2016 年度 AJCU-AP サービス・ラーニング プログラム AJCU

2016 年度 AJCU-AP サービス・ラーニング プログラム
2016 年夏期休暇中に行われるサービスラーニング・プログラム(SLP)への参加者を募集します。
として 2 単位が付与されます。
Sophia will send students to AJCU-AP Service Learning Program (SLP) in summer 2016. By participating in this program
including pre-sessions and successfully completing the course, students can earn 2 credits for General Studies (GS Electives).
*AJCU-AP: Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities in Asia Pacific
渡航期間 Period of travel
2016 年 8 月 1 日(月)~8 月 22 日(月) August 1 - 22, 2016
研修期間 Program period
2016 年 8 月 2 日(火)~8 月 20 日(土) August 2 - 20, 2016
実施校 Place
サナタ・ダルマ大学 Sanata Dharma University
(インドネシア/ジョグジャカルタ Jogjakarta, Indonesia)
渡航費、海外旅行保険料、入国ビザ等 (約 17 万~19 万円)
Airplane ticket, Insurance fee, etc. (approx.170,000-200,000JPY)
費用 Fees (予定)
Program fee (including accommodation fee) is provided by Sophia University.
The above fees are subject to change depending on the number of participants, air fares, etc.
滞在先 Accommodation
宿泊施設”Syantikara Youth Center” (予定)
AJCU-AP(アジア-パシフィック イエズス会大学連盟)は、アジア太平洋地域のイエズス会系大学のネットワークです。AJCU-AP によって実
す。2015 年度は韓国の西江大学、インドネシアのサナタ・ダルマ大学、フィリピンのアテネオ・デ・マニラ大学、本学を含む 4 カ国から 7 大
今年のテーマは“Serving the City, Serving the People –Developing Youth’s Social Movement within the Urban Communities”。
The main framework of SLP is the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm comprising of three main elements: experience, reflection and
action. For such a learning process to be successful, it must include a pre-learning element, that of context, and a post-learning
element, that of evaluation.
“Serving the City, Serving the People –Developing Youth’s Social Movement within the Urban Communities” is this year’s theme
for AJCU-SLP. The participants will study the problems in the urban communities through lectures and field study, and then stay
at houses in several different Kampongs, experience their real life, and will be engaged in volunteering. They are asked to have
daily reflections based on their experiences in Kampongs and their own growth. At the final stage of this program, they are
encouraged to find what and how they can contribute to the problems in their own areas and countries. This program also
includes one-day trip to the Borobudur Temple.
この講座は、2016 年度春学期開講の全学共通科目として実施される。参加者は春学期中に実施される下記の事前事後指導に必ず出
This program will be offered as a General Studies course in the Spring Semester 2016. The Participants must attend the following
pre/post-sessions at Sophia during the Spring Semester.
①5 月 25 日(水)12:40-13:20 参加者ガイダンス Orientation, May 25th 12:40-13:20
②6 月 7 日・14 日(火)5 限
③6 月 13 日(月)17:00-18:30
事前講義 (英語で実施) Pre-lecture, June 7th &14th 5 period, to be conducted in English
危機管理ガイダンス Orientation on Crisis-Management, July 13rd 17:00-18:30
④7 月 14 日(木)12:40-13:20 渡航前ガイダンス Pre-departure Orientation, July 14th 12:40-13:20
⑤9 月下旬~10 月中
事後指導 Post-lecture, October
①本学で開講される事前事後指導を含む所定のプログラムを修了して所定の成果を修めたものには、全学共通科目(選択科目)として 2
単位が付与される。成績評価は「P(合格)」、「X(不合格)」のいずれかとなる。「P」の場合のみ、2 単位が付与される。
Grade will be a "P(pass)" or "X(fail)". 2 credits with a result of “P” will be awarded towards the General Studies (GS Electives) on
completion of full program including above mentioned sessions.
②単位が付与されるためには、原則として次の 3 つの条件をすべて満たしていなければならない。
Only students who satisfy all of the following requirements will be able to earn credits.
1. To attend all pre and post-sessions at Sophia during the Spring Semester
2. To participate in the program and to successfully complete it
3. To hand in assignments if the instructor of Sophia gives any.
Students will not need to register for this course during the regular course registration period in April.
※単位付与に関する詳細は 2016 年度学部全学共通科目の「シラバス」を参照。
※For credits details, please refer to the course syllabus of “General Studies” given in " the Syllabus 2016".
注意事項 N.B.
In principle, cancellation after submission of the application documents is not allowed.
All participants must follow the same schedule for this program, and should stay in the accommodation designated by the
A passport is required for participating in this program. Applicants who do not possess one should apply as soon as possible.
Applicants with foreign citizenship may need to obtain a visa to travel to the host country. International students should consult
with Center for Global Discovery prior to submitting the application. In some cases, international student's visa application may be
rejected by the embassy of the host country, and as a consequence, the student may not be able to participate in the program.
The program may be cancelled or the period may be changed due to unexpected changes of the host university or international
募集人数 Number to be accepted
募集対象・応募条件 Conditions
10 名。 参加者は第一次選考で書類審査、二次選考で面接を行います。
10 students
Documentary and interview screenings will be conducted to decide the
Undergraduate students who wish to contribute to the global community.
Those who can take an active role in the program.
Those who have sufficient English skills since the entire program will be conducted in English.
(No certification required)
Those who have enough physical and emotional strength for hard-working.
Those who are volunteering for community services or interested in Service Learning Program.
※2016 年度春学期休学中の学生は参加不可。
Students on a leave of absence in the Spring Semester 2016 are not eligible for this program.
The program draws upon essences of Sophia as a Jesuit university. Participants are expected
to understand and accept religious subjects and contents.
5 月 9 日(月)~11 日(水)
Application accepted from Monday, May 9 to Wednesday, May 11.
申込期間等 Application period
5 月 12 日(木) 第一次選考・面接日程発表(Loyola に掲示する)
Result of document screening announced on Loyola and the schedule of the interviews on
Wednesday, May 12th.
5 月 13 日(金)、16(月)、17(火) 面接予定
Interviews conducted on May13th, 14th, or 15th.
5 月 18 日(金) 結果通知 (Loyola に掲示する) 予定
Results of the screening will be announced on Loyola on Friday, May 18th.
①応募者は申込書提出前に、Loyola (アンケート・各種申込) にて事前登録を済ませること。
Personal information must be registered via Loyola (Questionnaire/Application) before
submitting the application.
②下記書類を申込期間内にグローバル教育センター窓口 (2 号館 1 階)に提出すること。
Submit the following application documents to Center for Global Discovery (1st floor, Bldg.
No2) during the application period.
Application Procedure
1)参加申込書 (本学ホームページからダウンロード )
Application Form *available on the university website
2)最新の成績通知表(Loyola からプリントアウトしたもの)
※2016 年度春入学の 1 年次生は成績通知表提出不要。
The most recent academic transcript printed out from "Loyola"
*A freshman who entered this Spring Semester does not need to submit a transcript.
Photocopy of English proficiency test results(optional)