葛西 昭 - 減災型社会システム実践研究教育センター

葛西 昭
大学院 先端科学研究部 准教授
兼)大学院 自然科学研究科 附属減災型社会システム実践研究教育センター 准教授
[email protected]
1) 土木鋼構造物の耐震設計
2) 地震後に残存する鋼構造物の耐震性能評価手法の確立
3) アルミニウム合金を用いた橋梁構造物の耐震設計
1. Akira Kasai, Tatsuo Kakiuchi and Shohei Okabe: Sensitivity Analysis about Influence of
Out-of-plane Deflective Deformation upon Compressive Strength of Steel Plates, The International
Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET), Vol. 6, Issue 12, pp. 22-38, 2015.
2. Tatsuo Kakiuchi, Akira Kasai and Shohei Okabe: Verification of the Method for Improving Accuracy
of Simplified Seismic Response Analysis of Steel Rigid Frame Viaducts, The International Journal of
Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET), Vol. 6, Issue 10, pp. 45-61, 2015.
3. Lilya Susanti, Akira Kasai and Yuki Miyamoto: Postbuckling Behavior of Welded Box Section Steel
Compression Members, The International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET), Vol.
6, Issue 4, pp. 65-78, 2015.
4. 葛西昭, 宮本勇紀, 河岡英明, Susanti Lilya :鋼圧縮部材の終局ひずみに関する解析的検討, 土
木学会論文集 A2(応用力学), Vol. 70, No. 2, p. I_575-I_586, 2015.
5. Lilya Susanti, Akira Kasai and Yuki Miyamoto: Ultimate strength of box section steel bridge
compression members in comparison with specifications, Journal of Case Study in Structural
Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 16-23, 2014.
6. Evi Nur Cahya, Toshitaka Yamao and Akira Kasai: Ultimate Strength Behavior of Half-through Steel
Arch Bridge taking into account the Buckling Effect, Journal of Constructional Steel, Vol. 21, pp.
165-172, 2013.
7. Zhirong Lin and Akira Kasai: Analysis of wave propagation in a plate resting on a Winkler
foundation with a sample application to vibration control, International Journal of Soil Dynamics and
Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 46, Elsevier, pp. 1-12, 2013.
8. Nishigandha Kulkarni, Akira Kasai: Seismic Verification Method for Steel Bridge Piers with Pipe
Section under Two Directional Earthquake Components, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Ser. A1 (Structural Engineering & Earthquake Engineering (SE/EE)), Vol. 68(2012), No. 3,
pp.597-609, 2012.
9. Zhirong Lin, Akira Kasai and Yoshito Itoh: Dispersion Curves Computation for Waveguides Buried in
Infinite Space by Semi-Analytical Finite Element Method, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 10,
pp.1615-1620, 2011.
10. Zhirong Lin and Akira Kasai: Dynamic Dispersion Curves for Pipes on Elastic Foundation, Journal of
Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol. 57A, 2011.
1. 土木学会複合構造委員会著:基礎からわかる複合構造 -理論と設計-,土木学会,116p(分
担執筆)2012 年.