福岡国際交流会館/Fukuoka International House 地下鉄など交通の便の良い博多区中心部にあり、家賃もリーズナブルです。 Easy access by public transportation due to its location in the central area of Fukuoka city and relatively cheap rent. *募集対象部屋/Room Type* 単身室/Single room (16.2m2) *部屋情報/Room information* 建物名/Building name: 福岡国際交流会館(〒812-0025 福岡県福岡市博多区店屋町 4-1) Fukuoka International House (4-1, Tenyamachi, Hakataku, Fukuoka, 812-0025) 設備/Facilities: 学習机、椅子、本棚、クローゼット、ベッド、エアコン、冷蔵 庫、バス・トイレ Studying Desk, Chair, Book, Shelf, Closet, Bed, Air Conditioner, Refrigerator, Bath, Toilet 共用施設/Sharing Facilities: 洗濯室(洗濯機、乾燥機)、キッチン、食事室 Laundry Room, Common Kitchen, Dining room, 料金/Fees: 寄宿寮 ¥24,700、水道代 ¥1,711、電気代(実費)、イン ターネット(実費)、レンタル布団料 ¥5,000(6か月毎) Rent: ¥24,700, Water Bill: ¥1,711, Electronic fee and Internet Access fee: Actual cost, Rental bedding: ¥5,000 (every 6 months) Hakozaki Campus “Hakozaki Kyudai-mae” Station Fukuoka Masjid Al Nour Islamic Culture Center http://www.fukuokamasjid.org / Hospital Campus “Maidashi Kyudai Byoinmae” Station “Gofukumachi” Station Fukuoka International House Subway Route 呉服町 千代県庁口 Time: 7 minutes Fee: 260 yen 馬出九大病院前 箱崎宮前 箱崎九大前 Gofuku-machi Chiyo-kenchouguchi Maidashi-Kyudaibyoin-mae Hakozaki-miya-mae Hakozaki-kyudai-mae Take fukuoka City subway bound for Kaizuka (貝塚) at “Gofukumachi” station and get off at “Hakozaki-Kyudai-mae” station
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