Preis der Stadt Magdeburg MCS Stuttgart e.V. im ADAC Trabant RS Cup - Wertung Pl. Name Be werber Nr. Fahrze ug 1 71 Th omas Roth Lada 2105 2 221 Sw en Landw ehr Trabant 1.1 3 175 Michael Brenner 20 - 22 May 2016 Oschersleben-Int - 3696 mtr. Re f.Time Klasse PIK Points Lizenz Re ife n 2:10.785 89 Smallest dif f laps Lap 5 Lap 12 Lap 6 Lap 7 STC Dif f with ref . time 0.020 0.165 0.310 0.400 1 Lap time 2:10.805 2:10.950 2:11.095 140 Lada Samara 771 Raimund Olb rich Me lkus RS1000 5 112 Christian Beck Melkus RS 6 77 Michael Weißenborn Lada 2101 7 25 Stefan Karich 770 10 12 1 30 15 17 45 Lap 5 Lap 4 Lap 2 0.666 2 Lap time 2:14.298 2:14.592 2:14.632 2:14.922 2:15.683 2:16.528 2:17.113 2:17.597 Smallest dif f laps Lap 11 Lap 12 Lap 7 Lap 9 Lap 8 Lap 6 Lap 4 Lap 5 Dif f with ref . time 0.046 0.480 0.591 1.221 2:10.816 233 Lap time 2:10.862 2:11.296 2:11.407 2:12.037 2:12.616 2:14.873 2:15.404 2:15.608 Smallest dif f laps Lap 11 Lap 2 Lap 5 Lap 9 Lap 8 Lap 6 Lap 4 Lap 3 M Dif f with ref . time 0.199 0.590 0.704 0.893 1 Lap time 2:05.374 2:05.765 2:05.879 2:06.068 2:06.384 2:06.572 2:07.563 2:08.249 Lap 9 Lap 2 Lap 11 Lap 3 Lap 10 Lap 6 Lap 5 3 2:05.175 237 245 Smallest dif f laps Lap 12 M Dif f with ref . time 0.236 0.351 0.939 0.941 2 Lap time 2:11.043 2:11.158 2:11.746 2:11.748 2:11.795 2:11.906 2:12.048 2:12.330 Lap 12 Lap 11 Lap 4 Lap 13 2:10.807 251 Smallest dif f laps Lap 8 Lap 2 Lap 5 Lap 10 STC Dif f with ref . time 0.305 0.390 0.643 1.180 4 Lap time 1:57.580 1:57.665 1:57.918 1:58.455 1:58.557 1:58.573 1:58.628 1:59.237 Smallest dif f laps Lap 4 Lap 7 Lap 8 Lap 6 Lap 9 Lap 5 Lap 2 Lap 11 Dif f with ref . time 0.093 0.647 0.916 0.942 1:57.275 2:04.117 258 274 3 350 Lap time 2:04.210 2:04.764 2:05.033 2:05.059 2:05.238 2:05.652 2:05.767 2:05.774 Smallest dif f laps Lap 7 Lap 4 Lap 5 Lap 6 Lap 2 Lap 8 Lap 3 Lap 9 Dif f with ref . time 0.211 0.446 0.991 1.101 Lap time 2:01.766 2:02.001 2:02.546 2:02.656 2:02.926 2:03.109 2:03.904 2:03.964 Lap 10 Lap 4 Lap 9 Lap 6 Lap 11 Lap 3 Lap 5 Smallest dif f laps Lap 7 T-RS Dif f with ref . time 0.210 0.943 1.009 1.354 Trabant A600 2 Lap time 2:16.086 2:16.819 2:16.885 2:17.230 2:18.111 2:18.171 2:18.760 2:19.060 Marcel Gareis 2:17.665 Lap 3 Lap 4 Lap 6 Lap 2 He iko Ga ida 2:15.876 354 Smallest dif f laps Lap 11 Lap 10 Lap 7 Lap 5 T-RS Dif f with ref . time 0.289 0.692 1.077 1.509 3 Lap time 2:17.954 2:18.357 2:18.742 2:19.174 2:19.257 2:20.080 2:20.242 2:20.471 Smallest dif f laps Lap 2 Lap 10 Lap 5 Lap 11 Lap 7 Lap 9 Lap 3 Lap 8 Dif f with ref . time 0.602 0.603 0.968 1.089 2:04.089 Trabant A600 4 Fred Schmidt 2:09.922 Frank Schönfelder Melkus RS 14 Lap 3 Lap 9 0.376 1 Trabant A600 773 2:11.821 Lap 6 363 445 T-RS 13 2:11.730 0.336 T-RS 12 2:11.700 Lap 10 2:01.555 Trabant A600 11 2:11.279 0.042 Pe ter Me lkus Thomas Lentsch 2:11.185 Lap 8 Trabant A600 Melkus RS 1000 GTR 7 Lap 10 Dif f with ref . time M 9 Lap 3 Smallest dif f laps T-RS 8 Lap 2 STC 2:14.256 STC 4 Lap 9 Ulli Krauß 5 473 Lap time 2:04.691 2:04.692 2:05.057 2:05.178 2:05.530 2:05.574 2:06.132 2:06.213 Smallest dif f laps Lap 3 Lap 12 Lap 9 Lap 11 Lap 8 Lap 10 Lap 6 Lap 7 Dif f with ref . time 0.763 0.831 1.399 1.474 Lap time 2:10.685 2:10.753 2:11.321 2:11.396 2:11.573 2:11.761 2:12.133 2:12.385 Lap 9 Lap 8 Lap 5 Lap 4 Lap 12 Lap 2 Lap 7 Smallest dif f laps Lap 11 M Dif f with ref . time 0.482 1.177 1.368 1.725 4 Lap time 2:05.622 2:06.317 2:06.508 2:06.865 2:07.218 2:07.438 2:07.626 2:07.696 Lap 5 Lap 4 Lap 7 Lap 3 2:05.140 480 Smallest dif f laps Lap 6 Lap 2 Lap 9 Lap 8 T-RS Dif f with ref . time 0.331 0.723 0.848 2.919 Trabant A600 6 Lap time 2:27.162 2:27.554 2:27.679 2:29.750 2:30.329 2:30.398 2:31.353 2:31.394 Marek Braun 2:02.322 Lap 5 Lap 11 Lap 10 Lap 6 2:05.283 2:06.373 2:06.381 2:06.686 Trabant A600 2:26.831 622 Smallest dif f laps Lap 4 Lap 9 Lap 8 Lap 7 T-RS Dif f with ref . time 1.060 1.205 1.375 2.152 7 Lap time 2:03.382 2:03.527 2:03.697 2:04.474 Seite 1 von 2 Zeitnahme durch : SDO SportTiming Ergebnisse und Rundenzeiten : Preis der Stadt Magdeburg MCS Stuttgart e.V. im ADAC Trabant RS Cup - Wertung 16 626 Manfred Knye Me lkus RS1000 17 18 Detlef Now ack 20 - 22 May 2016 Oschersleben-Int - 3696 mtr. 839 Smallest dif f laps Lap 9 Lap 11 Lap 4 Lap 2 M Dif f with ref . time 1.159 2.361 2.387 2.509 5 Lap time 2:17.344 2:18.546 2:18.572 Smallest dif f laps Lap 3 Lap 8 Dif f with ref . time 1.421 2.029 2:16.185 2:25.568 913 T-RS Trabant A600 18 22 Torsten Lentsch Trabant A600 19 51 Frank Werner Trabant 1.1 20 100 Detlef Kunze Melkus RS 21 44 Stefan Pasternak Trabant A600 709 Reinhard Paulik Melkus RS 131 Holger Kiw att Lada 2101 24 15 Robert Berger-Schekira Trabant A600 25 3 Lap 7 2:18.694 2:18.961 2:19.362 2:19.586 2:19.861 Lap 2 Lap 7 Lap 10 Lap 5 Lap 6 Lap 4 2.725 2.973 2:26.989 2:27.597 2:28.293 2:28.541 2:28.858 2:28.888 2:29.723 2:31.934 Lap 9 Lap 10 Lap 8 Lap 7 Lap 5 Lap 3 Lap 6 Lap 4 T-RS Dif f with ref . time 0.960 1.467 3.788 3.833 9 Lap time 2:13.888 2:14.395 2:16.716 2:16.761 2:17.476 2:17.848 2:18.048 2:18.339 Smallest dif f laps Lap 6 Lap 2 Lap 5 Lap 7 Lap 3 2:02.732 1154 STC Dif f with ref . time 1.091 1.728 4.329 4.417 5 Lap time 2:03.823 2:04.460 2:07.061 2:07.149 2:07.825 Lap 9 Lap 7 Lap 6 Lap 3 2:37.391 2:38.169 1917 Smallest dif f laps Lap 5 Lap 4 Lap 8 Lap 10 M Dif f with ref . time 3.652 4.038 4.176 4.473 6 Lap time 2:34.206 2:34.592 2:34.730 2:35.027 2:35.614 2:36.797 Smallest dif f laps Lap 8 Lap 4 Lap 5 Lap 3 Lap 6 Lap 7 Dif f with ref . time 2.557 3.600 4.709 8.305 2:30.554 2:13.814 1976 10 2:41.927 2334 6 3246 Lap time 2:16.371 2:17.414 2:18.523 2:22.119 2:40.481 8:15.527 Smallest dif f laps Lap 7 Lap 8 Lap 3 Lap 4 Lap 6 Lap 2 Lap 5 Dif f with ref . time 1.722 5.077 7.571 8.980 Lap time 2:43.649 2:47.004 2:49.498 2:50.907 2:53.392 2:53.889 2:55.493 Lap 9 Lap 5 Lap 10 Lap 8 Lap 6 Lap 11 Lap 7 2:12.566 2:13.074 2:13.416 2:13.775 Smallest dif f laps Lap 12 STC Dif f with ref . time 6.489 7.189 7.228 7.534 7 Lap time 2:11.424 2:12.124 2:12.163 2:12.469 2:04.935 2:04.416 0 Smallest dif f laps T-RS Dif f with ref . time 11 Lap time Jörg Moßler Trabant A600 Lap 10 Lap time 1003 STC 23 Lap 3 Smallest dif f laps 8 2:12.928 T-RS 22 Lap 6 0 Smallest dif f laps T-RS Dif f with ref . time 12 Lap time Seite 2 von 2 Zeitnahme durch : SDO SportTiming Ergebnisse und Rundenzeiten : Preis der Stadt Magdeburg MCS Stuttgart e.V. im ADAC Trabant RS Cup - Wertung 20 - 22 May 2016 Oschersleben-Int - 3696 mtr. Kla sse = T-RS Pl. 1 Name Be werber Nr. Fahrze ug 25 Stefan Karich Re f.Time 2:04.117 Points Lizenz Re ife n 258 Trabant A600 2 7 Thomas Lentsch 2:15.876 350 Trabant A600 3 12 Marcel Gareis 2:17.665 354 Trabant A600 4 1 He iko Ga ida 2:04.089 363 Trabant A600 5 30 Fred Schmidt 2:09.922 445 Trabant A600 6 17 Ulli Krauß 2:26.831 480 Trabant A600 7 45 Marek Braun 2:02.322 622 Trabant A600 8 18 Detlef Now ack 2:25.568 913 Trabant A600 9 22 Torsten Lentsch 2:12.928 1003 Trabant A600 10 44 Stefan Pasternak 2:13.814 1976 Trabant A600 11 15 Robert Berger-Schekira 2:04.416 0 Smallest dif f laps Lap 4 Lap 7 Lap 8 Lap 6 Dif f with ref . time 0.093 0.647 0.916 0.942 Lap 9 Lap 5 Lap 2 Lap 11 Lap time 2:04.210 2:04.764 2:05.033 2:05.059 2:05.238 2:05.652 2:05.767 2:05.774 Smallest dif f laps Lap 7 Lap 10 Dif f with ref . time 0.210 0.943 Lap 4 Lap 9 Lap 6 Lap 11 Lap 3 Lap 5 1.009 1.354 Lap time 2:16.086 2:16.819 2:16.885 2:17.230 2:18.111 2:18.171 2:18.760 2:19.060 Smallest dif f laps Dif f with ref . time Lap 11 Lap 10 Lap 7 Lap 5 Lap 3 Lap 4 Lap 6 Lap 2 0.289 0.692 1.077 1.509 Lap time 2:17.954 2:18.357 2:18.742 2:19.174 2:19.257 2:20.080 2:20.242 2:20.471 Smallest dif f laps Lap 2 Lap 10 Lap 5 Lap 11 Lap 7 Lap 9 Lap 3 Lap 8 Dif f with ref . time 0.602 0.603 0.968 1.089 Lap time 2:04.691 2:04.692 2:05.057 2:05.178 2:05.530 2:05.574 2:06.132 2:06.213 Smallest dif f laps Lap 3 Lap 12 Lap 9 Lap 11 Lap 8 Lap 10 Lap 6 Lap 7 Dif f with ref . time 0.763 0.831 1.399 1.474 Lap time 2:10.685 2:10.753 2:11.321 2:11.396 2:11.573 2:11.761 2:12.133 2:12.385 Smallest dif f laps Lap 6 Lap 2 Lap 9 Lap 8 Lap 5 Lap 4 Lap 7 Lap 3 Dif f with ref . time 0.331 0.723 0.848 2.919 Lap time 2:27.162 2:27.554 2:27.679 2:29.750 2:30.329 2:30.398 2:31.353 2:31.394 Smallest dif f laps Lap 4 Lap 9 Lap 8 Lap 7 Lap 5 Lap 11 Lap 10 Lap 6 Dif f with ref . time 1.060 1.205 1.375 2.152 Lap time 2:03.382 2:03.527 2:03.697 2:04.474 2:05.283 2:06.373 2:06.381 2:06.686 Smallest dif f laps Lap 3 Lap 8 Lap 2 Lap 7 Lap 10 Lap 5 Lap 6 Lap 4 Dif f with ref . time 1.421 2.029 2.725 2.973 Lap time 2:26.989 2:27.597 2:28.293 2:28.541 2:28.858 2:28.888 2:29.723 2:31.934 Smallest dif f laps Lap 9 Lap 10 Lap 8 Lap 7 Lap 5 Lap 3 Lap 6 Lap 4 Dif f with ref . time 0.960 1.467 3.788 3.833 Lap time 2:13.888 2:14.395 2:16.716 2:16.761 2:17.476 2:17.848 2:18.048 2:18.339 Smallest dif f laps Lap 8 Lap 4 Lap 5 Lap 3 Lap 6 Lap 7 Lap Lap Dif f with ref . time 2.557 3.600 4.709 8.305 Lap time 2:16.371 2:17.414 2:18.523 2:22.119 2:40.481 8:15.527 Smallest dif f laps Lap Lap Lap Lap Lap Lap Lap Lap Lap Lap Lap Lap Lap Lap Lap Lap Dif f with ref . time Trabant A600 12 3 Lap time Jörg Moßler 0 Smallest dif f laps Dif f with ref . time Trabant A600 Lap time ADMV Spezialtourenwagen-Cup Pl. Name Be werber Nr. Fahrze ug Re f.Time Points Lizenz Re ife n Seite 1 von 2 Zeitnahme durch : SDO SportTiming Ergebnisse und Rundenzeiten : Preis der Stadt Magdeburg MCS Stuttgart e.V. im ADAC Trabant RS Cup - Wertung 1 71 Th omas Roth 20 - 22 May 2016 Oschersleben-Int - 3696 mtr. 2:10.785 89 Lada 2105 2 221 Sw en Landw ehr 2:14.256 140 Trabant 1.1 3 175 Michael Brenner 2:10.816 233 Lada Samara 4 77 Michael Weißenborn 1:57.275 251 Lada 2101 5 51 Frank Werner 2:02.732 1154 Trabant 1.1 6 709 Reinhard Paulik 2:41.927 2334 Melkus RS 7 131 Holger Kiw att 2:04.935 3246 Lada 2101 Smallest dif f laps Lap 5 Lap 12 Lap 6 Lap 7 Dif f with ref . time 0.020 0.165 0.310 0.400 Lap 9 Lap 2 Lap 3 Lap 10 Lap time 2:10.805 2:10.950 2:11.095 2:11.185 2:11.279 2:11.700 2:11.730 2:11.821 Smallest dif f laps Lap 8 Lap 10 Dif f with ref . time 0.042 0.336 Lap 6 Lap 9 Lap 3 Lap 5 Lap 4 Lap 2 0.376 0.666 Lap time 2:14.298 2:14.592 2:14.632 2:14.922 2:15.683 2:16.528 2:17.113 2:17.597 Smallest dif f laps Dif f with ref . time Lap 11 Lap 12 Lap 7 Lap 9 Lap 8 Lap 6 Lap 4 Lap 5 0.046 0.480 0.591 1.221 Lap time 2:10.862 2:11.296 2:11.407 2:12.037 2:12.616 2:14.873 2:15.404 2:15.608 Smallest dif f laps Lap 8 Lap 2 Lap 5 Lap 10 Lap 12 Lap 11 Lap 4 Lap 13 Dif f with ref . time 0.305 0.390 0.643 1.180 Lap time 1:57.580 1:57.665 1:57.918 1:58.455 1:58.557 1:58.573 1:58.628 1:59.237 Smallest dif f laps Lap 6 Lap 2 Lap 5 Lap 7 Lap 3 Lap Lap Lap Dif f with ref . time 1.091 1.728 4.329 4.417 Lap time 2:03.823 2:04.460 2:07.061 2:07.149 2:07.825 Smallest dif f laps Lap 7 Lap 8 Lap 3 Lap 4 Lap 6 Lap 2 Lap 5 Lap Dif f with ref . time 1.722 5.077 7.571 8.980 Lap time 2:43.649 2:47.004 2:49.498 2:50.907 2:53.392 2:53.889 2:55.493 Smallest dif f laps Lap 12 Lap 9 Lap 5 Lap 10 Lap 8 Lap 6 Lap 11 Lap 7 Dif f with ref . time 6.489 7.189 7.228 7.534 Lap time 2:11.424 2:12.124 2:12.163 2:12.469 2:12.566 2:13.074 2:13.416 2:13.775 Smallest dif f laps Lap 11 Lap 2 Lap 5 Lap 9 Lap 8 Lap 6 Lap 4 Lap 3 Dif f with ref . time 0.199 0.590 0.704 0.893 Lap time 2:05.374 2:05.765 2:05.879 2:06.068 2:06.384 2:06.572 2:07.563 2:08.249 Smallest dif f laps Lap 12 Lap 9 Lap 2 Lap 11 Lap 3 Lap 10 Lap 6 Lap 5 Dif f with ref . time 0.236 0.351 0.939 0.941 Lap time 2:11.043 2:11.158 2:11.746 2:11.748 2:11.795 2:11.906 2:12.048 2:12.330 Smallest dif f laps Lap 7 Lap 4 Lap 5 Lap 6 Lap 2 Lap 8 Lap 3 Lap 9 Dif f with ref . time 0.211 0.446 0.991 1.101 Lap time 2:01.766 2:02.001 2:02.546 2:02.656 2:02.926 2:03.109 2:03.904 2:03.964 Smallest dif f laps Lap 11 Lap 9 Lap 8 Lap 5 Lap 4 Lap 12 Lap 2 Lap 7 Dif f with ref . time 0.482 1.177 1.368 1.725 Lap time 2:05.622 2:06.317 2:06.508 2:06.865 2:07.218 2:07.438 2:07.626 2:07.696 Smallest dif f laps Lap 9 Lap 11 Lap 4 Lap 2 Lap 6 Lap 3 Lap 10 Lap 7 Dif f with ref . time 1.159 2.361 2.387 2.509 Lap time 2:17.344 2:18.546 2:18.572 2:18.694 2:18.961 2:19.362 2:19.586 2:19.861 Smallest dif f laps Lap 5 Lap 4 Lap 8 Lap 10 Lap 9 Lap 7 Lap 6 Lap 3 Dif f with ref . time 3.652 4.038 4.176 4.473 Lap time 2:34.206 2:34.592 2:34.730 2:35.027 2:35.614 2:36.797 2:37.391 2:38.169 M1000 Pl. 1 Name Be werber Nr. Fahrze ug 771 Raimund Olb rich Re f.Time 2:05.175 Points Lizenz Re ife n 237 Me lkus RS1000 2 112 Christian Beck 2:10.807 245 Melkus RS 3 770 Pe ter Me lkus 2:01.555 274 Melkus RS 1000 GTR 4 773 Frank Schönfelder 2:05.140 473 Melkus RS 5 626 Manfred Knye 2:16.185 839 Me lkus RS1000 6 100 Detlef Kunze Melkus RS 2:30.554 1917 Seite 2 von 2 Zeitnahme durch : SDO SportTiming Ergebnisse und Rundenzeiten : Preis der Stadt Magdeburg MCS Stuttgart e.V. im ADAC Trabant RS Cup - Wertung 20 - 22 May 2016 Oschersleben-Int - 3696 mtr. Rundezeiten Nr. Name 71 Th omas Roth 221 Sw en Landw ehr 175 771 112 77 25 770 7 12 1 30 773 Michael Brenner Raimund Olb rich Christian Beck Michael Weißenborn Stefan Karich Pe ter Me lkus Thomas Lentsch Marcel Gareis He iko Ga ida Fred Schmidt Frank Schönfelder Rnd Runde 12 1 - 10 2:12.250 2:11.700 11 - 20 2:10.785 2:10.950 11 12 12 12 13 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 17 Ulli Krauß 10 45 Marek Braun 12 626 Manfred Knye 11 18 Detlef Now ack 10 22 Torsten Lentsch 11 L ap ..1 L ap ..2 1 - 10 2:15.713 2:17.597 11 - 20 2:48.009 1 - 10 2:13.685 2:15.662 11 - 20 2:10.862 2:11.296 1 - 10 2:07.249 2:05.765 11 - 20 2:05.374 2:10.652 1 - 10 2:12.065 2:11.746 11 - 20 2:11.748 2:11.043 L ap ..3 L ap ..4 L ap ..5 L ap ..6 L ap ..7 L ap ..8 L ap ..9 L ap ..0 2:11.730 2:14.788 2:10.805 2:11.095 2:11.185 2:11.830 2:11.279 2:11.821 2:15.683 2:17.113 2:16.528 2:14.632 2:14.256 2:14.298 2:14.922 2:14.592 2:15.830 2:15.404 2:15.608 2:14.873 2:11.407 2:12.616 2:12.037 2:10.816 2:08.249 2:07.563 2:05.879 2:06.572 2:08.648 2:06.384 2:06.068 2:05.175 2:11.795 2:14.604 2:12.330 2:12.048 2:10.807 2:12.913 2:11.158 2:11.906 1:59.339 1:59.242 1:57.580 2:01.390 1:58.455 1 - 10 1:59.011 1:57.665 1:57.275 1:58.628 1:57.918 11 - 20 1:58.573 1:58.557 1:59.237 2:06.235 2:04.210 2:05.652 2:05.059 2:04.764 2:05.033 2:05.238 2:04.117 2:03.904 2:02.001 2:02.546 2:02.656 2:01.766 2:03.109 2:03.964 2:01.555 2:18.760 2:16.885 2:19.060 2:18.111 2:16.086 2:15.876 2:17.230 2:16.819 2:19.257 2:20.080 2:19.174 2:20.242 2:18.742 2:21.974 2:17.665 2:18.357 2:06.132 2:04.485 2:05.057 2:06.902 2:05.530 2:06.213 2:05.574 2:04.692 2:10.685 2:15.211 2:14.857 2:12.133 2:12.385 2:11.573 2:11.321 2:11.761 2:08.276 2:07.218 2:06.865 2:08.997 2:07.696 2:06.508 2:06.317 2:05.140 1 - 10 2:05.356 2:05.767 11 - 20 2:05.774 2:06.420 1 - 10 2:03.484 2:02.926 11 - 20 2:05.054 2:46.550 1 - 10 2:19.571 2:20.691 11 - 20 2:18.171 1 - 10 2:19.225 2:20.471 11 - 20 2:17.954 1 - 10 2:04.089 2:04.691 11 - 20 2:05.178 2:07.148 1 - 10 2:11.650 2:09.922 11 - 20 2:11.396 2:10.753 1 - 10 2:07.400 2:07.626 11 - 20 2:05.622 2:07.438 1 - 10 2:26.994 2:27.554 2:31.394 2:30.398 2:30.329 2:27.162 2:31.353 2:29.750 2:27.679 2:26.831 2:07.650 2:03.382 2:05.283 2:06.686 2:04.474 2:03.697 2:03.527 2:06.381 2:19.362 2:18.572 2:16.185 2:18.961 2:19.861 2:20.344 2:17.344 2:19.586 1 - 10 2:02.322 2:02.763 11 - 20 2:06.373 2:07.139 1 - 10 2:24.745 2:18.694 11 - 20 2:18.546 1 - 10 2:34.088 2:28.293 2:26.989 2:31.934 2:28.888 2:29.723 2:28.541 2:27.597 2:25.568 2:28.858 2:17.848 2:18.339 2:17.476 2:18.048 2:16.761 2:16.716 2:13.888 2:14.395 1 - 10 2:14.629 2:18.829 11 - 20 2:12.928 51 Frank Werner 7 1 - 10 2:06.283 2:04.460 2:07.825 2:02.732 2:07.061 2:03.823 2:07.149 100 Detlef Kunze 10 1 - 10 2:30.554 2:33.411 2:38.169 2:34.592 2:34.206 2:37.391 2:36.797 2:34.730 2:35.614 2:35.027 44 Stefan Pasternak 8 1 - 10 2:13.814 2:14.430 2:22.119 2:17.414 2:18.523 2:40.481 8:15.527 2:16.371 Seite 1 von 2 Zeitnahme durch : SDO SportTiming Ergebnisse und Rundenzeiten : Preis der Stadt Magdeburg MCS Stuttgart e.V. im ADAC Trabant RS Cup - Wertung 20 - 22 May 2016 Oschersleben-Int - 3696 mtr. Rundezeiten Rnd Runde 709 Nr. Name Reinhard Paulik 9 1 - 10 2:51.677 2:53.889 2:49.498 2:50.907 2:55.493 2:53.392 2:43.649 2:47.004 2:41.927 131 Holger Kiw att 12 2:15.144 2:14.508 2:12.163 2:13.074 2:13.775 2:12.566 2:12.124 2:12.469 15 Robert Berger-Schekira 3 Jörg Moßler 2 L ap ..1 L ap ..2 1 - 10 2:04.935 2:08.991 11 - 20 2:13.416 2:11.424 1 - 10 2:06.669 2:04.416 L ap ..3 L ap ..4 L ap ..5 L ap ..6 L ap ..7 1 - 10 Seite 2 von 2 Zeitnahme durch : SDO SportTiming Ergebnisse und Rundenzeiten : L ap ..8 L ap ..9 L ap ..0 Preis der Stadt Magdeburg MCS Stuttgart e.V. im ADAC Trabant RS Cup - Wertung Pl. 1 Nr. Name / Team Name 71 Thomas Roth 20 - 22 May 2016 Oschersleben-Int - 3696 mtr. Sector Rnd1 Zeit . pl. Sector Rnd2 Zeit . pl. Sector Theoretisch Rnd3 Zeit . pl. er Bestest Bestzeit 48.75 8 12 13 44.44 2 7 12 36.731 11 14 2:09.9 31 2: 10.785 In 11 2 22 1 Swen Landwehr 49.34 9 10 15 46.00 1 10 15 37.274 7 16 2:12.6 24 2: 14.256 7 3 17 5 Mic hael Brenner 48.03 5 11 11 45.27 4 10 13 36.167 12 11 2:09.4 76 2: 10.816 10 4 77 1 Raimund Olbrich 46.30 1 11 4 43.19 6 10 9 35.356 10 9 2:04.8 53 2: 05.175 10 5 11 2 Chris tian Beck 48.01 9 9 10 44.13 7 12 11 36.833 2 15 2:08.9 89 2: 10.807 7 6 7 8 77 M ic hael Weißenborn 43.91 1 2 1 40.06 3 5 1 33.017 3 1 1:56.9 91 1: 57.275 3 25 Stefan Karic h 46.70 1 10 7 42.03 6 11 4 34.361 4 5 2:03.0 98 2: 04.117 10 45.24 1 7 2 41.95 8 10 3 34.161 7 3 2:01.3 60 2: 01.555 10 Thomas Lents ch 49.76 6 5 16 47.15 4 7 18 37.727 8 18 2:14.6 47 2: 15.876 8 Marcel Gareis 51.51 0 11 20 47.34 1 11 19 38.167 7 19 2:17.0 18 2: 17.665 9 34.340 1 4 2: 04.089 1 10 36.465 10 13 2:09.4 45 2: 09.922 2 77 0 Peter Melkus 9 7 10 12 11 1 12 30 13 Heiko Gaida Fred Schmidt 49.03 5 9 77 3 Frank Sc hönfelder 14 43.94 5 12 46.79 3 12 8 42.43 0 10 7 34.918 11 7 2:04.1 41 2: 05.140 10 14 17 Ulli Krauß 53.31 3 2 21 50.87 5 10 22 41.410 6 22 2:25.5 98 2: 26.831 10 15 45 M arek Braun 45.97 9 2 3 42.19 4 9 5 33.995 1 2 2:02.1 68 2: 02.322 1 50.06 7 8 18 46.45 1 9 16 38.716 5 20 2:15.2 34 2: 16.185 5 16 62 6 Manfred Knye 17 18 Detlef N owack 54.81 1 9 23 49.49 5 9 21 39.437 8 21 2:23.7 43 2: 25.568 9 18 22 Torsten Lents ch 48.41 3 9 12 46.58 6 10 17 36.403 11 12 2:11.4 02 2: 12.928 11 19 51 Frank Werner 46.30 8 6 5 41.62 1 4 2 34.528 4 6 2:02.4 57 2: 02.732 4 53.35 4 1 22 52.02 3 10 23 41.938 5 23 2:27.3 15 2: 30.554 1 50.00 7 4 17 45.30 4 2 14 37.304 1 17 2:12.6 15 2: 13.814 1 24 2:40.4 43 2: 41.927 9 20 21 10 0 Detlef Kunze 44 Stefan P asternak 22 70 9 Reinhard P aulik 57.99 6 9 24 57.40 1 7 24 45.046 8 23 13 1 Holger Kiwatt 47.10 6 1 9 42.67 3 1 8 35.156 1 8 2:04.9 35 2: 04.935 1 46.64 3 2 6 42.26 7 2 6 35.506 2 10 2:04.4 16 2: 04.416 2 24 15 25 3 Robert Berger-Sc hekira Jörg Moßler 2:23.5 15 Seite 1 von 1 Zeitnahme durch : SDO SportTiming Ergebnisse und Rundenzeiten : Preis der Stadt Magdeburg MCS Stuttgart e.V. im ADAC Trabant RS Cup - Wertung 20 - 22 May 2016 Oschersleben-Int - 3696 mtr. Runden und Sektoren Zeiten 1 l ap 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 l ap 7 Heiko Gaida Sect-1 Speed Trabant A600 Sect- 2 Speed 140.8 132.4 131.1 132.0 127.7 128.9 Sect- 3 34.340 35.183 35.320 34.534 34.981 36.070 Speed T opSpeed Sect- 2 Speed Sect- 3 Speed T opSpeed Sect- 2 49.647 50.194 48.990 47.676 48.842 47.315 Speed 121.1 119.6 125.1 122.9 126.5 126.5 Sect- 3 38.623 38.520 38.474 38.441 40.452 39.770 Speed T opSpeed 122.3 120.1 121.1 122.2 118.3 120.8 laptime pit l ap 2:19.571 7 2:20.691 8 2:18.760 9 2:16.885 10 2:19.060 11 2:18.111 12 Sect- 2 47.695 48.875 48.165 48.296 48.028 49.260 Speed 113.4 109.8 111.0 109.6 110.4 111.9 Sect- 3 38.809 39.101 38.691 39.300 38.703 38.908 Speed T opSpeed 107.6 106.8 106.8 106.6 106.3 107.9 laptime pit l ap 2:19.225 7 2:20.471 8 2:19.257 9 2:20.080 10 2:19.174 11 2:20.242 12 Jörg Moßler Sect-1 Speed Sect-1 51.301 51.977 51.296 50.768 49.766 51.026 Speed 112.6 114.2 113.0 117.5 119.9 116.8 12 Marcel Gareis l ap 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sect-1 52.721 52.495 52.401 52.484 52.443 52.074 Speed 105.5 102.2 103.5 104.2 103.4 106.1 Robert Berger-Schekira Sect-1 47.204 l ap Speed 127.7 132.2 129.3 132.7 130.1 129.8 Sect-3 34.984 35.280 35.109 35.127 34.638 35.177 Speed T ops peed laptime pit 2:05.530 2:06.213 2:05.574 2:04.692 2:05.178 2:07.148 Sect-1 Speed Sect-2 Speed Sect-3 Speed T ops peed laptime pit Sect-1 50.389 50.542 50.765 51.398 51.440 Speed 116.1 118.3 116.3 119.1 119.2 Sect-2 47.154 47.607 47.792 47.328 48.419 Speed 125.6 120.3 127.1 123.6 127.7 Sect-3 38.543 37.727 38.673 38.093 38.312 Speed T ops peed laptime pit 122.2 2:16.086 121.9 2:15.876 122.7 2:17.230 2:16.819 119.9 2:18.171 Speed 135.7 Sect- 3 36.426 Speed T opSpeed laptime pit 121.1 2:06.669 Sect- 2 51.847 52.433 53.340 51.808 52.405 Speed 115.3 113.1 113.2 113.6 114.2 Sect- 3 41.573 41.808 43.149 42.517 42.404 Speed T opSpeed 107.9 106.6 105.7 107.7 105.4 laptime pit l ap 2:26.994 6 2:27.554 7 2:31.394 8 2:30.398 9 2:30.329 10 Speed 114.5 117.1 112.0 113.1 114.9 Sect- 3 40.666 40.670 40.800 40.328 40.518 Speed T opSpeed 106.6 105.7 104.2 104.3 106.4 laptime pit l ap 2:34.088 6 2:28.293 7 2:26.989 8 2:31.934 9 2:28.888 10 Speed T opSpeed laptime pit 119.9 2:14.629 119.3 2:18.829 118.3 2:17.848 17 Ulli Krauß Sect-1 53.574 53.313 54.905 56.073 55.520 18 Detlef Nowack Sect-1 52.792 55.955 51.610 52.316 51.510 Speed 103.6 105.7 105.1 104.4 104.8 Sect-2 47.783 47.584 47.818 47.815 47.341 Speed 112.6 111.5 109.6 113.2 112.3 Sect-3 38.167 38.435 38.237 38.226 39.103 Speed T ops peed 107.0 107.5 106.9 107.6 105.4 Speed 123.1 Sect-2 42.267 Speed 134.7 Sect-3 35.506 Speed T ops peed laptime pit 122.4 2:04.416 Speed 105.4 87.3 103.8 105.3 105.3 Sect-2 51.608 55.132 51.899 51.604 50.875 Speed 114.0 112.5 113.7 116.4 115.5 Sect-3 41.410 41.669 42.373 41.527 41.755 Speed T ops peed 107.2 106.2 105.0 105.5 106.0 laptime pit 2:27.162 2:31.353 2:29.750 2:27.679 2:26.831 Speed 96.9 98.8 96.3 98.4 97.9 Sect-2 52.128 51.637 52.337 49.495 52.034 Speed 116.0 113.9 113.1 114.4 114.9 Sect-3 42.326 41.746 39.437 41.262 40.124 Speed T ops peed 103.6 105.9 107.1 106.0 106.6 laptime pit 2:29.723 2:28.541 2:27.597 2:25.568 2:28.858 Speed T ops peed 121.3 124.3 laptime pit 2:16.761 2:16.716 2:13.888 120.9 122.0 2:14.395 2:12.928 laptime pit 2:18.742 2:21.974 2:17.665 2:18.357 2:17.954 Trabant A600 Sect- 2 43.039 l ap 1 2 3 4 5 l ap 2 Sect-1 46.643 Trabant A600 Speed 106.6 105.3 104.7 105.1 105.7 Speed 96.8 88.3 99.4 73.3 94.5 Sect- 2 52.040 50.059 51.104 51.424 52.658 Sect-1 54.144 54.552 55.478 54.548 54.201 Trabant A600 22 Torsten Lentsch l ap 1 2 3 Sect-1 48.968 49.897 50.077 Speed 118.4 114.9 114.5 Sect- 2 47.369 49.017 48.706 Speed 129.0 123.6 128.3 Sect- 3 38.292 39.915 39.065 4 5 6 49.919 50.515 51.019 116.1 113.2 114.9 48.280 48.236 48.284 125.7 126.5 127.5 40.140 38.725 38.745 Seite 1 von 4 Sect-2 Trabant A600 15 Sect-1 1:01.382 57.564 55.085 1:00.182 55.712 Speed Trabant A600 l ap 1 Speed 118.4 Sect-1 Trabant A600 laptime pit Thomas Lentsch l ap 1 2 3 4 5 6 l ap 1 2 3 4 5 laptime pit l ap 2:04.089 7 2:04.691 8 2:06.132 9 2:04.485 10 2:05.057 11 2:06.902 12 Sect-1 55.269 55.158 55.823 54.811 56.700 Trabant A600 120.9 120.4 2:18.339 2:17.476 2:18.048 l ap 7 8 9 Sect-1 50.385 50.164 48.413 Speed 115.4 112.5 118.6 Sect-2 48.651 47.210 47.834 Speed 127.7 126.0 128.7 Sect-3 37.725 39.342 37.641 10 11 12 49.159 49.717 118.4 116.8 46.586 46.808 131.4 133.0 38.650 36.403 Schnellste Runde : 1:57.275 in Runde 3 duch nr. 77 : Michael Weißenborn (Lada 2101) Zeitnahme durch : SDO SportTiming Ergebnisse und Rundenzeiten : Preis der Stadt Magdeburg MCS Stuttgart e.V. im ADAC Trabant RS Cup - Wertung 20 - 22 May 2016 Oschersleben-Int - 3696 mtr. Runden und Sektoren Zeiten 25 Stefan Karich l ap 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sect-1 47.617 47.736 47.002 47.352 47.271 47.076 Speed 120.3 118.0 122.3 120.4 122.0 121.8 Trabant A600 Sect- 2 42.988 42.571 44.135 42.497 42.716 42.632 Speed 133.2 135.3 133.0 134.5 133.0 136.9 Sect- 3 34.751 35.460 35.098 34.361 35.665 35.351 Speed T opSpeed 123.9 126.6 126.0 128.3 128.7 124.6 Speed T opSpeed laptime pit 117.3 2:11.650 115.9 2:09.922 30 Fred Schmidt l ap 1 2 Sect-1 49.428 49.297 Speed 111.8 115.1 Sect- 2 44.633 44.136 Speed 121.9 118.6 Sect- 3 37.589 36.489 3 4 5 6 49.121 49.551 50.234 49.715 114.5 111.2 102.0 112.4 44.976 48.488 47.460 44.893 122.3 113.1 118.4 119.9 36.588 37.172 37.163 37.525 Sect- 2 46.307 45.304 52.674 45.540 Speed 126.9 123.6 112.6 120.7 Sect- 3 37.304 37.784 37.748 41.867 Speed Sect- 2 42.327 42.414 44.969 42.600 43.700 43.658 Speed 135.3 131.1 130.3 131.5 131.1 131.5 Sect- 3 33.995 34.370 35.304 34.405 35.244 36.402 Sect- 2 42.859 42.373 45.019 41.621 Speed 139.5 141.4 136.0 142.1 44 Stefan Pasternak Sect-1 50.203 51.342 51.697 50.007 45 Marek Braun l ap 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sect-1 46.000 45.979 47.377 46.377 46.339 46.626 Speed 122.9 123.1 119.6 122.2 121.5 122.0 51 Frank Werner l ap 1 2 3 4 Sect-1 47.143 46.578 47.194 46.583 Speed 121.8 124.0 123.3 123.0 Sect-3 34.840 35.250 34.951 34.871 36.517 36.443 Speed T ops peed 124.6 124.6 124.7 125.6 121.8 123.6 laptime pit 2:04.764 2:05.033 2:05.238 2:04.117 2:05.774 2:06.420 Speed T ops peed laptime pit 116.8 2:12.385 117.6 2:11.573 116.4 112.0 110.9 113.8 2:10.685 2:15.211 2:14.857 2:12.133 l ap 7 8 Sect-1 50.570 49.569 Speed 113.9 115.5 Sect-2 44.516 44.824 Speed 123.4 123.4 Sect-3 37.299 37.180 9 10 11 12 49.035 51.174 49.128 49.244 113.1 115.1 113.8 115.0 44.428 44.122 45.313 43.945 123.6 126.0 127.5 126.6 37.858 36.465 36.955 37.564 Speed 111.3 113.7 108.0 111.2 Sect-2 46.576 50.492 47.945 47.627 Speed 123.6 107.0 122.3 120.0 Sect-3 40.765 38.334 37.865 Speed T ops peed laptime pit 104.3 2:18.523 2:40.481 114.0 8:15.527 P 109.6 2:16.371 Speed 118.6 121.1 120.4 122.4 121.9 121.9 Sect-2 42.740 42.474 42.194 43.699 44.820 43.747 Speed 130.4 128.6 129.8 128.1 130.3 127.4 Sect-3 34.755 34.499 34.614 36.184 35.051 35.575 Speed T ops peed 122.7 123.9 124.1 120.0 122.2 121.1 Speed 123.6 122.7 123.6 Sect-2 44.937 41.627 41.984 Speed 136.5 141.9 139.4 Sect-3 35.147 35.888 38.326 Speed T ops peed laptime pit 128.1 2:07.061 128.9 2:03.823 96.1 2:07.149 Speed T ops peed 116.9 117.8 115.8 116.8 117.0 115.1 118.7 116.4 2:11.321 2:11.761 2:11.396 2:10.753 Speed T opSpeed 124.9 124.0 118.3 125.0 125.3 125.6 laptime pit l ap 2:02.322 7 2:02.763 8 2:07.650 9 2:03.382 10 2:05.283 11 2:06.686 12 l ap 5 6 7 8 Sect-1 51.182 51.936 Sect- 3 36.281 35.509 35.612 34.528 Speed T opSpeed 126.3 128.6 126.9 130.9 laptime pit 2:06.283 2:04.460 2:07.825 2:02.732 Speed T opSpeed 116.8 117.8 117.4 115.8 laptime pit l ap 2:12.250 7 2:11.700 8 2:11.730 9 2:14.788 10 Sect-1 49.008 49.874 48.794 49.484 Speed 112.5 114.6 112.4 112.5 Sect-2 44.442 44.569 44.481 45.551 Speed 128.9 130.0 128.9 129.2 Sect-3 37.735 37.387 38.004 36.786 2:10.805 2:11.095 49.054 48.758 111.7 112.4 45.000 44.493 127.8 128.0 36.731 37.699 Speed 134.0 135.0 133.8 135.5 133.7 134.0 Sect-2 40.256 40.966 40.333 40.157 40.351 40.959 Speed 148.1 148.8 148.8 146.7 149.6 148.4 Sect-3 33.387 34.947 33.700 33.722 34.155 33.898 Speed T ops peed 139.5 139.5 138.8 138.3 137.8 135.5 Speed 98.9 Sect-2 55.878 Speed 108.8 Sect-3 43.388 Speed T ops peed laptime pit 97.9 2:37.391 50.879 Trabant A600 Sect-1 46.979 46.724 46.719 46.498 46.502 47.817 laptime pit 2:04.474 2:03.697 2:03.527 2:06.381 2:06.373 2:07.139 Trabant 1.1 Sect-1 49.252 50.064 49.206 50.067 Speed 114.9 112.4 113.6 114.2 Sect- 2 46.196 44.867 45.441 46.430 Speed 126.0 125.6 126.8 125.0 Sect- 3 36.802 36.769 37.083 38.291 5 6 48.827 49.305 112.9 115.1 45.105 44.549 128.1 130.1 36.873 37.241 l ap 5 6 7 8 Sect-1 46.977 46.308 46.839 Lada 2105 77 Michael Weißenborn l ap 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sect-1 45.011 43.911 44.094 44.261 44.275 43.945 Speed 136.2 135.7 134.5 131.9 133.3 134.7 Sect- 2 40.709 40.177 40.164 40.740 40.063 40.670 Speed 151.7 148.1 150.8 148.8 148.6 149.2 Sect- 3 33.291 33.577 33.017 33.627 33.580 34.724 7 44.510 134.2 41.287 148.8 33.445 Sect- 2 53.012 Speed 118.9 Sect- 3 44.188 118.6 11 12 114.6 112.7 laptime pit 2:11.185 2:11.830 2:11.279 2:11.821 2:10.785 2:10.950 Lada 2101 Speed T opSpeed 138.6 141.2 139.9 137.9 139.7 138.5 139.4 laptime pit 1:59.011 1:57.665 1:57.275 1:58.628 1:57.918 1:59.339 l ap 8 9 10 11 12 13 1:59.242 14 100 Detlef Kunze Seite 2 von 4 Speed 131.1 133.3 129.7 131.7 135.0 133.2 Trabant A600 Thomas Roth Speed 96.2 Sect-2 42.637 42.766 42.732 42.545 42.036 42.955 laptime pit 2:13.814 2:14.430 2:22.119 2:17.414 71 Sect-1 53.354 Speed 118.9 122.3 121.6 122.6 122.0 122.0 T opSpeed 117.6 117.0 113.4 99.4 l ap 1 2 3 4 l ap 1 Sect-1 47.287 47.017 47.555 46.701 47.221 47.022 Trabant A600 l ap 1 2 3 4 Speed 113.6 105.3 110.8 109.2 laptime pit l ap 2:05.356 7 2:05.767 8 2:06.235 9 2:04.210 10 2:05.652 11 2:05.059 12 Sect-1 43.937 45.477 44.422 44.694 44.051 44.380 laptime pit 1:57.580 2:01.390 1:58.455 1:58.573 1:58.557 1:59.237 Melkus RS Speed T opSpeed laptime pit 109.5 2:30.554 l ap 6 Sect-1 58.125 Schnellste Runde : 1:57.275 in Runde 3 duch nr. 77 : Michael Weißenborn (Lada 2101) Zeitnahme durch : SDO SportTiming Ergebnisse und Rundenzeiten : Preis der Stadt Magdeburg MCS Stuttgart e.V. im ADAC Trabant RS Cup - Wertung 20 - 22 May 2016 Oschersleben-Int - 3696 mtr. Runden und Sektoren Zeiten 2 3 4 53.445 58.713 56.658 103.5 96.4 98.1 55.016 55.859 54.343 115.8 111.2 109.0 44.950 43.597 43.591 97.2 105.1 95.2 2:33.411 2:38.169 2:34.592 7 8 9 58.511 58.329 56.892 101.4 98.7 99.0 52.755 52.366 53.591 97.0 114.8 107.9 45.531 44.035 45.131 101.7 93.5 101.3 2:36.797 2:34.730 2:35.614 5 57.223 110.0 55.045 105.1 41.938 103.2 2:34.206 10 1:00.828 96.8 52.023 110.2 42.176 107.2 2:35.027 Speed 124.6 125.7 124.7 122.4 126.8 126.8 Sect- 3 37.734 36.833 37.785 37.343 37.641 37.581 Speed T opSpeed 115.6 117.3 115.0 117.8 116.9 116.3 laptime pit l ap 2:12.065 7 2:11.746 8 2:11.795 9 2:14.604 10 2:12.330 11 2:12.048 12 Speed 116.8 115.9 116.3 117.4 115.1 115.9 Sect-2 44.583 45.026 44.865 45.249 45.081 44.137 Speed 129.0 126.6 129.3 128.7 129.0 127.4 Sect-3 37.396 38.287 38.274 37.785 36.957 38.050 Speed T ops peed 119.1 117.3 120.1 116.0 120.3 117.3 laptime pit 2:10.807 2:12.913 2:11.158 2:11.906 2:11.748 2:11.043 Speed 131.2 123.3 118.8 120.4 122.9 121.2 Sect- 3 35.156 36.430 37.492 36.500 36.591 37.324 Speed T opSpeed 125.1 120.7 114.4 118.7 117.4 115.5 laptime pit l ap 2:04.935 7 2:08.991 8 2:15.144 9 2:14.508 10 2:12.163 11 2:13.074 12 Speed 113.1 114.2 114.8 112.7 118.4 115.5 Sect-2 45.439 45.321 44.483 45.096 45.635 43.971 Speed 121.5 121.6 126.3 124.1 124.6 126.9 Sect-3 37.136 36.928 37.296 37.314 37.491 37.419 Speed T ops peed 116.0 120.0 119.6 119.5 118.2 115.6 laptime pit 2:13.775 2:12.566 2:12.124 2:12.469 2:13.416 2:11.424 Speed 131.2 132.0 131.5 130.3 128.7 129.0 Sect- 3 37.047 38.172 37.929 37.994 38.280 37.452 Speed T opSpeed 121.5 120.4 121.9 118.3 120.4 123.1 laptime pit l ap 2:13.685 7 2:15.662 8 2:15.830 9 2:15.404 10 2:15.608 11 2:14.873 12 Speed 118.7 119.7 120.0 120.1 118.0 119.2 Sect-2 46.076 46.476 46.431 45.274 46.380 46.018 Speed 132.8 132.2 133.8 133.8 134.2 131.2 Sect-3 36.737 36.545 37.109 36.566 36.447 36.167 Speed T ops peed 119.3 121.5 123.4 123.7 123.7 122.9 laptime pit 2:11.407 2:12.616 2:12.037 2:10.816 2:10.862 2:11.296 Speed T opSpeed laptime pit 114.0 2:15.713 115.5 2:17.597 Sect-3 37.274 37.495 Speed T ops peed laptime pit 118.0 2:14.256 117.8 2:14.298 112 Christian Beck l ap 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sect-1 49.004 50.212 48.675 48.608 48.682 48.837 Speed 115.8 117.3 115.0 111.8 115.9 116.0 Sect- 2 45.327 44.701 45.335 48.653 46.007 45.630 Melkus RS 131 Holger Kiwatt l ap 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sect-1 47.106 48.989 50.115 51.909 50.897 50.160 Speed 124.6 119.5 111.7 108.7 114.8 112.9 Lada 2101 Sect- 2 42.673 43.572 47.537 46.099 44.675 45.590 175 Michael Brenner l ap 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sect-1 49.274 49.250 50.374 49.281 49.314 49.708 Speed 117.6 117.8 118.4 119.3 117.8 118.9 Sect- 2 47.364 48.240 47.527 48.129 48.014 47.713 Sect-1 51.150 51.415 Speed 112.0 110.3 Sect- 2 46.657 47.438 Speed 125.3 121.8 Sect- 3 37.906 38.744 3 4 5 6 50.875 50.568 50.574 50.750 113.1 114.3 115.0 114.0 47.433 47.282 46.646 46.168 122.3 121.3 125.9 127.7 37.375 39.263 39.308 37.714 116.5 114.5 114.9 117.5 2:15.683 2:17.113 2:16.528 2:14.632 626 Manfred Knye l ap 7 8 Sect-1 Speed Sect-2 50.122 116.9 46.681 Speed 128.3 132.4 9 10 11 12 49.865 49.349 49.917 116.8 119.1 113.1 47.132 46.001 49.599 125.7 126.9 111.6 37.925 39.242 Sect-1 52.955 51.786 51.281 50.914 Speed 114.3 115.9 114.9 117.5 Sect- 2 50.423 47.317 47.994 47.777 Speed 126.9 129.2 129.2 126.2 Sect- 3 41.367 39.591 40.087 39.881 5 6 50.314 52.280 110.9 109.0 47.155 47.635 120.4 128.7 38.716 39.046 Speed T opSpeed 115.4 115.8 116.8 116.9 Speed 110.4 113.9 106.2 109.3 103.7 Sect- 3 47.576 48.086 48.906 46.979 48.133 Speed T opSpeed 106.0 104.3 102.9 104.1 101.7 laptime pit l ap 2:51.677 6 2:53.889 7 2:49.498 8 2:50.907 9 2:55.493 10 Speed 143.6 142.5 131.4 141.7 Sect- 3 35.007 34.870 34.637 34.371 Speed T opSpeed 129.7 128.3 130.9 129.5 laptime pit l ap 2:03.484 7 2:02.926 8 2:03.904 9 2:02.001 10 116.9 114.6 709 Reinhard Paulik Sect- 2 1:00.277 1:03.983 1:01.299 59.552 1:04.436 Sect-1 46.313 45.501 45.739 45.602 Seite 3 von 4 Speed 126.9 128.7 126.0 126.0 2:14.922 2:14.592 2:48.009 laptime pit l ap 2:24.745 7 2:18.694 8 2:19.362 9 2:18.572 10 Sect-1 50.649 50.067 50.961 50.808 Speed 115.5 106.9 116.0 108.4 Sect-2 48.717 50.719 46.451 49.558 Speed 129.3 124.3 129.5 130.9 Sect-3 40.495 39.558 39.932 39.220 2:16.185 2:18.961 50.281 111.0 46.503 129.7 41.762 Speed 83.8 96.4 90.7 103.5 Sect-2 1:01.570 57.401 1:01.928 57.509 Speed 104.2 107.5 115.9 113.3 Sect-3 47.980 46.152 45.046 46.422 Speed T ops peed 104.8 102.3 102.4 103.0 laptime pit 2:53.392 2:43.649 2:47.004 2:41.927 Speed 141.2 137.1 139.7 143.2 Sect-3 34.161 35.354 34.641 34.254 Speed T ops peed 130.3 127.7 128.3 128.7 laptime pit 2:01.766 2:03.109 2:03.964 2:01.555 11 12 Speed T ops peed 116.4 116.4 118.3 113.4 113.0 laptime pit 2:19.861 2:20.344 2:17.344 2:19.586 2:18.546 Melkus RS 770 Peter Melkus l ap 1 2 3 4 120.1 Melkus RS1000 l ap 1 2 3 4 Speed 99.3 88.6 99.2 98.9 92.2 Sect-1 48.594 49.595 48.497 48.976 48.035 49.111 Trabant 1.1 l ap 1 2 Sect-1 1:03.824 1:01.820 59.293 1:04.376 1:02.924 Sect-1 51.200 50.317 50.345 50.059 50.290 50.034 Lada Samara 221 Swen Landwehr l ap 1 2 3 4 5 Sect-1 48.828 49.600 48.019 48.872 49.710 48.856 Sect-1 1:03.842 1:00.096 1:00.030 57.996 Melkus RS 1000 GTR Sect- 2 42.164 42.555 43.528 42.028 Sect-1 45.241 45.572 45.565 45.343 Speed 125.7 125.7 126.6 125.9 Sect-2 42.364 42.183 43.758 41.958 Schnellste Runde : 1:57.275 in Runde 3 duch nr. 77 : Michael Weißenborn (Lada 2101) Zeitnahme durch : SDO SportTiming Ergebnisse und Rundenzeiten : Preis der Stadt Magdeburg MCS Stuttgart e.V. im ADAC Trabant RS Cup - Wertung 20 - 22 May 2016 Oschersleben-Int - 3696 mtr. Runden und Sektoren Zeiten 5 6 45.594 45.892 127.2 125.3 42.642 42.003 136.9 140.8 34.310 34.761 130.9 126.8 Speed 139.2 138.6 137.6 137.1 138.1 137.4 Sect- 3 35.820 35.989 36.477 35.804 35.899 35.667 Speed Speed 137.2 133.5 137.6 138.6 136.2 137.8 Sect- 3 36.103 36.136 36.493 35.818 36.142 36.012 Speed 771 Raimund Olbrich l ap 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sect-1 47.916 46.437 46.735 46.815 46.645 47.004 Speed 118.4 122.2 121.2 121.9 120.8 119.2 Sect- 2 43.513 43.339 45.037 44.944 43.335 43.901 Sect-1 47.606 Speed 122.0 Sect- 2 43.691 47.561 47.275 47.273 48.199 120.8 122.6 119.9 118.8 44.222 44.125 43.450 44.786 Seite 4 von 4 11 12 46.054 50.501 127.4 93.8 44.804 1:01.580 132.0 77.5 34.196 124.1 120.0 130.0 laptime pit l ap 2:07.249 7 2:05.765 8 2:08.249 9 2:07.563 10 2:05.879 11 2:06.572 12 Speed 122.3 119.5 120.9 121.6 121.9 119.7 Sect-2 45.542 43.938 43.754 43.196 43.343 43.337 Speed 137.9 137.6 137.6 137.9 139.0 139.2 Sect-3 36.620 35.658 35.633 35.356 35.730 38.585 Speed T ops peed laptime pit 116.5 2:08.648 2:06.384 2:06.068 122.0 2:05.175 2:05.374 2:10.652 Sect-1 Speed Sect-2 47.188 120.9 43.444 47.670 47.275 46.793 120.3 120.4 119.6 42.430 43.429 43.785 Speed 136.2 137.1 139.0 138.8 138.8 139.0 Sect-3 35.797 35.876 36.019 35.040 34.918 36.860 Speed T ops peed 126.5 124.4 124.9 126.2 127.7 125.7 Sect-1 46.486 46.788 46.681 46.623 46.301 48.730 2:05.054 2:46.550 Melkus RS T opSpeed 128.0 124.0 126.9 125.4 126.9 126.3 laptime pit l ap 2:07.400 7 2:07.626 8 2:08.276 9 2:07.218 10 2:06.865 11 2:08.997 12 Schnellste Runde : 1:57.275 in Runde 3 duch nr. 77 : Michael Weißenborn (Lada 2101) Zeitnahme durch : SDO SportTiming 128.0 Melkus RS1000 T opSpeed 773 Frank Schönfelder l ap 1 2 3 4 5 6 2:02.546 2:02.656 Ergebnisse und Rundenzeiten : laptime pit 2:07.696 2:06.508 2:06.317 2:05.140 2:05.622 2:07.438 Preis der Stadt Magdeburg MCS Stuttgart e.V. im ADAC Lauf name Lauf Datum Wetter Strecke name : Trabant RS Cup - Wertung : 22 May 2016 : : Oschersleben-Int - 3696 mtr. Participants Started Participants Finished Participants Not Finished : 25 : 21 : 10 Participants C lassified Participants Not Classified : 16:02:07 : 16:27:11 : 25:04 :0 :0 Green flag at Finish flag waved at Total time under Green Number of cautions Number of code-60's Nr. Name / Team Name : 16:02:07 : 16:29:52 : 256 : 00:00:00 : 00:00:00 Heat recording start time Heat recording end time Total of All Laps in Heat Total time under Yellow Total time under Code-60 Summary of winners per class Fahrzeug Kls Schnellste Rd.zeit : 31 : 0 In Schnitt Rnd Best Lap time history during the Heat # Nr. lap time 1 2 3 77 77 77 1:59.011 1:57.665 1:57.275 in lap Name 1 2 3 Michael Weißenborn Michael Weißenborn Michael Weißenborn Fahrzeug time of day Lada 2101 Lada 2101 Lada 2101 16:04:10 16:06:08 16:08:05 Summary of best laptimes per class Nr. Name / Team Name Fahrzeug 45 77 770 Marek Braun Michael Weißenborn Peter Melkus Trabant A600 Lada 2101 Melkus RS 1000 GTR Summary of number of laps in the lead # 1 Nr. Name 77 Michael Weißenborn Kls Schnellste Rd.zeit In Geschw . T-RS STC M 2:02.322 1:57.275 2:01.555 1 3 10 108.78 113.46 109.46 Fahrzeug # Laps in the lead Lada 2101 13 Seite 1 von 1 Zeitnahme durch : SDO SportTiming Ergebnisse und Rundenzeiten : Fahrzeit
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