こちら - 宮崎国際大学

毎週水曜日 19:00~20:30
全8回 毎週水曜日 19:00-20:30
(5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 7/6)
場所:宮崎学園高校/使用言語 : 英語(中級者レベル)/受講費:8,000 円
TED* Talks は世界の知識人のプレゼンテーションやミニ講義がオンラインで楽しめるサービスです。TED* Talks を使って「天
TED* Talks (Technology Entertainment Design)are the widely acclaimed (video) presentations/mini lectures by great minds
from around the world. Students will take an in-depth look at ideas worth spreading via the TED Talks through the medium
of English. Possible focus topics include: Nurturing your Genius, Schools and Creativity, The Science of Motivation, etc.
講師紹介 About the lecturer
Debra J. Occhi, a linguistic anthropologist, is a
Professor of Anthropology at Miyazaki International
College, Japan. Her research includes Japanese
mascot characters (kyara), linguistic landscape, and
Japanese higher education, recently investigating UX
(user experience) as e-Portfolio Working Group leader
for the MEXT AP grant. Recent publications include
Global and Local Perspectives on Discourses and
Practices of University Internationalization (2016, in
Internationalization in Japanese Higher Education.