T his November, the United States of America will elect a new President. Having served for eight years, President Barack Obama cannot run for office again. The current primaries and caucuses – the process by which the Republicans and Democrats each select their top candidate – and the upcoming general election are drawing great interest from the international community, including here in Germany. Above all, Europe is concerned with who will come after President Obama and what the new President will mean for U.S. foreign policy. In the confrontation with Russia, the ongoing war in Syria, and the current refugee situation in the Middle East, the expectations for U.S. leadership as a global stabilizing power are high. However, foreign policy does not decide an U.S. election; and, even more than the voter, the financial and logistical resources of the candidates are important in determining electoral success. There are considerable differences between the electoral processes and party systems in the U.S. and Germany. Top domestic issues in the current U.S. election include: the job market and social policy, immigration, and – particularly this election year – the increasing distrust and criticism of the political establishment in Washington, D.C. Where does the U.S. currently stand? Which candidate might win the race for the presidency? What does all this mean for the transatlantic relationship between the U.S. and Germany? Given the enormous political decisions and global challenges facing the world community today, it is vital for young people to understand changes in U.S. policy and to attentively follow the U.S. Presidential Election as it unfolds. We welcome your participation! Simone Schad-Smith, Studienleiterin, Ev. Akademie Loccum Manfred Strack, Amerikazentrum Hamburg Dr. Stephan Schaede, Direktor Ev. Akademie Loccum TAGUNGSGEBÜHR: Die Tagungsgebühr beträgt 65,-- € pro Person. Enthalten sind die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung, Unterbringung (in Einzel- und Doppelzimmern) und Verpflegung. Fahrtkosten können leider nicht übernommen werden. Bei einer Absage nach dem 31.7.2016 müssen wir 25% der Tagungsgebühr in Rechnung stellen. ANMELDUNG: per Brief an die Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Postfach 21 58, 31545 Rehburg-Loccum [email protected] per E-Mail: 05766 / 81-99-122 per Fax: www.loccum.de Online-Anmeldung: BITTE GEBEN SIE AN: Name, Vorname, Geb.-Datum, Anschrift, Telefonnummer, E-Mail-Adresse, Schule Ich benutze den Zubringerbus am 8.8.2016 um 13:50 Uhr ab Wunstorf (s. u.) ja – nein ÜBERWEISUNGEN: Konto der Kirchlichen Verwaltungsstelle Loccum unter Angabe Ihres Namens und der Buchungsnummer 9641 bei der Evangelischen Bank eG IBAN: DE36 5206 0410 0000 0060 50 BIC: GENODEF1EK1 TAGUNGSLEITUNG: Simone Schad-Smith, Tel. 05766 / 81-124 [email protected] SEKRETARIAT: Heike Springborn, Tel. 05766 / 81-122 [email protected] Reinhard Behnisch Tel. 05766 / 81-105 PRESSEREFERAT: [email protected] ANREISE: Anreiseinformationen finden Sie im Internet unter: http://www.loccum.de/akademie/anreise.html After Obama US Presidential Elections 2016 and their (global) impact A conference for SEK II students In cooperation with ACHTUNG: Direkte Verbindung zur Akademie mit Zubringerbus am 8.8.2016 um 13:50 Uhr ab Bahnhof Wunstorf, Ausgang ZOB. Am 10.8.2016 zurück; Ankunft Wunstorf 14:00 Uhr. Bitte unbedingt anmelden, die Plätze sind begrenzt! Die Akademie im Internet: http://www.loccum.de Gefördert durch August 8-10, 2016 Monday, 8th of August, 2016 WS 1 Domestic policy Prof. Dr. Christian Lammert, Institut für Nordamerikastudien, Freie Universität Berlin 14:30 Arrival and check-in 15:00 Coffee break WS 2 15:30 Official welcome and introduction Simone Schad-Smith, Evangelische Akademie Loccum Manfred Strack, Amerikazentrum Hamburg Foreign and security policies Dr. Curd Knüpfer, Institut für Nordamerikastudien, Freie Universität Berlin WS 3 Economic and labor market policies Dr. Oliver Ziegler, U.S. Embassy, Berlin What do you know about the USA? Thematic overview and a meet and greet WS 4 Conservatism and religious fundamentalism Prof. Dr. Paul Rundquist, Martin-Luther Universität HalleWittenberg 16:00 16:45 The USA before the elections What kind of social, political and economic challenges does the US face? Which topics will be deciding factors in the elections? 11:45 “US president wanted - A simulated election campaign in the fight for the White House” Start of the simulation game: Presidential primaries How do the Presidential Elections work in the USA? Game facilitators: Björn Warkalla and team, planpolitik, Berlin Candidate advice and coaching: Prof. Dr. Paul S. Rundquist, Prof. Dr. Christian Lammert and Dr. Curd Knüpfer Introduction in two parts by Prof. Dr. Paul S. Rundquist, Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg 18:30 Dinner 19:30 Introduction to the simulation game Explanation of course schedule and group formation Björn Warkalla and team, planpolitik, Berlin 12:30 Lunch 14:30 Continuation of the simulation game Primaries and nomination of the candidates Tuesday, 9th of August, 2016 15:30 Coffee break 08:15 Morning prayers; breakfast 16:00 09:30 Challenges and main topics of the 2016 Presidential Elections Workshops preparing the simulation game Continuation of the simulation game Presidential election campaigns TV debates Presidential election 18:30 Election celebration and American Barbecue 20:30 Movie night Wednesday, 10th of August, 2016 08:15 Morning prayers; breakfast 09:30 Evaluation of the simulation game Björn Warkalla, planpolitik, Berlin 10:30 After Obama – the US Presidential Elections and their impact on transatlantic relationships Introduction by Prof. Crister S. Garrett, American Studies, Universität Leipzig and final discussion with Paul S. Rundquist 12:15 Feedback on the conference, closing remarks 12:30 End of the conference, lunch 13:20 Shuttle to Wunstorf train station Ich komme mit dem Zubringerbus. Ich bitte um Informationen zur Anreise nach Loccum. Anmeldung (Bei Tagungen mit Arbeitsgruppen) Ich interessiere mich für die Arbeitsgruppe: Ich nehme an folgender Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum teil: 50/16: After Obama US Presidential Elections 2016 and their (global) impact A conference for SEK II students August 8-10, 2016 Ich bitte um vegetarisches Essen. – Für unsere Statistik – Alter: Schule: Name: Vorname: Straße / Hausnummer: PLZ / Ort: E-Mail: Datum: Bitte ausfüllen und ausdrucken und per Fax (0 57 66 / 81-9 00) senden oder per Post an die Evangelische Akademie Loccum Postfach 21 58 31545 Rehburg-Loccum schicken. 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