Das T re Händl ffen für Fot obuch er, Ver fr leger Das Vie und Fo eunde, Fac nnaPh hleute otoBoo t als ge ografe lungen kFestiv , Sam n es al, m e tablier Event ler, in der welches sich t hat, s e e artige in den Positio tzt auch 201 uropäischen v e rgang 6 nierun Fotobu und Ra enen Ja g als M seinen erfo re hren lgreich ch-Commu arktpla weiter -Photobook nity e n Weg tz für In -Deale geführ fort. D depen r wird t. So b erneu ie einz ekomm dent-V auch b td ig- erla ei d en gestalt ie Gelegenh eit, de innovative K er diesjährig ge, Künstler eten F otobüc n Besu ünstle e präsen n Aus r und k ch her im tieren. leine V gabe Rahme er n ihre lie bevoll erlage n des u 4 . Vienn n Vorträ aPhoto d aufwändig ge und BookF Gespr Chi Ch estivals äc ang, M zu artin K he mit Berti Noord en van ollar, S enbos Manen tefanie , Gerr y Badg , Caro ly er, Dav Moshamme Fotobu r, Thom n Drake, Ch id Cam chmar ien- as Sau pany, M kt mit BookA vin ichael Ver ward / Hagne , Corinne Signie legern, Hän Eintrit r . dlern rstund t: € 4 und A en / K n ünstle rtische tiquaren / V ie / Drin ks & Fo nnaPhoto- The e od & M vent f usic / or p de alers, hotob o publis o With it hers a k aficionad s prev nd ph o ious e itself a otogra s, exper ts, ditions s one o p collec V h ers ie f munity nnaPh the ma tors, o .T in eve nts am toBookFesti its uniq he Festival c val ha ong th ontinu ue pos s fir eE es its s ition a and ra uccess uropean ph mly asserte s a ma re d oto ful path rket p BookF photobook lace fo in 2016 book com- de esti r inde a n and aff val will onc alers. Visitor d main pend e s of th ection tains e 4th e ent publishe ately d again have small dition r the op esigne publis of Vien s, artists portun hing h d photo naPho ity ouses. books to- by cutt to revel in e Lectur labora ing-ed es by te ge arti Bertie tin Koll sts and ly n van ar Manen Gerry , Stefanie M , C a ro o Badge r, David shammer, Th lyn Drake, C omas S hien-C Camp auvin, h a ny, Mic Photo Corinn i Chang, Ma book m hael H r- e Noo agner. arket w ers / le rdenb it ctures os, / Vien h publishers drinks n , trade aPhoto & food rs, and B & mus antiqu ic / en ookAward / arian b try: € 4 signin o gs / ar tists’ ta oksell- bles / i 12. Ju n 11. und 2016 ours ning h Ope eiten ungsz s rward rty afte 0, pa Öffn to 20:0 , 10:00 8:00 1 1 e n 1 0 to ay, Ju Saturd June 12, 10:0 y, a d n u S cation Or t Lo ry rafie rGalle berge ie für Fotog n e z n r A le a ht. G y OstLic Galler asse) sbergg Photon Gallery b A 6 on way ien Gersh 100 W nd tram 27, A-1 Enkplatz a e s s a 3 g rg rU Absbe platz o umann (U1 Re mann el Koll Micha , r e t g c r ta be Anzen kt Con Konta a Maria l.com in g e R a stiv tors: c direc photobookfe m Artisti o na c n l. a ie v v stival ti office@ hotobookfes photobookfe tival s a p fe n a k n n /vie vien toboo ok.com napho facebo m.com/vien tival16 s ra instag photobookfe a #vienn Y ERGALLER RG ANZENBE ERYbookshop GERGALL ANZENBER C GERAGEN ANZENBER Y VIENNA PHOTO BOOK FESTIVAL 2016 VIENNA PHOTO BOOK VAL F E STI VIEN NA PHOTO BOOK FESTIVA L 11. und 12. Ju n i 11. und 12. Juni 2016 Programm/Vorträge Programme/Lectures Saturday, June 11, 2016 12:00 German historian of science Michael Hagner on “The Postdigital Photobook” Aussteller Booksellers 14:00 Taiwanese Magnum photographer Chien-Chi > 25books, Germany > 5Uhr30.com, Germany > Album Verlag, Austria > AnzenbergerGallery bookshop, Austria > Artphilein Editions, Switzerland > Erwes Bower, Great Britain > bt:st verlag, Germany > Cafe Lehmnitz Photobooks, Germany > Colour and Books, Netherlands > Cyberlab, Austria > DieNacht Publishing, Germany > Edition Patrick Frey, Switzerland > Editora Madalena, Brazil > Eikon, Austria > Einer Books, Norway > Eyemazing Editions, Netherlands > Fotohof, Austria > FUAM, Turkey > Gallery Container, Georgia > Geirmundur Klein, Belgium > Gershon Gallery, Austria > Hirmer Verlag, Germany > Instant Stories, Austria > Matej Sitar, Slovenia > Kaunas Photography Gallery, Lithuania > Kehrer Verlag, Germany > Kerber Verlag, Germany > La Fabrica, Spain > L’Artiere, Italy > Lia Wolf Cabinett, Austria > LiWiener, Austria > Mack Books, Great Britain > Mike Chick, Germany > Origini Edizioni, Italy > OstLicht. Galerie für Fotografie, Austria Chang about his book “Jet Lag” 15:30 Corinne Noordenbos, former head of the photography class of the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague about “A trained Eye Sees More” > Photon Gallery, Austria > Remaprint, Austria > Ronnie Niedermeyer Photographie, Austria > Rorhof, Italy > Rotes Antiquariat, Germany > Russian Independent Self-published, Russia > Schlebrügge.Editor, Austria > Shashasha, Japan. > The Eriskay Connection, Netherlands > The Velvet Cell, Japan > Marco van Duyvendijk, Netherlands > Ellen van Korth , Netherlands > Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Austria > WestLicht, Austria > White Press, Germany Schulen Schools > Angewandte Vienna, Austria > AnzenbergerMasterclass, Austria > BTK Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule, Germany > Jan Evangelista Purkyne Faculty of Art and Design, Czech Republic > Schule Friedl Kubelka, Austria > Moholy Nagy University Budapest, Hungary > Prager Fotoschule Österreich, Austria > Rodchenko School for Photography and Multimedia Moscow, Russia > Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague, Netherlands 16:30 Celebrated Dutch photographer Bertien van Manen in conversation with Gerry Badger 18:00 Award Ceremony ViennaPhotoBookAward 2016 20:00 Party – Drinks, Food & Music @magdas Kan- tine with Nick Hanzo (Elektro Gönner | Hædensa | Adabei) Sunday, June 12, 2016 10:00 Sunny Sunday Brunch der Kulturen with Moony Me (Hædensa | Uncanny Valley), registration: [email protected] 11:00 American Magnum photographer Carolyn Drake about her books “Two Rivers” and “Wild Pigeon” 12:00 Stefanie Moshammer, the Austrian photogra- pher and participant of the ViennaPhotoBookReview 2016, about her book “Vegas and She” 14:00 British photo critic David Campany about “Episodes from a Cut-up History of Editing” 15:00 Thomas Sauvin, collector and curator, about his book “Until Death Do Us Part” 16:00 Slovakian photographer Martin Kollar about his book “Field Trip” We –12 n Fur t tunge tal erans itere V une 10 ents, J v E r e h h Nick ic wit & Mus Hanzo Wien d abrik ks, Foo , Brotf e n 0: Drin i t :0 n 4 a 2 – K 0 s h a :0 abei) en wit 11, 20 magd sa | Ad Kultur , June n r y e e a d as.at d d d r æ h g Satu Brunc @ma ner | H e y n n a ö ti d G n n a u o yS on: k (Elektr wing 0: Sunn gistrati blic Vie , 10:00 –14:0 ey), re ll a V EM Pu 2 y e1 ncann y, Jun nsa | U Sunda Hæde ( e M ne 9, g Moony ning: Ju Viewin e p c o li , b ” u ooks EM P “Still B Wien artley abrik f B t n o r e ll B , ary E itions vienna llery: M Exhib dex of gerGa r in e t b e n h e str ouc Anze etian T strated ef) & uf “illu he Ven h T r : e y 18:00 r R e ela Sti z ll g. Ang on Ga e: Nafe a h ll s M a r : r e th s G un (curato 0 BROTK ning s tour 1, 14:0 Hilger n, ope June 1 urator C g . in Z n Z hibitio e Z x : p e d o , n te o .” 20 adua ellem 0 lass gr aum S 11, 15:0 asterc Kunstr , 11:00 M 1 r 1 e e g r n June n e o Ju ti b , n ta h e n c z Brun prese 19:00 um: An ne 10, , book inenra BICA” ning Ju A e Masch B p “ o 0 , š S” ipu , 19:0 s “BOY arko L June 11 o Mikla llery: M ir a M G : n ll nna u Photo nulln 30 Vie um 11/ . 13, 10 a tr r s u F r a e B h Sc gerb by VP e Weiß nded , Unter omme n c e ie r W n , itio Haus Exhib aße 40 Kunst ahnstr Parr”, tb n s ti e r a W , “M 0 & 11 June 1 ction, u A - a r n Came Auctio oto- & icht Ph tL s e ciety W ean So n ienna Europ e Germa th 1070 V e f ith th nce o a w e n r n n fe o ie n ti V o a , 1010 UM: C ooper 8 c B e – L c 6 in n A , e e – ) r OK SHPh rstraß Confe O – BO phy (E , Felde : PHOT otogra June 10 h , P ) f h MUSA o P y (DG Histor ciation for the n ic Asso h p a r rik Wie rotfab Photog B d r a Courty arket Inner Flea M 0:00 –16:00, r e ner t s Po o Gön 12, 1 Elektr y, June @ a d ty n r u a S fter-P a icial A Vienn ht: Off -Par ty , 1060 r 1 ig e 0 n t 1 f id e A al om m rstraß Offici e 11, fr iahilfe ay, Jun a, Mar d tr r s tu o a n - S co by dis hosted
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