|TEM 54632 IEAM HAHN RAGINGMANIGS 1/14th SCALE R/C ON ROAD RACING TRUCK # Officialy licensed by Hahn Racing GmbH ßütE cr ffi A;*rtJßarrlzii aao)+ , ä Eu- l. är:a A</:tL'" F Br;i *t. tVTt" tF * ? tJ;i EE* ä E ä r\+&äC@{E+16 b\ßatnT ä t t tt. l*i§ä oX S at ,l;irr< f:i!0.. arEo&E{.ll+,}tit Lr< r:tL\. #L=.y t f-'Pl1) fs.E,Jlht i.A, ,&tüfl.,1t Lz< ,:i! L\" a *f §l trAf +tt. GH täßr" tiäf, t? tro;ttltät<&ar. lEfi tifr {E L<fE,E L<</jüL'. *7'- lüHfae LZ</:ü1." -*ä9^@&§E+rlEf; a 4\ t r& b + lto) t, 4 $fr .c Q a+l ß LäLr?< l: t!\" IElii!1r?f.r. tJ\7\ tt t l-'Y qÜ.Ar^a,:F, C ::- tltä ä ä!§rto§Br:j a.,ärlr:jltiEä\#i 6 tl.*t J a ('{ *,? t tv L b.tt) t} " Z<l:tL'" A TAMTEA a:/r -:/#lEB,o,ffiE*A @, @(@). @ Tr*-FEaoÄ'ii:itL?<ä31\" / and bslovir in place ot corresponcling step in the relevanl chasBis aRefur to @,@ @ Attaching B/C mechanism units fi2rcrn Gi TF?L'E'< 'I'I )^i)^l aThis body can b€ used with TT-01 Typ€-E and TT-02 chassis. thow)ttt+ t ,t2cr,a,E, fiT-O,I TYPE-ECHASSIS) @ il<-)voffialt< 6I^ v kit instruction manual, )Vt ttT 0> l.i1- )v, | + \1- tvtl.öt)*t" fi .r-lro)firütt.ttä L<< f:JL'. ).^1- *Note diffsront front and rs wh€sl de§ign§. lfr-o2o)r'äl 6h \- (TT-02 chassis) *06rä ullrrSfr*tA,. *Donotaltsch D6. 777 U >rrr-,to)w.u lll, or 020DrEe) Attaching steering servo [TT-02 chassis) *1r )nPEW^4 r' o)W fJt Afr*4 Z*.t XAttach receiverswitch in position shown. " r+t:;+61\aE +-t-r./\-t3x10hmt ',€>rli7.lt&lßlr*+!L" ä. O2a, + *Moior coverand 3x1omm screw are rct attached when using wilh TT-02 cha$is- caurror.t aRead carelully and fully undercland the instructions before commencing awhen assemblins this kit, tools in- cludinq knives are used. Extra care should be taken to avoid personal iniury. aRoad and follow the instructions suppliecl with paints and/orcement, il used (not included in kit). aKeep out of reach o, smallchildren. Children must not be allowed to put äny parls in their mouths, or pullvinyl bags over their heads. S€nsibly dispose of the leftover parls immediately. **.t 3x12tut ta>2 C^tryt,ttt *t" (black) *Usespare3xl2mm screw from chessis kit. U+,t\>t\-o)WD.l!L+ Attaching rear bumper «fEE!-äA#+» Paint recommended «d.t) h -,ti +- t R5 h t --:» =\, PAINTS TAMIYA POLYCARBONATE («a=77'v rHt=Phr-» TAMIYA PLASTIC PAINTS iStrtaE:räi=,y^/ / semt stos ck -, t*,31&ra1ßo< -, Tt. + P ). tr ; 1 rd to)4*lzlt,t: ,, -;lj+- FE6*{a^fi ljr5'86:t L ?< litL." :r-trt,t\>t\-. h -7 o)< a. -ta 2 o) - 7, t, t Eß Er)ä1€ tßA>7r'r t R6ttl*t;f€1.< f:tL'. aThis mark denotes numbers lor Tamiya Paint colors. Paint polycaöonate parts from inside using polycarbonale paints. Paint plaslic parts (side minors, rear bumper, couplei using plastic paints. 041602016TAMTYA 54632 TeamHahn Racing MAN TGS TT"01E (11054835) +r)Ot t)Wt) 7 Trimming cab A' lt \>t l- ^71Ottt)WL) *tlluLü*t" *am,\+6tr*T" (4!i€ 9 äEUl-)) Preparing body for painting *a1)Eghtttl l: a. -@* ftalitt.fsL.*?" ttused laterlor makinq side mirrors. *a*ä!' t.+ft r+F] < ai*fi & ti t z L< ;ftfrJ'iä-kt\-H LZ /:-*1.. 7k)kL\ L*t " Lr *ann7lZbtj*t" ä: ä. *Wash the body thoroughly with detergenl in order to remove any oil, then nse well t \r1\-JV- *tllrLt*t" l- v7+>2 * lD -tA ß< Zt «=77r->-tt» llasking stickers *< 7 - ) vä rrl » ü L< + 6r<>"'.,t:rfitzaÄr*.'t. + :./ - tv a *aA)-lD)denoles numbsr Masking ) hßtlf. *Cut out masking stickeß and mask ofr windows fiom inside. ar=i. ilr-A^-)7 Frz vwv.l,lmi,.',.con 2 *ET t" or maskins sticker +rr7o)8* a This nla* dsnol€s numb€rs for PS.I Painling cab ra.Laa*ß r{ u, )rä +ra. leanznßtrr'B6#L ^;.t -*+<<ri-Ül\" i2<l Tamia Paint colors. Paint polyoa6onato parts from inside using polycarbonate colors. «ß!J7,-rid'?^-l-Hr=t1r--» TAMIYA POLYCARBONATE PAINTS PS-31 7E-' Slnol(s PS-31 PS.5 r, Blaok )> 7t-' *6fi6la&. *BEideSeiten a r a1,< 7+>, - --J 6m.lonn,leß aTäftiya Masking Tape ./Ä--..: -, -t:l@-_.; , IAMYACd-OR , ArUa-A+-l:Yt (z;5" :HäF.r"il-gi r,J--i»e. t-ez: : @atE?r. : §,..r lifr :t-fT.L:?::11.1"-r . . . i Ui,nntilCBAFtT0O|.5 qAFTKNIFE (a#o.ftä» Howto paint IT4*t Af,tltqtllTD< 7+> o *,t2 T<7+:/2Ltt" * 4 Mßt oll deas to bo pah6d 27 -a White wnh maskns taps (sold *paEtely). (2) *L* C bLz) ),,, afiuZ + r )t\M» BA -,2, (Ps-s)Tä* LEt" 77r-A*l*+ip7ä'E30or läClttL. -El.!E63'täEtEätrZEr.rtr" *Paint Black (PS-5) arsas from insid€. Apply thin layer of spray paint 2-3 timos kgsping 30cm 7{ o *itXtä\#L\frBfi ä\L;i7.1 t)ra*L*!." ,--a'- |$fr,t t a,I)' f'üBst o)< 7r'./-tv @ *i21 ätjfiL, 1E-r(Ps 3D ?"At*L*9. *Afiar Whlte paint has dded, removo masking slic(ers lrom window ar€a!, then palnt wlndows wlth Smoke (PS€1), \r fo *7Eu\eä'ä!Eä!\eo)m* rlt*Lz!\z*r. a> F t t Ft \.y ) / (+rt,tE lla LZ +JEfjlt. *Palnt lront bumper and back panel in rho sam6 mann€r, applying painl in order lrom da.ksst to llghtest. 3 7+>, I'o)*5t o)< Z +t F(Ps paint has drisd, remove masking tape from Whlte ar€as and palnt u8ing Whire es-t). *Aftsr - ***167&t.+r'7tEORü7 I t\ä tttj lb,l <<fjtL.. *Att6r complstion 1V L o, painting, romove protoctivs ,f,i4OqlqWU *6.5m7\äarr*t Trimmingbody *Mäke6.5mmhole. *7 i >7 (6mä) )->ElT 6qA ß7 Za6tlz</:tL'" :', *3m^ä6tr*!. *6,fin^t2öt *'1" i + oüfiLäblü< *Make 6mm hol€, matchingthe position of *6,sm^äXd*t" *glrLq*t" *8nn^äAtr*,. xLEO]=t tAIUEl!ät 6" XB€quired il u§ins LED tisht unit *$rtu*t" «rf , h - rf, *- l- H, h, -» =1, PAINTS TAMIYA POLYCABBONATE lrtJ+- I Flat cleü PS-30 al97>F))V&illiart biue *++ ) tE*,ta u ur, tatu-?^*it 6\ \,/ ßtlfrcD< 7+7, ; -aT < 7+>,J L*t" *lvlask off ä88 to <zrv:Jt@ ,, it*oär,tliL:it" äfjlli,z be painted Bdlliam bus with to inside ol body and romovs after painting. masklng taps (sold sepaEtely). ld *)) rro)ßtiä ;a t\ilb',a= ,,tPs-s)z \4/ EEL*,f" &§nstt\t Bv z+r2 i-aäß.h\ L) U U7 > t) tV-tPS-30)?!t* L* !. *Paint Black (P§-5) arsas from inslde. Atter paint has dried, remove masking tape and paint using Brillialn blue (PS-30). *q**7*ti;ntr *A,Df.ü7 ai \!) T. zo*7 )v-o)8tlaäßtb'5< Lg L*t" <)vLAßn ) ^+> prot€ctivs *Aft€r completion ot painting, rsmov€ film. Mask ofi Brilliant blu€ areas from outside. G\ v t ßttt-2 r'v l, ) t-(Ps-55)?Efltä'äA \!, *). EL*.t" *L\f.6a 7+ >, i -,&l,tr{ LT <t!t t " | *Apply Flat Clear (PS-sq from outside, Refiove mäsking läpe after il has .lried. +\,)o$Aalft? «+r-r Side ( 1-) v *ä. E(Fr*!" F:r_» *Make right and lefl. mirrors z t Lg'|.. Remove protelive film. (H) Double-side.l tape (white) . *EA7-A$fiEod,+r17t.äbt rUrU' f'" *aul t &fr2 I tvt FiET-7 Cab assembly double.sidsd tape inlo requrc.l slzes. 7r'v-l€> l'l\) Snappin{small) (r\ '€/ ^;, h-zAA 2< b ätJ,tu.r*t" Apply stickerand cut out 6 shown. + Y fr\ :r-intErf.rlrg!" !, Atach miror surrece. TS-29 *{i äärrr+*t" *Align th€ss 2 seolions. 3nnot)>, O{in9 Doubls-sided tap€ (black) + «arTr.v rRr=1,hr-» r)fi&o)WD 1<lt, Attaching cäb parts TAMIYA PLASTIC PAINTS Ts-rgla.t-:7tr-=,',rserliglossblack .*u;-z,rs""r*rnx,. -*§briztD'.r r*,." IICü doubl6-sided tape hto «R) xOEßEB+, r.r ä,,*r_ xd5 I't.llä*r1z.l\gtÄ. LED h.(ä) LED (white) 1../tryhi-Btä Parts markgd X are nöt included in kit- xö3LEO-11 l,Jv:,/)) t tt>re^ LED (oranse) t.Rr- xö3LEO-<l fj/ t*v>r) LED (orans6) *'Rr-1.7 (black) li -t. l-// r *r-,11, (1, R) 77.yh-@ Stickor x ö5 LED -,( LED ted) E 77'rh-A) fi',=l-F ll#.,) /Bed-Bla 58632 TeamHähn Baclng MAN TGS TT-01E (1'1054835) tED'1t- (Eß!) o*t),it!t *äEo)*il.Ell*Lz<€tL\" lill -,a<-:/-r) ItaUF.Er6.L\* ä r{a rßr{ hßlt --a§1- Ftt.) vavlL$<tit :l L*;" lEDr=, l.'lü6;-a-C@E L*!: 41R11-rt- Xd5 LED *d5 LED Attaching LEDs (sold separately) X d5 LED *Wir€ as shown in diagram at ight. Securs cables to on€ §ids of body using tap6 or clips, onrudng thsy do notob§truct propEllor §halt. Socurs LED unit using aLEDr-f ff:v 453909 Tamiya Xd3 LED Xd3 LED f(TLU-01) (53909) LED Lisht Unit (TLU-01) *^äüL*a, *Pass through hole as shown. *"" @ r;äi.:s*ü. ..,#,Fi;7"r1ff*?.r,#'ef ß[?J3' TS-29 t=ro7). r, Semi gloss black H8 3 3xsfir'yY>rC7 Tapping scrsw / --2 7ßr-)--J 20m (ä) Doubl6-.idod lape (white) mlt frA--J *Ellßl6E&tE&'J.{ilr*!. *Attach to boih sides. --t *Bo)+t1lTqltw.D*t" *Cutspong€ tape into.equircd siz€s. «a=7r,v rRt=thr-» TAMIYA PLASTIC PAINTS Ts+rat-*/trr7r,/, / semi sß UMIYAIEIMAFTTIX]LS (+)S(3EWDRIVER.L a-7F-1t\-Llsx1aO) Double*ided trp€ ($l 14 *E§ßJ6]A&. *17vr-tJ*5tFtis,z< ätL\. *Apply stckeß ln numbsßd ordor. ElFt l Aisht I in oroit J ä1lI Right Droit «77yh-o)LtU-h» OT & 6ft ü *ädBt rtE. EIrEll . trtzl ,rAglt&t 7 <fitL\" *Eo 2L\fc7j.t h-t*+1, t )z e*.i t: t6ä\.itpf L\@?ia6ttF-t gJ, x)z <rtL\" -A,{,offio4ßnd,t Lt t) t-,EE ttuf.Effit AEU b]ä*t. e§d2 ,r/.:*:f{ü äötrtT<rgtL\. @ O', Ld? ä *Eä ll ri L li ä\ B IEFFä\ ti1f.t. 7-, 11-o)tFt.HiEä\rr? f!, LäL\l) Eitf LAä\BnÄ??l\ E:ir, ä*6ä-Igl.+Eß{tä\ LzlA6. 4t*. Lbä\a*,PE, 9tiätiE'2 f. D t 4E Atfa\*t" Stick€rs O) Cut along th6 edges as close as possible to cut the sticker from th€ §hoet. Cut out slickoB in numbered order to prcvent confusion. (, Slightly peel away one end o, the llnlng and position the sticker on lhe body. €) Slo$,ly rerybve the remaining lining while checking 6dcker position. Do not completdy remo/e lining pdorto appllcation as lhis nray cause unwanted air bubbles and creases. G) i;.( l+!)) ............-..... ... f;i...................-......... if,;4OWr1,ll, xditi ä.aez-ft,'rfi7i<r> Attachingbody t1? '-fn:<r{lU&.t*t" ...x1 l- tt *7>7+r\1aZ'EL*t" .....x1 .. ............. . .. . ...........x1 HHIE 77vh- @.4.................... .x1 < 7, :r- rt ...,.......... -.............x1 «#E§EE» METAL PARTS BAG 7+ r7t> (*) ..,....x2 Snap pin (larse) [@ 3xlonrnrLEZ ..........x2 [@ 3x8nnr.yC2rCZ..,.x4 0@ /.:\ 2x6rnr', C>, e'Ä. . . .x2 Tapping scr€w Iapping screw I 3nnr't -> t - ...,.,........x2 3m+yl'. ...... ..........x2 (9 ^r'y)C> 3inot)2, ...............x2 @ ta Body attachment position *7r'' -, c:/qfiEß.,f,? 1 ti LfiL\6*t.EEr.trJ'ra< lii: r.\. 7 >r-(6) . ... .................. x5 I «tr''.-tory.trliLr&E» O'ing trEt-7 (^) Snäp pin (larsa) Nut t 4nP*6tzl}ß \r'tJC> \^) *Atrach the snap pins ensudns rhe body doos not Snap pin (laroe) come in contact with the tires and track surtac€, Double-sided tape {whito) EEit-7(R)... ... .. .. Ooubre-sided lape (black) .... ....... .. .x 1 *aa7 -aßmfratI zt.äb ts rq, E, rr" *Cut double-sided tape inlo reouiredsizes. 66;-7 (R) Double-sided tape (black) *5E|,§)t2 I tvl\Z rtärL<</:-*L\. )tR€move protective Lftl). abLtr.1itt. h 7, < -t- t TW ltrz-öitltL.fr l:il*f" *fc. !trth 7r<-t -e 7.'.8#..it*tä§än, TEe,), **ßEoäte 1 filmnrst t l>t\-JV- l- Zrr-JX> (*) snap pin (larse) iEt.ittfäa eä\rä*f. o (ä11EffittOö+r.JEtE» +Ä iÄE t6o)iä1Effi r. T@ U 7 Fää+t.rTEM*8, 7+ - tV, *F" a. s&ä, *ßffr- F. Ee^< 7'.ilu" lEi;L^1tF[ft ri E riE ;+i*B ü -* r./. li ä, tr E (tr) 00810 911r8. gfEE o äIäE?E äl *e. r!^äa. r:t, 'arjtEi <fi-+1." o (.fte31&o)öI{E*) §-y.ft er.r! :.z.ttE l-*+ä*t (324 El) ä.ecEL\frtJrtrtf, . ßEA*t:r* ./ r* r,ttcE trEl. *äriqitL\frL*q" ^-a^- :«+FE) i i422-8610 & ä.-it : r*EifiEiElE,BEr{3-7 : *fieür:t tze<-t-ezfn : (raF.f L\-ärrli*e) : i i Sticker TEAM HAHN RACING MAN TGS fi-0lrrr-, *Iüit&tä 201 61F6H TYPE-E) rEtO6 A-a't. * *fäi4rtrf&ofi +H8% Lä,rr \*r. |TEM 586{12 H la < * F t:. rd 6 E ä h1 tt b * -t. s.'"* #iÄfüffi ä1r1fire E*+ Jn i < (+ \, )).......... -..........2.430F8 (2,2soE) ,tia..................'.... 2.1608Q,oooE) H./t-y..... ......................864ts ( sooFr) 2x6mr', C> rX7lx1|)............2168 ( 200E) 3xan, t Y>rC7(R110)..........1e4ts ( r80E) 3xlOmlLET.(tx]0).. . ...... - -. -. -237F I 22on) 3nm:l,l.(taxl0)........ . .. . .. .....226P ( 21oe:) ........4868 ( 450E) u tt>t\>)\-........... 77 rh-,?7t:.,-)V........ . 1,684ts (l,s60E) ,ßtaä11E8........................324ts ( 3oo9 ß'äE'fr- - J...............324ts ( 3008) l20H 5P.197 7+'v -Jv>Ol\x5.rtxl o). . . ..216Fl( 2008) 92E SP.s86 3mm7 y7r-(xl5)............1088 ( r00Fl) 828 sP.1s37 6m7+, a C>$15).........2168 ( 2008) 1'lots SP.1 5AA rjl tVk4)................a64F ( 80!R) 400ts sP.17 1 IE?TAMTYA SP.r 5a9 5 1 AO-5042 -i (x21,................. lmot) 972Fl I >ri&1x10) . .......1088 ( 8 e00E) 400F8 l00E) 140ts sfir- AFTER MARKET SERVICE CARD Wh€n purchasing replacemenl parts, pleaso take or send this form to your local Tamiya dealer so that the parts r€quirsd can be correclly identified. Please note that specifications, availability änd pdce are subjeot to change without notice. lj 11825883 11825842 19000877 19808058 r 9805754 19804159 19805896 1627fi67 't9495886 11054435 50025 50171 Parts code ITEM 58632 11825883.......................'........Body (Cab) 11 425442.....................................Body 19000877.....,........................... ''.H Parß '19808058.............. .2x6mm Tappjng Screw I9805754 " . . .3x0mm Tapping Screw (Black) (xl0) (x10) 59..............'.. 3x1 omm Scrcw (Black) (xlo) '19805s96 "" " " .'3mm Nut (Blek) (xlo) 'l 6275067 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ur€thane Bumper ... .. ...........Sticker, 19495886 Masking Sticker 1054835, , . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . ...Body Sst lnstructions 1 1 98041 50025..,......,..... .Double'Sided Tape White) {x5) 50171 . . . , . . . , , ,Heat Resistant Double-Sidod Tap€ {x5) 50197..,....,,.... ...Snap 50197 50586 51537 51588 Pin x5, Large xl0) 50586........,...,,...... .... ...3mm washff (xl5) 841E9 84195...... ................3mm 44195 51537........................ (Small ..6mm Snap Pin (xl5) 51584 "" " ."'.....,,,........ Whee| s1588... ........................... ..'. .rirc (xa) {x2) O-Rins {Black) (x'10)
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