BIBLIOGRAFIJA DOMAĆA IZDANJA; 1969. opštestvoto), Skopje, Univerzitet, str. 59 OPCA — TEORIJSKA SOCIOLOGIJA 13. Lukić Radomir: Formalizam logiji. Beograd, Prosveta, str. (8) + 214 1. Goričar Jože: Pregled socioloških teo rija. Od neposrednih prethodnika do funkcionalizma, Beograd, Rad u socio 2. Kozić Petar: Sociologija. Uvod u mark sističku nauku o društvu. Beograd, Nau čna knjiga SOCIOLOGIJA RELIGIJE 3. Pulišelić Stjepan: Osnove III izdanje. Zagreb, Nar. novine 1. Cimić Esad: Religijski fenomen u soci jalizmu. Subotica, Radnički univerzitet — Katedra za društveno-političko obrazova nje sociologije. 4. Pilić Bogdan: Nauka o društvu. 8 do punjeno izdanje. Beograd, Skriptamica Saveza studenata Tehnološko-metalurškog fakulteta 2. Cimić Esad: Društvo i religija. Marksi stička kritika religije. Beograd, Centar za društveno-političko obrazovanje Radnič kog univerziteta »Đuro Salaj«, str. 64 5. Teorije o društvu. Osnovi savremene sociološke teorije. (Talcott Parsons i dr.). Nasi, orig.: Theories of society. Preveli: D. Andrijašević, O. Bulić i dr. Beograd, Vuk Karadžić, knj. 1. str. XV+648; knj. 2. str. XV+648—1359 SOCIOLOGIJA SELA I GRADA 1. Kostić, Cvetko, Sociologija sela. Beo grad, Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika SR Srbije, str. 256 6. Mandić Oleg: Opća sociologija. Zagreb, Narodne novine, str. (11)+322 7. Marković Danilo slovensko društvo. str. 110 2. Jugoslovensko savetovanje: Strukture, glavni procesi i njihove socijalne posledice u našem savremenom selu. — Zlatibor, 14. i 15. maja 1969. Diskusije. Beograd, Jugoslovenski odbor za socijalni rad, str. (7) + 155 Z.,: Savremeno jugoOgledi. Niš,Prosveta, 8. Kozić Petar: Sociološka misao Filipa Filipovića I. Niš, Pravno-ekonomski fa kultet, str. 189 SOCIOLOGIJA POLITIKE 9. Marković Danilo: Osnovi nauke o dru štvu. Beograd, Savremena administraci ja, str. X+271 1. Lipset Seymour Martin: Politički čovek. Društvena osnova politike. Nasi, orig.: Po litical man. Preveo Srđa Popović, Beo grad, Rad, str. 519 10. Milosavlevski Slavko: Beleški za sovremenoto opštestvo. Skopje, Kultura, str. 184 * 2. Milosavlevski Slavko: Revolucija i demokratija. Ogledi iz političke sociologije, Beograd, NIP Hronometar 11. Bauman, Zygmut, Marksistička teorija društva. Nasi, orig.: Zarys marksistowskiej teorii spoleczenstwa. Preveo: Milosav Janićijević. Beograd, Rad, str. 574 SOCIOLOGIJA ORGANIZACIJE 1. Županov Josip: Samoupravljanje i dru štvena moć. Prilozi za sociologiju samou pravne radne organizacije. Zagreb, Naše teme, str. 332 .. ' 12. Tanevski Vladimir: Sociologija (Istorijski razvoj na opštestvenata misla: kon stituiranje na sociologijata; struktura na 98 SOCIJALNA PSIHOLOGIJA 1. Fromm Erich: Bekstvo od slobode. Nasl. orig.: Escape from freedom. Preveli: Slo bodan Đorđević, Aleksandar I. Spasić. 2. izdanje. Beograd, Nolit 2. Skinner, B. F.: Nauka i ljudsko ponašanje.Nasl. orig.: Science and human beha vior. Preveo: dr. Milenko Popović. Cetinje, Obod, str. 521 2. Radnička klasa u socijalizmu. Urednik: Adolf Dragičević. Zagreb, Naše teme, str. 268 *, SOCIOLOGIJA PRAVA 1. Spirović-Đorđević Lucija: Osnovni poj movi sociologije prava prema shvatanjima prof. dr. Rudolfa Legradića. Beograd, Savez udruženja pravnika Jugoslavije, str. 86 9 3. Caruso Igor A.: Socijalni aspekti psi hoanalize. Nasl. orig.: Soziale Aspekte der Psychoanalise. Preveo Jovan Đukanović. Beograd, Kultura, str. 164 SOCIOLOGIJA PORODICE 1. Mladenović Marko: Uvod u sociologiju porodice. Opšti i posebni deo. Beograd, Rad, str. XIV+376 MASOVNE KOMUNIKACIJE 1. Habermas Jürgen: Javno mnenje. Istra živanje u oblasti jedne kategorije građan skog društva. Nasl. orig.: Strukturwandel der öffentlichtkeit. Preveo Gligorije Ernjaković. Beograd, Kultura, str XVII+324 2. Lazaroski Jakov, Spase Makaroski, Gledačite za emisiite na televizija Skopje. Skopje, Institut za sociološki i političko-pravni istražuvanja, str. 110 SOCIOLOGIJA RAZVOJA 1. Kardelj Edvard: Radnička klasa, samo upravljanje i naučno-tehnički progres. Beograd, Institut za političke studije FPN, str. 113 2. Pečujlić Miroslav: Budućnost koja je počela. Naučno-tehnološka revolucija i sa moupravljanje. Beograd, Institut za poli tičke studije FPN, str. 149 3. Rebolj Dušan: Kako informirati samoupravljalce. Kranj, Delavska univerza »Tomo Brejc«, str. (12)+236 SOCIJALNI PROBLEMI SOCIJALNA STRATIFIKACIJA 1. Pečujlić Miroslav: Društvene grupe politički život. Beograd, Komunist, str. 41 1. Siti in lačni Slovenci. Publikacija dia logo v. Uredila Janez Rotar in France Forstnerić. Maribor, Obzorja i 99 STRANA IZDANJA; 1969; OPCA — TEORIJSKA SOCIOLOGIJA 1. Ruegg, Walter: Sociologie. Frankfurt/M., Fischer Bücherei, str. 314 2. Sociological Theory: A book of readings. Edited by Lewis A. Coser, Bernard Rosen berg. Third edition, London, Collier-Macmillan, str. XX+748 3. Durand, Gilbert, Les grands textes de la sociologie moderne. Recueil methodique ä l’usage des candidats. Baccalaureat-Paris-Montreal, Bordas, str. 322 4. Tönnies, Ferdinand, Gemeinschaft und Gessellschaft. Grundbegriffe der reinen Soziologie. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, str. LI+ 258 5. Price, James, Social facts. Introductory readings. London, Collier-Macmillan, str. XVI+ 592 6. Lowry, Ritchie P., and Rankin, Robert P., Sociology: The science of society. New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons str. XXVIII + 622 7. Rogers, Rolf E., Max Weber’s ideal type theory. New York, Philosophical library, str. X+109 8. Park, Robert E., a. Burgess, Ernest W., Introduction to the science of sociology. 3d revised edition. Chicago, University of Chicago press, str. XXIV+1040 9. Phillips, Bernard S., Sociology: Social structure and change. New York, Macmil lan, str. XVI+ 432 10. Reda, Mario, Fappiano, E., a. Czikowsky, Leon (Eds.), Systems and processes: Collected works in sociology. New Haven, College and University press, str. 422 11. Boskoff, Alvin, Theory in american so ciology: Major sources and applications. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell, str. X + 374 12. Andreski, Stanislaw (ed.), Herbert Spencer: Principles of sociology. Hamden, Archon Books, str. XXXVI+ 821 13. Cuzzart, R. P., Humanity and modern sociological thought. New York, Hoi, Ri nehart and Winston, str. 350 14. Dahrendorf, Ralf, Essay sin the theory of society. Stanford, Stanford University press, str. X+300 15. Mclntosch, Donald, The foundation of human society. Chicago, University of Chi cago press, str. X+341 16. Deutsch, Steven, a. Howard, John, Where it’s at: Radical perspectives in so ciology. New York, Harper and Row. str. XIII + 610 17. Drietzel, Hans P. (Ed.), Recent sociolo gy, No. 1. New York, Macmillan, str. XIX + 298 18. Goslin, David A. (ed.), Handbook of socialization theory and research. Chica go, Rand McNally, str. VI+1182 19. Loviscach, Peter (ed.), Grundkatalog Soziologie 1969. Berlin, Werbegemeinschaft Eiwert und Meurer, str. 412 20. Rosenmayr, Leopold, a. Hoellinger, Sig mund (eds.), Soziologie: Forschung in Oes terreich. Vienna, Verlag Hermann Boehlaus Nachf. str. VII + 631 21. Theodorson, George A., a. Theodorson, Achilles G., A modern dictionary of socio logy: The concepts and terminology of so ciology and related disciplines. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell, str. 469 22. Durkheim, Emile, Journal sociologique. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, str. 728 23. Abrams, Philip, The origins of british sociology, 1834—1914. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, str. 304 24. Horowitz, Irving Louis, Professing so ciology. Studies in the life cycle of a social science. Chicago, Aldine Publisching, str. 365 25. Dunn, Stephen P. (ed.), Sociology in the USSR: A collection of readings from Soviet sources. White Plains, Internatio nal arts and sciences press, str. 281 26. Park, Peter, Sociology tomorrow: An evaluation of sociological theories in terms of science. New York, Pegasus str. 181 27. Hoult, Thomas Ford, Dictionary of mo dern sociology. Totowa, Littlefield, Adams and co. str. 408 28. Lee, Alfred McClund (ed.), Principles of sociology. Third edition. New York, Barnes and Noble, str. 421 29. Mauss, Marcel, Cohesion sociale et divisions de la sociologie. Volume III of 100 oeuvres, Paris, Les Editions de Minuit, str. 734 30. Abrahamson, Mark, Sociology: An in troduction to concepts, methods, and da ta. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, str. 340 31. Abrahamson, Mark (ed.), Introductory readings on sociological concepts, methods, and data. New York, Van Nostrand Rein hold. str. 466 32. Bukharin, Nikolai, Historical materia lism: A system of sociology. Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan press, str. 320 33. Miles, Frank F., a. Gregory J. Milles, Test items. To accompary readings in ge neral sociology. Fourth edition. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, str. 102 34. Vine, Margaret Milson, An introduc tion to sociological theory. Second edition. New York, David McKay, str. 382 35. Rocher, Guy, Introduction ä la sociolo gie generale. Second edition. Volums I, II, and III. Montreal, Editions HMH, str. 562 36. Mitchell, G. Duncan, A hundred years of sociology. Chicago, Aldine Publishing, str. 310 37. Sorlin, Pierre, The Soviet poeple and their society from 1917 to the present. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, str. X+ 293 38. Hollander, Paul (ed.), American and soviet society. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 589 39. Kolaja, Jiri, Social systems and time and space. Pittsburgh, Duquesne univer sity press, str. VIII+113 40. Dinitz, Simon, Dynes Russell R., and Clarke Alfred C., Deviance: Studies in the process of stigmatization and societal reac tion. New York, Oxford university press, str. XIII + 575 41. Forster, John (ed.), Social process in New Zeland: Readings in sociology. Auck land, Longman Paul, str. 307 42. Madan, Gurumukh Ram, Indian social problems: Social disorganization and re construction. Volume 1, Social disorgani zation, Second edition. Calcutta, Allied publishers, str. 439 43. Gasper, Louis (ed.), Fundamentals of sociology: A syllabus with adapted rea dings. Second edition. Berkeley, McCutshan publishing, str. 431 44. Gatrell, V. A. C. (ed.), Robert Owens: A new view of society. Baltimore, Pen guin books, str. 270 45. Coser, Lewis A. and Bernard Rosen berg (eds.), Sociological theory: A book ol: readings. Third edition. New York, Mac millan, str. 748 46. Engelmann, Hugo O.,Sociology: A gui ded study text. Dubuque, Wm. C. Brown book, str. 430 47. Rogers, Rolf E., Max Weber’s ideal ty pe theory. New Xork, Philosophical lib rary, str. 109 48. Biesanz, John and Mavis Biesanz, In troduction to sociology. Engelwood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, str. 651 49. Samuel, Edwin, The structure of soci ety in Israel. New York, Random House, str. 184 50. Evers, Hans-Dieter (ed.), Loosely structured social systems: Thailand in comparative perspective. New Haven, Ya le university Southeast Asia studies, str. 148 51. Humphreys, R. A., Tradition and re volt in Latin America: And other essays. New York, Columbia university press, str. 264 52. McNall, Scott G., The sociological ex perience. Boston, Little, Brown, str. 218 53. Merrill, Francis E., Society and cultu re: An introduction to sociology. Fourth edition. Engelwood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 449 54. O’Brien, Robert W., et al., Readings in general sociology. Fourth edition, Boston, Houghton Mifflin str. 545 55. Spencer, Herbert, Principles of socio logy. Hamden, Archon books, str. 821 56. Wallace, Walter R. (ed.), Sociological theory: An introduction. Chicago, Aldine publishing, str. 296 57. Bernsdorf, Wilhelm (Hrsgg.), Wörter buch der Soziologie. Zweite neubearbeite te und env. Auflage. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. XII + 1317 58. Opp, Karl-Dieter, Kriminalität und Gesellschaftsstruktur. Eine kritische Ana lyse soziologischer Theorien abweichen den Verhaltens. Neuwied, Luchterland, str. 176 59. Hann, Manfred, Bürgerlicher Optimis mus im Niedergang. Studien zur Lorenz von Stein und Hegel. München, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, str. 224 60. Duvignaud, Jean, Anthologie des sociologues francais contemporains. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, str. 254 EMPIRIJSKA SOCIOLOGIJA 1. Golempievski, Robert T., A methodo logical primer for political scientists. Chi cago, Rand McNally, str. IX+484 2. Human Action. Conceptual and empiri cal issues. Edited by Theodore Mischel. New York and London, Academic press, str. XI + 293 101 3. Boalt, Gunnar, The sociology of rese arch. Carbondale, Southern Illinois uni versity press, str. XXXVIII+ 185 4. Simon, Julian L., Basic research me thod in social science: The art of empiri cal investigation. New York, Random Hou se, str. XIV+525 5. Antoine, Jacques, L’opinion: Techniques d’enquetes par songae, Paris, Dunod, str. 274 6. Boudon, Raymond, Les methodes en sociologie. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, str. 126 7. Dogan, Mattei and Rokkan, Stein, Quan titative ecological analysis in the social sciences. Cambridge,Ifrrhe M. I. T. Press, str. 607 8. Gorden, Raymond, Interviewing: Stra tegy, techniques and tactics. Homewood, The Dorsey press, str. 388 9. Greer, Scott,The logic of social inquiry. Chicago, Aldine publishing, str. 232 10. Burgess, Robert L. and Bushell, Don, Jr., Behavioral sociology: The experimen tal analysis of social process.New York, Columbia university press, str. XIII+ 418 11. König, Rene (ed.), Handbuch der em pirischen Sozialforschung. Vol. 2. Stut tgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. 1395 12. Kraustz, Ernest, Sociology in Britain: A survey of research New York, Colum bia university press, str. X + 222 13. Fellin, Phillip, Tripodi, Tony, Meyer Henry J. (eds.), Exemplars of social re search. Itasca, F. E. Peacock publishers, str. IX + 377 14. Atteslander, Peter, Methoden der em pirischen Sozialforschung. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, str. 313 15. Borgatta, Edgar F. (ed.), Sociological methodology. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, str. 302 16. McCall, George J. and J. L. Simmons (eds.), Issues in participant observation: A text and reader. Reading, Addison-Wes ley publishing, str. 359 17. Mayntz, Renate, Kurt Holm und Pe ter Hübner, Einführung in die Methoden der empirischen Soziologie. Köln und Op laden, Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 222 18. Strecker, Ivo A., Methodische Proble me der ethno-soziologischen Beobachtung und Beschreibung. Göttingen, Institut für Völkerkunde der Universität in Göttin gen, str. 98 2. Chombart de Lauwe, Paul-Henry, Pour une sociologie des aspirations: Elements pour des perspectives nouvelles in scien ces humaines. Paris, Edition Denoe, str. 316 3. Crawford, Elisabeth T. and Albert D. Biderman (eds.), Social scientists and in^ ternational affairs: A case for a sociology of social science. New York, John Wiley and Sons, str. 333 INDUSTRIJSKA SOCIOLOGIJA 1. Birnbaum, Norman, The crisis of indus trial society. New York, Oxford university press, str. 185 2. Faunce, William A. and William H. Form (eds.), Comparative perspectives on industrial society. Boston, Little, Brown, str. VI+ 277 3. Florence, P. Sargant, Economics and so ciology of industry: A realistic analysis of development. Revised edition. Baltimo re, The John Hopkins press, str. 285 4. Schneider, Eugene N., Industrial socio logy: The social relations of industry and the community. Second edition. New York, McGraw-Hill book, str. 637 5. Thomas, Konrad unter Mitarbeit von H. Seiffert, R. W. Hoffmann, J. Miche und K. Plagemann, Analyse der Arbeit. Mö glichkeiten einer interdisziplinären Erfor schung industrialisierter Arbeitsvollzüge. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. XII + 309 SOCIOLOGIJA POLITIKE 1. Strickland, D. A., L. L. Wade, R. E. Johnson, A primer of political analysis. Chicago, Markham publishing, str. 106 2. Dahl, Robert, Who governs, Democracy and power in an american city. New Ha ven and London, Yale university press, str. XII+ 355 3. Parsons, Talcott, Politics and social structure. New York, The Free press, Lon don, Collier-Macmillan, str. XVII+557 4. Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik. Modell analysen politischer Probleme. Herausge geben von Heinz-Dietrich Ortlieb und Friedrich-Wilhelm Dörge. Opladen, Leske Verlag, str. 296 SOCIOLOGIJA ZNANJA 1. Ladd, Everett Carli, Jr., Ideology in America. Change and resposne in a city, a suburb, and a small town. Ithaca and London, Cornell university press, str. XIII + 378 102 5. Tilford, R. B., Germany. Political don, Wolff 6. The Sociology ker. Edited by N. Brill, str. 193 R. J. C. Pieerce, Federal and social order. Lon of the Blue-Collar Wor F. Duffy. Leiden, E. J. 7. Spitz, David (ed.), Robert M. Maclver: Politics and society. New York, Atherton press, str. XX+571 8. McFarland, Andrew S., Power and lea dership in pluralist systems. Stanford, Stanford university press, str. XIII+ 273 9. Speier, Hans, Social order and the risks of war: Papers in political sociology. Cam bridge, The M. I. T. press, str. VIII+ 497 10. Tannenbaum, Frank, The balance of power in society. New York, The Free press, str. XVI+ 368 11. Blumberg, Paul, Industrial democracy: The sociology of participation. New York, Schocken books, str. VIII+ 278 12. Stammer, Otto (ed.), Party systems, party organizations, and the politics of new masses. Berlin, Institut für Politische Wissenschaft an der Freien Universität Berlin, str. 487 13. Astiz, Carlos A., Pressure groups and power elites in peruvian politics. Ithaca, Cornell university press, str. XVIII + 316 14. De Marchi, Franco, L’ldeologia del Funzionario. Milano, Editore Giuffre, str. XI + 362 15. Wilkinson, Rupert (ed.), Governing elites: Studies in training and selection. New York, Oxford university press, str. XVIII + 231 16. Mulvihill, Donald J. and Melvin M. Tumin, Crimes of violence, Volume XI, XII, and XIII. Washington, National Com mission on the causes and prevention of violence, str. 1597 17. Newton, Kenneth, The sociology of bri tish communism. London, Allen Lane/The Penguin press, str. 214 18. Lerner, Daniel and Morton Gorden, Euratlantica: Changing perspectives of the European elites. Cambridge, The M. I. T. press, str. XII+ 447 19. Nieburg, H. L., Political violence: The behavioral process. New York, St. Martin’s press, str. VI+184 20. Bienen, Henry, Violence and social change: A review of current literature. Chicago, University of Chicago press, str. XIV+119 21. Chevigny, Paul, Police power: Police abuses in New York city, New York, Pan theon books, str. XXI+ 298 22. Dawson, Richard E., and Prewitt Ken neth, Political socialization. Boston, Lit tle, Brown, str. X + 226 23. Huyse, L., L’apathie politique: Etude sociologique. Brussels, Editions Scientifiques Erasme, str. 222 24. Aron, Raymond, The elusive revolu tion: Anatomy of a student revolt. New York, Praeger, str. 200 25. Madron, Thomas W. M., Small groups methods and the study of politics. Evan ston, Northwestern universitö press, str. 218 26. Peterson, Edward N., The limits of Hitler’s power. Princeton, Princeton uni versity press, str. 472 27. Larson, Calvin J. and Philo C. Wasburn (Eds.), Power, participation and ideo logy: Readings in the sociology of american political life. New York, David McKay, str. 484 28. Skolnick, Jerome (ed.), The politics of protest: Violent aspects of protest and confrontation. Washington, National Com mission on the causes and prevention of violence, str. 276 29. Crawford, Fred R. (ed.), Violence and dissent in urban America. Atlanta, Sou thern Newspapers publishers association foundation, str. 114 30. Cockburn, Alexander and Robin Black burn (eds.), Student power: Problems, diagnosis, action. Baltimore, Penguin bo oks, str. 378 31. Arora, Satish K. and Harold D. Lasswell, Political communication: The pu blic language of political elites in India and the United States. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, str. 312 32. Walter, Eugene Victor, Terror and re sistance: A study of political violence. New York, Oxford university press, str. 385 33. Senghaas, Dieter, Abschreckung und Frieden. Frankfurt am Main, Europäische Verlagsanstalt, str. 317 34. Bobbio, Norberto, Saggi sulla scienza politica in Italia. Bari, Editori Laterza, str. 254 35. Evers, Hans-Dieter (Hrsgg.), Clase stu dies in social power. Leiden, E. J. Brill, str. 161 36. Steinner, Jürg, Bürger und Politik. Em pirisch-theoretische Befunde über die po litische Partizipation der Bürger in Demo kratien unter besonderer Berücksichti gung der Schweiz und der Bundesrepub lik Deutschland. Meisenheim am Glan, Verlag Anton Hain, str. 292 37. Stručka, Petr I., Die revolutionäre Rol le von Recht und Staat. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp Verlag, str. 183 SOCIOLOGIJA KULTURE, UMJETNOSTI I KNJIŽEVNOSTI 1. Fulchignoni, Enrico, La civilisation de l’image. Traduit de l’italien par Giuseppe Crescenzi. Paris, Payot, str. 303 103 2. Govaerts, France, Loisirs des femmes et temps libre. Bruxelles, Institut de so ciologie universite libre, str. 312 3. Price-Williams, D. R. (ed.), Cross-cul tural studies. Harmondsworth, Penguin books, str. 384 4. Markarian, E. S., Essays on theory of culture. Erevan, National academy of Ar menia, Institute of philosophy, str. 228 5. Braun D. Duane, Toward a theory of popular culture: The sociology and histo ry of american music and dance, 1920 — 1968. Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor publishers, str. 165 6. Elias, Norbert, Über den Prozess der Zivilisation: Soziogenetische und Psychogenetische Untersuchungen. Volumes I and II. Bern, Franche Verlag, Vol. I, str. 334, Vol. II, str. 492 7. Loy, John W., Jr. and Gerald S. Keny on (eds.), Sport, culture, and society: A reader on the sociology of sport. New York, Macmillan, str. 464 8. Pinkerton, James R. and Marjorie J. Pinkerton, Outdoor recreation and leisu re: A reference guide and selected biblio graphy. Columbia, University of Missouri School of business and public administra tion, str. 332 9. Thompson, Lama, The secret of culture: Nine community studies. New York, Ran dom House, str. 394 10. Gorsen, Peter, Das Bild Pygmalions. Kunstsoziologische Essays. Reinbek bei Hamburg, Rowohlt Verlag GmbH, str. 217 11. Adorno, Theodore W. and Hanns Eis ler, Komposition für den Film. München, Rogner und Bernhard GmbH, str. 215 12. Goldmann, Lucien (Hrsgg.), Sociolo gie de la litterature. Recherches, recentes et discussions. Brüssel, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, str. 240 13. Jones, Le Roi, Blues people. Schwarze und ihre Musik im weissen Amerika. Darmstadt, Joseph Melzer Verlag, str. 320 14. Rust, Frances, Dance in society. Lon don, Routledge and Kegan Paul, str. 274 4. Forrester, Jay W., Urban dynamics. Cambridge, The M. I. T. press, str. XIII+ 285 5. Robson, B. T., Urban analysis: A study of city structure with special reference to Sunderland. NewYork, Cambridge univer sity press, str. IX+302 6. Nelson, Lowry, Rural sociology: Its ori gins and growth in the United States. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota press, str. VIII + 221 7. Schmandt, Henry J. and Warner Bloom berg, Jr. (eds.). The quality of urban life. Beverly Hills, Sage publications, str. 592 8. Desai, A. R., Rural sociology in India. 4th edition. Bombay, Popular Prakashan, str. XVIII+ 968 9. Jones, F. Lancaster, Dimensions of ur ban social structure: The social areas of Melbourne, Australia. Toronto, Universi ty of Toronto press, str. XII+149 10. Meyer, John K., Bibliography on the urban crisis: The behavioral, psychologi cal, and sociological aspects of the urban crisis. Chevy Chase, National institute of mental health, str. VII+452 11. Krapf-Askari, Eva, Yomba towns and cities: An enquiry into the nature of ur ban social phenomena. New York, Oxford university press, str. 195 12. Landsberger, Henry A. (ed.), Latin american peasant movements. Ithaca, Cor nell university press, str. 476 13. Breese, Gerald (ed.), The city in newly developing countries: Readings on urba nism and urbanization. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 556 14. Shank, Alan, Political power and the urban crisis. Boston, Holbrook press, str. 532 15. Kochwasser, Friedrich H., Geschichte, Wesen und Funktion eines modernen ara bischen Staates. Tübingen und Basel, Horst Erdmann Verlag, str. 413 SOCIOLOGIJA GRADA I SELA 1. Shipman, M. D., Sociology of the school. New York, Humanities press 1. Bock, Philip K. (ed.), Peasants in the modern world. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico press, str. 173 2. Rambaud, Placide, Societe rurale et ur banisation. Paris, Edition du Seuil, str. 317 3. Rogers, Everett M., and Svenning, Lyn ne, Modernization among peasants: The impact of communication. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, str. XVII + 429 2. Graham, Grace, The public school in the new society: The social foundations of education. New York, Harper and Row, str. 404 104 SOCIOLOGIJA OBRAZOVANJA 3. Ferris, Abbott L., Indicators of trends in american education. New York, Rus sell Sage Foundation, str. XVIII+ 454 4. Broch, Hermann, Zur Universitätsre form. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp Ver lag, str. 138 5. Kippert, Laus (Hrsgg.), Einführung in die Soziologie der Erziehung. Freiburg, Basel und Wien, Herder Verlag, str. XV+ 356 6. Dieckmann, Johann, Pädagogische So ziologie. Zur Erziehungs- und Schulsoziologie. Heidelberg, Verlag Quelle und Me yer, str. 160 SOCIOLOGIJA RELIGIJE 1. Birnbaum, Norman and Lenzer, Gert rud, Sociology and religion: A book of readings. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 452 2. Poll, Solomon, The basidic community of Williamsburg: A study in the sociolo gy of religion. New York, Schocken books, str. 308 3. Demerath, N. J., and Hammond Phil lip E., Religion in social context: Tradition and transition. New York, Random House, str. IX+ 246 4. Robertson, Roland (ed.), Sociology of religion. Selected readings. Baltimore, Penguin books, str. 473 5. Berger, Peter L., The sacred canopy Elements of a sociological theory of reli gion. Garden City, Doubleday, str. 229 6. Wilson, Bryan R., Religion in secular society. Baltimore, Penguin books, str. 286 7. Eggert, Johanna, Missionsschule und so zialer Wandel in Ostafrika. Der Beitrag der deutschen evangelischen Missionsge sellschaften zur Entwicklung des Schul wesens in Tanganjika 1891—1939. Biele feld, Bertelsman Universitätsverlag, str. 334 8. Soloway, Richard Allen, Prelates and people: Ecclesiastical social thought in England 1783—1852. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, str. 464 9. Martin, David, The religious and the secular. Studies in secularization. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, str. IX+161 SOCIOLOGIJA RAZVOJA 1. Meissner, Martin, Technology and the worker. San Francisco, Chandler publi shing, str. 264 2. Hoselitz, Bert F., Wirtschaftliches Wach stum und sozialer Wandel. Berlin, Duncker und Humblot, str. 301 3. Zimmermann, Gerd, Sozialer Wandel und ökonomische Entwicklung. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. 159 4. Grichting, Wolfgang L., Parish struc ture and climate in an era of change: A sociologist’s inquiry. Washington, Cen ter for applied research in the apostolate, str. 297 5. König, Rene, Aspekte der Entwicklungs soziologie. Opladen, Westdeutscher Ver lag, str. 816 6. Brode, John, The process of moderni zation: An annotated bibliography on the sociocultural aspects of development. Cambridge, Harvard university press, str. 378 7. Garothrop, Louis C., Bureaucratic be havior in the executive branch: An ana lysis of organizational change. New York, The Free press, str. 276 8. German, Gino, Sociologia de la modernizacion: Estudios teoricos, metodologicos y aplicados a America Latina. Volume 36. Buenos Aires, Paidos Editorial, str. 225 9. Heintz, Peter, Ein soziologische Paradig ma der Entwicklung: Mit besonderer Be rücksichtigung Lateinamerikas. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. 332 10. Spitz, Allan A., Developmental chan ge: An annotated bibliography. Lexing ton, The university of Kentuckö, str. 316 11. Richta, Radovan, Civilization at the crossroads: Social and human implications of the scientific and technological revo lution. Czechoslovakia, International arts and sciences press, str. 371 12. Addison,Wesley series on organization and development. Vol. 1. Organization development: Strate gies and models. By Richard Beckhard Vol. 2. Organization and development: Its nature, origins, and prospects. By Warren G. Bennis Vol. 3. Building a dynamics corporation through grid organization development. By R. R. Blake and J. S. Mouton Vol. 4. Development organization: Diag nosis and action. By P. R. Laurence and J. W. Lorsch Vol. 5. Process consultation: Its role in organization and development. By E. H. Schein Vol. 6. Interpersonal pracemaking: Con frontations and third-party consultation. By R. E. Walton. Reading, Addison-We sley publishing 13. Helle, Horst Jürgen. Soziologie und Symbol: Ein Beitrag zur Handlungstheo rie und zur Theorie des sozialen Wandels, Köln, Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 118 14. Scott, Ellis L., and Roger W. Bolz (eds.), Automation and society. Athens, Center for the study of automation and society, str. 214 15. Diebold, John, Man and the computer: Technology as an agent of social change, New York, Frederick A. Praeger, str. XI + 157 105 16. Ehrensaft, Philip and Etzioni Amitai, Anatomies of America: Sociological pers pectives. New York, Macmillan, str. XII + 499 17. Beech, H. R., Changing man’s behavi our. Baltimore, Penguin books, str. 282 18. Nisbet, Robert A., Social change and history: Aspects of the western theory of development. New York, Oxford univer sity press, str. 335 19. Meynaud, Jean, Technocracy. New York, The Free Press, str. 315 20. Bennis, Warren G., Benne, Kenneth D. and Chin, Robert, The planning of change. 2d edition. New York, Holt, Ri nehart and Winston, str. VII+ 627 21. Hetzler, Stanley A., Technological growth and social change: Achieving mo dernization. New York, Praeger publi shers, str. XI+ 302 SOCIOLOGIJA ORGANIZACIJE 1. Poehler, Willi, Information und Verwal tung, Versuch einer soziologischen Theo rie der Unternehmensverwaltung. Stut tgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. VIII + 242 2. Sheriff, Don R., Administrative behavi or: A quantitative case study of six orga nizations. Iowa City, Center for Labor and Management College of business, admini stration, University of Iowa, str. V + 40 3. Etzioni, Amitai (ed.), Readings on mo dern organizations. Engelwood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 290 4. Etzioni, Amitai, A sociological reader on complex organizations. 2d edition. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, str. XIV+576 5. French, Robert Mills, (ed.), The com munity: A comparative perspective. Ithasca, F. E. Peacock, str. 519 6. Rodgers, Barbara N., Greve, John and Morgan John, Comparative social admi nistration. New York, Atherton press, str. 350 7. Agersnap, Torben (ed.), Contributions to the theory of organizations. Volumes 1. and 2. New York, Humanities press, str. 272 8. Cohen, Guido B., The task-tuned or ganization of groups. Amsterdam, Swets and Zeitlinger, str. 212 9 Hall, Richard H., Occupations and the social structure. Engelwood Cliffs Pren tice-Hall, str. XI+ 393 10. Kelly, Joe, .Organizational behaviour. Homewood, Richard D. Irwin, str, 666 11.“ Kramer, Ralph M. and Specht, Harry (eds.), Readings in community organiza 106 tion practice. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice -Hall, str. XIV+458 ~ -; 12. White, William Foote, Organizational behavior: Theory and application. Home wood, Richard D. Irwin, str. XIV+807 13. Marenco, Claudine and Jean-Yves Fournier, L’ordinateur et 1’enterprise: So ciologie du changment. II Les strategies de pouvoir. Paris, Institut des sciences so ciales du travail, Universite de Paris, str. 154 14. Easton, Allan (ed.), Managing organi zational change: Selected case studies. Hampstead, Hosftra University yearbook of business, str. XI+246 15. Medard, Jean-Frangois, Communaute locale et organisation communautaire aux Etats-Unis. Paris, Armand Colin, str. XVI + 313 16. Litterer, Joseph A., Organizations. Se cond edition, New York, John Wiley and Sons. Volume I: Structure and behavior, str. 498. Volume II: Systems, control and adaptation, str. 417 17. Halmos, Paul (ed.), Sociological stu dies in economics and administration. Keele, Staffordshire, The university of Keele, str. 163 18. Kaufmann, Carl B., Man incorporate: The individual and his work in an organi zed society. Revised edition. Garden City, Doubleday, str. 268 19. Büscher, Horst, Di Industriearbeiter in Afganistan. Eine Studie zur Gesellschafts^ politischen Problematik sozial schwacher. Bevölkerungsschichten in Entwicklungs länder (Band 1: Der Afganischen Studi en). Meisenheim am Glan, Verlag Anton Hain, str. XII+ 379 20. Kairat, Hans, »Professions« oder »Freie Berufe«. Professionales Handeln in sozialen Kontext. Berlin — München, Duncker und Humblot Verlag, str. 160 21. Naschold, Frieder, Organisation und Demokratie. Untersuchung zum Demokra tisierungspotential in komplexen Organi sationen. Stuttgart, Berlin, Köln, Mainz, W. Kohlhammer Verlag, str. 111 SOCIOLOGIJA PRAVA 1. Aubert, Vilhelm (ed.), Sociology of law: Selected readings. Baltimore, Penguin bo oks, str. 367 2. Tiemeyer, Jürgen, Zur Methodenfrage der Rechtssoziologie. Uber die wissen schaftstheoretische Möglichkeit die Rechtssoziologie wie eine Naturwissen schaft zu betreiben. Berlin, Duncker und Humblot, str. 106 3. Dombois, Hans (Hrsgg.), Recht und In stitution. Zweite Folge. Arbeitsberichte und Referate aus der Institutionenkomision der Evangelischen Studiengemein schaft. Stuttgart, Ernst Klett Verlag, str. 139 SOCIOLOGIJA PORODICE 1. Hill, Reuben and Rene König, Families in East and West. Socialization process and kinship ties. Den Haag und Paris, Mouton, str. 630 2. Ammen, Alfred, Die Ausserhäusliche Berufstätigkheit des Vaters. Eine empiri sche Untersuchung zur Familiensoziologie. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. VIII + 177 3. Steinzor, Bernard, When parents divor ce: A new approach to new relationship. New York, Pantheon books, str. 243 4. Hadden, Jeffrey K. and Marie L. Borgatta (Eds.), Marriage and family: A comprehensive reader. Itasca, F. E. Pea cock, str. 667 5. Ferris, Abbot L., Indicators of change in the american family. New York, Rus sell Sage Foundation, str. XII+ 145 6. Visuri, Elina, Poverty and children: A study of family planning. Helsinki, Westermarck society, str. 154 7. Schlesinger, Benjamin, The one-parent family: Perspectives and annotated bi bliography. Toronto, University of Toron to press, str. XII+132 8. Schulz, Esther and Williams, Sally R., Family life and sex education: Curricu lum and instruction. New York, Harcourt, Brace and World, str. XIV+281 9. Behrman, S. J., Corsa, L. Jr., and Freed man, R., Fertility and family planing: A world view. Ann Arbor, University of Mi chigan press, str. 503 SOCIJALNA STRATIFIKACIJA 1. Dürkheim, Emile, The division of labor in society. Nasi, orig., De la division du travail social. Translated by George Simp son. New York, The Free Press, London, Collier-Macmillan, str. XXIV+439 2. Rosen, Ned. A., Leadership change and work-group dynamics: An experiment. Ithaca, Cornell university press, str. XVIII + 261 3. Fleming, Donald and Bailyn, Bernard (eds.), The intellectual migration: Europa and America, 1930—1960. Cambridge, Har vard university press, str. 748 4. Beteille, Andre, Castes old and new: Essays in social structure and social stra tification. Bombay, Asia publishing house, str. VIII+254 5. Page, Charles H., Class and american sociology: From Ward to Ross. New York, schocken books, str. LXVIII + 315 6. Stavenhagen, Rodolfo, Las classes so ciales en las sociedades agrarias. Mexico, Siglo Veintiuno Editores Sa., str. VIII + 292 7. Razza, Muhammed Rafique, Two Pakis tani villages: A study in social stratifica tion. Punjab, Lahore, West Pakistan, Pun jab University sociologists Alumni asso ciation, str. 104 8. Heller, Celia S. (ed.), Structured social inequality: A reader in social stratifica tions. New York, Macmillan str. XI+ 549 9. Jackson, J. A. (ed.), Migration. New York, Cambridge university press, str. 304 10. Tjaden, K. H., Soziales System und sozialer Wandel: Untersuchungen zur Ge schichte und Bedeutung zweier Begriffe. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. 336 11. Barbagli, Mazzio and Marcello Dei, Le vestali della classe media: Rienca sociolo gical sugli insegmanti. Bologne, II Muli no, str. 378 12. Owen, Carol, Social stratification. New York, Humanities press, str. 99 13. Wakeford, John, The cloistered elite: A sociological analysis of the English pu blic boarding school. London, Macmillan, str. 269 14. Dobriner, William M., Social structu res and systems: A sociological overview. Pacific Palisades, Goodyear publishing, str. 273 15. Orleans, Peter (ed.), in collaboration with Sonija Orleans, Social structure and social process: An introductory reader. Boston, Allyn and Bacon, str. 729 16. Roach, Jack L., Llewllyn Gross, and Orville R. Gursslin (Eds.), Social strati fication in the United States. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 621 17. Davis, A. F., Images of class. An austrailian study. Sydney, Sydney univer sity press, str. 98 18. Jansen, Clifford J. (Hrsgg.), Readings in the sociology of migration. Oxford — London — Edinburgh, str. X+402 19. Ford, Julienne, Social class and the comprehensive school. London, Routledge and Kegan, str. X+174 20. Achinger, Gertrud, Das Studium des Lehrers. Pädagogische Hochschule und Universität im Urteil ihrer Studenten. Berlin, Verlag Drucker und Humblot, str. 235 107 21. Perucci, Robert und Joel E. Gerstl (Hrsgg.), The engineers and the social sy stem. New York, John Wiley and Sons, str. XII+ 344 22. Rauh, Christoph, Lehrer und Berufs beratung. Eine soziologische Untersuchung zur Rolle des Lehrers. Bern und Stutt gart, Verlag Paul Haupt, str. 197 23. Beyme, Klaus von, Interessengruppen in der Demokratie. München. R. Piper Verlag, str. 234 24. Carlsson, Goesta, Social mobility and class structure. Lund, CWK Gleerup, str. XI + 197 SOCIJALNA PSIHOLOGIJA 1. Carson, Robert C., Interaction concepts of personality. Chicago, Aldine publishing, str. XIV+ 305 2. Lindgren, Henry Clay, An introduction to social psychology.. New York, John Wi ley and Sons, str. 378 3. McLaughlin, Barry, Studies in social movaments. A social psychological pers pective. New York, The Free press, str. 497 4. Poverty and Health, A sociological ana lysis. Edited by John Kosa, Aaron Anto novsky and Irving Kenneth Zola. Cam bridge, Harvard university press, str. XVI + 449 5. Lindgren, Henry Clay (ed.), Contem porary research in social psychology: A book of readings. New York, John Wiley and Sons, str. XV+653 6. WERNCH, David F., Psychology: A so cial approach. New York, McGraw-Hill book, str. XIII+400 7. Feuer, Lewis S., The conflict of gene rations. New York, Basic books, str. IX + 543 8. Baier, Kurt and Rescher Nicholas (ed.), Values and the future. New York, The Free press, str. XIV+527 9. Barton, Allen H., Communities in disas ter: A sociological analysise of collective stress situations. New York, Doubleday, str. XLI + 352 10. Gordon, G., Anderson, O., Brehm, H., Marquis, S., Disease the individual and society. New Haven College and Univer sity press, str. 680 11. Grey, Alan L. (ed.), Class and perso nality in society. New York, Atherton press, str. 190 12. Handy, Rollo, Value theory and behavioral sciences. Springfield, Charles C. Thomas, str. XII+ 198 the 13. Kramer, Ralph M., Participation of the poor: Comparative community case stu dies in the war and poverty. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. XII+ 273 14. Stierlin, Helm, Conflict and reconcilia tion: A study in human relations and schi zophrenia. New York, Anchor books, str. 267 15. Achievement in American Society. Edi ted by Bernard C. Rosen, Harry J. Crockelt, Jr., and Clyde Z. Nunn. Cambridge, Schnelmann publishing, str. 653 16. Janis, I., Mahl, G., Kagan, Jerome, Holt, Z., Personality: Dynamics develop ment, and assessment. New York, Harcourt, Brace and World, str. 859 17. Kay, A. William, moral development: A psychological study of moral growth from shigdhood to adolescence. New York, Schocken books, str. 270 18. Kiesler, Charles, Collins, Barry, Mi ller, Norman, Attitude change. New York, John Wiley and Sons, str. 386 19. Smith, M. Brewster, Socialpsychology and human values. Chicago, Aldine publiching, str. 438 20. Vernon, M. D., Human motivation. New York, Cambridge university press, str. VIII+189 21. Lemaine, Gerard and Lemaine Jean-Marie, Psychologie sociale et experimen tation. Paris, Editions Mouton, str. 358 22. Roubiczek, Paul, Ethical values in the age of science. New York, Cambridge uni versity, str. VIII + 317 23. Whitely, D. E. H. and Martin, R. (eds.), Sociology, theology and conflict. New Yo rk, Barnes and Noble, str. 167 24. Lindzey, Gardner and Ellior Aronson (eds.), The handbook of social psycholo gy. Second edition. Reading, Addison-Wesley publishing, Vol. IV: Group psycholo gy and phenomena of interaction, str. 694; Vol. V: Applied social psychologv, str. 786 25. Rose, Arnold M. and Caroline B. Ro se, Sociology: The study of human rela tions. Third edition. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, str. 600 26. Mitchell, Clyde J., Social networks in urban situations: Analyses of personal relationships in Central African towns. Mancshester, Manchester university press, str. 378 27. Weaver, Thomas and Alvin Magid (eds.), Poverty: New interdisciplinary per spectives. San Francisco, Chandler str. IX + 221 28. Riley, Matilda White, Anne Fouer, and associates: Aging and society. Volume 1: An inventory of research findings; Volu 108 me 2: Aging and the professions. Russell Sage Foundation, str. 636 (vol. 1); str. XVII + 410 (vol. 2) 29. Montagu, Ashley, Sex, man, and so ciety. New York, Tower publications, str. 259 30. Chandwick-Jones, J. K., Automation and behaviour: A social psychological stu dy. New York, Wiley-Interscience, str. 168 31. Editors of Ecientific American, Scien ce, conflict, and society. San Francisco, W. H. Freeman, str. 384 32. Bandura, Albert, Principles of beha vior modification. New York, Holt, Ri nehart and Winston, str. 677 33. Clark, Kenneth B. and Jeannette Hop kins, A relevant war against poverty.: A study of community action programs and observable social change. New York, Har per and Row, str. 275 34. Freeman, Howard E. and Norman R. Kurtz (eds.), America’s troubles: A case book on social conflict. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 455 35. Kohn, Melvin L., Class and conformi ty: A study in values. Homewood, The Dorsey press, str. 315 36. Hare, A. Paul and Herbert H. Blumberg (eds.), Nonviolent direct action: American cases: Social-psychological ana lyses. Washington, Corpus publications, str. 575 37. Sherif, Muzafer and Carolyn W. Sherif, Social psychology. New York, Harper and Rowm str. 616 38. Kaluger, George and Charles M. Unkovic, Psychology and sociology: An in tegrated approach to understanding hu man behavior. St. Louis, The C. V. Mosby, str. 404 39. Weick, Karl E., The social psychology od organizing. Reading, Addison-Wesley publishing, str. 121 40. Rose, Bernard C., Harry J. Crocket, Jr., and Clyde Z. Nunn (Hrsgg.), Achie vement in american society. Cambridge, Schenkman publishing, str. 613 41. Rescher, Nicholas, Introduction to va lue theory. Englewood Cliffs, PrenticeHall, str. 199 42. McClelland, David C. and David G. Winter, Motivating economic achievement. New York and London, The Free press, and Collier-Macmillan, str. XXII+ 409 43. Kohn, Melvin L., Class and conformi ty in values. Homewood, Dorsey press, str. 315 44. Schneevind, Klaus A., Methodisches Denken in der Psychologie. Bern und Stuttgart, Verlag Hans Huber, str. 238 SOCIJALNA ANTROPOLOGIJA 1. Olivier, Georges, Practical anthropolo gy. Springfield, Charles C. Thomas, str. XII + 330 2. Foster, George M., Applied antropology. Boston, Little, Brown, str. 238 3. Raghuvanshi, V. P. S., Indian society in the eighteenth century. New Delhi, Associated publishing house, str. 374 4. Hunter, Guy, Modernizing peasant so cieties: A comparative study in Asia and Africa. New York, Oxford university press, str. 324 5. Adam, Heribert, Südafrika: Soziologie einer Rassengeselsschaft. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp Verlag, str. 138 6. Bock, Philip K., Modern cultural ant hropology: An introduction. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, str. 467 7. Vayda, Andrew P. (ed.), Enivirenment and cultural behavior: Ecological studies in cultural anthropology. Garden City, The natural history press, str. 485 MASOVNE KOMUNIKACIJE 1. Habermas, Jürgen. Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit. Untersuchungen zu einer Kategorie der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Neuwied und Berlin, Luchterhand, str. 312 2. Melon-Martinez, Enrique, La televi sion dans la famille et la societe moderns. Verviers, Gerard, str. 255 3. Hentig, Hartmut von, öffentliche Me inung (öffentliche Erregung) öffentliche Neugier. Pädagogische Überlegungen zu einer politischen Fiktion. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, str. 83 4. Holzer, Horst, Massenkommunikation und Demokratie in der BR Deutschland. Opladen, Leske Verlag, str. 93 5. Lazarsfeld, Paul F., The people’s choi ce. How the voter makes up his mind in a presidential campaign. Third edition. New York and London, Columbia university press, str. XVII+178 6. Mass Media and International Unders tanding. (This volume is the summary of the reports presented at the symposium held on the occasion of the twentieth anni versary of the declaration of human ri ghts). Ljubljana, School of sociology, po litical science and journalism, str. XII +426 7. Tarde, Gabriel, On communication and social influence. Chicago, University of Chicago press, str. VIII+ 324 109 8. Prodipto, Roy, Frederick B. Waisanen, and Everett M. Rogers, The impact of communication on rural development: An ivenstigation of Costa Rica and India. Pa ris, Unesco, str. XVI+ 160 9. Blumer, Jay G., and McQuail Denis, Te levision in politics: Its uses and influen ce. Chicago, University of Chicago press, str. XXVIII+379 10. Halmos, Paul, The sociology of mass-media communications. Sociological re view, Monograph 13. Keele, G. Britani, University of Keele, srt. 248 11. Hancock; Alan, Mass communication. New York, Humanities press, str. 96 12. Schiller, Herbert I., Mass communica tions and american empire. New York, Agustus M. Kelly 13. McQuail, Denis, Towards a sociology of mass communications. London, Coilier-MacMillan, str. VI+ 122 14. Chaster, Edward W., Radio television and american politics. New York, Sheed and Ward, str. 342 15. Gerbner, George et al. (eds.), The ana lysis of communication content: Develo pments in scientific theories and compu ter techniques. New York, John Wiley and Sons, str.- 597 16. Schramm, Wilbur, Mass communica tions. Seconds edition. Urbana, University of Illinois press, str. 695 17. Glotz, Peter und Wolfgang R. Langenbucher, Der missachtete Leser. Zur Kritik der deutschen Presse. Köln-Berlin, Ver lag Kiepenheuer und Witsch, str. 204 18. Dröge, Franz, Rainer Weissenborn und Henning Haft, Wirkungen der Massenko mmunikation. Münster, Verlag Regens berg, str. 219 19. Haseloff, Otto Walter (Hrsgg.), Ko mmunikation. Berlin, Colloquium Verlag, str. 187 20. Hesse-Quack, Otto, Der Übertragungs prozess bei der Synchronisation von Fil men. Eine interkulturelle Untersuchunge München-Basel, Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, str. 249 21. Löffler, Martin (Hrsgg.), Das Publi kum. München, C. H. Becksche Verlags buchhandlung, str. 91 22. Steiner, Adolf A. (Hrsgg.), Massenme dien in Unterricht und Erziehung. Frank furt am Main, Verlag Mortiz Diesterweg, str. 332 23. Zoll, Ralf und Erika Henning, Massen medien und Meinungsbildung. Angebot, Reichweite, Nutzung und Inhalt der Me dien in der BRD. München, Juventa Ver lag, str. 335 24. Agee, Warren K. (Hrsgg.), Mass me dia in a free society. Lawrence, The Uni versity press of Kansas, str. XI+ 96 25. Gerber, Klaus-Peter und Manfred Stosberg, Die Massenmedien und die Or ganisation politischer Interessen. Bielefeld, Bertelsmann Universitätsverlag, str. 169 SOCIJALNI PROBLEMI 1. Strotzka, Hans, Psychotherapie and so ziale Sicherkeit. Bern, Stuttgart, Wien Hans Huber Verlag, str. 195 2. Blum, Richard H. and associates, Socie ty and drugs. Drugs I:Social and cultural observations. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, str. 400 3. Blum, Richard H. and associates, Stu dents and drugs. Drugs II: College and high school observations. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, str. 399 4. Heidt, Sarajane and Amitati Etzioni (eds.), Societal guidance: A new approach to social problems. New York. Thomas Y. Crowell, str. 332 5. Novls, Helen H., Drugs on the college campus. New York, Doubleday, str. 1444 6. Gustaitis, Rasa, Turning on without drugs. New York, Macmillan, str. XVIII + 326 7. McDonagh, Edward C. and Jon E. Simp son (eds.), Social problems: Presistent challenges. 2d edition. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, str. XII+ 667 8. Acton, William, Prostitution. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, str. 251 SOCIOLOGIJA MEDICINE 1. Coe, Rodney M., Sociology of medicine. New York, McGraw-Hill book, str. IX+ 388 2. Kaupen-Haas, Heidrun, Stabilität und Wandel ärztlischer Autorität: Eine Anwen dung soziologischer Theorie auf Aspekte der Arzt — Patient — Beziehung. Stutt gart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. 160 Bibliografiju sastavila: Nevenka Rau 110
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