I2SoS-Kolloquium SoSe 2016

I2SoS-Kolloquium SoSe 2016
Tue, 16-18 h, U2-200
19.4. Olaf Müller (HU Berlin), Goethes experimentelle und wissenschaftsphilosophische Kritik
an Newtons Optik
26.4. Preparation of the Masterclass with Hasok Chang
Eran Tal (Philosophy, U. of Cambridge), The Shifting Economies of Measurement
10.5. No colloquium
17.5. Preparation of the Masterclass with Hasok Chang
24.5. Hasok Chang (U. of Cambridge), How does a battery work? The nature and growth of
technoscientific knowledge
Different location
31.5. Laura Graf (TUM), The many faces of academic success: Leistung und Anreize in Forschung und Lehre (FAceS)
FANG, Zaiqing (History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Einstein's 'ignorance'
and the "Needham Question"
14.6. Marcus Scholz (Economics, FH Wien), Die “rigour vs. relevance” Debatte in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre: How to serve the customer and still be truthful“
21.6. Alain Leplège (Philosophy, Paris Denis Diderot),
28.6. Cornelis Menke (Philosophy, Bielefeld), Questionable Research Practices (QRPs) and the
Economy of Research
Janet Kourany (Philosophy, U. of Notre Dame), The Science and Values Debate:
A taxonomy of Problems and Prospects
12.7. Minea Gartzlaff (HPSS, Bielefeld), Kritischer Austausch in wissenschaftlichen
Communities zur Erzeugung von Objektivität
19.7. No colloquium