標題 2016 年 4 月 1 日以降の中国長江デルタ水域における 燃料油規制について テクニカル インフォメーション No. 発行日 TEC-1068 2016 年 5 月 2 日 各位 2016 年 3 月 18 日付 ClassNK テクニカル・インフォメーション No. TEC-1063 にてお知らせ致しまし た通り、2016 年 4 月 1 日以降、長江デルタ水域内の主要港(上海港、寧波-舟山港、蘇州港、南通港) に停泊中の船舶は硫黄分濃度 0.5%以下の燃料油の使用が要求されるとの情報が中国海事局の Web ページに掲載されております。 本件に関しまして、浙江省交通運輸庁・浙江海事局より、寧波-舟山港における規制実施に係る公式 通知文書(中国語)が発行されておりますのでお知らせ致します。掲載 URL は以下の通りです。 浙江省交通運輸庁 Web ページ URL http://www.zjt.gov.cn/art/2016/4/1/art_29_921578.html 同文書によりますと、2016 年 4 月 1 日以降、寧波-舟山港のうち北侖、穿山、大榭、鎮海、梅山、嵊泗、 六横、定海、衢山、金塘の港区に停泊中(ただし到着後 1 時間、出発前 1 時間は除く)の船舶に対し て、硫黄分濃度 0.5%を超えない燃料油の使用が要求されます。また、燃料油切り替え系統の改造、 排ガス浄化システム等の代替措置関連の改造に必要な時間を考慮して、規制実施後 2 ヶ月間、違 反船舶に対する主な対応として警告及び違反の是正が実施されます。詳細につきましては、同文書 の弊会仮訳(添付 1)をご参照下さい。 また、他の主要港(上海港、蘇州港、南通港)における規制実施に関しましては、別途、各港の管轄 当局より公式通知文書(中国語)が発行されております。掲載 URL は以下の通りです。 上海港 - 上海海事局 Web ページ URL http://www.shmsa.gov.cn/NewsContent.aspx?CatalogId=4e0e0ea3-28cc-4091-b288-ace0839f2dcf &ContentId=1533ea0a-39ca-4f52-b57e-1104c01ed6ad 蘇州港・南通港 - 江蘇海事局 Web ページ URL http://www.jsmsa.gov.cn/art/2016/4/1/art_10719_1179539.html 上海港、蘇州港、南通港における 2016 年 4 月 1 日からの規制実施に関して、ClassNK テクニカル・ インフォメーション No. TEC-1063 で通知済みの情報から特段の追加情報はございません。詳細につ きましては、それぞれ添付 2 及び 3 をご参照下さい。 (次頁に続く) NOTES: ClassNK テクニカル・インフォメーションは、あくまで最新情報の提供のみを目的として発行しています。 ClassNK 及びその役員、職員、代理もしくは委託事業者のいずれも、掲載情報の正確性及びその情報の利用あるいは依存により 発生する、いかなる損失及び費用についても責任は負いかねます。 バックナンバーは ClassNK インターネット・ホームページ(URL: www.classnk.or.jp)においてご覧いただけます。 ClassNK テクニカル・インフォメーション No. TEC-1068 なお、本件に関してご不明な点は、以下の部署にお問い合わせください。 一般財団法人 日本海事協会 (ClassNK) 本部 管理センター別館 機関部 住所: 東京都千代田区紀尾井町 3-3(郵便番号 102-0094) Tel.: 03-5226-2022 / 2023 Fax: 03-5226-2024 E-mail: [email protected] 添付: 1. 2. 3. 浙江省交通運輸庁・浙江海事局文書(仮英訳) 上海海事局文書(公式英訳版) 江蘇省交通運輸庁・江蘇海事局文書(仮英訳) 2 ClassNK テクニカルインフォメーション No. TEC-1068 添付 1. 关于浙江省实施船舶排放控制区的通告(浙交〔2016〕60 号) ClassNK 仮訳 Announcement of Zhejiang Provincial Transport Department and Zhejiang Maritime Safety Administration on Implementation of Emission Control Area in Waters of Zhejiang Province In order to enforce “Law of the People`s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution”, to improve the air quality and to facilitate the development of Zhejiang Shipping, according to “Implementation Plan on Emission Control Areas in Waters of the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and Bohai Rim (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei)” (hereinafter referred to as “Implementation Plan”) and the “Ministry of Transport’s reply on earlier implementation of the Yangtze River Delta Emission Control Area by core ports”, in combination with the actual situation of our province, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government issues the “Work Plan on Implementing the Emission Control Areas in Waters of Zhejiang Province”(hereinafter referred to as “Work Plan”). The requirements of the Work Plan are as follows: I. Applicable Scope: The sea area and inland water area within Zhejiang Province was defined in ‘Implementation Plan’, and the core port area is Ningbo-Zhoushan Port. Details are as follows: Sea area: • The joining point of coastlines of Zhejiang and Shanghai, and the point where the seaward extension of 12 nautical miles from the joining point of coastlines and Haijiao terminates. • The joining point of coastlines of Taizhou and Wenzhou, and the point where the seaward extension of 12 nautical miles from the joining point of coastlines of Taizhou and Wenzhou terminates. Inland water area: • The navigable waters of the rivers under the jurisdiction by Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Huzhou, Shaoxing, Ningbo, Taizhou. II. The emission control requirements will be imposed in the area of Beilun, Chuanshan, Daxie, Zhenhai, Meishan, Shengsi, Liuheng, Dinghai, Qushan, Jintang within Ningbo-Zhoushan Port of Zhejiang Province on and after 1st April 2016. Vessels navigating, anchoring or operating in the waters of emission control areas mentioned above, excluding military vessels, sport vessels and fishing boats, shall meet the requirements of the Implementation Plan and the Work Plan. III. Vessels engaged in international voyages shall be in compliance with relevant international conventions which China has contracted or joined, and the Work Plan. The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board vessels berthing at the area of Beilun, Chuanshan, Daxie, Zhenhai, Meishan, Shengsi, Liuheng, Dinghai, Qushan, Jintang within Ningbo-Zhoushan Port (excluding the first hour after arrival and the last hour before departure) shall not exceed 0.5% m/m on and after 1 April 2016. In consideration of the retrofit schedule for vessel fuel oil transfer system and alternative measures, the main treatment for vessels in violation of the requirements is warning, education and correction of violations within two months after implementation. IV. Based on the monitoring and assessment of the implementation of the aforementioned control measures, and with consent of the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government, Zhejiang Provincial Transportation Department, Zhejiang Maritime Safety Administration and Zhejiang Provincial Environmental Department will declare the dates for implementing the following control measures in due time in advance: (i) The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board vessels entering waters within Yangtze River Delta emission control area shall not exceed 0.5% m/m. (ii) The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board vessels berthing at Yangtze River Delta emission control area shall not exceed 0.1% m/m. (iii) The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board vessels entering waters within the Yangtze River Delta emission control area shall not exceed 0.1% m/m. V. Vessels can take alternative measures equivalent to the aforementioned control measures, such as, using shore power, clean energy and exhaust gas after-treatment. VI. According to the requirements of Work Plan and ministry of transport, maritime administrative institution and port administration department should strengthen the supervision on ships emission control area in accordance with the division of responsibilities. VII. This Announcement is valid until 31 December 2020. ClassNK テクニカルインフォメーション No. TEC-1068 添付 2. Notice on Supervision of Domestic Emission Control Area by Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration of P. R. China In order to enforce the "Implementation Plan on Domestic Emission Control Areas in Waters of the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai Rim (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei) " (hereinafter referred to as "Implementation Plan") and the "Work Plan on Implementing Domestic Emission Control Areas in Waters of Shanghai Port" (hereinafter referred to as "Work Plan"), in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of China, the following requirements shall be complied with: 1. Ships shall meet the requirements of international conventions and domestic laws and regulations of China on emission control of SOx, NOx and particulate matter. While ships are berthing in Shanghai Port, the sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships (including main engine, auxiliary machinery, boiler and generator) (excluding the first hour after arrival and the last hour prior to departure) shall not exceed 0.5% m/m on and after 1 April 2016. “Berthing in Shanghai Port” is defined as the period of time when the ship is firmly fastened to a bollard till all the cables of the ship are untied, which excludes anchoring and tying to buoys by the ship. 2. Inland waterways ships and river-sea intermodal ships shall use diesel oil in compliance with the GB252 criteria. Residual fuel oil are not allowed to be used on those ships. A river-sea intermodal ship means an inland waterways ship which navigates in the specific waters near estuaries after meeting the requirements as required on construction and equipment. The sulphur content of diesel oil used on public service ships, recreational ships, passenger ferries, garbage and sewage collection ships and vessels navigating, berthing or operating in the core area of the Huangpu River (from NanPu Bridge to 100 meters downstream the ChuanYang River Mouth) shall not exceed the limits required by the national IV standards for diesel oil used on motor vehicles (0.005% m/m). 3. Bunkering of fuels and transfer of fuels shall be entered in the Oil Record Book. If ships are not necessary to keep an Oil Record Book, bunkering of fuels and transfer of fuels shall be entered in the Deck Log Book or the Engine Log Book. Ships shall retain the bunker delivery note for 3 years and fuel samples for 1 year. 4. Ships having to change over fuel oils shall carry a written procedure defining how to change over the fuel oil. The Fuel Oil Change-over Procedure shall be a part of the Safety Manage System. For ships not required to be included in the Safety Management System, Fuel Oil Change-over Procedure shall be covered by related management rules. The change-over operation of fuel oil shall comply with the Fuel Oil Change-over Procedure. The information shall be entered in the Engine Log Book such as the date, time, position of ship, sulfur content of fuel oil, the volume of low sulfur fuel oils in tanks as well as the name of operator when the fuel oil change-over begins and ends to work. 5. Ships can take alternative measures equivalent to the aforementioned control measures, such as shore power, clean energy, exhaust gas cleaning system and etc. If a wharf can provide shore power and a ship can match with the connector in safety condition, shore power shall prevail. 6. Ships, using clean energy and exhaust gas cleaning system as alternative measures, shall report to Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration (hereinafter referred to as “Shanghai MSA”) prior to berthing alongside Shanghai port through VHF, phone call, fax or e-mail, etc. Shanghai MSA will verify those alternative and equivalent measures on site. 7. Ships, using alternative measures, shall comply with the requirements as follows: .1 The shore power shall be operated according to the procedure manual and safe operation guidance as required, which is also available to the power supplier. The date, time as well as the name of operator of shore power for starting and ending shall be entered in the Engine Log Book. .2 For ships, using clean energy, shall indicate the type of energy in the International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate or Air Pollution Prevention Certificate, and ensure the clean energy sufficient and keep the corresponding equipment in good condition. The bunkering and usage of clean fuels shall be entered in the Engine Log Book or other related Log Book. Ships, using dual fuel power, shall record the information in the Engine Log Book such as the date, time, and position of ship as well as the name of operator when the fuel oil change-over begins and ends to work. .3 Ships, using exhaust gas cleaning system, shall hold the certificate of exhaust gas cleaning system issued by ship survey agencies and indicate it in the International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate. The ships shall keep the exhaust gas cleaning system in good condition and ensure the discharging of the exhaust gas and bleed-off water from the system to meet the requirements by the international conventions and domestic criteria. The date, time, position of ship, name of operator, when exhaust gas cleaning system begins and ends to work, shall be entered in the Engine Log Book. 8. The ship can, if unsafe by using the low sulphur fuel oil, apply for an exemption in advance. The shipping company or agency shall provide Shanghai MSA with a written application form (see Annex 1) and related documents, and obtain the exemption after approval. 9. In case of the follow circumstances, the ship can apply for exceptions: .1 with a Fuel Oil Change-over Procedure on board and changing over fuel oils as required, but unfeasible to finishing the operations in an hour after berthing alongside ports; .2 with a log book recording the estimated date and time of departure, the information of the accident happened before departure, which demonstrates that the ship can not meet relevant requirements due to the accidents. .3 non-compliant fuel oil used on board due to the fault of a bunker company; .4 compliant fuel oil still unavailable to be obtained after all efforts made; .5 impermissible to use the compliant fuel oil due to emergencies. The ship shall submit a written application form and relevant files (see Annex 1) to Shanghai MSA for the exception approval. In case of 9.1, 9.2 or 9.5, the application shall be submitted as soon as the accident or emergency happens through VHF, phone call, etc. and then the written document shall be provided as a supplement. In case of 9.3 or 9.4, the written application shall be submitted in advance. 10. Bunker companies shall ensure the fuel oils supplied compliant to the criteria and requirements. The oil samples from fuel oil each batch shall be retained for at least one year. Bunker ship shall retain the fuel oil qualification test report issued by the qualified inspection agencies or the copy of it on board. Bunker companies shall not be allowed to provide inland waterways ships and river-sea intermodal ships with the residual fuel oil and heavy oil. 11. In case of any violation to the aforementioned provisions, Shanghai MSA can impose enforcement measures to the ships such as issuing penalty, detaining vessels, prohibiting operations, etc. 12. This Notice shall come into force on the date of its promulgation In case of any divergence of implementation, interpretation or application, the Chinese text shall prevail. ClassNK テクニカルインフォメーション No. TEC-1068 添付 3. 江苏省交通运输厅 江苏海事局关于长三角水域 江苏省实施船舶排放控制区的通告(苏交海〔2016〕4 号)ClassNK 仮訳 Announcement of Jiangsu Provincial Transport Department and Jiangsu Maritime Safety Administration on Implementation of Emission Control Area in Yangtze River Delta Waters of Jiangsu Province In order to facilitate the development of Jiangsu Shipping, to improve the energy-saving and emission-reduction, according to the requirements of “Laws of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution”, “Implementation Plan on Emission Control Areas in Waters of the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and Bohai Rim (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei)” and the “Ministry of Transport’s reply on earlier implementation of the Yangtze River Delta Emission Control Area by core ports”, Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government issues the “Work Plan on Implementing the Emission Control Areas in Yangtze River Delta Waters of Jiangsu Province”(hereinafter referred to as “Work Plan”). The requirements of the Work Plan are as follows: I. The emission control areas in Yangtze River Delta Waters of Jiangsu Province include the following sea area and inland water area. Sea area: • The coastal sea area of Jiangsu Province: - the north of joining point of coastlines of Jiangsu and Shanghai - the south of joining point of coastlines of Nantong and Yancheng Inland water area: • The navigable waters of the river under the jurisdiction of 8 cities including Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Nantong, Changzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou. The core ports are Suzhou and Nantong ports. II. The applicable vessels are the ships which are navigating, anchoring or operating in the emission control areas of Jiangsu Province, excluding military vessels, sport vessels and fishing boats. III. The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board vessels berthing at the core ports in the emission control areas (excluding the first hour after arrival and the last hour before departure) shall not exceed 5000mg/kg on and after 1 April 2016. The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board vessels berthing at all ports in the DECAs shall not exceed 5000mg/kg on and after 1 January 2018. The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board vessels entering the emission control areas shall not exceed 5000mg/kg on and after 1 January 2019. IV. Any fuel oil used on vessels engaged in international voyages and domestic sea-going vessels shall be in compliance with applicable international conventions and the Work Plan. Inland waterways ships and river-sea intermodel ships shall use diesel oil in compliance with the GB252 criteria. Residual fuel oil is not allowed to be used on these vessels. The sulphur content of diesel oil used on public service ships, Nantong – Suzhou passenger ferries, harbor vessels shall not exceed the limits required by the national IV standards for diesel fuels used on motor vehicles on and after 1 January 2017. V. Based on the monitoring and assessment of the implementation of the aforementioned control measures, and with consent of the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government, Zhejiang Provincial Transportation Department, Zhejiang Maritime Safety Administration and Zhejiang Provincial Environmental Department will declare the dates for implementing the following control measures in due time in advance: i. to introduce the requirement of 0.1% m/m sulphur content in the emission control areas; VI. ii. to extend the geographical scope of emission control areas; iii. to introduce other control measures. Vessels can take alternative measures equivalent to the aforementioned control measures, such as, using shore power, clean energy and treatment of exhaust gas. VII. According to the requirements of Working Plan and relevant requirements of Ministry of Transport, maritime administrative institutions and port administration departments should strengthen the supervision on ships emission control area in accordance with the division of responsibilities. Relative regulations of supervision (including exemption and disclaimer) will be announced later.
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