Konzert | Concerto | Concert The Vegetable Orchestra

Konzert | Concerto | Concert
The Vegetable Orchestra
20.05.2016, h 20.30
Musik auf Gemüse: „The Vegetable Orchestra“ aus Österreich
Seit 17 Jahren schnitzen, bauen und forschen sie an Karottenflöten, Lauchgeigen und Selleriegitarren, um nur
einige zu nennen. Das Instrumentarium von „The Vegetable Orchestra“ besteht ausschließlich aus Gemüse.
Ein multisensorisches Erlebnis, eine spannende Mischung aus Performancedarbietung und Konzert.
Musica con le verdure: dall’Austria, The Vegetable Orchestra
Da 17 anni intagliano, modellano e realizzano flauti con le carote, violini con i porri e chitarre con il sedano,
solo per menzionare alcuni degli strumenti della Vegetable Orchestra, fatti esclusivamente di verdure e creati con prodotti
freschi prima di ogni concerto. Un’esperienza multisensoriale, un eccitante mix di rappresentazione scenica e musicale.
Music played on vegetables: The Vegetable Orchestra from Austria
For 17 years they have been carving and building carrot flutes, leek violins, and celery guitars, to name but a few. The instruments
played by The Vegetable Orchestra are made of vegetables exclusively, allowing for unique sounds that could not be achieved by
ordinary instruments. Their gigs are experiences for the senses, straddling the line between performance art and live music.
Pfarrgasse/via Parrocchia 2
Eintritt/ingresso/entry: € 15,00
Info & biglietti/tickets (ab/dal/from 13.05.):
Kurverwaltung Meran/Azienda di Soggiorno/Merano Tourist Office
Freiheitsstraße 45 corso Libertà, T +39 0473 272000
Abendkasse ab/cassa serale dalle/box office open from 19.30 h (KiMM)
Obst-und Gemüsegrosshandel
Frutta e verdura all'ingrosso
Via Rio Sinigo, 8 - Sinich Bach Strasse, 8
39012 Merano - Meran (BZ)
Tel. 0473/244435 - Fax 0473/244578
Massimo Gusto, Zero Grano
Una pasta senza glutine dal sapore originale