CURRICULUM VITAE May 2016 Harald Oberhofer Department of Economics Vienna University of Economics and Business Welthandelsplatz 1 1020 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/1/31336-4984 Fax: +43/1/31336-4984 E-Mail: [email protected] Austrian Institute of Economic Research Arsenal, Object 20 1030 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/1/7982601-468 E-Mail: [email protected] oberhofer Personal Date and place of birth: April 26th, 1983 in St. Johann in Tyrol, Austria Civil status: Married, one child Nationality: Austrian Current Positions Professor of Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien), Department of Economics, since March 2015 Senior Researcher at the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Research Group Industrial Economics, Innovation and International Competition, since March 2015 Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Salzburg, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, since October 2014 (currently on leave) Research Affiliations & Other Professional Positions Member of the Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (SCEUS), University of Salzburg, since March 2010 (currently on leave) 1 Past Positions & Professional Experience Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Salzburg, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, October 2009 - September 2014 Research Affiliate at the National Research Center The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare State, Austrian Science Funds (FWF), November 2010 - November 2014 Short-Term Consultant to the World Bank: May 2014 - December 2014, April 2013 - June 2013, May 2012 - June 2012, May 2011 - November 2011 Short-Term Consultant to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), December 2012 - June 2013 November 2011 - May 2012 External OeNB Project Assistant at the University of Innsbruck, Department of Economics, December 2009 - December 2011 OeNB Project Assistant at the University of Innsbruck, Department of Economics, February 2008 - September 2009 FWF Project Assistant at the University of Innsbruck, Department of Public Finance, November 2006 - February 2008 Tutor in Macroeconomics at the University of Innsbruck, Department of Economics, March 2005 - July 2006 Education Habilitation in Economics (venia docendi), University of Salzburg, July 2014 PhD Program in Economics, University of Innsbruck, October 2006 - July 2009 (Graduation with distinction) Master Studies in Political Science, University of Innsbruck, October 2002 - October 2008 Master Studies in Economics, University of Innsbruck, October 2002 - September 2006 Teaching Vienna University of Economics and Business (since 2015) Graduate level: Applied Microeconometrics: Program Evaluation, Econometrics, Economic Policy Undergraduate level: Advanced Microeconomics, Econometrics II 2 University of Salzburg (2009 - 2015) Graduate level: Economics of Small Firms and Entrepreneurship, European Economic Integration, Econometrics of Policy Evaluation, Research Seminar, Sports Economics Undergraduate level: Industrial Organization, Macroeconomics, Micro- and Macroeconomics University of Innsbruck (2006 - 2009) Undergraduate level: Introductory Economics, International Economics, Public Economics Research Interests Applied Econometrics, Empirical Industrial Organization, Labor Economics, International Economics, Empirical Political Economy Articles in Refereed Journals A Note on Merger and Acquisition Evaluation (with Benjamin Furlan and Hannes Winner), Industrial and Corporate Change, 25(3), 2016, 447-455. Democratization and real exchange rates (with Benjamin Furlan, Martin Gächter and Bob Krebs), Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 63(2), 2016, 216-242. The Occurrence of Tax Amnesties: Theory and Evidence (with Ralph-C Bayer and Hannes Winner), Journal of Public Economics, 125(1), 2015, 70-82 Performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Services Trade: Evidence from French Firms (with Iza Lejárraga), Small Business Economics, 45(3), 2015, 673-702 Firm Survival in Professional Sports: Evidence from the German Football League (with Tassilo Philippovich and Hannes Winner), Journal of Sports Economics 16(1), 2015, 59-85 Two-Part Models for Fractional Responses Defined as Ratios of Integers (with Michael Pfaffermayr), Econometrics 2(3), 2014, 123-144 Firm Growth and Productivity in Belarus: New Empirical Evidence from the Machine Building Industry (with Jesus Crespo Cuaresma and Gallina A. Vincelette), Journal of Comparative Economics 42(3), 2014, 726-738 3 Institutional Barriers and Job Creation in Central and Eastern Europe (with Jesus Crespo Cuaresma and Gallina A. Vincelette), IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 3(3), 2014, 1-29 Job Creation and the Intra-distribution Dynamics of the Firm Size Distribution (with Peter Huber and Michael Pfaffermayr), Industrial and Corporate Change 23(1), 2014, 171-197 Firm Growth in Multinational Corporate Groups (with Michael Pfaffermayr), Empirical Economics 44(3), 2013, 1435-1453 Employment Effects of Acquisitions: Evidence from Acquired European Firms, Review of Industrial Organization 42(3), 2013, 345-363 Fractional Response Models - A Replication Exercise of Papke and Wooldridge (1996) (with Michael Pfaffermayr), Contemporary Economics 6(3), 2012, 5664 Firm Growth, European Industry Dynamics and Domestic Business Cycles, Scottish Journal of Political Economy 59(3), 2012, 316-337 The Wage Premium of Foreign Ownership: Evidence from European Mergers and Acquisitions (with Matthias Stöckl and Hannes Winner), Economics: The OpenAccess, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 6, 2012, 2012-21 FDI versus Exports: Multiple Host Countries and Empirical Evidence (with Michael Pfaffermayr), The World Economy 35(3), 2012, 316-330 Oil and the Duration of Dictatorships (with Jesus Crespo Cuaresma and Paul A. Raschky), Public Choice 148(3-4), 2011, 505-530 Distance Matters in Away Games: Evidence from the German Football League (with Tassilo Philippovich and Hannes Winner), Journal of Economic Psychology 31(2), 2010, 200-211 Creative Disasters? Flooding Effects on Capital, Labour and Productivity Within European Firms (with Andrea M. Leiter and Paul A. Raschky), Environmental and Resource Economics 43(3), 2009, 333-350 Recent Working Papers Who Creates Jobs? Econometric Modeling and Evidence for Austrian Firm Level Data (with Peter Huber and Michael Pfaffermayr), Department of Economics Working Paper Series No. 205, Vienna University of Economics and Business 4 Policy Reports and Articles in Non-Refereed Journals Eine Analyse der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Österreichs im bilateralen Handel mit den USA (TTIP) (with Andreas Reinstaller, Elisabeth Christen and Peter Reschenhofer), Study for the Austrian Federal Chancellery, Vienna: Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) Monographs, March 2016 Die Bedeutung von unternehmensbezogenen Individualdaten für die empirische Wirtschaftsforschung und wirtschaftspolitische Beratung (with Martin Falk and Werner Hölzl), WIFO-Monatsberichte 88(11), 2015 845-857 Handelseffekte der österreichischen EU-Integration (with Hannes Winner), FIW Policy Brief, No. 28, Vienna: FIW, 2015 Evaluierung “go international” (with Elisabeth Christen et. al), Study for the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Vienna: Austrian Institute of Economic Research, 2015 Die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der österreichischen Exportwirtschaft: Die Rolle der KMUs, FIW Policy Brief, No. 25, Vienna: FIW, 2014 Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Global Markets: A Differential Approach for Services? (with Iza Lejárraga, Humberto López Rizzo, Susan Stone and Ben Shepherd), OECD Trade Policy Papers, No. 165, Paris: OECD Publishing, 2014 Determinants of Job Creation in EU11: Evidence from Firm Level Data (with Gallina A. Vincelette), in The World Bank, EU11 Regular Economic Report, Issue 27, Washington DC: The World Bank, 2013, 55-77 Drivers of Convergence in EU11 (with Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Karlis Smits and Gallina A. Vincelette), in The World Bank, EU11 Regular Economic Report: Coping with External Headwinds, Issue 25, Washington DC: The World Bank, 2012, 53-78 Belarus Country Economic Memorandum: Economic Transformation for Growth (with Gallina A. Vincelette et. al), Washington DC: The World Bank, 2012 Contributions to Books TTIP and the Bilateral Trade Relationships between Austria and the US: Evidence from a Product Space Augmented Gravity Model for Manufacturing Industries (with Elisabeth Christen, Andreas Reinstaller, Peter Reschenhofer), in Ernest Gnan and Ralf Kronberger (eds.), Schwerpunkt Außenwirtschaft 2015/2016: Produktivität im Dienstleistungssektor und Außenwirtschaft, Vienna: facultas, forthcoming 5 When Helping the Small Hurts the Middle: Beer Excise Duties and Market Concentration (with Simon Loretz), in Iganzio Cabras, David Higgins and David Preece (eds.), Beer, Brewing and Pubs: A Global perspective, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 97-119 Handelseffekte der EU-Integration Österreichs (with Hannes Winner), in Stefan Griller, Arno Kahl, Benjamin Kneihs und Walter Obwexer (eds.), 20 Jahre EUMitgliedschaft Österreichs, Vienna: Verlag Österreich, 2015, 771-790 Fairness lohnt sich - Psychologische Facetten von Gerechtigkeit und ihr Beitrag zu Kooperation und Widerstand in sozialen Interaktionen: Ein Kommentar, in Minas Dimitriou and Gottfried Schweiger (eds.), Fairplay und Fairness, Wien: Springer, 2015, 51-58 Lohnentwicklung in einer globalisierten Welt (with Hannes Winner), in Walter J. Pfeil and Clemens Sedmak (eds.), Arm trotz Erwerbsarbeit. Working Poor in Österreich, Wien: ÖGB-Verlag, 2012, 25-35 Kehren neue Besen wirklich besser? Der Einfluss von Führungswechseln im Management auf den Unternehmenserfolg am Beispiel von Fußballvereinen (with Walter Scherrer and Hannes Winner), in Katharina Kaltenbrunner and Sabine Urnik (eds.), Unternehmensführung: State of the art und Entwicklungsperspektiven, München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2012, 383-403 Lohn- und Beschäftigungseffekte von Europäischen Unternehmensfusionen (with Michael Pfaffermayr), in Josef Nussbaumer, Gerald Pruckner, Rupert Sausgruber and Hannes Winner (eds.), Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik im Diskurs, Festschrift für Engelbert Theurl zum 60. Geburtstag, Wien et al.: Springer, 2011, 59-80 Monographs Essays on the Economics of Multinational Enterprises, Innsbruck: 2009 (PhDthesis) Presentations International Conferences Asociación Libre de Economı́a, Applied Economics Meetings: Alicante, Spain, June 2015; Granada, Spain, June 2013 Austrian Economic Association (NOeG), Annual Meetings: Vienna, Austria, May 2014;Innsbruck, Austria, May 2013; Graz, Austria, June 2011; Linz, Austria, May 2009; Vienna Austria, May 2008 6 Euro-Latin Study Network on Integration and Trade, Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, October 2013 European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, Annual Meetings: Stockholm, Sweden, September 2011; Istanbul, Turkey, September 2010; Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2009; Toulouse, France, September 2008; Valencia, Spain, September 2007 European Economic Association, Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, August 2009 European Network on the Economics of the Firm, Annual Meeting, Bologna, Italy, September 2012 European Trade Study Group, Annual Meetings: Warsaw, Poland, September 2008; Athens, Greece, September 2007 FIW Research Conference International Economics: Vienna, Austria, April 2012; Vienna, Austria, December 2010; Vienna, Austria, December 2007 German Economic Association (Verein fuer Socialpolitik), Annual Meeting, Graz, Austria, September 2008 International Association for Applied Econometrics, Annual Conference, London, United Kingdom, June 2014 International Conference on Economic Modeling (EcoMod2012), Annual Conference, Seville, Spain, July 2012 Jornadas de Economı́a Industrial, Valencia, Spain, September 2011 Spanish Economic Association, Annual Meetings: Malaga, Spain, December 2011; Madrid, Spain, December 2010; Valencia, Spain, December 2009; Zaragoza, Spain, December 2008 Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, Annual Meeting, Lucerne, Switzerland, June 2011 Invited Lectures, Seminars and Workshops Research Seminar, ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, Germany, May 2016 Internal Research Seminar in Economics, Vienna University for Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria, December 2015 Research Seminar in Economics and Social Sciences, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland, November 2015 7 18th AW Lecture, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Vienna, Austria, October 2015 Research Seminar in Economics and Social Sciences, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, June 2015 Research Seminar WIFO-Intern, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Vienna, Austria, April 2015 15th AW Lecture, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Vienna, Austria, January 2015 Empirical Economics and Econometrics Seminar, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, December 2013 Research Seminar in Economics, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany, November 2013 3rd ISW-Workshop Empirical Economics, Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Vienna, Austria, September 2013 Research Seminar in Economics, University of Graz, Graz, Austria, June 2013 FIW-wiiw-Seminar in International Economics, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw), Vienna, Austria, April 2013 Research Seminar in Economics, Vienna University for Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria, April 2013 Workshop on Firm Growth and Innovation, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain, June 2012 5th Workshop on Applied Industrial Organization, Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Vienna, Austria, March 2012 Research Seminar in Economics and Social Sciences, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, December 2011 Workshop on High-Growth Firms, Ratio Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2011 Research Seminar in Economics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, March 2011 Research Seminar in Economics and Social Sciences, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, November 2010 Workshop of the National Research Network: The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare State, Salzburg, Austria, May, 2010 8 Research Seminar in Economics, Vienna University for Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria, March 2010 Research Seminar in Economics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, January 2010 Research Seminar WIFO-Extern, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Vienna, Austria, November 2009 4th Workshop on Applied Industrial Organization, Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Vienna, Austria, April 2009 4th FIW Workshop on Foreign Direct Investment - Determinants and Home Market Effects, Vienna, Austria, March 2008 FWF-Research Seminar, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, October 2006 Grants & Awards Research grant from the Austrian National Bank (OeNB), Grantnumber: 16736, Propagation of Economic Shocks: Macro- and Microeconomic Evidence for the European Union, Vienna, 2016-2018 (EUR 179,000; Principal investigator; Project Lead: Peter Egger) Research grant from the Austrian National Bank (OeNB), Grantnumber: 14383, Wage and Employment Effects of European Mergers and Acquisitions, Vienna, 2011-2014 (EUR 109,140; Project Lead) Research grant from the Austrian National Bank (OeNB), Grantnumber: 12831, The Economics of Multinational Enterprises: A Firm Level Approach, Vienna, 2008-2011 (EUR 84,000; Principal investigator; Project lead: Michael Pfaffermayr) Klaus Liebscher Award of the Austrian National Bank, Vienna, 2012 Young Economist Award of the Austrian Economic Association, Graz, 2011 Award of Excellence of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Vienna, 2009 Research Award of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce Tyrol (Wissenschaftspreis der Wirtschaftskammer Tirol), Innsbruck, 2007 Merit sholarship, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, 2005 Membership American Economic Association, Austrian Economic Association 9 Editorial Positions Contemporary Economics, Member of the Editorial Board, since May 2012 Empirica – Journal of European Economics, Special Issue “Challenges for Europe 2050” forthcoming, Guest Editor (with Michael Böheim) Referee Journals: Acta Oeconomica (2), Annals of Economics and Statistics, AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Canadian Journal of Economics (2), Comparative Economic Studies, Contemporary Economics (3), Economics Bulletin, Economics E-Journal, Empirica (6), Empirical Economics (3), European Journal of Political Research (2), Journal of Econometric Methods, Journal of Sports Economics, Journal of Economic Psychology, Labour Economics, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Public Choice (4), Regional Studies, Review of Development Economics, Review of Industrial Organization, Review of International Economics, Review of World Economics (4), Small Business Economics (5), World Economy Conferences: Austrian Economic Association (NOeG): Annual Meeting 2016 (University of Economics, Bratislava); Annual Meeting 2014 (Vienna University of Economics and Business); Annual Meeting 2013 (University of Innsbruck), FIW Research Conference International Economics 2015, German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik) Annual Meeting 2012 (Göttingen) Research Funds: Jubiliaeumsfonds of the Austrian National Bank (3), National Science Centre of Poland (5) Universities: University of Adelaide, University of Botswana, Vienna University of Economics and Business Other Institutions: Statistics Austria 10
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