総合政策科学研究科技術・革新的経営専攻(一貫制博士課程) No. 授業科目名 英文科目名 科目ナンバリング 1 Theory and Practice I SOC-11-1-6 2 Theory and Practice I MAN-11-1-6 3 Theory and Practice I MAN-11-1-6 4 Theory and Practice I POS-11-1-6 5 Theory and Practice I ECT-11-1-6 6 Theory and Practice I POS-11-1-6 7 Theory and Practice I MAN-11-1-6 8 Theory and Practice II SOC-11-1-6 9 Theory and Practice II MAN-11-1-6 10 Theory and Practice II MAN-11-1-6 11 Theory and Practice II POS-11-1-6 12 Theory and Practice II ECT-11-1-6 13 Theory and Practice II POS-11-1-6 14 Theory and Practice II MAN-11-1-6 15 Theory and Practice III SOC-11-1-6 16 Theory and Practice III MAN-11-1-6 17 Theory and Practice III MAN-11-1-6 18 Theory and Practice III POS-11-1-6 19 Theory and Practice III ECT-11-1-6 20 Theory and Practice III POS-11-1-6 21 Theory and Practice IV SOC-11-1-6 22 Theory and Practice IV MAN-11-1-6 23 Theory and Practice IV MAN-11-1-6 24 Theory and Practice IV POS-11-1-6 25 Theory and Practice IV ECT-11-1-6 26 Theory and Practice IV POS-11-1-6 27 経済学-ミクロ経済学- Economics ECT-11-1-6 28 経営学-戦略と統治- Management MAN-11-1-6 29 心理学-組織心理- Psychology SOP-11-1-6 30 確率・統計学 Statistics and Probability Theory STS-11-1-6 31 物理学-科学は如何にして創られたか- Physics PHY-11-1-6 32 数学 Mathematics MAT-11-1-6 33 エージェント・ベースド・シミュレーション Agent-based Simulation SSE-11-1-6 34 社会ネットワーク分析 Social Network Analysis SOC-11-1-6 35 組織とイノベーション Organization and Innovation MAN-11-1-6 36 技術とイノベーション Science,Technology and Innovation MAN-11-1-6 37 人とイノベーション Human Resource Management for Innovation MAN-11-1-6 38 組織と文化 Organization and Culture SOP-11-1-6 39 組織と人間 Organization and People MAN-11-1-6 40 組織とリーダーシップ Organization and Leadership MAN-11-1-6 41 組織とネットワーク Organizations and Networks MAN-11-1-6 総合政策科学研究科技術・革新的経営専攻(一貫制博士課程) No. 授業科目名 英文科目名 科目ナンバリング 42 組織と人間(人的資源) Organization and People-Human Resource- MAN-11-1-6 43 組織調査法 Organizational Research Methods STS-11-1-6 44 システムダイナミックス System Dynamics CMS-11-1-6 45 計量経済学 Econometrics ECS-11-1-6 46 ナノサイエンス Nanoscience NMS-11-1-6 47 コンピュータサイエンス Computer Science POI-11-1-6 48 バイオサイエンス Bioscience BRC-11-1-6 49 Public Policy I STS-11-1-6 50 Public Policy II POS-11-1-6 51 Public Policy III MAN-11-1-6 52 Public Policy IV POS-11-1-6 53 Public Policy V ECP-11-1-6 54 Public Policy VI EPS-11-1-6 55 Public Policy VII POS-11-1-6 56 Public Policy VIII STS-11-1-6 57 Public Policy IX POS-11-1-6 Public Policy X ECP-11-1-6 59 Corporate Strategy I MAN-11-1-6 60 Corporate Strategy II MAN-11-1-6 61 Corporate Strategy III MAN-11-1-6 62 Corporate Strategy IV MAN-11-1-6 63 Corporate Strategy V MAN-11-1-6 64 Corporate Strategy VI MAN-11-1-6 65 Corporate Strategy VII CME-11-1-6 66 Environmental Strategy I MAN-11-1-6 67 Environmental Strategy II MAN-11-1-6 68 Environmental Strategy III EIA-11-1-6 69 Environmental Strategy IV MAN-11-1-6 70 Environmental Strategy V DEV-11-1-6 71 Directed Research in TIM I POS-11-1-7 72 Directed Research in TIM II SOC-11-1-7 73 Directed Research in TIM III MAN-11-1-7 74 Directed Research in TIM IV MAN-11-1-7 75 Directed Research in TIM V POS-11-1-7 76 Directed Research in TIM VI POS-11-1-7 77 Directed Research in TIM VII ECT-11-1-7 78 Directed Research in TIM VIII POS-11-1-7 79 Directed Research in TIM IX POS-11-1-7 80 Directed Research in TIM X POS-11-1-7 Directed Research in TIM S(Joint Seminar) POS-11-1-7 58 81 公共政策Ⅹ-経済政策と談話分析- TIM特殊研究S(合同演習)
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