Preisliste 2016-Q1 Accusysteme Transwatt Coesterweg 41 59494 Soest Alle Preise sind unverbindliche Preisempfehlungen. Alle Preise gelten ab Werk, zuzüglich Verpackung und Versand. Alle Preise gelten pro Stück. Hinweis: Batterien sind vom Umtausch ausgeschlossen. Preis-, Artikel- und technische Änderungen sowie Druckfehler vorbehalten. Es gelten die AGB der Accusysteme Transwatt GmbH. Alle vorherigen Preislisten verlieren Ihre Gültigkeit. Wiedereinlagerungsgebür bei Stornierung 20% Prices may change without notice. Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 1 von 21 2016-Q1 Artikel Art Nr. LxBxH (mm) kg Batterie TH 12V/100Ah-4 (E)* Batterie TH 12V/100Ah-4 (M)** 10013130 365x200x245 365x200x245 17 Batterie TH 12V/200Ah-8 (E)* Batterie TH 12V/200Ah-8 (M)** 10013000 465x265x295 465x265x295 34 Batterie TH 12V/300Ah-4 (E)* Batterie TH 12V/300Ah-4 (M)** 10013320 465x265x340 465x265x340 44 10013321 TBS 12-300A-Li*** 10014120 TBS 12-500A-Li*** 10014370 TBS 24-300A-Li*** TBS 48-200A-Li*** TBS 12-300A-Pb*** LiFePo Batterie 12,8V Netto Brutto ohne MwSt. inkl. MwSt. 1.261,35 € 1.261,35 € 1.501,01 € 1.501,01 € 2.434,88 € 2.434,88 € 2.897,51 € 2.897,51 € 44 3.697,48 € 3.697,48 € 4.400,00 € 4.400,00 € 195x120x105 1,7 585,80 € 697,10 € 195x120x105 1,7 863,00 € 1.026,97 € 10014130 195x120x105 1,7 585,80 € 697,10 € 10014140 195x120x105 1,7 585,80 € 697,10 € 10014640 195x120x105 1,7 545,00 € 648,55 € TPC Panel 3F 12V Set inkl. TPC 400A Shunt inkl. TPC 3F Distribution Box 12V inkl. Interface MK2.2b mod. inkl. 5m Anschlussleitung RJ45 inkl. D-Sub 9-polig 0,5m Kabel B/S 10016740 200x70x28 0,15 568,00 € 675,92 € TPC Panel 3F 12V Set + Generator inkl. TPC 400A Shunt inkl. TPC 3F Distribution Box 12V + Gen. inkl. Interface MK2.2b mod. inkl. 5m Anschlussleitung RJ45 inkl. D-Sub 9-polig 0,5m Kabel B/S 10016750 200x70x28 0,15 568,00 € 675,92 € TPC Panel 3F 24V Set inkl. TPC 400A Shunt inkl. TPC 3F Distribution Box 24V inkl. Interface MK2.2b mod. inkl. 5m Anschlussleitung RJ45 inkl. D-Sub 9-polig 0,5m Kabel B/S 10016760 200x70x28 0,15 568,00 € 675,92 € TPC Panel 3F 24V Set + Generator inkl. TPC 400A Shunt inkl. TPC 3F Distribution Box 24V + Gen. inkl. Interface MK2.2b mod. inkl. 5m Anschlussleitung RJ45 inkl. D-Sub 9-polig 0,5m Kabel B/S 10016770 200x70x28 0,15 568,00 € 675,92 € 10013131 10013001 17 34 Batteriebüerbwachungssystem Li/ Pb Transwatt Power Control (TPC) 10014970 10015050 10011090 10014480 10015300 10015050 10011090 10014480 10015070 10015050 10011090 10014480 10015310 10015050 10011090 10014480 * (E) = Endbatterie ** (M) = Mittelbatterie *** Kapazitätsüberwachung erforderlich: BMV60xS/70xS bzw. TPC Panel Prices may change without notice. Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 2 von 21 2016-Q1 Artikel Art Nr. TPC Panel 4 12V Set inkl. TPC 400A Shunt inkl. TPC 4 Distribution Box 12V inkl. Interface MK2.2b mod. inkl. 5m Anschlussleitung RJ45 inkl. D-Sub 9-polig 0,5m Kabel B/S 10016780 TPC Panel 4 12V Set + Generator inkl. TPC 400A Shunt inkl. TPC 4 Distribution Box 12V + Gen. inkl. Interface MK2.2b mod. inkl. 5m Anschlussleitung RJ45 inkl. D-Sub 9-polig 0,5m Kabel B/S 10016790 TPC Panel 4 24V Set inkl. TPC 400A Shunt inkl. TPC 4 Distribution Box 24V inkl. Interface MK2.2b mod. inkl. 5m Anschlussleitung RJ45 inkl. D-Sub 9-polig 0,5m Kabel B/S 10016800 TPC Panel 4 24V Set + Generator inkl. TPC 400A Shunt inkl. TPC 4 Distribution Box 24V + Gen. inkl. Interface MK2.2b mod. inkl. 5m Anschlussleitung RJ45 inkl. D-Sub 9-polig 0,5m Kabel B/S 10016770 Prices may change without notice. LxBxH (mm) kg Netto Brutto ohne MwSt. inkl. MwSt. 200x70x28 0,15 668,00 € 794,92 € 200x70x28 0,15 668,00 € 794,92 € 200x70x28 0,15 668,00 € 794,92 € 200x70x28 0,15 668,00 € 794,92 € 10014970 10015050 10011090 10014480 10015300 10015050 10011090 10014480 10015070 10015050 10011090 10014480 10015310 10015050 10011090 10014480 Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 3 von 21 2016-Q1 Artikel kg Netto Brutto Art Nr. LxBxH (mm) ohne MwSt. inkl. MwSt. Sicherungshalter für Megafuse G1003416 97x39x39 - 13,20 € 15,71 € 60A Sicherung MEGA-Fuse, 32V 80A Sicherung MEGA-Fuse, 32V 100A Sicherung MEGA-Fuse, 32V 125A Sicherung MEGA-Fuse, 32V 200A Sicherung MEGA-Fuse, 32V 225A Sicherung MEGA-Fuse, 32V 300A Sicherung MEGA-Fuse, 32V 400A Sicherung MEGA-Fuse, 32V 500A Sicherung MEGA-Fuse, 32V G1004267 9x67x19 9x67x20 9x67x21 9x67x22 9x67x23 9x67x24 9x67x25 9x67x26 9x67x27 - 8,30 € 8,30 € 8,30 € 8,30 € 8,30 € 8,30 € 8,30 € 8,30 € 8,30 € 9,88 € 9,88 € 9,88 € 9,88 € 9,88 € 9,88 € 9,88 € 9,88 € 9,88 € 9x67x25 9x67x26 9x67x27 - 29,00 € 29,00 € 29,00 € 34,51 € 34,51 € 34,51 € 1,38 € 1,54 € 1,70 € 4,80 € 4,66 € 8,80 € 14,30 € 15,80 € 1,64 € 1,83 € 2,02 € 5,71 € 5,55 € 10,47 € 17,02 € 18,80 € 0,55 € 0,55 € 0,80 € 0,80 € 0,65 € 0,65 € 0,95 € 0,95 € 1,50 € 1,50 € 2,20 € 2,20 € 1,79 € 1,79 € 2,62 € 2,62 € 49,00 € 55,00 € 49,00 € Sicherungen G1003617 G1003417 G1003612 G1003418 G1003662 G1003419 G1003520 G1003611 125A Sicherung, Megafuse, 58V 200A Sicherung, Megafuse, 58V 250A Sicherung, Megafuse, 58V V0004840 - - Aderleitung Aderleitung H01N2-D 6mm² Aderleitung H01N2-D 10mm² Aderleitung H01N2-D 16mm² Aderleitung H01N2-D 25mm² Aderleitung H01N2-D 35mm² Aderleitung H01N2-D 50mm² Aderleitung H01N2-D 70mm² Gummischlauchleitung H07RN-F 95mm² - 8234600 7888080 10011200 10008570 10005530 10005540 01563330 0530110 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - N/A N/A N/A N/A - N/A N/A N/A N/A - - Andere Kabeltypen bitte Anfragen Kabelschuhe Quetschkabelschuh 35mm² Bohrung M8 Quetschkabelschuh 35mm² Bohrung M10 Quetschkabelschuh 50mm² Bohrung M8 Quetschkabelschuh 50mm² Bohrung M10 06579190 Quetschkabelschuh 70mm² Bohrung M8 Quetschkabelschuh 70mm² Bohrung M10 Quetschkabelschuh 95mm² Bohrung M8 Quetschkabelschuh 95mm² Bohrung M10 G1002730 06570620 07128130 07128210 06553070 00997240 10014810 - - Andere Kabelschuhe, Stoßverbinder udgl. bitte Anfragen Montagezubehör 1,3 S0000370 600x130x60 720x130x60 190x190x60 1,4 41,18 € 46,22 € 41,18 € S000140 120x65x40 0,1 10,84 € 12,90 € Dachdurchführung mit zwei Eingängen S000150 120x110x40 0,1 12,52 € 14,90 € DEKALIN DEKASYL MS-5 weiß, 290ml 10016020 0,5 21,90 € 26,06 € (+) Verteilung im Sicherungskasten AP Haubenverteiler mit Reihen-Sicherungsklemmen für 17 Sicherungskreise, inkl. Sicherungen 10016520 211x140x80 1,2 186,00 € 221,34 € (+) Verteilung im Sicherungskasten AP Haubenverteiler mit Reihen-Sicherungsklemmen für 10 Sicherungskreise, inkl. Sicherungen 10016520 155x145x90 1 135,00 € 160,65 € Spoiler für Solarmodule, 55cm lang, 2 Stk Spoiler für Solarmodule, 68cm lang, 2 Stk Spoiler für Solarmodule, Eckprofil, 4 Stk S0000230 Dachdurchführung mit einem Eingang S0000160 1,3 Kleinmengenzuschlag bei Bestellungen unter 100,- € Kabelkonfektionierung auf Anfrage Prices may change without notice. Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 4 von 21 2016-Q1 Artikel Art Nr. LxBxH (mm) kg Netto Votronic Automatic Charger Automatic Charger 12V Automatic Charger Pb 1210 SMT 2B - Ausführung A Automatic Charger Pb 1215 SMT 2B - Ausführung A Automatic Charger Pb 1220 SMT 2B - Ausführung A Automatic Charger Pb 1225 SMT 2B - Ausführung A Automatic Charger Pb 1230 SMT 2B - Ausführung A Automatic Charger Pb 1240 SMT 3B - Ausführung B Automatic Charger Pb 1250 SMT 3B- Ausführung B Automatic Charger Pb 1260 SMT 3B - Ausführung B Automatic Charger Pb 1280 SMT 2B - Ausführung c Automatic Charger 24V Automatic Charger Pb 2416 SMT 2B - Ausführung A Automatic Charger Pb 2425 SMT 3B - Ausführung B Automatic Charger Pb 2440 SMT 2B - Ausführung C ohne MwSt. Brutto inkl. MwSt. 3103 205x160x71 1,25 192,18 € 228,69 € 3105 205x160x71 205x160x71 205x160x71 205x160x71 305x160x71 305x160x71 305x160x71 305x265x90 1,25 228,49 € 263,70 € 297,39 € 333,87 € 424,62 € 478,32 € 536,89 € 732,27 € 271,90 € 313,80 € 353,89 € 397,31 € 505,30 € 569,20 € 638,90 € 871,40 € 205x160x71 305x160x71 305x265x90 1,4 318,66 € 504,03 € 738,66 € 379,21 € 599,80 € 879,01 € 38,82 € 46,20 € 15,13 € 18,00 € 3107 3109 3116 3118 L0000080 L0000440 3131 6235 6239 6250 1,3 1,3 1,4 2,35 2,4 2,5 3,9 2,4 3,9 Fernbedienung für Automatic Charger Fernbedienung S L0000120 47x85x16 Temperatur-Sensor 825 L0000050 2m Leitung L0000020 245x160x71 1,5 259,33 € 308,60 € 3311 245x160x71 245x160x71 245x160x71 245x160x71 245x160x71 1,8 333,78 € 269,50 € 329,50 € 329,24 € 343,36 € 397,20 € 320,71 € 392,11 € 391,80 € 408,60 € 245x160x71 245x160x71 245x160x71 245x160x71 1,5 286,05 € 296,13 € 355,88 € 370,00 € 340,40 € 352,39 € 423,50 € 440,30 € 90x60x29 131x77x40 131x77x40 131x77x40 131x77x40 131x77x40 131x77x40 131x77x40 131x77x40 160x100x71 160x100x71 0,1 28,99 € 51,60 € 60,34 € 77,39 € 114,79 € 84,79 € 84,96 € 117,23 € 154,45 € 188,91 € 325,29 € 34,50 € 61,40 € 71,80 € 92,09 € 136,60 € 100,90 € 101,10 € 139,50 € 183,80 € 224,80 € 387,10 € 34,79 € 36,13 € 39,08 € 37,48 € 49,24 € 207,48 € 78,32 € 83,95 € 41,40 € 42,99 € 46,51 € 44,60 € 58,60 € 246,90 € 93,20 € 99,90 € - Votronic Lichtmaschinen Ladegeräte Lieferung des ges. Votronic Programms Lade-Wandler VCC 1212-25 IUoU Lade-Wandler VCC 1224-25 IUoU Lade-Wandler VCC 2412-25 IUoU Lade-Wandler VCC 2424-25 IUoU Lade-Wandler VCC 1212-45 IUoU Lade-Wandler VCC 2412-45 IUoU Lade-Wandler VCC 1212-25 Li Lade-Wandler VCC 2412-25 Li Lade-Wandler VCC 1212-45 Li Lade-Wandler VCC 2412-45 Li L0000390 L0000160 L0000030 L0000040 3300 3302 L0000460 L0000470 1,5 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,5 1,8 Votronic Solar-Regler Lieferung des ges. Votronic Programms Solar-Regler SR 100 Dig. Solar-Regler SR 140 Duo Dig. Solar-Regler SR 220 Duo Dig. Solar-Regler SR 330 Duo Dig. Solar-Regler SR 530 Duo Dig. Solar-Regler SR 300-24 Duo Dig. Solar-Regler MPP 165 Duo Dig. Solar-Regler MPP 250 Duo Dig. Solar-Regler MPP 350 Duo Dig. Solar-Regler MPP 430 Duo Dig. Solar-Regler MPP 480/24 Duo Dig. 3028 L0000310 1615 L0000220 1625 6615 L0000240 L0000250 L0000230 1725 L0000140 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,7 0,7 Votronic Füllstands-Messsysteme Lieferung des ges. Votronic Programms Frischwassertankanzeige S Abwassertankanzeige S Fäkaltankanzeige S Tank-Sensor FL Tankelektrode 15-50 K (nach Trinkwasserverordnung DIN 2001-2) Batterie-Computer S400 LCD-Solar-Computer S LCD-Thermometer / Uhr Prices may change without notice. L0000270 L0000280 L0000440 5530 L0000260 L0000130 L0000190 L0000400 29x63x18 29x63x18 29x63x18 N/A N/A 80x85x25 80x85x25 80x85x25 Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet - 5 von 21 2016-Q1 Artikel Art Nr. LxBxH (mm) kg Netto Sterling Lichtmaschinen zu Batterie Ladegeräte Brutto ohne MwSt. inkl. MwSt. 467,43 € 524,08 € 594,88 € 835,74 € 949,03 € 410,79 € 623,20 € 467,43 € 141,61 € Lieferung des ges. Sterling Power Programms A2B-Ladegerät 12V 130A A2B-Ladegerät 12V 160A A2B-Ladegerät 12V 210A A2B-Ladegerät 12V 300A A2B-Ladegerät 12V 400A A2B-Ladegerät 12V 80A A2B-Ladegerät 24V 100A A2B-Ladegerät 24V 80A Fernbedienung für AB1280, AB12130, AB12300, AB12400, AB2480, AB24200 Fernbedienung inkl. 2 Shunts für A2B-Ladegerät AB12160, AB12210, AB24100 AB12130 AB12160 AB12210 AB12300 AB12400 AB1280 AB24100 AB2480 ABNRC ABRC 250x180x70 250x280x70 250x280x70 370x288x70 370x288x70 250x180x70 250x280x70 250x280x70 110x70 2,5 0,5 392,80 € 440,40 € 499,90 € 702,30 € 797,50 € 345,20 € 523,70 € 392,80 € 119,00 € 170x90 0,5 238,00 € 283,22 € 3,5 3,5 5 5 2,5 3,5 3,5 Sterling Batterie zu Batterie Ladegeräte Lieferung des ges. Sterling Power Programms B2B-Ladegerät 12V in / out 60A BB1260 200x270x70 3 410,60 € 488,61 € B2B-Ladegerät 24V in / out 35A Fernbedienung mit Anzeige für B2B-Ladegeräte BB1250, 2430, 122450,241250 B2B-Ladegerät wasserdicht 12V in / out 25A B2B Ladegerät wasserdicht 12V in / 24V out 35A BB2435 BBCRC 200x270x70 170x90x40 3 410,60 € 95,20 € 488,61 € 113,29 € BBW1220 BBW1224 145x110x120 145x110x120 249,90 € 249,90 € 297,38 € 297,38 € Prices may change without notice. Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 0,3 3 3 6 von 21 2016-Q1 Artikel kg LxBxH (mm) ohne MwSt. inkl. MwSt. TG 480, LPG GAS Generator 12V-20A 930200 565x380x250 19 2.230,25 € 2.654,00 € TG 480 MEF, LPG GAS Generator 12V-20A 930283 565x380x250 19 2.496,64 € 2.971,00 € 930284 565x380x250 19 2.754,62 € 3.278,00 € Energy 2510G, 2,5 KVA mit automatischem Bedienteil Energy 2510G, 2,5 KVA, Concorde IP4 mit automatischem Bedienteil Energy 4010G, 3,8 KVA mit automatischem Bedienteil 905871 555x295x385 60 3.200,84 € 3.809,00 € 3.489,08 € 4.152,01 € 905891 665x460x345 4.768,91 € 5.675,00 € Artikel Art Nr. LxBxH (mm) 10.645,00 € 11.923,00 € 15.076,00 € 16.885,00 € 16.778,00 € 18.791,00 € 9.941,00 € 11.100,00 € 9.985,00 € 11.212,00 € 12.667,55 € 14.188,37 € 17.940,44 € 20.093,15 € 19.965,82 € 22.361,29 € 11.829,79 € 13.209,00 € 11.882,15 € 13.342,28 € 841,00 € 1.000,79 € RD-D, Dachkühler DC RD2.2 1.649,00 € 1.962,31 € RD-D, Dachkühler DC RD3.2 1.738,00 € 2.068,22 € Telair Gas Generatoren Netto Brutto Art Nr. auswählbare Stromerzeugung dauernd oder variabel, Betrieb im Hochgebrige 2300m TG 600 MEF, LPG GAS Generator 12V-25A auswählbare Stromerzeugung dauernd oder variabel, Betrieb im Hochgebrige 2300m 905878 85 kg Fischer Panda Diesel Generatoren Lieferung des ges. Fischer Panda Programms Panda 5000i PVK-U, 0-4,0 / 5,0kW * Panda 5000i PVK-UK, 0-4,0 / 5,0kW ** Panda 8000i PVK-U, 0-6,4 / 8,0 kW * Panda 8000i PVK-UK, 0-6,4 / 8,0 kW ** Panda 10.000i PVK-U, 0-6,4 / 8,0 kW * Panda 10.000i PVK-UK, 0-6,4 / 8,0 kW ** AGT 4000-12 PVK-U, 4,0kW * AGT 4000-12 PVK-UK, 4,0kW ** AGT 4000-24 PVK-U, 4,0 kW * AGT 4000-24 PVK-UK, 4,0 kW ** *Modelle PVK-U für Unterflurmontage, ohne Kühler **Modelle PVK-UK für Unterflurmontage, inkl. Kühler Fischer Panda Dachkühler Lieferung des ges. Fischer Panda Programms RD-D, Dachkühler DC RD1.2 Prices may change without notice. Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 7 von 21 Artikel kg Netto INVERTER 230VAC/50Hz Sinewave IEC Schuko AU/NZ UK Phoenix Inverter 48/5000 hxwxd Phoenix 12/180 Schuko outlet* Phoenix 12/250 VE.Direct Schuko* Phoenix 12/350 Schuko outlet* Phoenix 12/375 VE.Direct Schuko* Phoenix 12/800 Schuko outlet* Phoenix 12/1200 Schuko outlet* PIN012181200 Phoenix 24/180 Schuko outlet* Phoenix 24/250 VE.Direct Schuko* Phoenix 24/350 Schuko outlet* Phoenix 24/375 VE.Direct Schuko* Phoenix 24/800 Schuko outlet* Phoenix 24/1200 Schuko outlet* PIN024181200 Phoenix Inverter C 12/1200 Phoenix Inverter C 12/1600 Phoenix Inverter C 12/2000 Phoenix Inverter 12/3000 CIN121220000 Phoenix Inverter C 24/1200 Phoenix Inverter C 24/1600 Phoenix Inverter C 24/2000 Phoenix Inverter 24/3000 Phoenix Inverter 24/5000 CIN241220000 Phoenix 48/250 VE.Direct Schuko* Phoenix 48/350 Schuko outlet Phoenix 48/375 VE.Direct Schuko* Phoenix 48/800 Schuko outlet Phoenix 48/1200 Schuko outlet Phoenix Inverter 48/3000 Phoenix Inverter 48/5000 PIN482510200 PIN012351200 PIN012351200 PIN123750200 PIN128010200 PIN121220200 PIN242510200 PIN024351200 PIN243750200 PIN248010200 PIN241220200 CIN121620000 CIN122020000 PIN123020000 CIN241620000 CIN242020000 PIN243020000 PIN245020000 PIN048351200 PIN483750200 PIN488010200 PIN481220200 PIN483020000 PIN485020000 e VE.B us ohne MwSt. Brutto inkl. MwSt. kg 72 x 132 x 200 86 x 165 x 260 72 x 155 x 237 86 x 165 x 260 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2,7 72 x 132 x 200 86 x 165 x 260 72 x 155 x 237 86 x 165 x 260 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2,7 375 x 214 x 110 375 x 214 x 110 520 x 255 x 125 362 x 258 x 218 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 375 x 214 x 110 375 x 214 x 110 520 x 255 x 125 362 x 258 x 218 444 x 328 x 240 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 86 x 165 x 260 72 x 155 x 237 86 x 165 x 260 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 362 x 258 x 218 444 x 328 x 240 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2,4 April 3,5 3 Februar 6,5 8,5 2,4 April 3,5 3 Februar 6,5 8,5 10 13 18 10 13 18 28 2,4 April 3,5 3 6,5 8,5 √ √ 18 √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 √ √ 19 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 √ √ √ 19 18 28 März € 107 € 107 € 138 € 138 € 345 € 505 127,33 € 127,33 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 410,55 € 600,95 € € 107 € 107 € 138 € 138 € 345 € 505 127,33 € 127,33 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 410,55 € 600,95 € € 633 € 772 € 872 € 1.373 753,27 € 918,68 € 1.037,68 € 1.633,87 € € 633 € 772 € 872 € 1.373 € 2.162 753,27 € 918,68 € 1.037,68 € 1.633,87 € 2.572,78 € € 124 € 155 € 155 € 351 € 540 € 1.526 € 2.162 147,56 € 184,45 € 184,45 € 417,69 € 642,60 € 1.815,94 € 2.572,78 € € 736 € 921 € 1.046 € 1.308 € 1.616 € 1.744 875,84 € 1.095,99 € 1.244,74 € 1.556,52 € 1.923,04 € 2.075,36 € € 2.210 € 3.442 2.629,90 € 4.095,98 € € 736 € 921 € 1.046 € 1.308 € 1.616 € 1.744 € 2.326 875,84 € 1.095,99 € 1.244,74 € 1.556,52 € 1.923,04 € 2.075,36 € 2.767,94 € € 2.100 € 2.878 € 3.632 2.499,00 € 3.424,82 € 4.322,08 € € 1.616 € 1.744 € 2.326 1.923,04 € 2.075,36 € 2.767,94 € 3.424,82 € 3.424,82 € 3.960,32 € 4.732,63 € * All 12V and 24V inverters with Schuko outlet are also available with the following outlets: IEC (male plug included), UK, AU/NZ (see appendix for article numbers) INVERTER/CHARGERS 230VAC/50Hz Sinewave MultiPlus Compact MultiPlus Easyplus MultiPlus C 12/800/35-16 MultiPlus C 12/1200/50-16 MultiPlus C 12/1600/70-16 CMP128010000 375 x 214 x 110 375 x 214 x 110 375 x 214 x 110 520 x 255 x 125 362 x 258 x 218 362 x 258 x 218 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ MultiPlus C 12/2000/80-30 MultiPlus 12/3000/120-16 MultiPlus 12/3000/120-50 CMP122020000 Quattro 12/3000/120-50/30 Quattro 12/5000/220-100/100 QUA123020010 362 x 258 x 218 470 x 350 x 280 √ √ √ MultiPlus C 24/800/16-16 MultiPlus C 24/1200/25-16 MultiPlus C 24/1600/40-16 MultiPlus C 24/2000/50-30 MultiPlus 24/3000/70-16 MultiPlus 24/3000/70-50 MultiPlus 24/5000/120-100 CMP248010000 375 x 214 x 110 375 x 214 x 110 375 x 214 x 110 520 x 255 x 125 362 x 258 x 218 362 x 258 x 218 444 x 328 x 240 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Quattro 24/3000/70-50/30 Quattro 24/5000/120-100/100 Quattro 24/8000/200-100/100 QUA243020000 362 x 258 x 218 444 x 328 x 240 470 x 350 x 280 √ √ √ √ MultiPlus 48/3000/35-16 MultiPlus 48/3000/35-50 MultiPlus 48/5000/70-100 PMP483020000 362 x 258 x 218 362 x 258 x 218 444 x 328 x 240 √ √ √ QUA481030010 444 x 328 x 240 500 x 328 x 240 470 x 350 x 280 470 x 350 x 280 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Quattro 48/5000/70-100/100 Quattro 48/5000/70-100/100-S Quattro 48/8000/110-100/100 Quattro 48/10000/140-100/100 QUA485021010 45 € 2.878 € 2.878 € 3.328 € 3.977 EasyPlus C 12/1600/70-16 CEP121620000 510 x 214 x 110 √ √ 11 € 1.200 1.428,00 € 5 years warranty. Ready to go software ECO multi 24/3000/70-50 2,3 kWh LiFePO₄ EMP243020100 475 x 575 x 360 (2x Lithium battery 12,8V/90Ah - BMS BAT512900400 must be ordered separately) √ √ 60 € 3.000 3.570,00 € EasySolar 12/1600/70-16 MPPT 100/50 EasySolar 24/1600/40-16 MPPT 100/50 EasySolar 24/3000/70-50 2xMPPT 100/50 EasySolar 48/3000/35-50 2xMPPT 150/35 EasySolar 48/5000/70-100 2xMPPT 150/100 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 € 1.380 € 1.380 € 2.200 € 2.200 € 3.300 1.642,20 € 1.642,20 € 2.618,00 € 2.618,00 € 3.927,00 € CMP121220000 CMP121620000 PMP123020000 PMP123021010 QUA125020000 CMP241220000 CMP241620000 CMP242020000 PMP243020001 PMP243021010 PMP245021010 QUA245021010 QUA248020010 PMP483021010 PMP485021010 QUA485021011 QUA488020000 √ √ √ √ 10 10 13 18 18 34 10 10 13 18 18 30 30 41 18 30 30 31 41 INVERTER/CHARGERS OPTIMISED FOR SELF CONSUMPTION / HOME STORAGE ECOmulti Prices may change without notice. CEP121621000 CEP241621010 PMP243026010 PMP483026010 745 x 214 x 110 745 x 214 x 110 362 x 280 x 218 362 x 280 x 218 362 x 280 x 218 Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 12 24 24 24 8 von 21 2016-Q1 kg INVERTERS 120VAC Phoenix Inverter 12/800 Phoenix 12/180 NEMA 5-15R socket Phoenix 12/350 NEMA 5-15R socket Phoenix 12/800 NEMA 5-15R socket Phoenix 12/1200 NEMA 5-15R socket NEMA 5-15R Phoenix 24/180 NEMA 5-15R socket Phoenix 24/350 NEMA 5-15R socket Phoenix 24/800 NEMA 5-15R socket Phoenix 24/1200 NEMA 5-15R socket Netto hxwxd PIN012181110 PIN012351110 PIN128010500 PIN121220500 PIN024181110 PIN024351110 PIN248010500 PIN241220500 e VE. Bus ohne MwSt. 120VAC/60Hz Sinewave Brutto inkl. MwSt. kg € 107 € 138 € 345 € 505 127,33 € 164,22 € 410,55 € 600,95 € € 107 € 138 € 345 € 505 127,33 € 164,22 € 410,55 € 600,95 € 8,5 € 155 € 351 € 540 184,45 € 417,69 € 642,60 € 72 x 132 x 200 72 x 155 x 237 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 √ √ √ √ 2,7 72 x 132 x 200 72 x 155 x 237 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 √ √ √ √ 2,7 3,5 3,5 6,5 8,5 3,5 6,5 8,5 Phoenix 48/350 NEMA 5-15R socket Phoenix 48/800 NEMA 5-15R socket Phoenix 48/1200 NEMA 5-15R socket PIN488010500 PIN481220500 72 x 155 x 237 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 √ √ √ Phoenix Inverter 12/3000 PIN123020100 362 x 258 x 218 √ √ 18 € 1.373 1.633,87 € Phoenix Inverter 24/3000 PIN243020100 362 x 258 x 218 √ √ 18 € 1.373 1.633,87 € MultiPlus C 12/2000/80-50 120V MultiPlus C 24/2000/50-50 120V CMP122020100 520 x 255 x 125 520 x 255 x 125 √ √ √ √ 13 CMP242020100 13 € 1.308 € 1.308 1.556,52 € 1.556,52 € MultiPlus 12/3000/120-50 120V PMP123021102 362 x 258 x 218 √ √ 18 € 1.616 1.923,04 € PIN048351110 6,5 Phoenix Inverter 12/3000 INVERTER/CHARGERS 120VAC 120VAC/60Hz Sinewave MultiPlus QUA125021100 470 x 350 x 280 √ √ 34 € 3.442 4.095,98 € PMP243021102 362 x 258 x 218 √ √ 18 € 1.616 1.923,04 € Quattro 24/5000/120-100/100 120V QUA245023110 444 x 328 x 240 √ √ 30 € 2.878 3.424,82 € Quattro 48/3000/35-50/50 120V Quattro 48/5000/70-100/100 120V QUA483021100 362 x 258 x 218 444 x 328 x 240 √ √ √ √ 18 30 € 2.100 € 2.878 2.499,00 € 3.424,82 € BPC012007110 43 x 80 x 155 √ 0,85 € 105 124,95 € BPC024012110 47 x 99 x 193 √ 1,4 € 256 304,64 € 90-130VAC/45-65Hz or 125-175VDC IP20 1 output, natural convection cooling. With NEMA 5-15R plug Blue Power Charger 12/7 IP20 (1) BPC120706100 Blue Power Charger 24/8 IP20 (1) BPC240806100 60 x 90 x 210 60 x 90 x 210 √ √ 1,3 € 110 € 94 130,90 € 111,86 € Quattro 12/5000/200-100/100 120V MultiPlus 24/3000/70-50 120V QUA485021100 Quattro BATTERY CHARGERS: waterproof 120VAC 120VAC/45-65Hz 1 output. With NEMA 5-15R plug Blue Power 12/7 IP65 Waterproof (1) Blue Power 24/12 IP65 Waterproof (1) IP65 Blue Power Charger (Waterproof IP65) BATTERY CHARGERS: IP20 120VAC Prices may change without notice. Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 1,3 9 von 21 2016-Q1 kg Netto BATTERY CHARGERS Microprocessor controlled ohne MwSt. hxwxd 180-265VAC/45-65Hz or 250-350VDC IP65 1 output, natural convection cooling. With CEE 7/16 Plug (Europlug) Automotive IP65 Charger 6V/12V-1,1A BPC120180034R e Brutto inkl. MwSt. kg 42 x 61 x 185 √ 0,6 € 36 42,84 € 42 x 61 x 185 √ 0,6 € 43 51,17 € 47 x 95 x 190 47 x 95 x 190 60 x 105 x 190 60 x 105 x 190 47 x 95 x 190 60 x 105 x 190 √ √ √ √ √ √ 0,9 € 79 € 110 € 130 € 150 € 110 € 150 94,01 € 130,90 € 154,70 € 178,50 € 130,90 € 178,50 € 47 x 95 x 190 60 x 105 x 190 60 x 105 x 190 60 x 105 x 190 √ √ √ √ 0,9 47 x 95 x 190 60 x 105 x 190 60 x 105 x 190 √ √ √ 0,9 60 x 105 x 190 60 x 105 x 190 √ √ 0,9 (includes DC connector with clamps, eyelets and cigarette plug) Automotive IP65 Charger 12V/4A-12V/1A Automotive IP65 Charger BPC120480034R (includes DC connector with clamps, eyelets and cigarette plug) 180-265VAC/45-65Hz or 250-350VDC IP65 1 output, natural convection cooling. With CEE 7/7 Plug (Schuko). (includes DC connector with clamps and M8 eyelets) Blue Power IP65 Charger Blue Power IP65 Charger 12/5 + DC connector Blue Power IP65 Charger 12/7 + DC connector Blue Power IP65 Charger 12/10 + DC connector Blue Power IP65 Charger 12/15 + DC connector Blue Power IP65 Charger 24/5 + DC connector Blue Power IP65 Charger 24/8 + DC connector BPC120530064R Blue Smart IP65 Charger 12/7 + DC connector Blue Smart IP65 Charger 12/10 + DC connector Blue Smart IP65 Charger 12/15 + DC connector Blue Smart IP65 Charger 24/8 + DC connector BPC120731064R With AS/NZS 3112 plug (AU/NZ) Blue Power IP65 Charger 12/7 + DC connector Blue Power IP65 Charger 12/10 + DC connector Blue Power IP65 Charger 12/15 + DC connector Blue Smart IP65 Charger 12/10 + DC connector Blue Smart IP65 Charger 12/15 + DC connector Accessories for the the Blue Power IP65 Charger M6 eyelet connector (with 30A ATO fuse) 2 meter extension cable 12 Volt plug (cigarette plug) Clamp connector (with 30A ATO fuse) Blue Power Charger IP20 Blue Power IP22 Charger BPC120730064R BPC121030064R BPC121530064R BPC240530064R BPC240830064R BPC121031064R BPC121531064R BPC240831064R 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 Juli März Februar März auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage auf Anfrage IP65 BPC120730014R BPC121030014R BPC121530014R BPC121031014R BPC121531014R 0,9 0,9 0,9 BPC900100004 BPC900200004 BPC900300004 BPC900400004 August April € 6,00 € 8,00 € 13,00 € 12,00 7,14 € 9,52 € 15,47 € 14,28 € 180-265VAC/45-65Hz or 250-350VDC IP20 1 output, natural convection cooling. With CEE 7/7 Plug (Schuko) Blue Power Charger 24/5 IP20 (1) BPC240503000 Blue Power Charger 24/8 IP20 (1) BPC2408060000R 60 x 90 x 210 60 x 90 x 210 √ √ 1,3 1,3 € 68 € 94 80,92 € 111,86 € With BS 1363 plug (UK) Blue Power Charger 24/8 IP20 (1) UK IP20 60 x 90 x 210 √ 1,3 € 94 111,86 € 180-265VAC/45-65Hz or 250-350VDC IP22 1 output, natural convection cooling. With CEE 7/7 Plug (Schuko) Blue Power IP22 Charger 12/15 (1) Schuko BPC121541002 Blue Power IP22 Charger 12/15 (3) Schuko BPC121543002 Blue Power IP22 Charger 12/20 (1) Schuko BPC122041002 Blue Power IP22 Charger 12/20 (3) Schuko BPC122023002 Blue Power IP22 Charger 12/30 (1) Schuko BPC123041002 Blue Power IP22 Charger 12/30 (3) Schuko BPC123043002 Blue Power IP22 Charger 24/8 (1) Schuko BPC240541002 Blue Power IP22 Charger 24/8 (3) Schuko BPC240843002 Blue Power IP22 Charger 24/12 (1) Schuko BPC241221002 Blue Power IP22 Charger 24/12 (3) Schuko BPC241223002 Blue Power IP22 Charger 24/15 (1) Schuko BPC241521002 Blue Power IP22 Charger 24/15 (3) Schuko BPC241523002 227 x 108 x 65 228 x 108 x 65 229 x 108 x 65 230 x 108 x 65 231 x 108 x 65 232 x 108 x 65 233 x 108 x 65 234 x 108 x 65 235 x 108 x 65 235 x 108 x 65 235 x 108 x 65 235 x 108 x 65 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1,4 1,4 € 140 € 160 € 168 € 190 € 200 € 227 € 140 € 160 € 172 € 195 € 205 € 233 166,60 € 190,40 € 199,92 € 226,10 € 238,00 € 270,13 € 166,60 € 190,40 € 204,68 € 232,05 € 243,95 € 277,27 € With AS/NZS 3112 plug (AU/NZ) Blue Power IP22 Charger 12/30 (3) AU/NZ IP22 235 x 108 x 65 √ 1,4 € 227 270,13 € With BS 1363 plug (UK) Blue Power IP22 Charger 12/30 (3) UK IP22 235 x 108 x 65 √ 1,4 € 227 270,13 € 43 x 80 x 155 85 x 211 x 60 99 x 219 x 65 99 x 219 x 65 99 x 219 x 65 99 x 219 x 65 √ √ √ √ √ √ 1,1 € 105 € 130 € 143 € 174 € 186 € 217 124,95 € 43 x 80 x 155 99 x 219 x 65 99 x 219 x 65 99 x 219 x 65 99 x 219 x 65 √ √ √ √ √ 1,1 € 105 € 143 € 174 € 186 € 217 124,95 € 99 x 219 x 65 99 x 219 x 65 √ √ 2,4 € 143 € 186 170,17 € BPC240806020R BPC123023012 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 12/30 (3) BPC123023022 BATTERY CHARGERS: IP65 / IP67 180-265VAC/45-65Hz 1 output. With CEE 7/7 Plug (Schuko) Blue Power 12/7 IP65 Waterproof (1) Blue Power IP67 Charger 12/13 (1) Blue Power IP67 Charger 12/17 (1) Blue Power IP67 Charger 12/17 (1+Si) Blue Power IP67 Charger 12/25 (1) Blue Power IP67 Charger 12/25 (1+Si) Blue Power Charger 12/25 (IP67 Waterproof ) IP65 / IP67 BPC012007100 BPC121308006 BPC121708006 BPC121710006 BPC122508006 BPC122510006 Blue Power 24/5 IP65 Waterproof (1) Blue Power IP67 Charger 24/8 (1) Blue Power IP67 Charger 24/8 (1+Si) Blue Power IP67 Charger 24/12 (1) Blue Power IP67 Charger 24/12 (1+Si) BPC024003100 Blue Power IP65 Charger 12/17 (1) AU/NZ Blue Power IP67 Charger 12/25 (1) AU/NZ BPC012017300 Prices may change without notice. BPC240808006 BPC240810006 BPC241208006 BPC241210006 BPC122511016 Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 1,8 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 154,70 € 170,17 € 207,06 € 221,34 € 258,23 € 170,17 € 207,06 € 221,34 € 258,23 € 221,34 € 10 von 21 2016-Q1 kg Netto BATTERY CHARGERS: analog control Universal input 90-265VAC/45-65Hz, or 90-400VDC 3x full current output Centaur Charger 12/20 (3) Centaur Charger 12/30 (3) Centaur Charger 12/40 (3) Centaur Charger 12/50 (3) Centaur Charger 12/60 (3) Centaur Charger 12/80 (3) Centaur Charger 12/100 (3) Centaur Charger Centaur Charger 24/16 (3) Centaur Charger 24/30 (3) Centaur Charger 24/40 (3) Centaur Charger 24/60 (3) ohne MwSt. hxwxd CCH012020000 CCH012030000 CCH012040000 CCH012050000 CCH012060000 CCH012080000 CCH012100000 CCH024016000 CCH024030000 CCH024040000 CCH024060000 e Brutto inkl. MwSt. kg 355 x 215 x 110 355 x 215 x 110 426 x 239 x 135 426 x 239 x 135 426 x 239 x 135 505 x 255 x 130 505 x 255 x 130 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3,8 355 x 215 x 110 426 x 239 x 135 505 x 255 x 130 505 x 255 x 130 √ √ √ √ 3,8 350 x 200 x 108 350 x 200 x 108 √ √ 3,8 350 x 200 x 108 350 x 200 x 108 √ √ 3,8 365 x 250 x 147 365 x 250 x 147 365 x 250 x 257 365 x 250 x 257 √ √ √ √ 5,5 365 x 250 x 257 515 x 260 x 265 √ √ 13 365 x 250 x 147 365 x 250 x 147 365 x 250 x 257 √ √ √ 365 x 250 x 147 365 x 250 x 147 √ √ 6 365 x 250 x 147 365 x 250 x 257 √ √ 5,5 402 x 250 x 140 402 x 250 x 140 402 x 250 x 140 402 x 250 x 140 √ √ √ √ √ 8 3,8 5 5 5 12 12 5 12 12 € 360 € 400 € 490 € 510 € 530 € 880 € 1.075 428,40 € 476,00 € 583,10 € 606,90 € 630,70 € 1.047,20 € 1.279,25 € € 442 € 618 € 808 € 924 525,98 € 735,42 € 961,52 € 1.099,56 € € 484 € 647 575,96 € 769,93 € € 484 € 647 575,96 € 769,93 € € 707 € 765 € 1.254 € 1.514 841,33 € 910,35 € 1.492,26 € 1.801,66 € € 1.389 € 2.221 1.652,91 € 2.642,99 € € 863 € 934 € 1.846 1.026,97 € 1.111,46 € 2.196,74 € € 1.081 € 1.358 1.286,39 € 1.616,02 € € 918 € 1.632 1.092,42 € 1.942,08 € € 1.200 € 1.400 € 1.450 € 1.700 € 35 1.428,00 € 1.666,00 € 1.725,50 € 2.023,00 € 41,65 € BATTERY CHARGERS: microprocessor control Universal input 90-265VAC/45-65Hz, or 90-400VDC 2x full current output + 1x 4A output Phoenix Charger 12/30 (2+1) Phoenix Charger 12/50 (2+1) Phoenix Charger 24/16 (2+1) Phoenix Charger 24/25 (2+1) PCH012030001 PCH012050001 PCH024016001 PCH024025001 3,8 3,8 Phoenix Charger BATTERY CHARGERS: microprocessor control 230VAC and 400VAC/45-65Hz, or 180-400VDC 1x full current output + 1x 4A output Skylla-TG 24/30 (1+1) Skylla-TG 24/50 (1+1) Skylla-TG 24/80 (1+1) Skylla-TG 24/100 (1+1) SDTG2400301 SDTG2400501 SDTG2400801 SDTG2401001 5,5 10 10 Skylla Charger Skylla-TG 24/100 3-phase Skylla-i 24/100 (1+1) Skylla-TG 24/50 3-phase (1+1) Skylla-TG 24/100 3-phase (1+1) STG024050300 Skylla-TG 24/30 (1+1) 90-265VAC Skylla-TG 24/50 (1+1) 90-265VAC Skylla-TG 24/100 (1+1) 90-265VAC SDTG2400303 Skylla-TG 24/30 GMDSS 90-265VAC excl. panel Skylla-TG 24/50 GMDSS 90-265VAC excl. panel SDTG2400302 Skylla-TG 48/25 (1+1) Skylla-TG 48/50 (1+1) SDTG4800251 Skylla-i 24/80 (1+1) Skylla-i 24/80 (3) Skylla-i 24/100 (1+1) Skylla-i 24/100 (3) Skylla-i remote on-off cable SKI024080000 STG024100300 SDTG2400503 SDTG2401003 SDTG2400504 SDTG4800501 SKI024080002 SKI024100000 SKI024100002 ASS030550400 23 GL** 5,5 GL** 5,5 GL** 10 6 10 8 8 8 **Germanischer Lloyd approval. Category C, EMC 1 Prices may change without notice. Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 11 von 21 2016-Q1 kg Netto ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS / AUTOTRANSFORMER / GALVANIC ISOLATOR ohne MwSt. hxwxd e inkl. MwSt. € 520 € 734 € 1.061 € 618,80 € 873,46 € 1.262,59 € 918 € 1.092,42 € 561 € 795 € 667,59 € 946,05 € 120 € 220 € 142,80 € 261,80 € 30 € 49 € 65 € 35,70 € 58,31 € 77,35 € 35 € 25 € 40 € 48 € 45 € 51 € 55 € 80 € 113 € 180 € 180 € 41,65 € 29,75 € 47,60 € 57,12 € 53,55 € 60,69 € 65,45 € 95,20 € 134,47 € 214,20 € 214,20 € 65 € 80 € 180 € 77,35 € 95,20 € 214,20 Isolation Trans. 2000W 115/230V Isolation Trans. 3600W 115/230V Isolation Trans. 7000W 230V ITR040202040 ITR000702000 375 x 214 x 110 362 x 258 x 218 362 x 258 x 218 √ √ √ Isolation Trans. 3600W Auto 115/230V ITR050362040 362 x 258 x 218 √ ITR000100000 375 x 214 x 110 425 x 214 x 110 √ √ 10 60 x 120 x 200 √ √ 1 63 x 164 x 235 25 x 43 x 20 74 x 74 x 32 74 x 74 x 32 √ √ √ 0,10 45 x 90 x 65 53 x 51 x 27 73 x 94 x 37 45 x 90 x 100 73 x 94 x 45 45 x 90 x 110 73 x 94 x 45 65 x 88 x 160 65 x 88 x 185 65 x 88 x 195 65 x 88 x 195 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 0,18 45 x 90 x 115 45 x 90 x 125 65 x 88 x 195 √ √ √ 0,30 132 x 128 x 50 132 x 128 x 50 132 x 128 x 50 √ √ √ 0,40 0,50 Auf Anfrage Auf Anfrage Auf Anfrage ORI303050000 213 x 120 x 30 √ 1,10 € 665 ORI121210100 49 x 88 x 152 100 x 113 x 47 49 x 88 x 182 83 x 130 x 191 49 x 88 x 152 100 x 113 x 47 49 x 88 x 182 83 x 130 x 191 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 0,5 49 x 88 x 152 100 x 113 x 47 49 x 88 x 182 83 x 130 x 191 49 x 88 x 152 100 x 113 x 47 49 x 88 x 182 83 x 133 x 191 100 x 113 x 47 49 x 88 x 182 64 x 163 x 160 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 0,5 49 x 88 x 152 100 x 113 x 47 49 x 88 x 182 83 x 130 x 191 49 x 88 x 152 100 x 113 x 47 49 x 88 x 182 83 x 130 x 191 100 x 113 x 47 49 x 88 x 182 83 x 130 x 191 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 0,5 64 x 163 x 160 64 x 163 x 160 √ √ 1,4 64 x 163 x 160 49 x 88 x 182 √ √ 1,4 ITR040362040 Brutto kg 10 23 26 23 with automatic inputvoltage detection Isolation Transformer Autotransformer 120/240VAC-32A Autotransformer 120/240VAC-100A ITR000100100 14 The ultimate solution for split phase installations Galvanic Isolator VDI-16 Galvanic Isolator VDI-32 GDI000016000 DDI000032000 2 DC-DC CONVERTERS Not isolated, resin encapsulated Orion IP67 24/12-17 Orion 24/12-5 Orion 24/12-17 Orion IP67 24/12-5 (60W) Orion IP67 24/12-10 (120W) Orion IP67 24/12-20 (240W) Not isolated Orion 24/12-5 Orion-Tr 24/12-5 (60W) Orion 24/12-10 (120W) Orion 24/12-12 Orion-Tr 24/12-12 (180W) Orion 24/12-17 Orion-Tr 24/12-20 (240W) Orion 24/12-25 Orion 24/12-40 Orion 24/12-70 Orion 24/12-70 with binding posts Orion 12/24-8 Orion 12/24-10 Orion 12/24-20 ORI241205060 ORI241210060 ORI241220060 ORI241205020 ORI241205200R ORI241210200R ORI241212020 (R) ORI241215200 ® ORI241217020 (R) ORI241220200 ® ORI241225020 ORI241240020 ORI241270020 ORI241270030 ORI122408020 ORI122410020 ORI122420020 Not Isolated, OEM version, high volume only Orion OEM 24/12-10 Orion OEM 24/12-15 Orion OEM 24/12-20 50A Buck-Boost DC/DC converter 0,40 0,45 0,10 20,00 0,29 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,70 0,85 0,90 0,90 0,40 0,90 0,50 Auf Anfrage Auf Anfrage Auf Anfrage € 791,35 Orion OEM 24/12-20 Orion 24/12-70 with binding posts Orion DC-DC Converter 360W isolated With galvanic isolation Orion 12/12-8,3A (100W) Orion-Tr 12/12-9A (110W) Orion 12/12-17A (200W) Orion 12/12-30A (360W) Orion 12/24-4,2A (100W) Orion-Tr 12/24-5A (120W) Orion 12/24-8,3A (200W) Orion 12/24-15A (360W) Ori121210110® ORI121220100 ORI121236100 ORI122410100 ORI122410110 ORI122420100 ORI122436100 Orion 24/12-8,3A (100W) Orion-Tr 24/12-9A (110W) Orion 24/12-17A (200W) Orion 24/12-30A (360W) Orion 24/24-4,2A (100W) Orion-Tr 24/24-5A (120W) Orion 24/24-8,3A (200W) Orion 24/24-15A (360W) Orion-Tr 24/48-2,5A (120W) Orion 24/48-4,2A (200W) Orion 24/48-7,5A (360W) ORI241210100 Orion 48/12-8,3A (100W) Orion-Tr 48/12-9A (110W) Orion 48/12-17A (200W) Orion 48/12-30A (360W) Orion 48/24-4,2A (100W) Orion-Tr 48/24-5A (120W) Orion 48/24-8,3A (200W) Orion 48/24-15A (360W) Orion-Tr 48/48-2,5A (120W) Orion 48/48-4,2A (200W) Orion 48/48-7,5A (360W) ORI481210100 Orion 110/12-30A (360W) Orion 110/24-15A (360W) ORI110123610 Orion 12/27,6-12A battery charger Orion 7-35/12-3A isolated buck-boost Prices may change without notice. ORI241210110 ORI241220100 ORI241236100 ORI242410100 ORI242410110 ORI242420100 ORI242436100 ORI244810110 ORI244820100 ORI244836100 ORI481210110 ORI481220100 ORI481236100 ORI482410100 ORI482410110 ORI482420100 ORI482436100 ORI484810110 ORI484820100 ORI484836100 ORI110243610 ORI122712000 ORI351203000 Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 0,6 0,6 1,4 0,5 0,6 0,6 1,4 0,6 0,6 1,4 0,5 0,6 0,6 1,4 0,6 0,6 1,4 0,6 0,6 1,4 0,5 0,6 0,6 1,4 6 0,6 1,4 1,4 0,6 Februar € 100 € 90 € 119 € 244 € 100 € 90 € 119 € 244 € 119,00 € 107,10 € 141,61 € 290,36 € 119,00 € 107,10 € 141,61 € 290,36 € 100 € 90 € 119 € 244 € 100 € 90 € 119 € 244 € 90 € 119 € 244 € 119,00 € 107,10 € 141,61 € 290,36 € 119,00 € 107,10 € 141,61 € 290,36 € 107,10 € 141,61 € 290,36 € 100 € 90 € 119 € 244 € 100 € 90 € 119 € 244 € 90 € 119 € 244 € 119,00 € 107,10 € 141,61 € 290,36 € 119,00 € 107,10 € 141,61 € 290,36 € 107,10 € 141,61 € 290,36 € 362 € 362 € 430,78 € 430,78 € 265 € 80 € 315,35 € 95,20 12 von 21 2016-Q1 kg ohne MwSt. hxwxd Filax-2 230V/50Hz-240V/60Hz Filax-2 110V/50Hz-120V/60Hz Filax-2 Brutto Netto AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES SDFI0000000 SDFI0000110 VE Transfer Switch 5kVA/230V VE Transfer Switch 10kVA/230V COS230502100 COS230103100 e inkl. MwSt. kg € 389 € 389 € 462,91 € 462,91 € 306 € 379 € 364,14 € 451,01 2,2 € 140 € 352 € 352 € 210 € 166,60 € 418,88 € 418,88 € 249,90 3,1 € 399 € 474,81 120 x 255 x 75 120 x 255 x 75 √ √ 0,8 175 x 215 x 120 175 x 215 x 120 √ √ 1,4 √ √ √ √ 2,1 √ 0,8 1,5 Transfer switches for general application, with time relay and aux contact for Multi/Digital Control Panel Please consider the Quattro with integrated transfer switch instead! VE Transfer Switch 5kVA/230V VE Transfer Switch 10kVA/230V Lynx and DC distribution Lynx Power In Lynx Shunt VE.Net Lynx Shunt VE.Can Lynx Distributor Lynx Ion LYN020102000 LYN040102000 LYN040102100 LYN060102000 290 x 170 x 80 190 x 180 x 80 190 x 180 x 80 290 x 170 x 80 1,4 1,4 See Lithium battery (page 14) ESP DC Link Box (in plastic enclosure) DCL000200000 130 x 395 x 315 ESP System Panel conn. / Battery Monitor conn. / Volt sense conn Populated with 4 Mega fuses (2x 300A, 1x 200A, 1x 100A) and 1 Midi fuse (60A) ESP DC Link Box Lynx Power In Lynx Distributor Lynx Shunt FUSES 8 x 12 x 42 8 x 12 x 42 8 x 12 x 42 √ √ √ €9 €9 €9 € 10,71 € 10,71 € 10,71 CIP133100000 8 x 12 x 42 8 x 12 x 42 √ √ € 11 € 11 € 13,09 € 13,09 Fuse holder for MIDI-fuse CIP000050001 25 x 30 x 52 √ €9 € 10,71 MEGA-fuse 60A/32V (package of 5pcs) MEGA-fuse 80A/32V (package of 5pcs) MEGA-fuse 100A/32V (package of 5pcs) MEGA-fuse 125A/32V (package of 5pcs) MEGA-fuse 150A/32V (package of 5pcs) MEGA-fuse 175A/32V (package of 5pcs) MEGA-fuse 200A/32V (package of 5pcs) MEGA-fuse 225A/32V (package of 5pcs) MEGA-fuse 250A/32V (package of 5pcs) MEGA-fuse 300A/32V (package of 5pcs) MEGA-fuse 400A/32V (package of 5pcs) MEGA-fuse 500A/32V (package of 5pcs) CIP136060010 9 x 19 x 67 9 x 19 x 67 9 x 19 x 67 9 x 19 x 67 9 x 19 x 67 9 x 19 x 67 9 x 19 x 67 9 x 19 x 67 9 x 19 x 67 9 x 19 x 67 9 x 19 x 67 9 x 19 x 67 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ € 15 € 15 € 15 € 15 € 15 € 15 € 15 € 15 € 15 € 15 € 24 € 25 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 28,56 € 29,75 MEGA-fuse 125A/58V for 48V products MEGA-fuse 200A/58V for 48V products MEGA-fuse 250A/58V for 48V products MEGA-fuse 300A/58V for 48V products CIP137125000 9 x 67 x 19 9 x 67 x 19 9 x 67 x 19 9 x 67 x 19 √ √ √ √ € 12 € 12 € 12 € 16 € 14,28 € 14,28 € 14,28 € 19,04 Fuse holder for MEGA-fuse Modular fuse holder for MEGA-fuse Busbar to connect 5 CIP100200100 (500A) Busbar to connect 6 CIP100200100 (1500A) CIP000100000 39 x 39 x 97 45 x 33 x 73 5 x 10 x 180 5 x 10 x 280 √ √ √ √ € 12 € 36 € 39 € 45 € 14,28 € 42,84 € 46,41 € 53,55 ANL-fuse 400A/80V for 48V products (1pc) ANL-fuse 500A/80V for 48V products (1pc) Fuse holder for ANL-fuse CIP142400000 10 x 20 x 81 10 x 20 x 81 44 x 25 x 87 √ √ √ € 10 € 10 € 10 € 11,90 € 11,90 € 11,90 Fuse 125A/170Vdc Fuse CNN 325A/80V for Lynx shunt CIP138125000 67 x 26 15 x 82 x 20 √ √ € 55 € 56 € 65,45 € 66,64 MIDI-fuse 100A/32V (package of 5pcs) MIDI-fuse 150A/32V (package of 5pcs) MIDI-fuse 200A/32V (package of 5pcs) CIP132100000 MIDI-fuse 60A/58V for 48V products MIDI-fuse 100A/58V for 48V products CIP133060000 CIP132150000 CIP132200000 MIDI-fuse MEGA-fuse Fuse holder for MEGA-fuse Fuse CNN Prices may change without notice. CIP136080010 CIP136100000 CIP136125000 CIP136150000 CIP136175000 CIP136200000 CIP136225000 CIP136250000 CIP136300000 CIP136400000 CIP136500000 CIP137200000 CIP137250000 CIP137300010 CIP100200100 CIP100400060 CIP100400070 CIP142500000 CIP106100000 CIP140325000 Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet Februar Februar Februar 13 von 21 2016-Q1 kg COLOR CONTROL Color Control GX Netto ohne MwSt. hxwxd Brutto inkl. MwSt. kg √ € 526 € 625,94 BPP900100100 √ € 23 € 27,37 BPP900200100 √ € 60 € 71,40 BPP000200100 (R) 65 x 120 x 40 65 x 120 x 40 130 x 120 x 40 130 x 120 x 40 √ √ √ √ € 204 € 204 € 295 € 275 € 242,76 € 242,76 € 351,05 € 327,25 VBC000300000 (R) 105 x 75 x 22 √ € 230 € 273,70 € 826 € 982,94 Color Control GX BPP000300100R Graphical User Interface Ethernet (standard) and Wifi (optional) for remote monitoring and control Data storage and graphical display on Android and iPhone apps VE.Bus, VE.Can and BMV connectivity CCGXWiFimodulesimple) e 130 x 120 x 40 (Zyxel NWD2105) CCGXWiFimodulelongrange (Startech USB300WN2X2D) VE.Net hxwxd VE.Net Panel VE.Net GMDSS Panel VE.Net Blue Power Panel 2 VE.Net Blue Power Control GX VE.Net Panel VPN000100000 VPN000200000 BPP000200000 (Both Blue Power Panels have VE.Net and VE.Bus ports) VE.Net GMDSS Panel VE.Net Battery Controller (VBC) 12/24/48V (including 500A/50mV shunt and connection kit) VE.Net Battery Controller 70-350V VBC000500000 (including 500A/50mV shunt in plastic enclosure and connection kit) Shunt 500A/50mV SHU500050100 45 x 28 x 120 √ € 37 € 44,03 SHU102050200 80 x 30 x 168 80 x 50 x 168 135 x 60 x 168 √ √ √ € 121 € 190 € 300 € 143,99 € 226,10 € 357,00 105 x 75 x 22 105 x 75 x 22 105 x 75 x 22 √ √ √ √ € 219 € 219 € 219 € 391 € 260,61 € 260,61 € 260,61 € 465,29 (Does not include connection PCB to BMV-600S/602S) VE.Net Blue Power Panel 2 Shunt 1000A/50mV Shunt 2000A/50mV Shunt 6000A/50mV SHU202050200 SHU602050200 (These shuntts used with BMV-700S/702, do not include connection PCB to BMV-600S/602S) VE.Net Battery Controller VE.Net Tank Monitor (Current) VE.Net Tank Monitor (Resistive) VE.Net Tank Monitor (Voltage) VE.Can resistive tank sender adapter VCS000100000 VRS000100000 VVS000100000 BPP900600100 VE.Net Tank Monitor Shunt 1000A/50mV Shunt 2000A/50mV REMOTE PANELS Digital Multi Control 200/200A Digital Multi Control 200/200A GX (90º RJ45) Skylla-i Control GX REC020005000 DMC000200000R 65 x 120 x 40 65 x 120 x 40 √ √ € 150 € 133 € 178,50 € 158,27 Above panels can be used with all Multi(Plus) and Quattro inverter/chargers Phoenix Inverter Control REC030001200 65 x 60 x 40 √ € 85 € 101,15 Phoenix Charger Control REC010001100 65 x 120 x 40 √ € 90 € 107,10 REC000300000R BPA000100000R 65 x 120 x 40 65 x 60 x 40 65 x 120 x 40 65 x 120 x 40 √ √ √ √ € 133 € 110 € 150 € 70 € 158,27 € 130,90 € 178,50 € 83,30 Victron Global Remote 2 (VGR-2)* (dc supply voltage range: 10-34V) Victron Ethernet Remote** (dc supply voltage range: 10-34V) Global Remote to BMV-60XS conn. kit VGR000200000 73 x 54.5 x 25.5 √ € 564 € 671,16 VGR200100000 73 x 54.5 x 25.5 √ € 501 € 596,19 √ € 90 € 107,10 Outdoor antenna 4dBi for VGR with 5 meter cable ANT000100050 € 156 € 185,64 Phoenix Inverter Control Skylla-i Control GX (90º RJ45) Charger Switch Skylla Control Battery Alarm GX SDRPCSV SDRPSKC Battery Alarm Victron Global Remote 2 Victron Ethernet Remote Outdoor antenna 4dBi for Victron Global Remote VGR900100000 283 x Ø38 √ 0,4 VGR I/O Extender VGR900030201 (dc supply voltage range: 10-78V, connects to the VGR-2, but not to the Ethernet Remote) √ € 292 € 347,48 Box for wall mounting of GX-panels with 90 degr. RJ45 socket only: 80 x 150 x 50 √ € 26 € 30,94 165 x 135 x 65 130 x 85 x 45 245 x 135 x 65 √ √ √ € 40 € 30 € 50 € 47,60 € 35,70 € 59,50 ASS050300000 - BPA000100000R - Battery Alarm GX - REC000300000R - Skylla-i Control GX (90º RJ45) - DMC000200000R - Digital Multi Control 200/200A GX (90º RJ45) Wall mount enclosure for Color Control GX ASS050400000 Wall mount enclosure for BMV or MPPT Control ASS050500000 Wall mount enclosure for Color Control GX and ASS0506000000 BMV or MPPT Control Box for wall mounting of 65 x 120 mm GX-panels * A VE.Bus system and a Global Remote to BMV-60XS conn. kit +BMV can be connected simultaneously **Accepts either a VE.Bus system or a Global Remote to BMV-60XS conn. kit +BMV Prices may change without notice. Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 14 von 21 2016-Q1 kg DATA CABLES and INTERFACES Netto ohne MwSt. hxwxd Network cables for ESP System and BMV-600 and BMV-700 RJ12 UTP Cable 0,3 m RJ12 UTP Cable 0,9 m RJ12 UTP Cable 1,8 m RJ12 UTP Cable 3 m RJ12 UTP Cable 5 m RJ12 UTP Cable 10 m RJ12 UTP Cable 15 m RJ12 UTP Cable 25 m RJ12 UTP Cable 30 m e Brutto inkl. MwSt. kg √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ €8 €8 €8 € 10 € 12 € 15 € 18 € 25 € 30 € 9,52 € 9,52 € 9,52 € 11,90 € 14,28 € 17,85 € 21,42 € 29,75 € 35,70 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ €8 €8 € 10 € 12 € 15 € 18 € 25 € 30 € 32 € 35 € 9,52 € 9,52 € 11,90 € 14,28 € 17,85 € 21,42 € 29,75 € 35,70 € 38,08 € 41,65 VE.Direct cables, use to connect BMV-70x and low power MPPTs to the Color Control GX VE.Direct Cable 0,3m ASS030530203 VE.Direct Cable 0,9m ASS030530209 VE.Direct Cable 1,8m ASS030530218 VE.Direct Cable 3m ASS030530230 VE.Direct Cable 5m ASS030530250 VE.Direct Cable 10m ASS030530310 √ √ √ √ √ √ € 15 € 15 € 15 € 17 € 19 € 23 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 20,23 € 22,61 € 27,37 VE.Direct Cable 0,3m (one side Right Angle conn) VE.Direct Cable 0,9m (one side Right Angle conn) VE.Direct Cable 1,8m (one side Right Angle conn) VE.Direct Cable 3m (one side Right Angle conn) VE.Direct Cable 5m (one side Right Angle conn) VE.Direct Cable 10m (one side Right Angle conn) √ √ √ √ √ √ € 15 € 15 € 15 € 17 € 19 € 23 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 17,85 € 20,23 € 22,61 € 27,37 VE.Direct to BMV60xS Cables, use to connect BMV-60xS to the Color Control GX graphical user interface VE.Direct to BMV60xS Cable 0,3m ASS030532203 √ VE.Direct to BMV60xS Cable 0,9m ASS030532209 √ VE.Direct to BMV60xS Cable 1,5m ASS030532215 √ VE.Direct to BMV60xS Cable 3m ASS030532230 √ € 20 € 20 € 25 € 30 € 23,80 € 23,80 € 29,75 € 35,70 Cables with M8 circular connector (for 12.8V Li-ion batteries) Male to Female 3 pole 1 m (bag of 2) Male to Female 3 pole 2 m (bag of 2) Male to Female 3 pole 3 m (bag of 2) Male to Female 3 pole 5 m (bag of 2) √ √ √ √ € 35 € 37 € 40 € 45 € 41,65 € 44,03 € 47,60 € 53,55 √ √ √ € 29 € 70 € 496 € 34,51 € 83,30 € 590,24 √ √ √ √ √ € 292 € 292 € 100 € 292 € 292 € 347,48 € 347,48 € 119,00 € 347,48 € 347,48 √ √ √ € 58 € 31 € 29 € 69,02 € 36,89 € 34,51 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ € 292 € 80 € 12 € 200 € 25 € 25 € 35 € 35 € 347,48 € 95,20 € 14,28 € 238,00 € 29,75 € 29,75 € 41,65 € 41,65 √ √ € 35 € 41,65 √ √ € 40 € 292 € 47,60 € 347,48 √ √ √ € 50 € 131 € 250 € 59,50 € 155,89 € 297,50 ASS030066003 ASS030066009 ASS030066018 ASS030066030 ASS030066050 ASS030066100 ASS030066150 ASS030066250 ASS030066300 cable-color=grey UTP Cable Network cables for VE.Can, VE.Bus, VE.Net and VE9bitRS485 RJ45 UTP Cable 0,3 m ASS030064900 RJ45 UTP Cable 0,9 m ASS030064920 RJ45 UTP Cable 1,8 m ASS030064950 RJ45 UTP Cable 3 m ASS030064980 RJ45 UTP Cable 5 m ASS030065000 RJ45 UTP Cable 10 m ASS030065010 RJ45 UTP Cable 15 m ASS030065020 RJ45 UTP Cable 20 m ASS030065030 RJ45 UTP Cable 25 m ASS030065040 RJ45 UTP Cable 30 m ASS030065050 cable-color=blue VE Direct to USB cable VE.Direct plug MK2.2b (VE.Bus to RS232) MK2-USB (VE.Bus to USB) BMV-60xS to NMEA2000 VE.Net to VE.Bus Conv. ASS030531209 ASS030531218 ASS030531230 ASS030531250 ASS030531320 Interfaces to connect Victron products to your computer VE.Direct to USB interface Interface MK2-USB (VE.Bus to USB) CANUSB interface Interfaces to connect Victron products to NMEA2000 VE.Bus to NMEA2000 interface VE.Direct to NMEA2000 interface VE.Can to NMEA2000 Micro-C male BMV-60xS to NMEA2000 interface BMV-60xS to VE.Can interface Interfaces for industrial use / datacommunication Interface MK2.2b (VE.Bus to RS232) RS232 to USB converter VE.Direct to RS232 interface RS232 to USB ASS030531203 Interfaces to connect Victron products to each other VE.Direct to VE.Can interface VE.Direct to Global Remote interface VE.Can RJ45 terminator (bag of 2) VE.Bus to VE.Can interface Inverting remote on-off cable Non inverting remote on-off cable VE.Direct non inverting remote on-off cable VE.Bus BMS to BMS 12-200 alternator control cable Skylla-i remote on-off cable VE.Net to VE.Bus Converter ASS030560100 ASS030560200 ASS030560300 ASS030560500 ASS030530000 ASS030130000 ASS030532000 ASS030520100 ASS030520300 ASS030520200 ASS030520000 ASS030520020 ASS030120200 ASS030200000 ASS030520500 ASS030520400 ASS030534000 ASS030700000 ASS030520105 ASS030550100 ASS030550200 ASS030550300 ASS030510100 ASS030550400 VVC000200000 Miscellaneous VE.Can Power Cable ASS030690000 Interface 1140 ASS030510000 (For engine driven inverter systems: Travel Power, Dynawatt, etc) AC Current sensor CSE000100000 Wireless AC sensor, single phase TIM000100100 Wireless sensor gateway TIM000100000 Prices may change without notice. 30 x 105 x 72 Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 15 von 21 2016-Q1 DATA CABLES and INTERFACES, coutinued ohne MwSt. VE.Direkt Bluetooth Smart dongle ASS030536010 inkl. MwSt. √ € 50 € 59,50 √ € 465 € 553,35 € 465 € 553,35 For iPhone and Android. For monitoring as well product set up (BMV-7 series, VE Direct Inverter, Blue Smart IP65 charger all MPPT solar chargers except for the 150/70 and 150/85) Ziehl anti-islanding relays Anti-islanding relays UFR1001E REL100100000 Fulfills the requirements of VDE-AR-N 4105, ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8001-4 712, G59/3 and G83/2, DIN V VDE V 0126-1-1, ERDF-NOI-RES_13E Anti-islanding relays SPI1021 REL100200000 Fulfills the requirements of CEI 0-21-V1 Wired AC sensor HUB-4 1/3-phase Imax=65A REL200100000 √ € 200 € 238,00 ASS030570018 √ √ € 60 € 90 € 71,40 € 107,10 √ √ € 115 € 100 € 136,85 € 119,00 √ √ € 969 € 1.100 € 1.153,11 € 1.309,00 (Carlo Gavazzi EM24DINAV93XISX) RS485 to USB interface cable 1,8m RS485 to USB interface cable 5m ASS030570050 (needed to connect to the AC sensor to the ColorControl GX Zigbee to RS485 converter Zigbee to USB converter ASS300400100 Anti-islanding box 63A single phase - UK Anti-islanding box 63A single and three phase RCD000100200 ASS300400200 100 x 122 x 75 RCD000300200 kg BATTERY MONITOR BMV-700 & BMV-702 Netto Brutto Ex VAT hxwxd Battery Monitor BMV-700 e kg BAM010700000 (R) 65 x 65 x 30 √ 0,3 € 146 € 173,74 BAM010702000 (R) 65 x 65 x 30 √ 0,3 € 182 € 216,58 BAM010702200 (R) 65 x 65 x 30 √ 0,3 € 182 € 216,58 9 - 90 VDC With 500A 'click and connect' shunt and connection kit Battery Monitor BMV-702 9 - 90 VDC BMV-700 With 500A 'click and connect' shunt and connection kit Battery Monitor BMV-702 BLACK With 500A 'click and connect' shunt and connection kit BMV-702 Black Battery Monitor BMV-700H 70 - 350 VDC BAM010700100 √ € 700 € 833,00 ASS000100000 √ € 25 € 29,75 € 40 € 51 € 69 € 77 € 97 € 92 € 112 € 47,60 € 60,69 € 82,11 € 91,63 € 115,43 € 109,48 € 133,28 € 102 € 117 € 122 € 143 € 121,38 € 139,23 € 145,18 € 170,17 € 45 € 90 € 112 € 239 € 239 € 53,55 € 107,10 € 133,28 € 284,41 € 284,41 € 54 € 74 € 64,26 € 88,06 € 74 € 50 € 79 € 110 € 150 € 88,06 € 59,50 € 94,01 € 130,90 € 178,50 With 500A shunt in plastic enclosureand connection kit Suitable for systems with grounded negative only Temperature sensor Temperature sensor for BMV-702 BATTERY ISOLATORS Diode Isolator Diode Isolators with alternator energize input ("AC" models only) and compensation diode (all models) Argodiode 80-2SC 2 batteries 80A ARG080202000 (R) 60 x 120 x 75 √ Argodiode 80-2AC 2 batteries 80A ARG080201000 (R) 60 x 120 x 90 √ Argodiode 100-3AC 3 batteries 100A ARG100301000 (R) 60 x 120 x 115 √ Argodiode 120-2AC 2 batteries 120A ARG120201020 (R) 60 x 120 x 115 √ Argodiode 140-3AC 3 batteries 140A ARG140301020 (R) 60 x 120 x 150 √ Argodiode 160-2AC 2 batteries 160A ARG160201020 60 x 120 x 150 √ Argodiode 180-3AC 3 batteries 180A ARG180301020 60 x 120 x 200 √ 0,5 0,6 0,8 0,8 1,1 1,1 1,5 Fet Isolator Cyrix-ct 12/24V-120A Cyrix-ct 12/24V-230A Cyrix-i 24/48V-400A Battery balancer FET Isolators with alternator energize input Argofet 100-2 Two batteries 100A Argofet 100-3 Three batteries 100A Argofet 200-2 Two batteries 200A Argofet 200-3 Three batteries 200A ARG100201020 (R) ARG100301020 (R) ARG200201020 (R) ARG200301020 (R) Microprocessor controlled battery combiner/isolators Cyrix-ct 12/24V-120A intelligent combiner Cyrix-ct 12/24V-120A Battery combiner kit Cyrix-ct 12/24V-230A intelligent combiner Cyrix-i 12/24V-400A intelligent combiner Cyrix-i 24/48V-400A intelligent combiner Diode Battery Combiner BCD 402 2 batteries 40A BCD 802 2 batteries 80A Battery Protection Battery balancer BatteryProtect 12/24V 65A BatteryProtect 12/24V 100A BatteryProtect 12/24V 220A BatteryProtect 48V 100A Prices may change without notice. CYR010120011 (R) CYR010120110R CYR010230010 (R) CYR010400000 CYR020400000 BCD000402000 BCD000802000 BBA000100100 BPR000050400 BPR000100400 BPR00220400 BPR048100400 65 x 120 x 200 65 x 120 x 200 65 x 120 x 200 65 x 120 x 200 √ √ √ √ 1,4 46 x 46 x 80 46 x 46 x 80 65 x 100 x 50 78 x 102 x 110 78 x 102 x 110 √ √ √ √ √ 0,11 60 x 120 x 75 60 x 120 x 75 √ √ 0,6 100 x 113 x 47 40 x 48 x 106 59 x 42 x 115 62 x 123 x 120 62 x 123 x 120 √ √ √ √ √ 0,6 Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 1,4 1,4 1,4 0,11 0,27 0,9 0,9 0,8 0,2 0,6 0,8 0,8 16 von 21 2016-Q1 kg Netto SHORE CABLES ohne MwSt. hxwxd e Brutto inkl. MwSt. kg Shore Power Cords with Shore Power Organiser Bag Shore Power Cord Shore Power Cord 15m 16A Shore Power Cord 25m 16A Shore Power Cord 15m 25A Shore Power Cord 25m 25A Shore Power Cord 25m 32A SHP302501500 SHP302502500 SHP304001500 SHP304002500 SHP306002500 Power Inlet 16A polyamid wth cover Power Inlet 16A stainless steel with cover Power Inlet 32A stainless steel with cover SHP301603000 (R) SHP301602000 (R) SHP303202000 √ √ √ √ √ € 150 € 204 € 193 € 275 € 377 € 178,50 € 242,76 € 229,67 € 327,25 € 448,63 √ √ √ € 58 € 84 € 111 € 69,02 € 99,96 € 132,09 √ √ € 67 € 91 € 79,73 € 108,29 √ √ √ √ √ € 21 € 20 € 68 € 30 € 41 € 24,99 € 23,80 € 80,92 € 35,70 € 48,79 € 25 € 30 € 40 € 55 € 29,75 € 35,70 € 47,60 € 65,45 € 40 € 70 € 110 € 60 € 12 € 12 € 47,60 € 83,30 € 130,90 € 71,40 € 14,28 € 14,28 Power Inlet Stainless steel Plug for Power Inlet Plug 16A/250Vac (2p/3w) for Power Inlet 16A Plug 32A/250Vac (2p/3w) for Power Inlet 32A SHP301604000 Adapter Cord 16A/250V Schuko/CEE Adapter Cord 16A/250V CEE/Schuko Splitter Cord 16A/250V CEE/2xCEE Adapter Cord 16A to 32A/250V CEE/CEE Adapter Cord 32A 3 phase to single phase SHP307700220 Adapter Cord SHP307700220 Adapter Cord SHP307700260 SHP303204000 SHP307700260 SHP307700240 SHP307700280 SHP307700300 Adapter Cord SHP307700300 Adapter Cord SHP307700280 Splitter Cord SHP307700240 SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLERS BlueSolar PWM-Pro BlueSolar MPPT 75/15 BlueSolar PWM-Light 12/24V-5A BlueSolar PWM-Light 12/24V-10A BlueSolar PWM-Light 12/24V-20A BlueSolar PWM-Light 12/24V-30A SCC010005000 70 x 133 x 34 70 x 133 x 34 70 x 133 x 34 70 x 133 x 34 √ √ √ √ 0,15 BlueSolar PWM-Pro 12/24V-10A BlueSolar PWM-Pro 12/24V-20A BlueSolar PWM-Pro 12/24V-30A Remote panel for BlueSolar PWM-Pro Temperature sensor for BlueSolar PWM-Pro BlueSolar PWM-Pro to USB interface cable SCC010010010 70 x 138 x 37 82 x 160 x 48 100 x 200 x 57 49 x 113 x 113 √ √ √ √ √ √ 0,15 BlueSolar PWM DUO 12/24V-20A Remote Remote Panel Panel for for BlueSolar BlueSolar DUO 12/24V-20A SCC010020000 76 x 153 x 37 √ 0,2 € 140 € 166,60 BlueSolar PWM 12/24V-10A with timer SCC900200000 49 x 113 x 113 √ 0,21 € 90 € 107,10 SCC010010100 65 x 140 x 34 √ 0,21 € 36 € 42,84 0,4 € 81 € 90 € 110 € 25 € 10 € 96,39 € 107,10 € 130,90 € 29,75 € 11,90 € 200 € 300 € 300 € 450 € 450 € 500 € 500 € 550 € 550 € 650 € 650 € 750 € 750 € 80 € 25 € 238,00 € 357,00 € 357,00 € 535,50 € 535,50 € 595,00 € 595,00 € 654,50 € 654,50 € 773,50 € 773,50 € 892,50 € 892,50 € 95,20 € 29,75 € 715 € 800 € 850,85 € 952,00 √ √ √ € 10 € 15 € 22 € 11,90 € 17,85 € 26,18 √ √ √ √ √ € 12 € 18 € 27 € 41 € 76 € 14,28 € 21,42 € 32,13 € 48,79 € 90,44 € 10 € 10 € 11,90 € 11,90 € 26 €9 € 30,94 € 10,71 SCC010010000 SCC010020020 SCC010030020 SCC010020110 SCC010030010 SCC900300000 SCC940100100 SCC940100200 0,15 0,15 0,15 0,3 0,5 0,21 BlueSolar MPPT 100/15 BlueSolar MPPT 75/10 (12/24V-10A) BlueSolar MPPT 75/15 (12/24V-15A) BlueSolar MPPT 100/15 (12/24V-15A) Inverting remote on-off cable PWM light dimming cable BlueSolar MPPT 75/50 SCC010010050R SCC010015050R SCC010015200R 100 x 113 x 40 100 x 113 x 40 100 x 113 x 47 √ √ √ √ 0,5 130 x 186 x 70 130 x 186 x 70 130 x 186 x 70 200 x 250 x 95 200 x 250 x 95 200 x 250 x 95 200 x 250 x 95 200 x 250 x 95 200 x 250 x 95 216 x 295 x 103 216 x 295 x 103 216 x 295 x 103 216 x 295 x 103 65 x 695 x 30 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1,3 350 x 160 x 135 350 x 160 x 135 √ √ 5 ASS030550100 ASS030550500 BlueSolar MPPT 100/30 (12/24V-30A) BlueSolar MPPT 100/50 (12/24V-30A) BlueSolar MPPT 150/35 (12/24/48V-35A) BlueSolar MPPT 150/45-Tr (12/24/48V-45A) BlueSolar MPPT 150/45-MC4 (12/24/48V-45A) BlueSolar MPPT 150/60-Tr (12/24/48V-60A) BlueSolar MPPT 150/60-MC4 (12/24/48V-60A) BlueSolar MPPT 150/70-Tr (12/24/48V-70A) BlueSolar MPPT 150/70-MC4 (12/24/48V-70A) BlueSolar MPPT 150/85-Tr (12/24/48V-85A) BlueSolar MPPT 150/85-MC4 (12/24/48V-85A) BlueSolar MPPT 150/100-Tr (12/24/48V-100A) BlueSolar MPPT 150/100-MC4 (12/24/48V-100A) MPPT Control /VE.Direct cable not included) VE.Direct non inverting remote on-off cable SCC010030200 BlueSolar MPPT 150/70 (12/24/36/48V-70A) BlueSolar MPPT 150/85 (12/24/36/48V-85A) SCC010070000 SCC010050200 SCC010035000 SCC010045200 SCC010045300 SCC010060200 SCC010060300 SCC010070200 SCC010070300 SCC010085200 SCC010085300 SCC010100200 SCC010100300 SCC900500000 ASS030550300 SCC010085000 0,6 1,3 1,3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 0,3 5 BlueSolar MPPT 150/70 BlueSolar MPPT 150/85 SOLAR CABLES Solar Cable (4 mm²) with pre-assembled male and female MC4 (PV-ST01) connectors Length 1 m Length 3 m Length 5 m SCA000100000 SCA000300000 SCA000500000 Solar Cable (6 mm²) with pre-assembled male and female MC4 (PV-ST01) connectors Solar splitter pair MC4-Y Solar connector pair MC4 Length 1 m Length 3 m Length 5 m Length 10 m Length 20 m SCA000100100 SCA000300100 SCA000500100 SCA001000100 SCA002000100 Solar adapter cable MC4 male to MC3 female, length 15 cm Solar adapter cable MC4 female to MC3 male, length 15 cm SCA500100000 Solar splitter pair MC4-Y, 1x M-2F / 1xF-2M Solar connector pair MC4, 1x Male/1x Female SCA520500000 Prices may change without notice. SCA500200000 SCA520300000 Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 17 von 21 SolarCablewithmaleandfemaleMC4connectors Prices may change without notice. MC4 male to MC3 female MC4 female to MC3 male Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 18 von 21 2016-Q1 kg Netto BATTERIES 12V/90Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/90Ah AGM Battery with threaded insert terminals 12V/13Ah Gel Deep Cycle Batt. CCA @ 0ºF / RES CAP @ 80ºF € 357,00 € 23 € 41 € 54 € 128 € 147 € 202 € 215 € 273 € 321 € 408 € 517 € 27,37 € 48,79 € 64,26 € 152,32 € 174,93 € 240,38 € 255,85 € 324,87 € 381,99 € 485,52 € 615,23 € 215 € 273 € 321 € 408 € 517 € 255,85 € 324,87 € 381,99 € 485,52 € 615,23 € 300 € 418 € 477 € 357,00 € 497,42 € 567,63 € 169 € 211 € 220 € 275 € 325 € 413 € 538 € 201,11 € 251,09 € 261,80 € 327,25 € 386,75 € 491,47 € 640,22 € 269 € 313 € 358 € 379 € 434 € 487 € 545 € 750 € 878 € 1.012 € 1.203 € 1.634 € 2.046 € 2.367 € 320,11 € 372,47 € 426,02 € 451,01 € 516,46 € 579,53 € 648,55 € 892,50 € 1.044,82 € 1.204,28 € 1.431,57 € 1.944,46 € 2.434,74 € 2.816,73 € 420 € 566 € 662 € 765 € 933 € 1.324 € 1.610 € 1.811 € 499,80 € 673,54 € 787,78 € 910,35 € 1.110,27 € 1.575,56 € 1.915,90 € 2.155,09 18 450 / 90 24 520 / 100 27 600 / 145 410 x 176 x 227 485 x 172 x 240 522 x 238 x 240 √ √ √ √ √ √ BAT412151081 350 x 167 x 183 300 x 171 x 220 410 x 176 x 227 485 x 172 x 240 √ √ √ √ BAT412201081 522 x 238 x 240 AGM deep cycle telecom battery with threaded insert terminals 12V/115Ah AGM Telecom Batt. (M8) BAT412105160 12V/165Ah AGM Telecom Batt. (M8) BAT412151160 12V/200Ah AGM Telecom Batt. (M8) Bat412181160 GEL Deep Cycle (C20 capacity) 12V/60Ah Gel Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/66Ah Gel Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/90Ah Gel Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/110Ah Gel Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/130Ah Gel Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/165Ah Gel Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/220Ah Gel Deep Cycle Batt. BAT412550080 BAT412600080 BAT412800080 BAT412101080 BAT412121080 BAT412151080 BAT412201080 BAT412800081 BAT412101081 BAT412121081 BAT412550100 BAT412600100 BAT412800100 BAT412101100 BAT412121100 BAT412151100 BAT412201100 181 x 77 x 167 197 x 165 x 170 229 x 138 x 227 258 x 166 x 235 350 x 167 x 183 330 x171 x 220 4,4 5,8 15 32 800 / 190 38 1000 / 230 47 1200 / 320 65 1400 / 440 √ √ √ √ 27 600 / 145 32 700 / 190 √ √ 395 x 110 x 293 548 x 105 x 316 546 x 125 x 323 √ √ √ √ √ √ 35 700 / 190 49 1000 / 320 59 1100 / 440 229 x 138 x 227 258 x 166 x 235 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 350 x 167 x 183 330 x 171 x 220 410 x 176 x 227 485 x 172 x 240 522 x 238 x 240 inkl. MwSt. € 300 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ BAT412350080 Brutto 31 √ 151 x 65 x 101 151 x 98 x 101 BAT212200080 ohne MwSt. 2,3 320 x 176 x 247 BAT212070080 BAT212120080 √ kg BAT406225080 12V/8Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/14Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/22Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/38Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/60Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/66Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/90Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/110Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/130Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/165Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. 12V/220Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. AGM deep cycle with threaded insert terminals 12V/90Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. (M6) 12V/110Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. (M8) 12V/130Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. (M8) 12V/165Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. (M8) 12V/220Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. (M8) AGM Telecom Battery lxwxh Ha ndl AGM Deep Cycle (C20 capacity) 6V/240Ah AGM Deep Cycle Batt. 38 800 / 230 47 1000 / 320 65 1200 / 440 19 300 / 80 24 360 / 90 26 420 / 130 33 550 / 180 38 700 / 230 48 850 / 320 66 1100 / 440 Height includes poles CCA @ 0ºF: SAE Cold Cranking Amps at 0º F / -18ºC RES CAP @ 80ºF: Reserve Capacity at 80ºF / 27ºC TUBULAR PLATE BATTERIES GEL OPzV GEL OPzV tubular plate 2V cells (C10 capacity)* 4 OPzV 200 5 OPzV 250 6 OPzV 300 5 OPzV 350 6 OPzV 420 7 OPzV 490 6 OPzV 600 8 OPzV 800 10 OPzV 1000 12 OPzV 1200 12 OPzV 1500 16 OPzV 2000 20 OPzV 2500 24 OPzV 3000 BAT702201260 BAT702251260 BAT702301260 BAT702351260 BAT702421260 BAT702491260 BAT702601260 BAT702801260 BAT702102260 BAT702122260 BAT702152260 BAT702202260 BAT702252260 BAT702302260 103 x 206 x 398 124 x 206 x 398 145 x 206 x 398 124 x 206 x 515 145 x 206 x 515 166 x 206 x 515 145 x 206 x 688 210 x 191 x 688 210 x 233 x 690 210 x 275 x 690 210 x 275 x 840 215 x 400 x 815 215 x 490 x 815 215 x 580 x 815 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Flooded OPzS C10 640Ah 853Ah 1065Ah 1278Ah 1613Ah 2143Ah 2675Ah 3208Ah BAT802601280 BAT802801280 BAT802102280 BAT802122280 BAT802152280 BAT802202280 BAT802252280 BAT802302280 145 x 206 x 711 210 x 191 x 711 210 x 233 x 711 210 x 275 x 711 210 x 275 x 861 212 x 397 x 837 212 x 487 x 837 212 x 576 x 837 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Standard delivery: filled with electrolyte. Optional: dry charged (5% surcharge, acid not included in the delivery) Prices may change without notice. 23 28 31 36 41 49 65 80 93 115 155 200 235 Height includes poles *Minimum order quantity 12 cells per model OPzS Solar batteries Model C120 OpzS Solar 910 910Ah OpzS Solar 1210 1210Ah OpzS Solar 1520 1520Ah OpzS Solar 1830 1830Ah OpzS Solar 2280 2280Ah OpzS Solar 3040 3040Ah OpzS Solar 3800 3800Ah OpzS Solar 4560 4560Ah 19 Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 50 65 80 93 119 160 200 240 Height includes poles 19 von 21 2016-Q1 kg Netto SOLAR PANELS ohne MwSt. hxwxd Monocrystalline panel Polycrystalline panel 30W-12V Mono 430×545×25mm series 3a* 50W-12V Mono 630×545×35mm series 3a* 80W-12V Mono 1195×545×35mm series 3a 100W-12V Mono1195x545x35mm series 3a 130W-12V Mono 1480×673×35mm series 3a 190W-24V Mono 1580×808×35mm series 3a 300W-24V Mono 1956×992×45mm series 3a SPM030301200 20W-12V Poly 480x350x25mm series 3a* 30W-12V Poly 410x670×25mm series 3a* 40W-12V Poly 450x670×25mm series 3a* 50W-12V Poly 540×670×35mm series 3a* 75W-12V Poly 780x670×35mm series 2a* 80W-12V Poly 840x670×35mm series 3a 100W-12V Poly 1000×670×35mm series 3a 140W-12V Poly 1480×673×35mm series 3a 190W-16V Poly 1324x989×35mm series 2a 250W-20V Poly 1650x992×50mm series 3a 290W-24V Poly 1956×992×45mm series 3a *without connection cable and MC4 connector SPP030201200 SPM030501200 SPM030801200 SPM031001200 SPM031301200 SPM031902400 SPM03300240 SPP010301200 SPP030401200 SPP010501210 SPP020751200 SPP010801210 SPP011001210 SPP011401200 SPP021902400 SPP032502400 SPP012802400 Brutto inkl. MwSt. kg € 70 € 110 € 164 € 200 € 254 € 361 € 526 € 83,30 € 130,90 € 195,16 € 238,00 € 302,26 € 429,59 € 625,94 € 51 € 65 € 78 € 95 € 129 € 138 € 173 € 241 € 255 € 395 € 450 € 60,69 € 77,35 € 92,82 € 113,05 € 153,51 € 164,22 € 205,87 € 286,79 € 303,45 € 470,05 € 535,50 € 5.186 € 3.050 € 6.171,34 € 3.629,50 € 2.000 € 2.200 € 550 € 2.380,00 € 2.618,00 € 654,50 € 782 € 1.100 € 1.804 € 2.427 € 930,58 € 1.309,00 € 2.146,76 € 2.888,13 42 € 860 € 1.158 € 2.100 € 2.528 € 1.023,40 € 1.378,02 € 2.499,00 € 3.008,32 2,5 430 x 545 x 25 630 x 545 x 35 1195 x 545 x 35 1195 x 545 x 35 1480 x 673 x 35 1580 x 808 x 35 1956 x 992 x 45 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 480 x 350 x 25 735 x 350 x 25 450 x 670 x 25 540 x 670 x 35 780 x 670 x 35 915 x 670 x 35 1005 x 670 x 35 1480 x 670 x 35 1324 x 989 x 35 1650 x 992 x 50 1956 x 992 x 50 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 360 x 195 x 625 290 x 150 x 560 √ √ 190 x 180 x 80 190 x 180 x 80 113 x 111 x 37 √ √ √ 235 x 293 x 139 249 x 293 x 168 320 x 338 x 233 295 x 425 x 274 √ √ √ √ 12 √ √ √ √ 12 5,2 7,5 8,9 11,5 14,5 24,0 2,2 3,5 4,5 5,7 7,9 8 9 15,0 17,2 20,3 28 LITHIUM (LiFePO4) BATTERIES Lithium Battery 24V/180Ah 4,75 kWh Lithium Battery 24V/100Ah 2,6 kWh BAT524181200 Lynx Ion + Shunt 350A Lynx Ion + Shunt 600A Ion Control LYN040351000 Lithium battery 12,8V/60Ah - CB Lithium battery 12,8V/90Ah - CB Lithium battery 12,8V/160Ah - CB Lithium battery 12,8V/200Ah - CB BAT512600500 Lithium battery 12,8V/60Ah - BMS Lithium battery 12,8V/90Ah - BMS Lithium battery 12,8V/160Ah - BMS Lithium battery 12,8V/200Ah - BMS BAT512600400 BAT512201400 235 x 293 x 139 249 x 293 x 168 320 x 338 x 233 295 x 425 x 274 Li-ion Battery Tower BAC232025600 882 x 300 x 308 √ 5 € 525 € 624,75 BMS300200000 30 x 105 x 72 √ 0,09 € 120 € 142,80 € 25 € 25 € 35 € 35 € 29,75 € 29,75 € 41,65 € 41,65 € 66 € 66 € 77 € 77 € 77 € 78,54 € 78,54 € 91,63 € 91,63 € 91,63 € 196,35 € 196,35 € 196,35 € 196,35 € 196,35 BAT524101200 LYN040601000 LYN010100100 55 30 2 2 0,3 Lithium battery 24/180 Lithium battery 12,8/90 - BMS BAT512900500 BAT512161500 BAT512201500 BAT512900400 BAT512161400 16 33 42 16 33 Fits up to four Lithium batteries 60Ah or 90Ah and a VE.Bus BMS Includes wiring for 25,6V and 51,2V (VE.Bus BMS and batteries not included) Battery Management System VE.Bus BMS (includes AC detector) Li-ion Battery Tower Inverting remote on-off cable Non inverting remote on-off cable ASS030550100 VE.Bus BMS to BMS 12-200 alternator control cable ASS030510100 Skylla-i remote on-off cable ASS030550400 Cyrix-Li-load 12/24V-120A Cyrix-Li-load 24/48V-120A Cyrix-Li-Charge 12/24V-120A Cyrix-Li-Charge 24/48V-120A Cyrix-Li-ct 12/24V-120A combiner CYR010120450 Cyrix-Li-load 12/24V-230A Cyrix-Li-load 24/48V-230A Cyrix-Li-Charge 12/24V-230A Cyrix-Li-Charge 24/48V-230A Cyrix-Li-ct 12/24V-230A combiner CYR010230450 Battery Management System 12/200 √ √ √ √ ASS030550200 46 x 46 x 80 46 x 46 x 80 46 x 46 x 80 46 x 46 x 80 46 x 46 x 80 √ √ √ √ √ 0,11 √ √ √ √ √ 0,27 CYR010230410 65 x 100 x 50 65 x 100 x 50 65 x 100 x 50 65 x 100 x 50 65 x 100 x 50 0,27 € 165 € 165 € 165 € 165 € 165 BMS012201000 65 x 120 x 260 √ 1,8 € 242 € 287,98 € 35 € 37 € 40 € 45 € 41,65 € 44,03 € 47,60 € 53,55 € 450 € 650 € 800 € 900 € 535,50 € 773,50 € 952,00 € 1.071,00 CYR020120450 CYR010120430 CYR020120430 CYR010120410 0,11 0,11 0,11 0,11 VE.Bus BMS BMS 12/200 CYR020230450 CYR010230430 CYR020230430 Cables with M8 circular connector (for Li-ion batteries) Male to Female 3 pole 1 m (bag of 2) Male to Female 3 pole 2 m (bag of 2) Male to Female 3 pole 3 m (bag of 2) Male to Female 3 pole 5 m (bag of 2) ASS030560200 ASS030560300 ASS030560500 PPP012008000 Victron Peak Power Pack 12,8V/20Ah 256Wh PPP012020000 Victron Peak Power Pack 12,8V/30Ah 384Wh PPP012030000 Victron Peak Power Pack 12,8V/40Ah 512Wh PPP012040000 0,27 0,27 √ √ √ √ ASS030560100 Victron Peak Power Pack 12,8V/8Ah 102Wh 0,27 120 x 170 x 170 120 x 170 x 170 160 x 170 x 170 200 x 170 x 170 √ √ √ √ 2,3 3,6 5,5 7,4 März März April April Peak Power Pack *InstalltogetherwithaLynxShuntVE.Can Prices may change without notice. Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 20 von 21 2016-Q1 kg APPENDIX Netto 12V AND 24V INVERTERS: ALTERNATIVE OUTLETS ohne MwSt. 230VAC/50Hz Sinewave Phoenix 12/180 IEC outlet Phoenix 12/180 Schuko outlet Phoenix 12/180 AU/NZ outlet (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 12/180 UK outlet (BS 1363) Phoenix 12/250 VE.Direct IEC Phoenix 12/250 VE.Direct Schuko* Phoenix 12/250 VE.Direct AU/NZ (AS/NZS 3112) Phoenix 12/250 VE.Direct UK (BS 1363) Phoenix 12/350 IEC outlet Phoenix 12/350 Schuko outlet Phoenix 12/350 AU/NZ outlet (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 12/350 UK outlet (BS 1363) hxwxd PIN012181100 PIN012181200 PIN012181300 PIN012181400 PIN122510100 PIN012351200 PIN122510300 PIN122510400 PIN012351100 PIN012351200 PIN012351300 PIN012351400 Phoenix 12/375 VE.Direct IEC Phoenix 12/375 VE.Direct Schuko* Phoenix 12/375 VE.Direct (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 12/375 VE.Direct (BS 1363) PIN123750100 Phoenix 12/800 IEC outlet Phoenix 12/800 Schuko outlet Phoenix 12/800 AU/NZ outlet (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 12/800 UK outlet (BS 1363) PIN128010100 Phoenix 12/1200 IEC outlet Phoenix 12/1200 Schuko outlet Phoenix 12/1200 AU/NZ outlet (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 12/1200 UK outlet (BS 1363) PIN121220100 Phoenix 24/180 IEC outlet Phoenix 24/180 Schuko outlet Phoenix 24/180 AU/NZ outlet (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 24/180 UK outlet (BS 1363) PIN024181100 Phoenix 24/250 VE.Direct IEC Phoenix 24/250 VE.Direct Schuko* Phoenix 24/250 VE.Direct (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 24/250 VE.Direct (BS 1363) Phoenix 24/350 IEC outlet Phoenix 24/350 Schuko outlet Phoenix 24/350 AU/NZ outlet (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 24/350 UK outlet (BS 1363) PIN243750200 PIN12375300 PIN123750400 PIN128010200 PIN128010300 PIN128010400 PIN121220200 PIN121220300 PIN121220400 PIN024181200 PIN024181300 PIN024181400 PIN242510100 PIN242510200 PIN242510300 PIN242510400 PIN024351100 PIN024351200 PIN024351300 PIN024351400 72 x 132 x 200 72 x 132 x 200 72 x 132 x 200 72 x 132 x 200 √ √ √ √ 2,7 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 √ √ √ √ 2,4 72 x 155 x 237 72 x 155 x 237 72 x 155 x 237 72 x 155 x 237 √ √ √ √ 3,5 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 √ √ √ √ 3 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 √ √ √ √ 6,5 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 √ √ √ √ 8,5 72 x 132 x 200 72 x 132 x 200 72 x 132 x 200 72 x 132 x 200 √ √ √ √ 2,7 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 √ √ √ √ 2,4 72 x 155 x 237 72 x 155 x 237 72 x 155 x 237 72 x 155 x 237 √ √ √ √ 3,5 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 √ √ √ √ 3 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 √ √ √ √ 6,5 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 104 x 194 x 305 √ √ √ √ 8,5 √ √ √ √ 2,4 Juni 2,4 April 2,4 Juni Juni 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,4 2,4 2,4 3,5 3,5 3 3 3 6,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,4 2,4 2,4 3,5 3,5 Phoenix 24/1200 IEC outlet Phoenix 24/1200 Schuko outlet Phoenix 24/1200 AU/NZ outlet (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 24/1200 UK outlet (BS 1363) PIN241220100 Phoenix 48/250 VE.Direct IEC Phoenix 48/250 VE.Direct Schuko* Phoenix 48/250 VE.Direct (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 48/250 VE.Direct (BS 1363) PIN482510100 PIN482510400 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 Phoenix 48/350 IEC outlet PIN048351100 72 x 155 x 237 Phoenix 48/375 VE.Direct IEC Phoenix 48375 VE.Direct Schuko* Phoenix 48/375 VE.Direct (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 48/375 VE.Direct (BS 1363) PIN483750100 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 86 x 165 x 260 √ √ √ √ 3 Phoenix 48/800 IEC outlet Phoenix 48/800 Schuko outlet PIN488010100 108 x 165 x 305 108 x 165 x 305 √ √ 6,5 Prices may change without notice. PIN248010300 PIN248010400 PIN241220200 PIN241220300 PIN241220400 PIN482510200 PIN482510300 PIN483750200 PIN483750300 PIN483750400 PIN481220100 Mai April Mai Mai 3,5 PIN248010100 PIN248010200 Mai Mai 6,5 Phoenix 24/800 IEC outlet Phoenix 24/800 Schuko outlet Phoenix 24/800 AU/NZ outlet (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 24/800 UK outlet (BS 1363) PIN243750400 März Februar 6,5 PIN243750100 PIN243750300 Mai April Mai Mai 3,5 Phoenix 24/375 VE.Direct IEC Phoenix 24375 VE.Direct Schuko* Phoenix 24/375 VE.Direct (AS/NZS 3112 ) Phoenix 24/375 VE.Direct (BS 1363) PIN243750200 Brutto inkl. MwSt. kg 3 3 3 März Februar Mai Mai 6,5 6,5 6,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 2,4 3,5 Telefon 02921-9669-0 ⎟ Telefax 02921-966980 e-mail [email protected]⎟ Internet 3 3 3 8,5 Mai März Mai Mai € 107 € 107 € 107 € 107 € 127,33 € 127,33 € 127,33 € 127,33 € 107 € 107 € 107 € 107 € 127,33 € 127,33 € 127,33 € 127,33 € 138 € 138 € 138 € 138 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 138 € 138 € 138 € 138 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 345 € 345 € 345 € 345 € 410,55 € 410,55 € 410,55 € 410,55 € 505 € 505 € 505 € 505 € 600,95 € 600,95 € 600,95 € 600,95 € 107 € 107 € 107 € 107 € 127,33 € 127,33 € 127,33 € 127,33 € 107 € 107 € 107 € 107 € 127,33 € 127,33 € 127,33 € 127,33 € 138 € 138 € 138 € 138 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 138 € 138 € 138 € 138 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 164,22 € 345 € 345 € 345 € 345 € 410,55 € 410,55 € 410,55 € 410,55 € 505 € 505 € 505 € 505 € 600,95 € 600,95 € 600,95 € 600,95 € 124 € 124 € 124 € 124 € 147,56 € 147,56 € 147,56 € 147,56 € 155 € 184,45 € 155 € 155 € 155 € 155 € 184,45 € 184,45 € 184,45 € 184,45 € 351 € 540 € 417,69 € 642,60 21 von 21
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