Bibliografija Strana izdanja — 1973. OPĆA — TEORIJSKA SOCIOLOGIJA 1. MACQUEEN, Donald R.: Understan ding Sociology Through Research. Read ing (i dr.), Addison-Wesley Publishing, str. XIX + 539. 2. JAY, Martin: The Dialectical Imagi nation. A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Re search. 1923—1950., Heinemann, str. 382. 3. ADLER, Frank: Planung sozialer Prozesse. Inhalt. Aufgaben. Erfahrun gen. Berlin, Petre: Opere sociologice. 4. ANDREI, Petre: Opere sociologice. I. Sociologia cunoasterii a valorii. Edit. Acad. Rep. Soc. Romania, Bucuresti. 5. Zur Sozialstruktur der sozialisti schen Gesellschaft. Berlin, Dietz Verlag. 6. The Frankfurter Institute of Social Research: Aspects of Sociology. Heine mann, str. 210. 7. HORKHEIMER M. and ADORNO T. W.: Dialectic of Enlightenment. (Translated by J. Cumming). Allen Lane, str. 258. 8. BROWN, Robert: Rules and Laws in Sociology Routledge and Kegan Paul, str. IX+181. 9. RULE, James B.: Private Lives and Public Surveillance. Allen Lane Penguin Press, str. 382. 10. BARTHOLOMEW, D. J.: Stochastic Models for Social Processes. Second Edition. Baffins Lane, John Wiley and Sons, str. 424. 11. PELLS, Richard H.: Radical Vis ions and American Dreams: Culture and Social Thought in the Depression Years. New York, Harper and Row, str. XV + + 424. 12. VAN VUUREN, Nency: The Sub version of Women as Practiced by Chur ches, Witch-Hunters, and Other Sexists. Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, str. 190. 13. LIEBERMAN, Morton A.: YALOM Irvin D.; MILLES, Matthew B.: Encount er Groups: First Facts. New York, Basic Books, str. XI+ 495. 14. Lexikon zur Soziologie. Hrsg. von Werner Fuchs, Rolf Klima, Rüdiger Laut mann (i dr.). Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 750. 15. LAZARSFELD, Paul F.: Main Trends in Sociology, London, George Allen and Unwin, str. 120. 16. TOWLE, Charlotte: Common Hu man Needs. London, George Allen and Unwin, str. 152. 17. TURNER, Jonathan H.: American Sociology. New York, Harper and Row, str. 299. 18. CICOUREL, Aaron V.: Cognitive Sociology: Language and Meaning in Social Interaction. Riverside, New Jer sey. The Free Press A Division of Mac millan, str. 192. 19. MENDOZA, Manuel G.; NAPOLI, Vince: Systems of Man: An Introduction to Social Science. Lexington, D. C. Death and Co., str. 582. 20. The Quality of Life in Amerika: Pollution, Poverty, Power and Fear. Hill A. David, Chaples E. (i dr.). New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, str. 576. 21. TUMIN, Melvin M.: Patterns of So ciety. Identities, Roles, and Resources. Boston, Little, Brown and Co., str. 458. 22. SKOLNICK, Jerome and CURRIE, Elliott: Crisis in American Institutions. Second Edition. Boston, Little, Brown and Co., str. 526. 23. MILLER, Libuse Lukas: Knowing, Doing, and Surviving: Cognition in Evol ution. New York, Willey-Interscience, A Division of John Willey and Sons, str. 343. 24. MECHANIC, David: Politics, Me dicine, and Social Science. New York, Wiley-Interscience, A Division of John Wiley and Sons, str. 288. 25. DIERKES, Meinolf and BAUER, Raymond A. (Eds.) Corporate Social Ac counting. New York, Praeger Publishers, str. 432. 26. GUBRIUM, Jaber F.: The Myth of the Golden Years: A Socio-Environmental Theory of Aging. Springfield, Charles C. Thomas Publisher, str. 244. 105 27. ASSAGIOLI, R.: The Act of Will: An Esalen Book. New York, Viking Press, str. 278. 28. BEGBIE, G. H.: Seeing and the Eye: An Introduction to Vision. New York, Doubleday, str. 240. 29. ERICSON, K. T. (Ed.): In Search of Common Ground: Conversations With Eric H. Ericson and H. P. Newton. New York, Norton, str. 143. 30. ETZIONI, Amitati: Genetic Fix., New York, Macmillan, str. 276. 31. PHILLIPS, L. D.: Bayesian Statis tics for Social Scientists. London, Nelson and Sons, str. 373 and Appendix. 32. WHEELER, H. (Ed.): Beyond the Punitive Society. San Francisco, Free man, str. 274. 33. WINTER, D. C.: The Power Motive. New York, Macmillan, str. 373. 34. EISERMANN, G.: Die Lehre von der Gesellschaft. Ein Lehrbuch der So ziologie. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Ver lag, str. 542. 35. Lexikon zur Soziologie. Begriffe zur Soziologie und ihren Randgebeiten. Berlin, Westdeutscher Verlag ,str. 783. 36. FÜRSTENBERG, Friedrich: Die Sozialstruktur der Bundesrepublik Deu tschland. Berlin, Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 150. 37. Soziologie — Sprache — Bezug zur Praxis — Verhältnis zu anderen Wissen schaften. Festschrift Rene König, Hrsg. von Günther Albrechts; Hansjiirgen Da heim; Fritz Sack. Berlin, Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 836. 38. Soziologie und Sozialgeschichte. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und So zialpsychologie — Sonderheft 16. Heraus gegeben von Peter Ch. Ludz. Berlin, Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 623. 39. KISS, Gabor: Einführung in die soziologischen Theorien II. Berlin, West deutscher Verlag, sir. juh. 40. MORENO, Jakob L.: Die Grund lagen der Soziometrie. Wege zur Neu ordnung der Gesellschaft. Berlin, West deutscher Verlag, str. 500. 41. HECHELTJEN, Peter: Bevölker ungsentwicklung und Erwerbstätigkeit in der BRD. Berlin, Westdeutscher Ver lag, str. 300. 42. BIERVERT, Bernd; SCHAFFARTZIK, Karl-Heinz; SCHMÖLDERS, Gün ter: Konsum und Qualität des Lebens. Berlin, Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 560. 106 43. MULLINS, Nicholas C.: Theories and Theory Groups in Contemporary American Sociology. New York, Harper and Row, str. 337. 44. McCLUNG, Alfred Lee: Toward Humanist Sociology. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 256. 45. MANDELBAUM, David G.: Human Fertility in India. Social Components and Policy Perspectives. Berkeley, Uni versity of California Press, str. 144. EMPIRIJSKA SOCIOLOGIJA — (METODOLOGIJA) 1. KOHOUT, Frank J.: Applied Statis tics for the Behavioral and Social Scien ces. New York, John Wiley and Sons, str. 352. 2. CONVERSE, Jean M. and SCHUMAN, Howard: Conversations at Ran dom: Survey Research as Interviewers See it. New York, John Wiley and Sons, str. 128. 3. WEISS, B. (Ed.): Digital Computers in the Behavioral Laboratory. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, str. 360. 4. ZAPF, Wolfgang: Soziale Indikato ren und Sozialberichterstattung. Berlin, Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 160. 5. RITSERT, Jürgen: Inhaltsanalyse und Ideologiekritik. Ein Versuch über kritische Sozialforschung. Frankfurt am Main, Athenäum Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, str. 120. 6. KÖNIG, Rene (Hrsg.): Hanbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung. 3. umgear beitete und erweiterte Auflage. Bd. 1. Geschichte und Grundprobleme der empirischen Sozialforschung, str. 251., 1973. Bd. 2. Grundlegende Methoden und Techniken der empirischen Sozialfor schung (Teil 1.), str. 316., 1973. Bd. 3. Grundlegende Methoden und Techniken der empirischen Sozialfor„ / ' T ' •i^\ ,.,4-,- SCxiUng (icii Z.), Ö U L . JJSJ., 1 7 /^. Oii 1 nn a Bd. 4. Komplexe Forschungsansätze, str. 480., 1974. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag. MASOVNE KOMUNIKACIJE " 1. HOLLAND, De Witte (Ed.) in Asso ciation with Charles Stewart and Jess Yoder.: America in Controvery: History of American Public Adress. Dubuque, William C. Brown Co. Publisher, str. XIX + 458. 2. BRADEN, Waldo W. (Ed.): Repre sentative American Speechers: 1972— —1973. New York, The H. W. Wilson Company, str. 208. 3. SAMOVAR, Larry A. and PORTER, Richard E. (Eds.): Intercultural Commu nication: A Reader. Belmont, Wadsworth Publishing, str. 344. 4. MORTENSEN, David C. and SEcommunication Research. New York, RENO, Kenneth K. (Eds.): Advances in Harper and Row, str. IX+ 425. 5. MINIFIE, Fred D.; HIXON, Thomas J.; WILLIAMS, Frederick (Eds.): Nor mal Aspects of Speech, Hearing, and Language. Englewood Clifs, Prentice-Hall, str. XII + 509. 6. SMITH, Arthur L.: Transracial Com munication. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. VII+ 152. 7. HOPPER, Robert and NAREMORE, Rita C.: Children's Speech: A Practical Introduction to Communication Develop ment. New York, Harper and Row, str. X + 140. 8. SCHRAMM, Wilbur: Men, Messages, and Media: A Look at Human Commun ication. New York, Harper and Row, str. 341. 9. ELLIOT, Philip: The Making of a Television Series: A Case Study in the Sociology of Culture. New York, Hast ings House, str. X+180. 10. SCHRAMM, Wilbur: Quality in In structional Television. Honolulu, Univer sity Press of Hawaii, str. 226. 11. FRANK, Robert Shelby: Message Dimensions of Television News. Lexing ton, D. C. Heath and Co., str. XVI+ 115. 12. ULLMANN, Stephen: Meaning and Style. New York, Barnes and Noble, str. X+175. 13. HARMS, L. S.: Intercultural Com munication. New York, Harper and Row, str. 176. 14. MORTENSEN, David C.: Basic Rea dings in Communication Theory. New York, Harper and Row, str. 358. 15. WALTER, Otis M. and SCOTT, Ro bert L.: Thinking and Speaking. A Guide to Intelligent Oral Communication. Third edition. New Yersey, Macmillan Publish ing, str. 271. 16. FIRTH, Raymond: Symbols. Public and Private. London, George Allen and Unwin, str. 464. 17. HARMS, L. S.: Human Communic ation: The New Fundamentals. New York, Harper and Row, str. 336. 18. WERSIG, Gernot: Informations soziologie. Frankfurt/,M. Athenäum Fi scher Taschenbuch Verlag, str. 200. SOCIOLOGIJA ZNANJA 1. MERTON, Robert K.: The Sociology of Science. Theoretical and Empirical Investigations. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, str. 616. 2. WEINGART, Peter (Hrsg.): Wissen schaftssoziologie. Bd. 1. Wissenschaftli che Entwicklung als sozialer Prozess, str. 320. Bd. 2. Determinanten wissen schaftlicher Entwicklung, Frankfurt am Main, Athenäum Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, str. 300. SOCIJALNA STRATIFIKACIJA 1 C.OLE, Jonathan R. and COLE, Step hen: Social Stratification in Science. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, str. 304. 2. REISSMAN, Leonard: Inequality in American Society. Social Stratification. Glenview, Scott, Foresman College Divis ion, str. 137. 3. BOUDON, Raymond: Education, Opportunity and Social Inequality. New York, Willey-Interscience, str. 256. 4. OSIPOW, S. H.: Theory of Career Development. (2nd edition). New York, Appleton-Century Crofts, str. 328. 5. GIDDENS, Anthony: The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies. London, Hutchinson University Library, str. 336. SOCIJALNA PSIHOLOGIJA 1. DUCK, Steven W.: Personal Relation ships and Personal Contructs: A Study of Friendship Formation. Baffins Lane, John Wilev and Sons, str. 182. 2. ANDERSEN, Martin P.: NICHOLS, E. Ray, jr.; BOOTH, Herbert W.: The Speaker and his Audience: Dynamic In terpersonal Communication. Second Edi tion. New York, Harper and Row, str. 544. 3. GOURAN, Dennis S.: Discussion: The Process of Group Decision-Making. New York, Harper and Row, str. 224. 4. PATTON, Bobby R. and GIFFIN, Kim: Problem-Solving Group Interact ion. New York, Harper and Row, str. 264. 5. ROSENFELD, Lawrence B.: Human Interaction in the Small Group Setting. Columbus, Charles E. Merrill Publishing, A Bell and Howell Co., str. 288. 107 6. HODGES, Harold M., Jr.: Conflict and Consensus: Readings Toward a So ciological Perspective. New York, Har per and Row, str. 570. 7. KITCHENS, James A. and ESTRA DA, Leo: Individuals in Society. Co lumbus, Charles E. Merrill Publishing, A Bell and Howell, str. 288. 8. DOBY, John T.; BOSKOFF, Alvin and PENDLETON, William W.: Sociolo gy: The Study of Man in Adaptation. Lexington, D. C. Death and Co., str. 578. 9. FLACKS, Richard: Conformity, Resistence, and Self-Determination. The In dividual and Authority. Boston, Little, Brown and Co., str. 350. 10. AMES, L. B. et all (Eds.): Rorsch ach Responces in Old Age. (rev. ed.), New York, Brunner-Mazel, str. 219. 11. BENNIS, W. G. et all (Eds.): In terpersonal Dynamics: Essays and Read ings on Human Interaction. (3rd edition). Homewood, Dorsey Press, str. 608. 12. DALENOORT, G. J. (Ed.): Process Models for Psychology: Lecture Notes of the NUFFIC International Summer Course, 1972. Netherlands. Rotterdam University Press, str. 383. 31. DEUTSCHER, Isac: What We Say — What We Do: Sentiments and Acts. Glenview, Scott, Foresman, str. 370. 14. DOWNS, H.: Potential: The Way to Emotional Maturity. New York, Double day, str. 227. 15. FANCHER, R. E.: Psychoanalytic Psychology: The Development of Freud’s Throught. New York, Norton, str. 241. 16. HURLOCK, E. B.: Personality De velopment. New York, McGraw-Hill, str. 503. 17. KEEN, S. and FOX, A. V.: Telling Your Story: A Guide to Who You Are and Who You can Be. New York, Double day, str. 154. 18. LAMBERT, W. W. and LAMBERT, W. E.: Social Psychology. 2nd edition. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 173. 19. MARKS, J. M. et all (Eds.): Psy chotherapy and Behavior Change 1972. Chicago, Aldine publishing, str. 517. 20. OFSHE, R. J. (Ed.): Interpersonal Behavior in Small Groups. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 792. 21. PROGOFF ,J.: Jung’s Psychology and its Social Meaning. New York, Dou bleday, str 320. 22. WICKLER, W.: The Sexual Code: The Social Behavior of Animals and Men. (Translated F. Garvie). New York, Doubleday, str. 301. 108 23. REINKE, Elian: Psychologiestudi um und Politisierung. Studentische Selbstorganisation als Kritik der Psy chologie. Frankfurt am Main, Athenäum Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, str. 150. URBANA SOCIOLOGIJA 1. Procesullde urbanizare in R. S. Ro mania Zona Vaskii. Bucuresti, Edit. Acad. Rep. Soc. Romania. 2. BANNON, Joseph J.: Outreach: Ex tending Community Service in Urban Areas Springfield, Charles C. Thomas Publishers, str. 288. 3. LINDER, J. Wolf: Der Fall Massen verkehr. Verwaltungsplannung und städ tische Lebenbedingungen, Frankfurt am Main, Athenäum Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, str. 338. 4. BREMAN, Jan: Patronage and Ex ploration. Agrarian Relations in South Gujarat, India, Berkeley, University of California Press, str. 308. SOCIOLOGIJA ORGANIZACIJE 1. CHERNS, A. B.: Social Science Or ganization and Policy. First Series. Bel gium, Chile, Egypt, Hungary, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Paris, UNESCO. 2. LIEVEGOED, B. C. J.: The Develop ing Organization. Translated by J. Co llis, Tavistock Pubi., str. 271. 3. MANSILLA, H. C. F.: Systembe dürfnis und Anpassung. Zur Kritik so zialistischer Verhaltenssteuerung, Frank furt am Main, Athenäum Fischer Ta schenbuch Verlag, str. 252. EKOLOGIJA 1. FISCHER. H:. Berliner Neubauquartiere. Eine Beitrag zur Entstehung der socialökologischen Problematik moder ner Grossindlungen, Berlin, Medicus Ver lag, str. 60 + 5. 2. DRESSER, Peter van: Development on a Human Scale. Potentials for Ecolo gically Guided Growth in Northern New Mexico, New York, Praeger Publishers, str. 134. 3. KAPLAN, Sylvan J. and KIVY-ROSENBERG, Evelyn (Eds.): Ecology and the Quality of Life, Springfield, Charles C. Thomas Publishers, str. 308. SOCIOLOGIJA KULTURE 1. SMITH, Michael A.: PARKER, Stan ley and SMITH, Cyril S. (Eds.): Leisure and Society in Britain. Allen Lane, str. 324. 2. SUSMAN, Warren (Ed.): Culture and Commitment 1929—1945. New York, Geroge Braziller, str. XII +372. 3. LABOV, William: Language in the Inner City: Studies in the Black En glisch Vernacular. Philadelphia, Uni versity of Pennsylvania Press, str. XXIV + 412. 4. DeSTEFANO, Johanna S. (Ed.): Language, Society, and Education: A Profile of Black English. Worthington, Charles A. Jones Publishing, str. XI + 236. 5. BROCKETT, Oscar G. and FIN DLAY, Robert J.: Century of Innovation: A History of European and American Theatre and Drama since 1870. Engle wood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. XIV+ 826. 6. WILSON, Graff B.: Three Hundred Years of American Drama and Theatre: From Ye Bare and Ye Cubb to Hair. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. VII + 536. 7. PATTERSON, Lindsay (Compiled and with an Introduction): Black The atre: A 20th Century Collection of the Work of its best Playwrights. New York, The American Library, str. XII+ 705. 8. GERBNER, George, GROSS, Larry P.; MELOOY, William H. (Eds.): Commu nications, Technology, and Social Policy: Understanding the New »Cultural Revo lution«. New York, Wiley-Interscience, A Division of John Wiley and Sons, str. 573. 9. ETZKORN, Peter K.: Music and Society: The Later Writings of Paul Honigsheim. New York, Wiley-Interscience, A Division of John Wiley and Sons, str. 327. 10. SILBERMANN, A.: Empirische kommentierter Bibliographie. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. 238. SOCIJALNI PROBLEMI 1. ROCK, Paul: Deviant Behavior. Hut chinson, str. 208. 2. RAAB, Earl: Major Social Problems. New York, Harper and Row, str. 500. 3. MEISSNER, Hanna H. (Ed.): Po verty in the Affluent Society. New York, Harper and Row, str. 289. 4. SHOSTAK, Arthur B.: Modern So cial Reforms. Solving Today’s Social Pro blems. New Jersey, Macmillan, str. 340. 5. LINDENFELD, Frank: Radical Per spectives on Social Problems. Reading in Critical Sociology. Second Edition. New Jersey, Macmillan, str. 468. 6. RUBINGTON, Earl and WEIN BERG, Martin S.: Deviance: The Interactivist Perspective. Text and Readings in the Sociology of Deviance. Second Edition. New Jersey, Macmillan, str. 452. 7. LOWRY, Ritchie P.: Social Pro blems: A Critical Analysis of Theories and Public Policy. Lexington, D. C. De ath and Company, str. 336. 8. WALLACE, Samuel E.: After Suici de. New York, Wiley-Interscience, A Di vision of John Wiley and Sons, str. 269. 9. YORBURG, Betty: Sexual Identity Sex Roles and Social Change. New York, Wiley-Interscience, A Division of John Wiley and Sons, str. 240. 10. HENSLIN, James M. (Ed.): Social Problems in American Society. Boston, Holbrock Press, str. 416. 11. GAZELL, James A. and GITCHOFF, G. Thomas: Youth, Crime and Society. Boston, Holbruck Press, str. 352. 12. DUGAN, Dennis J. and LEAHY, William H. (Eds.): Perspectives on Pover ty. New York, Praeger Publishers, str. 212. 13. KAPLAN, Seymour R. and ROMAN, Melvin: The Organization and Delivery of Mental Health Services in the Ghetto. The Lincoln Hospital Experience. New York, Praeger Publishers, s. 346. 14. KANDO, Thomas: Sex Change: The Achievement of Gender Identity by Fe minized Transsexual. Springfield, Char les C. Thomas Publishers, str. 172. 15. BLACHLY, Paul H.: Seduction: A Conceptual Model in the Drug Dependen cies and Other Contagiones Ills. 2nd Edition. Springfield, Charles C. Thomas Publisher, str. 96. 16. RECOVERY FROM ALCOHO LISM: A Social Treatment Model. By Robert O'Briant, Henry L. Lennard, Ste ven D. Allen and Donald C. Ransom. Springfield, Charles C. Thomas Publi sher, str. 112. 17. BLAU, Z. S.: Old Age in the Chan gings Society. New York, New Viewpo ints, str. 285. 109 18. BURKHART, K. W.: Women in Prison. New York, Doubleday, str. 465. 19. CLARKE, A. D. B. and CLARKE, A. M. (Eds.): Mental Retardation and Behavioural Research: Study Group No. 4 Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, str. 279. 20. DANTO, B. L. (Ed.): Jail House Blues: Studies of Suicidal Behavior in Jail and Prison. Orchard Lake, Mich., Epic Publications, str. 325. 21. MANEKAR, K.: Abortion: A So cial Dilemma. Delhi, India-Nevchetan, str. 131. 22. MENININGER, K.: Whatever Be came of Sin. New York, Hawthorn, str. 242. 23. NÜRNBERGER, J. I. (Ed.): Biolo gical and Environmental Determinants of Early Development: Proceedings of the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease (Vol. 51.) Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, str. 457. 24. SILVER, C. B.: Black Teachers in Urban Schools: The Case of Washington. New York, Praeger Publisher, str. 224. ^5. TYLER, P.: Screening the Sexes: Homosexuality in the Movies. New York, Doubleday, str. 384. 26. UHR, L.: Pattern Recognition, Le arning, and Thought: Computer-Progra mmed Models of Higher Mental Proce sses. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, str. 506. 27. WEINBERG, G.: Society and the Healthy Homosexual. New York, Doub leday, str. 160. 28. WORTIS, J.: Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. New York, Brunner-Mazel, str. 217. 29. SCHMÄHL, Winfried: Systemän derung in der Altersvorsorge. Berlin, Westdeutscher Verlag, str. 280. SOCIOLOGIJA OBRAZOVANJA 1. HARRISON, Barbara Grizzuti:Un learning the Lie: Sexism in School. New York, Liveright, str. XIII+ 176. 2. GASTON, Jerry: Originality and Competition in Science. A Study of the British High Energy Physics Community. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, str. 234. 3. CAVE, William M. and CHESLER, Mark A.: Sociology of Education. An Anthology of Issues and Problems. New Jesery, Macmilan, str. 512. 110 4. CORWIN, Ronald G.: Education in Critis. New York, John Wiley and Sons, str. 400. SOCIOLOGIJA OBITELJI 1. ROGERS, Everett M.: Communica tion Strategies for Family Planning. Ri verside, New Jersey, The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan, str. 512. 2. GORDON, Michael (Ed.): The Ame rican Family in Social-Historical Pers pective. New York, St. Martin’s Press, str. 428. 3. LASSWELL, Marcia E. and LASSWELL, Thomas E.: Love-Marriage-Fami ly. A Developmental Approach. Glenview, Scott, Foresman College Division, str. 555. 4. FÄRBER, Bernard: Family and Kin ship in Modern Society, Glenview, Scott, Foresman College Division, str. 179. 5. SKOLNICK, Arlene S.: The Intima te Environment. Exploring Marriage and the Family. Boston, Little, Brown and Co., str. 487. 6. KLINE, Arthur E. and MEDLEY, Morris L. (Eds.): Dating and Marriage: An Interactionist Perspective. Boston, Holbrook press, str. 400. 7. BIRENBAUM, Arnold and SAGA RIN, Edward (Eds.): People in Places. The Sociology of the Familiar. New York, Praeger Publishers, str. 320. 8. DENNIS, W.: Children of the Cre che. New Xork, Appleton-Century-Crofts, str. 120. 9. HOWELL, J. T.: Hard Living on Clay Street: Portraits of Blue Collar Families. New York, Doubleday, str. 440. 10. MAYNARD, F.: Guiding your Child to a more Creative Life. Garden City, New York. Donbleday, str, 369. 11. TOMAN, W. and PREISER, S.: Familienkonstellationen und ihre Stö rungen. Ihre Wirkung auf die Person, ihre sozialen Beziehungen und die nach folgende Generation. Stuttgart, Dieter und MILHOFFER, Petra (Hrsg.): Fami liensoziologie. Ein Reader als Einfü hrung. Frankfurt am Main, Athenäum Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, str. 428. 13. SHAN, A .M.: The Household Di mension of the Family in India. Berke ley, Universitv of California Press, str. 308. SOCIOLOGIJA RELIGIJE 1. HILL, Michael: A Socioolgy of Reli gion. Heinemann ,str. 285. 2. DESROCHE, Henry: Jacob and the Angels: An Essay in Sociologies of Reli gion. University of Massachussetts Press, str. 187. 3. FICHTER, Joseph H.: One-man Re search: Reminiscences of a Catholic So ciologist. New York, Wiley-Interscience, A Division of John Wiley and Sons, str. 272. 4. COX, Richard H. (Ed.): Religious Systems and Psychoterapy. Springfield, Charles C. Thomas Publisher, str. 50. SOCIOLOGIJA POLITIKE 1. HART, Gary Warren: Right from the Start: A Chronicle of the McGovern Campaign. New York, Quadrangle Books, str. X + 334. 2. BARTON, Allen H.; DENITCH, Bog dan; Charles KADUSHIN (Eds.): Opini on-Making Elites in Yugoslavia. New York-Washington-London, Praeger Pu blishers, str. XXII + 345. 3. KIRKPATRICK, Samuel A.: Quan titative Analysis of Political Data. Colum bus, Charles E. Merrill, A Bell and How ell, str. 528. 4. HUBER, Joan and FORM, William H.: Income and Ideology: An Analysis of the American Political Formula. Ri verside, New Jersey, The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan, str. 226. 5. TRATTNER, Walter I.: From Poor Law to Welfare State. A History of Social Welfare in America. Riverside, New Jersey, The Free Press — A Division of Macmillan, str. 276. 6. BLUME, Stuart S.: Toward a Poli tical Sociology of Science. Riverside, New Jersey, The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan, str. 352. 7. CURTIS, Michael and CHERTOFF, Mordecai S. (Eds.): Israel: Social Struc ture and Change. New York, Transaction Books, str. 400. 8. GIL, David G.: Unraveling Social Policy. Morristown, General Learning Press str. 171. 9. BERNARD, Jessie: The Sociology of Community. Glenview. Scott, Foresman College Division, str. 216. 10. USEEM, Michael: Conscription, Protest and Social Conflict: The Life and Death of a Draft Resistance Movement. New York, Wiley-Interscience, A Di vision of John Wiley and Sons, str. 329. 11. N. Y. TIMES STAFF: The Water gate Hearings New York, Bantam Press, str. 886. 12. URRY, J.: Reference Groups and the Theory of Revolution. Boston, Routledge and Kagen Paul, str. 244. 13. DEPPE-WOLFINGER, Helga: Arbe iterjugend — Bewusstsein und politi sche Bildung. Frankfurt am Main, Athe näum Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, str. 348. 14. WHYTE, Martin King: Small Gro ups and Political Rituals in China. Berkeley, University of California Press, str. 288. INDUSTRIJSKA SOCIOLOGIJA 1. MARTIN, Roderick and FRYER, R. H.: Redundancy and Paternalist Capita lism. A Study in the Sociology of Work. London, George Allen and Unwin, str. 278. 2. MANN, Michael: Workers on the Move. Cambride University Press, str. 2b5. 3. MACKENZIE, Gavin: The Aristocracyc of Labor: The Position of Skilled Craftsmes in the American Class Struc ture. Cambridge University Press, str. 208. 4. SHEPPARD, Harold L. and HE RRICK, Neal Q.: Where have All the Robots Gone? Worker Dissatisfaction in the 70s, London, Collier-Macmillan, str. XXXIV+222 5. WARNER, Malcolm (Ed.): The So ciology of Workplace: An Interdisciplinaryary Approach. London, George Allen and Unwin, str. 296. 6. MARTIN, R. and FRYER, R. H.: Redundancy and Paternalist Capitalism. A Study in the Sociology of Work. Lon don, George Allen and Unwin, str. 224. 7. ORR, David B. (Ed.): New Directi ons in Employability. Reducing Barriers to Full Employment. New York, Praeger Publishers, str. 272. 8. RICHAN, W. C. and MENDEL SOHN, A. R.: Social Work: The Unloved Profession. New York, New Viewpoints, str. 227. 9. SHANNON, L. and SHANNON, M.: Minority Migrants in the Urban Commu nity: Mexican-American and Negro Ad justment to Industrial Society, str. 352. 10. KOHLI, M.: Studium und berufli che Laufbahn. Über den Zusammen hang von Berufswahl und beruflicher Sozialisation. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. 118. 111 11. HARTFIELD, Günter und HOLM, Kurt (Hrsg.): Bildung und Erziehung in der Industriegesellschaft. Berlin, West deutscher Verlag, str. 400. SOCIOLOGIJA PRAVA 1. NOLTE Lawrence, W. and HIEBERT, R.: Fundamentals of Public Rela tions. Oxford, Pergamon Press, str. 350. 2. ROTTLEUTNER, Hubert: Richter liches Handeln. Zur Kritik der juristi schen Dogmatik. Frankfurt am Main, Athenäum Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, str. 208. 3. USDIN, G.: Sleep Research and Cli nical Practice. London, Brunner-Mazel, str. 94. 4. WEINER, H. J.; AKABAS, S. H.: SOMMER, J. J.: Mental Health Care in the World of Work. New York, Asso ciation Press, str. 186. 5. VOLKHOLZ, V.: Krankenschwestern-Krankenhaus - Gesundheitssystem. Eine Kritik. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Ver lag, str. 126. 6. ROHDE, J. J.: Soziologie des Kran kenhauses. Einführung in die Soziologie der Medizin. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, str. 506. 7. SCHOLMER, Joseph: Patient und Profitmedizin. Das Gesundheitswesen in der Bundesrepublik zwischen Krise und Reform. Berlin, Westdeutscher Ver lag, str. 222. SOCIJALNA ANTROPOLOGIA 1. DAHRENDORF, Ralf: Homo Soziologicum. Westdeutscher Verlag, Berlin, str. 119. SOCIOLOGIJA MEDICINE 1. MURRAY, D. Stark: Bluenprint for Health. Medical Care Tomorrow. Lon don, George Allen and Unwin, str. 224. 2. KIEV, A.: A Transcultural Psychi atry. New York, The Free Press, str. 223. SOCIOLOGIJA SPORTA 1. BETTS, Rickards John: America’s Sporting Heritage: 1850—1950. Reading, Addison-Wesley Publishing. 2. The American Woman in Sport. Elian Gerber, Jan Felshin, Pearl Berlin and Waneen Wyrick. Reading, AddisonWesley Publishing. 3. SAGE, George H. (Ed.): Sport and American Society: Selected Readings. Se cond Edition. Reading, Addison-Wesley Publishing. Nevenka Rau ERRATA U dvobroju 2—3/1974 »Revije za sociologiju« u uvodnom tekstu za Materijale o mark sističkom obrazovanju i nastavi sociologije na Zagrebačkom sveučilištu pogrešno su otisnuta ili izostavljena imena trojice sudionika različitih skupova. Izvinjavamo se Fuadu Muhiću, čije je ime, te Džemalu Sokoloviću, čije je prezime krivo otisnuto u bilješci 13 na str. 45. Posebnu ispriku dugujemo prof. dr. Borisu Petzu, koji je autorizirao svoje izlaganje i dozvolio nam njegovo objavljivanje, a greškom korektora njegovo je ime i prezime izostalo sa str. 48 iz potpisa onih pojedinaca kojima smo izrazili našu zahvalnost na susretljivosti, razumijevanju i suradnji. Ur e d n i š t v o 112
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