stand: May 2016 Research Common Facilities A 8 and apartments A 9 Reception gate A 13 Life Science Learning Lab; CampusInfo A 14 Cafeteria Guesthouses of the MDC B 54 Hans-Gummel-House B 61 Salvadore-Luria-House with Kindergarten A 10 C 27 C 31.1 -2 C 31.3 -5 B 63 / 64 C 83 C 84 B 88 B 89 B 93 Library Walter-Friedrich-House C 81 Marthe-Louise-Vogt-House Energy and Infrastructure Center South (EZS) Research services Hermann-von-Helmholtz-House Ultrahigh Field Facility Max-Rubner-House Biobank Shared Facilities by MDC and FMP C 84.1 Research services C 87 Clinical Research B 42 -53 Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC) Companies A7 A 15 D 16/23 car workshop , EZAG, Gardener, Eckert & Ziegler (Customer Support, shipping & packing quality management, production) B 55 D 72 D 79 D 80 D 82 13125 Berlin Tel.: +49-30-9489-2920 Fax: +49-30-9489-2927 D 85 BBB-Postoffice, 8sens.biognostic, FILT, MRI.TOOLS, CONGEN, E.R.D.E., ART-CHEM, Lipidomix, Roboklon, I.M.S.M., Fresenius, patent attorney Dr.Baumbach, NIKON, OctreoPharm, Institut e & g, Steinbeis-Transfer-Institut, AJ Innuscreen, Hermes-Analytik, WISE BioTeZ Erwin-Negelein-House: Akademie der Gesundheit, Avitop, Life Science Learning Lab, FGEI, ICP Healthcare, CampusVital, Berlin Cures, LAMSYSTEMS, Otto-Warburg-House: ALRISE, Silence Therapeutics, Celares Karl-Lohmann-House: EPO GmbH Arnold-Graffi-House: BBB, stratec, aokin, BIOSYNTAN, emp, ascenion, Prof.Wanker, AMAL,
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