
Strana izdanja — 1973.
1. MACQUEEN, Donald R.: Understan­
ding Sociology Through Research. Read­
ing (i dr.), Addison-Wesley Publishing,
str. XIX + 539.
2. JAY, Martin: The Dialectical Imagi­
nation. A History of the Frankfurt
School and the Institute of Social Re­
search. 1923—1950., Heinemann, str. 382.
3. ADLER, Frank:
Planung sozialer
Prozesse. Inhalt. Aufgaben. Erfahrun­
gen. Berlin, Petre: Opere sociologice.
4. ANDREI, Petre: Opere sociologice.
I. Sociologia cunoasterii a valorii. Edit.
Acad. Rep. Soc. Romania, Bucuresti.
5. Zur Sozialstruktur der sozialisti­
schen Gesellschaft. Berlin, Dietz Verlag.
6. The Frankfurter Institute of Social
Research: Aspects of Sociology. Heine­
mann, str. 210.
T. W.:
Dialectic of Enlightenment.
(Translated by J. Cumming). Allen Lane,
str. 258.
8. BROWN, Robert: Rules and Laws in
Sociology Routledge and Kegan Paul,
str. IX+181.
9. RULE, James B.: Private Lives and
Public Surveillance. Allen Lane Penguin
Press, str. 382.
10. BARTHOLOMEW, D. J.: Stochastic
Models for Social Processes. Second
Edition. Baffins Lane, John Wiley and
Sons, str. 424.
11. PELLS, Richard H.: Radical Vis­
ions and American Dreams: Culture and
Social Thought in the Depression Years.
New York, Harper and Row, str. XV +
+ 424.
12. VAN VUUREN, Nency: The Sub­
version of Women as Practiced by Chur­
ches, Witch-Hunters, and Other Sexists.
Philadelphia, The Westminster Press,
str. 190.
Irvin D.; MILLES, Matthew B.: Encount­
er Groups: First Facts. New York, Basic
Books, str. XI+ 495.
14. Lexikon zur Soziologie. Hrsg. von
Werner Fuchs, Rolf Klima, Rüdiger Laut­
mann (i dr.). Westdeutscher Verlag, str.
15. LAZARSFELD, Paul F.:
Trends in Sociology, London, George
Allen and Unwin, str. 120.
16. TOWLE, Charlotte: Common Hu­
man Needs. London, George Allen and
Unwin, str. 152.
17. TURNER, Jonathan H.: American
Sociology. New York, Harper and Row,
str. 299.
18. CICOUREL, Aaron V.: Cognitive
Sociology: Language and Meaning in
Social Interaction. Riverside, New Jer­
sey. The Free Press A Division of Mac­
millan, str. 192.
19. MENDOZA, Manuel G.; NAPOLI,
Vince: Systems of Man: An Introduction
to Social Science. Lexington, D. C. Death
and Co., str. 582.
20. The Quality of Life in Amerika:
Pollution, Poverty, Power and Fear. Hill
A. David, Chaples E. (i dr.). New York,
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, str. 576.
21. TUMIN, Melvin M.: Patterns of So­
ciety. Identities, Roles, and Resources.
Boston, Little, Brown and Co., str. 458.
22. SKOLNICK, Jerome and CURRIE,
Elliott: Crisis in American Institutions.
Second Edition. Boston, Little, Brown
and Co., str. 526.
23. MILLER, Libuse Lukas: Knowing,
Doing, and Surviving: Cognition in Evol­
ution. New York, Willey-Interscience, A
Division of John Willey and Sons, str.
24. MECHANIC, David: Politics, Me­
dicine, and Social Science. New York,
Wiley-Interscience, A Division of John
Wiley and Sons, str. 288.
25. DIERKES, Meinolf and BAUER,
Raymond A. (Eds.) Corporate Social Ac­
counting. New York, Praeger Publishers,
str. 432.
26. GUBRIUM, Jaber F.: The Myth of
the Golden Years: A Socio-Environmental Theory of Aging. Springfield, Charles
C. Thomas Publisher, str. 244.
27. ASSAGIOLI, R.: The Act of Will:
An Esalen Book. New York, Viking
Press, str. 278.
28. BEGBIE, G. H.: Seeing and the
Eye: An Introduction to Vision. New
York, Doubleday, str. 240.
29. ERICSON, K. T. (Ed.): In Search
of Common Ground: Conversations With
Eric H. Ericson and H. P. Newton. New
York, Norton, str. 143.
30. ETZIONI, Amitati: Genetic Fix.,
New York, Macmillan, str. 276.
31. PHILLIPS, L. D.: Bayesian Statis­
tics for Social Scientists. London, Nelson
and Sons, str. 373 and Appendix.
32. WHEELER, H. (Ed.): Beyond the
Punitive Society. San Francisco, Free­
man, str. 274.
33. WINTER, D. C.: The Power Motive.
New York, Macmillan, str. 373.
34. EISERMANN, G.: Die Lehre von
der Gesellschaft. Ein Lehrbuch der So­
ziologie. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Ver­
lag, str. 542.
35. Lexikon zur Soziologie. Begriffe
zur Soziologie und ihren Randgebeiten.
Berlin, Westdeutscher Verlag ,str. 783.
36. FÜRSTENBERG, Friedrich:
Sozialstruktur der Bundesrepublik Deu­
tschland. Berlin, Westdeutscher Verlag,
str. 150.
37. Soziologie — Sprache — Bezug zur
Praxis — Verhältnis zu anderen Wissen­
schaften. Festschrift Rene König, Hrsg.
von Günther Albrechts; Hansjiirgen Da­
heim; Fritz Sack. Berlin, Westdeutscher
Verlag, str. 836.
38. Soziologie und Sozialgeschichte.
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und So­
zialpsychologie — Sonderheft 16. Heraus­
gegeben von Peter Ch. Ludz. Berlin,
Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 623.
39. KISS, Gabor: Einführung in die
soziologischen Theorien II. Berlin, West­
deutscher Verlag, sir. juh.
40. MORENO, Jakob L.: Die Grund­
lagen der Soziometrie. Wege zur Neu­
ordnung der Gesellschaft. Berlin, West­
deutscher Verlag, str. 500.
41. HECHELTJEN, Peter:
in der BRD. Berlin, Westdeutscher Ver­
lag, str. 300.
ter: Konsum und Qualität des Lebens.
Berlin, Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 560.
43. MULLINS, Nicholas C.: Theories
and Theory Groups in Contemporary
American Sociology. New York, Harper
and Row, str. 337.
44. McCLUNG, Alfred Lee:
Humanist Sociology. Englewood Cliffs,
Prentice-Hall, str. 256.
45. MANDELBAUM, David G.: Human
Fertility in India. Social Components
and Policy Perspectives. Berkeley, Uni­
versity of California Press, str. 144.
1. KOHOUT, Frank J.: Applied Statis­
tics for the Behavioral and Social Scien­
ces. New York, John Wiley and Sons,
str. 352.
2. CONVERSE, Jean M. and SCHUMAN, Howard: Conversations at Ran­
dom: Survey Research as Interviewers
See it. New York, John Wiley and Sons,
str. 128.
3. WEISS, B. (Ed.): Digital Computers
in the Behavioral Laboratory. New York,
Appleton-Century-Crofts, str. 360.
4. ZAPF, Wolfgang: Soziale Indikato­
ren und Sozialberichterstattung. Berlin,
Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 160.
5. RITSERT, Jürgen:
und Ideologiekritik. Ein Versuch über
kritische Sozialforschung. Frankfurt am
Main, Athenäum Fischer Taschenbuch
Verlag, str. 120.
6. KÖNIG, Rene (Hrsg.): Hanbuch der
empirischen Sozialforschung. 3. umgear­
beitete und erweiterte Auflage.
Bd. 1. Geschichte und Grundprobleme
der empirischen Sozialforschung, str.
251., 1973.
Bd. 2. Grundlegende Methoden und
Techniken der empirischen Sozialfor­
schung (Teil 1.), str. 316., 1973.
Bd. 3. Grundlegende Methoden und
Techniken der empirischen Sozialfor„
SCxiUng (icii Z.), Ö U L . JJSJ., 1 7 /^.
1 nn a
Bd. 4. Komplexe Forschungsansätze,
str. 480., 1974. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke
" 1. HOLLAND, De Witte (Ed.) in Asso­
ciation with Charles Stewart and Jess
Yoder.: America in Controvery: History
of American Public Adress. Dubuque,
William C. Brown Co. Publisher, str.
XIX + 458.
2. BRADEN, Waldo W. (Ed.): Repre­
sentative American Speechers: 1972—
—1973. New York, The H. W. Wilson
Company, str. 208.
3. SAMOVAR, Larry A. and PORTER,
Richard E. (Eds.): Intercultural Commu­
nication: A Reader. Belmont, Wadsworth
Publishing, str. 344.
4. MORTENSEN, David C. and SEcommunication Research. New York,
RENO, Kenneth K. (Eds.): Advances in
Harper and Row, str. IX+ 425.
5. MINIFIE, Fred D.; HIXON, Thomas
J.; WILLIAMS, Frederick (Eds.): Nor­
mal Aspects of Speech, Hearing, and
Language. Englewood Clifs, Prentice-Hall, str. XII + 509.
6. SMITH, Arthur L.: Transracial Com­
munication. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. VII+ 152.
7. HOPPER, Robert and NAREMORE,
Rita C.: Children's Speech: A Practical
Introduction to Communication Develop­
ment. New York, Harper and Row, str.
X + 140.
8. SCHRAMM, Wilbur: Men, Messages,
and Media: A Look at Human Commun­
ication. New York, Harper and Row,
str. 341.
9. ELLIOT, Philip: The Making of a
Television Series: A Case Study in the
Sociology of Culture. New York, Hast­
ings House, str. X+180.
10. SCHRAMM, Wilbur: Quality in In­
structional Television. Honolulu, Univer­
sity Press of Hawaii, str. 226.
11. FRANK, Robert Shelby: Message
Dimensions of Television News. Lexing­
ton, D. C. Heath and Co., str. XVI+ 115.
12. ULLMANN, Stephen: Meaning and
Style. New York, Barnes and Noble,
str. X+175.
13. HARMS, L. S.: Intercultural Com­
munication. New York, Harper and Row,
str. 176.
14. MORTENSEN, David C.: Basic Rea­
dings in Communication Theory. New
York, Harper and Row, str. 358.
15. WALTER, Otis M. and SCOTT, Ro­
bert L.: Thinking and Speaking. A Guide
to Intelligent Oral Communication. Third
edition. New Yersey, Macmillan Publish­
ing, str. 271.
16. FIRTH, Raymond: Symbols. Public
and Private. London, George Allen and
Unwin, str. 464.
17. HARMS, L. S.: Human Communic­
ation: The New Fundamentals. New
York, Harper and Row, str. 336.
18. WERSIG, Gernot:
soziologie. Frankfurt/,M. Athenäum Fi­
scher Taschenbuch Verlag, str. 200.
1. MERTON, Robert K.: The Sociology
of Science. Theoretical and Empirical
Investigations. Chicago, The University
of Chicago Press, str. 616.
2. WEINGART, Peter (Hrsg.): Wissen­
schaftssoziologie. Bd. 1. Wissenschaftli­
che Entwicklung als sozialer Prozess,
str. 320. Bd. 2. Determinanten wissen­
schaftlicher Entwicklung, Frankfurt am
Main, Athenäum Fischer Taschenbuch
Verlag, str. 300.
C.OLE, Jonathan R. and COLE, Step­
hen: Social Stratification in Science.
Chicago, The University of Chicago
Press, str. 304.
2. REISSMAN, Leonard: Inequality in
American Society. Social Stratification.
Glenview, Scott, Foresman College Divis­
ion, str. 137.
3. BOUDON, Raymond:
Opportunity and Social Inequality. New
York, Willey-Interscience, str. 256.
4. OSIPOW, S. H.: Theory of Career
Development. (2nd edition). New York,
Appleton-Century Crofts, str. 328.
5. GIDDENS, Anthony:
The Class
Structure of the Advanced Societies.
London, Hutchinson University Library,
str. 336.
1. DUCK, Steven W.: Personal Relation­
ships and Personal Contructs: A Study
of Friendship Formation. Baffins Lane,
John Wilev and Sons, str. 182.
E. Ray, jr.; BOOTH, Herbert W.: The
Speaker and his Audience: Dynamic In­
terpersonal Communication. Second Edi­
tion. New York, Harper and Row, str.
3. GOURAN, Dennis S.: Discussion:
The Process of Group Decision-Making.
New York, Harper and Row, str. 224.
4. PATTON, Bobby R. and GIFFIN,
Kim: Problem-Solving Group Interact­
ion. New York, Harper and Row, str.
5. ROSENFELD, Lawrence B.: Human
Interaction in the Small Group Setting.
Columbus, Charles E. Merrill Publishing,
A Bell and Howell Co., str. 288.
6. HODGES, Harold M., Jr.: Conflict
and Consensus: Readings Toward a So­
ciological Perspective. New York, Har­
per and Row, str. 570.
7. KITCHENS, James A. and ESTRA­
DA, Leo: Individuals in Society. Co­
lumbus, Charles E. Merrill Publishing,
A Bell and Howell, str. 288.
8. DOBY, John T.; BOSKOFF, Alvin
and PENDLETON, William W.: Sociolo­
gy: The Study of Man in Adaptation.
Lexington, D. C. Death and Co., str. 578.
9. FLACKS, Richard: Conformity, Resistence, and Self-Determination. The In­
dividual and Authority. Boston, Little,
Brown and Co., str. 350.
10. AMES, L. B. et all (Eds.): Rorsch­
ach Responces in Old Age. (rev. ed.),
New York, Brunner-Mazel, str. 219.
11. BENNIS, W. G. et all (Eds.): In­
terpersonal Dynamics: Essays and Read­
ings on Human Interaction. (3rd edition).
Homewood, Dorsey Press, str. 608.
12. DALENOORT, G. J. (Ed.): Process
Models for Psychology: Lecture Notes
of the NUFFIC International Summer
Course, 1972. Netherlands. Rotterdam
University Press, str. 383.
31. DEUTSCHER, Isac: What We Say
— What We Do: Sentiments and Acts.
Glenview, Scott, Foresman, str. 370.
14. DOWNS, H.: Potential: The Way to
Emotional Maturity. New York, Double­
day, str. 227.
15. FANCHER, R. E.: Psychoanalytic
Psychology: The Development of Freud’s
Throught. New York, Norton, str. 241.
16. HURLOCK, E. B.: Personality De­
velopment. New York, McGraw-Hill,
str. 503.
17. KEEN, S. and FOX, A. V.: Telling
Your Story: A Guide to Who You Are
and Who You can Be. New York, Double­
day, str. 154.
W. E.: Social Psychology. 2nd edition.
Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 173.
19. MARKS, J. M. et all (Eds.): Psy­
chotherapy and Behavior Change 1972.
Chicago, Aldine publishing, str. 517.
20. OFSHE, R. J. (Ed.): Interpersonal
Behavior in Small Groups. Englewood
Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 792.
21. PROGOFF ,J.: Jung’s Psychology
and its Social Meaning. New York, Dou­
bleday, str 320.
22. WICKLER, W.: The Sexual Code:
The Social Behavior of Animals and
Men. (Translated F. Garvie). New York,
Doubleday, str. 301.
23. REINKE, Elian: Psychologiestudi­
Selbstorganisation als Kritik der Psy­
chologie. Frankfurt am Main, Athenäum
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, str. 150.
1. Procesullde urbanizare in R. S. Ro­
mania Zona Vaskii. Bucuresti, Edit.
Acad. Rep. Soc. Romania.
2. BANNON, Joseph J.: Outreach: Ex­
tending Community Service in Urban
Areas Springfield, Charles C. Thomas
Publishers, str. 288.
3. LINDER, J. Wolf: Der Fall Massen­
verkehr. Verwaltungsplannung und städ­
tische Lebenbedingungen, Frankfurt am
Main, Athenäum Fischer Taschenbuch
Verlag, str. 338.
4. BREMAN, Jan: Patronage and Ex­
ploration. Agrarian Relations in South
Gujarat, India, Berkeley, University of
California Press, str. 308.
1. CHERNS, A. B.: Social Science Or­
ganization and Policy. First Series. Bel­
gium, Chile, Egypt, Hungary, Nigeria,
Sri Lanka, Paris, UNESCO.
2. LIEVEGOED, B. C. J.: The Develop­
ing Organization. Translated by J. Co­
llis, Tavistock Pubi., str. 271.
3. MANSILLA, H. C. F.: Systembe­
dürfnis und Anpassung. Zur Kritik so­
zialistischer Verhaltenssteuerung, Frank­
furt am Main, Athenäum Fischer Ta­
schenbuch Verlag, str. 252.
1. FISCHER. H:. Berliner Neubauquartiere. Eine Beitrag zur Entstehung der
socialökologischen Problematik moder­
ner Grossindlungen, Berlin, Medicus Ver­
lag, str. 60 + 5.
2. DRESSER, Peter van: Development
on a Human Scale. Potentials for Ecolo­
gically Guided Growth in Northern New
Mexico, New York, Praeger Publishers,
str. 134.
3. KAPLAN, Sylvan J. and KIVY-ROSENBERG, Evelyn (Eds.): Ecology and
the Quality of Life, Springfield, Charles
C. Thomas Publishers, str. 308.
1. SMITH, Michael A.: PARKER, Stan­
ley and SMITH, Cyril S. (Eds.): Leisure
and Society in Britain. Allen Lane, str.
2. SUSMAN, Warren (Ed.):
and Commitment 1929—1945. New York,
Geroge Braziller, str. XII +372.
3. LABOV, William: Language in the
Inner City: Studies in the Black En­
glisch Vernacular. Philadelphia, Uni­
versity of Pennsylvania Press, str.
XXIV + 412.
4. DeSTEFANO, Johanna S. (Ed.):
Language, Society, and Education: A
Profile of Black English. Worthington,
Charles A. Jones Publishing, str. XI +
5. BROCKETT, Oscar G. and FIN­
DLAY, Robert J.: Century of Innovation:
A History of European and American
Theatre and Drama since 1870. Engle­
wood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. XIV+ 826.
6. WILSON, Graff B.: Three Hundred
Years of American Drama and Theatre:
From Ye Bare and Ye Cubb to Hair.
Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str.
VII + 536.
7. PATTERSON, Lindsay (Compiled
and with an Introduction): Black The­
atre: A 20th Century Collection of the
Work of its best Playwrights. New York,
The American Library, str. XII+ 705.
8. GERBNER, George, GROSS, Larry
P.; MELOOY, William H. (Eds.): Commu­
nications, Technology, and Social Policy:
Understanding the New »Cultural Revo­
lution«. New York, Wiley-Interscience,
A Division of John Wiley and Sons, str.
9. ETZKORN, Peter K.: Music and
Society: The Later Writings of Paul Honigsheim. New York, Wiley-Interscience,
A Division of John Wiley and Sons, str.
Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. 238.
1. ROCK, Paul: Deviant Behavior. Hut­
chinson, str. 208.
2. RAAB, Earl: Major Social Problems.
New York, Harper and Row, str. 500.
3. MEISSNER, Hanna H. (Ed.): Po­
verty in the Affluent Society. New York,
Harper and Row, str. 289.
4. SHOSTAK, Arthur B.: Modern So­
cial Reforms. Solving Today’s Social Pro­
blems. New Jersey, Macmillan, str. 340.
5. LINDENFELD, Frank: Radical Per­
spectives on Social Problems. Reading
in Critical Sociology. Second Edition.
New Jersey, Macmillan, str. 468.
6. RUBINGTON, Earl and WEIN­
BERG, Martin S.: Deviance: The Interactivist Perspective. Text and Readings
in the Sociology of Deviance. Second
Edition. New Jersey, Macmillan, str. 452.
7. LOWRY, Ritchie P.: Social Pro­
blems: A Critical Analysis of Theories
and Public Policy. Lexington, D. C. De­
ath and Company, str. 336.
8. WALLACE, Samuel E.: After Suici­
de. New York, Wiley-Interscience, A Di­
vision of John Wiley and Sons, str. 269.
9. YORBURG, Betty: Sexual Identity
Sex Roles and Social Change. New York,
Wiley-Interscience, A Division of John
Wiley and Sons, str. 240.
10. HENSLIN, James M. (Ed.): Social
Problems in American Society. Boston,
Holbrock Press, str. 416.
GAZELL, James A. and GITCHOFF, G. Thomas: Youth, Crime and
Society. Boston, Holbruck Press, str.
12. DUGAN, Dennis J. and LEAHY,
William H. (Eds.): Perspectives on Pover­
ty. New York, Praeger Publishers, str.
13. KAPLAN, Seymour R. and ROMAN,
Melvin: The Organization and Delivery
of Mental Health Services in the Ghetto.
The Lincoln Hospital Experience. New
York, Praeger Publishers, s. 346.
14. KANDO, Thomas: Sex Change: The
Achievement of Gender Identity by Fe­
minized Transsexual. Springfield, Char­
les C. Thomas Publishers, str. 172.
15. BLACHLY, Paul H.: Seduction: A
Conceptual Model in the Drug Dependen­
cies and Other Contagiones Ills. 2nd
Edition. Springfield, Charles C. Thomas
Publisher, str. 96.
LISM: A Social Treatment Model. By
Robert O'Briant, Henry L. Lennard, Ste­
ven D. Allen and Donald C. Ransom.
Springfield, Charles C. Thomas Publi­
sher, str. 112.
17. BLAU, Z. S.: Old Age in the Chan­
gings Society. New York, New Viewpo­
ints, str. 285.
18. BURKHART, K. W.: Women in
Prison. New York, Doubleday, str. 465.
19. CLARKE, A. D. B. and CLARKE,
A. M. (Eds.): Mental Retardation and
Behavioural Research: Study Group No.
4 Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, str.
20. DANTO, B. L. (Ed.): Jail House
Blues: Studies of Suicidal Behavior in
Jail and Prison. Orchard Lake, Mich.,
Epic Publications, str. 325.
21. MANEKAR, K.: Abortion: A So­
cial Dilemma. Delhi, India-Nevchetan,
str. 131.
22. MENININGER, K.: Whatever Be­
came of Sin. New York, Hawthorn, str.
23. NÜRNBERGER, J. I. (Ed.): Biolo­
gical and Environmental Determinants
of Early Development: Proceedings of
the Association for Research in Nervous
and Mental Disease (Vol. 51.) Baltimore,
Williams and Wilkins, str. 457.
24. SILVER, C. B.: Black Teachers in
Urban Schools: The Case of Washington.
New York, Praeger Publisher, str. 224.
^5. TYLER, P.: Screening the Sexes:
Homosexuality in the Movies. New York,
Doubleday, str. 384.
26. UHR, L.: Pattern Recognition, Le­
arning, and Thought: Computer-Progra­
mmed Models of Higher Mental Proce­
sses. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,
str. 506.
27. WEINBERG, G.: Society and the
Healthy Homosexual. New York, Doub­
leday, str. 160.
28. WORTIS, J.: Mental Retardation
and Developmental Disabilities. New
York, Brunner-Mazel, str. 217.
29. SCHMÄHL, Winfried:
derung in der Altersvorsorge. Berlin,
Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 280.
1. HARRISON, Barbara Grizzuti:Un­
learning the Lie: Sexism in School. New
York, Liveright, str. XIII+ 176.
2. GASTON, Jerry:
Originality and
Competition in Science. A Study of the
British High Energy Physics Community.
Chicago, The University of Chicago
Press, str. 234.
3. CAVE, William M. and CHESLER,
Mark A.: Sociology of Education. An
Anthology of Issues and Problems. New
Jesery, Macmilan, str. 512.
CORWIN, Ronald G.: Education in
Critis. New York, John Wiley and Sons,
str. 400.
1. ROGERS, Everett M.: Communica­
tion Strategies for Family Planning. Ri­
verside, New Jersey, The Free Press, A
Division of Macmillan, str. 512.
2. GORDON, Michael (Ed.): The Ame­
rican Family in Social-Historical Pers­
pective. New York, St. Martin’s Press,
str. 428.
3. LASSWELL, Marcia E. and LASSWELL, Thomas E.: Love-Marriage-Fami­
ly. A Developmental Approach. Glenview,
Scott, Foresman College Division, str.
4. FÄRBER, Bernard: Family and Kin­
ship in Modern Society, Glenview, Scott,
Foresman College Division, str. 179.
5. SKOLNICK, Arlene S.: The Intima­
te Environment. Exploring Marriage and
the Family. Boston, Little, Brown and
Co., str. 487.
6. KLINE, Arthur E. and MEDLEY,
Morris L. (Eds.): Dating and Marriage:
An Interactionist Perspective. Boston,
Holbrook press, str. 400.
7. BIRENBAUM, Arnold and SAGA­
RIN, Edward (Eds.): People in Places.
The Sociology of the Familiar. New
York, Praeger Publishers, str. 320.
8. DENNIS, W.: Children of the Cre­
che. New Xork, Appleton-Century-Crofts,
str. 120.
9. HOWELL, J. T.: Hard Living on
Clay Street: Portraits of Blue Collar
Families. New York, Doubleday, str. 440.
10. MAYNARD, F.: Guiding your Child
to a more Creative Life. Garden City,
New York. Donbleday, str, 369.
11. TOMAN, W. and PREISER, S.:
Familienkonstellationen und ihre Stö­
rungen. Ihre Wirkung auf die Person,
ihre sozialen Beziehungen und die nach­
folgende Generation. Stuttgart, Dieter
und MILHOFFER, Petra (Hrsg.): Fami­
liensoziologie. Ein Reader als Einfü­
hrung. Frankfurt am Main, Athenäum
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, str. 428.
13. SHAN, A .M.: The Household Di­
mension of the Family in India. Berke­
ley, Universitv of California Press, str.
1. HILL, Michael: A Socioolgy of Reli­
gion. Heinemann ,str. 285.
2. DESROCHE, Henry: Jacob and the
Angels: An Essay in Sociologies of Reli­
gion. University of Massachussetts Press,
str. 187.
3. FICHTER, Joseph H.: One-man Re­
search: Reminiscences of a Catholic So­
ciologist. New York, Wiley-Interscience,
A Division of John Wiley and Sons, str.
4. COX, Richard H. (Ed.): Religious
Systems and Psychoterapy. Springfield,
Charles C. Thomas Publisher, str. 50.
1. HART, Gary Warren: Right from
the Start: A Chronicle of the McGovern
Campaign. New York, Quadrangle Books,
str. X + 334.
2. BARTON, Allen H.; DENITCH, Bog­
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10. KOHLI, M.: Studium und berufli­
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1. NOLTE Lawrence, W. and HIEBERT, R.: Fundamentals of Public Rela­
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3. USDIN, G.: Sleep Research and Cli­
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4. WEINER, H. J.; AKABAS, S. H.:
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5. VOLKHOLZ, V.: Krankenschwestern-Krankenhaus - Gesundheitssystem. Eine
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6. ROHDE, J. J.: Soziologie des Kran­
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7. SCHOLMER, Joseph: Patient und
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und Reform. Berlin, Westdeutscher Ver­
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DAHRENDORF, Ralf: Homo Soziologicum. Westdeutscher Verlag, Berlin,
str. 119.
1. MURRAY, D. Stark: Bluenprint for
Health. Medical Care Tomorrow. Lon­
don, George Allen and Unwin, str. 224.
2. KIEV, A.: A Transcultural Psychi­
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2. The American Woman in Sport.
Elian Gerber, Jan Felshin, Pearl Berlin
and Waneen Wyrick. Reading, AddisonWesley Publishing.
3. SAGE, George H. (Ed.): Sport and
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Nevenka Rau
U dvobroju 2—3/1974 »Revije za sociologiju« u uvodnom tekstu za Materijale o mark­
sističkom obrazovanju i nastavi sociologije na Zagrebačkom sveučilištu pogrešno su
otisnuta ili izostavljena imena trojice sudionika različitih skupova.
Izvinjavamo se Fuadu Muhiću, čije je ime, te Džemalu Sokoloviću, čije je prezime
krivo otisnuto u bilješci 13 na str. 45.
Posebnu ispriku dugujemo prof. dr. Borisu Petzu, koji je autorizirao svoje izlaganje
i dozvolio nam njegovo objavljivanje, a greškom korektora njegovo je ime i prezime
izostalo sa str. 48 iz potpisa onih pojedinaca kojima smo izrazili našu zahvalnost na
susretljivosti, razumijevanju i suradnji.
Ur e d n i š t v o