of the brain. Applications: problems at school, e.g. anxiety, concentration difficulties, fear of exams; sports related issues, e.g. injuries, competitions; nutritional issues, e.g. allergies, as well as tension and back complaints, cranio-sacral balance therapy, Doula. Thomas Seis*, Bio-Energy Therapist Plaik 89a, tel.: 0650 7630656, www.avatar-salarium.eu Human, animal and field energy practitioner, living environment consultant, Feng Shui, water divining, bio-resonance, bio-feedback, HRV analysis, craniosacral balancing, orgonomy, Pan Gu Shen Gong. SCHARNITZ Silke Ollendorff - villasol Energiearbeit Eisack 169, tel.: 05213 20010, www.villasol-energiearbeit.com Lomi Lomi Nui - experience the magic of Hawaii, Prana Vita - pure and vital energy, Nuad Thai Yoga relaxation and well-being Do you need to recharge your batteries? Do you want to rediscover your inner balance and activate your selfhealing powers? Are you searching for relaxation and sense of well-being? PranaVita®, Lomi Lomi Nui and Nuad Thai Yoga offer three wonderful methods and ways to achieve these goals. Although very different, the three methods all have something in common, namely that the main focus is not simply on your bodily being, but rather they offer a holistic approach, treating you as a whole person, including your own, individual energy fields. The objective is to clear blockages and help get those vital energies flowing again that keep your body agile and healthy, to restore your energy fields and harmonise your body’s overall energy system in order to regain your balance on a physical and energy level. * Please telephone for appointments - prices on request - depending on treatment The following hotels also offer well-being treatments/massages to non-guests - please phone to book an appointment: SEEFELD ‘Alpenhotel… fall in Love’ Dorfplatz 28, tel.: 05212 2191, www.alpenlove.at ‘Astoria Relax & Spa’ Hotel tel.: 05212 2272-500, www.astoria-seefeld.com Massages, beauty treatments, day spa for non-guests. Please telephone beforehand. Day Spa € 55.00 € 65.00 per person - includes full use of the spa facilities including swimming pool, various saunas, fitness studio, afternoon soup and salad buffet followed by cake buffet, selected teas at the wellbeing bar Hotel ‘Central’ tel.: 05212 3288, www.central-seefeld.at Massages, sauna, steam bath, infra-red cabin, solarium, whirlpool, fitness room Hotel ‘Diana’ tel.: 05212 2060, www.hotel-diana.at Massages, Tyrolean beer bath, hay flower and whey whirlpool baths, infra-red cabins, solarium ‘Das Hotel Eden’ Münchner Str. 136, tel.: 05212 50495, www.eden-seefeld.at ‘Hotel Klosterbräu & SPA‘ tel.: 05212 2621-345, www.klosterbraeu.com Spiritual Spa, massages, beauty and body treatments, private spas, Finnish sauna, breadbaking sauna, steam bath, Rassoul grotto, infrared cabin, gym and tranquillity rooms. Admission to the Day Spa is € 40 per person when you book a spa treatment. € 70 per person without treatment. May be subject to alteration. ’Krumers Post Hotel & Spa’ tel.: 05212 2201-600, www.krumers.com Massages, cosmetic treatments, Finnish sauna, bio sauna, steam bath, infra-red cabin, indoor pool, solarium, pool, gym ‘Natur Hotel Lärchenhof & Spa‘ tel.: 05212 2383-333, www.hotel-laerchenhof-seefeld.com 57 MarVita Day Spa Hotel ‘Residenz Hochland’ tel.: 05212 2211, www.hrh.at Massages, curative treatments, cranio-sacral therapy, mud packs, back therapy courses and individual training with Herbert Frühwald, Medical Masseur. Hotel ‘Solstein’ tel.: 05212 2741, www.hotel-solstein.com LEUTASCH ‘alte & neue Mühle‘ Weidach 298 b, tel.: 05214 67520, www.muehletirol.com, saunas, solarium, sanarium, bathing treatments, private spa, forest sauna Bio & Wanderhotel ‘Leutascherhof’ Weidach 305, tel.: 05214 6208, www.leutascherhof.at Massages, mud packs ‘Sporthotel Xander’ Kirchplatzl 147, tel.: 05214 6581, www.xander-leutasch.at, massage and beauty treatments using the Henry Chenot method. ‘Anti-Stress-Resort Alpenhotel Karwendel’ Ostbach 18, tel.: 05214 6304, www.karwendel.com (massages only) MÖSERN Hotel ‘Inntalerhof’ tel.: 05212 4747, www.inntalerhof.com Day spa packages includes a visit to the Alpenwelt wellbeing oasis with saunas and steam bath, incl. bathrobe and towels, refreshing drinks and teas at the pool bar and healthy snacks from the buffet between 1 pm and 5 pm (soft drinks included). Further information at hotel reception. Treatments available: facial treatments and special treatments, beauty extras, Thalassotherapy and sea water therapy, Alpine healthcare treatments using the Dr. Vitalis method, massages and special treatments, wellbeing packages. For details and prices visit the website www.inntalerhof.com SPEAKING CLOCK tel.: 0810 00 1503 (recorded message) SPECIAL TRIBUTES FOR RETURNING GUESTS 58 If you have spent your holiday in our region several times, then we warmly invite you to our special tribute ceremony for returning guests. For further information and to register, please contact the appropriate information office or your hotelier or landlord. SPIRIT RETAILERS SEEFELD Delicatessen “tre.culinaria” Klosterstr. 43, tel.: 0650 2007500, www.plangger.net LEUTASCH ‘Der Tiroler’ Weidach 321, tel.: 0669 1121 9490 ’Landhaus Marie’ Gasse 162, tel.: 05214 6218, www.landhaus-marie.at SCHARNITZ ‘Tiroler Speckklause’ Innsbrucker Str. 67, tel.: 05213 5767, www.tiroler-speckklause.at SPORT SHOPS / EQUIPMENT RENTAL SEEFELD ‘Sport & Mode Albrecht‘ Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2421, www.sportalbrecht.com ‘By Cala Golf’ Reitherspitzstr. 138, tel.: 0699 16066064 ‘Sailer - Fashion & Premium Sports‘ Dorfplatz 96, tel.: 05212 2530, www.sailerseefeld.com ‘2-Rad Corner‘ Innsbrucker Str. 775, tel.: 05212 4144, www.ossi-niederkircher.at ‘Funsport Frank‘ Klosterarkaden, tel.: 0664 5162863, www.funsport-frank.com ‘Pro Shop Golfsport Schvetz’ Wildmoos 11, tel.: 05212 5240250 ‘Sporthaus Kirchmair‘ Münchnerstr. 42, tel.: 05212 2268, www.sporthaus-kirchmair.at ‘Sport Norz‘ Klosterstr. 120, tel.: 05212 6252, www.sport-norz.at LEUTASCH ‘Schuh & Sport Rödlach‘ Kirchplatzl 128 b, tel.: 05214 6488 ‘Sport Günter‘ Weidach 318 c, tel.: 05214 6305, www.nordicshop.at Carriage for kids per day € 5.00 Walking sticks per day € 2.50 ‘Sport Wedl‘ Weidach 322 g, tel.: 05214 6444, www.sport-wedl.com SQUASH LEUTASCH ‘ErlebnisWelt Alpenbad Leutasch’ Weidach 275, tel.: 05214 6380, www.alpenbad-leutasch.com Tennis and squash courts: open daily from 10 am - 9 pm, court bookings can be made at the Alpenbad ticket counter STATUTORY HEALTH INSURANCE FUND ‘Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse’ (Head Office for Tyrol), Klara-Pölt-Weg 2, Innsbruck, tel.: 0591 60-0, or the branch office, ‘Gebietskrankenkasse Tirol‘, Telfs Office, Untermarkt 48, PF 37, tel.: 0591 60-31 32 SUMMER BIATHLON SEEFELD Summer biathlon for guests and pros, only by appointment. To make a reservation for the shooting range for team training (team plus shooting trainer) call 05212 52789. The Cross Country Academy Martin Tauber (see below) offers courses for guests. For information on the biathlon faculties in Seefeld, please refer to the ‘Nordic Competence Centre’ section on page 43. ‘Cross Country Academy Martin Tauber’ Klosterstr. 120, located beside the Seekirchl, tel.: 05212 50300, www.xc-academy.com The fascination of biathlon: experience it for yourself. Whether on roller skis or on foot, our biathlon for visitors lets you experience the thrill of the final shot. Weekly on demand, Course duration: 2 hours, course price: € 60.00, adults (and teenagers aged 15 and over/ minimum height 1.40 metres) shoot using original biathlon, small-bore rifles. Full 2-hour course for groups of 4 and over (up to 3 participants - 1 hour). Group courses are held in German and English. Registration well in advance is required. SUPERMARKETS / GROCERY STORES SEEFELD ‘Albrecht Kaufhaus’, Spar Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2229, www.albrecht-betriebe.at ’Billa’ Innsbrucker Str. 272, tel.: 05212 52643, www.billa.at ‘Delikatessen tre.culinaria’ Klosterstr. 43, tel.: 0650 2007500, www.plangger.net ’Eurospar’ Olympiastr. 882, tel.: 05212 22291, www.albrecht-betriebe.at ‘Finsterwalder-Seefelder Touristen Shop’ Münchner Str. 35, tel.: 05212 2382 ’M-Preis’ Klosterstr. 276, tel.: 05212 626221, www.mpreis.at LEUTASCH ’Der Tiroler’ Weidach 321, tel.: 0669 1121 9490 ’Gut Leutasch’ Klamm 80a, Michael Skamrada, tel.: 05214 5226 or 0664 8878 4281, www.gutleutasch.at ’Landhaus Marie’ Gasse 162, tel.: 05214 6218, www.landhaus-marie.at ‘Leutascher Bauernladen’ (farm products) Kirchplatzl, Johanna Krug, tel.: 05214 6046, www.leutascher-bauernladen.at Open every Friday from 13th May until 28th October 2016 from 3 - 6 pm ‘Leutascher Fischladele’ At Weidachsee lake, tel.: 0664 8557303 or 05214 61410, www.gebirgsforelle.at Opening times: Daily from 7 am - 7 pm until 1st November 2016 ‘M-Preis‘ Weidach 340, tel.: 05214 4201, www.mpreis.at ‘Nudelladen’ Puitbach 220, Fam. Heis, tel. : 0699 1217 9710, www.leutascher-bioeier.at ‘Sparmarkt Gohm‘ Obern 34a, tel.: 05214 6179 ‘Speckstube Handl’ Weidach 318 e, tel.: 05214 6655, www.handltyrol.at ‘Speck‘ and sausage specialities MÖSERN ‘Lebensmittel Schöpf‘ Möserer Dorfstr. 7-9, tel.: 05212 4752, www.landhaus-schoepf.at REITH ‘M-Preis‘ Umfahrungsstr. 34, tel.: 05212 4707 ‘Rasler‘s Laden’ Römerstr. 34, tel.: 05212 3135 Opening times (July to October): 8 am - 2 pm. Sale of home-made products! SCHARNITZ ‘M-Preis Shop‘ Innsbrucker Str. 195 (Gutmann filling station), tel.: 05213 20296 59 ‘Tiroler Speckklause’ Innsbrucker Str. 67/68, tel.: 05213 5767, www.tiroler-speckklause.at SWIMMING POOLS / SAUNAS SEEFELD Heated outdoor pool by the Wildsee Lake tel.: 05212 2436, www.strandperle.at Changing rooms, lawn, sun terrace, large play area, children’s paddling pools, bouncy castle, beach volleyball court, new pedalos, rental of SUP boards, stand-up padding lessons Olympia Sports and Congress Centre tel.: 05212 3220, www.seefeld-sports.at Olympia Leisure Pool Boasting a swimming complex covering 640 m², the Olympia Centre offers an outstanding leisure pool with a host of amenities, no fewer than 3 different slides, a sun-bathing lawn with loungers, sunshades and a children’s play area. 2,000 square-metre sauna complex with six different saunas, underwater jet-massage loungers, nudist sun-bathing terrace, panoramic pool, infrared cabins, plunge pool, sun loungers and lots more besides Indoor pool - summer opening times: (Valid from 26th May - 25th September 2016) Daily from 9:30 am - 10 pm, different opening times from 26th September 2016 Adult Concession* Children (6-14 y.) 4 hrs (Mon - Fri) ** € 13.00 € 11.50 € 7.00 1-day ticket (Mon - Fri) ** € 20.00 € 18.50 € 11.50 Special discounted tickets are available for families. Children up to 5 years of age are free. Sauna complex: Daily from 2 pm - 10 pm Adult Concession* 4 hrs (Mon - Fri)** € 21.00 € 19.50 1-day ticket (Mon - Fri)** € 30.00 € 28.50 Sauna use for children over 15 years. * Seniors, students, disabled persons and school pupils with valid ID **Surcharges apply Sat/Sun/holidays Aqua-Fitness - see notice board Solarium available (min. age 18). Information may be subject to change. For up-to-date price and detailed information visit www.seefeld-sports.at 60 Aquasports School of Swimming Swimming lessons for children, baby swimming, private lesson, freestyle technique courses Olympia Sports and Congress Centre or ErlebnisWelt Alpenbad Leutasch Bookings through Sport Norz, tel.: 05212 6252, www.sport-norz.at LEUTASCH ’ErlebnisWelt Alpenbad Leutasch’ Weidach 275, tel.: 05214 6380, www.alpenbad-leutasch.com Leisure pool complex with a 25 m swimmer‘ pool, toddlers‘ pool, outdoor pool with bubble bench, tube slide, jet stream massage area, waterfall, cascade showers Opening times: Swimming pool: Mon - Sun 10 am - 10 pm, Sauna: Mon - Fri 2 - 10 pm, Sat, Sun and public holidays 11 am -10 pm (off-season opening times differ). Sauna (mixed gender) with bio sauna, Finnish sauna, log cabin sauna with view of the mountains in the outdoor area, Finnish hay sauna, steam bath, open air swimming pool, crystal plunge pool, spacious infrared cabin, reflexology path, water relaxation area with open fireplace, various relaxation areas - with waterbeds, for families, in the conservatory and in the sauna house - nudist outdoor area with outdoor swimming pool, forest relaxation area and sun deck. MÖSERN Möserersee natural bathing lake Bathing lake in the forest with a pleasant water temperature, small sun-bathing area. NB: Dogs are not allowed in the water. REITH ‘Wildsee’ forest swimming pool - ‘Strandcafé Sonja’ tel.: 05212 3387, www.engl-hof.com Covered panorama terrace, lawn, café, children‘s play area, sporting facilities, changing rooms, sun terrace, depending on weather daily 9:30 am - 6 pm, June - September Establishments with swimming pools open to the public: SEEFELD ‘Astoria Relax & Spa Hotel‘ tel.: 05212 2272500, www.astoria-seefeld.com Day Spa € 55.00 - € 65.00 per person. Includes the use of the entire spa complex with swimming pool, various saunas, gym, salad and soup buffet in the afternoon followed by a cake buffet and selected teas at the spa bar. ‘Hotel Klosterbräu & SPA’ tel.: 05212 2621-345, www.klosterbraeu.com Use of the sauna and pool area. Admission to the Day Spa is € 40 per person when combined with a booking for a spa treatment. € 70 per person without treatment. Information may be subject to change. ‘Krumers Post Hotel & Spa‘ tel.: 05212 2201-600, www.krumers.com By prior arrangement only. TAILORS SEEFELD ‘Theresa’s Modewerkstatt’ Theresia Grimminger, Milserstr. 127, tel.: 0664 1402932, www.modewerkstatt.org REITH ‘Caroline‘s Nähstüberl‘ Römerstr. 28/1, tel.: 0664 1560097 (in Reith shopping centre beside the parish church) TAX FREE SEEFELD Seefeld Information Office, in cooperation with Tax Free Worldwide Austria and Premier Tax Free, serves as a VAT refund point for non-EU citizens (as was available up until now at the airport). TAXIS SEEFELD Taxi Haas tel.: 05212 2500 Taxi Haslwanter tel.: 05212 2267 or 05212 2700, www.taxi-seefeld.at Taxi Heigl tel.: 0664 4109642 Taxi Joshi tel.: 0650 2725866, www.taxiseefeld.com Taxi Seelos tel.: 05212 3222 or 05212 4242, www.taxi-seelos.at Taxi Suitner tel.: 0664 5150501 LEUTASCH Taxi Karoline Weidach 300 u, tel.: 05214 20055 or 0664 2869700, www.landhaus-karoline.at SCHARNITZ Taxi Mair Hinterautalstr. 115, tel.: 05213 5363, (from the beginning of June taxi transport up to mountain pastures and huts in the Karwendel range) Taxi Ramona Giessenbach 310, tel.: 05213 5541, www.gasthof-ramona.at (from the beginning of June taxi transport up to mountain pastures and huts in the Karwendel range) TELEPHONE FACILITIES There are public telephone boxes in all the villages in the region. You can find out their locations at any of the information offices in the region. TENNIS SEEFELD ‘Casino - Tennis Centre‘ (WM-Halle) tel.: 05212 2095, www.seefeld-sports.at 8 courts, Bross-Slide surface, showers, lockers, ‘Loungis Bar Restaurant’, open daily 9 am - 10 pm (different opening times during low season) Court hire: Single hour indoor court € 14.50 ‘Casino -Tennis Centre’ (WM-Halle), outdoor tennis courts tel.: 05212 2095, www.seefeld-sports.at 4 courts, showers, lockers, Court hire: 1 hour outdoor court € 11.00 ‘ESTESS Tennis Seefeld’ We guarantee top quality - over 30 years ESTESS in Seefeld Håkan Dahlbo Tennis Academy - Tennis Training & Performance Centre, and ESTESS Tennis School Secretary: tel.: 05212 2095, tel.: 0660 2628184 (Head Professional) Professionals: tel.: 0699 19579525, www.estess.eu Officially recognised PTCA Gold Academy. Tennis coaching is carried out in accordance with an internationally recognised success training model under the direction of Swedish trainer Håkan Dahlbo, D.Sc (Member of ATP Coach Division and PTCA = Professional Tennis Coaches Association) who himself enjoyed many years of international tennis success. Individual and group lesson for all levels of ability available daily by arrangement. Lessons for groups and children can be arranged on request. Private lessons (excl. cost of court) with a qualified, registered tennis pro: 1 person 2 people 3 people 1 hour (55 min.) € 47.00 € 57.00 € 77.00 ‘Tennis Club Seefeld’ tel.: 05212 2888, www.tc-seefeld.com 6 sand courts, training wall, lockers, showers, club house with public restaurant, children’s play area, 61 training lessons, international tennis tournaments. Play from 8 am, court hire for guests: € 12.00 per hour. LEUTASCH ‘ErlebnisWelt Alpenbad Leutasch‘, Weidach 275, tel.: 05214 6380, www.alpenbad-leutasch.com Opening times: Daily 10 am - 9 pm Reservation: Alpenbad reception desk MÖSERN ’Hotel Inntalerhof’ tel.: 05212 4747, www.inntalerhof.com Outdoor courts, daily, court hire € 11.00, for guests with regional guest card. Private courses and group lessons on request. TIPPING It is customary to proportionately round up the amount shown on the bill. TOBACCONISTS/ NEWSAGENTS SEEFELD ‘Albrecht Kaufhaus’, tobacconist Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2229648 ‘Bahnhofstrafik’ at the railway station, tel.: 05212 2306 ‘Finsterwalder - Seefelder Touristenshop’ Münchner Str. 35, tel.: 05212 2382 ‘Olympia Kiosk’ Olympia Sports & Congress Centre, tel.: 05212 3220 LEUTASCH ‘Baguette/M-Preis‘ Weidach 340, tel.: 05214 4201, www.mpreis.at ‘Schuh & Sport Rödlach‘ Kirchplatzl 128 b, tel.: 05214 6488 ‘Sparmarkt Gohm‘ Obern 34 a, tel.: 05214 6179 ‘Tabaktrafik Gapp’ Weidach 321 a, tel.: 05214 6286 MÖSERN ‘Lebensmittel Schöpf‘ Möserer Dorfstr. 7-9, tel.: 05212 4752, www.landhaus-schoepf.at 62 REITH ‘Rasler‘s Laden’ Römerstr. 34, tel.: 05212 3135 Opening times (July to October): 8 am - 2 pm SCHARNITZ ‘M-Preis Shop’ Innsbrucker Str. 195 (Gutmann filling station), tel.: 05213 20296 ‘Steffan & Co’ Innsbrucker Str. 48, tel.: 05213 5306 TOY SHOPS / STATIONERS SEEFELD ‘Albrecht Kaufhaus’ Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2421, www.sportalbrecht.at ‘Billa’ Innsbrucker Str. 272, tel.: 05212 52643, www.billa.at ‘engelart - Couture for Little Angels’ Dorfplatz 25, tel.: 05212 20090 ‘Eurospar’ Olympiastr. 882, tel.: 05212 22291, www.albrecht-betriebe.at ‘M-Preis’ Klosterstr. 276, tel.: 05212 6262-21, www.mpreis.at ‘Pilotto’ Münchnerstr. 33, tel.: 05212 52856 Post Office Seefeld Klosterstr. 367, tel.: 05776776100, www.post.at LEUTASCH ‘s‘Holzladele’ Gasse 172, tel.: 0650 7077700, www.leutasch-landhaus.at ‘Tabaktrafik Gapp’ Weidach 321 a, tel.: 05214 6286 ‘Raiffeisen Lagerhaus’ Kirchplatzl 128 a, tel.: 05214 625054918, www.lagerhaus.at REITH M-Preis, Umfahrungsstr. 34, tel.: 05212 4707 TRADITIONAL ATTIRE SEEFELD ‘Sport & Mode Albrecht’ Innsbrucker Str. 24, tel.: 05212 2421, www.sportalbrecht.at ‘Sporthaus Kirchmair’ Münchner Str. 42, tel.: 05212 2268, www.sporthaus-kirchmair.at ‘Trachten Loisel’ Klosterarkaden 608, tel.: 05212 2147, www.trachten-mode-seefeld.at LEUTASCH ‘Sport Günter‘ Weidach 318 c, tel.: 05214 6305, www.nordicshop.at ‘Sport Wedl’ Weidach 322 g, tel.: 05214 6444, www.sport-wedl.com TRAINS Timetable and ticket information is available from the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), tel.: 05 1717. Free-of-charge timetables are, of course, available in all the information offices. Our nearest train stations are located in Seefeld, Reith, Innsbruck, Scharnitz and Mittenwald (Germany). VETERINARY SURGERY LEUTASCH Dr. Thomas Angerer Weidach 291 a (beside the Weidachsee lake), tel.: 05214 61410, www.tierarztpraxis-angerer.at Small animal ordination daily, by appointment only, 24-hour emergency service VINTAGE VEHICLE CLUBS SEEFELD ’KW Classics’ Bahnhofsplatz 389, tel.: 0699 1322 2595, www.kw-classics.at SCHARNITZ ‘Tirol Klassik‘ and ‘Motorrad Klassik’ Manfred Griesser, Innsbrucker Str. 42 - 47, tel.: 0664 1000030, www.tirol-klassik.at WEATHER Weather forecast for the Tyrol tel.: 0900 91156608 (recorded message) or visit www.seefeld.com WHITE WATER SPORTS Rafting The classic trip through the Imster Schlucht gorge Experience an action-packed rafting tour on the River Inn. One of Europe’s classic rafting tours and a fantastic river for beginners and families too. Choice of transfer or without transfer Transfer from Seefeld, tel.: 0508800 (Seefeld information office) or from Leutasch, tel.: 050880-10 (Leutasch information office) min. 5 participants Duration: approx. 3 hours. Price includes full equipment. Adult Child (7 - 13 years) Without transfer € 52.00 € 36.00 With transfer € 60.00 € 45.00 Youth (14 - 16 years) € 50.00 € 60.00 SCHARNITZ BOAT TRANSPORT Taxi Mair tel.: 05213 5363 or Taxi Ramona tel.: 05213 5541, daily from 01.06.2016, transport of people and rafts to the upper Isar, prices available on request. Information on water conditions on the upper Isar is available from Taxi Mair, tel.: 05213 5363. WILDLIFE ENCLOSURES & ANIMAL ACTIVITIES SEEFELD Tiroler Bio Alpakas (organic alpaca farm) Fam. Haslwanter Triendlsäge Weg 925, tel.: 0676 7507575, www.bioalpakas.at Guided farm tours Immerse yourself in the world of the alpaca during a guided tour through our alpaca farm and over our fields and meadows. Get close to these fascinating Andean animals, feel for yourself how wonderfully fluffy their wool is and find out all about these gentle mammals and the ‘gold of the Incas’. Do alpacas really spit? What is so special about alpaca wool and why is it so expensive? And can alpacas really feel at home in the Tyrolean mountains?... Alpaca trekking Join us on a hike over blossoming mountain meadows and through the cool, shady forests, accompanied by our woolly teddy bears! We can hike to some of the popular mountain huts, such as the Bodenalm or Wildmoosalm, or enjoy a shorter walk close to the farm. We can even combine our alpaca walk with a stick-bread baked over the campfire, or an alpaca picnic in the fields… An unforgettable close-to-nature experience, suitable for families too! Alpaca walk Would you prefer to have an alpaca all to yourself for a little while? Following brief instruction on handling the animals, you can take ‘your alpaca’ for a walk on the lead along pre-selected walking trails. Children’s birthdays, company events, club outings, school excursions on request. All the guided activities can also be carried out in English. Trekking tours: At least once per week between June and October. For detailed 63 information on dates and times, please visit our homepage or see notices displayed. Further dates can be arranged on request. REITH Fallow Deer Enclosure in Auland Near Gschwandtkopf Observe the fallow deer in their natural environment. If you feed the deer, please use the food from the dispensers provided only. WINE BOUTIQUES / WINE TASTINGS SEEFELD ‘Plangger Delikatessen tre.culinaria‘ Klosterstr. 43, tel.: 0650 2007500, www.plangger.net Epicurean delights in the heart of Seefeld THE place to be for lovers of fine food and fine wines! The Plangger Delikatessen/tre. culinaria shop in the heart of Seefeld was, in 2012 and in 2015, selected as best specialist food and drink shop in the Tyrol by the “Genuss Guide” food retailer guide. In addition, the “Chaîne des Rotisseurs” has also commended it for its outstanding gastronomic offerings, and it furthermore received the Certificate for Excellence/Winner 2014 from the online platform “tripadvisor”. Alongside a wide selection of highest quality gourmet foods, the Plangger shop also stocks around 3,000 different fine wines and a first-class assortment of spirits. And not only can you buy fine food and drinks to take home in this delicatessen. In the relaxed, cosy food bar you can also enjoy mouth-watering Alpine tapas and finger food, or put together a gourmet platter from the produce available in the shop accompanied by a glass of first-class wine. An exclusive wine cellar is located in the basement of the shop which offers an exquisite ambience for various events or special occasions. The ‘Plangger Delikatessen‘ in Seefeld even boasts several celebrity regular customers including singer Hansi Hinterseer, film producer Norbert Blecha and actress Barbara Wussow. Wine Tasting in the Hotel Central Sample high quality Austrian wines and spirits in our own wine cellar. Experience an enjoyable evening with Mr. Ölhafen, the head of the hotel, and with friends. Every Monday (from 16th May to 10th October 2016) 9 pm, Hotel Central, cost: € 12.00 per person (tasting and small snack with cured ham and cheese). Booking on tel.: 05212 3288 or at [email protected]. 64 LEUTASCH ‘Landhaus Marie’ Gasse 162, tel.: 05214 6218, www.landhaus-marie.at ‘Gernspitz - Vinothek’ (wine boutique) in the Ferienhaus Wanner holiday residence Weidach 368 a, tel.: 05214 20308 or 0664 73076112 or 0664 5792481, www.leutasch-weidach.at. Wine boutique and wine tasting: Expertly guided wine tastings can be arranged at any time. The tastings include 6 - 12 select wines, accompanied by bread, cheese and olive oil. Duration: approx. 2 hours, time to suit your wishes, 6 - max. 10 participants, € 25.00 per person. SCHARNITZ Vino Zorzi GmbH Gießenbach 239, 6108 Scharnitz, tel.: 05212 2121 www.vinozorzi.at Opening times: Monday-Friday 7 am - 4 pm. Closed afternoon during the months of April and November. Open Saturdays by prior arrangement. Closed Sundays. The two sommeliers Melanie and Hannes Scheiflinger, together with wine trader Manfred Zorzi, have opened “Vino Zorzi” in Gießenbach on the Seefeld Plateau. There they have transformed an old warehouse into a traditional house of wine characterised by rustic wooden walls, a cosy tiled stove and comfortable, convivial seating. Here all those interested in wine, from newcomers to expert connoisseurs, have the chance not only to purchase fine wine at fair prices, but also to immerse themselves in the world of wine. A wide selection of open wines can be tasted. W-LAN / WIFI SEEFELD see ‘Internet access’ page 39 WOODEN PRODUCTS SEEFELD ‘Holzbildhauerei Röck‘ Innsbrucker Str. 20, tel.: 0664 5617183, www.holzbildhauerei-roeck.at LEUTASCH ‘Herbert’s Zirbenstube’ Zentrum-Weidach, tel.: 0664 75019334 Workshop in the grounds of the Quellenhof, Oberweidach ‘Holz [und] schenken mit Herz’ Weidach 296, tel.: 0664 1694069, www.hausseeblick.net Decorative, handmade wooden articles Opening hours: Mon-Sun 9 am - 7 pm ‘s‘Holzladele’ Gasse 172, tel.: 0650 7077700, www.leutasch-landhaus.at Handicrafts, made-to-order products and personal expert advice, gift articles, toys for young and old, wooden products for home and kitchen, special men’s corner and lots more besides. ‘Kunsthandwerk Georg Penz’ Plaik 93, tel.: 0664 2228561, www.kunsthandwerk-leutasch.com Restoration work, carvings, decorative objects, furniture, lamps Opening hours: daily from 9 am to 7 pm SCHARNITZ Silke Ollendorff - villasol Energiearbeit Eisack 169, tel.: 05213 20010, www.villasol-energiearbeit.com Nuad Thai Yoga: Traditional Nuad Thai Yoga is based on the energy teachings of the ancient Indian philosophies of Ayurveda and yoga and also integrates elements influenced by the Chinese meridian system. Subject to change without prior notice. Status: April 2016 | Pictures: Heinz Zak YOGA SEEFELD ‘Hotel Klosterbräu & SPA‘ Klosterstr. 30, tel.: 05212 2621-345, www.klosterbraeu.com Yoga for all age groups, men welcome too! Pilates and yoga on offer several times a week Schwarz Helga - Zoe Coaching Agency tel.: 0699 17174246, www.beratung-agentur-zoe.at Relaxation training with yoga. 65 - The great OUTDOORS is waiting for YOU! Enjoy an unrivalled programme of activities in one of Europe’s most scenic areas for mountain hikes and themed walks from 16th May until 16th October 2016. You can take part at the numerous summer experiences by presenting your Olympiaregion Seefeld Card. OLYMPIAREGION SEEFELD CARD Nicht übertragbar. Geltende Bedingungen siehe unter www.ors-card.com. Not transferable. For valid terms see www.ors-card.com. Non cedibile a terzi. Si prega di osservare le condizioni riportate sul sito www.ors-card.com . Simply ask for the corresponding pamphlet – available at all information offices in the Olympiaregion Seefeld. w w w.s e efeld .co m BMW 2 Series Gran Tourer xDrive with 140 kW (190 h.p.), total fuel consumption 4.9 l/100 km, CO2 emissions 128 g/km. Fuel consumption is calculated according to the NEDC. The model shown contains optional features. BMW xDrive bmw-mountains.com Sheer Driving Pleasure HAS A GRIP ON EVERY MOUNTAIN. Example illustration BMW xDRIVE, THE INTELLIGENT FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE SYSTEM. SEEFELD | LEUTASCH MÖSER N-BUCHEN R EITH | SCHA R NITZ Tourismusverband Olympiaregion Seefeld Klosterstraße 43 6100 Seefeld Austria +43 508800 [email protected] www.seefeld.com
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