CURRICULUM VITAE Wolfgang Stadler Anton-Rauch-Straße 27, A-6020 Innsbruck (home) Innrain 52/IV, A-6020 Innsbruck (office) Tel: +43-512-93 30 75 (home); +43-512-507-4238 (office) e-mail: [email protected] PERSONAL DATA DATE OF BIRTH: PLACE OF BIRTH: NATIONALITY: MARITAL STATUS: CHILDREN: 24 February 1958 Linz a. d. Donau, Upper Austria Austrian Married to Renate Stadler-Buelacher One son Emanuel Vincent, born 1994 EDUCATION 1964 – 1968 Primary School "Volksschule Lembach" 1968 – 1976 Grammar School "BRG Rohrbach" 09 June 1976 Final examination "Reifeprüfung" 1976 – 1977 Military service 1977 – 1983 Innsbruck University: Lehramt Russian and English (teacher training: major subjects) 1980 – 1981 Voronezh State University (VGU), Russia 08 June 1983 Graduation Mag phil (MA) Qualification as a secondary school teacher for Russian and English November 1996 Approbation of dissertation: "The Language of RightWing Populism. Based on the example of V. V. Zhirinovsky as seen in the context of the change in political language in Russia" December 1996 Viva voce examination with honours January 1997 Graduation Dr phil (PhD) September 2008 Professorial dissertation WORK EXPERIENCE 1983 – 1984 Practical teacher training (probation year) at grammar school "BORG Schwaz" for English and Innsbruck University for Russian completed with excellent success 1984 – 1985 Secondary school teacher at grammar school "BG/BRG Innsbruck-Sillgasse" for English and Russian 1985 – 1990 Secondary school teacher at grammar school "Wirtschaftskundliches Realgymnasium für Mädchen, Innsbruck-Fürstenweg" (English, Russian) Winter terms 1988/89 and 1989/90 University lecturer for Russian at Innsbruck University from March 1990 Assistant Lecturer at Innsbruck University Department for Slavic Studies from October 1994 Tenured University Lecturer February 1999 Founder of IFÖS (= Interdisziplinäres Forum österreichischer SlawistInnen), an interdisciplinary group of young Austrian Slavists Organisation of first IFÖS meeting in Innsbruck June – November 1999 Editing the first IFÖS anthology from June 1999 Head of Board of Examiners for Slavic studies actively involved in reorganizing university curricula and study programmes (BA and MA studies) from winter term 2002/03 Member of the teaching team IMoF “Methodology of Foreign Languages” at the School of Education Winter term 2003/04 Lecturer at the Department for Slavic Studies in Salzburg July – August 2007 Course “Language Testing” at Lancaster University 2 September 2008 Submission of professorial dissertation (Habilitations– schrift) "Pragmatics of Silence(s) in Russian" Winter term 2008/09 Professor for Russian Language Methodology and Didactics in Berlin (Humboldt-University) 2009 – 2010 Postgraduate study at Lancaster University (MA in Language Testing by distance) 2009 – 2011 Co-editor of PRAXIS Fremdsprachenunterricht October 2009 Venia legendi Russische Sprachwissenschaft (Russian linguistics); ao. Univ.-Prof. January/February 2010 Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta (Faculty of Arts), Edmonton, Canada 2009 – 2013 Dean of Studies, Faculty of Humanities II Summer term 2013 Academic leave (sabbatical term) 2013 – up to now Deputy Head of the Department of Slavic Studies at Innsbruck University March 2016 University Professor (Russian Linguistics, Russian Language Methodology and Didactics) at Innsbruck University SPECIAL SKILLS Languages: German, English, Russian, Polish, Chinese Direction of Russian play reading and drama groups Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Stadler, MA 2016-05-17 3
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