25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Welcome to the 25. Wave Gotik Treffen WGT Planner This document was created on the basis of the information available at the time of creation. Primarily come the details of both the organisation team of the WGT and public event notes. Therefore no guarantee for completeness will be assumed. This WGT Planner is simple and clearly laid out plan of the personal visit to the WGT. The temporal arrangement, it is easily possible to identify overlaps and looking for alternatives. But also on the way he is a helpful tool because it is hereby completely independent electricity and/or Internet and can schedule at any time. Using the Excel spreadsheet you can create also his own individual plan. Thus, but should wait until the final version of the game plan was published by the WGT... Changes are guaranteed until then and even the game plan version can still change - even up to Friday. The plan is updated constantly to the WGT! Even after the WGT, you'll find a detailed review of the WGT on http://monkeypress.de! Author: monkeypress.de Preliminary report to the WGT: http://bit.ly/WGT2016 Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Park plan for the opening ceremony Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Thursday Belantis, Tanzfläche 1, Festzelt Belantis, Tanzfläche 2, Pyramide Belantis, Tanzfläche 3, Pulverschänke Belantis, Tanzfläche 4, Bodega Felsenkeller Moritzbastei Time 19:30 19:45 20:00 Time 19:30 19:45 WGT opening DJ Elvis 20:00 ceremony until 3 20:15 20:30 o'clock, and DJ Oliver 20:45 Klein 20:00 DJ passing mask DJ Ralph (white 20:00 circles, Leipzig) 20:00 XI 20:00 21:15 21:30 DJ Bruno Kramm 21:45 (DAS ICH) 21:30 22:00 DJ Ronan Harris DJs Zinsi & Spider DJ exploding boy (VNV Nation) 22:00 (Jena) 22:00 (Uni_Form, Portugal) 22:00 DJ Chris L. 23:15 23:30 23:45 (London) 23:00 (Agonoize) 23:00 00:00 Opening Fireworks All against all ("DJ 00:15 00:30 00:45 00:00 battle") and opening 00:00 01:00 Leipzig scene DJs of Fireworks 00:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:15 21:30 21:45 DJ Steve weeks 23:00 20:00 21:00 21:00 22:15 22:30 22:45 black Leipzig dance 20:00 DJ Mark Benecke 21:00 WGT EBM Warm-Up WGT PreOpening + 22:00 22:15 22:30 22:45 23:00 23:15 23:30 23:45 Opening Fireworks Opening Fireworks 00:00 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 the first hour in the 01:30 Exchange: Moonchild 01:45 (Michael Brunner & 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:00 02:15 Sandro steadfast the founder of 02:15 Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Friday Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion agra-Treffenpark Altes Landratsamt Felsenkeller Haus Leipzig Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Kohlrabizirkus Mittelaltermarkt Moritzbastei Moritzbastei Noels Ballroom Non Tox Schauspielhaus Sixtina Stadtbad Volkspalast Kantine Arena am Panometer Clara-Zetkin-Park Time Time After White Smoke 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 Entry 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Vielle (D) und Waldkauz (D) 11:30 12:15 12:30 12:45 Victorian village to 11:00 19°° at 11:00 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Opera für kleine Gäste 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 Vielle (D) 12:50 Knight fight 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 Intake 13:30 14:00 Lydia Benecke (D) 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 Intake 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 Golden Apes (D) 15:30 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 Waldkauz (D) 14:10 Entry 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 Last Leaf Down (CH) 17:30 The Angina Pectoris (D) 16:50 The Underground Abney Park (USA) 19:00 meeting in non-ToX Le and opener WGT 2016 with Tommi and DJDesign Andi 14:30 Black 15:30 Heydenrausch (AT) 15:00 Benjamin Schmidt (D) und Marko Kruppe (D) 15:30 Fuchsteufelswild (D) und Jungfrauenversteiger Entry 16:00 ung 15:30 Árnica (E) 16:50 The Sexorcist (D) 18:00 00:00 Knight battle 19:00 Entry 19:00 Nachtwindheim (D) Maschinenkrieger 20:00 KR52 vs. DISRAPTOR (D) 20:00 Haujobb (D) 20:30 Girls Under Glass (D) The Ocean (D) 21:50 21:30 Leaves' Eyes (D/N) und Vielle (D) 21:30 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:15 18:30 18:45 Hearts Of Black Science (S) 18:50 Entry 19:00 Kirsten Morrison (GB) 19:30 19:00 Villa Meystersinger 20:00 Hante. (F) 20:10 Dernière Volonté (F) 19:30 TERROR DANCE ∆ Kari Rueslåtten (N) 21:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 21:15 21:30 21:45 Henric De La Cour (S) 21:40 Supersimmetria (D) 22:00 Pagan Love Songs 22:00 After-Show-Party bis 3Uhr 22:00 Time And Space Society 22:00 The Deadfly Ensemble (USA) Roger Rotor (CH) 23:10 22:40 Vielle (D) 23:30 DJs 00:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 WULFBAND ∆ FULL CONTACT69 ∆ Vril Jäger (DK) 20:55 JIHAD @ WGT 2016 20:00 Centhron 20:30 Nullvektor (D) 21:00 Donner & Doria (D) 22:30 Fireworks 23:20 Triarii (D) 17:00 18:00 Fire show 21:30 Project Pitchfork (D) 22:10 16:15 16:30 16:45 The Protagonist (S) 18:15 The Aerdt (D) 20:00 16:00 Entry 16:30 XTR Human (D) 17:30 20:30 Heydenrausch (AT) 21:00 Celloman Konzert 17:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:15 15:30 15:45 Angelic Foe (S) 18:00 Stoppenberg 19:30 Darkher (GB) 20:20 Donner & Doria (D) Entry 17:30 INTENT:OUTTAKE 18:30 Cultus Ferox (D) 19:50 23:00 23:15 23:30 23:45 Heydenrausch (AT) 18:00 Herold Schlemihl 22:00 22:15 22:30 Nouvelle Vague (F) 22:45 22:30 Entry 17:00 Krayenzeit (D) und Vielle (D) 18:30 Ruined Conflict (USA) 19:10 The House Of Usher (D) 19:50 Entry 16:30 14:00 15:00 Volkspalast Kuppelhalle Seelennacht 16:30 Nachtwindheim (D) 17:00 21:00 21:15 21:30 21:45 Düsterpiano 16:00 Glenn Love 17:30 James Rays Gangwar (GB) 18:20 Luci Van Org (D) 18:30 13:15 13:30 13:45 HardChor Stimmgewalt Konzert 15:00 Fakir Gaukeley 16:00 Patenbrigade Wolff (D) 16:30 Christian Von Aster (D) 17:00 13:00 Victorian picnic until about 5: 00 14:00 25 Wave Gothic Youth (GB) 18:50 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 Faun (D) 20:45 Nachtwindheim (D) 14:00 14:30 Entry 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 Moran Magal Piano Konzert 13:00 Herold Schlemihl Donner & Doria (D) 17:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 Nachtwindheim (D) Donner & Doria (D) 13:00 19:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 Heydenrausch (AT) 12:00 12:00 18:00 10:00 10:00 In The Nursery (GB) 22:00 22:00 22:15 22:30 22:45 23:00 23:15 23:30 23:45 00:00 00:15 Peter Murphy (GB) 00:30 00:15 00:45 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:15 01:30 Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Saturday agra-Treffenpark Altes Landratsamt Felsenkeller Haus Leipzig Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Kohlrabizirkus Mittelaltermarkt Moritzbastei Non Tox Schauspielhaus Sixtina Stadtbad Bundesverband verwaiste Eltern und trauernde Palmengarten Stadtgeschichtlich es Museum Leipzig Time Time After White Smoke 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 Entry 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Vielle (D) und Waldkauz (D) 11:30 11:15 11:30 11:45 Fakir Gaukeley 12:00 Donner & Doria (D) 13:00 12:50 Canterra (unplugged) 12:00 Intake 13:30 14:00 Mark Benecke (D) 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 Nachtwindheim (D) 13:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 Meystersinger (unplugged) 13:10 Guided tours "Leipzig in black" 13:00 13:00 5. steampunk picnic Guided tours on the WGT 14:00 "Leipzig in black" 14:00 System Noire 13:30 Árnica (E) 14:10 Knight fight 14:00 Vadot 14:00 Stimmgewalt 14:20 Lesung 14:30 15:15 15:30 15:45 Jungfrauenversteiger Entry 16:00 16:00 Christian Von Aster (D) 15:45 Irdorath (BY) 15:50 Entry 16:30 Entry 17:00 Diodati (D) 16:30 15:00 Electronic-Noise 15:30 English-language guided tours "Leipzig in black" 15:00 English-language 16:00 Moran Magal 15:40 The fortress Court Herold Schlemihl 16:30 Kuroshio (FIN) 17:00 Lex Wohnhaas (D) 17:15 17:15 17:30 17:45 Meinhard (D) 17:50 Entry 16:30 Décembre Noir (DE) 17:00 Eigensinn 16:00 Nachtwindheim (D) 17:00 Autumnal (E) 18:20 Vielle (D) 18:30 guided tours Sigue Sigue Sputnik "Leipzig in black" 16:00 (GB) 16:30 Cult Club (D) 17:00 Unterschicht 18:30 18:45 19:15 Reaper (D) 19:40 19:30 19:45 Portion Control (GB) Schwarzer Engel (D) 19:20 Rose McDowall (GB) 19:00 Donner & Doria (D) 19:30 19:45 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 Heydenrausch (AT) 19:00 (surprise guest) from Dresden 18:00 We Are Temporary (USA) 18:20 Christ Vs. Warhol (USA) 18:00 Other Day (D) 20:50 Oberer Totpunkt Die Wilde Jagd (D) 20:00 20:00 Irdorath (BY) 20:40 Donner & Doria (D) 21:30 Joachim Witt (D) 22:30 Position Parallèle (F) 21:10 Fire show 21:30 Vielle (D) 22:30 Enslaved (N) 22:50 Moran Magal 22:00 Amber Asylum (USA) 22:30 23:00 23:15 Die Krupps (D) 23:15 23:30 23:45 Tragic Black (USA) 21:00 Donner & Doria (D) 23:30 00:00 Fire show 00:20 Xeno & Oaklander (USA) 22:40 OBSESSION - bizarre fetish meeting 2016 is only people with Cinema Strange perfect 18.Lebensjahr admitted! For this event also has a strict code of raiment. 19:00 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 Destin Fragile (S) 21:00 21:00 Ultranoire (H) 22:00 22:00 Volkspalast Kuppelhalle After-Show-Party bis 3Uhr 22:00 Estampie (D) 22:20 Siechtum (D) 22:40 Dornenreich (A) 20:50 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:15 19:30 19:45 Lene Lovich Band (USA) 19:30 [x]-Rx 20:30 22:00 22:15 22:30 22:45 Selofan (GR) 19:40 20:00 Heydenrausch (AT) Crematory (D) 21:20 21:00 21:15 21:30 Leather Strip (DK) 21:45 21:30 Entry 19:00 Nachtwindheim (D) Vielle (D) 20:30 Sonar (B) 21:10 18:00 Moritzbastei RosaRubea (I) 19:10 Painbastard 19:30 Swallow The Sun (FIN) 19:50 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:15 17:30 17:45 Lydia Benecke (D) 19:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 17:00 In the Nursery (Filmaufführung) 17:30 Knight fight 18:00 Chainreactor (D) 18:20 Täubchenthal Entry 16:00 Entry 16:30 Entry 17:00 Dark Empire 17:30 Spetsnaz (S) 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 Rabbit at War 16:30 MDR Kinderchor (D) 17:30 14:15 14:30 14:45 Body Harvest 14:30 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 Heydenrausch (AT) 15:00 15:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 12:00 Fuchsteufelswild (D) 13:15 13:30 13:45 20:00 11:00 11:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 18:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 Heydenrausch (AT) 12:00 17:00 10:00 10:00 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:15 22:30 22:45 (USA) 22:30 Culture Kultür (E) 23:10 23:00 DJs 00:00 00:00 23:15 23:30 23:45 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:15 01:30 Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Sunday Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion agra-Treffenpark Altes Landratsamt Felsenkeller Haus Leipzig Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Kohlrabizirkus Mittelaltermarkt Moritzbastei Non Tox Schauspielhaus Sixtina Stadtbad Volkspalast Kantine Volkspalast Kuppelhalle Bundesverband Stadtgeschichtlich verwaiste Eltern es Museum und trauernde Leipzig Time Time After White Smoke 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 Entry 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Brigandu (D) und 12:00 11:30 12:15 12:30 12:45 Heydenrausch (AT) Fakir Gaukeley 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 Vielle (D) 13:00 Mark Benecke (D) Harpyie (D) 14:10 Knight fight 14:00 Daniel Malheur 14:00 14:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 Entry 16:00 Entry 16:30 Lord Of The Lost (D) (USA) und (D) 15:45 Jungfrauenversteiger Entry 16:00 ung 15:30 Dornenreich (A) Nachtwindheim (D) Pride And Fall (N) 16:30 16:30 16:30 Gernotshagen (D) 17:00 Guided tours (unplugged) 14:00 "Leipzig in black" 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 Donner & Doria (D) English-language 15:00 guided tours "Leipzig 15:00 Neustrohm 15:30 Thomas Manegold Har Belex (E) 17:00 Patenbrigade: Wolff Profane Finality 14:30 Aurelio Voltaire Entry 16:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 Lesung 14:30 15:15 15:30 15:45 Intake 15:30 Intake 15:30 Täubchenthal in black" 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 The fortress Court Winter Severity Index Entry 16:00 English-language 16:00 (I) 16:00 guided tours "Leipzig Lights of Euphoria Entry 16:30 Näo (F) 16:30 in black" 16:00 16:30 Vielle (D) 17:00 Entry 17:00 Blitzmaschine (D) Saskia Etzold (D) und 17:00 Jessica93 (F) 17:05 In Good Faith 17:30 17:15 17:30 17:45 Peter Yates (GB) 17:30 Psilocybe Larvae Backworld (USA) 18:15 18:30 18:45 Darkhaus (D/USA) 19:00 18:45 Legend (IS) 18:00 Amnistia (D) 18:20 Heidevolk (NL) und The Blue Angel Somatic Responses Lounge (D) 18:10 (GB) 18:00 Formalin 18:30 18:30 Donner & Doria (D) Rose McDowall (GB) Herold Schlemihl 19:40 19:30 19:50 Valhall (S) 19:00 Entry 19:00 19:00 Carach Angren (NL) Solar Fake (D) 19:30 Bestial Mouths (USA) Terrorfrequenz 19:30 Signal Aout 42 (B) Vielle (D) 20:00 Schneewittchen Nachtwindheim (D) Rotersand 20:30 Nordvargr (S) 20:00 20:30 Sunset Wings (RUS) 21:20 Heydenrausch (AT) Winterkälte (D) 20:50 Donner & Doria (D) Plastic Noise Endless Asylum (E) 21:00 Experience (D) 21:10 21:00 Fire show 21:30 Drangsal (D) 21:35 21:30 Lacrimosa (CH) 21:55 Kauan (RUS) 21:40 22:00 After-Show-Party bis 3Uhr 22:00 22:15 22:30 22:45 Of The Wand And 23:00 The Moon (DK) 22:50 My Dying Bride (GB) Nachtwindheim (D) 22:30 22:30 Darkplain The Legendary Pink Dots (NL) 22:20 Kommando (D) 22:00 (unplugged) 22:00 Orange Sector (D) I Like Trains (GB) Esplendor 22:20 Geometrico (E) 22:20 23:10 Göttertanz auf dem 00:00 WGT 2016 23:45 20:00 21:00 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15 22:30 22:45 22:40 Deutsch Nepal (S) 23:15 23:30 23:45 19:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 (S) 20:20 (GB) 20:30 Mesh (GB) 21:00 21:00 Anna Von Hausswolff And Also The Trees 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:15 19:30 19:45 19:15 20:00 Dark Fortress (D) Dirk Ivens (B) 19:20 19:40 Trollfest (N) 20:00 20:10 21:00 18:00 Moritzbastei Heydenrausch (AT) Christian Von Aster (D) 19:00 Diary Of Dreams (D) Unloved 18:00 (RUS) 18:10 18:20 19:15 19:30 19:45 Knight fight 18:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:00 Veit Etzold (D) 17:15 Lesung 17:30 18:00 13:00 13:00 Desastroes 13:30 15:00 21:15 21:30 21:45 Guided tours "Leipzig in black" 14:15 14:30 14:45 20:15 20:30 20:45 12:00 Waldträne (D) 12:50 14:00 20:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Nachtwindheim (D) Intake 13:30 17:15 17:30 17:45 11:00 11:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 17:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 Donner & Doria (D) 13:00 16:00 10:00 10:00 Fireworks 23:30 DJs 00:00 23:00 23:15 23:30 23:45 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:00 01:15 01:15 Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Monday agra-Treffenpark Altes Landratsamt Felsenkeller Haus Leipzig Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Kohlrabizirkus Mittelaltermarkt Moritzbastei Moritzbastei Schauspielhaus Sixtina Täubchenthal Volkspalast Kantine Volkspalast Kuppelhalle Time Time After White Smoke 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 Entry 11:00 Vielle (D) 11:00 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 Brigandu (D) und Knight battle 11:30 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 11:30 Donner & Doria (D) 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 Heydenrausch (AT) Nachtwindheim (D) 12:00 Fakir Gaukeley 12:30 12:15 12:30 12:45 Vielle (D) 13:00 13:00 Waldträne (D) 12:50 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 Intake 13:30 14:00 Mark Benecke (D) 13:15 13:30 13:45 Nachtwindheim (D) 13:30 Harpyie (D) 14:10 Donner & Doria (D) 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 Arise-X 14:00 14:00 14:00 Heydenrausch (AT) The fortress Court 14:30 14:30 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 Jungfrauenversteiger Entry 16:00 16:00 Entry 16:30 18:15 18:30 18:45 Bifröst (A) 16:30 Nachtwindheim (D) Christine Plays Viola Perfection Doll 16:00 Entry 16:30 Donner & Doria (D) 15:15 15:30 15:45 Ancient Methods (D) 16:00 16:30 (I) 17:00 Entry 17:00 17:15 18:00 Heydenrausch (AT) Knight battle 17:30 Unzucht (D) 18:20 Eric Fish And Friends Alexander Nym (D) (D) und 18:45 Nachtwindheim (D) Vielle (D) 18:30 18:20 Entry 18:30 Te/DIS (D) 19:05 The Mary Onettes (S) Andi Harriman (USA) Heydenrausch (AT) Grausame Töchter Umzug aller (USA) 19:35 19:40 19:30 (D) 19:40 Vaganten 19:30 Machinista (S) 19:30 Artwork (D) 20:30 Aesthetic Perfection The Roving Midnight (USA) 19:40 Cut Hands (GB) 20:10 20:30 Gothminister (N) Sangre De Muerdago (GB) 21:10 21:10 (E) 21:00 Nachtwindheim (D) Black Moon Secret Coppelius (D) 21:50 (D) 21:30 Balzac (J) 21:10 21:00 21:15 21:30 21:45 Thorofon (D) 21:35 22:00 22:15 22:30 22:45 23:00 23:15 23:30 23:45 00:00 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 And Also The Trees (USA) 21:20 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:15 19:30 19:45 One I Cinema (D) Heidevolk (NL) 20:50 18:00 19:00 Argyle Goolsby And Fairydust 20:00 21:00 (RO) 18:00 The Visit (CDN) 19:20 Velvet Acid Christ 19:30 Tanz Ohne Musik Banane Metalik (F) 18:30 Trollfest (N) 19:20 17:15 17:30 17:45 Horn (D) 17:30 Evi Vine 18:00 Lament (D) 18:20 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 Saeldes Sanc & Ernst Skálmöld (IS) 18:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 Treha Sektori (F) 17:05 17:30 Neuroticfish (D) The Fright (D) 17:00 Sascha Blach (D) 20:00 21:15 21:30 21:45 Intake 15:30 Entry 16:30 Versengold (D) 17:00 Schöngeist (D) 17:00 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 15:30 16:30 Entry 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 ung und Kyoll (D) 15:45 Intake 15:30 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 Markus Heitz (D) Vielle (D) 15:30 22:00 Korpiklaani (FIN) 22:20 Das Ich (D) 22:40 Biomekkanik (S) Irfan (BG) 22:40 22:40 Agonoize (D) 22:55 Pink Turns Blue (D) 23:00 Test Dept: Redux 22:15 22:30 22:45 (GB) 22:50 23:00 Nekromantix (DK) 22:40 23:15 23:30 23:45 DJs 00:00 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:00 01:15 01:15 Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Addresses 25. Wave Gotik Treffen 4Rooms agra-Treffenpark Ägyptisches Museum Alte Börse Altes Landratsamt Arena am Panometer Atelier Nord Täubchenweg 26 Koehlerstraße 4, 7(Tram)70, 72, 73(Bus)N7(Night bus) Bornaische Straße 210 Leinestraße 11(Tram)N9(Night bus) Innenstadt - Goethestraße 2 Augustusplatz 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 31(Tram)N7, N8, N9(Night bus) Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz 2, 9(Tram) Innenstadt - Naschmarkt 1 Augustusplatz 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16(Tram) S-Bf. Markt 89(Bus) Tröndlinring 3 Goerdelerring 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15(Tram)N1, N2, N3, N4, N5(Night bus) Richard-Lehmann-Straße 114 A-Hoffmann/R.-Lehmann-Str 9(Tram) Eutritzscher Straße 12 Wilhelm-Liebknecht-Platz 9, 10, 11, 16(Tram) Bundesverband verwaiste Eltern und Clara-Zetkin-Park trauernde Geschwister in Deutschland e.V. Anton-Bruckner-Allee, 04107 Leipzig Roßplatz 8a Trams: 1, 2 Roßplatz 2, 9, 16, 31(Tram)412(Bus)N8, Stops: Klingerweg N9(Night bus) Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14(Tram) Darkflower Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum Deutscher Platz 1 Deutsche Nationalbibliothek 2, 16, 31(Tram)74(Bus) Felsenkeller Festzelt Belanteum Gewandhaus Karl-Heine-Straße 32 Felsenkeller 3, 14(Tram)74(Bus)N1, N2(Night bus) Zur Weißen Mark 1, 04249 Leipzig Belantis WGT Shuttle-Bus(Bus) Augustusplatz 8 Augustusplatz 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 31(Tram)N7, N8, N9(Night bus) Grassi-Museen Haus Leipzig Hilfsverein Nächstenliebe e.V. Gerberstraße 20 Hauptbahnhof 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 31(Tram)72, 73, 89(Bus) Leipzig Hbf/ Ostseite 131, 196, 197, 412, 690, 691(Bus) Hotel Fürstenhof / Serpentinsaal Tröndlinring 8 Goerdelerring 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15(Tram)N1, N2, N3, N4, N5(Night bus) Kohlrabizirkus Elsterstraße 22 Westplatz 1, 2, 8, 14(Tram) Gottschedstraße 1,14(Tram) Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz Helenenstraße 24 Leinestraße 11(Tram)N9(Night bus) Insel Innenstadt - Johannisplatz 5-11 Johannisplatz 4, 7, 12, 15(Tram)690(Bus)N7(Night bus) Krystallpalast Varieté Kulturhafen Riverboat Kulturlounge e.V. La Petite Absintherie Laden auf Zeit Leipziger Kunst Galerie Innenstadt - Magazingasse 4 Roßplatz 2, 9, 16, 31(Tram)412(Bus)N8, N9(Night bus) Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14(Tram) Erich-Zeigner-Allee 45 Elster-Passage 3(Tram)N1(Night bus) Erich-Zeigner-Allee 74(Bus) Dresdner Straße 25 Gerichtsweg 4, 7(Tram)N7(Night bus) Münzgasse 3 Münzgasse 10, 11(Tram) Kohlgartenstraße 51 Köhlerstraße 4, 7(Tram) Elsastraße 72, 73(Tram) Literaturcafé im Haus des Buches Gerichtsweg 28 Nikolaistraße 28-30 (Innenhof-Passage) Gutenbergplatz 12, 15(Tram) Hauptbahnhof 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 31(Tram)72, 73, 89(Bus) Hauptbahnhof Ostseite 131, 196, 197, 412, 690, 691(Bus) Lyzeum für Klavier Mittelaltermarkt - Moritzbastei Universitätsstraße 9 Roßplatz 2, 9, 16, 31(Tram)412(Bus)N8, N9(Night bus) Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14(Tram) Moritzbastei Museum der bildenden Künste Museum für Druckkunst Musikalische Komödie Käthe-Kollwitz-Str. 52 Marschnerstraße 1, 2, 14(Tram)N1, N3(Night bus) Universitätsstraße 9 Roßplatz 2, 9, 16, 31(Tram)412(Bus)N8, N9(Night bus) Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14(Tram) Katharinenstraße 10 Hauptbahnhof 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16(Tram) Markt 89(Bus) Nonnenstraße 38 Dreilindenstraße 30 Holbeinstraße 1, 2(Tram)N1, N3(Night bus) Angerbrücke 3, 7, 8, 15(Tram)74, 130, 131(Bus)N1, N2, N3(Night bus) Non Tox Oper Leipzig Palmengarten Passage Kinos Peterskirche Gerhard-Ellrodt-Straße 38 Gerhard-Ellrodt-Straße 3(Tram) Bismarckstraße 65, 162(Bus)N1(Night bus) Augustusplatz 12 Nähe Am Elsterwehr 8, 04109 Leipzig Augustusplatz 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, Trams: 3,7,8,15 31(Tram)N7, N8, N9(Night bus) Stops: Angerbrücke Straßenbahnhof Hainstraße 19a Goerdelerring 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15(Tram) Thomaskirchhof 9(Tram) Markt 89(Bus) Schletterstraße 5 Hohe Straße 10,11(Tram) Bayerischer Bahnhof 2, 9, 16, 31(Tram) Schauspielhaus Schillerhaus Schwarz10 Shakunda Sixtina Soup Bar Summarum Stadtbad Bosestraße 1 Gottschedstraße 1, 14(Tram)N1, N2(Night bus) Thomaskirche 9(Tram)89(Bus) Menckestraße 42 Menckestraße 4(Tram) Georg-Schwarz-Straße 10 Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 102 Georg-Schwarz-Straße / Merseburger Karl-Liebknecht-Straße / Kurt-EißnerStraße 7(Tram)130, 131(Bus)N3(Night bus) Straße 10, 11(Tram)60, 74(Bus) Sternwartenstraße 4 Roßplatz 2, 9, 16, 31(Tram)412(Bus)N8, N9(Night bus) Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14(Tram) Münzgasse 16 Münzgasse 10, 11(Tram) Eutritzscher Straße 21 Wilhelm-Liebknecht-Platz 9, 10, 11, 16(Tram) Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig Böttchergäßchen 3, 04109 Leipzig Südfriedhof Täubchenthal Thomaskirche Villa Markranstädter Straße 1 Adler 1, 2(Tram) Markranstädter Straße 3(Tram)N1(Night bus) Siemensstraße 60(Bus) Thomaskirchhof 18 Thomaskirchhof 9(Tram) Thomaskirche 89(Bus) Lessingstraße 7 Gottschedstraße 1,14(Tram)N1, N2(Night bus) Völkerschlachtdenkmal Krypta & Ruhmeshalle Dr. Wilhelm-Külz-Park/Prager Straße Völkerschlachtdenkmal 2, 15(Tram) An der Tabaksmühle 70(Bus) Naunhofer Straße 74(Bus) Volkshaus Friedhofsweg 3 Südfriedhof 15(Tram)79, 690(Bus) Volkspalast Kantine Volkspalast Kuppelhalle Wanderkino Powered by monkeypress.de Messehalle 16 / Puschstraße 10 An den Tierkliniken 16, 31(Tram) Messehalle 16 / Puschstraße 10 An den Tierkliniken 16, 31(Tram) König-Albert-Park (Clara-Zetkin-Park) Anton- monkeypress.de - concert reviews, Brückner-Allee / Max-Reger-Allee interviews, reviews and photos Klingerweg 1, 2(Tram)N1, N3(Night bus) Stops: Goethestraße Hainstraße 12-14 Goerdelerring 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15(Tram)N1, N2, N3, N4, N5(Night bus) All addresses are clickable! (Google maps) Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. Buttergasse 9 Leipzig / Großzschocher An den Tierkliniken 42 Huttenstraße 3(Tram)65, 162(Bus)N1(Night Altes Messegelände 2, 15(Tram) bus) An den Tierkliniken 16, 31(Tram) S-Bf. MDR 74(Bus) Noels Ballroom Kurt-Eisner-Straße 43 Karl-Liebknecht- / Kurt-Eisner-Straße 10, 11(Tram)60, 74(Bus) Promenaden Hauptbahnhof - Historischer Runde Ecke Speisesaal Innenstadt - Dittrichring 24 Willy-Brandt-Platz 1-7 Goerdelerring 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, Hauptbahnhof 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15(Tram)N1, N2, N3, N4, N5(Night bus) 15, 16, 31(Tram)72, 73, 89(Bus) Hauptbahnhof Ostseite 131, 196, 197, 412, 690, 691(Bus) Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 32 Hohe Straße 10, 11(Tram) 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Concert ticket for the 25. Wave Gotik Treffen G: Mittelaltermarkt Moritzbastei H: Moritzbastei I: Non Tox J: Schauspielhaus K: Sixtina L: Stadtbad M: Täubchenthal N: Volkspalast Kuppelhalle H: Moritzbastei I: Non Tox J: Schauspielhaus K: Sixtina L: Stadtbad M: Täubchenthal N: Volkspalast Kuppelhalle F: Kohlrabizirkus G: Mittelaltermarkt Moritzbastei E: Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz F: Kohlrabizirkus D: Haus Leipzig E: Heidnisches Dorf / Torhaus Dölitz C: Felsenkeller D: Haus Leipzig B: Altes Landratsamt C: Felsenkeller A: agra-Treffenpark B: Altes Landratsamt A: agra-Treffenpark Distance and time were calculated for the fastest Autoroute. Thank you Google! 16 minutes 8,8 km 16 minutes 8,9 km 15 minutes 8,4 km 5 minutes 1,2 km 15 minutes 6,1 km 14 minutes 7,9 km 14 minutes 7,9 km 14 minutes 7,1 km 16 minutes 8,8 km 16 minutes 8,6 km 17 minutes 9,6 km 14 minutes 8,3 km 13 minutes 5,8 km 7 minutes 3,2 km 3 minutes 1,1 km 11 minutes 8,2 km 12 minutes 4,6 km 6 minutes 2,2 km 6 minutes 2,2 km 16 minutes 7,5 km 2 minutes 0,8 km 7 minutes 2,9 km 4 minutes 1,6 km 10 minutes 4,2 km 12 minutes 4,8 km 5 minutes 2,3 km 12 minutes 8,5 km 12 minutes 6,2 km 8 minutes 3,5 km 8 minutes 3,5 km 8 minutes 4,3 km 6 minutes 2,7 km 10 minutes 4,2 km 10 minutes 4,2 km 2 minutes 1,0 km 14 minutes 6,6 km 11 minutes 8,0 km 11 minutes 4,7 km 6 minutes 1,9 km 6 minutes 1,9 km 13 minutes 6,5 km 3 minutes 1,1 km 7 minutes 2,6 km 7 minutes 2,6 km 7 minutes 3,2 km 12 minutes 4,5 km 11 minutes 4,6 km 11 minutes 7,3 km 11 minutes 7,3 km 11 minutes 6,7 km 12 minutes 8,2 km 12 minutes 8,0 km 14 minutes 9,0 km 10 minutes 7,8 km 10 minutes 4,4 km 9 minutes 2,7 km 9 minutes 2,7 km 15 minutes 7,3 km 13 minutes 5,0 km 9 minutes 2,9 km 15 minutes 5,9 km 12 minutes 5,3 km 3 minutes 0,8 km 14 minutes 8,8 km 15 minutes 9,0 km 9 minutes 3,4 km 14 minutes 8,6 km 6 minutes 1,7 km 5 minutes 2,3 km 5 minutes 1,8 km 13 minutes 8,2 km 13 minutes 8,3 km 11 minutes 7,8 km 14 minutes 6,0 km 12 minutes 4,7 km 14 minutes 6,2 km 12 minutes 4,7 km 11 minutes 4,6 km 14 minutes 8,0 km 6 minutes 2,3 km 9 minutes 3,4 km 5 minutes 1,8 km 11 minutes 7,5 km 10 minutes 3,1 km 15 minutes 7,4 km 6 minutes 2,2 km 5 minutes 1,6 km 8 minutes 3,0 km 11 minutes 4,4 km 10 minutes 3,3 km 14 minutes 8,0 km 6 minutes 2,3 km 9 minutes 3,4 km 5 minutes 1,8 km 11 minutes 7,5 km 10 minutes 3,1 km 15 minutes 7,4 km 6 minutes 2,2 km 5 minutes 1,6 km 8 minutes 3,0 km 11 minutes 4,4 km 10 minutes 3,3 km 14 minutes 7,1 km 18 minutes 7,8 km 9 minutes 4,3 km 14 minutes 6,6 km 11 minutes 6,7 km 14 minutes 7,4 km 15 minutes 7,5 km 15 minutes 7,5 km 15 minutes 7,0 km 16 minutes 8,2 km 18 minutes 8,5 km 7 minutes 3,4 km 15 minutes 7,8 km 13 minutes 8,1 km 5 minutes 1,1 km 6 minutes 2,6 km 2 minutes 0,5 km 10 minutes 7,5 km 10 minutes 3,9 km 4 minutes 1,5 km 4 minutes 1,5 km 14 minutes 6,8 km 6 minutes 2,2 km 6 minutes 2,0 km 8 minutes 3,5 km 11 minutes 4,1 km 15 minutes 8,3 km 6 minutes 2,2 km 10 minutes 4,0 km 7 minutes 2,4 km 12 minutes 7,7 km 7 minutes 2,6 km 3 minutes 0,9 km 3 minutes 0,9 km 16 minutes 8,0 km 8 minutes 2,8 km 9 minutes 3,7 km 12 minutes 5,0 km 8 minutes 2,8 km 16 minutes 9,7 km 2 minutes 1,0 km 10 minutes 4,1 km 5 minutes 2,0 km 13 minutes 9,1 km 14 minutes 5,4 km 7 minutes 2,4 km 7 minutes 2,4 km 18 minutes 8,4 km 4 minutes 1,7 km 8 minutes 2,8 km 12 minutes 5,1 km 13 minutes 5,4 km 13 minutes 8,4 km 11 minutes 4,4 km 3 minutes 1,0 km 7 minutes 3,3 km 10 minutes 7,8 km 11 minutes 5,3 km 11 minutes 4,4 km 11 minutes 4,4 km 6 minutes 3,4 km 8 minutes 3,6 km 12 minutes 5,1 km 12 minutes 5,1 km 14 minutes 5,8 km 11 minutes 4,6 km 15 minutes 6,7 km 12 minutes 4,3 km 10 minutes 4,4 km 3 minutes 0,8 km 9 minutes 2,9 km 9 minutes 2,9 km 16 minutes 7,9 km 13 minutes 5,4 km 9 minutes 3,8 km 15 minutes 6,2 km 12 minutes 5,7 km 12 minutes 5,8 km Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. + + + Thursday + + + Thursday + + + Thursday + + + + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Another Readings +++ & exhibitions + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & cemeteries Churches + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen Bibliotheca Albertina (Bibliotheca Albertina) 10.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "eerie close. Great apes as a European sensation" Museum of fine arts (Museum der bildenden Künste) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to the exhibition, the permanent collections and the exhibitions by Manaf Halbouni, Anselm Kiefer, IMI Knoebel, Thomas Scheibitz, Ben Willikens, Stefan Koppelkamm and via Lewandowsky visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. Promenade station (Promenaden Hauptbahnhof) 05.00 Uhr - 23.00 Uhr Photo exhibition "25 years of Wave-Gotik-Treffen" with works by Gerd Lehmann, Corwin of Kuhwede, Jenly, & seventh sin, Daniel rich, Ingrid Elsner, David Xavier, reset icon DeVore and Marco Gazaneo City History Museum (Stadtgeschichtliches Museum) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Leipzig in black. 25 years Wave Gotik Treffen" The exhibition tells not only the story of WGTs with his main Caesuras. You especially stories related to the WGT. Visitors and organizers tell of their experiences and experiences, disappointments and moments of happiness. And of course, it is also about the two main themes of the meeting: music and fashion. Schwarz10 / custom Chamber (Schwarz10 / Sittenkammer) 15.00 Uhr Lecture: "discharge commercialization of the Gothic scene" / / (how can we retain control of the subculture or recover?) 15:30 Diskussion17. 00 pm / / dinner on Spendenbasis17. 30 pm Guided tour of the project House "Schwarz10" and presentation of the alternative projects in the immediate vicinity Absintherie Sistine Chapel (Absintherie Sixtina) 10.00 Uhr Absinthfruehstueck Church ruins at Wachau (Kirchenruine Wachau) 20.00 Uhr Concert: Ensemble nu: n - "Medieval vocal music in the here and now" / / Cora Schmeiser - singing, recitation, Gert Anklam - saxophone, Falk Zenker - guitar, electronics The ensemble nu: n combines the timeless beauty and spiritual power of medieval music with contemporary sounds and improvisations. In the "Medieval vocal music in the here and now" program, the musicians interpret both courtly music and spiritual songs dating from the Romanesque and Gothic. Southern cemetery (Südfriedhof) 19.30 Uhr "Evening bat management" of nature conservation Union of Leipzig / / meeting place: West entrance (cemetery trail 3) 20 h 00 Leadership: "whisper of cemetery part I: funeral crowns, revenants and the fear of the apparent death" with the art historian Dr. Anja Kretschmer Meeting point: Plaza in front of the great Hall of mourning Agra Café (Agra-Café) ab 11.00 Uhr Exhibition of works by Nils Franke, Sabine Graf, Daniela Hellerforth, Andrew Tong, workshop Nimzer & Bernhardt and Ekaterina Zaydel Alina art gallery (Alina Art Galerie) 13.00 Uhr – 20.00 Uhr Exhibition: "head molt" with works by Jean Schmiedel (painting, pottery, drawings) Old stock exchange (Alte Börse) 13.00 Uhr – 19.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Flora Metaphorica" - works of art out of pressed flowers by Tina Altus 17:00 / / auction of the works Atelier Nord (Atelier Nord) 12.00 – 18.00 Uhr "Group exhibition to the 25 WGT" Works by eight artists from the fields of painting, graphic art and photography: Bernhard Berres, Falko Kamel, Matthias Kreher, Lagqaffe, Kai Meier, Michael Schreckenberger, Eckhard Sieber and Dina four. Bibliotheca Albertina (Bibliotheca Albertina) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "eerie close. Great apes as a European sensation" The Federal Commissioner for the Stasi documents (Der Bundesbeauftragte für StasiUnterlagen) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Goths, punks and co. - alternative youth in the crosshairs of the Stasi" Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & e Classic + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen German books and Scripture Museum (Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "reading a book? Hollywood reads"- photographs from the collection of Prof. Günter Karl Bose Read "Hollywood stars" such as Lillian Gish, Rudolfo Valentino, Marilyn Monroe and Humphrey Bogart, recorded on location, at home by the fireplace, in libraries or hotel lobbies. 10.00 h - 18:00 Exhibition: "Web break? Paper | Culture" The exhibition goes all world fabric paper to track down, looks back into the past and looking into the future. 17.00 "Little monster - sinister figures" - creative action for WGT visitors and their children Bat, Vampire or ghost lantern - with paper, scissors and glue can create charming creatures of the night, which will bring much joy large and small artists. German Horticultural Museum (Deutsches Kleingärtnermuseum) 10.00 Uhr – 17.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. The large central area with playground, as well as the rustic beer garden also invite to linger and feasting. Gallery KUB (Galerie KUB) 14.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "test Dept. -Total state machine "16:00 / / screening:"test Dept. " -DS30 " Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Grassi-Museum für Angewandte Kunst) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting is to permanent collection and the temporary exhibitions ("faces of the Wave-Gotik meeting. 10 years of Pentecostal whispers"and"Applied art from the Netherlands and Flanders") granted free admission. Grassi Museum of musical instruments (Grassi-Museum für Musikinstrumente) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. Grassi Museum für Völkerkunde (Grassi-Museum für Völkerkunde) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. Haus Leipzig (Foyer & Gallery) (Haus Leipzig (Foyer & Galerie)) 13.30 Uhr – 05.00 Uhr Exhibition: "gesture" Gerd Lehmann series 150 calendar leaves of the popular "gesture" - lunar calendar - with portrait photographs of the Leipzig photo artist Hotel Fürstenhof / serpentine Hall (Hotel Fürstenhof / Serpentinsaal) 13.00 Uhr – 19.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Philosophia mode of Lucardis Feist" Moritzbastei / upper cellar (Moritzbastei / Oberkeller) 14.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr "Exhibition:"Art Council #19"with works by Frank Schletter and Pia Zschuckelt" Museum of fine arts (Museum der bildenden Künste) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to the exhibition, the permanent collections and the exhibitions by Manaf Halbouni, Anselm Kiefer, IMI Knoebel, Thomas Scheibitz, Ben Willikens, Stefan Koppelkamm and via Lewandowsky visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. Museum of printing art (Museum für Druckkunst) 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr Visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting is granted free admission to the permanent collection and the temporary exhibitions (historical securities from two centuries ' printed values"as well as"hand written letters"with impressive calligraphic original letters of renowned graphic designer, typographer and Publisher). Promenade station (Promenaden Hauptbahnhof) 05.00 Uhr - 23.00 Uhr Photo exhibition "25 years of Wave-Gotik-Treffen" with works by Gerd Lehmann, Corwin of Kuhwede, Jenly, & seventh sin, Daniel rich, Ingrid Elsner, David Xavier, reset icon DeVore and Marco Gazaneo16 pm Concert: The violet Moon ("Folk" band from Chemnitz plays traditional songs of the British Isles) City History Museum (Stadtgeschichtliches Museum) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Leipzig in black. 25 years Wave Gotik Treffen" The exhibition tells not only the story of WGTs with his main Caesuras. You especially stories related to the WGT. Visitors and organizers tell of their experiences and experiences, disappointments and moments of happiness. And of course, it is also about the two main themes of the meeting: music and fashion. 15.00 "Leipzig in black - how it all began" / / interview with Michael Brunner, one of the founders of WGTs and other guests Musical comedy (Musikalische Komödie) 19.30 Uhr "Dracula" - musical based on the novel by Bram Stoker / / for WGT visitors are 50 seats available. A reservation is not possible! Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. Theatre & Music Hall Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen Krystallpalast Varieté (Krystallpalast-Varieté) + + + Readings + + + Readings + + + 20.00 Uhr "Dream catcher" - poetic Music Hall Loading time (Laden auf Zeit) 13.00 Uhr (Einlaß: 12.30 Uhr) Theatre: "the story of the lonely Selb" according to Jens-Paul Wollenberg Haus Leipzig (Haus Leipzig) 13.30 Uhr Einlaß14. 00 pm Reading: Lydia Benecke "work of the devil? -The theory of the satanically-motivated world conspiracy"3:30 Reading: M.Kruppe & B.Schmidt "Sex, Drugs & Literatour 2016" 17:00 / / reading: Christian von Aster "are oddities" 18:30 Reading: Luci van org 'SM snow white, seven valiant LARP dwarfs and 40 murders' Promenades station (historic dining room) (Promenaden Hauptbahnhof (Historischer Speisesaal)) 17.00 Uhr Reading & signing time: Alexander Kühne - 'Dire Bush of city lights' Schiller House (Schillerhaus) 19.00 Uhr Reading: "And puts his head back on the neck" A trip to the German black romance with works by Benedikte Naubert, E.T.A.Hoffmann and Heinrich von Kleist. Schwarz10 / custom Chamber (Schwarz10 / Sittenkammer) 15.00 Uhr Lecture: "the area of effect of the Gothic philosophy" / / (which has a "Gothic" philosophy to deal, which concern others?) 15:30 Diskussion17. 00 pm / / dinner on Spendenbasis17. 30 pm Guided tour of the project House "Schwarz10" and presentation of the alternative projects in the immediate vicinity Absintherie Sistine Chapel (Absintherie Sixtina) 08.00 Uhr Absinthfrühstück 10: 00 am small market in the courtyard of the Sistine Chapel (with "Mandragora", the "Sistine Chapel-shop" and "In Heaven") 10:00 ambience wake up with "After White Smoke" / / 16:00 concert: dark piano ("Gothic Rock", "Punk" and "Metal" on the piano) 20:00 concert: Meystersinger (Luci van org and novel Ahmed) / / 22:00 concert: time and space society ("Gothic Rock") open end Autograph sessions at the Agra Hall 4.2 (Autogrammstunden in der Agra Halle 4.2) 15.00 Uhr – 15.45 Uhr The Sexorcist 16:00 - 16:45 in the nursery / / 17:00 - 17:45 cultus ferox 18:00 - 19:00 Supersimmetria + + + Another + + + Another + + + Another + + + Another + + + Another + + + riday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Association charity (Hilfsverein Nächstenliebe) 16.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr Knitting afternoon for the black romantics / / over coffee and pastries are shown old knitting techniques and exchanged experiences. Asked for a small donation for the material. La Petite Absintherie (La Petite Absintherie) ab 09.00 Uhr – Ende offen "Café D'absinthe" - absinthe specialties & "Swing" NonTox (NonTox) 14.30 Uhr DJ Tommy und DJ Andi (Intent:Outtake) 15:30 concert: black design / / 16:30 concert: soul night 17:30 concert: Glenn love / / 18:30 concert: INTENT: OUTTAKE 19:30 concert: Stoppenberg / / 20.30 concert: Centhron 22:00 party with DJ factory 4 X / / end approx. 3:00 Papa Hemingway (Papa Hemingway) 09.00 Uhr - 17.00 Uhr "Dark Queens brunch & absinthe" 22:00 - open end / / "STEAM PUNK!" with DJ captain NeMo ("Middle ages", "Renaissance", "Wave", "EBM") Soup bar summa Raj (Soup Bar Summarum) 09.00 - 17.00 Uhr Breakfast & Absinth11. 00-12: 00 / / soup buffet & Absinthe Meeting-kindergarten (Treffen-Kindergarten) 15.00 bis 22.00 Uhr Child care on the Agra Exhibition Centre / / trained and experienced staff will take care of the needs of your children. Minimum age: 3 years, up to 3 hours Victorian picnic (Viktorianisches Picknick) 15.00 Uhr Anyone who wants to participate is asked a picnic basket with food and drinks to bring a blanket as well as dishes and cutlery. Dress code: Victorian, "Steampunk", Baroque, Rococo, Biedermeier, neo novel table, 18th century We ask you to dispose of your waste when leaving the Park in the provided containers. Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. + + + Another + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + + + Friday + 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen WGT-nail Studio (WGT-Nagelstudio) 12.00 Uhr – 00.00 Uhr Professional nail UV gel in numerous colors with an application of the WGT logo. Location: Agra Hall 1 during the WGT scene fair at the obelisk in addition to the official WGT goods stand. WGT-scene show (WGT-Szenemesse) 12.00 Uhr – 00.00 Uhr International dealers offer, suitable for every taste and purse, goods of any kind to. The official level of WGT goods for current devotional (program book, T-shirts, etc.), as well as historical collectibles (WGT ceramic mug, CDs and old editions of the "Pentecostal Messenger") is also here 4Rooms (4Rooms) 22.00 Uhr "In Goth We Trust" / / "Gothic Rock", "Post Punk", "death Rock", "Cold Wave", "obscure 80s" and "Dark Synths" Dance floor 1: DJs: S.H.A.R.P. and Lady Palmolive (Mexico City / Berlin), Matt the mo (London / Chicago) and Andi (post-punk project book, New York) Dance floor 2: DJs: reklovski & a.e. shadow (coinciDANSES, Bremen), boy Obscur & Mr defect (lost places, Hamburg), robertianjim (vanity Noire, Leipzig) Agra Hall 4.2. (Agra Halle 4.2.) 22.00 Uhr Einlaß 22.00 DJ Chris L. (Agonoize) / / 00:20:00 DJ Bruno Kramm (danse macabre) Agra Café (Agra Café) 22.00 Uhr "Stoker's Ballroom" / / "Electro", "EBM", "Industrial" with DJ Oli (Stoker's, NST) + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + Beyerhaus-Keller (Beyerhaus-Keller) 22.00 Uhr The best of "Wave", "Goth", "Post Punk", "Minimum", "Industrial", "Dark Ambient", "Ritual", "Noise", "Power Electronics", "apocalyptic folk" and "Independent" DJ Cristo v 2.3 (neon effect), DJ Ashish (sacred bones), DJ Uschmar Ramone (bunker syndicate) Dark flower (Dark Flower) 16.00 – 20.00 Uhr Shaft: Globe party 4 hours shaft: globe non-stop, including autographs, videos and Überraschungen20. 00 pm to end open Dance floor 1 DJ Jean-Luc de Meyer (Front 242), DJ Adrian hates (diary of dreams), DJ Daniel Myer (Haujobb), DJ honey (wave: globe), DJ porn (master DJ) Dance floor 2 DJ pAnd0rA & DJane Chrissy (overdose, Salzburg), DJ George P. & DJane Malice F (Electrowelt, Greece) Haus Leipzig (Haus Leipzig) 23.59 Uhr – Ende offen "Dark romantic dance" / / DJs: ice light & September GK Moritzbastei (Moritzbastei) 20.00 Uhr Ratstonne: DJ Klass-X (EBM / New-Wave / Electro pop / Synth Wave / Darkwave) (Australien) 22.00 upper basement: Poppi and DJ frequen-C (black Leipzig dances) / / 00.00 clock event ton: DJ Scott Savak End open Naumann's in the rock cellar (Naumanns im Felsenkeller) 23.00 Uhr – Ende offen "All of the darkest music" / / "Gothic Rock", "Dark Wave", "EBM", "Electro" and "Future pop" with DJ A.L.E.X Noel's Ballroom (Noels Ballroom) 22.00 Uhr "Pagan love song"-"Exclusive WGT-special" "Gothic & death Rock", "Cold & New Wave", "U.S. & UK Goth", "Post Punk", "Indie", "Minimal Synths" & "Classics" with Ralf & Thomas Thyssen (incident, When we were Young 2005-2015), Paul Cuska (Strobelight records, Kiss the blade) Taeubchenthal (Täubchenthal) 23.55 Uhr - Ende offen "When We Were Young" – (100% "Gothrock", "Post Punk", "Deathrock" and more) / / DJ martin oldgoth (nostalgia, thirteen13, United Kingdom) DJ Cyberpagan (outsiders party, Messthetics / Brunswick) / / DJ Marc Zimmermann (lost Club, white noise, Munich) WGT music Chamber Villa (Villa) 19.30 Uhr (Einlaß: 19.00 Uhr) "25 years terror dance" / / 1 dance floor Concerts: / / 19.30 Jihad (United States) 22.00 Wulf band (S) / / 20.40 watch full Contact69 (D) then dance night: / / ("Electronic Body Music", "Oldschool Electro") DJs: Doll ("WGT EBM Warm-Up") & dRILL / / 2nd dance floor - "Deer not on the sofa" ("Industrial", "Power Electronics", "Weird", "Noise") / / DJs: Robotomy operation & Lärmbel #stigung 3. dance floor - "Dying Lights" ("Post Rock", "Experimental", "alternative", "Electronica", "Sub80s", "Minimum", "Indie", "Post Metal") DJs: the perfect drug, Millo & Ussel Old stock exchange (Alte Börse) 13.30 Uhr Concert: Finisterre Tango16 pm Concert & opening: 'Seasons and planets In the sign of the flower cross"- for AlanHubertus Schmidt - trombone, Lydia Gorstein - piano Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen Evangelical Reformed Church (Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche) 20.00 Uhr "Long flourishing organ night" 20:00 and 21:00 / / Max Reger: Largo for violin and organ from the suite in the old style, op. 93 (arr. by the composer) / / 3 sets from op. 59 Toccata and Fugue in d minor op. 129 / / (Christiane groom, organ & Agnes Reuter, violin) 22:00 Sound collages as well as single records from op. 59 / / (Christiane groom, organ) Church ruins at Wachau (Kirchenruine Wachau) 10.30 Uhr Children's concert: "The flower Princess and the Dragon" The renowned guitarist and sound artist Falk Zenker weaves and illustrated his spontaneously told story with imaginative sounds, noises, and small pieces of music on guitar and unusual noise producers. + + + Churches & cemeteries + + + Churches & cemeteries + + + Churches & cemeteries + + + Churches & cemeteries + + + ay + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + St. Michael's Church (Michaeliskirche) 22.00 Uhr "Long flourishing organ night" 22:00 / / Johann Sebastian Bach: Passacaglia in c BWV 582 / / Max Reger: Introduction and Passacaglia f minor op. 63 No. 5 and 6 / / (Matthias Eisenberg, organ) 23:00 Max Reger: / / from "Twelve pieces" op. 59 No. 5 Toccata in d minor / / No. 6 Fugue in d major No. 7 Kyrie eleison / / No. 8 Gloria in excelsis Deo No. 9 Benedictus / / No. 10 Capriccio in f sharp minor No. 11 Melodia b flat major / / No. 12 Te Deum (Matthias Eisenberg, organ) 00: 00 / / big closing concert of organ night Max Reger: / / introduction and Passacaglia in d minor o.op.22. Second Sonata in d minor op. 60 / / improvisation: Allegro con brio Invocation: Grave con duolo / / introduction and Fugue: Allegro assai - Allegro energico (Matthias Eisenberg, organ) Nikolai Church (Nikolaikirche) 17.00 Uhr "Long flourishing organ night" 5:00 / / Georg Böhm: Chorale Partita "very Freu dich, o my soul" Max Reger: Chorale Fantasia "very Freu dich, o my soul" op. 30 / / Thierry Escaich: evocation II (with choral "Freu dich very, o my Sele") Johann Pachelbel: Chorale Partita "All men must die" / / Max Reger: Chorale fantasy "All men must die" op. 52.1 Olivier Messiaen: "Combat de mort et de la vie" from "Les Corps Glorieux" / / (Martin Schmeding, organ) 20 h 00 Max Reger: / / Chorale Prelude "how beautiful Leuchten t us the morning star" op. 67, 51 Chorale Prelude "how beautiful Leuchten t us the morning star" op. 135a, 29 / / (Kaoru Oyamada, organ) "How beautiful Leuchten t us the morning star" op. 40.1 / / (Felix Mende, organ) 21:00 Max Reger: / / "A mighty fortress is our God" op. 27 (Anne Michael, organ) / / 3 trio op. 47 (Yihoon song and Yohan Chung, organ) / / "don't punish me in your anger" op. 40.1 (Sgt Leko, organ) 22.00 / / Max Reger: 3 trio op. 47 / / (Sora Yu and Yohan Chung, organ) "Hallelujah! "Praise God, keep my Seelenfreud'!" Op. 52.3 / / (Nicolas Berndt, organ) 23:00 Max Reger: / / Chorale Prelude "Wachet auf, the voice is calling us" op. 67,43 Chorale Prelude "wachet auf, the voice is calling us" op. 135a, 25 / / (Finnegan Schulz, organ) "Wachet auf, calls us the voice" op. 52.2 / / (Lukas Euler, organ) St. Peter's Church (Peterskirche) 20.00 Uhr "Long flourishing organ night" 20:00 / / Max Reger: from Chorale Preludes op. 135 / / hymns op. 137 from solo violin sonatas op. 42 / / (Thomas Fleck, violin - Tanja Mertelsmann, soprano - Lukas Stork and Erik Dremel, organ) 21:00 Max Reger: / / from solo violin sonatas op. 42 Hymns op. 19 / / (Thomas Fleck, violin - Tanja Mertelsmann, soprano - Lukas Stork and Erik Dremel, organ) 22:00 Max Reger: / / from Chorale Preludes op. 67 from pieces for the organ surgery. 129 / / from hymns op. 105 from solo violin sonatas op. 91 / / (Thomas Fleck, violin - Tanja Mertelsmann, soprano - Lukas Stork and Erik Dremel, organ) 23:00 Max Reger: / / from solo violin sonatas op. 91 from Chorale Preludes op. 67 / / from hymns op. 105 (Thomas Fleck, violin - Tanja Mertelsmann, soprano - Lukas Stork and Erik Dremel, organ) Priory Church (Propsteikirche) 20.00 Uhr "Long flourishing organ night" 20:00 and 22:00 / / Max Reger: Fantasia and Fugue in d minor op. 135 b / / symphonic prologue to a tragedy op. 108 (1908) (Heinrich Walther, organ) 21:00 and 23:00 / / Max Reger: Fantasia and Fugue on "BACH" op. 46 / / symphonic prologue to a tragedy op. 108 (Henry Walther, organ) Southern cemetery (Südfriedhof) 17.00 Uhr Leadership: "whisper of the graveyard part II: Rund um's body - body guard, corpse rape, body fat and body photography" with the art historian Dr. Anja Kretschmer Meeting point: Plaza in front of the great Hall of mourning Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + S Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion + 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen St. Thomas Church (Thomaskirche) 19.00 Uhr, (Einlaß: 18.30 Uhr) 26th Festival of the music of the middle ages and the Renaissance / / Capella Fidicinia founded by Hans say hello (1929-2001) The ensemble Capella Fidicinia interpreted among others works by Jaques Arcadelt, Orlando di Lasso and Hans Leo Hassler. 22.00 "Long flourishing organ night" 22:00 / / Max Reger: Fantasy and Fugue on BACH op.. 46 / / 6 trio op. 47 (Stefan Kießling, organ) 23:00 / / Max Reger: variations and Fugue on an original theme op.. 73 / / (Daniel Beilschmidt, organ) useums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Agra Café (Agra-Café) ab 11.00 Uhr Exhibition of works by Nils Franke, Sabine Graf, Daniela Hellerforth, Andrew Tong, workshop Nimzer & Bernhardt and Ekaterina Zaydel Alina art gallery (Alina Art Galerie) 13.00 Uhr – 20.00 Uhr Exhibition: "head molt" with works by Jean Schmiedel Old stock exchange (Alte Börse) 13.00 Uhr – 17.30 Uhr Exhibition: "Flora Metaphorica" - works of art out of pressed flowers by Tina Altus Atelier Nord (Atelier Nord) 12.00 – 18.00 Uhr "Group exhibition to the 25 WGT" Works by eight artists from the fields of painting, graphic art and photography: Bernhard Berres, Falko Kamel, Matthias Kreher, Lagqaffe, Kai Meier, Michael Schreckenberger, Eckhard Sieber and Dina four. Egyptian Museum (Ägyptisches Museum) 10.00 Uhr – 17.00 Uhr Free entry granted to visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. 14:00 - 15:30 / / "Life in this world and in the hereafter in the old Egypt" (Guide in German language in two groups with Dr. Sabine cubic and PD Dr. Dietrich Raue) Bibliotheca Albertina (Bibliotheca Albertina) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "eerie close. Great apes as a European sensation" The Federal Commissioner for the Stasi documents (Der Bundesbeauftragte für StasiUnterlagen) 10.00 Uhr - 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Goths, punks and co. - alternative youth in the crosshairs of the Stasi" 11:00 - 18:00 / / "Tour through the House" Take a stroll through the historic building many archives, which with its including 8.6 km Stasi files store. 11.00 h - 18:00 "Numinosum black community - curiosities from the Stasi files" – an interactive presentation A wide variety of pattern files provides information about the "black scene" in the GDR and the decomposition methods of the Stasi. 11.30 and 15:00 Guided tour through the exhibition "Goths, punks and co." in English Sprache12. 00 am, 14:00 and 16:00 Film: "the burning wall - dissent and opposition behind the Berlin wall." The English-language film directed by HAVA Kohav Beller draws the opposition movement in the GDR after. 13.00 "Darkwave GDR - Goths, Goths, ' negative Decadents' and the Stasi" The historian of John Nicholls of the University of Hull (UK) focuses on the connections between the ' Gothic ' scene of East Germany and England in his English-language paper. German books and Scripture Museum (Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "reading a book? Hollywood reads"- photographs from the collection of Prof. Günter Karl Bose Read "Hollywood stars" such as Lillian Gish, Rudolfo Valentino, Marilyn Monroe and Humphrey Bogart, recorded on location, at home by the fireplace, in libraries or hotel lobbies. 10.00 h - 18:00 Exhibition: "Web break? Paper | Culture" The exhibition of paper on the track all world fabric, looks back to the past and dares to peek into the future. German Horticultural Museum (Deutsches Kleingärtnermuseum) 10.00 Uhr – 17.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. The large central area with playground, as well as the rustic beer garden also invite to linger and feasting. Gallery KUB (Galerie KUB) 14.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "test Dept. -Total state machine "4:00 Presentation of the book "Total State Machine" and. Round table with test Dept. Founding member Graham Cunnington and Paul Jamrozy, and Peter Webb of the PC press publishing and the subculture ethnographer Alexander Pehlemann. The discussion will be moderated by the theorist Alexander Nym Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibition Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Grassi-Museum für Angewandte Kunst) 10.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr Visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting is to permanent collection and the temporary exhibitions ("faces of the Wave-Gotik meeting. 10 years of Pentecostal whispers"and"Applied art from the Netherlands and Flanders") free entry granted. 12.00 Leadership: "per fumum. Europe's scents and the Orient"/ / meeting point: box office foyer By Hatshepsut to Coco Chanel with perfume samples through the centuries (with Axel Menz) 14:00 and 16:00 "Baroque dances enjoy and try" / / place: pillar Hall Demonstration of Baroque dances in the dance-like dialogue with the audience (with Jutta Voß, Berlin) Grassi Museum of musical instruments (Grassi-Museum für Musikinstrumente) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. Grassi Museum für Völkerkunde (Grassi-Museum für Völkerkunde) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting is free entry granted. 12.00 - 16.00 / / "Traditional hand-tapping tattoos from Indonesia" Conversation with the "Tattoo" Durga and tattoo Schau15. 00 pm / / "personal Jesus. Wave and Gothic between paganism and private religion" The anthropologist Prof. Dr. Bernhard Streck and the religious scholar Dr. Heinz Mürmel in conversation with the historian and Publisher Ralf C. Müller (Eudora-Verlag Leipzig) Haus Leipzig (Foyer & Gallery) (Haus Leipzig (Foyer & Galerie)) 13.30 Uhr – 05.00 Uhr Exhibition: "gesture" Gerd Lehmann series 150 calendar leaves of the popular "gesture" - lunar calendar - with portrait photographs of the Leipzig photo artist Hotel Fürstenhof / serpentine Hall (Hotel Fürstenhof / Serpentinsaal) 13.00 Uhr – 19.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Philosophia mode of Lucardis Feist" Moritzbastei / upper cellar (Moritzbastei / Oberkeller) 14.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr "Exhibition:"Art Council #19"with works by Frank Schletter and Pia Zschuckelt" Museum of fine arts (Museum der bildenden Künste) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to the exhibition, the permanent collections and the exhibitions by Manaf Halbouni, Anselm Kiefer, IMI Knoebel, Thomas Scheibitz, Ben Willikens, Stefan Koppelkamm and via Lewandowsky visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. Promenade station (Promenaden Hauptbahnhof) 05.00 Uhr - 23.00 Uhr Photo exhibition "25 years of Wave-Gotik-Treffen" with works by Gerd Lehmann, Corwin of Kuhwede, Jenly, & seventh sin, Daniel rich, Ingrid Elsner, David Xavier, reset icon DeVore and Marco Gazaneo16 pm Concert: The violet Moon ("Folk" band from Chemnitz plays traditional songs of the British Isles) City History Museum (Stadtgeschichtliches Museum) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Leipzig in black. 25 years Wave Gotik Treffen" The exhibition tells not only the story of WGTs with his main Caesuras. You especially stories related to the WGT. Visitors and organizers tell of their experiences and experiences, disappointments and moments of happiness. And of course, it is also about the two main themes of the meeting: music and fashion. 13.00 h and 14:00 Guided tours through the Ausstellung15. 00 pm and 16:00 / / short guided tour through the exhibition in English Musical comedy (Musikalische Komödie) 20.00 Uhr Classic "Dracula" - musical based on the novel by Bram Stoker / / for WGT visitors are 50 seats available. A reservation is not possible! Opera (Oper) 18.00 Uhr "The fairies" - romantic Opera in three acts by Richard Wagner / / for WGT visitors are 200 seats available. A reservation is not possible! Battle of Nations monument (Völkerschlachtdenkmal) 19.00 Uhr Concert: Elbish rock Presented after the friendly in the past two years trombonist Hubertus Schmidt again a transcription of film music by Howard Shore: "The LOTR" in the "Rock" section! Theatre & Music Hall + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Open air theatre on the Täubchenthal (Freilichtbühne am Täubchenthal) 13.00 Uhr (Einlaß: 12.30 Uhr) Theatre: "the learned ladies" - comedy after Molière Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. Theatre & Music Hall Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen Krystallpalast (Krystallpalast) 13.00 Uhr "Every anniversary passes like a flatulence" - music cabaret with Clemens-Peter Wachenschwanz17. 00 and 20 h 00 "Dream catcher" - poetic Music Hall Loading time (Laden auf Zeit) 02.00 Uhr (Einlaß: 01.30 Uhr) Theatre: "the neurosis war" - comedy to Melanie Vega Haus Leipzig (Haus Leipzig) 13.30 Uhr + + + Readings + + + Readings + + + Einlaß14. 00 pm / / Lecture: Mark Benecke15. 45 pm Reading: Christian von Aster "Carpathian Christmas - sinistre Christmas present at the time of the may ' 17:15 / / reading: lex Wohnhaas"toll"18:45 Reading: Lydia Benecke "witch hunt - seemingly Satanic crimes" Moritzbastei (Council ton) (Moritzbastei (Ratstonne)) 14.30 Uhr Reading "Nachts(ch)icht. Reports out of the darkness"/ / presented by the Working Group for comparative mythology e.V. The new band from the series "Small mythological alphabet" is dedicated to this phenomenon with contributions to mythology and culture, physics, religion and literature. 16:00 Reading: "Wotan waiting for Wagner" / / presented by the Working Group for comparative mythology e.V. Staged reading with Reiner Tetzner as Wotan and Constance Timm as Rosalie Wagner / / moderation and Prologue: Elisabeth Klabunde Schiller House (Schillerhaus) 18.00 Uhr (Einlaß: 17.30 Uhr) Reading: "each of us is a ghost story writing - Lord Byron and his cronies on Lake Geneva, 1816" Presented by the theatrum muehrenbergarum Schwarz10 / custom Chamber (Schwarz10 / Sittenkammer) 15.00 Uhr Lecture: "presentation of existing projects of the subculture" (Participating and host present projects from their city, that could enrich the "Goth" culture.) 15:30 Diskussion17. 00 pm / / dinner on Spendenbasis17. 30 pm Guided tour of the project House "Schwarz10" and presentation of the alternative projects in the immediate vicinity Absintherie Sistine Chapel (Absintherie Sixtina) 08.00 Uhr Absinthfrühstück 10: 00 am small market in the courtyard of the Sistine Chapel (with "Mandragora", the "Sistine Chapel-shop" and "In Heaven") 10:00 ambience wake up with "After White Smoke" / / 14:00 concert: Vadot ("electro-Wave Rock") 16:00 concert: stubbornness ("dark rock") / / 18:00 concert: surprise guests from Dresden 20:00 concert: top dead Center ("spoken-word electric") / / 22:00 concert: Moran Magal ("progressive rock" from Israel) open end Autograph sessions at the Agra Hall 4.2 (Autogrammstunden in der Agra Halle 4.2) 13.00 Uhr – 13.45 Uhr Faun + + + Another + + + Another + + + Another + + + Another + + + Another + + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + 25. Wave Gotik Treffen 14:00 - 14:45 cinema strange & the Deadfly ensemble / / 15:00 - 15:45 ruined conflict 16:00 - 16:45 the Krupps / / 17:00 - 17:45 winter cold 18.00 - 18.45 wave: globe / / 19:00 - 19:45 Joachim Witt Association charity (Hilfsverein Nächstenliebe) 16.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr Knitting afternoon for the black romantics / / over coffee and pastries are shown old knitting techniques and exchanged experiences. Asked for a small donation for the material. Island (Insel) 13.00 Uhr Vampire RPG: "Vampire - the Masquerade" / / based on the homonymous spring - and sword - rules and regulations. La Petite Absintherie (La Petite Absintherie) ab 09.00 Uhr – Ende offen "Café D'absinthe" - absinthe specialties & "Crossover" NonTox (NonTox) 13.30 Uhr Konzert: System Noire 14:30 concert: body harvest / / 15:30 concert: electronic noise 16:30 concert: rabbit was at / / 17:30 concert: Dark Empire 18:30 concert: underclass / / 19:30 concert: Nicole 20:30 concert: [x] Rx / / 22:00 party with DJ Sven (underclass) & Jan (Desastroes) End 3:00 approx. Papa Hemingway (Papa Hemingway) 09.00 Uhr - 17.00 Uhr "Swing'n ' brunch & absinthe" 18:00 - 20:00 / / video lecture: Marcus Schwarz - "Inside the forensic entomology" 22:00 - end open "Electro Swing & Balkan Tech" with DJ Mrs. Ludwig Soup bar summa Raj (Soup Bar Summarum) 09.00 - 17.00 Uhr Breakfast & Absinth11. 00-12: 00 / / soup buffet & Absinthe Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. + + + Another + + + An Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen Meeting-kindergarten (Treffen-Kindergarten) 15.00 bis 22.00 Uhr Child care on the Agra Exhibition Centre / / trained and experienced staff will take care of the needs of your children. Minimum age: 3 years, up to 3 hours WGT-nail Studio (WGT-Nagelstudio) 12.00 Uhr – 00.00 Uhr Professional nail UV gel in numerous colors with an application of the WGT logo. Location: Agra Hall 1 during the WGT scene fair at the obelisk in addition to the official WGT goods stand. WGT-scene show (WGT-Szenemesse) 12.00 Uhr – 00.00 Uhr International dealers offer, suitable for every taste and purse, goods of any kind to. The official level of WGT goods for current devotional (program book, T-shirts, etc.), as well as historical collectibles (WGT ceramic mug, CDs and old editions of the "Pentecostal Messenger") is also here 4Rooms (4Rooms) 22.00 Uhr "Kill The Sunrise" / / dance floor 1: "Gothrock", "Deathrock", "Post Punk", "Cold Wave", "Wave", and "Minimal" with DJs Marc Zimmermann (Munich), UN5OUND (vanity Noire, Leipzig) and Ric (night of the shadow, SLT, Leipzig) Dance floor 2: / / "Minimal", "electro pop", "Old school EBM" and "electro-industrial classics" with DJ Whyolet (Braunschweig), DJ DAV3PO (sterile, Brunswick) and Ric Agra Hall 4.2. (Agra Halle 4.2.) 23.00 Uhr Einlaß 23.00 clock DJ Thomas Rainer (l'ame Immortelle) / / 02:00 DJ Steve weeks (London) Agra Café (Agra Café) 23.00 Uhr "Why So Serious?" / / "Rock", "Indie", "Alternative" with DJ The amazing Sean (strange night, high voltage) Beyerhaus-Keller (Beyerhaus-Keller) + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + Saturday + + + 25. Wave Gotik Treffen 22.00 Uhr The best of "Wave", "Goth", "Post Punk", "Minimum", "Industrial", "Dark Ambient", "Ritual", "Noise", "Power Electronics", "apocalyptic folk" and "Independent" DJ Siggi Sputnik & DJane avec Amour (necropolis), DJ Daniel (BAT society), DJ Charles Guilty & DJ Jo (no mercy) Dark flower (Dark Flower) 20.00 Uhr bis Ende offen Dance floor 1 DJ Oswald Henke (Goethe's heirs), DJ Shadowboy (Klangstabil), DJ CLAAS Grenayde (Lord of the lost), DJ Torben Schmidt (INFACTED records), DJ L.A.R.S (master DJ) dance floor 2 / / "UK ONE - Visual disaster" - the "J-rock" party with DJ A-M-Gilmore & Nishima Haus Leipzig (Haus Leipzig) 23.59 Uhr – Ende offen "Dark romantic dance" / / DJs: apocalyptic cocktails Moritzbastei (Moritzbastei) 20.00 Uhr Ratstonne: DJane Pixiebat (Schweden) 22.00 upper basement: "la Revolución industrial WGT Edition 2016" 00.00 clock event ton: DJ bad Gegonge & Markus Anton Müller (black Leipzig dances) End open Naumann's in the rock cellar (Naumanns im Felsenkeller) 23.00 Uhr – Ende offen "Nine inch nails party" Nine inch nails, "Industrial Rock", "ultra-heavy beats" with DJ Doll (Villa, EBM Warm-Up) & DJ dRiLL (terror dance) Taeubchenthal (Täubchenthal) 23.55 Uhr - Ende offen "When We Were Young" – (100% "Gothrock", "Post Punk", "Deathrock" and more) / / DJ BATCAT (darkroom, Ratz, Sweden) DJ Francis Cole (dark country events, Portugal) / / DJ MadLyn (vanity Noire, Leipzig) Villa (Villa) 23.00 Uhr "Black revelation" / / 1 dance floor - "Front 242-Special" DJs: Doll, INTOX dRILL, Matze / / 2nd dance floor - "4 decades of decay" Concert: Capsular / / DJs: Thorofon DJ team & guest 3. dance / / ("Minimal" / "Synth" / "Wave" / "UntergruNDW" / "80s" / "Obscurities") DJs: Riikka, Graepi & LinearNetrik People's Palace / dome (Volkspalast / Kuppelhalle) 21.00 Uhr – Ende offen "Bizarre obsession" / / the fetish & SM-party within the framework of the pitures 21.00 inlet / DJ & pain furniture outdoor / / 22.00 Bella Holmes fashion art & bar dance 22.15 clock DJs and catwalk / / 22.35 watch Dan Van Hoyel - "LaTeX suspension" 22.45 pm DJs and catwalk / / 23:05 Samira - burlesque show 23.15 clock DJs and catwalk / / 23.35 watch Anne Marie feces - 2-time world champion In the pole dance 23.45 clock DJs and catwalk / / 00.05 am the Sinderellas & Vita minima - vocals & bond package Darbietung 00.15 clock DJs and catwalk / / 00: 35 tourniquet costume art 12: 45 am DJs and catwalk Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. WGT music Chamber 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen Old stock exchange (Alte Börse) + + + & cemeteries xhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitionsChurches St. Peter's Church (Peterskirche) + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + 13.30 Uhr Concert: Duo song "Karol Szymanowski song cycle" art / / Eilika wish - soprano, Bernhard Wünsch - Klavier16. 00 pm Concert: "solo for a Somnambule" - Cesare Piano Kathrin Christians - flute, Hubertus Schmidt, trombone, Lydia Gorstein, Lukas Dreyer - cello, Isabel Gabbe - piano, Juliane Breinl - spokeswoman 15.30 Uhr "Stop" - Gothic Christ - "Gothic Christ XV" / / program: 15:30: open Kirche19. 00 pm / / Concert: Aurago21. 30 pm Concert: Current - "the Hound of Heaven (A Paraliturgical Opera in one Act)" Southern cemetery (Südfriedhof) 11.00 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr The funeral halls and the crematorium are to visit open. 15.30 / / concert: "Choral concert with the choir of Leipzig-Nord" Sound works by Richard Wagner, Mathieu Neumann and Max Reger among others. 17.00 Leadership: "whisper of cemetery part I: funeral crowns, revenants and the fear of the apparent death" with the art historian Dr. Anja Kretschmer Meeting point: Plaza in front of the great Hall of mourning Agra Café (Agra-Café) ab 11.00 Uhr Exhibition of works by Nils Franke, Sabine Graf, Daniela Hellerforth, Andrew Tong, workshop Nimzer & Bernhardt and Ekaterina Zaydel Alina art gallery (Alina Art Galerie) 13.00 Uhr – 20.00 Uhr Exhibition: "head molt" with works by Jean Schmiedel Old stock exchange (Alte Börse) 13.00 Uhr – 17.30 Uhr Exhibition: "Flora Metaphorica" - works of art out of pressed flowers by Tina Altus Atelier Nord (Atelier Nord) 12.00 – 18.00 Uhr "Group exhibition to the 25 WGT" Works by eight artists from the fields of painting, graphic art and photography: Bernhard Berres, Falko Kamel, Matthias Kreher, Lagqaffe, Kai Meier, Michael Schreckenberger, Eckhard Sieber and Dina four. Egyptian Museum (Ägyptisches Museum) 10.00 Uhr – 17.00 Uhr Free entry granted to visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. 14:00 - 15:30 / / "Life in this world and in the hereafter in the old Egypt" (Guide in German language in two groups with Dr. Sabine cubic and PD Dr. Dietrich Raue) 15:30 "Life in this world and in the hereafter in the old Egypt" / / (leadership in English language with Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert) Bibliotheca Albertina (Bibliotheca Albertina) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "eerie close. Great apes as a European sensation "15:00 / / lecture:" monkey business: how monkeys have invaded the literature "with Elmar Schenkel, Professor of English at the University of Leipzig" The Federal Commissioner for the Stasi documents (Der Bundesbeauftragte für StasiUnterlagen) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Goths, punks and co. - alternative youth in the crosshairs of the Stasi" German books and Scripture Museum (Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "reading a book? Hollywood reads"- photographs from the collection of Prof. Günter Karl Bose Read "Hollywood stars" such as Lillian Gish, Rudolfo Valentino, Marilyn Monroe and Humphrey Bogart, recorded on location, at home by the fireplace, in libraries or hotel lobbies. 10.00 h - 18:00 Exhibition: "Web break? Paper | Culture" The exhibition goes all world fabric paper to track down, looks back into the past and looking into the future. 11.00 "Little monster - sinister figures" - creative action for WGT visitors and their children Bat, Vampire or ghost lantern - with paper, scissors and glue can create charming creatures of the night, which will bring much joy large and small artists. German Horticultural Museum (Deutsches Kleingärtnermuseum) 10.00 Uhr – 17.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. The large central area with playground, as well as the rustic beer garden also invite to linger and feasting. Gallery KUB (Galerie KUB) 14.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "test Dept. -Total state machine "16:00 / / screening:"test Dept. " -DS30 " Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + ay + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunda 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Grassi-Museum für Angewandte Kunst) 10.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr Visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting is to permanent collection and the temporary exhibitions ("faces of the Wave-Gotik meeting. 10 years of Pentecostal whispers"and"Applied art from the Netherlands and Flanders") free entry granted. 12.00 Leadership: "per fumum. Europe's scents and the Orient"/ / meeting point: box office foyer By Hatshepsut to Coco Chanel with perfume samples through the centuries (with Axel Menz) 14:00 and 16:00 "Chic through the centuries - rock foundations, corsets and collars since the Renaissance" / / future stage - and costume cutters show their work Grassi Museum of musical instruments (Grassi-Museum für Musikinstrumente) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Admission granted. 13.30 and 14:30 visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting is free "Oh, how hungry my spirits: fear of death, longing for the afterlife and resurrection." Guided tour with music of the 18th and 19th centuries." Leadership with Baroque music presented by the vocal ensemble parfois parfait and Thierry Gelloz Grassi Museum für Völkerkunde (Grassi-Museum für Völkerkunde) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting is free entry granted. 12.00 - 16.00 / / "Traditional hand-tapping tattoos from Indonesia" Conversation with the "Tattoo" Durga and tattoo Schau13. 00 pm / / "Moko, Maoris and Mentawai - tattoo between tradition and trend" Conversation with the "tattoo" n Durga and Volle15. 00 pm / / panel discussion: "Body modification - sukulturelles phenomenon or part of mass culture?" The journalist and author of the book "Fürs life drawn - body modification and body discourse" Tobias Prüwer in the interview with the anthropologist Alexandra Schulz and the "Tattoo" Volle17. 00 pm Film: "flaming heart" In her documentary, the directors of Oliver ruts and Andrea Schuler portray three pioneers of the German "tattoo"-scene. Haus Leipzig (Foyer & Gallery) (Haus Leipzig (Foyer & Galerie)) 13.30 Uhr – 05.00 Uhr Exhibition: "gesture" Gerd Lehmann series 150 calendar leaves of the popular "gesture" - lunar calendar - with portrait photographs of the Leipzig photo artist Hotel Fürstenhof / serpentine Hall (Hotel Fürstenhof / Serpentinsaal) 13.00 Uhr – 19.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Philosophia mode of Lucardis Feist" Moritzbastei / upper cellar (Moritzbastei / Oberkeller) 14.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr "Exhibition:"Art Council #19"with works by Frank Schletter and Pia Zschuckelt" Museum of fine arts (Museum der bildenden Künste) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to the exhibition, the permanent collections and the exhibitions by Manaf Halbouni, Anselm Kiefer, IMI Knoebel, Thomas Scheibitz, Ben Willikens, Stefan Koppelkamm and via Lewandowsky visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. Museum of printing art (Museum für Druckkunst) 11.00 Uhr -17.00 Uhr Free entry granted. 12.00 will be visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting for the permanent collection and the temporary exhibitions ("printed values" historical securities from two centuries, as well as "from hand written letters" with impressive calligraphic original letters of renowned graphic designer, typographer and Publisher) Public guided tour through the collection with demonstrations of historical machines Promenade station (Promenaden Hauptbahnhof) 05.00 Uhr - 23.00 Uhr Photo exhibition "25 years of Wave-Gotik-Treffen" with works by Gerd Lehmann, Corwin of Kuhwede, Jenly, & seventh sin, Daniel rich, Ingrid Elsner, David Xavier, reset icon DeVore and Marco Gazaneo City History Museum (Stadtgeschichtliches Museum) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Leipzig in black. 25 years Wave Gotik Treffen" The exhibition tells not only the story of WGTs with his main Caesuras. You especially stories related to the WGT. Visitors and organizers tell of their experiences and experiences, disappointments and moments of happiness. And of course, it is also about the two main themes of the meeting: music and fashion. 13.00 h and 14:00 Guided tours through the Ausstellung15. 00 pm and 16:00 / / short guided tour through the exhibition in English Congress Hall (Kongresshalle) + + + Classic + + + Classic + + + Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion 19.00 Uhr Johannes Brahms: Violin Concerto in d major op. 77 / / Max Reger: Violin Concerto in a major op. 101 Leipzig Mendelssohn Orchestra | Ulf Wallin (violin) / / line: David Timm There are 50 seats available for WGT visitors. A reservation is not possible! Musical comedy (Musikalische Komödie) 18.00 Uhr "Dracula" - musical based on the novel by Bram Stoker / / for WGT visitors are 50 seats available. A reservation is not possible! Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. Theatre & Music Hall+ + + Classic + + + Classic + + + Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen Opera (Oper) 18.00 Uhr "Rienzi" - Grand tragic opera in five acts by Richard Wagner / / for WGT visitors are 200 seats available. A reservation is not possible! Battle of Nations monument (Völkerschlachtdenkmal) Readings 19.00 Uhr Concert: Midgard messengers / / "The Iliad of Homer" - a myth in the Klang21. 00 pm "God with us" / / Concerto for large brass ensemble, percussion and organ Krystallpalast (Krystallpalast) 14.00 Uhr "Merry die - stories and songs from the end" - Claudia Gräf, Axel Thielmann and Thilo Augsten. 18.00 "Dream catcher" - poetic Music Hall Haus Leipzig (Haus Leipzig) 13.30 Uhr Einlaß14. 00 pm / / Lecture: Mark Benecke15. 45 pm Reading: Thomas Manegold "Bi-polar and fun" 17:15 / / reading: Veit & Saskia Etzold beauty and he reads"- a thriller event" 19:00 Reading: Christian von Aster "Hell heart - a tragic nature Erotopoetische Diableske" Schiller House (Schillerhaus) 20.30 Uhr "But the ew unenträtselt ' night ' / / Novalis -"Hymns to the night"(recitation & music: Ulrike against forest and Anne Schildt) Absintherie Sistine Chapel (Absintherie Sixtina) 08.00 Uhr Absinthfrühstück 10: 00 am small market in the courtyard of the Sistine Chapel (with "Mandragora", the "Sistine Chapel-shop" and "In Heaven") 10:00 ambience wake up with "After White Smoke" / / 14:00 concert: Daniel Malheur ("Salon tenor" with Gramophone) 18:00 concert: unloved ("dark Jazz") / / 20:00 concert: snow white ("romantic punk") 22:00 concert: Darkplain ("deep acoustic music") / / open end Autograph sessions at the Agra Hall 4.2 (Autogrammstunden in der Agra Halle 4.2) 13.00 Uhr – 13.45 Uhr Lord Of The Lost + + + Another + + + Another + + + Another + + + Another + + + + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + 25. Wave Gotik Treffen 14:00 - 14:45 my dying bride / / 15:00 - 15:45 Darkhaus 16:00 - 16:45 Trollfest / / 17:00 - 17:45 Machinista 18.00 - 18.45 Orange sector La Petite Absintherie (La Petite Absintherie) ab 09.00 Uhr – Ende offen "Café D'absinthe" - absinthe specialties & classical music NonTox (NonTox) 13.30 Uhr Konzert: Desastroes 14:30 concert: profane finality / / 15:30 concert: Neustrohm 16:30 concert: lights of euphoria / / 17:30 concert: in good faith 18:30 concert: formalin / / 19:30 concert: terror frequency 20:30 concert: Rotersand / / 22:00 party with DJ Lutz (Neustrohm) & Björn (System Noire) End 3:00 approx. Papa Hemingway (Papa Hemingway) 09.00 Uhr - 17.00 Uhr "Café Noir brunch & absinthe" 18:00 - 20:00 / / video lecture: Marcus Schwarz - "Inside the forensic entomology" 21:00 - end open "Dark Latin Groove" with DJ El Vampiro de Cuba Soup bar summa Raj (Soup Bar Summarum) 09.00 - 17.00 Uhr Breakfast & Absinth11. 00-12: 00 / / soup buffet & Absinthe Meeting-kindergarten (Treffen-Kindergarten) 15.00 bis 22.00 Uhr Child care on the Agra Exhibition Centre / / trained and experienced staff will take care of the needs of your children. Minimum age: 3 years, up to 3 hours WGT-nail Studio (WGT-Nagelstudio) 12.00 Uhr – 00.00 Uhr Professional nail UV gel in numerous colors with an application of the WGT logo. Location: Agra Hall 1 during the WGT scene fair at the obelisk in addition to the official WGT goods stand. WGT-scene show (WGT-Szenemesse) 12.00 Uhr – 00.00 Uhr International dealers offer, suitable for every taste and purse, goods of any kind to. The official level of WGT goods for current devotional (program book, T-shirts, etc.), as well as historical collectibles (WGT ceramic mug, CDs and old editions of the "Pentecostal Messenger") is also here Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sunday + + + Sund Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen 4Rooms (4Rooms) 22.00 Uhr "Depeche Mode party vs. minimum compromise" / / dance floor 1: The best of 35 years Depeche Mode with "Video Show" / / presented by DJ_Martin (Leipzig) Dance floor 2: / / "Minimal Synth", "Cold Wave", "New Wave", "NDW", "Italo disco" and "80s" DJane Sheatle (Chemnitz) and DJ Tracy Sputnik (Mexico) Agra Hall 4.2. (Agra Halle 4.2.) 23.00 Uhr Einlaß 23.00 clock DJ Chris harms (Lord of the lost) / / 02:00 DJ Sven Friedrich (solar fake) + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + Agra Café (Agra Café) 23.00 Uhr "Nightly freak Café" / / "Goth Rock", "Post Punk", "Indie", "Minimal Wave", "EBM" with DJ sleeper (fade & remain) and DJ Schlö (catacomb) Beyerhaus-Keller (Beyerhaus-Keller) 22.00 Uhr The best of "Wave", "Goth", "Post Punk", "Minimum", "Industrial", "Dark Ambient", "Ritual", "Noise", "Power Electronics", "apocalyptic folk" and "Independent" Blancmange & DJane Whyolet (night of the shadow), DJ DAV3PO (sterile) Dark flower (Dark Flower) 20.00 Uhr bis Ende offen Dance floor 1 DJ Dero (oomph!), DJ Daniel graves (aesthetic the TIC perfection), the pirate twins (DJ William Faith, faith and the Muse & DJ Scary Lady Sarah), DJ Günter (Meyer WINS / X Herford), DJ Andi (Abby), DJ [lupus-c] (master DJ) & surprise DJ Dance floor 2 / / "Electronic Frequencies" ("Industrial" / "Noise" / "Breaks" / "drum 'n' bass" / "Dubstep" / "Electronics") with: DJ Thedi (Kiev), DJ Hell (la Revolucion industrial), DJ frequen-C (<1979>), DJ ANNdorphin</1979> Haus Leipzig (Haus Leipzig) 23.59 Uhr – Ende offen "God dance" / / DJ: ToM Manegold Moritzbastei (Moritzbastei) 20.00 Uhr Ratstonne: Geisterwelt DJ-Team (Griechenland) 22.00 upper basement: DJ Zono (Japan) / / 00.00 clock event ton: DJs the Horrorist (New York), BLAC Kolor & Daniel Myer (Haujobb) End open Black 10 / custom Chamber (Schwarz 10 / Sittenkammer) 22.00 Uhr – Ende offen "Futile horizon" closing party / / dance floor 1: "90's Gothic" with Dan una Shamaa & DJ Rosedemon / / dance floor 2: open DJ booth (15-60 minutes available for "EBM", "Industrial" and "Gothic Rock") those interested may please report upon arrival at the bar. & exhibitions Museums + +&+cemeteries ions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions Chamber + + + Churches WGT music onday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Taeubchenthal (Täubchenthal) 23.55 Uhr - Ende offen "When We Were Young" – (100% "Gothrock", "Post Punk", "Deathrock" and more) / / DJ Spooky Shaz (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Club 1334, Australia) DJ Tuxxedomoon (lost sounds, Bochum) / / DJ slow pulse boy (unknown pleasures, Bremen) Old stock exchange (Alte Börse) 13.30 Uhr Concert: "theremin in the WGT" - for Franzis / / portrait of composer Moritz Eggert Moritz Eggert - piano & harmonium, Lydia Kavina - theremin, Kathrin Christians - flute, Lukas Dreyer - Violoncello16. 00 pm Concert: Ensemble Amarilli - "Corrispondenze" Alexandra Kollo - flutes, recorders and Eva Susanna Kuen Philipp Spätling - recorders, Jens Lohmann - vocals, viola da gamba, recorder Southern cemetery (Südfriedhof) 16.00 Uhr Leadership: "whisper of the graveyard part II: Rund um's body - body guard, corpse rape, body fat and body photography" with the art historian Dr. Anja Kretschmer Meeting point: Plaza in front of the great Hall of mourning Agra Café (Agra-Café) ab 11.00 Uhr Exhibition of works by Nils Franke, Sabine Graf, Daniela Hellerforth, Andrew Tong, workshop Nimzer & Bernhardt and Ekaterina Zaydel Alina art gallery (Alina Art Galerie) 13.00 Uhr – 20.00 Uhr Exhibition: "head molt" with works by Jean Schmiedel Old stock exchange (Alte Börse) 20.00 Uhr – 00.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Flora Metaphorica" - works of art out of pressed flowers by Tina Altus Atelier Nord (Atelier Nord) 12.00 – 18.00 Uhr "Group exhibition to the 25 WGT" Works by eight artists from the fields of painting, graphic art and photography: Bernhard Berres, Falko Kamel, Matthias Kreher, Lagqaffe, Kai Meier, Michael Schreckenberger, Eckhard Sieber and Dina four. Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibitions + + + Museums & exhibition Classic Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen Bibliotheca Albertina (Bibliotheca Albertina) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "eerie close. Great apes as a European sensation" The Federal Commissioner for the Stasi documents (Der Bundesbeauftragte für StasiUnterlagen) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Goths, punks and co. - alternative youth in the crosshairs of the Stasi" Gallery KUB (Galerie KUB) 14.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "test Dept. -Total state machine "16:00 / / screening:"test Dept. " -DS30 " Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Grassi-Museum für Angewandte Kunst) 10.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr Visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting is to permanent collection and the temporary exhibitions ("faces of the Wave-Gotik meeting. 10 years of Pentecostal whispers"and"Applied art from the Netherlands and Flanders") granted free admission. Grassi Museum of musical instruments (Grassi-Museum für Musikinstrumente) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. Grassi Museum für Völkerkunde (Grassi-Museum für Völkerkunde) 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. Haus Leipzig (Foyer & Gallery) (Haus Leipzig (Foyer & Galerie)) 13.30 Uhr – 05.00 Uhr Exhibition: "gesture" Gerd Lehmann series 150 calendar leaves of the popular "gesture" - lunar calendar - with portrait photographs of the Leipzig photo artist Hotel Fürstenhof / serpentine Hall (Hotel Fürstenhof / Serpentinsaal) 13.00 Uhr – 19.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Philosophia mode of Lucardis Feist" Moritzbastei / upper cellar (Moritzbastei / Oberkeller) 14.00 Uhr – 18.00 Uhr "Exhibition:"Art Council #19"with works by Frank Schletter and Pia Zschuckelt" Museum of fine arts (Museum der bildenden Künste) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Free admission is granted to the exhibition, the permanent collections and the exhibitions by Manaf Halbouni, Anselm Kiefer, IMI Knoebel, Thomas Scheibitz, Ben Willikens, Stefan Koppelkamm and via Lewandowsky visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting. Museum of printing art (Museum für Druckkunst) 11.00 Uhr -17.00 Uhr Free entry granted. 12.00 will be visitors of the Wave-Gotik meeting for the permanent collection and the temporary exhibitions ("printed values" historical securities from two centuries, as well as "from hand written letters" with impressive calligraphic original letters of renowned graphic designer, typographer and Publisher) Public guided tour through the collection with demonstrations of historical machines Promenade station (Promenaden Hauptbahnhof) 05.00 Uhr - 23.00 Uhr Photo exhibition "25 years of Wave-Gotik-Treffen" with works by Gerd Lehmann, Corwin of Kuhwede, Jenly, & seventh sin, Daniel rich, Ingrid Elsner, David Xavier, reset icon DeVore and Marco Gazaneo City History Museum (Stadtgeschichtliches Museum) 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Exhibition: "Leipzig in black. 25 years Wave Gotik Treffen" The exhibition tells not only the story of WGTs with his main Caesuras. You especially stories related to the WGT. Visitors and organizers tell of their experiences and experiences, disappointments and moments of happiness. And of course, it is also about the two main themes of the meeting: music and fashion. Opera (Oper) 15.00 Uhr "Mozart Requiem" - ballet by Mario Schröder, music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / / for WGT visitors are 300 places available. A reservation is not possible! Haus Leipzig (Haus Leipzig) Readings + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Mon 25. Wave Gotik Treffen 13.30 Uhr Einlaß14. 00 pm / / Lecture: Mark Benecke15. 45 pm Reading: Markus Heitz "Wédōra. Dust & blood "17:15 / / Sascha Blach" short stories & poetry to Eden crying In the grave "18:45 Reading: Alexander nym "25 years WGT. Leipzig in black, then and now "19:30 / / lecture: Andi Harriman" A desire for Dramaticism - style and image in the 80s Goth subculture Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen Absintherie Sistine Chapel (Absintherie Sixtina) 08.00 Uhr Absinthfrühstück 10: 00 am small market in the courtyard of the Sistine Chapel (with "Mandragora", the "Sistine Chapel-shop" and "In Heaven") 10:00 ambience wake up with "After White Smoke" / / 14:00 concert: arise-X ("electro") 16:00 concert: perfection Doll ("dark wave") / / 18:00 concert: surprise guests from the United Kingdom 20:00 concert: FairyDust ("folk") / / 22:00 reading: "Trywwidt" ("urban fantasy" with elves, vampires, and a botanist) open end + + + Another + + + Another + + + Another + + + Another + + + Autograph sessions at the Agra Hall 4.2 (Autogrammstunden in der Agra Halle 4.2) 13.00 Uhr – 13.45 Uhr Balzac 14:00 - 14:45 Neuroticfish / / 15:00 - 15:45 fornication 16:00 - 16:45 and so the trees / / 17:00 - 17:45 aesthetic perfection 18.00 - 18.45 Gothminister Central cabaret (Centralkabarett) 18.00 Uhr (Einlaß: 17.30 Uhr) Concert: Liquid words La Petite Absintherie (La Petite Absintherie) ab 09.00 Uhr – Ende offen "Café D'absinthe" - absinthe specialties & "Crossover" Papa Hemingway (Papa Hemingway) 09.00 Uhr - 17.00 Uhr "Victorian brunch & absinthe" 20:00 - end open / / "Cinema Noir" - classics of the silent film Soup bar summa Raj (Soup Bar Summarum) 09.00 - 17.00 Uhr Frühstück11. 00-12: 00 / / soup buffet Meeting-kindergarten (Treffen-Kindergarten) 15.00 bis 22.00 Uhr Child care on the Agra Exhibition Centre / / trained and experienced staff will take care of the needs of your children. Minimum age: 3 years, up to 3 hours WGT-nail Studio (WGT-Nagelstudio) 12.00 Uhr – 22.00 Uhr Professional nail UV gel in numerous colors with an application of the WGT logo. Location: Agra Hall 1 during the WGT scene fair at the obelisk in addition to the official WGT goods stand. WGT-scene show (WGT-Szenemesse) 12.00 Uhr – 22.00 Uhr International dealers offer, suitable for every taste and purse, goods of any kind to. The official level of WGT goods for current devotional (program book, T-shirts, etc.), as well as historical collectibles (WGT ceramic mug, CDs and old editions of the "Pentecostal Messenger") is also here Agra Hall 4.2. (Agra Halle 4.2.) 23.00 Uhr Einlaß + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + Parties + + + 23.00 clock DJ Diva & DJ Ecki Stieg / / 02:00 DJ Dirk Ivens vs. DJ Borg Beyerhaus-Keller (Beyerhaus-Keller) 22.00 Uhr The best of "Wave", "Goth", "Post Punk", "Minimum", "Industrial", "Dark Ambient", "Ritual", "Noise", "Power Electronics", "apocalyptic folk" and "Independent" DJ Cyberpagan (outsiders party), DJ Gianfranco (grotesque Modena), DJ niddhöggr & DJ tvod (Chamber music e.V., Darmstadt) Dark flower (Dark Flower) 20.00 Uhr bis 06.00 Uhr WGT graduation / / dance floor 1 "St. Vitus's Dance (vol. 126) "- the 'Medieval rock' - party - line / / dance floor 2" "Darkflower Club Classix" / / DJ JU age (age of heaven), DJ, DJ Botox & DJ SGIndustry (master DJs) Moritzbastei (Moritzbastei) 20.00 Uhr Ratstonne: „New Wave Romantik Party“ 22.00 upper basement: DJ Frank D'Angelo [: SITD:] & Marc urban / / 00.00 clock event ton: "Industry GNM - WGT finals 2016" End open Taeubchenthal (Täubchenthal) 23.55 Uhr - Ende offen "Vanity Noire vs." "The graveyard scene" / / "Wave", "Coldwave", "Post Punk", "Gothrock" and related DJane MadLyn & Knüpfi (vanity Noire, Leipzig) / / DJ SIOUXSIRA & DJ TOM-I (the graveyard scene, Zurich) People's Palace / canteen (Volkspalast / Kantine) 23.59 Uhr – Ende offen Closing party with DJ Merlin & DJ spikey / / "Neofolk", "apocalyptic folk", "Ritual" and "Ambient" WGT music Chamber + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + Monday + + + M 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Old stock exchange (Alte Börse) 13.30 Uhr Concert: "electric final - the last mad-flower-house whales tango" - for Dr. Caligari Kathrin Christians - flute, Elisabeth Neuser - p recorder, Hendrik Schnöke - clarinet, piano - cello, Isabel Gabbe - Lukas Dreyer, Anita Steiner - pantomime Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de. + + + Monday + + WGT music Chamber 25. Wave Gotik Treffen Mistakes and changes are possible. Data from the 09.05.2016 SpielplanVersion Framework programme 25.Wave Gotik Treffen Lyceum for piano (Lyzeum für Klavier) 12.00 Uhr Young WGT music Chamber / / International young artists confront the WGT to audience: Thalia Lauer - cello, Haque Eve Marty - flute, Emily - harp, Joana Gadiraju - French Horn, Belen Ruales Aguilar - cello, Johanna Maennike & Carolina Sirui Cao - flute & piano, Lydia Gorstein - piano accompaniment, Anita Steiner - moderation Author: monkeypress.de | The Planner can be modified and redistributed as long as the author remains visible. License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 the plan is based on the publicly available information provided by wave Gothic Treffen.de.
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